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Mission Planner
Mission Planner is a full-featured ground station application for the ArduPilot open-source
autopilot project. Mission Planner is a ground control station for Plane, Copter and Rover. It is
compatible with Windows only.
6.3. Beta Flight
Beta flight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing
craft. This fork differs from Base flight and clean flight in that it focuses on flight performance
and leading-edge feature additions.
Drone Assembly is a combat anomaly inhabited that can different parts are assembled together
can make the drone (UAV) fly by using transmitter and flight controller.
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks
1) Check the weather conditions and do not fly in fog, rainy, heavy windy conditions.
2) Check the operation manual of drone if necessary.
3) Know and comply with specific drone operation laws in your area.
4) Ensure that the drone is fit for flight.
5) Keep your drone's firmware updated.
6) Airspace: Unrestricted or Restricted Airspace, Obstructions near flight path identified
7) Weather: Visibility >= 3 miles/500ft, wind <= 15mph.
8) Drone Airframe: No Structural defects
9) Drone Battery: Sufficient for Flight, not less than 80%.
10) Controller/GCS Battery: Sufficient for Indented Flight.
11) GCS/Controller Power: ON
12) Drone Power: Connect Battery
13) Compass Calibration for Current Location. (if necessary: if the home position is
showing wrong, go for compass calibration).
Acquired knowledge on
selecting appropriate
Day-2 17/05/2024 Materials
materials and
selection &
understanding the
manufacturing processes.
process of Drones
Understands failsafe
methods and emergency
Day-4 20/05/2024 Failsafe Methods
protocols necessary to
of Drone
handle unexpected
situations during drone
Gained proficiency in
utilizing flight control
Day-5 21/05/2024 Flight Control
software to ensure precise
manoeuvring and
navigation of drones.
9.3.1.WEEK -3 REPORT
Gained hands-on
experience and
Day-1 23/05/2024 Practical Session-1
practical skills in
drone operations.
Further practiced
the various Drone
Day-2 24/05/2024 Practical Session-2
Orientations and
Gained practical
Recognized for
completion of the
Day-3 25/05/2024 Certificate internship
Distribution program,
knowledge and
skills in drone
An Internship Report on
Bachelor of Technology
Assistant Professor
This is to certify that the “Summer Internship report” submitted by BODDETI
DINAKARA ADITYA (Regd. No: - 22L35A0330) is work done by him and submitted
during 2023-24 academic year, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in Mechanical Department at
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1. INTRODUCTION OF DRONES .................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Basic characteristics of Drone ................................................................................................... 2
1.2. History ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Historical Timeline ................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Historical References ................................................................................................................ 4
1.5. Types Of Drones ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.6. Categories Of UAV................................................................................................................... 8
1.6.1. Further sub-categories ........................................................................................................ 8
1.7. Four main types of drones ......................................................................................................... 8
1.8. Classification Of Unmanned Aerial System ............................................................................. 9
1.9. Drone Architecture.................................................................................................................... 9
1.10. Drone Parts ........................................................................................................................... 10
2. DRONES RULES INDIA, 2021 .................................................................................................... 12
2.1. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.1. Global Developments in Drone usage..................................................................................... 15
3.2. Agri-tech ................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3. Air Mobility / Drone Taxis ..................................................................................................... 15
3.4. Safety Inspections ................................................................................................................... 16
3.5. Military and Defence services ................................................................................................. 16
3.6. Shipping and delivery ............................................................................................................. 16
3.7. Conservation of Wildlife......................................................................................................... 16
3.8. Building / infrastructure inspection ......................................................................................... 16
3.9. Disease Control ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.10. Healthcare ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.11. Thermal sensor drones for search and rescue operations .......................................................17
3.12. Internet Beams ...................................................................................................................... 17
4. DESIGN OF A DRONE ................................................................................................................ 19
4.1. Payload capacity ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.2. Flight time ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.3. Manoeuvrability ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.4. Frame configuration ................................................................................................................ 19
4.5. Application ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.6. The basic calculations for designing a drone .......................................................................... 20
4.7. 3d model analysis on ANSYS ................................................................................................. 22
4.8. Different manufacturing process and materials for making a drone ........................................ 23
4.9. Benefits of compression moulding ......................................................................................... 24
4.10. Most common materials used in manufacturing a drone ....................................................... 24
4.11. Planning and Prototyping ...................................................................................................... 25
4.12. Framing ................................................................................................................................. 25
5. Brief Architecture of Drone ........................................................................................................... 27
5.1. Avionics .................................................................................................................................. 27
5.2. Flight Controller ..................................................................................................................... 27
5.3. Sensors .................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4. Communication/Control Interfaces ......................................................................................... 29
5.5. Navigation ............................................................................................................................... 29
5.5.1. How it works .................................................................................................................... 30
5.6. Remote Controllers ................................................................................................................. 30
5.7. Telemetry ................................................................................................................................ 31
5.8. Propulsion Systems ................................................................................................................. 32
5.9. Brushless DC Motors .............................................................................................................. 32
5.9.1. Types ................................................................................................................................ 32
5.9.2. Working ........................................................................................................................... 33
5.10. Electronic Speed Controller .................................................................................................. 33
5.11. Propellors .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.11.1. Features .......................................................................................................................... 34
5.12. Power Systems ...................................................................................................................... 35
5.12.1. Types of Power Systems ................................................................................................ 35
5.13. Types of Batteries ................................................................................................................. 36
5.14. Cell Compositions and Voltage Calculations........................................................................ 36
5.15. Payloads & Optical Sensors .................................................................................................. 36
5.16. Payload Categories................................................................................................................ 37
5.17. Brief Overview of Payload Sensors in drones ....................................................................... 37
5.18. Design Software for Electronic Parts in Drones ................................................................... 38
5.19. Drones w.r.t Payloads and Applications ............................................................................... 39
6. DRONE FLIGHT SOFTWARE GROUND CONTROL STATION ............................................ 41
6.1. Mission Planner ...................................................................................................................... 42
6.2. Q Ground control .................................................................................................................... 42
6.3. Beta Flight............................................................................................................................... 43
6.4. Agri Assistant ......................................................................................................................... 43
7. ASSEMBLY OF A DRONE ......................................................................................................... 45
7.1. Steps For Assembly of Drone ................................................................................................. 45
8. PRE- FLIGHT CHECKS & POST FLIGHT CHECKS ................................................................ 47
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks ................................................................................................................... 47
8.2. Post Flight Checks .................................................................................................................. 47
9. ACTIVITY LOG AND WEEKLY REPORTS ............................................................................. 49
9.1. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-1 ............................................................................................ 49
9.1.1. WEEKLY -1 REPORT .................................................................................................... 50
9.2. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-2 ............................................................................................ 51
9.2.1. WEEK-2 REPORT .......................................................................................................... 52
9.3. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-3 ............................................................................................ 53
9.3.1. WEEK -3 REPORT.......................................................................................................... 54
9.4. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-4 ............................................................................................ 55
9.4.1. WEEK-4 REPORT .......................................................................................................... 56
10. OUTCOMES DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 58
11. DAILY ACTIVITY GPS PHOTOS ............................................................................................ 60
12. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE .................................................................................. 65
Drone: - Surely you are not expecting me to say "A drone is a male honey bee's humming
sound while flying" but it’s true and you will be surprised to know that the term 'Drone' coined
from this similarity of flying drone with flying bee’s sound.
Definition: - Any aircraft or flying machine operated without a human pilot such machines is
called an “UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE (UAV)”. IT can be guided autonomously or
remotely by a human operator using onboard computers and robots.
The technical definition of drone. In my sense below these three definitions are perfect for
giving you an idea of what exactly is drone.
According to most of the dictionaries "A Drone is an unmanned aircraft or ship guided by
remote control or onboard computers."
"A drone is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through
software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in conjunction with
onboard sensors and GPS."
"Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or Drones are aircraft with no on- board crew or
passengers. They can be automated ‘drones’ or remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs)."
1.2. History
When it comes to aviation war worth it. World war 1 & 2 and cold war as well was the golden
age of design and manufacturing newer and better manned, unmanned aircrafts throughout the
world. You might not believe the first unmanned aerial exploding balloons to the unmanned
flying taxi in this section, we will let you know when everything originated at the very
beginning. Get ready to travel the timeline of UAV milestones.
The founding father of UAV: Abraham Karem was born in Baghdad to a Jewish couple. His
family moved to Israel in 1951, where he grew up. Since an early age, he had an innate passion
for aeronautics, and at the age of 14, he started building model aircraft. Karem is regarded as
the founding father of UAV (drone) technology. He graduated in aeronautical engineering from
the Technion. He built his first drone during the Yom Kippur war for the Israeli Air Force. In
the 1970s, he immigrated to the United States. He founded Leading Systems Inc. in his home
garage, where he started manufacturing his first drone, Albatross, and later on, the more
sophisticated Amber, which eventually evolved into the famous Predator drone, which brought
him the title of "Drone father".
1907: The world’s first quadcopter was created by inventor brothers Jacques and Louis Breguet.
1917: The Ruston Proctor Aerial Target became the first pilotless winged aircraft in history. It
was a radio-controlled pilotless airplane, based on RC technology from the inventor Nikola
1943: Created for use by the German military during World War II, “Fritz X” was the nickname
given to the FX-1400, the first remote-controlled weapon that was actually put into operational
use. Boom in RC planes popularity in the U.S. Mostly coming in kit form, these RC planes
offered everything.
1960: Boom in RC planes popularity in the U.S. Mostly coming in kit form, these RC planes
offered everything from indoor-flyable models to much larger outdoor models. Modern drone
warfare began in 1982, when Israel coordinated the use of battlefield UAVs alongside.
1982: Modern drone warfare began in 1982, when Israel coordinated the use of battlefield
UAVs alongside manned aircraft to wipe out the Syrian fleet with very minimal losses.
2001: In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA began flying armed drones over Afghanistan as part of
the war against the Taliban. The first CIA drone-based kill operation took place in February
1.4. Historical References:
1483: Air Gyroscope by Leonardo Da Vinci 1782: Unmanned Balloons Filled with explosives
Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8
1973: Mastiff First Israel Military UAV 1986: RQ2 Pioneer UAV
2006: DJI Commercial Use of Drones 2010: Introduction of Parrot AR. Drone
Figure 1.13 Figure 1.14
2014: Amazon Drone Delivery 2018: First Passenger Drones on The Market
Fixed-Wing Hybrid Drones: These types of drone
attempt to take the best from fixed-wing and rotor-based
designs, making for drones that feature both. A fixed-
wing hybrid drone will tend to have a couple rotors
attached to the ends of fixed wings
Target and Decoy Drones: some target and decoy
drones can carry out their mission by simulating an
incoming missile. This can draw fire from ground
anti- aircraft units, thereby distracting them from
any actual combat drones or incoming missiles
2) Fixed-Wing Drones: A fixed-wing drone has one rigid wing that is designed to look and
work like an aeroplane, providing the lift rather than vertical lift rotors. Hence, this drone
type only needs the energy to move forward and not to hold itself in the air. This makes
them energy-efficient.
3) Single-Rotor Drones: Single-rotor drone types are strong and durable. They look similar
to actual helicopters in structure and design. A single-rotor has just one rotor, which is like
one big spinning wing, plus a tail rotor to control direction and stability.
4) Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL Drones: Hybrid VTOL drone types merge the benefits of
fixed-wing and rotor-based designs. This drone type has rotors attached to the fixed wings,
allowing it to hover and take off and land vertically. This new category of hybrids is only a
few on the market, but as technology advances, this option can be much more popular in
the coming years.
1.10. Drone Parts
1) Frame: This is a structure (FRAME) in which all the other parts fit in. It acts as a skeleton
in which different components are placed in such a manner that they uniformly distribute
the drone’s center of gravity. Different drone designs have different frames structure with
a minimum of 3 propeller fitting gaps.
2) Motors: Motors are essential for the propeller’s rotation. This enhances a thrust force for
propelling the drone. Still, the number of motors should be the same as the number of
propellers. The motors are also fitted in a way such that they are easily rotated by the
controller. Their rotation enhances the drone control in terms of direction.
3) Electronic speed controller (ESC): This is an electronic control board that varies the
motor’s speed. It also acts a dynamic brake. The component helps the ground pilot to
approximate the height at which the drone is running in.
4) Flight Control/Board: The flight board makes a log of the take-off place just in case the
need arises for the drone to go back to its take-off location without being guided. This is
known as ‘return to home’ feature. It also determines and calculates the drone’s altitude in
respect to the amount of power it consumes.
5) Propellers: Propellers are clove like blades structured to create a different in air pressure.
When in motion, they cut through the air creating difference in pressure between the top
and bottom of the rotors.
7) Battery, Electronics, and Power Distribution Cables: The battery acts as the power
source to the drone. Nickel Metal Hybrid or Nickel cadmium-based batteries were first
used; however, their use has diminished while the use of lithium batteries has increased.
8) Landing Gear: This is structure meant for safely landing the drone. However, it can be
exempted since an experienced user is capable of balancing the motors speed for safe
landing I emergencies. There are two major types of landing gear. One is fixed landing gear
and the other is retractable landing gear.
The draft of the Drone Rules, 2021, which the Central Government had proposed to make in
supersession of the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021, were published, as required under
section 14 of the Aircraft Act, 1934.
These rules shall apply to
1) All persons owning or possessing, or engaged in leasing, operating, transferring or
maintaining an unmanned aircraft system in India;
2) All unmanned aircraft systems that are registered in India; and
3) All unmanned aircraft systems that are being operated for the time being, in or over India.
4) These rules shall not apply to an unmanned aircraft system belonging to, or used by, the
naval, military or air forces of the Union of India.
2.1. Definitions:
1) “Drone” means an unmanned aircraft system;
2) “Drone acknowledgement number” means the unique number issued by the digital sky
platform under the voluntary disclosure scheme for unmanned aircraft systems in India;
3) “Geo-fencing” means restricting the movement of unmanned aircraft system within a
defined airspace;
4) “Green zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial
waters of India, up to a vertical distance of 400 feet or 120 metre that has not been designated
as a red zone or yellow zone in the airspace map for unmanned aircraft system operations and
the airspace up to a vertical distance of 200 feet or 60 metre above the area located between
a lateral distance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometres from the perimeter of an operational
5) “Yellow zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial
waters of India within which unmanned aircraft system operations are restricted and shall
require permission from the concerned air traffic control authority. The airspace above 400
feet or 120 metre in the designated green zone and the airspace above 200 feet or 60 metre in,
the area located between the lateral distance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometres from the
perimeter of an operational airport, shall be designated as yellow zone.
6) “Red zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial
waters of India, or any installation or notified port limits specified by the Central Government
beyond the territorial waters of India, within which unmanned aircraft system operations shall
be permitted only by the Central Government.
7) “Rotorcraft” means a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air
on one or more power driven rotors on substantially vertical axes;
8) “Type certificate” means a certificate issued by the Director General or any other entity
authorised by the Director General, certifying that the unmanned aircraft system of a specific
type meets with the requirements specified under these rules.
9) “Unique Identification Number” means the unique identification number issued for
registering an unmanned aircraft system in India.
10) Any person who intends to register and obtain a unique identification number for his
unmanned aircraft system shall make an application in Form D-2 on the digital sky platform
along with the fee as specified in rule 46 and provide requisite details including the unique
number of the type certificate to which such unmanned aircraft system conforms.
11) An individual shall be eligible to obtain a remote pilot licence, if he––
a) is not less than eighteen years of age and not more than sixty-five years of age.
b) has passed class tenth examination or its equivalent from a recognised Board
c) has successfully completed such training as may be specified by the Director
General, from any authorised remote pilot training organization.
12) Any person who intends to obtain the authorisation to establish a remote pilot training
organisation shall submit an application to the Director General in Form D-5 on the digital
sky platform, along with the fees as specified in rule 46.
The Indian legal regime’s relationship with drones has been eventful in the recent years and
rather tumultuous at its best times. When the Government of India notified the revised law
on drones in March 2021, the industry was taken aback by the extent of restrictions and
compliance requirements that were introduced. This was despite years of consultations and
negotiations with various stakeholders undertaken by the Government.
From an economic perspective, the drone industry has massive potential in terms of giving
a boost by attracting significant global investments in India.
The Unmanned Aircraft System (“UAS”) market in India is projected to yield a turnover
of USD 1.8 billion by 2026 in light of the recent government approved PLI scheme in India.
This would be a massive increase, given that the drone manufacturing companies in India
yield a turnover of approximately INR 80 crore (USD 10 million).
1.2. Agri-tech:
With the use of drones, the agricultural sector is able to gather data, automate redundant
processes, and improve efficiency. drones can also be used for crop observation / monitoring
along with analyses of the fields / soil which would aid in crop health. Thus, farmers can
optimize the use of inputs (fertilizers, seed, water, etc) and react suitably which in turn would
save / enhance crop yield.
1.4. Safety Inspections:
Various companies are required to carry out inspections on a regular basis in order to ensure
the safety of work environment and the foolproofness of the infrastructure. Drone usage has
enabled these companies to eliminate human factor in such inspections and has made the
process more time efficient and safe. Drones enabled with imagery technology enables
companies to get a detailed output of such inspections in order to undertake improvements in
the infrastructure or safety requirements.
be used to protect local residents, and in the future could help prevent epidemics before they
1.10. Healthcare:
In times of the pandemic and the necessity of accessing healthcare for individuals all over the
world including individuals situated in remote places, the use of drones for the last mile
delivery is gain immense popularity. While medical supplies can be delivered by traditional
means, certain circumstances call for quick access to drugs, blood, and medical technology,
drones have expedited access to these facilities for remote regions. One of the most well-
known medical delivery companies is Zipline International, which offers delivery drones in
rural areas throughout Africa and in numerous other countries.
While designing a drone/drone airframe a person must have some basic idea on concepts like
engineering drawing, 3D and isometric views. These basic concepts will help through 3d
designing and modelling of structures in design software.
Below are the essential factors to take into consideration while designing a drone
1.15. Manoeuvrability:
It is the quality of a drone being easy to move and direct. Manoeuvrability of drone is mostly
relay on few different aspects of drone like weight, configuration or type of the drone which
should be considered while designing a drone.
1.17. Application:
Drones have many applications to meet different requirements. By understanding the
application of the drone, we design or built the air frame to meet the requirements. In this
process all the above considerations are met to produce a drone.
a) Agriculture spraying.
b) Aerial Photography & Videography.
c) Real estate photography.
d) Mapping & Surveying.
e) Asset Inspection.
f) Payload carrying.
g) Military.
Figure 4.2 Application
Figure 4.3 Motor type to propeller size ratio
1.19. 3d model analysis on ANSYS:
3d model or structural analysis can be done by using ANSYS software Generating a mesh for
structural analysis of variable loads on drone airframe using ANSYS
This is the drone airframes which are designed using ANSYS Space claim. It is a quadcopter
with a payload capacity of 10 to 15 kg and expected flight time of 12 to 15 minutes. The
materials composition of the frame consists of (high quality plastic, high grade aluminium and
carbon fibre, other composites).
ANSYS is a general-purpose, finite element modelling package for numerically solving a wide
variety of mechanical problems. These problems include static/dynamic, structural analysis,
heat transfer, and fluid problems, as well as acoustic and electromagnetic problems.
1.20. Different manufacturing process and materials for making a drone:
Most common manufacturing processes used for produce a drone are:
1. CNC machining:
It is a computerized manufacturing process in which pre-programmed software and code
controls the movement of production equipment. CNC machining controls a range of complex
machinery, such as grinders, lathes, and turning mills, all of which are used to cut, shape, and
create different parts and prototypes.
2. Injection moulding:
The process of injection moulding is divided into 6 major steps as shown below.
• Clamping.
• Injection.
• Dwelling
• Cooling
• Moulding
• Removal of Product
hydraulic presses in order to have the material contact all areas of the mould. The charge cures
in the heated mould
1.23. Planning and Prototyping:
Resource and design planning is a key element in any manufacturing process, as it ensures that
all potential issues are addressed before large-scale production. This step of the manufacturing
process becomes even more important in low-volume manufacturing, as the costs are higher.
So, for those looking to craft their own drone, plenty of time and attention should be dedicated
to this phase.
Prototyping is an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into tangible
forms from paper to digital. Teams build prototypes of varying degrees of fidelity to capture
design concepts and test on users. With prototypes, you can refine and validate your designs.
A drone prototype starts with a proposed design, which should be completed to scale before
any parts are purchased. The plan should also clearly indicate the purpose of the drone. Is it a
multi-purpose device that does a few basic functions or will it serve a specific purpose, such as
aerial photography or transportation? These decisions indicate key considerations, such as how
much it will need to be able to carry which translates into the weight of the materials and the
size of the motor.
A prototype may be assembled and found wanting, requiring changes to the original design to
get it right before final production.
changes to the original design to get it right before final production.
1.24. Framing:
The frame of a drone is the main contributor to structural integrity. This is often comprised of
a sturdy, yet lightweight material to find a balance between aerodynamics and durability. This
could be a plastic blend or even hollow metal.
In most cases, the frame is assembled in an X formation to provide additional support for the
motors and added durability overall.
Brief Architecture of Drone
5.1. Avionics
Avionics is a combination of aviation and electronics. Avionics are the electronic systems that
are used on airframe. Avionic systems include communications, navigation, the display and
management of multiple systems, and the hundreds of systems that are fitted to aerial vehicles
to perform specific functions.
The avionics installed in an airframe can include engine controls, flight control systems,
navigation, communications, flight recorders, lighting systems, threat detection, electro-optic
(EO/IR) systems, weather radar, performance monitors, and systems that carry out hundreds of
other mission and flight management tasks.
5.3. Sensors
Gyroscopes help determine the angular orientation, and accelerometers help measure the
vibrations of a motor. The barometer finds the altitude, whereas the compass provides the
orientation relative to the earth’s magnetic field.
5.4. Communication/Control Interfaces
CAN - It is serial bus which connects device and allows them to communicate without any
USB - It is a plug and play interface that allows a computer to communicate with peripheral
and other devices.
I2C - It is an Inter-Integrated Circuit which supports half-duplex communication.
SPI - The Serial Peripheral Interface is a synchronous serial communication interface
specification used for short-distance communication,
PPM/PWM - The PWM signal is used to control a single ESC or a single servo pulse width
modulation signal. PPM signal is a signal modulated by putting multiple control channels
5.5. Navigation
Satellite Navigation is based on a global network of satellites that transmit radio signals from
medium earth orbit. It is a Satellite System which uses satellites to provide latitudes, longitudes
and altitude precisely to Navigation Receivers. This system is called GLOBAL NAVIGATION
GNSS systems.
Each System consists of several group of satellites which called Constellation of Satellites. A
Constellation Satellite provides precise or global coverage such that anytime, every time at
least one satellite is available.
GPS is a Global Positioning system from US which uses 31 satellites which are operational at
any time. However, GPS receiver needs four satellites to work out its position in three
GLONASS, Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema, is a Russian Satellite System
consists of 24 Satellites which are currently operational.
Galileo is a European Satellite System which have 24 operational satellites.
BeiDou is a Chinese Satellite System currently operational satellites are 44.
IRNSS, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, identified as NAVIC, comprises of 7
active satellites, which covers overall India.
Figure 5.6 Remote Controllers
RC communicates with a receiver in the drone via radio waves. The flight controller is linked
to the receiver via RC input. When the RC's controls are moved, signals are sent to the receiver
module, which then communicates with the flight controller. The signal is then sent to the
motors by the flight controller, causing the drone to fly in the desired direction.
5.7. Telemetry
Telemetry refers to data collected about the UAV and its surroundings and sent back to the
operator or receiver or ground control station (GCS). The telemetry provides altitude, speed,
direction, voltage, current and other properties of flying drone in real time. Telemetry can be
wired or wireless. Telemetry is a digital two-way data stream, which can both send data about
the flight down to a ground station and send command up to the flight controller. For this
sending and receiving process, a device also named telemetry is used. It comes with a pair of
transmitter and receiver module with antennas.
5.9.1. Types
Motor consists of two parts. One is stator and other is rotor. The rotational part of the motor is
called Rotor whereas Stationary part is called Stator. The rotor part consists of permanent
magnets whereas stator part consists of coil windings which are called electromagnets.
In runner – If the rotor located in the center of the motor and stator winding surround the rotor,
it is called “In runner”. In this design, it produces a large amount of torque and heat get
dissipated easily.
Out runner – If the stator part is located at the core and rotor part is the outside of a motor, it
is called “Out runner”. this type of motors is highly preferred because of it operates at low rated
Figure 5.9 Brushless DC Motors
5.9.2. Working:
When the coil windings in the stator part are activated by current pulses, it produces magnetic
field and are called Electromagnets. These electromagnets of a stator attracts and repulses
permanent magnets of a rotor thus produces torque for the movement of a motor. As it is
brushless DC motor, DC voltage is not applied directly as same as brushed DC motor as it is
brushless. The Brushless DC motor is controlled by a controller. The controller which is a 3-
phase wired is called Electronic Speed Controller.
As it is controlled by 3 phase, overall coil windings of a stator part are arranged in 3 pairs. Each
pair is connected to each phase of a controller. For example. If there are 12 coil windings, there
are arranged in 3 pairs called 3 phases A, B, C. Each pair consisting of 4 windings.
An ESC or an Electronic Speed Controller controls the brushless motor movement or speed by
activating the appropriate MOSFETs to create the rotating magnetic field so that the motor
rotates. The Controller’s each wire is connected to each pair of winding. Controller switches
the MOSFET’s switch ON and OFF thus activating each phase one by one. So, if one phase is
activated, it produces magnetic field either attracting or repelling the permanent magnets thus
resulting the rotation of a rotor. This process is continued for each phase one by one
continuously for the continuous rotation of a motor. But which phase should be activated
depends on the position of a rotor which can be done by placing hall sensors. As the rotors
permanent magnets rotate the Hall-effect sensors sense the magnetic field and generate a logic
“high” for one magnetic pole or logic “low” for the opposite pole. According to this information
the ESC knows when to activate the next commutation sequence or interval.
5.11. Propellors
Propellers are mechanical devices that convert rotary motion into linear thrust. The purpose of
the propeller is to provide a method of propulsion so the drone is able to fly. The propeller itself
consists of two or more blades connected together by a central hub that attaches the motor.
Propellors are attached to motors and propellor speed is dependent on how much voltage is
applied to the motor. This can be controlled by electronic speed controller (ESC).
Drone propellers provide lift for the aircraft by spinning and creating an airflow, resulting in a
pressure difference between the propeller's top and bottom surfaces. This accelerates a mass of
air in one direction, creating lift that counteracts the force of gravity. Propellers for multirotor
drones are arranged in pairs and spun either clockwise or anti-clockwise to create balance. The
drone can hover, ascend, descend, or change its yaw, pitch, and roll by varying the speed of its
5.11.1. Features
1. The propellors are clockwise (called pushers) and counter clockwise (called pullers).
The most reliable to recognize the correct propeller type by its shape as shown. The
thicker edge is the leading edge which moves in the direction of rotation. The trailing
edge is more radical scalloped and usually thinner.
2. Propellor is defined by Diameter and Pitch.
3. Diameter is the is the total length of the propeller from end to end. is the distance across
the circle made by the blade tips as the propeller rotates.
4. Pitch is the angle of the propeller and is defined as how far the propeller will move
forward under ideal conditions for every rotation.
5. Shorter propellers require less energy to get up to a particular speed, and easier to
control. Longer propellers generate more lift for a particular RPM and create greater
stability when hovering, but require more motor power.
Figure 5.12 Propellors Features
Hybrid System- Its power system is made up of two systems; Electric drive and a traditional
engine. The gasoline generator charges the battery, which powers the electric engine. Power
can be supplied by batteries, gasoline generators, or both. It is more compact and efficient than
a single gasoline engine. Hybrid UAV’s can accomplish a good take-off performance, climb
performance, silence and ultra -long endurance.
Electric System- An electric system represents good DC battery. It is simple to attach, simple
to replace and makes no noise, but its battery life is relatively short. A battery pack stores energy
in order to offer a steady supply for the required minimum operational time.
5.13. Types of Batteries
Nickel Cadmium (NiCad): NiCad batteries use nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic
cadmium as electrodes. They have low energy capacity, discharge slowly, and have a shorter
lifespan compared to LiPo batteries. Their weight also leads to faster energy loss.
Lithium High Voltage (Li Hv): Li Hv batteries are a type of LiPo battery with higher
voltage capacity, charging up to 4.35V per cell (compared to 4.2V for standard LiPo). They
provide more power initially but experience a rapid voltage drop when discharged.
Li-ion Battery: Li-ion batteries offer high power density, long lifespan, and better
performance than NiCad batteries. They store energy through the reversible movement of
lithium ions, making them ideal for extended daily use.
Lithium Polymer (LiPo) Battery: LiPo batteries use a polymer electrolyte, offering higher
specific energy and lighter weight than other lithium batteries. With a full voltage of 4.2V and
a nominal voltage of 3.7V, they are well-suited for applications with space constraints.
Figure 5.14 Payloads & Optical Sensors
of it. The sensor detects these waves and measures the time it takes for those waves to be
transmitted and received. The time interval between sensor and object is then used to calculate
2. Multispectral Sensor
Multispectral sensors can gather visible wavelengths (R, G, B) as well as wavelengths that are
not visible. Near-infrared radiation (NIR), short-wave infrared radiation (SWIR), and others
are examples.
Multispectral technologies image various parts of the light spectrum at the same time using
sensors. This is especially important in agricultural operations for detecting plant varieties and
diseases because plants reflect light differently depending on development stage, stress level,
and disease degree.
3. Thermal Image Sensor
Thermal imaging is an essential skill for drone operations performing industrial inspection
missions. It allows pilots to see through difficult lighting conditions. Thermal cameras with
radiometric capabilities enable pilots to estimate the surface temperature of objects at a scene
in addition to "seeing" heat. Inspecting big solar panel arrays or industrial roofs, sometimes in
combination with RGB cameras, are two popular thermal-based missions.
4. Lidar Sensor:
Lidar is acronym of Light Detection and Ranging. It is a way of calculating ranges by using a
laser to target an item or a surface and measuring the time it takes for the reflected light to
return to the receiver. By altering the wavelength of light, it can also be used to create
computerized 3-D renderings of locations on the Earth's surface and ocean bottom in near-
coastal zone. It has uses on the ground, in the air, and on mobile devices. That is why it is also
known as 3-D laser scanning, a rare mix of 3-D scanning and laser scanning
Design software commonly used include Easy EDA, Altium, Eagle, Proteus, KiCad, and
5.19. Drones w.r.t Payloads and Applications
Drone Payload Application
Drone control software allows for the safe and precise operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Flight control software can be used for drone navigation and ground control, as well as payload
and autopilot management, due to a set of functions and control interfaces. Monitoring and
security settings in UAV flight control software can help to reduce the danger of failure,
accident, or cyber-attack.
Waypoints can be used to create an autonomous flight plan.
It is able to adjust the altitude and speed.
In real time View of the camera can be seen
During flying, flight modes such as GPS mode, alt hold and RTL can be
Parameters Battery voltages and spray functionalities can be modified.
The software displays the remote controller's position as well as the drone's
position and direction of flight in real time.
Boundary points, altitude limits, and distance limits can be configured to
prevent the drone from flying over visible areas in the event of a control failure.
The amount of pesticide sprayed in a certain region can be determined and
If the remote controller fails to control the drone, it can be controlled using
ground control software.
The software displays the GPS signal strength, battery voltage, and flight mode of the drone.
Some of the drone flight software’s in the market are
1. Mission Planner
2. Q Ground Control
3. Betalight
4. Agri Assistant
6.1. Mission Planner
Mission Planner is a full-featured ground station application for the ArduPilot open-source
autopilot project. Mission Planner is a ground control station for Plane, Copter and Rover. It is
compatible with Windows only.
6.3. Beta Flight
Beta flight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing
craft. This fork differs from Base flight and clean flight in that it focuses on flight performance
and leading-edge feature additions.
Drone Assembly is a combat anomaly inhabited that can different parts are assembled together
can make the drone (UAV) fly by using transmitter and flight controller.
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks
1) Check the weather conditions and do not fly in fog, rainy, heavy windy conditions.
2) Check the operation manual of drone if necessary.
3) Know and comply with specific drone operation laws in your area.
4) Ensure that the drone is fit for flight.
5) Keep your drone's firmware updated.
6) Airspace: Unrestricted or Restricted Airspace, Obstructions near flight path identified
7) Weather: Visibility >= 3 miles/500ft, wind <= 15mph.
8) Drone Airframe: No Structural defects
9) Drone Battery: Sufficient for Flight, not less than 80%.
10) Controller/GCS Battery: Sufficient for Indented Flight.
11) GCS/Controller Power: ON
12) Drone Power: Connect Battery
13) Compass Calibration for Current Location. (if necessary: if the home position is
showing wrong, go for compass calibration).
Understood the
Day-1 08/05/2024 Forces acting upon a
influencing drone
Drone and its
flight and the
propulsion system
principles of its
Learned about
various drone
Day-2 09/05/2024 Frame Configuration
& Payloads
and their payload
knowledge of
Day-3 10/05/2024 Power systems of
drone power
Drone System and
systems and
Battery Management
effective battery
Explored various
drone flight
Day-4 11/05/2024 Different types of a
modes and their
Flight modes
specific uses.
Learned about
different zones
Day-5 14/05/2024 Different types of
and regulations
Zone considerations
for safe drone
to a Fly a Drone
drone power
Day-6 15/05/2024 Power Systems and
systems and the
Power Distribution
distribution of
power within the
Acquired knowledge on
selecting appropriate
Day-2 17/05/2024 Materials
materials and
selection &
understanding the
manufacturing processes.
process of Drones
Understands failsafe
methods and emergency
Day-4 20/05/2024 Failsafe Methods
protocols necessary to
of Drone
handle unexpected
situations during drone
Gained proficiency in
utilizing flight control
Day-5 21/05/2024 Flight Control
software to ensure precise
manoeuvring and
navigation of drones.
9.3.1.WEEK -3 REPORT
Gained hands-on
experience and
Day-1 23/05/2024 Practical Session-1
practical skills in
drone operations.
Further practiced
the various Drone
Day-2 24/05/2024 Practical Session-2
Orientations and
Gained practical
Recognized for
completion of the
Day-3 25/05/2024 Certificate internship
Distribution program,
knowledge and
skills in drone
1. Work Environment
The work environment at the Innovation Center for Drone Technology is dynamic and
technologically advanced, equipped with cutting-edge drones and systems for practical
learning and experimentation. Each team member is assigned a specific role that aligns with
overall project and research goals, creating a cohesive workflow. Structured processes and
systematic procedures are in place to uphold high standards of quality and efficiency. Time
management is emphasized across all tasks, ensuring projects are completed punctually. The
team leader fosters a collaborative atmosphere by motivating members and recognizing their
contributions, and strict adherence to safety and regulatory guidelines ensures a productive and
secure work setting.
During my internship, I acquired hands-on skills in drone hardware and software, including the
assembly, programming, and flight testing of UAVs. This exposure allowed me to enhance my
technical understanding of UAV components and systems. I also improved my ability to
communicate complex project details clearly and efficiently within a team setting.
Additionally, I gained experience in interpreting technical drawings.
3. Managerial Skills
My internship provided valuable insights into essential managerial skills, including leadership
and teamwork dynamics. Observing and participating in team collaboration helped me develop
an appreciation for effective coordination, with each team member contributing toward shared
project objectives. I learned the importance of punctuality and professional behavior, which
play a crucial role in maintaining a harmonious and efficient workplace.
In group discussions, I aim to prepare thoroughly and confidently initiate conversations, setting
a constructive tone. I will practice active listening to understand diverse viewpoints and
contribute thoughtfully, striving to balance speaking and listening. Observing body language
and maintaining a polite demeanor will be crucial for productive discussions. To lead
discussions effectively, I will guide the flow of ideas, encouraging contributions from all team
members, while focusing on motivating the group and leading activities with an emphasis on
collaboration and efficiency.
30/04/2024 01/05/2024
02/05/2024 03/05/2024
06/05/2024 07/05/2024
08/04/2024 09/05/2024
10/05/2024 14/05/2024
15/05/2024 16/05/2024
17/04/2024 18/05/2024
20/05/2024 21/05/2024
22/05/2024 23/05/2024
24/04/2024 25/05/2024
1. Conclusion:
The Innovation Center for Drone Technology was an invaluable experience that broadened my
knowledge and skills in drone systems. Working on diverse projects, the hands-on experience
in drone assembly, programming, and implementing advanced algorithms for autonomous
navigation and data analysis. Mentorship from experienced professionals further sharpened
my problem-solving abilities, while the collaborative environment improved my teamwork
and communication skills. It not only depened my passion for drones but also equipped me
with practical skills to contribute to advancements in this rapidly evolving field.
2. Future Scope:
Drone technology is rapidly advancing, presenting numerous opportunities for research and
development. Based on my experience at the Innovation Center for Drone Technology,
several key areas for future exploration include:
1. Enhanced Autonomy and AI: Developing advanced AI for autonomous navigation
and decision-making in complex environments, leveraging machine learning, computer
vision, and sensor fusion.
2. Swarm Technology: Implementing swarm intelligence for coordinated drone tasks
could transform industries, necessitating efficient communication and cooperative
behavior models.
3. Advanced Materials and Batteries: Lightweight materials and high-capacity batteries
will boost drone endurance and payload capacity, with alternative energy sources like
solar also promising longer operations.
4. Regulatory and Ethical Challenges: Addressing regulatory and ethical issues, such as
privacy and airspace management, is essential for sustainable growth.
5. Industry-Specific Applications: Tailoring drone technologies for fields like
agriculture, logistics, and healthcare can unlock new efficiencies.
6. Urban Air Mobility: Drone-based urban air transport, including passenger drones, is a
futuristic goal requiring safe, scalable solutions.
In conclusion, it provided a strong foundation in drone technology. With ongoing innovation
and collaboration, to contribute to this dynamic field and its transformative impact on society.
An Internship Report on
Bachelor of Technology
Assistant Professor
This is to certify that the “Summer Internship report” submitted by MALLADI
YATEESH VARDHAN (Regd. No: - 22L35A0372) is work done by him and submitted
during 2023-24 academic year, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in Mechanical Department at
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1. INTRODUCTION OF DRONES .................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Basic characteristics of Drone ................................................................................................... 2
1.2. History ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Historical Timeline ................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Historical References ................................................................................................................ 4
1.5. Types Of Drones ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.6. Categories Of UAV................................................................................................................... 8
1.6.1. Further sub-categories ........................................................................................................ 8
1.7. Four main types of drones ......................................................................................................... 8
1.8. Classification Of Unmanned Aerial System ............................................................................. 9
1.9. Drone Architecture.................................................................................................................... 9
1.10. Drone Parts ........................................................................................................................... 10
2. DRONES RULES INDIA, 2021 .................................................................................................... 12
2.1. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.1. Global Developments in Drone usage..................................................................................... 15
3.2. Agri-tech ................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3. Air Mobility / Drone Taxis ..................................................................................................... 15
3.4. Safety Inspections ................................................................................................................... 16
3.5. Military and Defence services ................................................................................................. 16
3.6. Shipping and delivery ............................................................................................................. 16
3.7. Conservation of Wildlife......................................................................................................... 16
3.8. Building / infrastructure inspection ......................................................................................... 16
3.9. Disease Control ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.10. Healthcare ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.11. Thermal sensor drones for search and rescue operations .......................................................17
3.12. Internet Beams ...................................................................................................................... 17
4. DESIGN OF A DRONE ................................................................................................................ 19
4.1. Payload capacity ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.2. Flight time ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.3. Manoeuvrability ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.4. Frame configuration ................................................................................................................ 19
4.5. Application ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.6. The basic calculations for designing a drone .......................................................................... 20
4.7. 3d model analysis on ANSYS ................................................................................................. 22
4.8. Different manufacturing process and materials for making a drone ........................................ 23
4.9. Benefits of compression moulding ......................................................................................... 24
4.10. Most common materials used in manufacturing a drone ....................................................... 24
4.11. Planning and Prototyping ...................................................................................................... 25
4.12. Framing ................................................................................................................................. 25
5. Brief Architecture of Drone ........................................................................................................... 27
5.1. Avionics .................................................................................................................................. 27
5.2. Flight Controller ..................................................................................................................... 27
5.3. Sensors .................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4. Communication/Control Interfaces ......................................................................................... 29
5.5. Navigation ............................................................................................................................... 29
5.5.1. How it works .................................................................................................................... 30
5.6. Remote Controllers ................................................................................................................. 30
5.7. Telemetry ................................................................................................................................ 31
5.8. Propulsion Systems ................................................................................................................. 32
5.9. Brushless DC Motors .............................................................................................................. 32
5.9.1. Types ................................................................................................................................ 32
5.9.2. Working ........................................................................................................................... 33
5.10. Electronic Speed Controller .................................................................................................. 33
5.11. Propellors .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.11.1. Features .......................................................................................................................... 34
5.12. Power Systems ...................................................................................................................... 35
5.12.1. Types of Power Systems ................................................................................................ 35
5.13. Types of Batteries ................................................................................................................. 36
5.14. Cell Compositions and Voltage Calculations........................................................................ 36
5.15. Payloads & Optical Sensors .................................................................................................. 36
5.16. Payload Categories................................................................................................................ 37
5.17. Brief Overview of Payload Sensors in drones ....................................................................... 37
5.18. Design Software for Electronic Parts in Drones ................................................................... 38
5.19. Drones w.r.t Payloads and Applications ............................................................................... 39
6. DRONE FLIGHT SOFTWARE GROUND CONTROL STATION ............................................ 41
6.1. Mission Planner ...................................................................................................................... 42
6.2. Q Ground control .................................................................................................................... 42
6.3. Beta Flight............................................................................................................................... 43
6.4. Agri Assistant ......................................................................................................................... 43
7. ASSEMBLY OF A DRONE ......................................................................................................... 45
7.1. Steps For Assembly of Drone ................................................................................................. 45
8. PRE- FLIGHT CHECKS & POST FLIGHT CHECKS ................................................................ 47
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks ................................................................................................................... 47
8.2. Post Flight Checks .................................................................................................................. 47
9. ACTIVITY LOG AND WEEKLY REPORTS ............................................................................. 49
9.1. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-1 ............................................................................................ 49
9.1.1. WEEKLY -1 REPORT .................................................................................................... 50
9.2. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-2 ............................................................................................ 51
9.2.1. WEEK-2 REPORT .......................................................................................................... 52
9.3. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-3 ............................................................................................ 53
9.3.1. WEEK -3 REPORT.......................................................................................................... 54
9.4. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-4 ............................................................................................ 55
9.4.1. WEEK-4 REPORT .......................................................................................................... 56
10. OUTCOMES DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 58
11. DAILY ACTIVITY GPS PHOTOS ............................................................................................ 60
12. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE .................................................................................. 65
Drone: - Surely you are not expecting me to say "A drone is a male honey bee's humming
sound while flying" but it’s true and you will be surprised to know that the term 'Drone' coined
from this similarity of flying drone with flying bee’s sound.
Definition: - Any aircraft or flying machine operated without a human pilot such machines is
called an “UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE (UAV)”. IT can be guided autonomously or
remotely by a human operator using onboard computers and robots.
The technical definition of drone. In my sense below these three definitions are perfect for
giving you an idea of what exactly is drone.
According to most of the dictionaries "A Drone is an unmanned aircraft or ship guided by
remote control or onboard computers."
"A drone is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through
software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in conjunction with
onboard sensors and GPS."
"Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or Drones are aircraft with no on- board crew or
passengers. They can be automated ‘drones’ or remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs)."
1.2. History
When it comes to aviation war worth it. World war 1 & 2 and cold war as well was the golden
age of design and manufacturing newer and better manned, unmanned aircrafts throughout the
world. You might not believe the first unmanned aerial exploding balloons to the unmanned
flying taxi in this section, we will let you know when everything originated at the very
beginning. Get ready to travel the timeline of UAV milestones.
The founding father of UAV: Abraham Karem was born in Baghdad to a Jewish couple. His
family moved to Israel in 1951, where he grew up. Since an early age, he had an innate passion
for aeronautics, and at the age of 14, he started building model aircraft. Karem is regarded as
the founding father of UAV (drone) technology. He graduated in aeronautical engineering from
the Technion. He built his first drone during the Yom Kippur war for the Israeli Air Force. In
the 1970s, he immigrated to the United States. He founded Leading Systems Inc. in his home
garage, where he started manufacturing his first drone, Albatross, and later on, the more
sophisticated Amber, which eventually evolved into the famous Predator drone, which brought
him the title of "Drone father".
1907: The world’s first quadcopter was created by inventor brothers Jacques and Louis Breguet.
1917: The Ruston Proctor Aerial Target became the first pilotless winged aircraft in history. It
was a radio-controlled pilotless airplane, based on RC technology from the inventor Nikola
1943: Created for use by the German military during World War II, “Fritz X” was the nickname
given to the FX-1400, the first remote-controlled weapon that was actually put into operational
use. Boom in RC planes popularity in the U.S. Mostly coming in kit form, these RC planes
offered everything.
1960: Boom in RC planes popularity in the U.S. Mostly coming in kit form, these RC planes
offered everything from indoor-flyable models to much larger outdoor models. Modern drone
warfare began in 1982, when Israel coordinated the use of battlefield UAVs alongside.
1982: Modern drone warfare began in 1982, when Israel coordinated the use of battlefield
UAVs alongside manned aircraft to wipe out the Syrian fleet with very minimal losses.
2001: In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA began flying armed drones over Afghanistan as part of
the war against the Taliban. The first CIA drone-based kill operation took place in February
1.4. Historical References:
1483: Air Gyroscope by Leonardo Da Vinci 1782: Unmanned Balloons Filled with explosives
Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8
1973: Mastiff First Israel Military UAV 1986: RQ2 Pioneer UAV
2006: DJI Commercial Use of Drones 2010: Introduction of Parrot AR. Drone
Figure 1.13 Figure 1.14
2014: Amazon Drone Delivery 2018: First Passenger Drones on The Market
Fixed-Wing Hybrid Drones: These types of drone
attempt to take the best from fixed-wing and rotor-based
designs, making for drones that feature both. A fixed-
wing hybrid drone will tend to have a couple rotors
attached to the ends of fixed wings
Target and Decoy Drones: some target and decoy
drones can carry out their mission by simulating an
incoming missile. This can draw fire from ground
anti- aircraft units, thereby distracting them from
any actual combat drones or incoming missiles
2) Fixed-Wing Drones: A fixed-wing drone has one rigid wing that is designed to look and
work like an aeroplane, providing the lift rather than vertical lift rotors. Hence, this drone
type only needs the energy to move forward and not to hold itself in the air. This makes
them energy-efficient.
3) Single-Rotor Drones: Single-rotor drone types are strong and durable. They look similar
to actual helicopters in structure and design. A single-rotor has just one rotor, which is like
one big spinning wing, plus a tail rotor to control direction and stability.
4) Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL Drones: Hybrid VTOL drone types merge the benefits of
fixed-wing and rotor-based designs. This drone type has rotors attached to the fixed wings,
allowing it to hover and take off and land vertically. This new category of hybrids is only a
few on the market, but as technology advances, this option can be much more popular in
the coming years.
1.10. Drone Parts
1) Frame: This is a structure (FRAME) in which all the other parts fit in. It acts as a skeleton
in which different components are placed in such a manner that they uniformly distribute
the drone’s center of gravity. Different drone designs have different frames structure with
a minimum of 3 propeller fitting gaps.
2) Motors: Motors are essential for the propeller’s rotation. This enhances a thrust force for
propelling the drone. Still, the number of motors should be the same as the number of
propellers. The motors are also fitted in a way such that they are easily rotated by the
controller. Their rotation enhances the drone control in terms of direction.
3) Electronic speed controller (ESC): This is an electronic control board that varies the
motor’s speed. It also acts a dynamic brake. The component helps the ground pilot to
approximate the height at which the drone is running in.
4) Flight Control/Board: The flight board makes a log of the take-off place just in case the
need arises for the drone to go back to its take-off location without being guided. This is
known as ‘return to home’ feature. It also determines and calculates the drone’s altitude in
respect to the amount of power it consumes.
5) Propellers: Propellers are clove like blades structured to create a different in air pressure.
When in motion, they cut through the air creating difference in pressure between the top
and bottom of the rotors.
7) Battery, Electronics, and Power Distribution Cables: The battery acts as the power
source to the drone. Nickel Metal Hybrid or Nickel cadmium-based batteries were first
used; however, their use has diminished while the use of lithium batteries has increased.
8) Landing Gear: This is structure meant for safely landing the drone. However, it can be
exempted since an experienced user is capable of balancing the motors speed for safe
landing I emergencies. There are two major types of landing gear. One is fixed landing gear
and the other is retractable landing gear.
The draft of the Drone Rules, 2021, which the Central Government had proposed to make in
supersession of the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021, were published, as required under
section 14 of the Aircraft Act, 1934.
These rules shall apply to
1) All persons owning or possessing, or engaged in leasing, operating, transferring or
maintaining an unmanned aircraft system in India;
2) All unmanned aircraft systems that are registered in India; and
3) All unmanned aircraft systems that are being operated for the time being, in or over India.
4) These rules shall not apply to an unmanned aircraft system belonging to, or used by, the
naval, military or air forces of the Union of India.
2.1. Definitions:
1) “Drone” means an unmanned aircraft system;
2) “Drone acknowledgement number” means the unique number issued by the digital sky
platform under the voluntary disclosure scheme for unmanned aircraft systems in India;
3) “Geo-fencing” means restricting the movement of unmanned aircraft system within a
defined airspace;
4) “Green zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial
waters of India, up to a vertical distance of 400 feet or 120 metre that has not been designated
as a red zone or yellow zone in the airspace map for unmanned aircraft system operations and
the airspace up to a vertical distance of 200 feet or 60 metre above the area located between
a lateral distance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometres from the perimeter of an operational
5) “Yellow zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial
waters of India within which unmanned aircraft system operations are restricted and shall
require permission from the concerned air traffic control authority. The airspace above 400
feet or 120 metre in the designated green zone and the airspace above 200 feet or 60 metre in,
the area located between the lateral distance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometres from the
perimeter of an operational airport, shall be designated as yellow zone.
6) “Red zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial
waters of India, or any installation or notified port limits specified by the Central Government
beyond the territorial waters of India, within which unmanned aircraft system operations shall
be permitted only by the Central Government.
7) “Rotorcraft” means a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air
on one or more power driven rotors on substantially vertical axes;
8) “Type certificate” means a certificate issued by the Director General or any other entity
authorised by the Director General, certifying that the unmanned aircraft system of a specific
type meets with the requirements specified under these rules.
9) “Unique Identification Number” means the unique identification number issued for
registering an unmanned aircraft system in India.
10) Any person who intends to register and obtain a unique identification number for his
unmanned aircraft system shall make an application in Form D-2 on the digital sky platform
along with the fee as specified in rule 46 and provide requisite details including the unique
number of the type certificate to which such unmanned aircraft system conforms.
11) An individual shall be eligible to obtain a remote pilot licence, if he––
a) is not less than eighteen years of age and not more than sixty-five years of age.
b) has passed class tenth examination or its equivalent from a recognised Board
c) has successfully completed such training as may be specified by the Director
General, from any authorised remote pilot training organization.
12) Any person who intends to obtain the authorisation to establish a remote pilot training
organisation shall submit an application to the Director General in Form D-5 on the digital
sky platform, along with the fees as specified in rule 46.
The Indian legal regime’s relationship with drones has been eventful in the recent years and
rather tumultuous at its best times. When the Government of India notified the revised law
on drones in March 2021, the industry was taken aback by the extent of restrictions and
compliance requirements that were introduced. This was despite years of consultations and
negotiations with various stakeholders undertaken by the Government.
From an economic perspective, the drone industry has massive potential in terms of giving
a boost by attracting significant global investments in India.
The Unmanned Aircraft System (“UAS”) market in India is projected to yield a turnover
of USD 1.8 billion by 2026 in light of the recent government approved PLI scheme in India.
This would be a massive increase, given that the drone manufacturing companies in India
yield a turnover of approximately INR 80 crore (USD 10 million).
1.2. Agri-tech:
With the use of drones, the agricultural sector is able to gather data, automate redundant
processes, and improve efficiency. drones can also be used for crop observation / monitoring
along with analyses of the fields / soil which would aid in crop health. Thus, farmers can
optimize the use of inputs (fertilizers, seed, water, etc) and react suitably which in turn would
save / enhance crop yield.
1.4. Safety Inspections:
Various companies are required to carry out inspections on a regular basis in order to ensure
the safety of work environment and the foolproofness of the infrastructure. Drone usage has
enabled these companies to eliminate human factor in such inspections and has made the
process more time efficient and safe. Drones enabled with imagery technology enables
companies to get a detailed output of such inspections in order to undertake improvements in
the infrastructure or safety requirements.
be used to protect local residents, and in the future could help prevent epidemics before they
1.10. Healthcare:
In times of the pandemic and the necessity of accessing healthcare for individuals all over the
world including individuals situated in remote places, the use of drones for the last mile
delivery is gain immense popularity. While medical supplies can be delivered by traditional
means, certain circumstances call for quick access to drugs, blood, and medical technology,
drones have expedited access to these facilities for remote regions. One of the most well-
known medical delivery companies is Zipline International, which offers delivery drones in
rural areas throughout Africa and in numerous other countries.
While designing a drone/drone airframe a person must have some basic idea on concepts like
engineering drawing, 3D and isometric views. These basic concepts will help through 3d
designing and modelling of structures in design software.
Below are the essential factors to take into consideration while designing a drone
1.15. Manoeuvrability:
It is the quality of a drone being easy to move and direct. Manoeuvrability of drone is mostly
relay on few different aspects of drone like weight, configuration or type of the drone which
should be considered while designing a drone.
1.17. Application:
Drones have many applications to meet different requirements. By understanding the
application of the drone, we design or built the air frame to meet the requirements. In this
process all the above considerations are met to produce a drone.
a) Agriculture spraying.
b) Aerial Photography & Videography.
c) Real estate photography.
d) Mapping & Surveying.
e) Asset Inspection.
f) Payload carrying.
g) Military.
Figure 4.2 Application
Figure 4.3 Motor type to propeller size ratio
1.19. 3d model analysis on ANSYS:
3d model or structural analysis can be done by using ANSYS software Generating a mesh for
structural analysis of variable loads on drone airframe using ANSYS
This is the drone airframes which are designed using ANSYS Space claim. It is a quadcopter
with a payload capacity of 10 to 15 kg and expected flight time of 12 to 15 minutes. The
materials composition of the frame consists of (high quality plastic, high grade aluminium and
carbon fibre, other composites).
ANSYS is a general-purpose, finite element modelling package for numerically solving a wide
variety of mechanical problems. These problems include static/dynamic, structural analysis,
heat transfer, and fluid problems, as well as acoustic and electromagnetic problems.
1.20. Different manufacturing process and materials for making a drone:
Most common manufacturing processes used for produce a drone are:
1. CNC machining:
It is a computerized manufacturing process in which pre-programmed software and code
controls the movement of production equipment. CNC machining controls a range of complex
machinery, such as grinders, lathes, and turning mills, all of which are used to cut, shape, and
create different parts and prototypes.
2. Injection moulding:
The process of injection moulding is divided into 6 major steps as shown below.
• Clamping.
• Injection.
• Dwelling
• Cooling
• Moulding
• Removal of Product
hydraulic presses in order to have the material contact all areas of the mould. The charge cures
in the heated mould
1.23. Planning and Prototyping:
Resource and design planning is a key element in any manufacturing process, as it ensures that
all potential issues are addressed before large-scale production. This step of the manufacturing
process becomes even more important in low-volume manufacturing, as the costs are higher.
So, for those looking to craft their own drone, plenty of time and attention should be dedicated
to this phase.
Prototyping is an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into tangible
forms from paper to digital. Teams build prototypes of varying degrees of fidelity to capture
design concepts and test on users. With prototypes, you can refine and validate your designs.
A drone prototype starts with a proposed design, which should be completed to scale before
any parts are purchased. The plan should also clearly indicate the purpose of the drone. Is it a
multi-purpose device that does a few basic functions or will it serve a specific purpose, such as
aerial photography or transportation? These decisions indicate key considerations, such as how
much it will need to be able to carry which translates into the weight of the materials and the
size of the motor.
A prototype may be assembled and found wanting, requiring changes to the original design to
get it right before final production.
changes to the original design to get it right before final production.
1.24. Framing:
The frame of a drone is the main contributor to structural integrity. This is often comprised of
a sturdy, yet lightweight material to find a balance between aerodynamics and durability. This
could be a plastic blend or even hollow metal.
In most cases, the frame is assembled in an X formation to provide additional support for the
motors and added durability overall.
Brief Architecture of Drone
5.1. Avionics
Avionics is a combination of aviation and electronics. Avionics are the electronic systems that
are used on airframe. Avionic systems include communications, navigation, the display and
management of multiple systems, and the hundreds of systems that are fitted to aerial vehicles
to perform specific functions.
The avionics installed in an airframe can include engine controls, flight control systems,
navigation, communications, flight recorders, lighting systems, threat detection, electro-optic
(EO/IR) systems, weather radar, performance monitors, and systems that carry out hundreds of
other mission and flight management tasks.
5.3. Sensors
Gyroscopes help determine the angular orientation, and accelerometers help measure the
vibrations of a motor. The barometer finds the altitude, whereas the compass provides the
orientation relative to the earth’s magnetic field.
5.4. Communication/Control Interfaces
CAN - It is serial bus which connects device and allows them to communicate without any
USB - It is a plug and play interface that allows a computer to communicate with peripheral
and other devices.
I2C - It is an Inter-Integrated Circuit which supports half-duplex communication.
SPI - The Serial Peripheral Interface is a synchronous serial communication interface
specification used for short-distance communication,
PPM/PWM - The PWM signal is used to control a single ESC or a single servo pulse width
modulation signal. PPM signal is a signal modulated by putting multiple control channels
5.5. Navigation
Satellite Navigation is based on a global network of satellites that transmit radio signals from
medium earth orbit. It is a Satellite System which uses satellites to provide latitudes, longitudes
and altitude precisely to Navigation Receivers. This system is called GLOBAL NAVIGATION
GNSS systems.
Each System consists of several group of satellites which called Constellation of Satellites. A
Constellation Satellite provides precise or global coverage such that anytime, every time at
least one satellite is available.
GPS is a Global Positioning system from US which uses 31 satellites which are operational at
any time. However, GPS receiver needs four satellites to work out its position in three
GLONASS, Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema, is a Russian Satellite System
consists of 24 Satellites which are currently operational.
Galileo is a European Satellite System which have 24 operational satellites.
BeiDou is a Chinese Satellite System currently operational satellites are 44.
IRNSS, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, identified as NAVIC, comprises of 7
active satellites, which covers overall India.
Figure 5.6 Remote Controllers
RC communicates with a receiver in the drone via radio waves. The flight controller is linked
to the receiver via RC input. When the RC's controls are moved, signals are sent to the receiver
module, which then communicates with the flight controller. The signal is then sent to the
motors by the flight controller, causing the drone to fly in the desired direction.
5.7. Telemetry
Telemetry refers to data collected about the UAV and its surroundings and sent back to the
operator or receiver or ground control station (GCS). The telemetry provides altitude, speed,
direction, voltage, current and other properties of flying drone in real time. Telemetry can be
wired or wireless. Telemetry is a digital two-way data stream, which can both send data about
the flight down to a ground station and send command up to the flight controller. For this
sending and receiving process, a device also named telemetry is used. It comes with a pair of
transmitter and receiver module with antennas.
5.9.1. Types
Motor consists of two parts. One is stator and other is rotor. The rotational part of the motor is
called Rotor whereas Stationary part is called Stator. The rotor part consists of permanent
magnets whereas stator part consists of coil windings which are called electromagnets.
In runner – If the rotor located in the center of the motor and stator winding surround the rotor,
it is called “In runner”. In this design, it produces a large amount of torque and heat get
dissipated easily.
Out runner – If the stator part is located at the core and rotor part is the outside of a motor, it
is called “Out runner”. this type of motors is highly preferred because of it operates at low rated
Figure 5.9 Brushless DC Motors
5.9.2. Working:
When the coil windings in the stator part are activated by current pulses, it produces magnetic
field and are called Electromagnets. These electromagnets of a stator attracts and repulses
permanent magnets of a rotor thus produces torque for the movement of a motor. As it is
brushless DC motor, DC voltage is not applied directly as same as brushed DC motor as it is
brushless. The Brushless DC motor is controlled by a controller. The controller which is a 3-
phase wired is called Electronic Speed Controller.
As it is controlled by 3 phase, overall coil windings of a stator part are arranged in 3 pairs. Each
pair is connected to each phase of a controller. For example. If there are 12 coil windings, there
are arranged in 3 pairs called 3 phases A, B, C. Each pair consisting of 4 windings.
An ESC or an Electronic Speed Controller controls the brushless motor movement or speed by
activating the appropriate MOSFETs to create the rotating magnetic field so that the motor
rotates. The Controller’s each wire is connected to each pair of winding. Controller switches
the MOSFET’s switch ON and OFF thus activating each phase one by one. So, if one phase is
activated, it produces magnetic field either attracting or repelling the permanent magnets thus
resulting the rotation of a rotor. This process is continued for each phase one by one
continuously for the continuous rotation of a motor. But which phase should be activated
depends on the position of a rotor which can be done by placing hall sensors. As the rotors
permanent magnets rotate the Hall-effect sensors sense the magnetic field and generate a logic
“high” for one magnetic pole or logic “low” for the opposite pole. According to this information
the ESC knows when to activate the next commutation sequence or interval.
5.11. Propellors
Propellers are mechanical devices that convert rotary motion into linear thrust. The purpose of
the propeller is to provide a method of propulsion so the drone is able to fly. The propeller itself
consists of two or more blades connected together by a central hub that attaches the motor.
Propellors are attached to motors and propellor speed is dependent on how much voltage is
applied to the motor. This can be controlled by electronic speed controller (ESC).
Drone propellers provide lift for the aircraft by spinning and creating an airflow, resulting in a
pressure difference between the propeller's top and bottom surfaces. This accelerates a mass of
air in one direction, creating lift that counteracts the force of gravity. Propellers for multirotor
drones are arranged in pairs and spun either clockwise or anti-clockwise to create balance. The
drone can hover, ascend, descend, or change its yaw, pitch, and roll by varying the speed of its
5.11.1. Features
1. The propellors are clockwise (called pushers) and counter clockwise (called pullers).
The most reliable to recognize the correct propeller type by its shape as shown. The
thicker edge is the leading edge which moves in the direction of rotation. The trailing
edge is more radical scalloped and usually thinner.
2. Propellor is defined by Diameter and Pitch.
3. Diameter is the is the total length of the propeller from end to end. is the distance across
the circle made by the blade tips as the propeller rotates.
4. Pitch is the angle of the propeller and is defined as how far the propeller will move
forward under ideal conditions for every rotation.
5. Shorter propellers require less energy to get up to a particular speed, and easier to
control. Longer propellers generate more lift for a particular RPM and create greater
stability when hovering, but require more motor power.
Figure 5.12 Propellors Features
Hybrid System- Its power system is made up of two systems; Electric drive and a traditional
engine. The gasoline generator charges the battery, which powers the electric engine. Power
can be supplied by batteries, gasoline generators, or both. It is more compact and efficient than
a single gasoline engine. Hybrid UAV’s can accomplish a good take-off performance, climb
performance, silence and ultra -long endurance.
Electric System- An electric system represents good DC battery. It is simple to attach, simple
to replace and makes no noise, but its battery life is relatively short. A battery pack stores energy
in order to offer a steady supply for the required minimum operational time.
5.13. Types of Batteries
Nickel Cadmium (NiCad): NiCad batteries use nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic
cadmium as electrodes. They have low energy capacity, discharge slowly, and have a shorter
lifespan compared to LiPo batteries. Their weight also leads to faster energy loss.
Lithium High Voltage (Li Hv): Li Hv batteries are a type of LiPo battery with higher
voltage capacity, charging up to 4.35V per cell (compared to 4.2V for standard LiPo). They
provide more power initially but experience a rapid voltage drop when discharged.
Li-ion Battery: Li-ion batteries offer high power density, long lifespan, and better
performance than NiCad batteries. They store energy through the reversible movement of
lithium ions, making them ideal for extended daily use.
Lithium Polymer (LiPo) Battery: LiPo batteries use a polymer electrolyte, offering higher
specific energy and lighter weight than other lithium batteries. With a full voltage of 4.2V and
a nominal voltage of 3.7V, they are well-suited for applications with space constraints.
Figure 5.14 Payloads & Optical Sensors
of it. The sensor detects these waves and measures the time it takes for those waves to be
transmitted and received. The time interval between sensor and object is then used to calculate
2. Multispectral Sensor
Multispectral sensors can gather visible wavelengths (R, G, B) as well as wavelengths that are
not visible. Near-infrared radiation (NIR), short-wave infrared radiation (SWIR), and others
are examples.
Multispectral technologies image various parts of the light spectrum at the same time using
sensors. This is especially important in agricultural operations for detecting plant varieties and
diseases because plants reflect light differently depending on development stage, stress level,
and disease degree.
3. Thermal Image Sensor
Thermal imaging is an essential skill for drone operations performing industrial inspection
missions. It allows pilots to see through difficult lighting conditions. Thermal cameras with
radiometric capabilities enable pilots to estimate the surface temperature of objects at a scene
in addition to "seeing" heat. Inspecting big solar panel arrays or industrial roofs, sometimes in
combination with RGB cameras, are two popular thermal-based missions.
4. Lidar Sensor:
Lidar is acronym of Light Detection and Ranging. It is a way of calculating ranges by using a
laser to target an item or a surface and measuring the time it takes for the reflected light to
return to the receiver. By altering the wavelength of light, it can also be used to create
computerized 3-D renderings of locations on the Earth's surface and ocean bottom in near-
coastal zone. It has uses on the ground, in the air, and on mobile devices. That is why it is also
known as 3-D laser scanning, a rare mix of 3-D scanning and laser scanning
Design software commonly used include Easy EDA, Altium, Eagle, Proteus, KiCad, and
5.19. Drones w.r.t Payloads and Applications
Drone Payload Application
Drone control software allows for the safe and precise operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Flight control software can be used for drone navigation and ground control, as well as payload
and autopilot management, due to a set of functions and control interfaces. Monitoring and
security settings in UAV flight control software can help to reduce the danger of failure,
accident, or cyber-attack.
Waypoints can be used to create an autonomous flight plan.
It is able to adjust the altitude and speed.
In real time View of the camera can be seen
During flying, flight modes such as GPS mode, alt hold and RTL can be
Parameters Battery voltages and spray functionalities can be modified.
The software displays the remote controller's position as well as the drone's
position and direction of flight in real time.
Boundary points, altitude limits, and distance limits can be configured to
prevent the drone from flying over visible areas in the event of a control failure.
The amount of pesticide sprayed in a certain region can be determined and
If the remote controller fails to control the drone, it can be controlled using
ground control software.
The software displays the GPS signal strength, battery voltage, and flight mode of the drone.
Some of the drone flight software’s in the market are
1. Mission Planner
2. Q Ground Control
3. Betalight
4. Agri Assistant
6.1. Mission Planner
Mission Planner is a full-featured ground station application for the ArduPilot open-source
autopilot project. Mission Planner is a ground control station for Plane, Copter and Rover. It is
compatible with Windows only.
6.3. Beta Flight
Beta flight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing
craft. This fork differs from Base flight and clean flight in that it focuses on flight performance
and leading-edge feature additions.
Drone Assembly is a combat anomaly inhabited that can different parts are assembled together
can make the drone (UAV) fly by using transmitter and flight controller.
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks
1) Check the weather conditions and do not fly in fog, rainy, heavy windy conditions.
2) Check the operation manual of drone if necessary.
3) Know and comply with specific drone operation laws in your area.
4) Ensure that the drone is fit for flight.
5) Keep your drone's firmware updated.
6) Airspace: Unrestricted or Restricted Airspace, Obstructions near flight path identified
7) Weather: Visibility >= 3 miles/500ft, wind <= 15mph.
8) Drone Airframe: No Structural defects
9) Drone Battery: Sufficient for Flight, not less than 80%.
10) Controller/GCS Battery: Sufficient for Indented Flight.
11) GCS/Controller Power: ON
12) Drone Power: Connect Battery
13) Compass Calibration for Current Location. (if necessary: if the home position is
showing wrong, go for compass calibration).
Understood the
Day-1 08/05/2024 Forces acting upon a
influencing drone
Drone and its
flight and the
propulsion system
principles of its
Learned about
various drone
Day-2 09/05/2024 Frame Configuration
& Payloads
and their payload
knowledge of
Day-3 10/05/2024 Power systems of
drone power
Drone System and
systems and
Battery Management
effective battery
Explored various
drone flight
Day-4 11/05/2024 Different types of a
modes and their
Flight modes
specific uses.
Learned about
different zones
Day-5 14/05/2024 Different types of
and regulations
Zone considerations
for safe drone
to a Fly a Drone
drone power
Day-6 15/05/2024 Power Systems and
systems and the
Power Distribution
distribution of
power within the
Acquired knowledge on
selecting appropriate
Day-2 17/05/2024 Materials
materials and
selection &
understanding the
manufacturing processes.
process of Drones
Understands failsafe
methods and emergency
Day-4 20/05/2024 Failsafe Methods
protocols necessary to
of Drone
handle unexpected
situations during drone
Gained proficiency in
utilizing flight control
Day-5 21/05/2024 Flight Control
software to ensure precise
manoeuvring and
navigation of drones.
9.3.1.WEEK -3 REPORT
Gained hands-on
experience and
Day-1 23/05/2024 Practical Session-1
practical skills in
drone operations.
Further practiced
the various Drone
Day-2 24/05/2024 Practical Session-2
Orientations and
Gained practical
Recognized for
completion of the
Day-3 25/05/2024 Certificate internship
Distribution program,
knowledge and
skills in drone
1. Work Environment
The work environment at the Innovation Center for Drone Technology is dynamic and
technologically advanced, equipped with cutting-edge drones and systems for practical
learning and experimentation. Each team member is assigned a specific role that aligns with
overall project and research goals, creating a cohesive workflow. Structured processes and
systematic procedures are in place to uphold high standards of quality and efficiency. Time
management is emphasized across all tasks, ensuring projects are completed punctually. The
team leader fosters a collaborative atmosphere by motivating members and recognizing their
contributions, and strict adherence to safety and regulatory guidelines ensures a productive and
secure work setting.
During my internship, I acquired hands-on skills in drone hardware and software, including the
assembly, programming, and flight testing of UAVs. This exposure allowed me to enhance my
technical understanding of UAV components and systems. I also improved my ability to
communicate complex project details clearly and efficiently within a team setting.
Additionally, I gained experience in interpreting technical drawings.
3. Managerial Skills
My internship provided valuable insights into essential managerial skills, including leadership
and teamwork dynamics. Observing and participating in team collaboration helped me develop
an appreciation for effective coordination, with each team member contributing toward shared
project objectives. I learned the importance of punctuality and professional behavior, which
play a crucial role in maintaining a harmonious and efficient workplace.
In group discussions, I aim to prepare thoroughly and confidently initiate conversations, setting
a constructive tone. I will practice active listening to understand diverse viewpoints and
contribute thoughtfully, striving to balance speaking and listening. Observing body language
and maintaining a polite demeanor will be crucial for productive discussions. To lead
discussions effectively, I will guide the flow of ideas, encouraging contributions from all team
members, while focusing on motivating the group and leading activities with an emphasis on
collaboration and efficiency.
30/04/2024 01/05/2024
02/05/2024 03/05/2024
06/05/2024 07/05/2024
08/04/2024 09/05/2024
10/05/2024 14/05/2024
15/05/2024 16/05/2024
17/04/2024 18/05/2024
20/05/2024 21/05/2024
22/05/2024 23/05/2024
24/04/2024 25/05/2024
1. Conclusion:
The Innovation Center for Drone Technology was an invaluable experience that broadened my
knowledge and skills in drone systems. Working on diverse projects, the hands-on experience
in drone assembly, programming, and implementing advanced algorithms for autonomous
navigation and data analysis. Mentorship from experienced professionals further sharpened
my problem-solving abilities, while the collaborative environment improved my teamwork
and communication skills. It not only depened my passion for drones but also equipped me
with practical skills to contribute to advancements in this rapidly evolving field.
2. Future Scope:
Drone technology is rapidly advancing, presenting numerous opportunities for research and
development. Based on my experience at the Innovation Center for Drone Technology,
several key areas for future exploration include:
1. Enhanced Autonomy and AI: Developing advanced AI for autonomous navigation
and decision-making in complex environments, leveraging machine learning, computer
vision, and sensor fusion.
2. Swarm Technology: Implementing swarm intelligence for coordinated drone tasks
could transform industries, necessitating efficient communication and cooperative
behavior models.
3. Advanced Materials and Batteries: Lightweight materials and high-capacity batteries
will boost drone endurance and payload capacity, with alternative energy sources like
solar also promising longer operations.
4. Regulatory and Ethical Challenges: Addressing regulatory and ethical issues, such as
privacy and airspace management, is essential for sustainable growth.
5. Industry-Specific Applications: Tailoring drone technologies for fields like
agriculture, logistics, and healthcare can unlock new efficiencies.
6. Urban Air Mobility: Drone-based urban air transport, including passenger drones, is a
futuristic goal requiring safe, scalable solutions.
In conclusion, it provided a strong foundation in drone technology. With ongoing innovation
and collaboration, to contribute to this dynamic field and its transformative impact on society.
An Internship Report on
Bachelor of Technology
Assistant Professor
This is to certify that the “Summer Internship report” submitted by GORAPALLI
THARUN KUMAR (Regd. No: - 22L35A0337) is work done by him and submitted during
2023-24 academic year, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1. INTRODUCTION OF DRONES .................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Basic characteristics of Drone ................................................................................................... 2
1.2. History ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Historical Timeline ................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Historical References ................................................................................................................ 4
1.5. Types Of Drones ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.6. Categories Of UAV................................................................................................................... 8
1.6.1. Further sub-categories ........................................................................................................ 8
1.7. Four main types of drones ......................................................................................................... 8
1.8. Classification Of Unmanned Aerial System ............................................................................. 9
1.9. Drone Architecture.................................................................................................................... 9
1.10. Drone Parts ........................................................................................................................... 10
2. DRONES RULES INDIA, 2021 .................................................................................................... 12
2.1. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.1. Global Developments in Drone usage..................................................................................... 15
3.2. Agri-tech ................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3. Air Mobility / Drone Taxis ..................................................................................................... 15
3.4. Safety Inspections ................................................................................................................... 16
3.5. Military and Defence services ................................................................................................. 16
3.6. Shipping and delivery ............................................................................................................. 16
3.7. Conservation of Wildlife......................................................................................................... 16
3.8. Building / infrastructure inspection ......................................................................................... 16
3.9. Disease Control ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.10. Healthcare ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.11. Thermal sensor drones for search and rescue operations .......................................................17
3.12. Internet Beams ...................................................................................................................... 17
4. DESIGN OF A DRONE ................................................................................................................ 19
4.1. Payload capacity ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.2. Flight time ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.3. Manoeuvrability ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.4. Frame configuration ................................................................................................................ 19
4.5. Application ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.6. The basic calculations for designing a drone .......................................................................... 20
4.7. 3d model analysis on ANSYS ................................................................................................. 22
4.8. Different manufacturing process and materials for making a drone ........................................ 23
4.9. Benefits of compression moulding ......................................................................................... 24
4.10. Most common materials used in manufacturing a drone ....................................................... 24
4.11. Planning and Prototyping ...................................................................................................... 25
4.12. Framing ................................................................................................................................. 25
5. Brief Architecture of Drone ........................................................................................................... 27
5.1. Avionics .................................................................................................................................. 27
5.2. Flight Controller ..................................................................................................................... 27
5.3. Sensors .................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4. Communication/Control Interfaces ......................................................................................... 29
5.5. Navigation ............................................................................................................................... 29
5.5.1. How it works .................................................................................................................... 30
5.6. Remote Controllers ................................................................................................................. 30
5.7. Telemetry ................................................................................................................................ 31
5.8. Propulsion Systems ................................................................................................................. 32
5.9. Brushless DC Motors .............................................................................................................. 32
5.9.1. Types ................................................................................................................................ 32
5.9.2. Working ........................................................................................................................... 33
5.10. Electronic Speed Controller .................................................................................................. 33
5.11. Propellors .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.11.1. Features .......................................................................................................................... 34
5.12. Power Systems ...................................................................................................................... 35
5.12.1. Types of Power Systems ................................................................................................ 35
5.13. Types of Batteries ................................................................................................................. 36
5.14. Cell Compositions and Voltage Calculations........................................................................ 36
5.15. Payloads & Optical Sensors .................................................................................................. 36
5.16. Payload Categories................................................................................................................ 37
5.17. Brief Overview of Payload Sensors in drones ....................................................................... 37
5.18. Design Software for Electronic Parts in Drones ................................................................... 38
5.19. Drones w.r.t Payloads and Applications ............................................................................... 39
6. DRONE FLIGHT SOFTWARE GROUND CONTROL STATION ............................................ 41
6.1. Mission Planner ...................................................................................................................... 42
6.2. Q Ground control .................................................................................................................... 42
6.3. Beta Flight............................................................................................................................... 43
6.4. Agri Assistant ......................................................................................................................... 43
7. ASSEMBLY OF A DRONE ......................................................................................................... 45
7.1. Steps For Assembly of Drone ................................................................................................. 45
8. PRE- FLIGHT CHECKS & POST FLIGHT CHECKS ................................................................ 47
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks ................................................................................................................... 47
8.2. Post Flight Checks .................................................................................................................. 47
9. ACTIVITY LOG AND WEEKLY REPORTS ............................................................................. 49
9.1. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-1 ............................................................................................ 49
9.1.1. WEEKLY -1 REPORT .................................................................................................... 50
9.2. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-2 ............................................................................................ 51
9.2.1. WEEK-2 REPORT .......................................................................................................... 52
9.3. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-3 ............................................................................................ 53
9.3.1. WEEK -3 REPORT.......................................................................................................... 54
9.4. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-4 ............................................................................................ 55
9.4.1. WEEK-4 REPORT .......................................................................................................... 56
10. OUTCOMES DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 58
11. DAILY ACTIVITY GPS PHOTOS ............................................................................................ 60
12. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE .................................................................................. 65
Drone: - Surely you are not expecting me to say "A drone is a male honey bee's humming
sound while flying" but it’s true and you will be surprised to know that the term 'Drone' coined
from this similarity of flying drone with flying bee’s sound.
Definition: - Any aircraft or flying machine operated without a human pilot such machines is
called an “UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE (UAV)”. IT can be guided autonomously or
remotely by a human operator using onboard computers and robots.
The technical definition of drone. In my sense below these three definitions are perfect for
giving you an idea of what exactly is drone.
According to most of the dictionaries "A Drone is an unmanned aircraft or ship guided by
remote control or onboard computers."
"A drone is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through
software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in conjunction with
onboard sensors and GPS."
"Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or Drones are aircraft with no on- board crew or
passengers. They can be automated ‘drones’ or remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs)."
1.2. History
When it comes to aviation war worth it. World war 1 & 2 and cold war as well was the golden
age of design and manufacturing newer and better manned, unmanned aircrafts throughout the
world. You might not believe the first unmanned aerial exploding balloons to the unmanned
flying taxi in this section, we will let you know when everything originated at the very
beginning. Get ready to travel the timeline of UAV milestones.
The founding father of UAV: Abraham Karem was born in Baghdad to a Jewish couple. His
family moved to Israel in 1951, where he grew up. Since an early age, he had an innate passion
for aeronautics, and at the age of 14, he started building model aircraft. Karem is regarded as
the founding father of UAV (drone) technology. He graduated in aeronautical engineering from
the Technion. He built his first drone during the Yom Kippur war for the Israeli Air Force. In
the 1970s, he immigrated to the United States. He founded Leading Systems Inc. in his home
garage, where he started manufacturing his first drone, Albatross, and later on, the more
sophisticated Amber, which eventually evolved into the famous Predator drone, which brought
him the title of "Drone father".
1907: The world’s first quadcopter was created by inventor brothers Jacques and Louis Breguet.
1917: The Ruston Proctor Aerial Target became the first pilotless winged aircraft in history. It
was a radio-controlled pilotless airplane, based on RC technology from the inventor Nikola
1943: Created for use by the German military during World War II, “Fritz X” was the nickname
given to the FX-1400, the first remote-controlled weapon that was actually put into operational
use. Boom in RC planes popularity in the U.S. Mostly coming in kit form, these RC planes
offered everything.
1960: Boom in RC planes popularity in the U.S. Mostly coming in kit form, these RC planes
offered everything from indoor-flyable models to much larger outdoor models. Modern drone
warfare began in 1982, when Israel coordinated the use of battlefield UAVs alongside.
1982: Modern drone warfare began in 1982, when Israel coordinated the use of battlefield
UAVs alongside manned aircraft to wipe out the Syrian fleet with very minimal losses.
2001: In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA began flying armed drones over Afghanistan as part of
the war against the Taliban. The first CIA drone-based kill operation took place in February
1.4. Historical References:
1483: Air Gyroscope by Leonardo Da Vinci 1782: Unmanned Balloons Filled with explosives
Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8
1973: Mastiff First Israel Military UAV 1986: RQ2 Pioneer UAV
2006: DJI Commercial Use of Drones 2010: Introduction of Parrot AR. Drone
Figure 1.13 Figure 1.14
2014: Amazon Drone Delivery 2018: First Passenger Drones on The Market
Fixed-Wing Hybrid Drones: These types of drone
attempt to take the best from fixed-wing and rotor-based
designs, making for drones that feature both. A fixed-
wing hybrid drone will tend to have a couple rotors
attached to the ends of fixed wings
Target and Decoy Drones: some target and decoy
drones can carry out their mission by simulating an
incoming missile. This can draw fire from ground
anti- aircraft units, thereby distracting them from
any actual combat drones or incoming missiles
2) Fixed-Wing Drones: A fixed-wing drone has one rigid wing that is designed to look and
work like an aeroplane, providing the lift rather than vertical lift rotors. Hence, this drone
type only needs the energy to move forward and not to hold itself in the air. This makes
them energy-efficient.
3) Single-Rotor Drones: Single-rotor drone types are strong and durable. They look similar
to actual helicopters in structure and design. A single-rotor has just one rotor, which is like
one big spinning wing, plus a tail rotor to control direction and stability.
4) Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL Drones: Hybrid VTOL drone types merge the benefits of
fixed-wing and rotor-based designs. This drone type has rotors attached to the fixed wings,
allowing it to hover and take off and land vertically. This new category of hybrids is only a
few on the market, but as technology advances, this option can be much more popular in
the coming years.
1.10. Drone Parts
1) Frame: This is a structure (FRAME) in which all the other parts fit in. It acts as a skeleton
in which different components are placed in such a manner that they uniformly distribute
the drone’s center of gravity. Different drone designs have different frames structure with
a minimum of 3 propeller fitting gaps.
2) Motors: Motors are essential for the propeller’s rotation. This enhances a thrust force for
propelling the drone. Still, the number of motors should be the same as the number of
propellers. The motors are also fitted in a way such that they are easily rotated by the
controller. Their rotation enhances the drone control in terms of direction.
3) Electronic speed controller (ESC): This is an electronic control board that varies the
motor’s speed. It also acts a dynamic brake. The component helps the ground pilot to
approximate the height at which the drone is running in.
4) Flight Control/Board: The flight board makes a log of the take-off place just in case the
need arises for the drone to go back to its take-off location without being guided. This is
known as ‘return to home’ feature. It also determines and calculates the drone’s altitude in
respect to the amount of power it consumes.
5) Propellers: Propellers are clove like blades structured to create a different in air pressure.
When in motion, they cut through the air creating difference in pressure between the top
and bottom of the rotors.
7) Battery, Electronics, and Power Distribution Cables: The battery acts as the power
source to the drone. Nickel Metal Hybrid or Nickel cadmium-based batteries were first
used; however, their use has diminished while the use of lithium batteries has increased.
8) Landing Gear: This is structure meant for safely landing the drone. However, it can be
exempted since an experienced user is capable of balancing the motors speed for safe
landing I emergencies. There are two major types of landing gear. One is fixed landing gear
and the other is retractable landing gear.
The draft of the Drone Rules, 2021, which the Central Government had proposed to make in
supersession of the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021, were published, as required under
section 14 of the Aircraft Act, 1934.
These rules shall apply to
1) All persons owning or possessing, or engaged in leasing, operating, transferring or
maintaining an unmanned aircraft system in India;
2) All unmanned aircraft systems that are registered in India; and
3) All unmanned aircraft systems that are being operated for the time being, in or over India.
4) These rules shall not apply to an unmanned aircraft system belonging to, or used by, the
naval, military or air forces of the Union of India.
2.1. Definitions:
1) “Drone” means an unmanned aircraft system;
2) “Drone acknowledgement number” means the unique number issued by the digital sky
platform under the voluntary disclosure scheme for unmanned aircraft systems in India;
3) “Geo-fencing” means restricting the movement of unmanned aircraft system within a
defined airspace;
4) “Green zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial
waters of India, up to a vertical distance of 400 feet or 120 metre that has not been designated
as a red zone or yellow zone in the airspace map for unmanned aircraft system operations and
the airspace up to a vertical distance of 200 feet or 60 metre above the area located between
a lateral distance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometres from the perimeter of an operational
5) “Yellow zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial
waters of India within which unmanned aircraft system operations are restricted and shall
require permission from the concerned air traffic control authority. The airspace above 400
feet or 120 metre in the designated green zone and the airspace above 200 feet or 60 metre in,
the area located between the lateral distance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometres from the
perimeter of an operational airport, shall be designated as yellow zone.
6) “Red zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial
waters of India, or any installation or notified port limits specified by the Central Government
beyond the territorial waters of India, within which unmanned aircraft system operations shall
be permitted only by the Central Government.
7) “Rotorcraft” means a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air
on one or more power driven rotors on substantially vertical axes;
8) “Type certificate” means a certificate issued by the Director General or any other entity
authorised by the Director General, certifying that the unmanned aircraft system of a specific
type meets with the requirements specified under these rules.
9) “Unique Identification Number” means the unique identification number issued for
registering an unmanned aircraft system in India.
10) Any person who intends to register and obtain a unique identification number for his
unmanned aircraft system shall make an application in Form D-2 on the digital sky platform
along with the fee as specified in rule 46 and provide requisite details including the unique
number of the type certificate to which such unmanned aircraft system conforms.
11) An individual shall be eligible to obtain a remote pilot licence, if he––
a) is not less than eighteen years of age and not more than sixty-five years of age.
b) has passed class tenth examination or its equivalent from a recognised Board
c) has successfully completed such training as may be specified by the Director
General, from any authorised remote pilot training organization.
12) Any person who intends to obtain the authorisation to establish a remote pilot training
organisation shall submit an application to the Director General in Form D-5 on the digital
sky platform, along with the fees as specified in rule 46.
The Indian legal regime’s relationship with drones has been eventful in the recent years and
rather tumultuous at its best times. When the Government of India notified the revised law
on drones in March 2021, the industry was taken aback by the extent of restrictions and
compliance requirements that were introduced. This was despite years of consultations and
negotiations with various stakeholders undertaken by the Government.
From an economic perspective, the drone industry has massive potential in terms of giving
a boost by attracting significant global investments in India.
The Unmanned Aircraft System (“UAS”) market in India is projected to yield a turnover
of USD 1.8 billion by 2026 in light of the recent government approved PLI scheme in India.
This would be a massive increase, given that the drone manufacturing companies in India
yield a turnover of approximately INR 80 crore (USD 10 million).
1.2. Agri-tech:
With the use of drones, the agricultural sector is able to gather data, automate redundant
processes, and improve efficiency. drones can also be used for crop observation / monitoring
along with analyses of the fields / soil which would aid in crop health. Thus, farmers can
optimize the use of inputs (fertilizers, seed, water, etc) and react suitably which in turn would
save / enhance crop yield.
1.4. Safety Inspections:
Various companies are required to carry out inspections on a regular basis in order to ensure
the safety of work environment and the foolproofness of the infrastructure. Drone usage has
enabled these companies to eliminate human factor in such inspections and has made the
process more time efficient and safe. Drones enabled with imagery technology enables
companies to get a detailed output of such inspections in order to undertake improvements in
the infrastructure or safety requirements.
be used to protect local residents, and in the future could help prevent epidemics before they
1.10. Healthcare:
In times of the pandemic and the necessity of accessing healthcare for individuals all over the
world including individuals situated in remote places, the use of drones for the last mile
delivery is gain immense popularity. While medical supplies can be delivered by traditional
means, certain circumstances call for quick access to drugs, blood, and medical technology,
drones have expedited access to these facilities for remote regions. One of the most well-
known medical delivery companies is Zipline International, which offers delivery drones in
rural areas throughout Africa and in numerous other countries.
While designing a drone/drone airframe a person must have some basic idea on concepts like
engineering drawing, 3D and isometric views. These basic concepts will help through 3d
designing and modelling of structures in design software.
Below are the essential factors to take into consideration while designing a drone
1.15. Manoeuvrability:
It is the quality of a drone being easy to move and direct. Manoeuvrability of drone is mostly
relay on few different aspects of drone like weight, configuration or type of the drone which
should be considered while designing a drone.
1.17. Application:
Drones have many applications to meet different requirements. By understanding the
application of the drone, we design or built the air frame to meet the requirements. In this
process all the above considerations are met to produce a drone.
a) Agriculture spraying.
b) Aerial Photography & Videography.
c) Real estate photography.
d) Mapping & Surveying.
e) Asset Inspection.
f) Payload carrying.
g) Military.
Figure 4.2 Application
Figure 4.3 Motor type to propeller size ratio
1.19. 3d model analysis on ANSYS:
3d model or structural analysis can be done by using ANSYS software Generating a mesh for
structural analysis of variable loads on drone airframe using ANSYS
This is the drone airframes which are designed using ANSYS Space claim. It is a quadcopter
with a payload capacity of 10 to 15 kg and expected flight time of 12 to 15 minutes. The
materials composition of the frame consists of (high quality plastic, high grade aluminium and
carbon fibre, other composites).
ANSYS is a general-purpose, finite element modelling package for numerically solving a wide
variety of mechanical problems. These problems include static/dynamic, structural analysis,
heat transfer, and fluid problems, as well as acoustic and electromagnetic problems.
1.20. Different manufacturing process and materials for making a drone:
Most common manufacturing processes used for produce a drone are:
1. CNC machining:
It is a computerized manufacturing process in which pre-programmed software and code
controls the movement of production equipment. CNC machining controls a range of complex
machinery, such as grinders, lathes, and turning mills, all of which are used to cut, shape, and
create different parts and prototypes.
2. Injection moulding:
The process of injection moulding is divided into 6 major steps as shown below.
• Clamping.
• Injection.
• Dwelling
• Cooling
• Moulding
• Removal of Product
hydraulic presses in order to have the material contact all areas of the mould. The charge cures
in the heated mould
1.23. Planning and Prototyping:
Resource and design planning is a key element in any manufacturing process, as it ensures that
all potential issues are addressed before large-scale production. This step of the manufacturing
process becomes even more important in low-volume manufacturing, as the costs are higher.
So, for those looking to craft their own drone, plenty of time and attention should be dedicated
to this phase.
Prototyping is an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into tangible
forms from paper to digital. Teams build prototypes of varying degrees of fidelity to capture
design concepts and test on users. With prototypes, you can refine and validate your designs.
A drone prototype starts with a proposed design, which should be completed to scale before
any parts are purchased. The plan should also clearly indicate the purpose of the drone. Is it a
multi-purpose device that does a few basic functions or will it serve a specific purpose, such as
aerial photography or transportation? These decisions indicate key considerations, such as how
much it will need to be able to carry which translates into the weight of the materials and the
size of the motor.
A prototype may be assembled and found wanting, requiring changes to the original design to
get it right before final production.
changes to the original design to get it right before final production.
1.24. Framing:
The frame of a drone is the main contributor to structural integrity. This is often comprised of
a sturdy, yet lightweight material to find a balance between aerodynamics and durability. This
could be a plastic blend or even hollow metal.
In most cases, the frame is assembled in an X formation to provide additional support for the
motors and added durability overall.
Brief Architecture of Drone
5.1. Avionics
Avionics is a combination of aviation and electronics. Avionics are the electronic systems that
are used on airframe. Avionic systems include communications, navigation, the display and
management of multiple systems, and the hundreds of systems that are fitted to aerial vehicles
to perform specific functions.
The avionics installed in an airframe can include engine controls, flight control systems,
navigation, communications, flight recorders, lighting systems, threat detection, electro-optic
(EO/IR) systems, weather radar, performance monitors, and systems that carry out hundreds of
other mission and flight management tasks.
5.3. Sensors
Gyroscopes help determine the angular orientation, and accelerometers help measure the
vibrations of a motor. The barometer finds the altitude, whereas the compass provides the
orientation relative to the earth’s magnetic field.
5.4. Communication/Control Interfaces
CAN - It is serial bus which connects device and allows them to communicate without any
USB - It is a plug and play interface that allows a computer to communicate with peripheral
and other devices.
I2C - It is an Inter-Integrated Circuit which supports half-duplex communication.
SPI - The Serial Peripheral Interface is a synchronous serial communication interface
specification used for short-distance communication,
PPM/PWM - The PWM signal is used to control a single ESC or a single servo pulse width
modulation signal. PPM signal is a signal modulated by putting multiple control channels
5.5. Navigation
Satellite Navigation is based on a global network of satellites that transmit radio signals from
medium earth orbit. It is a Satellite System which uses satellites to provide latitudes, longitudes
and altitude precisely to Navigation Receivers. This system is called GLOBAL NAVIGATION
GNSS systems.
Each System consists of several group of satellites which called Constellation of Satellites. A
Constellation Satellite provides precise or global coverage such that anytime, every time at
least one satellite is available.
GPS is a Global Positioning system from US which uses 31 satellites which are operational at
any time. However, GPS receiver needs four satellites to work out its position in three
GLONASS, Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema, is a Russian Satellite System
consists of 24 Satellites which are currently operational.
Galileo is a European Satellite System which have 24 operational satellites.
BeiDou is a Chinese Satellite System currently operational satellites are 44.
IRNSS, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, identified as NAVIC, comprises of 7
active satellites, which covers overall India.
Figure 5.6 Remote Controllers
RC communicates with a receiver in the drone via radio waves. The flight controller is linked
to the receiver via RC input. When the RC's controls are moved, signals are sent to the receiver
module, which then communicates with the flight controller. The signal is then sent to the
motors by the flight controller, causing the drone to fly in the desired direction.
5.7. Telemetry
Telemetry refers to data collected about the UAV and its surroundings and sent back to the
operator or receiver or ground control station (GCS). The telemetry provides altitude, speed,
direction, voltage, current and other properties of flying drone in real time. Telemetry can be
wired or wireless. Telemetry is a digital two-way data stream, which can both send data about
the flight down to a ground station and send command up to the flight controller. For this
sending and receiving process, a device also named telemetry is used. It comes with a pair of
transmitter and receiver module with antennas.
5.9.1. Types
Motor consists of two parts. One is stator and other is rotor. The rotational part of the motor is
called Rotor whereas Stationary part is called Stator. The rotor part consists of permanent
magnets whereas stator part consists of coil windings which are called electromagnets.
In runner – If the rotor located in the center of the motor and stator winding surround the rotor,
it is called “In runner”. In this design, it produces a large amount of torque and heat get
dissipated easily.
Out runner – If the stator part is located at the core and rotor part is the outside of a motor, it
is called “Out runner”. this type of motors is highly preferred because of it operates at low rated
Figure 5.9 Brushless DC Motors
5.9.2. Working:
When the coil windings in the stator part are activated by current pulses, it produces magnetic
field and are called Electromagnets. These electromagnets of a stator attracts and repulses
permanent magnets of a rotor thus produces torque for the movement of a motor. As it is
brushless DC motor, DC voltage is not applied directly as same as brushed DC motor as it is
brushless. The Brushless DC motor is controlled by a controller. The controller which is a 3-
phase wired is called Electronic Speed Controller.
As it is controlled by 3 phase, overall coil windings of a stator part are arranged in 3 pairs. Each
pair is connected to each phase of a controller. For example. If there are 12 coil windings, there
are arranged in 3 pairs called 3 phases A, B, C. Each pair consisting of 4 windings.
An ESC or an Electronic Speed Controller controls the brushless motor movement or speed by
activating the appropriate MOSFETs to create the rotating magnetic field so that the motor
rotates. The Controller’s each wire is connected to each pair of winding. Controller switches
the MOSFET’s switch ON and OFF thus activating each phase one by one. So, if one phase is
activated, it produces magnetic field either attracting or repelling the permanent magnets thus
resulting the rotation of a rotor. This process is continued for each phase one by one
continuously for the continuous rotation of a motor. But which phase should be activated
depends on the position of a rotor which can be done by placing hall sensors. As the rotors
permanent magnets rotate the Hall-effect sensors sense the magnetic field and generate a logic
“high” for one magnetic pole or logic “low” for the opposite pole. According to this information
the ESC knows when to activate the next commutation sequence or interval.
5.11. Propellors
Propellers are mechanical devices that convert rotary motion into linear thrust. The purpose of
the propeller is to provide a method of propulsion so the drone is able to fly. The propeller itself
consists of two or more blades connected together by a central hub that attaches the motor.
Propellors are attached to motors and propellor speed is dependent on how much voltage is
applied to the motor. This can be controlled by electronic speed controller (ESC).
Drone propellers provide lift for the aircraft by spinning and creating an airflow, resulting in a
pressure difference between the propeller's top and bottom surfaces. This accelerates a mass of
air in one direction, creating lift that counteracts the force of gravity. Propellers for multirotor
drones are arranged in pairs and spun either clockwise or anti-clockwise to create balance. The
drone can hover, ascend, descend, or change its yaw, pitch, and roll by varying the speed of its
5.11.1. Features
1. The propellors are clockwise (called pushers) and counter clockwise (called pullers).
The most reliable to recognize the correct propeller type by its shape as shown. The
thicker edge is the leading edge which moves in the direction of rotation. The trailing
edge is more radical scalloped and usually thinner.
2. Propellor is defined by Diameter and Pitch.
3. Diameter is the is the total length of the propeller from end to end. is the distance across
the circle made by the blade tips as the propeller rotates.
4. Pitch is the angle of the propeller and is defined as how far the propeller will move
forward under ideal conditions for every rotation.
5. Shorter propellers require less energy to get up to a particular speed, and easier to
control. Longer propellers generate more lift for a particular RPM and create greater
stability when hovering, but require more motor power.
Figure 5.12 Propellors Features
Hybrid System- Its power system is made up of two systems; Electric drive and a traditional
engine. The gasoline generator charges the battery, which powers the electric engine. Power
can be supplied by batteries, gasoline generators, or both. It is more compact and efficient than
a single gasoline engine. Hybrid UAV’s can accomplish a good take-off performance, climb
performance, silence and ultra -long endurance.
Electric System- An electric system represents good DC battery. It is simple to attach, simple
to replace and makes no noise, but its battery life is relatively short. A battery pack stores energy
in order to offer a steady supply for the required minimum operational time.
5.13. Types of Batteries
Nickel Cadmium (NiCad): NiCad batteries use nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic
cadmium as electrodes. They have low energy capacity, discharge slowly, and have a shorter
lifespan compared to LiPo batteries. Their weight also leads to faster energy loss.
Lithium High Voltage (Li Hv): Li Hv batteries are a type of LiPo battery with higher
voltage capacity, charging up to 4.35V per cell (compared to 4.2V for standard LiPo). They
provide more power initially but experience a rapid voltage drop when discharged.
Li-ion Battery: Li-ion batteries offer high power density, long lifespan, and better
performance than NiCad batteries. They store energy through the reversible movement of
lithium ions, making them ideal for extended daily use.
Lithium Polymer (LiPo) Battery: LiPo batteries use a polymer electrolyte, offering higher
specific energy and lighter weight than other lithium batteries. With a full voltage of 4.2V and
a nominal voltage of 3.7V, they are well-suited for applications with space constraints.
Figure 5.14 Payloads & Optical Sensors
of it. The sensor detects these waves and measures the time it takes for those waves to be
transmitted and received. The time interval between sensor and object is then used to calculate
2. Multispectral Sensor
Multispectral sensors can gather visible wavelengths (R, G, B) as well as wavelengths that are
not visible. Near-infrared radiation (NIR), short-wave infrared radiation (SWIR), and others
are examples.
Multispectral technologies image various parts of the light spectrum at the same time using
sensors. This is especially important in agricultural operations for detecting plant varieties and
diseases because plants reflect light differently depending on development stage, stress level,
and disease degree.
3. Thermal Image Sensor
Thermal imaging is an essential skill for drone operations performing industrial inspection
missions. It allows pilots to see through difficult lighting conditions. Thermal cameras with
radiometric capabilities enable pilots to estimate the surface temperature of objects at a scene
in addition to "seeing" heat. Inspecting big solar panel arrays or industrial roofs, sometimes in
combination with RGB cameras, are two popular thermal-based missions.
4. Lidar Sensor:
Lidar is acronym of Light Detection and Ranging. It is a way of calculating ranges by using a
laser to target an item or a surface and measuring the time it takes for the reflected light to
return to the receiver. By altering the wavelength of light, it can also be used to create
computerized 3-D renderings of locations on the Earth's surface and ocean bottom in near-
coastal zone. It has uses on the ground, in the air, and on mobile devices. That is why it is also
known as 3-D laser scanning, a rare mix of 3-D scanning and laser scanning
Design software commonly used include Easy EDA, Altium, Eagle, Proteus, KiCad, and
5.19. Drones w.r.t Payloads and Applications
Drone Payload Application
Drone control software allows for the safe and precise operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Flight control software can be used for drone navigation and ground control, as well as payload
and autopilot management, due to a set of functions and control interfaces. Monitoring and
security settings in UAV flight control software can help to reduce the danger of failure,
accident, or cyber-attack.
Waypoints can be used to create an autonomous flight plan.
It is able to adjust the altitude and speed.
In real time View of the camera can be seen
During flying, flight modes such as GPS mode, alt hold and RTL can be
Parameters Battery voltages and spray functionalities can be modified.
The software displays the remote controller's position as well as the drone's
position and direction of flight in real time.
Boundary points, altitude limits, and distance limits can be configured to
prevent the drone from flying over visible areas in the event of a control failure.
The amount of pesticide sprayed in a certain region can be determined and
If the remote controller fails to control the drone, it can be controlled using
ground control software.
The software displays the GPS signal strength, battery voltage, and flight mode of the drone.
Some of the drone flight software’s in the market are
1. Mission Planner
2. Q Ground Control
3. Betalight
4. Agri Assistant
6.1. Mission Planner
Mission Planner is a full-featured ground station application for the ArduPilot open-source
autopilot project. Mission Planner is a ground control station for Plane, Copter and Rover. It is
compatible with Windows only.
6.3. Beta Flight
Beta flight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing
craft. This fork differs from Base flight and clean flight in that it focuses on flight performance
and leading-edge feature additions.
Drone Assembly is a combat anomaly inhabited that can different parts are assembled together
can make the drone (UAV) fly by using transmitter and flight controller.
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks
1) Check the weather conditions and do not fly in fog, rainy, heavy windy conditions.
2) Check the operation manual of drone if necessary.
3) Know and comply with specific drone operation laws in your area.
4) Ensure that the drone is fit for flight.
5) Keep your drone's firmware updated.
6) Airspace: Unrestricted or Restricted Airspace, Obstructions near flight path identified
7) Weather: Visibility >= 3 miles/500ft, wind <= 15mph.
8) Drone Airframe: No Structural defects
9) Drone Battery: Sufficient for Flight, not less than 80%.
10) Controller/GCS Battery: Sufficient for Indented Flight.
11) GCS/Controller Power: ON
12) Drone Power: Connect Battery
13) Compass Calibration for Current Location. (if necessary: if the home position is
showing wrong, go for compass calibration).
Understood the
Day-1 08/05/2024 Forces acting upon a
influencing drone
Drone and its
flight and the
propulsion system
principles of its
Learned about
various drone
Day-2 09/05/2024 Frame Configuration
& Payloads
and their payload
knowledge of
Day-3 10/05/2024 Power systems of
drone power
Drone System and
systems and
Battery Management
effective battery
Explored various
drone flight
Day-4 11/05/2024 Different types of a
modes and their
Flight modes
specific uses.
Learned about
different zones
Day-5 14/05/2024 Different types of
and regulations
Zone considerations
for safe drone
to a Fly a Drone
drone power
Day-6 15/05/2024 Power Systems and
systems and the
Power Distribution
distribution of
power within the
Acquired knowledge on
selecting appropriate
Day-2 17/05/2024 Materials
materials and
selection &
understanding the
manufacturing processes.
process of Drones
Understands failsafe
methods and emergency
Day-4 20/05/2024 Failsafe Methods
protocols necessary to
of Drone
handle unexpected
situations during drone
Gained proficiency in
utilizing flight control
Day-5 21/05/2024 Flight Control
software to ensure precise
manoeuvring and
navigation of drones.
9.3.1.WEEK -3 REPORT
Gained hands-on
experience and
Day-1 23/05/2024 Practical Session-1
practical skills in
drone operations.
Further practiced
the various Drone
Day-2 24/05/2024 Practical Session-2
Orientations and
Gained practical
Recognized for
completion of the
Day-3 25/05/2024 Certificate internship
Distribution program,
knowledge and
skills in drone
1. Work Environment
The work environment at the Innovation Center for Drone Technology is dynamic and
technologically advanced, equipped with cutting-edge drones and systems for practical
learning and experimentation. Each team member is assigned a specific role that aligns with
overall project and research goals, creating a cohesive workflow. Structured processes and
systematic procedures are in place to uphold high standards of quality and efficiency. Time
management is emphasized across all tasks, ensuring projects are completed punctually. The
team leader fosters a collaborative atmosphere by motivating members and recognizing their
contributions, and strict adherence to safety and regulatory guidelines ensures a productive and
secure work setting.
During my internship, I acquired hands-on skills in drone hardware and software, including the
assembly, programming, and flight testing of UAVs. This exposure allowed me to enhance my
technical understanding of UAV components and systems. I also improved my ability to
communicate complex project details clearly and efficiently within a team setting.
Additionally, I gained experience in interpreting technical drawings.
3. Managerial Skills
My internship provided valuable insights into essential managerial skills, including leadership
and teamwork dynamics. Observing and participating in team collaboration helped me develop
an appreciation for effective coordination, with each team member contributing toward shared
project objectives. I learned the importance of punctuality and professional behavior, which
play a crucial role in maintaining a harmonious and efficient workplace.
In group discussions, I aim to prepare thoroughly and confidently initiate conversations, setting
a constructive tone. I will practice active listening to understand diverse viewpoints and
contribute thoughtfully, striving to balance speaking and listening. Observing body language
and maintaining a polite demeanor will be crucial for productive discussions. To lead
discussions effectively, I will guide the flow of ideas, encouraging contributions from all team
members, while focusing on motivating the group and leading activities with an emphasis on
collaboration and efficiency.
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1. Conclusion:
The Innovation Center for Drone Technology was an invaluable experience that broadened my
knowledge and skills in drone systems. Working on diverse projects, the hands-on experience
in drone assembly, programming, and implementing advanced algorithms for autonomous
navigation and data analysis. Mentorship from experienced professionals further sharpened
my problem-solving abilities, while the collaborative environment improved my teamwork
and communication skills. It not only depened my passion for drones but also equipped me
with practical skills to contribute to advancements in this rapidly evolving field.
2. Future Scope:
Drone technology is rapidly advancing, presenting numerous opportunities for research and
development. Based on my experience at the Innovation Center for Drone Technology,
several key areas for future exploration include:
1. Enhanced Autonomy and AI: Developing advanced AI for autonomous navigation
and decision-making in complex environments, leveraging machine learning, computer
vision, and sensor fusion.
2. Swarm Technology: Implementing swarm intelligence for coordinated drone tasks
could transform industries, necessitating efficient communication and cooperative
behavior models.
3. Advanced Materials and Batteries: Lightweight materials and high-capacity batteries
will boost drone endurance and payload capacity, with alternative energy sources like
solar also promising longer operations.
4. Regulatory and Ethical Challenges: Addressing regulatory and ethical issues, such as
privacy and airspace management, is essential for sustainable growth.
5. Industry-Specific Applications: Tailoring drone technologies for fields like
agriculture, logistics, and healthcare can unlock new efficiencies.
6. Urban Air Mobility: Drone-based urban air transport, including passenger drones, is a
futuristic goal requiring safe, scalable solutions.
In conclusion, it provided a strong foundation in drone technology. With ongoing innovation
and collaboration, to contribute to this dynamic field and its transformative impact on society.
An Internship Report on
Bachelor of Technology
(Roll No. 22L35A0331)
Assistant Professor
This is to certify that the “Summer Internship report” submitted by DOKALA LOKESH
(Regd. No: - 22L35A0331) is work done by him and submitted during 2023-24 academic
year, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF
DRONE TECHNOLOGY”, Visakhapatnam.
During the internship at the Innovative Centre for Drone Technologies, the rapidly evolving
field of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones. This experience
provided a comprehensive understanding of drone engineering, including hardware
components, software algorithms, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as
artificial intelligence and machine learning. The projects aimed at enhancing drone
capabilities, focusing on improvements in flight stability, payload capacity, and autonomous
A significant focus of the internship was exploring the diverse applications of drones across
various sectors. The use of agricultural drones for precision farming, industrial drones for
infrastructure inspection, delivery drones in logistics, and surveillance drones in security and
defence. These applications demonstrated the versatility and efficiency of drones in data
collection, real-time monitoring, and task automation, highlighting their transformative
potential across industries. Hands-on experience with drone assembly, programming, and
flight testing further deepened my understanding of the challenges and solutions in drone
deployment, including regulatory compliance, safety protocols, and environmental
The internship concluded with an analysis of emerging trends in drone technology, such as
advancements in swarm intelligence, enhanced battery life, and integration with Internet of
Things (IoT) networks. The potential for innovation in drone technology is immense,
promising significant contributions to both commercial and humanitarian efforts. It not only
broadened my technical skills but also reinforced my interest in pursuing a career in drone
technology. The insights and experiences gained at the Innovative Centre for Drone
Technologies will undoubtedly shape my future endeavours in this dynamic and impactful
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1. INTRODUCTION OF DRONES .................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Basic characteristics of Drone ................................................................................................... 2
1.2. History ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Historical Timeline ................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Historical References ................................................................................................................ 4
1.5. Types Of Drones ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.6. Categories Of UAV................................................................................................................... 8
1.6.1. Further sub-categories ........................................................................................................ 8
1.7. Four main types of drones ......................................................................................................... 8
1.8. Classification Of Unmanned Aerial System ............................................................................. 9
1.9. Drone Architecture.................................................................................................................... 9
1.10. Drone Parts ........................................................................................................................... 10
2. DRONES RULES INDIA, 2021 .................................................................................................... 12
2.1. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.1. Global Developments in Drone usage..................................................................................... 15
3.2. Agri-tech ................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3. Air Mobility / Drone Taxis ..................................................................................................... 15
3.4. Safety Inspections ................................................................................................................... 16
3.5. Military and Defence services ................................................................................................. 16
3.6. Shipping and delivery ............................................................................................................. 16
3.7. Conservation of Wildlife......................................................................................................... 16
3.8. Building / infrastructure inspection ......................................................................................... 16
3.9. Disease Control ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.10. Healthcare ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.11. Thermal sensor drones for search and rescue operations .......................................................17
3.12. Internet Beams ...................................................................................................................... 17
4. DESIGN OF A DRONE ................................................................................................................ 19
4.1. Payload capacity ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.2. Flight time ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.3. Manoeuvrability ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.4. Frame configuration ................................................................................................................ 19
4.5. Application ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.6. The basic calculations for designing a drone .......................................................................... 20
4.7. 3d model analysis on ANSYS ................................................................................................. 22
4.8. Different manufacturing process and materials for making a drone ........................................ 23
4.9. Benefits of compression moulding ......................................................................................... 24
4.10. Most common materials used in manufacturing a drone ....................................................... 24
4.11. Planning and Prototyping ...................................................................................................... 25
4.12. Framing ................................................................................................................................. 25
5. Brief Architecture of Drone ........................................................................................................... 27
5.1. Avionics .................................................................................................................................. 27
5.2. Flight Controller ..................................................................................................................... 27
5.3. Sensors .................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4. Communication/Control Interfaces ......................................................................................... 29
5.5. Navigation ............................................................................................................................... 29
5.5.1. How it works .................................................................................................................... 30
5.6. Remote Controllers ................................................................................................................. 30
5.7. Telemetry ................................................................................................................................ 31
5.8. Propulsion Systems ................................................................................................................. 32
5.9. Brushless DC Motors .............................................................................................................. 32
5.9.1. Types ................................................................................................................................ 32
5.9.2. Working ........................................................................................................................... 33
5.10. Electronic Speed Controller .................................................................................................. 33
5.11. Propellors .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.11.1. Features .......................................................................................................................... 34
5.12. Power Systems ...................................................................................................................... 35
5.12.1. Types of Power Systems ................................................................................................ 35
5.13. Types of Batteries ................................................................................................................. 36
5.14. Cell Compositions and Voltage Calculations........................................................................ 36
5.15. Payloads & Optical Sensors .................................................................................................. 36
5.16. Payload Categories................................................................................................................ 37
5.17. Brief Overview of Payload Sensors in drones ....................................................................... 37
5.18. Design Software for Electronic Parts in Drones ................................................................... 38
5.19. Drones w.r.t Payloads and Applications ............................................................................... 39
6. DRONE FLIGHT SOFTWARE GROUND CONTROL STATION ............................................ 41
6.1. Mission Planner ...................................................................................................................... 42
6.2. Q Ground control .................................................................................................................... 42
6.3. Beta Flight............................................................................................................................... 43
6.4. Agri Assistant ......................................................................................................................... 43
7. ASSEMBLY OF A DRONE ......................................................................................................... 45
7.1. Steps For Assembly of Drone ................................................................................................. 45
8. PRE- FLIGHT CHECKS & POST FLIGHT CHECKS ................................................................ 47
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks ................................................................................................................... 47
8.2. Post Flight Checks .................................................................................................................. 47
9. ACTIVITY LOG AND WEEKLY REPORTS ............................................................................. 49
9.1. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-1 ............................................................................................ 49
9.1.1. WEEKLY -1 REPORT .................................................................................................... 50
9.2. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-2 ............................................................................................ 51
9.2.1. WEEK-2 REPORT .......................................................................................................... 52
9.3. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-3 ............................................................................................ 53
9.3.1. WEEK -3 REPORT.......................................................................................................... 54
9.4. ACTIVITY LOG FOR WEEK-4 ............................................................................................ 55
9.4.1. WEEK-4 REPORT .......................................................................................................... 56
10. OUTCOMES DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 58
11. DAILY ACTIVITY GPS PHOTOS ............................................................................................ 60
12. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE .................................................................................. 65
Drone: - Surely you are not expecting me to say "A drone is a male honey bee's humming
sound while flying" but it’s true and you will be surprised to know that the term 'Drone' coined
from this similarity of flying drone with flying bee’s sound.
Definition: - Any aircraft or flying machine operated without a human pilot such machines is
called an “UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE (UAV)”. IT can be guided autonomously or
remotely by a human operator using onboard computers and robots.
The technical definition of drone. In my sense below these three definitions are perfect for
giving you an idea of what exactly is drone.
According to most of the dictionaries "A Drone is an unmanned aircraft or ship guided by
remote control or onboard computers."
"A drone is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously through
software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in conjunction with
onboard sensors and GPS."
"Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or Drones are aircraft with no on- board crew or
passengers. They can be automated ‘drones’ or remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs)."
1.2. History
When it comes to aviation war worth it. World war 1 & 2 and cold war as well was the golden
age of design and manufacturing newer and better manned, unmanned aircrafts throughout the
world. You might not believe the first unmanned aerial exploding balloons to the unmanned
flying taxi in this section, we will let you know when everything originated at the very
beginning. Get ready to travel the timeline of UAV milestones.
The founding father of UAV: Abraham Karem was born in Baghdad to a Jewish couple. His
family moved to Israel in 1951, where he grew up. Since an early age, he had an innate passion
for aeronautics, and at the age of 14, he started building model aircraft. Karem is regarded as
the founding father of UAV (drone) technology. He graduated in aeronautical engineering from
the Technion. He built his first drone during the Yom Kippur war for the Israeli Air Force. In
the 1970s, he immigrated to the United States. He founded Leading Systems Inc. in his home
garage, where he started manufacturing his first drone, Albatross, and later on, the more
sophisticated Amber, which eventually evolved into the famous Predator drone, which brought
him the title of "Drone father".
1907: The world’s first quadcopter was created by inventor brothers Jacques and Louis Breguet.
1917: The Ruston Proctor Aerial Target became the first pilotless winged aircraft in history. It
was a radio-controlled pilotless airplane, based on RC technology from the inventor Nikola
1943: Created for use by the German military during World War II, “Fritz X” was the nickname
given to the FX-1400, the first remote-controlled weapon that was actually put into operational
use. Boom in RC planes popularity in the U.S. Mostly coming in kit form, these RC planes
offered everything.
1960: Boom in RC planes popularity in the U.S. Mostly coming in kit form, these RC planes
offered everything from indoor-flyable models to much larger outdoor models. Modern drone
warfare began in 1982, when Israel coordinated the use of battlefield UAVs alongside.
1982: Modern drone warfare began in 1982, when Israel coordinated the use of battlefield
UAVs alongside manned aircraft to wipe out the Syrian fleet with very minimal losses.
2001: In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA began flying armed drones over Afghanistan as part of
the war against the Taliban. The first CIA drone-based kill operation took place in February
1.4. Historical References:
1483: Air Gyroscope by Leonardo Da Vinci 1782: Unmanned Balloons Filled with explosives
Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8
1973: Mastiff First Israel Military UAV 1986: RQ2 Pioneer UAV
2006: DJI Commercial Use of Drones 2010: Introduction of Parrot AR. Drone
Figure 1.13 Figure 1.14
2014: Amazon Drone Delivery 2018: First Passenger Drones on The Market
Fixed-Wing Hybrid Drones: These types of drone
attempt to take the best from fixed-wing and rotor-based
designs, making for drones that feature both. A fixed-
wing hybrid drone will tend to have a couple rotors
attached to the ends of fixed wings
Target and Decoy Drones: some target and decoy
drones can carry out their mission by simulating an
incoming missile. This can draw fire from ground
anti- aircraft units, thereby distracting them from
any actual combat drones or incoming missiles
2) Fixed-Wing Drones: A fixed-wing drone has one rigid wing that is designed to look and
work like an aeroplane, providing the lift rather than vertical lift rotors. Hence, this drone
type only needs the energy to move forward and not to hold itself in the air. This makes
them energy-efficient.
3) Single-Rotor Drones: Single-rotor drone types are strong and durable. They look similar
to actual helicopters in structure and design. A single-rotor has just one rotor, which is like
one big spinning wing, plus a tail rotor to control direction and stability.
4) Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL Drones: Hybrid VTOL drone types merge the benefits of
fixed-wing and rotor-based designs. This drone type has rotors attached to the fixed wings,
allowing it to hover and take off and land vertically. This new category of hybrids is only a
few on the market, but as technology advances, this option can be much more popular in
the coming years.
1.10. Drone Parts
1) Frame: This is a structure (FRAME) in which all the other parts fit in. It acts as a skeleton
in which different components are placed in such a manner that they uniformly distribute
the drone’s center of gravity. Different drone designs have different frames structure with
a minimum of 3 propeller fitting gaps.
2) Motors: Motors are essential for the propeller’s rotation. This enhances a thrust force for
propelling the drone. Still, the number of motors should be the same as the number of
propellers. The motors are also fitted in a way such that they are easily rotated by the
controller. Their rotation enhances the drone control in terms of direction.
3) Electronic speed controller (ESC): This is an electronic control board that varies the
motor’s speed. It also acts a dynamic brake. The component helps the ground pilot to
approximate the height at which the drone is running in.
4) Flight Control/Board: The flight board makes a log of the take-off place just in case the
need arises for the drone to go back to its take-off location without being guided. This is
known as ‘return to home’ feature. It also determines and calculates the drone’s altitude in
respect to the amount of power it consumes.
5) Propellers: Propellers are clove like blades structured to create a different in air pressure.
When in motion, they cut through the air creating difference in pressure between the top
and bottom of the rotors.
7) Battery, Electronics, and Power Distribution Cables: The battery acts as the power
source to the drone. Nickel Metal Hybrid or Nickel cadmium-based batteries were first
used; however, their use has diminished while the use of lithium batteries has increased.
8) Landing Gear: This is structure meant for safely landing the drone. However, it can be
exempted since an experienced user is capable of balancing the motors speed for safe
landing I emergencies. There are two major types of landing gear. One is fixed landing gear
and the other is retractable landing gear.
The draft of the Drone Rules, 2021, which the Central Government had proposed to make in
supersession of the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021, were published, as required under
section 14 of the Aircraft Act, 1934.
These rules shall apply to
1) All persons owning or possessing, or engaged in leasing, operating, transferring or
maintaining an unmanned aircraft system in India;
2) All unmanned aircraft systems that are registered in India; and
3) All unmanned aircraft systems that are being operated for the time being, in or over India.
4) These rules shall not apply to an unmanned aircraft system belonging to, or used by, the
naval, military or air forces of the Union of India.
2.1. Definitions:
1) “Drone” means an unmanned aircraft system;
2) “Drone acknowledgement number” means the unique number issued by the digital sky
platform under the voluntary disclosure scheme for unmanned aircraft systems in India;
3) “Geo-fencing” means restricting the movement of unmanned aircraft system within a
defined airspace;
4) “Green zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial
waters of India, up to a vertical distance of 400 feet or 120 metre that has not been designated
as a red zone or yellow zone in the airspace map for unmanned aircraft system operations and
the airspace up to a vertical distance of 200 feet or 60 metre above the area located between
a lateral distance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometres from the perimeter of an operational
5) “Yellow zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial
waters of India within which unmanned aircraft system operations are restricted and shall
require permission from the concerned air traffic control authority. The airspace above 400
feet or 120 metre in the designated green zone and the airspace above 200 feet or 60 metre in,
the area located between the lateral distance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometres from the
perimeter of an operational airport, shall be designated as yellow zone.
6) “Red zone” means the airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial
waters of India, or any installation or notified port limits specified by the Central Government
beyond the territorial waters of India, within which unmanned aircraft system operations shall
be permitted only by the Central Government.
7) “Rotorcraft” means a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air
on one or more power driven rotors on substantially vertical axes;
8) “Type certificate” means a certificate issued by the Director General or any other entity
authorised by the Director General, certifying that the unmanned aircraft system of a specific
type meets with the requirements specified under these rules.
9) “Unique Identification Number” means the unique identification number issued for
registering an unmanned aircraft system in India.
10) Any person who intends to register and obtain a unique identification number for his
unmanned aircraft system shall make an application in Form D-2 on the digital sky platform
along with the fee as specified in rule 46 and provide requisite details including the unique
number of the type certificate to which such unmanned aircraft system conforms.
11) An individual shall be eligible to obtain a remote pilot licence, if he––
a) is not less than eighteen years of age and not more than sixty-five years of age.
b) has passed class tenth examination or its equivalent from a recognised Board
c) has successfully completed such training as may be specified by the Director
General, from any authorised remote pilot training organization.
12) Any person who intends to obtain the authorisation to establish a remote pilot training
organisation shall submit an application to the Director General in Form D-5 on the digital
sky platform, along with the fees as specified in rule 46.
The Indian legal regime’s relationship with drones has been eventful in the recent years and
rather tumultuous at its best times. When the Government of India notified the revised law
on drones in March 2021, the industry was taken aback by the extent of restrictions and
compliance requirements that were introduced. This was despite years of consultations and
negotiations with various stakeholders undertaken by the Government.
From an economic perspective, the drone industry has massive potential in terms of giving
a boost by attracting significant global investments in India.
The Unmanned Aircraft System (“UAS”) market in India is projected to yield a turnover
of USD 1.8 billion by 2026 in light of the recent government approved PLI scheme in India.
This would be a massive increase, given that the drone manufacturing companies in India
yield a turnover of approximately INR 80 crore (USD 10 million).
1.2. Agri-tech:
With the use of drones, the agricultural sector is able to gather data, automate redundant
processes, and improve efficiency. drones can also be used for crop observation / monitoring
along with analyses of the fields / soil which would aid in crop health. Thus, farmers can
optimize the use of inputs (fertilizers, seed, water, etc) and react suitably which in turn would
save / enhance crop yield.
1.4. Safety Inspections:
Various companies are required to carry out inspections on a regular basis in order to ensure
the safety of work environment and the foolproofness of the infrastructure. Drone usage has
enabled these companies to eliminate human factor in such inspections and has made the
process more time efficient and safe. Drones enabled with imagery technology enables
companies to get a detailed output of such inspections in order to undertake improvements in
the infrastructure or safety requirements.
be used to protect local residents, and in the future could help prevent epidemics before they
1.10. Healthcare:
In times of the pandemic and the necessity of accessing healthcare for individuals all over the
world including individuals situated in remote places, the use of drones for the last mile
delivery is gain immense popularity. While medical supplies can be delivered by traditional
means, certain circumstances call for quick access to drugs, blood, and medical technology,
drones have expedited access to these facilities for remote regions. One of the most well-
known medical delivery companies is Zipline International, which offers delivery drones in
rural areas throughout Africa and in numerous other countries.
While designing a drone/drone airframe a person must have some basic idea on concepts like
engineering drawing, 3D and isometric views. These basic concepts will help through 3d
designing and modelling of structures in design software.
Below are the essential factors to take into consideration while designing a drone
1.15. Manoeuvrability:
It is the quality of a drone being easy to move and direct. Manoeuvrability of drone is mostly
relay on few different aspects of drone like weight, configuration or type of the drone which
should be considered while designing a drone.
1.17. Application:
Drones have many applications to meet different requirements. By understanding the
application of the drone, we design or built the air frame to meet the requirements. In this
process all the above considerations are met to produce a drone.
a) Agriculture spraying.
b) Aerial Photography & Videography.
c) Real estate photography.
d) Mapping & Surveying.
e) Asset Inspection.
f) Payload carrying.
g) Military.
Figure 4.2 Application
Figure 4.3 Motor type to propeller size ratio
1.19. 3d model analysis on ANSYS:
3d model or structural analysis can be done by using ANSYS software Generating a mesh for
structural analysis of variable loads on drone airframe using ANSYS
This is the drone airframes which are designed using ANSYS Space claim. It is a quadcopter
with a payload capacity of 10 to 15 kg and expected flight time of 12 to 15 minutes. The
materials composition of the frame consists of (high quality plastic, high grade aluminium and
carbon fibre, other composites).
ANSYS is a general-purpose, finite element modelling package for numerically solving a wide
variety of mechanical problems. These problems include static/dynamic, structural analysis,
heat transfer, and fluid problems, as well as acoustic and electromagnetic problems.
1.20. Different manufacturing process and materials for making a drone:
Most common manufacturing processes used for produce a drone are:
1. CNC machining:
It is a computerized manufacturing process in which pre-programmed software and code
controls the movement of production equipment. CNC machining controls a range of complex
machinery, such as grinders, lathes, and turning mills, all of which are used to cut, shape, and
create different parts and prototypes.
2. Injection moulding:
The process of injection moulding is divided into 6 major steps as shown below.
• Clamping.
• Injection.
• Dwelling
• Cooling
• Moulding
• Removal of Product
hydraulic presses in order to have the material contact all areas of the mould. The charge cures
in the heated mould
1.23. Planning and Prototyping:
Resource and design planning is a key element in any manufacturing process, as it ensures that
all potential issues are addressed before large-scale production. This step of the manufacturing
process becomes even more important in low-volume manufacturing, as the costs are higher.
So, for those looking to craft their own drone, plenty of time and attention should be dedicated
to this phase.
Prototyping is an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into tangible
forms from paper to digital. Teams build prototypes of varying degrees of fidelity to capture
design concepts and test on users. With prototypes, you can refine and validate your designs.
A drone prototype starts with a proposed design, which should be completed to scale before
any parts are purchased. The plan should also clearly indicate the purpose of the drone. Is it a
multi-purpose device that does a few basic functions or will it serve a specific purpose, such as
aerial photography or transportation? These decisions indicate key considerations, such as how
much it will need to be able to carry which translates into the weight of the materials and the
size of the motor.
A prototype may be assembled and found wanting, requiring changes to the original design to
get it right before final production.
changes to the original design to get it right before final production.
1.24. Framing:
The frame of a drone is the main contributor to structural integrity. This is often comprised of
a sturdy, yet lightweight material to find a balance between aerodynamics and durability. This
could be a plastic blend or even hollow metal.
In most cases, the frame is assembled in an X formation to provide additional support for the
motors and added durability overall.
Brief Architecture of Drone
5.1. Avionics
Avionics is a combination of aviation and electronics. Avionics are the electronic systems that
are used on airframe. Avionic systems include communications, navigation, the display and
management of multiple systems, and the hundreds of systems that are fitted to aerial vehicles
to perform specific functions.
The avionics installed in an airframe can include engine controls, flight control systems,
navigation, communications, flight recorders, lighting systems, threat detection, electro-optic
(EO/IR) systems, weather radar, performance monitors, and systems that carry out hundreds of
other mission and flight management tasks.
5.3. Sensors
Gyroscopes help determine the angular orientation, and accelerometers help measure the
vibrations of a motor. The barometer finds the altitude, whereas the compass provides the
orientation relative to the earth’s magnetic field.
5.4. Communication/Control Interfaces
CAN - It is serial bus which connects device and allows them to communicate without any
USB - It is a plug and play interface that allows a computer to communicate with peripheral
and other devices.
I2C - It is an Inter-Integrated Circuit which supports half-duplex communication.
SPI - The Serial Peripheral Interface is a synchronous serial communication interface
specification used for short-distance communication,
PPM/PWM - The PWM signal is used to control a single ESC or a single servo pulse width
modulation signal. PPM signal is a signal modulated by putting multiple control channels
5.5. Navigation
Satellite Navigation is based on a global network of satellites that transmit radio signals from
medium earth orbit. It is a Satellite System which uses satellites to provide latitudes, longitudes
and altitude precisely to Navigation Receivers. This system is called GLOBAL NAVIGATION
GNSS systems.
Each System consists of several group of satellites which called Constellation of Satellites. A
Constellation Satellite provides precise or global coverage such that anytime, every time at
least one satellite is available.
GPS is a Global Positioning system from US which uses 31 satellites which are operational at
any time. However, GPS receiver needs four satellites to work out its position in three
GLONASS, Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema, is a Russian Satellite System
consists of 24 Satellites which are currently operational.
Galileo is a European Satellite System which have 24 operational satellites.
BeiDou is a Chinese Satellite System currently operational satellites are 44.
IRNSS, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, identified as NAVIC, comprises of 7
active satellites, which covers overall India.
Figure 5.6 Remote Controllers
RC communicates with a receiver in the drone via radio waves. The flight controller is linked
to the receiver via RC input. When the RC's controls are moved, signals are sent to the receiver
module, which then communicates with the flight controller. The signal is then sent to the
motors by the flight controller, causing the drone to fly in the desired direction.
5.7. Telemetry
Telemetry refers to data collected about the UAV and its surroundings and sent back to the
operator or receiver or ground control station (GCS). The telemetry provides altitude, speed,
direction, voltage, current and other properties of flying drone in real time. Telemetry can be
wired or wireless. Telemetry is a digital two-way data stream, which can both send data about
the flight down to a ground station and send command up to the flight controller. For this
sending and receiving process, a device also named telemetry is used. It comes with a pair of
transmitter and receiver module with antennas.
5.9.1. Types
Motor consists of two parts. One is stator and other is rotor. The rotational part of the motor is
called Rotor whereas Stationary part is called Stator. The rotor part consists of permanent
magnets whereas stator part consists of coil windings which are called electromagnets.
In runner – If the rotor located in the center of the motor and stator winding surround the rotor,
it is called “In runner”. In this design, it produces a large amount of torque and heat get
dissipated easily.
Out runner – If the stator part is located at the core and rotor part is the outside of a motor, it
is called “Out runner”. this type of motors is highly preferred because of it operates at low rated
Figure 5.9 Brushless DC Motors
5.9.2. Working:
When the coil windings in the stator part are activated by current pulses, it produces magnetic
field and are called Electromagnets. These electromagnets of a stator attracts and repulses
permanent magnets of a rotor thus produces torque for the movement of a motor. As it is
brushless DC motor, DC voltage is not applied directly as same as brushed DC motor as it is
brushless. The Brushless DC motor is controlled by a controller. The controller which is a 3-
phase wired is called Electronic Speed Controller.
As it is controlled by 3 phase, overall coil windings of a stator part are arranged in 3 pairs. Each
pair is connected to each phase of a controller. For example. If there are 12 coil windings, there
are arranged in 3 pairs called 3 phases A, B, C. Each pair consisting of 4 windings.
An ESC or an Electronic Speed Controller controls the brushless motor movement or speed by
activating the appropriate MOSFETs to create the rotating magnetic field so that the motor
rotates. The Controller’s each wire is connected to each pair of winding. Controller switches
the MOSFET’s switch ON and OFF thus activating each phase one by one. So, if one phase is
activated, it produces magnetic field either attracting or repelling the permanent magnets thus
resulting the rotation of a rotor. This process is continued for each phase one by one
continuously for the continuous rotation of a motor. But which phase should be activated
depends on the position of a rotor which can be done by placing hall sensors. As the rotors
permanent magnets rotate the Hall-effect sensors sense the magnetic field and generate a logic
“high” for one magnetic pole or logic “low” for the opposite pole. According to this information
the ESC knows when to activate the next commutation sequence or interval.
5.11. Propellors
Propellers are mechanical devices that convert rotary motion into linear thrust. The purpose of
the propeller is to provide a method of propulsion so the drone is able to fly. The propeller itself
consists of two or more blades connected together by a central hub that attaches the motor.
Propellors are attached to motors and propellor speed is dependent on how much voltage is
applied to the motor. This can be controlled by electronic speed controller (ESC).
Drone propellers provide lift for the aircraft by spinning and creating an airflow, resulting in a
pressure difference between the propeller's top and bottom surfaces. This accelerates a mass of
air in one direction, creating lift that counteracts the force of gravity. Propellers for multirotor
drones are arranged in pairs and spun either clockwise or anti-clockwise to create balance. The
drone can hover, ascend, descend, or change its yaw, pitch, and roll by varying the speed of its
5.11.1. Features
1. The propellors are clockwise (called pushers) and counter clockwise (called pullers).
The most reliable to recognize the correct propeller type by its shape as shown. The
thicker edge is the leading edge which moves in the direction of rotation. The trailing
edge is more radical scalloped and usually thinner.
2. Propellor is defined by Diameter and Pitch.
3. Diameter is the is the total length of the propeller from end to end. is the distance across
the circle made by the blade tips as the propeller rotates.
4. Pitch is the angle of the propeller and is defined as how far the propeller will move
forward under ideal conditions for every rotation.
5. Shorter propellers require less energy to get up to a particular speed, and easier to
control. Longer propellers generate more lift for a particular RPM and create greater
stability when hovering, but require more motor power.
Figure 5.12 Propellors Features
Hybrid System- Its power system is made up of two systems; Electric drive and a traditional
engine. The gasoline generator charges the battery, which powers the electric engine. Power
can be supplied by batteries, gasoline generators, or both. It is more compact and efficient than
a single gasoline engine. Hybrid UAV’s can accomplish a good take-off performance, climb
performance, silence and ultra -long endurance.
Electric System- An electric system represents good DC battery. It is simple to attach, simple
to replace and makes no noise, but its battery life is relatively short. A battery pack stores energy
in order to offer a steady supply for the required minimum operational time.
5.13. Types of Batteries
Nickel Cadmium (NiCad): NiCad batteries use nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic
cadmium as electrodes. They have low energy capacity, discharge slowly, and have a shorter
lifespan compared to LiPo batteries. Their weight also leads to faster energy loss.
Lithium High Voltage (Li Hv): Li Hv batteries are a type of LiPo battery with higher
voltage capacity, charging up to 4.35V per cell (compared to 4.2V for standard LiPo). They
provide more power initially but experience a rapid voltage drop when discharged.
Li-ion Battery: Li-ion batteries offer high power density, long lifespan, and better
performance than NiCad batteries. They store energy through the reversible movement of
lithium ions, making them ideal for extended daily use.
Lithium Polymer (LiPo) Battery: LiPo batteries use a polymer electrolyte, offering higher
specific energy and lighter weight than other lithium batteries. With a full voltage of 4.2V and
a nominal voltage of 3.7V, they are well-suited for applications with space constraints.
Figure 5.14 Payloads & Optical Sensors
of it. The sensor detects these waves and measures the time it takes for those waves to be
transmitted and received. The time interval between sensor and object is then used to calculate
2. Multispectral Sensor
Multispectral sensors can gather visible wavelengths (R, G, B) as well as wavelengths that are
not visible. Near-infrared radiation (NIR), short-wave infrared radiation (SWIR), and others
are examples.
Multispectral technologies image various parts of the light spectrum at the same time using
sensors. This is especially important in agricultural operations for detecting plant varieties and
diseases because plants reflect light differently depending on development stage, stress level,
and disease degree.
3. Thermal Image Sensor
Thermal imaging is an essential skill for drone operations performing industrial inspection
missions. It allows pilots to see through difficult lighting conditions. Thermal cameras with
radiometric capabilities enable pilots to estimate the surface temperature of objects at a scene
in addition to "seeing" heat. Inspecting big solar panel arrays or industrial roofs, sometimes in
combination with RGB cameras, are two popular thermal-based missions.
4. Lidar Sensor:
Lidar is acronym of Light Detection and Ranging. It is a way of calculating ranges by using a
laser to target an item or a surface and measuring the time it takes for the reflected light to
return to the receiver. By altering the wavelength of light, it can also be used to create
computerized 3-D renderings of locations on the Earth's surface and ocean bottom in near-
coastal zone. It has uses on the ground, in the air, and on mobile devices. That is why it is also
known as 3-D laser scanning, a rare mix of 3-D scanning and laser scanning
Design software commonly used include Easy EDA, Altium, Eagle, Proteus, KiCad, and
5.19. Drones w.r.t Payloads and Applications
Drone Payload Application
Drone control software allows for the safe and precise operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Flight control software can be used for drone navigation and ground control, as well as payload
and autopilot management, due to a set of functions and control interfaces. Monitoring and
security settings in UAV flight control software can help to reduce the danger of failure,
accident, or cyber-attack.
Waypoints can be used to create an autonomous flight plan.
It is able to adjust the altitude and speed.
In real time View of the camera can be seen
During flying, flight modes such as GPS mode, alt hold and RTL can be
Parameters Battery voltages and spray functionalities can be modified.
The software displays the remote controller's position as well as the drone's
position and direction of flight in real time.
Boundary points, altitude limits, and distance limits can be configured to
prevent the drone from flying over visible areas in the event of a control failure.
The amount of pesticide sprayed in a certain region can be determined and
If the remote controller fails to control the drone, it can be controlled using
ground control software.
The software displays the GPS signal strength, battery voltage, and flight mode of the drone.
Some of the drone flight software’s in the market are
1. Mission Planner
2. Q Ground Control
3. Betalight
4. Agri Assistant
6.1. Mission Planner
Mission Planner is a full-featured ground station application for the ArduPilot open-source
autopilot project. Mission Planner is a ground control station for Plane, Copter and Rover. It is
compatible with Windows only.
6.3. Beta Flight
Beta flight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing
craft. This fork differs from Base flight and clean flight in that it focuses on flight performance
and leading-edge feature additions.
Drone Assembly is a combat anomaly inhabited that can different parts are assembled together
can make the drone (UAV) fly by using transmitter and flight controller.
8.1. Pre-Flight Checks
1) Check the weather conditions and do not fly in fog, rainy, heavy windy conditions.
2) Check the operation manual of drone if necessary.
3) Know and comply with specific drone operation laws in your area.
4) Ensure that the drone is fit for flight.
5) Keep your drone's firmware updated.
6) Airspace: Unrestricted or Restricted Airspace, Obstructions near flight path identified
7) Weather: Visibility >= 3 miles/500ft, wind <= 15mph.
8) Drone Airframe: No Structural defects
9) Drone Battery: Sufficient for Flight, not less than 80%.
10) Controller/GCS Battery: Sufficient for Indented Flight.
11) GCS/Controller Power: ON
12) Drone Power: Connect Battery
13) Compass Calibration for Current Location. (if necessary: if the home position is
showing wrong, go for compass calibration).
Understood the
Day-1 08/05/2024 Forces acting upon a
influencing drone
Drone and its
flight and the
propulsion system
principles of its
Learned about
various drone
Day-2 09/05/2024 Frame Configuration
& Payloads
and their payload
knowledge of
Day-3 10/05/2024 Power systems of
drone power
Drone System and
systems and
Battery Management
effective battery
Explored various
drone flight
Day-4 11/05/2024 Different types of a
modes and their
Flight modes
specific uses.
Learned about
different zones
Day-5 14/05/2024 Different types of
and regulations
Zone considerations
for safe drone
to a Fly a Drone
drone power
Day-6 15/05/2024 Power Systems and
systems and the
Power Distribution
distribution of
power within the
Acquired knowledge on
selecting appropriate
Day-2 17/05/2024 Materials
materials and
selection &
understanding the
manufacturing processes.
process of Drones
Understands failsafe
methods and emergency
Day-4 20/05/2024 Failsafe Methods
protocols necessary to
of Drone
handle unexpected
situations during drone
Gained proficiency in
utilizing flight control
Day-5 21/05/2024 Flight Control
software to ensure precise
manoeuvring and
navigation of drones.
9.3.1.WEEK -3 REPORT
Gained hands-on
experience and
Day-1 23/05/2024 Practical Session-1
practical skills in
drone operations.
Further practiced
the various Drone
Day-2 24/05/2024 Practical Session-2
Orientations and
Gained practical
Recognized for
completion of the
Day-3 25/05/2024 Certificate internship
Distribution program,
knowledge and
skills in drone
1. Work Environment
The work environment at the Innovation Center for Drone Technology is dynamic and
technologically advanced, equipped with cutting-edge drones and systems for practical
learning and experimentation. Each team member is assigned a specific role that aligns with
overall project and research goals, creating a cohesive workflow. Structured processes and
systematic procedures are in place to uphold high standards of quality and efficiency. Time
management is emphasized across all tasks, ensuring projects are completed punctually. The
team leader fosters a collaborative atmosphere by motivating members and recognizing their
contributions, and strict adherence to safety and regulatory guidelines ensures a productive and
secure work setting.
During my internship, I acquired hands-on skills in drone hardware and software, including the
assembly, programming, and flight testing of UAVs. This exposure allowed me to enhance my
technical understanding of UAV components and systems. I also improved my ability to
communicate complex project details clearly and efficiently within a team setting.
Additionally, I gained experience in interpreting technical drawings.
3. Managerial Skills
My internship provided valuable insights into essential managerial skills, including leadership
and teamwork dynamics. Observing and participating in team collaboration helped me develop
an appreciation for effective coordination, with each team member contributing toward shared
project objectives. I learned the importance of punctuality and professional behavior, which
play a crucial role in maintaining a harmonious and efficient workplace.
In group discussions, I aim to prepare thoroughly and confidently initiate conversations, setting
a constructive tone. I will practice active listening to understand diverse viewpoints and
contribute thoughtfully, striving to balance speaking and listening. Observing body language
and maintaining a polite demeanor will be crucial for productive discussions. To lead
discussions effectively, I will guide the flow of ideas, encouraging contributions from all team
members, while focusing on motivating the group and leading activities with an emphasis on
collaboration and efficiency.
30/04/2024 01/05/2024
02/05/2024 03/05/2024
06/05/2024 07/05/2024
08/04/2024 09/05/2024
10/05/2024 14/05/2024
15/05/2024 16/05/2024
17/04/2024 18/05/2024
20/05/2024 21/05/2024
22/05/2024 23/05/2024
24/04/2024 25/05/2024
1. Conclusion:
The Innovation Center for Drone Technology was an invaluable experience that broadened my
knowledge and skills in drone systems. Working on diverse projects, the hands-on experience
in drone assembly, programming, and implementing advanced algorithms for autonomous
navigation and data analysis. Mentorship from experienced professionals further sharpened
my problem-solving abilities, while the collaborative environment improved my teamwork
and communication skills. It not only depened my passion for drones but also equipped me
with practical skills to contribute to advancements in this rapidly evolving field.
2. Future Scope:
Drone technology is rapidly advancing, presenting numerous opportunities for research and
development. Based on my experience at the Innovation Center for Drone Technology,
several key areas for future exploration include:
1. Enhanced Autonomy and AI: Developing advanced AI for autonomous navigation
and decision-making in complex environments, leveraging machine learning, computer
vision, and sensor fusion.
2. Swarm Technology: Implementing swarm intelligence for coordinated drone tasks
could transform industries, necessitating efficient communication and cooperative
behavior models.
3. Advanced Materials and Batteries: Lightweight materials and high-capacity batteries
will boost drone endurance and payload capacity, with alternative energy sources like
solar also promising longer operations.
4. Regulatory and Ethical Challenges: Addressing regulatory and ethical issues, such as
privacy and airspace management, is essential for sustainable growth.
5. Industry-Specific Applications: Tailoring drone technologies for fields like
agriculture, logistics, and healthcare can unlock new efficiencies.
6. Urban Air Mobility: Drone-based urban air transport, including passenger drones, is a
futuristic goal requiring safe, scalable solutions.
In conclusion, it provided a strong foundation in drone technology. With ongoing innovation
and collaboration, to contribute to this dynamic field and its transformative impact on society.
An Internship Report on
Bachelor of Technology
(Roll No. 22L35A0386)