s11661 010 0334 Z
s11661 010 0334 Z
s11661 010 0334 Z
In this work, the development of corrosion-resistant twinning induced plasticity steels is pre-
sented, supported by thermodynamic and diffusion calculations within the (Fe-Mn-Cr)-(C-N)
alloy system. For the calculations, ambient pressure and primary austenitic solidification were
considered as necessary to avoid nitrogen degassing in all processing steps. Manganese is used as
an austenite stabilizer, chromium is used to increase nitrogen solubility and provide corrosion
resistance, and carbon and nitrogen are used as interstitial elements to provide mechanical
strength. Isopleths of the different elements vs temperature as well as isothermal sections were
calculated to determine the proper amount of Mn, Cr, total interstitial content, and the C/N
ratio. Scheil and diffusion calculations were used to predict the extent of microsegregations and
additionally to evaluate the effect of diffusion annealing treatments. The materials were pro-
duced in laboratory scale, being followed by thermomechanical processing and the character-
ization of the microstructure. Tensile tests were performed with three different alloys, exhibiting
yield strengths of 460 Mpa to 480 MPa and elongations to fracture between 85 pct and 100 pct.
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-010-0334-z
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2010
B. Materials F. Corrosion
Based on the results of the thermodynamic and The corrosion behavior of the alloys was analyzed by
diffusion calculations, melting, thermal, and mechanical means of electrochemical measurements. Linear polar-
processing of the alloys was performed. Electrolytic ization curves were obtained using a PGP201 galvano-
manganese, chromium nitride, graphite, and ARMCO stat/potentiostat, saturated calo-mel as reference
iron were used as raw materials for the melt. Ingots of electrode and platinum as counter electrode in a 0.5 M
about 4 kg and 54 9 30 mm cross section were pro- H2SO4 electrolyte. For comparison, two reference TWIP
duced at a nitrogen partial pressure of 0.9 bar. The and TRIP steels were analyzed with the same conditions.
ingots were diffusion annealed in argon atmosphere for The compositions of the reference materials are given in
16 hours, quenched, hot rolled to 16 9 40 mm, solution Table I.
annealed at 1473.15 K (1200 C) in argon atmosphere
for 45 minutes, and finally quenched in water. The bulk
composition of the materials was measured by optical
emission spectrometry. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
A. Thermodynamic Calculations
C. Electron Microscopy TWIP steels are characterized by a fully austenitic
The microstructure of the ingots in the as-cast state structure in which the SFE controls if twinning is the
was characterized using a scanning electron microscope predominant deformation mechanism. As mentioned,
(SEM) equipped with a tungsten filament. Samples were the composition is the main factor that influences the
prepared by grinding and mechanical polishing to free Gibbs energy associated with the austenite-mar-
submicron size. Electron backscattered contrast as well tensite transformation and therefore the SFE.
as secondary electron imaging was used to reveal the Consequently, with the intention to obtain a fully
microstructure. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry stable austenitic structure that could be corrosion
(EDX) line scans were taken with an acceleration resistant, the combination Fe-Mn-Cr-C-N is a potential
voltage of 25 kV and 3.5 lm step size to a total length candidate to fulfill these two main requirements.
of 3 mm. Manganese is an austenite former and promotes plas-
ticity induced effects such as twinning. Nevertheless, it
leads to poor corrosion resistance. Carbon acts as an
D. Tensile Tests interstitial and stabilizes the austenitic structure, being
Tensile tests were performed according to the stan- an even more effective austenite former in combination
dard EN 10002 with a constant elongation rate of with nitrogen. Nitrogen not only stabilizes the austenite
1 9 103 at room temperature. Additional specimens like carbon but also provides corrosion resistance.
were deformed up to 10 pct and 20 pct engineering Chromium enhances the solubility for nitrogen in the
strain for further X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. For liquid and provides corrosion resistance to the alloy but
these analyses, samples in the direction of the load and assists the sensitization at high carbon contents and/or
in transverse direction were taken with electro discharge improper heat treatment. As chromium is stabilizing
machining. Afterwards, the samples were ground and the ferrite, its amount has to be controlled care-
mechanically polished to submicron size. Electropolish- fully to prevent the formation of delta ferrite during
ing was used to remove any possible surface distortion solidification.
2. Isothermal Sections
The determination of an appropriate C/N ratio was
performed by analyzing isothermal sections at solution
annealing temperature. In Figure 2 the isothermal
section of the system Fe-Mn-12Cr-C-N at 1273.15 K
(1000 C) is depicted. The phase equilibria corresponding
C N Mn Cr C+N C/N
A 0.240 0.330 21.085 11.89 0.570 0.728
B 0.319 0.447 25.367 11.99 0.766 0.713
C 0.332 0.440 29.941 11.77 0.772 0.754
D. Tensile tests
The engineering stress–strain curves of the materials
indicate that the three developed alloys exhibit an
exceptional plasticity combined with a comparatively
high yield strength. Some interesting points of the results
are worth being mentioned. The first one is that the alloy
Fig. 7—SEM micrograph of the austenitic structure in the nonde- A, having 0.56 mass pct C + N (Fe-20Mn-12Cr-0.24C-
formed state. 0.32N)— the material with the lowest interstitial content
of all—is the one with the lowest yield strength. The
alloys B and C (Fe-25Mn-12Cr-0.3C-0.4N and Fe-
The scatter of the Cr and Mn signals of the originally 30Mn-12Cr-0.3C-0.4N), with a C + N content of 0.7
measured sample is diminished; however, 30 days of mass pct, exhibit higher yield strengths, as presented in
exposure of such a material would be necessary to Table V and in Figure 8. The increment of yield
obtain an even composition with a degree of segregation strength with total content of carbon and nitrogen can
of 1.06, a condition that cannot be implemented in be explained by the classic theory of strengthening by
practice. A diffusion annealing of 16 hours at 1473.15 K interstitial elements in solid solution. Nevertheless, it is
(1200 C) was used in the real procedure instead difficult to determine whether it is the carbon or nitrogen
(Figure 6). that strongly influences this mechanism or whether it is
the contribution given by the interaction of these two
elements. Berns and Gavriljuk[18] mention that nitrogen
C. Microstructure
is 1.5 times more effective than carbon as a strengthen-
The microstructure of the material Fe-20Mn-12Cr- ing element in austenitic steels, associated with the
0.24C-0.32N obtained after diffusion annealing, hot interaction of dislocations and interstitials reflected in
rolling, solution annealing, and quenching in water is the behavior of the enthalpy of binding between
shown in Figure 7. A fully austenitic structure without nitrogen atoms and dislocations, which is higher than
d-ferrite or martensite was obtained. Because of the that of carbon atoms and dislocations.
diffusion annealing process, the grain size is relatively Concerning the plastic deformation, alloy C having a
coarse, approximately 80 lm. Recrystallization twins higher manganese and C + N content exhibits a lower
from the annealing processes also can be recognized elongation to fracture as well as a lower extent of cold
within the grains. No pores were formed, but manganese work hardening. In fact, this is correlated directly with
oxide (dark points in the microstructure) is present. the transition from twinning to dislocation glide as a