Analysis of the influence of the Tik tok Aplication on Improving English Speaking
Skills of Students at SMAN 6 Aceh Barat Daya
In this era, communication tools like the phone, the internet, and the facsimile are
evolving quickly. Of course, using languages as a means of communication cannot liberate
them. All areas, including education, the economy, trade, politics, industries, and
interpersonal interactions, depend heavily on language. Without language, people are
powerless. They are unable to perform more of their daily tasks. Communication is carried
out, among others, through oral, written, visual, body language, media, and multimedia
(Pratiwi, 2022).
Speaking English is used as a second language for communication in some country.
Therefore, speaking English is important for students to face the era of globalization. The
government of Republic of Indonesia has placed English language in the curriculum not only
at the secondary school, senior high school, but also at university or institute (Kusuma
wardani & Mardiyani, 2018). Learning speaking for some students is the most difficult thing
to do. In addition to the several aspects that must be mastered, the media or learning
strategies used also do not support and attract students' interest in learning. Especially during
the online learning system that is currently underway, the learning media used must be
interesting and booming Teachers are required to have creativity in creating or applying
unique and fun learning media so that they can help students improve their speaking skills.
One of the learning media that can be used in teaching speaking is TikTok application.
TikTok is a social media application that provides short videos combined with music. The
TikTok application was created to record and create creativity and precious moments from
users all over the world. The TikTok application has a great opportunity to enable its users to
become creators and encourage sharing of creative expression and content through short
videos. The use of this application can attract students 'interest in learning in the online
learning system and can improve students' ability in learning speaking.
English language studies Learning and acquiring communication abilities has been
transformed by the growing development of technology. Social networking has recently been
A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics
utilized in often used both within and outside of the English language classrooms (Xiuwen &
Razali, 2021). Our ability to connect and effectively engage with people depends on
communication, which is a crucial component of our existence. We may express our ideas,
opinions, and feelings while also comprehending those of others through successful
In learning English the students are expected to reach four skills. Namely; listening,
speaking, reading and writing. Among the four skills, speaking is the most difficult skills to
master. Gunawan stated that: Speaking language is especially difficult for foreign language
learners because effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language
appropriately in social interactions. Diversity in interaction involves not only verbal
communication, but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress and intonation
(2023). While, The ability to speak is a crucial component of communication. When we
utilize sentences to carry out various actions, such as expressing emotions or demands,
requesting and providing information, and identifying people and things, this is referred to as
successful communication (Rosali, 2020).
Relating to the theory mentioned above, the writer has done a preliminary research
in the second year students of SMAN 6 Aceh Barat Daya. The writer found that students of
SMAN 6 Aceh Barat Daya still have difficulties in speaking English. The difficulties were:
first, the students felt shy and afraid to speak English, so they seldom practiced and used the
target language and they always used their mother tongue in the classroom. Second, the
teachers did not use variety of teaching techniques. Based on the writer observation they used
Tik Tok Aplication in increasing their speaking skills.
Tik Tok is a social media platform that allows users to create, share and discover
short from videos (Abdul Muin, 2022). In addition, teaching speaking can be done through
dialogues, picture, games and social Media. The teacher should choose a suitable technique
and have to make sure that it will provide a lot of opportunity for students to practice
pronunciation and communication. In other words, the students will get knowledge or input
media used. The social media which are introduced in this study to the students are Tik Tok
Based on the above explanation, the writer interest to conduct a research under the
title Analysis of the influence of the Tik tok Aplication on Improving English Speaking
Skills of Students at SMAN 6 Aceh Barat Daya.
A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics
In learning English the students are expected to reach four skills. Namely; listening,
speaking, reading and writing. Among the four skills, speaking is the most difficult skills to
master. Gebhard stated that: “Speaking language is especially difficult for foreign language
learners because effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language
appropriately in social interactions. Diversity in interaction involves not only verbal
communication, but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress and
intonation. Speaking is speech production (the utterance of intelligible speech). In other
words Speaking is to express the needs-request, information, service, etc (Brown, 2013).
Besides that, speaking is talk to somebody about something: use your voice to say
something (Bull, 2016). In addition, speaking here means the ability to use English in
communication such as how to begin, to develop, to end a conversation, and to know what
topics can be talked about and how to speak to different people with different status and
While, Nicole (2020) stated that social media is as the same as the social interaction
in real life. It means that social media requires actual interactions that allow people to receive
or provide information and ideas. It also states that social media is a two-way communication
tool in which there is one person who acts as a sender and the other acts as a receiver. Two-
way communication always has the same feedback, where the sender can ensure that the
message has been delivered as intended through a confirmation reply from the recipient.
Along with the times, types of social media continue to emerge and attract many
enthusiasts where users continue to increase. This causes a shift and even changes in people's
lifestyles that are currently happening following the times. Recently, one of the social media
that continues to show additional users and continues to experience a very significant
increase in interest both among young people and adults is TikTok (Adawiyah, 2020).
TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to share and create videos with a duration
of 1-3 minutes. TikTok has exciting features including music, stickers, filters and various
effects that are quite creative. A Chinese company introduced TikTok in September 2016
under the name Douyin. Due to the rapid increase in users, Douyin has 100 million users in
just one year and views one billion videos every day. Byte Dance is also trying to expand and
introduce Douyin outside China with a new name known today as TikTok (Adawiyah, 2020).
A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics
Along with the times, types of social media continue to emerge and attract many
enthusiasts where users continue to increase. This causes a shift and even changes in people's
lifestyles that are currently happening following the times. Recently, one of the social media
that continues to show additional users and continues to experience a very significant
increase in interest both among young people and adults is TikTok (Adawiyah, 2020). Tik
Tok is a social media platform that allows users to share and create videos with a duration of
1-3 minutes. Tik Tok has exciting features including music, stickers, filters and various
effects that are quite creative. A Chinese company introduced Tik Tok in September 2016
under the name Douyin. Due to the rapid increase in users, Douyin has 100 million users in
just one year and views one billion videos every day. Byte Dance is also trying to expand and
introduce Douyin outside China with a new name known today as TikTok (Adawiyah, 2020).
But now, the emergences of smartphones as part of social media is become
important factor in human interaction. This clearly results in teenagers, especially students,
forgetting the boundaries of the association that they should know. The magnitude of the
impact of social media not only has a positive impact but also has a negative impact on
humans, especially the impact on human interaction which is currently being influenced by
social media (Raut and Patil, 2016). Social media gradually brings us to a new cultural
pattern and begins to determine our mindset. Social media can make someone become
dependent on social media.
There were some studies related to the use of Tik Tok Application in teaching
English. The first study was conducted by Pratama & Muchlis (2020), entitled Pengaruh
Aplikasi TikTok Terhadap Ekspresi Komunikasi Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri (Uin)
Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This research aimed to describe the influence of TikTok's use of
communication expressions of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya 2020. As a result, it can be said
that the students of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya were affected by the use of TikTok in
communication expressions in the medium category. In conclusion, there was a linear
relationship between the use of the TikTok application and student communication
expressions. The second study was conducted by Palupi et al. (2020), entitled The Effect of
Using TikTok Applications On Self-Confidence Levels. Based on the results, it is concluded
that the use of the TikTok application can influence students in increasing self-confidence to
appear in public. The third study was conducted by Zaitun et al. (2021), entitled TikTok as a
Media to Enhancing the Speaking Skills of EFL Students. It was evident from the results of
the study that the used of the TikTok application in learning English is very interactive and
A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics
effective to improve students 'confidence skills in speaking in English with the results of
students' scores showing a very drastic increase. Based on the post-test, students have a very
significant increase. There are students who get the highest score obtained, namely 90 and the
lowest score was 70.
This research namely classroom action research (CAR) and want to find out several
stages such as initial observation, planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. It
indicates that the writer engages in accordance with one English teacher at the school while
conducting the study. Two cycles will be run in order to evaluate the student's proficiency in
English using the TikTok app. The research instruments used in this study were; interview
and speaking test. The scope of the research includes speaking skills focusing on fluency and
accuracy. The students that will be involve in this classroom action research are 29 students
namely in class 11 at SMAN 6 Aceh Barat Daya. The procedure conducting in this research
includes several stages, namely, planning, action, observing and planning.
Observation is the process of recording and collection data about any aspect on event
which happening during the implementation of the action. In this stage the writer will observe
the use of TikTok done that will be use in the research. The activity in this section will be
evaluating by the writer, so for the next stage can be develop. The result of data that have
been done, it would be continue in the analysis until could be reflection after action research.
A reflection stage is the process of giving judgment and responses toward action done in
class. Through reflection, the action will evaluate to see whether or not the cycle needs to be
continued or not. In this case, the result of data analysis will be check with the pre-determine
criteria of success in order to draw the conclusion. If the result of data analysis has match for
the criteria of success, the action are finished. However, if the result is not match, there would
be another action in another cycle by revising plan.
In conducting this research, the writer give them two kinds of test, namely; pre-test
and post-test. The pre-test aim to find out the students ability in mastering peaking before
treatment. While, post test will give to the students at the end of the meeting to know the
A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics
students improvement in speaking mastery after the teaching learning process by using
TikTok. The tests will give to both experimental and control classes and the tests of
experimental class are the same as control class. The test used in this research is essay test
essay types can be scored objectively and can measure learning out come directly. In this
case, the test consisted of 5 items. Each question has 20 point, so the total score is 100 (one
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Expression Like and Dislike through Dialogue. Journal of Indonesian Scholars for
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Erlina Putri, Increasing Students Speaking Skills for beginner Level Di SMP YAKPI 1 DKI
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Gillian Brown and George Yule, Teaching the Spoken Language :Approach Based on the Analysis
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A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics