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Figure 2 Micrograph of hyper-eutecticsample, 20 wt % Cr and 4 wt % C, undercooled > 100 K below the M7C 3 liquidus. The arrows show
joining between the carbide rods (white). In the top right-hand grain the plane of section is transverseto the rod axis. M7C3rods aligned in
equilateral arrays are marked l, while 2 shows carbides with an included angle of approximately 120~
and 3 wt % C sample undercooled > 100 K below rods. The reason for this texture wilt be investigated
both the austenite liquidus and the eutectic temper- by analytical electron microscopy of thin foils of the
atures is shown in Fig. 3. There v~as a boundary joints of the carbides. It may represent branching by
concave towards the left between the eutectic grain on nucleation on active growth sites on the sides of the
the left where the plane of section was approximately carbide rods as occurs in the growth of silicon carbide
parallel to the M~C3 eutectic carbides, and a grain on rods in the vapour-liquid-solid process [14].
the right where the plane of section was transverse to
the carbide rods. Note that the diameter of the carbide
rods was much smaller than in the hyper-eutectic 3.2. Application of microstructural data
sample of Fig. 2. Again, the carbide rods were joined from undercooled specimens
as shown by the arrows. These fine carbide rods were 3.2. 1. Carbide morphology in hardfacing
consistent with a much higher growth rate as evid- weld deposits
enced by substantial recalescence [10]. The fine eutectic of Fig. 1 is illustrated in Fig. 6, where
The carbide rods within a eutectic grain were poly- the joints between adjacent rods are shown by arrows.
crystalline as s h o w n by Laue photographs [10] and An indication of the growth process of the fine eutectic
EBSD [11]. Fig. 4 shows a typical area of an under- of Fig. 6 is shown by Figs 7 and 8. In Fig. 7, the SEM
cooled hypo-eutectic alloy similar to that in Fig. 3 but micrograph shows the distribution of eutectic MTC 3
at a higher magnification. The microtexture of the carbides after the matrix of a conventionally polished
eutectic carbides of Fig. 4 is shown in the inverse pole specimen was removed by acid etching. Note that the
figure of Fig. 5. Unexpectedly, there was no texture carbides appeared to have grown in a colony or
near [ 0 0 0 1 ] but a weak texture close to [ 1 0 ] 1]. No cellular mode from the bottom left to top right with an
twins were observed within the individual carbide elongated cell tip similar to that reported by Matsu-
0001 /~ 1010
Figure 5 Inverse pole figure for the normal to the specimen surface
of the sample in Fig. 4 (i.e. the direction of the carbide rod axes if the
specimen was polished perpendicular to the rods). There was a
texture, near [101 1] predominantly and not near to [0001].
welded microstructure and those of deliberately
undercooled specimens. In addition to the growth of
the carbide arrays from an undercooled weld deposit,
it is probable that the fine eutectic of Figs 6-8 also
grew from an undercooled weld deposit. Thus, the
carbide in both cases would be branched with the
same textures as those for the undercooled samples
shown in Figs 2 and 3. It follows that if a crack was
initiated as the result of stresses produced by dimen-
sional changes during cooling the continuity of the
carbide would facilitate crack propagation.
Figure 9 Macrographs of the top surfaces of alloys S1 (a), $2 (b) and
$3 (c). Starting with pure materials the silicon content varied from
zero (S1) to 3.6wt% ($2) to 6.9wt% ($3). Note growth from
nucleation centres on top surfaces.
Figure 10 Macrographs of the top surfaces of alloys $2 (a) and $3 (b) made from commerciallypure materials.The silicon content varied from
3.57 (a) to 7.1 wt% (b).
Figure 11 Micrographs of S3(P) in (a) and S3(C) in (b). There are two grains in each micrograph. In (a) an equilateral array of carbides is
indicated by the arrow.
report [18]. The appearance of the carbides in the 4. The morphology of the MTC3 carbides in com-
transverse plane of polish was changed from the ex- positions varying from hypo- to hyper-eutectic is
pected microstructure of a hyper-eutectic alloy, The continuous.
normal microstructure of a hyper-eutectic alloy 5. The effect of silicon on hyper-eutectic Fe-Cr-C-Si
consists of large randomly nucleated and oriented alloys with silicon up to 7 wt % was to produce
primary M7C 3 rods in a eutectic matrix of fine inter- undercooling and therefore a change in the morpho-
connected M7C3 rods and austenite. Thus, the car- logy of the M7C 3 carbides from that in the normal
bides on the right-hand side of Fig. 1la and b could be microstructure of a hyper-eutectic alloy to that char-
interpreted as a more equiaxed morphology if not acteristic of an undercooled alloy. This was not a
examined in a SEM after deep etching to remove the change to a more equiaxed morphology and the car-
matrix. This is the likely explanation for the conclu- bides were still continuous.
sion by Atamert and Bhadeshia [8, 9] that the addi-
tion of silicon produced a change in morphology of
the MTCa carbides towards a more equiaxed shape, as Acknowledgements
these authors relied solely on optical metallography. The authors thank Mr Guenter Herfurth for optical
metallography, Mr Peter Lloyd for SEM and Mr
Trevor Kenyon for macrophotography.
4. Conclusions
1. In an undercooled hyper-eutectic Fe-Cr-C alloy
slow growth from the melt produced MvC 3 carbide
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the Mining Industry" ed. R. G. Barr, 1974, Climax Molyb-
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2. In an undercooled hypo-eutectic Fe-Cr-C alloy, 2. ASTM A532-87, Standard Specification for Abrasion-
rapid growth from the melt resulted in a eutectic Resistant Cast Irons.
M7C3 carbide morphology consisting of fine rods 3. "Metals handbook", 9th Edn, Vol. 6 (Welding, Brazing, and
Soldering, ASM OH, 1983) p. 779.
joined together with a weak [1 0 i 1] texture. There
4. ibid. p.776.
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was inconsistent with a simple twinning mechanism. Society, 1982) p. 234,
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applied by the manual metal arc process could be
treatment '87" (Institute of Metals, London, 1988) p. 39.
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10. G . L . F . P O W E L L , Mater. Trans. J I M 31 (1990) 110. 16. K. OGI, Y. M A T S U B A R A and K. MATSUDA, ibid., 197.
11. V. R A N D L E and G. L. F. P O W E L L , J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 12 17. L . E . SVENSSON, B. G R E T O F T , B. U L A N D E R and H. K.
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14. J . V . M I L E W S K I , F. D. GAC, J. J. P E T R O V I C and S. R. Received 17 December 1992
S K R A G G S , J. Mater. Sci. 20 (1985) 1160. and accepted 9 February 1994