IIT Bombay Lab Manual Chemical Engineering

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C14 - Turbidity and Turbidimeter

Principle :

Turbidity is a measure of water suspended solids (SS) concentration ; these SS are represented by
large substances (fine sand…) and by microscopic matters (colloids). All these matters constitute
an heterogeneous medium : a suspension (on the contrary, a solution contains dissolved
molecules and ions, is not turbid but can be coloured).

Colloids are matters which constitute water turbidity once all large SS have settled.

Turbidity measurement principle :

colloid constituting

scattered light

lamp transmitted light detector :

incident light : intensity Io opacimeter = spectrophotometer
monochromatic beam (600-700nm) intensity I
transmitted light

scattered light
flask containing the tested suspension

scattered light detector : nephelemeter

intensity I

In fact, there are opacimters and nephelometers, measuring respectively, transmitted light
intensity and scattered light intensity. For an opacimeter :

T = I / Io is transmittance these 2 data will be useful in molecular absorption

A = Log10 (Io / I) is absorbance spectrophotometry theory

Here, A = constant * [SS]

Turbidity is proportional to the suspension SS concentration.

Some turbidimeters measure both of transmitted and scattered light intensity, and indicate a
medium value : turbidity is also proportional to [SS]
The word "turbidimeter" means the whole range of photometers measuring turbidity.

Main unit : NTU : Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

Calibration :
Two ways :
- rapid calibration with standard gel : it must be done regularly in order to observe a difference
with the precedent measure
-annual calibration with formazin suspension standard.

Field of application : drinking waters (< 1 to 5 NTU), industrial waters

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