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 Objective

1. To have a brief/deep study on the basic and drinking water of our locality.
2. To resolve the impact of the salt in the basic usage water.
3. To find whether there is any problem with this water found in the locality.
4. To give an awareness to people on this problem.

 Relevance of the proposal to society

Many people in our locality are suffering from water problems like pipe blockage, low yield
in agriculture and stomach ache and few even suffer from kidney and heart damage , renal
stones and also dermatological problems related with skin and hair.

Scientific principle

Iron – 0.3ppm, excess of these cause discolouration of clothes. Manganese – 0.05ppm Copper
– 1.3ppm Sulphate – 250 ppm Fluoride – 1.5 ppm, excess of this effects human lungs and
other respiratory organs. Fluoride concentration of less than 0.8 – 1.0 ppm cause dental cavity
(tooth decay). If fluoride concentration is greater than 1.5ppm, causing spotting and
discolouration of teeth if any of the given proportion increase or decrease it leads to the
formation of “Hard water’’


1) Collecting sample report from Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
2) Collecting water samples from every taluk of Perambalur.
3) Gathering information from Health Department, Agriculture Department and
Horticulture Department.
4) Testing the samples which were collected from every taluk of Perambalur.
5) Asking the Local Health Centre about the patient problems.
6) And by sorting out thecharacters of water by the research methods given below:

Water has three characteristics, i.e. physical, chemical and biological characteristics. The raw
treated water can be checked and analysed by studying and testing these characteristics as
explained below:

Physical Characteristics of Water

1. Turbidity of Water

The turbidity is measured by a turbidity rod or by a turbidity meter with optical observations
and is expressed as the amount of suspended matter in mg/l or parts per million (ppm). For
water, ppm and mg/l are approximately equal. The standard unit is that which is produced by
one milligram of finely divided silica (fuller’s earth) in one litre of distilled water.

Turbidity Meters
Turbidity Rod: The turbidity can be easily measured in the field with the help of a turbidity
rod. It consists of an aluminium rod which is graduated as to give turbidity directly in silica
units (mg/l) Turbidimeter: The turbidity can be easily measured in the laboratory with the
help of a instruments called turbidity meter. In general, a turbidity meter works on the
principle of measuring the interference caused by the water sample to the passage of light
rays. Jackson’s candle Turbidimeter: The height of water column will therefore be more for
less turbid water and vice versa. Longer the light path lower the turbidity. Such a turbidimeter
can not measure turbidites lower than 25 JTU. It can be used for natural sources only and can
not be used to measure the turbidity of treated water supplies, for which Baylis turbidity
meter or modern nephelometers are used. Baylis Turbidimeters One of the two glass tubes
is filled with water sample (whose turbidity I to be measured) and the other is filled with
standard water solution of known turbidity. The electric bulb is lighted and the blue colour in
both the tubes is observed from the top of the instrument. Modern Nephelometer: for low
turbidity less than 1 unit. NTU – Nephelometric Turbidity Units FTU – Formazin Turbidity
Units Ratio turbidimeter: River water has maximum amount of turbidity.

2. Colour

The presence of colour in water is not objectionable from health point of view, but may spoil
the colour of the clothes being washed. The standard unit of colour is that which is produced
by one milligram of platinum cobalt dissolved in one litre of distilled water. For public
supplies, the colour number on cobalt scale should not exceed 20 and should be preferably
less than 10. Colour determined by an instrument is known as tintometer.

3. Taste and Odour

The extent of taste or odour present in a particular sample of water is measured by a term
called odour intensity, which is related with the threshold odour or threshold odour
number. Water to be tested is therefore gradually diluted with odour free water, and the
mixture at which the detection of odour by human observation is just lost, is determined. The
number of times the sample is diluted represents the threshold odour number. For public
supplies, the water should generally free from odour, i.e. the threshold number should be 1
and should never exceed 3.

4. Temperature of Water

For potable water, temperature of about about C is desirable. It should not be more
than C.

5. Specific Conductivity

The total amount of dissolved salts present in water can be easily estimated by measuring the
specific conductivity of water.

Chemical Characteristics of Water

1. Total Solids and Suspended Solids

Total solids (suspended solids + dissolved solids) can be obtained by evaporating a sample of
water and weighing the dry residue left and weighing the residue left on the filter paper. The
suspended solid can be found by filtering the water sample. Total permissible amount of
solids in water is generally limited to 500 ppm.

2. pH value of Water

If concentration increases, pH decreases and then it

will be acidic. If concentration decreases, pH increases and then it will be
alkaline. pH + pOH = 14 if the pH of water is more than 7, it will be
alkaline and if it is less than 7, it will be acidic. The alkalinity is caused by the presence of
bicarbonate of calcium and magnesium or by the carbonates of hydroxides of sodium,
potassium, calcium and magnesium. Some, but not all of the compounds that cause alkalinity
also cause hardness. pH Measurement: the pH value of water can be measured quickly and
automatically with the help of a Potentiometer. The pH can also be measured by indicators
as given below:

Indicator pH range of indicator dye Original color Final color produced

Methyl orange 2.8 – 4.4 Red Yellow

Methyl red 4.4 – 6.2 Red Yellow

Phenol red 6.8 – 8.4 Yellow Red

Phenolphthalein 8.6 – 10.3 Yellow Red

Permissible pH value for public supplies may range between 6.6 to 8.4. The lower value of
pH may cause incrustation, sediment deposits, difficulty in chlorination.

3. Hardness of Water

Hard waters are undesirable because they may lead to greater soap consumption, scaling of
boilers, causing corrosion and incrustation of pipes, making food tasteless etc. Temporary
Hardness: If bicarbonates and carbonates of calcium and magnesium are present in water, the
water is render hard temporarily as this hardness can be removed to some extent by simple
boiling or to full extent by adding lime to water. Such a hardness is known as temporary
hardness or carbonate hardness. Permanent Hardness: If sulphates, chlorides and nitrates of
calcium or magnesium are present in water, they can not be removed at al by simple boiling
and therefore, such water require special treatment for softening. Such a hardness is known as
permanent hardness or non-carbonate hardness. It is caused by sulphates, chlorides, nitrates of
Ca and Mg. Carbonate hardness = Total hardness or Alkalinity (which ever is less) Non-
carbonate hardness = Total hardness – Alkalinity

 Carbonate hardness is equal to the total hardness or alkalinity which ever is less
 Non-carbonate hardness is the total hardness in excess of the alkalinity. If the
alkalinity is equal to or greater than the total hardness, there is no non-carbonate

 One French degree of hardness is equal to 10mg/l of CaCO3.

 One British degree of hardness is equal to a hardness of 14.25mg/l.

 Water with hardness upto 75 ppm are considered soft and above 200 ppm are
considered hard and in between is considered as moderately hard.

 Underground waters are generally harder than surface waters.

 The prescribed hardness limit for public supplies range between 75 to 115 ppm.

4. Chloride Content

The chloride content of treated water to be supplied to the public should not exceed a value of
about 250 ppm. The chloride content of water can be measured by titrating the water with
standard silver nitrate solution using potassium chromate as indicator.

(5) Nitrogen Content

The presence of nitrogen in water may occur in one or more of the following reasons:

1. Free ammonia: It indicates very first stage of decomposition of organic matter. It

should not exceed 0.15mg/l
2. Albuminous or Organic Matter: It indicates the quantity of nitrogen present in
water before the decomposition of organic molten has started. It should not exceed

3. Nitrites: Not fully oxidized organic matter in water.

4. Nitrates: It indicates fully oxidized organic matter in water (representing old


 Nitrites is highly dangerous and therefore the permissible amount of nitrites in water
should be nil.

 Ammonia nitrogen + organic nitrogen = kjeldahl nitrogen

 Nitrates in water is not harmful. However the presence of too much of nitrates in
water may adversely affect the health of infants causing a disease
called methemoglobinemia commonly called blue baby disease.

 The nitrate concentration in domestic water supplies is limited to 45 mg/l.

6. Metal and other chemical substances in water:

Iron – 0.3ppm, excess of these cause discolouration of clothes. Manganese – 0.05ppm Copper
– 1.3ppm Sulphate – 250 ppm Fluoride – 1.5 ppm, excess of this effects human lungs and
other respiratory organs. Fluoride concentration of less than 0.8 – 1.0 ppm cause dental cavity
(tooth decay). If fluoride concentration is greater than 1.5ppm, causing spotting and
discolouration of teeth (a disease called fluorosis).

7. Dissolved gases

Oxygen gas is generally absorbed by water from the atmosphere but it being consumed by
unstable organic matter for their oxidation. Hence, if the oxygen present in water is found o
be less than its saturation level, it indicates presence of organic matter and consequently
making the waters suspicious.

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD):

The extent of organic matter present in water sample can be estimated by supplying oxygen to
this sample and finding the oxygen consumed by the organic matter present in water. This
oxygen demand is known as Biological oxygen demand (BOD). It is not practically possible
to determine ultimate oxygen demand. Hence, BOD of water during the first five days
at C is generally taken as the standard demand. = Loss of
oxygen in mg/l x dilution factor. The BOD of safe drinking water must be nil.

Bacterial and Microscopic Characteristics of Water

Five types of parasitic organisms (i.e. bacteria, protozoa, viruses, worms and fungi) are
generally known to be infective to main and are found in water.

1. Bacteria

These are the minute single cell organisms possessing no defined nucleus and having no
green material to help them manufacture their own food. They are reproduced by binary
fusion and may of various shapes and sizes are 1 to 4 microns, examined by microscope. a)
Non-disease causing bacteria – Non pathogenic bacteria. b) Disease causing bacteria –
Pathogenic bacteria.

2. Protozoa

These are single cell animals and are the lowest and the simplest form of animal life. They are
bacteria eaters and thus destroy Pathogens. They are counted by microscope.
3. Viruses

4. Worms

These are the larva of flies.

5. Fungi

These are those plants which grow without sunlight and live on other plants or animals, dead
or alive.

Classification of bacteria based on oxygen requirement:

1. Aerobic bacteria: Those which require oxygen for their survival.

2. Anaerobic bacteria: Those which flourish in the absence of free oxygen.

3. Facultative bacteria: Those which can survive with or without free oxygen.

Pathogenic bacteria These can be tested and counted in the laboratories but with great
difficulty. These tests are therefore, generally not performed in routine to check up of the
water quality. The usual routine tests are generally conducted to detect and count the presence
of coliforms which in themselves harmless organisms, but their presence or absence indicates
the presence or absence of pathogenic bacteria. Methods to measure the presence of
coliform bacteria:

1. Membrane filter technique (modern technique)

2. Mixing different dilution of a sample of water with lactose froth and incubating them
in test-tubes for 48 hours at C. the presence of acid or carbon dioxide gas in
tubes will indicate the presence of coliform bacteria.

Most probable number (MPN) represent the bacterial density. Coliform index It may be
defined as the reciprocal of the smallest quantity of a sample which would give a positive
portion. Coliform sometimes called bacteria coli (B-coli) or Escherichia (E-coli) are harmless
aerobic micro-organisms. If not more than 1 coliform is present per 100ml of water, then
water is said to be safe for

TIME LINE Month Works to be undertaken Works completed

1 1 Collecting samples and We found a basic idea on the

data regarding the project and research analysis

2 2 Crosstalk with people Completed collection of samples and

about the issue and data’s
working on sample

3 3 Finding an solution and Completed all process of the

concluding the project project , tested samples and give
people an awareness on the problem.


The problem of the hard water found n the locality can be resolved by water softening you

may think What is water softening?

A home water-softening system works by running hard water through a resin — a sticky,
insoluble substance from certain trees and plants — that’s coated with positively charged
sodium ions.

These are molecules with a net electric charge. Concentrations of sodium essentially replace
the magnesium and calcium in the water.

Water softening units require on-going maintenance, and sodium pellets need to be added to
keep the resin electrically charged.
Some systems can use potassium pellets instead of sodium. There are also systems that use
magnets, citric acid, or other means of reducing the calcium and magnesium concentrations in
the water.

Then How to Turn Hard Water into Soft Water?

Hard water can be treated in different waysmmethods some are given below:

1. Boil Water Before You Shower

Boiling water can remove temporary hardness

This step is certainly the least practical, but it works for the temporary hardness of water.
However, if the water supplied to your house is permanently hard, then boiling will,
unfortunately, be of no help. To determine the kind of hardness that your water supply falls
under, simply buy a hard water testing kit. Test the water before and after boiling to
determine whether the hardness has reduced. If it is a case of temporary hardness, boiling can
be helpful.

2. Add Baking Soda to Water

Baking soda is a common household ingredient that can combat water hardness
A temporary fix, but one that works. In a bathtub, add around ½ cup of baking soda. Although
baking soda cannot soften the water fully, it, being alkaline, changes the pH of hard water to
make it more suitable for skin and hair. Of course, the problem with this method is that you
won’t exactly be able to enjoy a shower, since you’ve to make use of a bathtub.

You can also use baking soda to descale your dirty shower head and clean your glass shower

3. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is good for skin, hair, household cleaning, and combating hard water
This step will help you combat the effects of hard water post showering.

Take bottled water and add around two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to it. Use this as a
final rinse for yourself after showering. Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, good for skin
and hair, and great at removing the buildup left behind by hard water. Additionally, you can
also add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your bath. And don’t worry about the
pungent smell, it evaporates after a while!

You can also use vinegar to clear your clogged shower heads!

4. Install a Water Softener System

An ion-exchange water softening system

A home water softener system will combat hard water — yes, especially water that is
permanently hard — for you every day. Although this purchase will leave your wallet
considerably lighter, it’s an effective way to turn hard water into soft water. You can either
choose an ion-exchange water softener, which is the most commonly used system, or a salt-
free system, often called a water conditioner. Reach out to your plumber to decide which
system will work best for you.
5. Install a Shower Head with a Hard Water Filter

StoneStream Universal Shower Hard Water Filter softens water

To get soft water in your shower, it’s best to tackle the shower head itself. Installing a high-
quality shower head with an in-built hard water filter will ensure that you get soft water every
time you shower. Clearly, having a shower water softener inside the shower head is the
easiest way to deal with hard water. This will help you embrace soft skin, healthy hair, and
clean a bathroom environment whilst saving you lots of time and money in the long run.

And who knows best about multi-function shower heads if not StoneStream?

The Best Way to Combat Hard Water

By now, you must have realised that successfully dealing with hard water is no small feat. It
is incredibly challenging to find easy and convenient ways to turn hard water into soft water
at home for the shower.

However, we assure you that StoneStream shower heads are truly the best way to combat hard
water in the shower. So, if you’re for a water softener shower head, you’ve come to the right

StoneStream shower heads soften your shower water

The three types of germanium stones inside StoneStream shower heads create an effective
filtration system that softens hard water, giving you a soothing experience every time you hop
in for a shower.
With our filtered shower head for hard water, you can truly experience spring-like water
wherever you are. No more wasting of soap, no more flaky skin, no more brittle hair, no more
pesky limescale, and no more unsightly water spots!

Additionally, StoneStream’s Universal Shower Hard Water Filter is one of the best shower
filters for hard water and makes use of a 15-stage filtration process so as to expertly get rid of
impurities such as chlorine, bacteria, dirt, rust, sand, limescale, and heavy metals.

We prioritise efficiency and affordability, so you don’t have to worry about breaking the
bank. Plus, StoneStream shower heads are eco-friendly — you can enjoy soft water whilst
saving water. Seriously, our shower heads are way better than traditional shower heads!

1. But making all these products are not possible for peoplein rural thus we have made a model
which comprimises of various siddha medical properties[Utpala (Nelumbo
nucifera),Naga (Mesua ferrea),Champaka (Michelia champaca) , Patala (Stereospermum
suaveolens),kadukkai(Terminalia chebula),Nannari ( Indian sarsaparilla),vetti
ver(Chrysopogon zizanioides), thetran seed,dry drumstick seedf ] ,pure red and yellow soil,
clayey andblack soil and river sand allthese without any foreign materials appart from these
are filled in a pipe then water is supplied from the tank with the help of more pipes then it is
transferred to a another tank where the converted water is then transferred.


After learning all the things and finding out the characters of water we have found that water
found in maximum area of the district are similar moreover than neglecting all small
problems and ratio of mixture in water we found out that it is calcium and sodium salts in the
water which results in the problems and negative effects by the water .Thus we have come
across all these things and found solutions on the problem.Pleasemake awarness between
people on this issue if this problem is present in your locality also.



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