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University Catalog

San Francisco Bay University

2024–2025 University Catalog

Effective Spring Semester 2025

The 2024–2025 University Catalog is published annually and designed to provide an overview of
general information about San Francisco Bay University and a detailed explanation of the
University’s degree programs, curricular requirements, and Academic Affairs rules and regulations.
Additional information about student life organizations, social and personal support services, and
policies can be found in the student handbooks.

The course offerings and requirements of the university continually undergo assessment and
revision; therefore, the institution reserves the right to make changes as required in course
offerings, curricula, academic policies, and other rules and regulations. All students’ enrollment is
subject to these conditions. The university reserves the right to make changes in the arrangements
described herein without notice. Changes shall go into effect whenever the proper authorities
determine them and shall apply to current and prospective students.

Students, collaborating with their Academic Advisor and a current Study Plan, must take the
initiative to ascertain current information and meet the requirements of the specific program in
which they are enrolled.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 1

Table of Contents
ACADEMIC CALENDAR – 2024–2025 ............................................................................................ 6
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ................................................................................................. 8
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 9
Mission ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Vision .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Values ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Institutional Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................................... 9
Diversity Statement ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Faculty .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Accreditation ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Corporate Status ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Governing Board ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Community Involvement .............................................................................................................................. 11
Nondiscrimination Policy .............................................................................................................................. 11
ADMISSION POLICIES ................................................................................................................ 12
Application Deadlines ................................................................................................................................... 12
Tuition Deposit Deadlines ............................................................................................................................ 12
New Student Orientation .............................................................................................................................. 12
Application Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 12
ADMISSIONS TERMS AND CONDITIONS ..................................................................................... 15
Cancellation of Admission and Readmission ................................................................................................ 15
Document Submission .................................................................................................................................. 15
Enrollment Deposit ....................................................................................................................................... 15
F-1 International Applicants.......................................................................................................................... 15
New Student Orientation .............................................................................................................................. 15
Transfer and Articulation Agreements.......................................................................................................... 16
Notification of Admission.............................................................................................................................. 16
Official Transcripts ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Returning Students ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Non-Degree Undergraduate Students .......................................................................................................... 16
SFBU Institution Codes for Standardized Tests ............................................................................................. 17
A Student’s Right to Cancel........................................................................................................................... 17
Refund Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 18
TUITION AND FEES FOR THE 2024–2025 ACADEMIC YEAR .......................................................... 19
Undergraduate ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Graduate ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Auditing Fee .................................................................................................................................................. 20
FEES DETAILS FOR THE 2024–2025 ACADEMIC YEAR ................................................................... 21
Late Registration Fee .................................................................................................................................... 21
Minimum Terms for Tuition Payments ......................................................................................................... 21
Eligibility ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Two Installments .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Payment Plan for Exceptional Circumstances ............................................................................................... 22
Payment Plan Enrollment and Withdrawal................................................................................................... 22

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 2

Failure to Pay Installments............................................................................................................................ 22
Debts Owed to the University....................................................................................................................... 22
SCHOLARSHIPS .......................................................................................................................... 23
Undergraduate Tuition Scholarships ............................................................................................................. 23
Graduate Tuition Scholarships...................................................................................................................... 24
FINANCIAL AID .......................................................................................................................... 25
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT AT THE UNIVERSITY............................................................................. 25
PRACTICUM AND INDUSTRIAL COOPERATIVE PROJECTS ............................................................ 25
ACADEMIC INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 26
Study Plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Academic Advising and Counseling............................................................................................................... 26
Class Schedule .............................................................................................................................................. 27
Audio/Video/Photographic Recording .......................................................................................................... 27
Address of Instruction .................................................................................................................................. 27
ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES..................................................................................... 28
Credit Hour Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Full-Time Students ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Notice to F-1 International Students ............................................................................................................ 28
Part-Time Course Load.................................................................................................................................. 29
Restricted Student Status ............................................................................................................................. 29
Academic Certificate Students ...................................................................................................................... 29
Changing Study Status .................................................................................................................................. 29
Changing Academic Program........................................................................................................................ 29
Adding and Dropping Courses ...................................................................................................................... 30
Waitlists ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Course Transfer or Removal ......................................................................................................................... 30
GRADING POLICY AND ACADEMIC STANDARDS ......................................................................... 31
Grades........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Grade Point Average (GPA and CGPA) .......................................................................................................... 31
Passing Grades .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Change of Grade ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Incomplete Grade Policy ............................................................................................................................... 33
Auditing Courses ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Repetition of Courses ................................................................................................................................... 34
Forms of Instruction ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Attendance ................................................................................................................................................... 35
Standards of Satisfactory Progress (SSP) ...................................................................................................... 36
Academic Probation Policy ........................................................................................................................... 38
Examinations ................................................................................................................................................ 40
Teaching Assistants ...................................................................................................................................... 41
Graduation.................................................................................................................................................... 42
Withhold Diploma ......................................................................................................................................... 43
Withdrawal from the University ................................................................................................................... 43
Dismissal from the University ....................................................................................................................... 44
Revocation of Degree ................................................................................................................................... 44
Reentry to SFBU ............................................................................................................................................ 44
F-1 International Students ............................................................................................................................ 44

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 3

Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at SFBU ............................................ 44
Teach-Out Policy ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Registration Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 45
EDUCATION RECORDS ............................................................................................................... 46
Student Rights............................................................................................................................................... 46
Directory Information ................................................................................................................................... 46
Disclosure ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
RECORDKEEPING POLICY ........................................................................................................... 47
Custodian of Records .................................................................................................................................... 47
Required Student Records ............................................................................................................................ 47
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ....................................................................................... 48
Required Institutional Records ..................................................................................................................... 49
Student Records............................................................................................................................................ 49
Document Maintenance ............................................................................................................................... 50
Security and Safekeeping .............................................................................................................................. 51
Length of Record Retention .......................................................................................................................... 51
Student’s Right to Inspect and Review Records ............................................................................................ 51
Document Destruction ................................................................................................................................. 51
Legal Hold...................................................................................................................................................... 52
Compliance ................................................................................................................................................... 52
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY.................................................................................................... 52
Definition of Academic Integrity ................................................................................................................... 52
Types of Academic Misconduct .................................................................................................................... 52
Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................ 54
Disciplinary Actions ....................................................................................................................................... 55
STUDENT DISCIPLINE FOR INAPPROPRIATE CONDUCT ................................................................ 56
POLICY REGARDING PROHIBITED CONDUCT............................................................................... 56
STUDENT GRIEVANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURE ......................................................................... 57
Informal Resolution ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Timing ........................................................................................................................................................... 57
Grievance Procedure and Resolution ........................................................................................................... 57
No Retaliation ............................................................................................................................................... 58
Maintenance of Records ............................................................................................................................... 58
STUDENT LIFE............................................................................................................................ 59
University Orientation .................................................................................................................................. 59
Housing ......................................................................................................................................................... 59
AC Transit Bus Pass; Public Transportation ................................................................................................... 60
Nonacademic Counseling.............................................................................................................................. 60
Professional Development Seminars ............................................................................................................ 60
Career Services ............................................................................................................................................. 60
Student Handbooks ...................................................................................................................................... 60
Affiliation with Professional Societies ........................................................................................................... 61
Student Organizations .................................................................................................................................. 62
Student Health Insurance .............................................................................................................................. 62
FACILITIES ................................................................................................................................. 63
Campus Description ...................................................................................................................................... 63
The University Library and Digital Campus ................................................................................................... 65

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 4

MYSFBU PORTAL FOR FACULTY AND STUDENTS ........................................................................ 66
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................. 67
Human Subjects: The Institutional Review Board......................................................................................... 67
PROGRAMS IN ENGINEERING .................................................................................................... 69
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Faculty .......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 69
Undergraduate Program in Engineering ....................................................................................................... 70
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) .......................................................................................... 77
Graduate Programs in Engineering ............................................................................................................... 81
Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)............................................................................................ 88
Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS).................................................................................................... 92
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) ...................................................................................... 95
PROGRAMS IN BUSINESS ........................................................................................................... 98
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 98
Faculty .......................................................................................................................................................... 98
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 98
Undergraduate Program in Business ............................................................................................................ 99
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) .............................................................................. 107
Academic Certificate Program in Business ................................................................................................. 112
Graduate Certificate in Business Management (GCM) ............................................................................... 116
Graduate Programs in Business .................................................................................................................. 118
Master of Business Administration (MBA) .................................................................................................. 125
Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBAn)....................................................................................... 132
COURSE NUMBERS AND DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................... 136
General Education – Undergraduate Course Numbers and Descriptions .................................................. 136
Engineering – Undergraduate Program Course Numbering and Descriptions............................................ 142
Engineering – Graduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions ................................................... 150
Business — Undergraduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions.............................................. 168
Business – Graduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions......................................................... 179
UNIVERSITY MILESTONES ........................................................................................................ 194
DIRECTIONS TO SFBU .............................................................................................................. 195
SFBU CAMPUS MAP ................................................................................................................ 195

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 5


Fall Semester 2024 (August 29, 2024 – December 16, 2024)

August 26–28, 2024 Fall 2024 semester new student orientation dates.
Thursday, August 29, 2024 Fall semester classes begin.
Thursday, August 29, 2024 Add/Drop period for fall classes begins.
Monday, September 2, 2024 Labor Day: Campus Closed.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 Add/Drop period for fall classes ends.
Thursday, September 5, 2024 Faculty classroom observation begins.
Spring 2025 semester admission application deadline
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
for international students.
The deadline for graduation petition application for the
Saturday, November 9, 2024
next semester or for changing programs.
Monday, November 11, 2024 Spring 2025 class schedule published.
Spring 2025 semester tuition deposit deadline for
Friday, November 15, 2024
international students.
Monday, November 18, 2024 Registration for the Spring 2025 semester begins.
November 28–30, 2024 Thanksgiving Holiday: Campus Closed.
Spring 2025 semester application deadline for local and
Sunday, December 1, 2024
international transfer students.
Spring 2025 semester tuition deposit deadline for local
Sunday, December 15, 2024
and international transfer students.
Monday, December 16, 2024 Fall semester and fall classes end.
Saturday, December 21, 2024 [Faculty] Fall 2024 semester grades due date.
December 25–31, 2024 Winter Break: Campus Closed.

Spring Semester 2025 (January 13, 2025 – May 13, 2025)

Wednesday, January 1, 2025 New Year Holiday: Campus Closed.
January 5–11, 2025 New students reporting week.
January 9–10, 2025 Spring 2025 semester new student orientation dates.
Monday, January 13, 2025 Spring 2025 semester and classes begin.
Saturday, January 18, 2025 Registration for the Spring 2025 semester ends.
Summer 2025 semester application deadline for
Saturday, February 15, 2025
international students.
Summer 2025 semester tuition deposit deadline for
Saturday, March 15, 2025
international students.
March 31 – April 5, 2025 Spring Break week.
Monday, April 13, 2025 Registration for the Summer 2025 semester begins.
Summer 2025 semester application deadline for local
Thursday, May 1, 2025
and international transfer students.
May 5–10, 2025 Final examinations.
Tuesday, May 13, 2025 Spring 2025 semester and classes end.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 6

Summer 2025 semester tuition deposit deadline for
Thursday, May 15, 2025
local and international transfer students.
Thursday, May 15, 2025 [Faculty] Spring 2025 semester grades due date.
Thursday, May 15, 2025 Fall 2025 application deadline for international students.

Summer Semester 2025 (June 2, 2025 – July 29, 2025)

May 30 – June 1, 2025 Summer 2025 New Student Orientation.
Monday, June 2, 2025 Summer semester and classes begin.
Saturday, June 7, 2025 Registration for summer 2025 ends.
Monday, July 13, 2025 Registration for the Fall 2025 semester begins.
Tuesday, July 15, 2025 Fall 2025 semester application deadline for local and
international transfer students.
Tuesday, July 15, 2025 Fall 2025 semester tuition deposit deadline for
international students.
July 20 – 29, 2025 Final examinations.
Tuesday, July 29, 2025 Summer semester and classes end.
Thursday, July 31, 2025 [Faculty] Summer 2025 semester grades due date.
Friday, August 1, 2025 Fall 2025 semester tuition deposit deadline for local and
international students.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 7

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the university information number. A recording
will give you a choice of offices to contact.

Telephone: (510) 803-SFBU (7328) The university’s website address is https://www.sfbu.edu.

For the Office of Admissions: e-mail: [email protected]; telephone: (510) 803-7328 ext. 1

• How can I apply to SFBU?

See admission and application information on Admission Policies and University Academic
• How can I get an application form? What should I submit for the application?

Start the application by creating an account on the SFBU applicant portal, accessible from the SFBU
website. Admissions officers are also available to assist with the application.

For degree programs, the required application materials are listed on SFBU’s website in the
“Admissions” section and in the “Undergraduate Admissions” and “Graduate Admissions”
subsections. This information is also provided on the online application form.

• Are the admissions requirements the same for online and physical programs?

Yes, the admissions requirements are the same.

• How can I see an admission officer or an academic counselor?

Admission officers and academic counselors are available virtually and on campus to assist
applicants and students during office hours posted on the SFBU website at
https://www.sfbu.edu/contact-us. Also, see Academic Advising and Counseling on page 23.

• What courses do I need to complete for my major?

See the curriculum listings under the various degree programs.

• I want to know the costs of taking courses in pursuit of a degree or academic

certificate or the Intensive English Program.

See the tuition and fees information on pages 16–18.

• How do I register for classes?

See Registration Procedure and related information on page 43.

• Where can I find the directions to SFBU?

See page 185 or on our website at http://www.sfbu.edu/contact-us.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 8

The San Francisco Bay University (SFBU) Catalog is an annual publication containing information on
academic requirements, learning facilities, tuition and fees, disciplinary issues concerning all
applicants and students at SFBU, and other pertinent topics. Student handbooks for both local and
international students are published separately and posted on the MySFBU student portal. (New
students are introduced to the MySFBU student portal on the New Student Orientation Day.) The
handbooks provide additional information to help students adjust to the school environment
quickly and learn how to use the administrative services available to them.

If the Student Handbook contains information that conflicts with published information in this
University Catalog, the information in the University Catalog supersedes that of the Student

Most of the information contained in this University Catalog and other pertinent information is also
available on the university website at www.sfbu.edu.

San Francisco Bay University provides diverse learners with inclusive, innovative, and inspirational
education for lifelong personal and career success.

San Francisco Bay University will set the standard as a national and international model of
engaged and transformative higher education in service of the common good.

• Caring for the Whole Student
• Delivering Teaching Excellence
• Providing Access and Inclusion
• Offering Affordable Higher Education Opportunities
• Reflecting the Vibrancy of Silicon Valley

Institutional Learning Outcomes

San Francisco Bay University has adopted institutional learning outcomes that represent our
degrees, academic certificates, and general education outcomes. These are supported through
each of our major areas of study, through general education courses, and through our
administrative and educational support programs.

SFBU graduates are expected to demonstrate the following institutional student learning outcomes:
Written Communication: Write sustained, coherent arguments or explanations.
Oral Communication: Utilize effective oral communication strategies.
Quantitative Reasoning: Utilize mathematical concepts and methods to analyze and explain
issues in quantitative terms.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 9

Information Literacy: Identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and
share information in support of academic, personal, and professional needs.
Critical Thinking: Explore and analyze issues, ideas, artifacts, and events to formalize an
opinion or conclusion.
Specialized Knowledge: Achieve knowledge and skills required in a specialized field of study
appropriate to the degree level.

Diversity Statement
San Francisco Bay University strongly believes in diversity in all of its many forms at every level of
our university, as we find having a broad spectrum of perspectives and backgrounds vital to
accomplishing our mission. Diversity is essential in furthering social justice, educational quality,
and career success. SFBU is dedicated to fostering a culture that promotes, supports, and respects
diversity throughout our university. Diversity includes, but is not limited to, race, color, religion,
age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic origin, national origin, ancestry, military or
veteran status, and physical impairment.

The SFBU faculty maintains a tradition of personal attention to students and devotion to teaching
and research. Many members of the faculty have been cited for excellence in teaching. Some of
them are leaders in their disciplines and professional organizations. Members of the faculty have
had experience working in high-tech fields and various business professions; some also functioned
as consultants to educational institutions, industry, businesses, government, and foundations.

San Francisco Bay University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission
(WSCUC), 1080 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 500, Alameda, CA 94501, 510.748.9001.

Corporate Status
San Francisco Bay University is organized under California Corporate Law as a nonprofit, public-
benefit corporation and is deemed tax-exempt, as applies to corporations falling within the IRS
501(c)(3) ruling.


Governing Board
SFBU is governed by its Board of Directors. Board members follow applicable nonprofit rules, as
SFBU is a nonprofit, public-benefit educational institution.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 10

Community Involvement
The university is, primarily, an institution of learning and teaching, committed to serving the needs
of society and involved in the academic and civic communities of which it is a part. The SFBU
administrators participate in job fairs and work with businesses to provide job opportunities for
our students. SFBU sponsors and promotes various community activities and encourages
the participation of its students in community outreach and volunteering programs. SFBU believes
that community involvement by its students helps develop social responsibility.

Nondiscrimination Policy
SFBU, by applicable federal and state law and university policy, does not discriminate based on
race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation,
pregnancy,1 physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic
characteristics), ancestry, religion, service in the uniformed services,2 or age. SFBU also prohibits
unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment and sexual violence. This nondiscrimination
policy applies to all aspects of admission, education, employment, financial aid, student activities,
and other school-administered programs. SFBU investigates all discrimination complaints,
including harassment, in an unbiased, thorough manner.
“Pregnancy” includes pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth.
“Service in the uniformed services” includes membership, application for membership, performance of
service, application for service, or obligation for service in the uniformed services.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 11

SFBU admits all qualified individuals into the university without regard to race, color, religion, age,
marital status, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic origin, national origin, ancestry, military or
veteran status, and physical impairment.

It is a core SFBU value to make education available to all individuals who meet the
qualifications for entrance.

Application Deadlines

Semester International and COS Local & Online Modality Int’l Transfer-in

Spring 2025 October 15 December 1

Summer 2025 February 15 May 1

Fall 2025 May 15 July 15

Tuition Deposit Deadlines

Semester International Local Transfer-in

Spring 2025 November 15 December 15

Summer 2025 March 15 May 15

Fall 2025 July 1 August 1

New Student Orientation

Semester New Student Orientation Dates First Day of Class Last Day of Class

Spring 2025 January 9–11 January 13 May 13

Summer 2025 May 30–June 1 June 2 July 29

Fall 2025 August 15–17 August 18 December 16

Application Requirements

In addition to the following requirements, as supplementary indicators of potential success at

SFBU, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of one or more of the following:
• Additional undergraduate or graduate degrees and certifications
• Previous coursework or training in the intended field of study
• Work experience

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 12

• Achievement in sports, music, or other creative pursuits
• Involvement in community/volunteer services
• Fluency in multiple foreign languages
• Personal statement with background and purpose for seeking the degree
• Other special or unique skills

Applicants should also refer to their individual programs of interest in the catalog or SFBU website
for program-specific requirements.

Domestic and International Applicant Definitions

Domestic Applicant: a citizen, lawful permanent resident, or an asylee in the United States.

International Applicant: a citizen or permanent resident of a country outside of the United States.

Undergraduate Program Requirements

• Cumulative Grade Point Average. Applicants must hold the equivalent of a high school
degree from an accredited institution of higher learning with a weighted cumulative grade
point average (CGPA). Applicants with a weighted CGPA lower than 2.0 are not eligible for
• Official Transcripts from All Previously Attended Institutions. Transcripts electronically or
physically delivered to the SFBU Enrollment office directly from the institution of higher
learning or its designee are official transcripts. Unofficial transcripts may be used in
consideration of an admission decision, but official transcripts will be required within the
student’s first academic term. Transcripts from institutions outside the United States must be
evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services
(NACES), the Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or the American
Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International
Education Services.
• F-1 International Students. In addition to the above general application requirements, an
international applicant is required to submit the following documents:
o Copy of passport.
o A recent bank statement that indicates a minimum amount of $40,000 (USD) available
to pursue study in the first academic year. An affidavit of support or sponsor letter is
required if the funds are not in the applicant’s name.
o Transfer F-1 international students: A transfer student (from a U.S. institution) must
submit a photocopy of his/her previous I-20 form, visa, and I-94 (U.S. Department of
Homeland Security issued arrival/departure form).

Please note that SFBU does not admit ability-to-benefit students.

Graduate Program Requirements

• Cumulative Grade Point Average. Applicants must hold the equivalent of a high school
degree from an accredited institution of higher learning with a weighted cumulative grade
point average (CGPA). Applicants with a weighted CGPA lower than 3.0 are not eligible for

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 13

• Official Transcripts from All Previously Attended Institutions. Transcripts electronically or
physically delivered to the SFBU Enrollment office directly from the institution of higher
learning or its designer are official transcripts. Unofficial transcripts may be used in
consideration of an admission decision, but official transcripts will be required within the
student’s first academic term. Transcripts from institutions outside the United States must be
evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services
(NACES), the Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or the American
Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International
Education Services.
• F-1 International Students. In addition to the above general application requirements, an
international applicant is required to submit the following documents:
o Copy of passport.
o A recent bank statement that indicates a minimum amount of $40,000 (USD)
available to pursue study in the first academic year. An affidavit of support or
sponsor letter is required if the funds are not in the applicant’s name.
o Transfer F-1 international students: A transfer student (from a U.S. institution) must
submit a photocopy of his/her previous I-20 form, visa, and I-94 (U.S. Department of
Homeland Security issued arrival and departure form).
o Please note that SFBU does not admit ability-to-benefit students.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 14


Cancellation of Admission and Readmission

If an applicant is accepted into a degree program for a given semester and does not begin classes
in that semester, admission will automatically be canceled. The prospective student’s application
records (transcripts from previous colleges and English language proficiency records) are kept on
file for a period of six months from the semester start date. If the applicant then wishes to be
considered for readmission in a later semester, he/she will be required to resubmit an application
online with the initial account ID. A re-evaluation of admission will be made for the applicant. If
reapplication is made more than six months from the initial admission term, the applicant may be
required to submit an entirely new set of application materials.

Document Submission
Please note that all documents you submit, or are submitted on your behalf, to support your
application for admission or to fulfill enrollment requirements become the exclusive property of
SFBU. Under no circumstances will the university release the documents to you or any other party,
and SFBU will not provide you with any copies.

Enrollment Deposit
All accepted applicants must submit a tuition deposit to reserve their place in the accepted term.
Instructions, applicable fees, and due dates are provided in the acceptance package.

F-1 International Applicants

SFBU is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant international students, and its
Designated School Officials are authorized to issue I-20 forms. However, SFBU does not provide
visa services, nor does SFBU vouch for student status.

Please note that the only language of instruction shall be English.

The Graduate Certificate in Management (GCM), the Master of Science in Business Analytics
(MSBAn), and the Master of Science in Data Science do not support F-1 international students.

New Student Orientation

All new students must attend the New Student Orientation program at SFBU before each semester

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 15

Transfer and Articulation Agreements
SFBU has established transfer or articulation agreements with various academic institutions, such
• Ohlone College • Berkeley City College
• Evergreen Valley College • Mendocino College
• Merritt College • Mission College
• College of San Mateo • Bakersfield College
• Chabot College • Yuba College
• Laney College • Cerro Coso Community College
• Las Positas College • West Valley College
• San Jose City College • City College of San Francisco

These agreements generally include details of the courses that may be transferred to satisfy SFBU’s
program requirements. The full list of institutions and the agreements are published on the SFBU

Notification of Admission
Upon admission approval, prospective students will receive a notification of admission status. An
admitted applicant will receive an acceptance package electronically. An applicant denied
admission will receive an explanation for their denied application. Processing begins upon receipt
of all required documents as instructed. Processing times will vary.

Official Transcripts
Official transcripts are required for enrollment into a degree program and must be submitted by
the end of the first term of enrollment. Failure to submit official transcripts on time may result in
the applicant’s placement in a non-degree status or withdrawal from the university.

Returning Students
When a former SFBU student returns to continue his/her study in an unfinished program after an
unexplained exit or leaving without formality, withdrawing for more than one term, the returning
student must submit a new online application. The student will receive a new evaluation and study
plan based on the graduation requirements specified in the current catalog. Applicable courses and
credits earned in the unfinished program may be applied toward the new study plan.

Non-Degree Undergraduate Students

Students take credit courses through SFBU non-degree enrollment for many reasons, including to
• Prepare for graduate school at SFBU or elsewhere
• Meet admission requirements for SFBU or another school
• Build professional skills for career advancement
• “Test drive” a different field of study
• Get a feel for what SFBU courses and the SFBU experience are like

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 16

Note: Courses taken in a non-degree status will not transfer into a degree program. Their
primary purpose is for student enrichment and knowledge.

• Almost anyone can take an SFBU credit course through non-degree enrollment, provided
they get an instructor’s and departmental approval and there is space in the course.
Because matriculated students—those officially enrolled in an SFBU degree program—are
given priority in course registration, non-degree students are enrolled in courses on a space-
available, standby basis.
• Non-degree students must submit an application and appropriate credentials to the
Admissions office.
• Non-degree students must prove that they meet the prerequisite requirements when
enrolling in a course. Therefore, a non-degree student is advised to submit his/her previous
academic records, official or unofficial, to the Admissions office. Additionally, all non-degree
students must, at a minimum, possess a high school diploma or equivalent certification.
• Undergraduate non-degree students are limited to a maximum of two courses per
semester. There is no maximum number of courses a non-degree student can take over
his/her academic career at SFBU. This population of students is considered to be life-long
learners who are not pursuing a degree program. Their courses taken in non-degree status
cannot transfer into any degree program at SFBU.

International Non-Degree Students

If you are an international student, you may only take courses through non-degree enrollment if
you already have a current valid I-20 from SFBU or another school and plan to take classes at SFBU
while maintaining your F-1 status at that other school. We are unable to issue I-20s for non-degree

SFBU Institution Codes for Standardized Tests

ACT 1750 | SAT 4335
GMAT 5485 | GRE 5485
TOEFL 9626 | CLEP 7569
DANTES 9670 | FCE UX357

A Student’s Right to Cancel

You have a right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund of charges paid if notice
of cancellation is received by SFBU through attendance on the first day of class or the 7th day after
enrollment, whichever is later. You shall provide cancellation notice in writing through the MySFBU
student portal using the following navigation links: My Requests | Non-Academic | Transfer
Out/Withdrawal. Cancellation shall be effective when successfully submitted.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 17

Refund Policy
Students who withdraw from SFBU by the end of the first week of class in a semester will receive a
full refund. Following the first week of class and up through the completion of 75 percent of the
period of attendance, students may withdraw from SFBU and obtain a pro-rata refund of unearned
institutional charges. The tuition deposit is nonrefundable.

SFBU shall refund any credit balance on the student’s account within 45 days after the date of the
student’s completion of, or withdrawal from, the student’s educational program.

A withdrawal must be effectuated by the student’s written notice, as described above under
Student’s Right to Cancel.

A student is also deemed to have been withdrawn from the university when any of the following
occurs: (1) the student drops all enrolled courses in a period of attendance, (2) the student submits
a written notice to withdraw through the portal, (3) SFBU suspends or expels the student due to
misconduct, unsatisfactory academic performance, or overdue fees, (4) SFBU terminates an F-1
student for violation of U.S. Department of Homeland Security regulations, (5) the student fails to
return from a leave of absence, or (6) the student, without prior approval, fails to attend four
consecutive classes for all enrolled courses in a period of attendance.

A student who drops one or more courses, but not all, will receive a pro-rata tuition refund for the
dropped courses.

Calculation of Refund

Refund Amount = Total Paid by Student – Amount Owed

Amount Owed = (Total Institutional Charges/Hours in the Program) * Hours Attended or Scheduled
to Attend Before Withdrawal

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 18

(Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025)

Tuition and fees can be paid online or in person in room #102 in the Student Accounts office.

Tuition for repeating a course is the regular rate in each category. (The last grade earned is the only
grade recorded.)

Tuition and fees are charged on a semester basis based on the annual rates published in the
University Catalog. The regular undergraduate tuition rate is $330.00 per credit hour. Additional
fees such as registration, campus, and learning resources fees are associated with enrollment each

Example: Estimated Yearly Tuition and Costs for the Bachelor Programs as a Full-Time
Student (based on two semesters)
Tuition $7,920

Fees $910

Textbook Costs $1,200

Health Insurance Premium $1,060

Estimated Total Charges $11,090

• The tuition rate shown is for a full-time undergraduate 12-credit hour load per
semester hours.
• Undergraduate non-degree student tuition is $330 per credit hour plus associated
• This estimate includes tuition, fees, textbook costs, and a health insurance premium,
subject to change. All students must pay current tuition and fee rates each semester.
Additional fees may apply, depending on the services requested (see Tuition and Fee
section in the University Catalog). The cost of textbooks is estimated to be approximately
$150 per course. The actual cost of textbooks can vary significantly from course to
• All students must purchase their textbooks/materials through their preferred vendors.
• All students are required to have an adequate health insurance plan. Students can
purchase health insurance either through SFBU or an outside vendor.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 19

Tuition is charged by credit hour. Tuition for courses taken to fulfill the master’s degree
requirement is $450.00 per credit hour. Additional fees such as registration, campus, and learning
resources fees are associated with enrollment each semester.

Example: Estimated Yearly Tuition and Costs for the Graduate Programs for a Full-Time
Student (based on two semesters)
Tuition $8,100

Fees $910

Textbook Costs $900

Health Insurance Premium $1,060

Estimated Total Charges $10,970

• The tuition rate shown is for a full-time graduate credit hour load of 9 credit hours per
• This estimate includes tuition, fees, textbook costs, and a health insurance premium,
subject to change. All students must pay current tuition and fee rates each semester.
Additional fees may apply, depending on the services requested (see Tuition and Fee
section in the University Catalog). The cost of textbooks is estimated to be approximately
$150 per course. The actual cost of textbooks can vary significantly from course to
• All students must also purchase their textbooks/materials through their preferred
• All students are required to have an adequate health insurance plan. Students can
purchase health insurance either through SFBU or an outside vendor.

Auditing Fee
No Credit will be granted.

The auditing fee is half the regular credit hour rate; it does not apply to project/CPT/lab courses.
Students must be in a degree program and cannot be a non-degree student.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 20

(Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025)

Registration fee: $75

Campus fee: $180
Learning resource fee: $200
Health insurance fee: $530 (all students, covers from 09/01/2024 – 12/31/2024)

Notes: Non-degree students may have adjusted fee rates.

If you have valid U.S. health insurance and do not wish to purchase health insurance through SFBU, your
insurance plan documents must be submitted through your portal before registering for your courses.

Late Registration Fee

A late registration fee for current students takes effect on 04/07/2024:

$50 from 08/04/2024 ~ 08/17/2024 (up to the end of the fall semester)

$75 from 08/18/2024 ~ 08/28/2024 (during the semester break)

$100 from 08/29/2024 ~ 09/04/2024 (during the add/drop period)

Minimum Terms for Tuition Payments

The student is only obligated for the portion of the program cost applicable to each semester when
the student is enrolled. The student must pay the school the applicable cost (e.g., semester
tuition, other required fees) at the time of registration unless the student and school agree, in
writing, to a tuition payment plan.

Students who have an overdue Student Account are subject to withdrawal from classes by the
school. Students who fail to fulfill their financial obligations to the school may be suspended and
considered for reinstatement only after full payment of the delinquent portion of their account
unless the school has agreed in writing to a different payment arrangement.


Generally, a student can enroll in a payment plan for any semester after the first semester. The
student must clear all university financial obligations to apply for a payment plan.

Two Installments
The first installment is due before the end of week 12 of the semester before the semester for
which the payment plan is requested. The second installment is due before the end of week 6 of
the semester. For example, if a student is permitted to enroll in a payment plan for the 2024
summer semester, the first installment will be due by the end of week 12 of the 2024 spring

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 21

semester, and the second installment will be due by the end of week 6 of the 2024 summer
semester. The first installment includes amounts for half of the tuition, the full health insurance
premium (if applicable), and all required fees. The second installment is for the remaining tuition.

Payment Plan for Exceptional Circumstances

Students with exceptional circumstances may qualify for a customized payment plan. These plans
are typically for those facing severe economic hardship, evidence of which must be provided by the
students. Examples of such proof are receipt of CalWORKs benefits or U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services Employment Authorization based on severe economic hardship. These cases
are reviewed on an individual basis and approved sparingly.

Payment Plan Enrollment and Withdrawal

Payment Plan Enrollment is at the Time of Registration. Students may apply for a payment plan via
the student portal at the time of registration. Eligible students may select and enroll in a payment
plan without administrative approval.

Payment Plan Enrollment after Registration. If a student wishes to enroll in a payment plan after
registration, the student must (a) contact Student Accounts to have the plan manually added to
the student’s account, (b) pay the payment plan service fee, and (c) pay an amount equal to or
greater than the first installment amount.

Withdrawal from Payment Plan. A student who wishes to withdraw from a payment plan may do
so before the first installment deadline by contacting Student Accounts to have the plan removed
from his/her account. At the time of withdrawal from the payment plan, the student must pay or
have paid an amount equal to or greater than the total amount owed. The payment plan service
fee will be credited back to the student’s account.

Failure to Pay Installments

Failure to make timely payment of the first installment will result in automatic cancellation of a
student’s registration. A late fee will be assessed for students who fail to make timely payments for
the second installment. Students will be withdrawn from courses if they fail to pay for the second
installment by the end of week 8. Students with nominal balances may be given additional time to
settle their accounts.

Debts Owed to the University

SFBU may withhold permission to register, to use facilities for which a fee is authorized to be
charged, to receive services and materials, or any combination of the above from any student or
former student owing a debt without a signed Payment Plan on file until the debt is paid (see Title
5, California Administrative Code, Sections 42380 and 42381). If a student believes that he or she
does not owe all or part of an unpaid obligation, the student should contact the Student Accounts
office. Student Accounts will review the pertinent information, including any information the
student may wish to present, and will advise the student of its conclusions with respect to the

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 22

Tuition scholarships are offered to qualified applicants, current students, and SFBU alumni. The
scholarships are subject to change.

Undergraduate Tuition Scholarships

GPA Band Scholarship % Name

2.00 – 2.49 25 SFBU
2.50 – 2.74 30 Seeker
2.75 – 2.99 40 Collaborator
3.00 – 3.24 50 Changemaker
3.25 – 3.49 60 Achiever
3.50 – 3.99 75 Leadership
4.00 100 Presidential

The following terms and conditions apply:

• The continued distribution of all tuition scholarships is contingent upon maintaining

Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students also must maintain good standing with the
university by upholding the university’s academic standards and integrity.
• Students are required to enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per semester and maintain
a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.
• The program must be completed within 10 semesters, excluding any approved breaks.
• The scholarship is valid for tuition payments only. Any unused tuition scholarship will be
forfeited. The scholarship has no cash value and does not cover the following student
o Tuition deposit (this goes towards tuition)
o Campus fee
o Registration fee
o Learning Resource fee
o Health Insurance fee (unless waived)
o Housing fees
o SEVIS fee (international applicants)
• The tuition scholarship payments shall not exceed the program’s minimum total credits
required for completion.
• Students are not eligible to receive any other SFBU academic scholarship except for the
Startup Scholars Scholarship, which replaces a tuition scholarship.
• If students cannot meet any of the terms, the tuition scholarship will be rescinded.
• The university reserves the right to rescind a scholarship if the decision is deemed to be in
the best interest of the university.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 23

Graduate Tuition Scholarships

GPA Band Scholarship % Name

2.50 – 2.74 0 -
2.75 – 2.99 0 -
3.0 – 3.24 50 Changemaker
3.25 – 3.49 60 Achiever
3.5 – 3.99 75 Leadership
4.0 + 100 Presidential

The following terms and conditions apply:

• The continued distribution of all tuition scholarships is contingent upon maintaining

Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students also must maintain good standing with the
university by upholding the university’s academic standards and integrity.
• Students must enroll in a minimum of 9 credits per semester and maintain a minimum
cumulative GPA of 3.00.
• The program must be completed within four semesters, excluding any approved
• The scholarship is valid for tuition payments only. Any unused tuition scholarship will be
forfeited. The scholarship has no cash value and does not cover the following student
o Tuition deposit (this goes towards tuition)
o Campus fee
o Registration fee
o Learning Resource fee
o Health Insurance fee (unless waived)
o Housing fees
o SEVIS fee (international applicants)

• The tuition scholarship payments shall not exceed the program’s minimum total credits required
for completion.
• Students are not eligible to receive any other SFBU academic scholarship.
• If students cannot meet any of the terms, the tuition scholarship will be rescinded.
• The university reserves the right to rescind a scholarship if the decision is deemed to be in the
best interest of the university.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 24

Need-based scholarships are provided to students who submit a FAFSA Submission Summary. The
document is not required for admission but is necessary for students requesting financial aid. The
document must be uploaded via this link: https://share.hsforms.com/1RdxNsdYbR8-

Based on the Student Aid Index, the awards are as follows:

SAI Calculator
Student Aid Index Discount %
–$1500 to $0 15%
$1 to $2,499 10%
$2,500 – $3,999 8%
$4,000 – $5,999 6%
$6,000 – $7,999 4%
$8,000 and over 0%


Limited university openings are available as needed to highly qualified degree and academic
certificate-seeking students. Applications are submitted via the MySFBU student portal. Students
may apply for positions such as Teaching Assistant (TA), Administrative Assistant, and Facility
Assistant. These assistantships are offered primarily based on outstanding academic and
professional achievement. Students selected to perform these services must be diligent,
demonstrate a strong work ethic, and be compassionate towards fellow students, in addition to
meeting the academic qualifications.


A Practicum is a supervised practical experience involving the application of previously studied
theory. Normally, three hours of work in a practical setting have the credit equivalency of one hour
of classroom lecture. Under the supervision of a faculty or staff member, a written agreement shall
be developed that outlines the arrangement between the institution and the practicum site,
including specific learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation criteria. Details of the
qualifications are specified in the student application process. The supervising staff is responsible
for checking the students’ qualifications.

F-1 international students must observe additional rules required by the U.S. Immigration &
Customs Enforcement on Curricular Practical Training (CPT).

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 25


Study Plan
Upon admission to a degree or academic certificate program, the new student receives a copy of
his/her admission evaluation form that includes his/her graduation requirements. The electronic
file of the student’s graduation requirements is known as the student’s Study Plan. The Study Plan
will be maintained by designated administrative staff (usually the student’s Academic Advisor) as
the student continues his/her study at SFBU. The student will have access to his/her own Study
Plan through his/her MySFBU student portal. The student and the student’s advisor are advised to
check his/her online study plan regularly and report any errors to the administrative staff

Follow Proper Sequence. In general, a student should complete lower-level courses before taking
higher-level courses.

Follow the Original Plan. A student should attempt to follow his/her original Study Plan to
complete his/her program. When courses are replaced due to a catalog update, the student
should, accordingly, take the replacement courses. The student may also submit an online
request via the MySFBU student portal to “Request Substitution of a Required Course” for each
such course update.

Use New Curriculum. As the University Catalog is updated for each new academic year, a student is
allowed to submit a request to upgrade his/her Study Plan by using the graduation requirements
specified in the current Catalog. The evaluation committee will make a new Study Plan for the
students. The student may risk facing additional course requirements with such a request since
new requirements may be different from previous requirements for the same program. The
student is advised to carefully decide before submitting a Study Plan upgrade request as the
process is irreversible.

Returning Student. When a student returns to SFBU to continue his/her study in an unfinished
program after missing more than one term, the returning student must submit a new admissions
application form. The student will then receive a new Study Plan based on the graduation
requirements specified in the current catalog. Applicable courses and credits earned in the
unfinished program may apply to the new Study Plan.

Academic Advising and Counseling

Academic advising and counseling are integral components of a student-centered approach to
education, aiming to empower students academically, personally, and professionally. By providing
guidance, support, and resources, advisors and counselors help students navigate challenges,
explore opportunities, and achieve their full potential in their academic pursuits and beyond.

Students should visit the Student Success Hub for any questions they have about general
education, probation, and disqualification.

Although registration via the MySFBU student portal is available to the student, he/she is welcome
to meet with an Academic Advisor before and during the course registration period each semester.
Appointments can be made for either an in-person or a virtual meeting. During the meeting, the

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 26

advisor and the student will examine the student’s Study Plan and academic records, verify course
prerequisites, and choose suitable courses to enroll in. Academic advising is also available to students
throughout the school year. In addition to helping students plan course schedules, Academic Advisors
may also encourage students to explore their academic options and personal goals to prepare for the
professional world.

To ensure the satisfactory progress of each student, designated administrative staff maintain close
contact with the faculty and the teaching assistants to monitor those students who may need extra
help. Class attendance records, available online to advisors, are used as one input for student
counseling. The student will be contacted for counseling when any of the following occurs: (1) The
academic advisor is informed by any instructor who is concerned about the student’s performance
in the class at any checkpoint during the semester, (2) the student has a poor attendance record,
or (3) the student is placed on academic probation.

Class Schedule
Not all classes are available every semester. The class schedule is published approximately 7–8
weeks before the semester starts and is included on the Academic Calendar after the midterm point
in the preceding semester.

Degree courses are generally conducted on weekdays during the day. However, many degree
program classes, especially graduate courses, are conducted on weekday evenings and on
Saturdays to allow both students and working professionals to pursue their studies during after-
work hours.

Administrative personnel are available during office hours to assist students, faculty, and
prospective applicants in connection with class scheduling.

SFBU’s Learning Resource Center is open on weekdays and Saturdays for use by full-time students
to study, conduct research, do homework, practice hands-on exercises in the labs, work on
projects in the practicum labs, or engage in extracurricular activities.

Audio/Video/Photographic Recording
Students wishing to take photographs or make any type of video or audio recordings of lectures
presented by SFBU faculty members or visiting lecturers must obtain the written consent of those
faculty members or lecturers.

Address of Instruction
The physical address where the class sessions are held is as follows:

Main Campus: 161 Mission Falls Lane, Fremont, CA 94539

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 27

The Provost reviews and approves SFBU’s academic policies. The Registrar administers and
ensures the implementation of academic policies. The Registrar confers with the Provost regularly
if there are any challenges to exceptions of the approved academic policies, including decisions on
academic standing and compliance with policies. All academic policies undergo annual review,
incorporating updates into the following year’s academic catalog.

Credit Hour Policy

SFBU follows federal guidelines regarding credit hours.

Pursuant to 34 C.F.R. §600.2, a credit hour is an amount of work resulting in intended learning
outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established
equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than

(1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 2 hours of
out-of-class student work each week for approximately 16 weeks (or the
equivalent of 16 weeks if the term is shorter [i.e., summer semester]) for one
(2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for
other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work,
internships, practice, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of
credit hours.

The above shall apply to both in-person and distance education modalities. One hour of classroom =
One contact hour

One contact hour = 50 minutes of instruction

Full-Time Students
Undergraduate students taking 12 or more credit hours per semester and graduate/academic
certificate students taking 9 or more credits per semester are considered full-time students for the
enrolled term.

Notice to F-1 International Students

All international students with F-1 Student Visas must be engaged in a full course of study toward
completing the degree program listed on their I-20 forms. A “full course of study” is fulfilled when a
student enrolls in a full-time load of credit-bearing courses counting towards the degree program
listed on that student’s I-20 form. A “full-time load” is at least 12 credit hours for undergraduates
and at least 9 credit hours for graduate students.

In SFBU’s semester calendar system, an international student can take a semester break or take
less than a full course of study for one term after maintaining full-time status for the prior two
consecutive fall and spring semesters. International students must observe the SFBU class
attendance policy, maintain satisfactory progress toward completing their degree objectives, and
maintain good standing with the university. See an International Student Advisor in the

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 28

Administration office if you have questions about how to maintain a full course of study at SFBU.
Also, the F1 international student must seek approval for the semester break period to be eligible
for consideration for a semester break.

Part-Time Course Load

Undergraduate students taking fewer than 12 credit hours per semester and graduate/academic
certificate students taking fewer than 9 credit hours per semester are considered as taking a part-
time course load in the enrolled term.

Restricted Student Status

A student pursuing a degree program may be placed on Restricted status for violating certain rules.
Examples are failure to submit an official transcript or other required documents by a given
deadline, failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, or failure to follow the student’s
Study Plan. A student placed on Restricted status must remedy the deficiency within a time
specified by the university officer who placed the student on Restricted status. Failure to comply
before the deadline for remediation of the violation may result in the termination of the student’s
registration privileges at SFBU.

Academic Certificate Students

Academic certificate students are responsible for ensuring that they can successfully complete
applicable courses and maintain an acceptable CGPA.

Changing Study Status

If a non-degree student decides to apply for degree study at SFBU, he/she must go through the
regular degree program application procedures. No more than 12 credit hours earned in non-
degree status at SFBU may be applied to the degree requirements.

Courses that have been reviewed and currently approved as part of a formal SFBU
articulation/transfer agreement are guaranteed to transfer up to the program’s transfer limit.

An SFBU academic Graduate Certificate in Business Management student who wishes to enroll in
the MBA program within 7 years of completion of the certificate program may transfer all graduate
certificate credits into the MBA program if courses from the certificate program match those of the
MBA program.

Changing Academic Program

Current SFBU students may request to change their degree program of study. This academic
program change policy applies to both change of academic program and change of program
(Business to Engineering, or vice versa).
• Students requesting to change schools must meet the admissions criteria specified by the
program director.
• Credits and grades earned from applicable courses taken at SFBU in the original

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 29

program may be applied toward the new program requirements. The grades are
included in the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) calculation for the new
program at the same degree level. The credits are excluded from the maximum
program length (MPL).
• Students on academic warning/probation must meet with their respective Program
Director to determine their eligibility to change programs.

Adding and Dropping Courses

After registering for a semester, a student may add or drop courses by a deadline that is specified
in the university’s academic calendar. Adding courses is allowed in the first week of the semester
and is on a space availability basis. A student may drop courses without affecting his/her records if
done before the deadline of the end of the first week of the semester.

From the second through the twelfth weeks of the semester, a student may withdraw from courses
for serious and compelling reasons after a discussion with an academic counselor. The student will
be issued a grade of “W.”

If a student cannot register for a course during registration because it is full (at the established
enrollment limit), he/she can sign onto a waitlist if the course permits “waitlisting.” Programs are
permitted to limit and identify those courses for which wait lists can occur; not all courses will have
wait lists.

Undergraduate students can request up to 12 credits for waitlisted courses, and graduate students
can request up to 9 credits for waitlisted courses.

Students will not be allowed to enroll on a waitlist for a course they are already registered for a
different section or if they have not satisfied any prerequisite requirements.

If accepting students from a wait list could increase the enrollment in the class beyond the
classroom capacity, the instructor will contact the Registrar to determine if an alternative larger
classroom is available in the same period. Switching times of a course that students are already
enrolled in is not permitted.

Course Transfer or Removal

Removal or withdrawal from academic courses can sometimes result in no academic credit or no
tuition refund. Students may be transferred to another class, another section, or placed in an
independent study if available. Otherwise, the student will forfeit the class without academic credit
or tuition refund.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 30


The instructors are requested to submit their semester grades for their classes before the grade
due day. Instructors use a portal-based grade entry system to enter grades. Each student may
check his/her own academic records online. Grades are not given out over the telephone. The
following grading symbols shall be used to evaluate student performance. The grading symbols
reflect the quality of a student’s accomplishments relative to the standards set for each course.

o A = Highest level, showing excellence.

o B = Performance is good, but not at the highest level.
o C = Performance is adequate in an undergraduate course and passing in a master’s
degree course. (Note: graduate courses with a C- grade or below are not counted
towards meeting graduation requirements.)
o D = Performance is passing in an undergraduate course and failing in a graduate course.
o F = Fail; course requirements have not been met. Credits are not earned by the student.
o I = Incomplete grades are approved by the faculty and the Records office. Coursework
was passing at the time. Completion of coursework and grade conversion must follow
the academic policy in effect.
o CR = Credit by passing the challenge examination.
o S = Satisfactory performance (for project/thesis/practicum courses only). Credits are
earned by the student.
o P = Pass without credit. The student passed the course that was offered on a pass/no-
pass basis.
o NP = Not pass; the student did not pass the course that was offered on a pass/no-pass
basis. No credit was earned.
o IP = In progress; performance is satisfactory, but a final grade has not yet been assigned.
o AU = Audit; the student was enrolled on a noncredit basis.
o W = Withdrawal; student dropped a course after the drop deadline.
o NC = No credit; the student did not pass a challenge exam. Before May 1998, the NC
grade might have been issued to a student taking an ESL course.
o U = Unauthorized withdrawal, equivalent to an “F” grade; student did not withdraw from
the course but failed to meet attendance and course requirements.
o * = Course has been repeated.

Grade Point Average (GPA and CGPA)

The grade point average (GPA) is based on courses in which letter grades are earned. Instructors
may add plus (+) or minus (-) options to letter grades to refine evaluation procedures. T h e GPA
may be calculated either based on a semester or cumulatively (CGPA). The CGPA is calculated
based on all courses and grades earned to meet a degree program’s graduation requirements. To
compute the GPA or CGPA, divide the total number of grade points by the total number of credit
hours attempted in courses receiving letter grades. Use the following table for grade point

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 31

Grade Points
A+ 4.0
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0
U 0.0

All other grading symbols receive no grade points, and credit hours for those courses are excluded
from the computation for GPA or CGPA.

Undergraduate degree programs require a CGPA of 2.0 or higher to meet graduation requirements.
Graduate-level programs require a CGPA of 3.0 or higher to meet graduation requirements.

Passing Grades
In each undergraduate program, the passing grade for courses taken at SFBU is D or better.

In each master’s degree and graduate-level academic certificate program, C is the passing grade for
courses taken to earn credit toward graduation. “A” to “C” grades earned from undergraduate-
level courses to clear background preparation requirements are considered to meet the

(Note: graduate courses with a C- grade or below are not counted towards meeting graduation

Change of Grade
Grades assigned by each course instructor conform to individual policies as stated in the published
course syllabus. A grade submitted by an instructor is considered final and may be changed only for
one of the following reasons:

• Error in recording a score for a student product (test, quiz, paper, etc.)
• Miscalculation of a score, including the cumulative score for a semester.
• Omission from consideration of valid student products that were submitted on time.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 32

Grade Appeals

The Grade Appeal process allows undergraduate or graduate students to request a formal review in
the following situations:

• Students believe their grade on an exam, quiz, assignment, or project is unfair.

• Students receive an Academic Dishonesty Report for behavior classified as academic

Before filing a request for a Grade Appeal, students must first attempt to resolve the issue with
their course instructor. If a satisfactory resolution is still not reached, they must meet with the
Department Chair. These steps are crucial as they provide the best chance for a satisfactory

All appeals for grade changes must be submitted to the Records office no later than the end of
the add/drop week of the following semester. Under no condition will a grade change be
permitted after a degree has been awarded. A grade will not be changed after one semester from
the date of its issuance unless it is for a repeated course.

Incomplete Grade Policy

a. An incomplete (“I”) grade is temporary and exceptional and can only be given to students
who have completed at least 60% of the time requirements for the course and whose
completed coursework has been qualitatively satisfactory.
b. An “I” grade is only granted to students who cannot complete all course requirements
because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control, as determined by SFBU.
c. An “I” grade may not be awarded in place of a failing grade or when the student is expected
to attend additional classes or to re-register to complete course requirements. An “I” grade
is not a means for the student to improve a current grade by doing additional work.
d. A request for an “I” grade must be made by the student to the faculty member before the
last official day of the semester or term.
e. Faculty retain the right to decide to grant student requests for an “I” if the student meets
the required provisions.
f. Students have a maximum of one term to complete the work.
g. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and submit the remaining coursework before
the assigned deadline.
h. The faculty member will submit a Change of Grade form changing the “I” to a letter grade by
or before the last day of classes of the subsequent semester.
i. If the student does not meet the deadline, the “I” will change to a final grade of “F.”
j. On receipt of the grade change, the Registrar will post the grade to the student’s record
and recalculate the GPA, and the student’s academic standing will be reassessed.
k. Students will not be allowed to graduate with an “I” grade on their transcript.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 33

Extension of an Incomplete Grade

a. A request to extend the assigned deadline must be made in writing to the Provost’s office
at least 14 calendar days before the assigned “I” grade automatically becomes a failing
b. The request must provide a reasonable explanation as to why a deadline extension is
requested, with appropriate documentation.
c. A letter of support from the corresponding faculty member with a new deadline date is also
required. The Provost or Provost’s designate will determine the outcome of the extension
request and reply in writing to the student, faculty member, and Registrar within 10 business
days of receipt of all the required paperwork.
d. Requests that extend beyond one calendar year from the time the incomplete grade was
initially assigned will not be honored.

Auditing Courses
A student may audit a course instead of enrolling for credit. No credit is earned by the student
and the grade symbol of “AU” will be assigned. SFBU views auditing classes as an opportunity for
students and alumni to review courses previously taken or to become informed about current
information on a subject. The following categories of courses cannot be taken with auditing status:
CPT (practicum), lab courses, and project courses.

Priority will be given to students enrolled in a class for credit toward graduation. When
enrollments in a class exceed the class limit, the university reserves the right to remove auditing
students from the registration list and refund tuition paid for the class.

A student may change his/her status from audit to credit or from credit to audit by the add/drop
deadline by going through the regular add/drop process.

A student enrolled in a class on audit status must observe the SFBU attendance policy and rules set
by the instructor, although the student is not required to do homework or take exams given to the

Repetition of Courses
A student may repeat a course for the following reasons:

• To gain a better understanding of the subject.

• To meet the graduation requirements for CGPA.
• To earn a better grade for a subject. In such cases, both grades will appear on the student’s
permanent record, but only the latest grade earned for the same course will be calculated
toward the student’s cumulative grade point average. When repeating a course, the
student pays the regular tuition rate.

Undergraduates. For purposes of academic renewal, any course taken to meet graduation
requirements in which a failing grade was earned must be repeated if offered or otherwise

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 34

Graduates. Master’s degree and graduate-level academic certificate students who receive a grade
of C- or below in a course taken to meet graduation requirements must repeat the course if
offered or otherwise take a substitute course. Such a repetition is permitted for academic renewal

Forms of Instruction
SFBU offers onsite, online, and hybrid-fix forms of instruction.

• On-site: Courses are offered 100% on campus.

• Online: Courses are offered 100% online in a synchronous or asynchronous format for the
entire semester.*
• Hybrid-Fix: A Hybrid-Fix course combines on-site modality students and online modality
students in the same class. Students may choose the modality but must attend the course
based on the chosen modality (i.e., students may not freely switch modalities during the

*Notice to F-1 International Students: International students in F-1 status must comply with the
SEVP requirements and cannot take more than one online course per semester (either an Online or
a Hybrid-Fix course via online modality). However, if an F-1 student has only three credit hours left
to graduate, the course must be taken on-site (as either an Onsite or a Hybrid-Fix course via the
onsite modality).


General Attendance Policy

Attendance in class is required for all students, including those auditing a course. Students must
attend all class meetings in their assigned modality. If a student is absent, the student must
complete class assignments and maintain communication with his/her instructors. Responsibility
for class attendance rests with the individual student, and since regular and punctual class
attendance is expected, the student must accept the consequence of any failure to attend.

A student who fails to attend a total of three classes is required to meet with a counselor.

A student who fails to attend a total of four classes or more may be withdrawn from the class
based on the decision of the Attendance Committee.

A student who fails to attend four consecutive classes for all enrolled courses in a semester shall be
withdrawn from all courses.

Semester Break –F-1 International Students

All F-1 international students who are eligible and wish to take a semester break must request a
semester break through their student portal. Students are allowed to take a break upon approval.
Failure to comply with this procedure may lead to withdrawal from the university and automatic
termination of the student’s SEVIS record.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 35

F-1 international students who are ineligible for a semester break may request a leave of absence
or a short-term absence (a brief leave amounting to no more than three consecutive classes per
course), which must be formally done through the student portal and must be requested on a
semester basis. Students must have a valid reason for the leave and must inform their instructors
and obtain permission from the international student office and the Provost’s office before the
absence or leave is taken; otherwise, the student may be withdrawn from the university.

The maximum leave of absence may not exceed a cumulative total of three semesters during the
course of study at that program level. If the student fails to register for classes or fails to request an
additional leave of absence before the initial leave’s end, the student will be withdrawn from the

Notice to F-1 International Students: International students must follow immigration rules and thus
should seek the advice of an international student advisor before taking a short-term absence or a
leave of absence. In general, students must maintain a full course of study to maintain their
immigration status.

As per immigration rules, students may only request short-term absences or leaves of absence due
to personal illness or medical condition. No other reasons are permitted. Also, according to
immigration rules, the maximum time allowed is a total of 12 months during the course of study at
that program level.

Standards of Satisfactory Progress (SSP)

SFBU applies its Standards of Satisfactory Progress (SSP) to measure whether students maintain
satisfactory academic progress in their degree program. It requires each student to meet the
minimum qualitative and quantitative components of the standards. When the student fails to
maintain the standard at various checkpoints, the student will be placed on Academic Probation or
will be dismissed.


Maximum Program Length (MPL). Program length is the number of total credit hours required for
the student to complete his/her program. It is determined when the student’s admission
evaluation has been made. The maximum program length is equal to 150% of the program length.
It is the amount of time within which the student is expected to successfully complete his/her
program to receive the academic credential/degree being pursued.

Academic Year. A period of two (2) semesters is equivalent to one (1) academic year in evaluating
the academic progress of a student.

Evaluation Points and SSP Requirements. There are two primary factors affecting the student’s
academic status: [1] cumulative grade point average (CGPA; refer to the subsection on GPA and
CGPA in the section on Grading Policy and Academic Standards) and [2] percentage of successful
completion of courses attempted.

A student is evaluated at the end of every semester, and, at this point, the student’s CGPA
determines whether the student should be placed on academic probation status. In addition, at
the checkpoints listed in the tables below, the combination of CGPA and the percentage of

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 36

successful completion of courses attempted determines whether or not the student maintains
satisfactory academic progress. Each table shows that the required minimum percentage of
successful course completion versus courses attempted increases as the student earns more
credits in the program.

SSP Chart for Undergraduate Students

Min. % Successful
Evaluation Point
Min. CGPA Course Completion vs.
(end of period)
Courses Attempted
1st academic year 2.0 55%

2nd academic year 2.0 60%

Subsequent year 2.0 65%

SSP Chart for Graduate Students

Min. % Successful
Evaluation Point
Min. CGPA Course Completion vs.
(end of period)
Courses Attempted
1st academic year 3.0 60%

2nd academic year 3.0 65%

Subsequent year 3.0 75%

Effect of Grades on Satisfactory Academic Progress and Successful Course-Completion Percentage

Withdrawal (W). A student dropping a course after the add/drop deadline will receive a
withdrawal (W) in that course. Withdrawals are a nonpunitive grade and do not affect the
semester GPA or CGPA. Withdrawal from a course is counted as credits attempted but not

Incomplete (I). An incomplete (I) grade is a temporary grade issued to a student who has
completed all homework and tests/quizzes to date, passed the midterm exam, and has serious and
compelling circumstances beyond the student’s control that occurred within the last 2 weeks of
the semester preventing the student from taking the final exam or submitting the final project.
Issuing an “I” grade requires approval from the course instructor and the Registrar’s Office. The
incomplete work must be done by the end of the following semester. An “F” grade will be issued
to the student if an “I” grade is not cleared within the next end-of-semester deadline. An “I” grade
does not affect the semester GPA or CGPA, as this grade will change to a failing or a passing grade
by the end of the following semester. A student may not graduate if they have any “I” grades on
their transcript.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 37

Repeated Courses. A “*” is posted to the transcript of a course that has been repeated. A student
may repeat a course for several reasons: (a) to meet the graduation requirements in CGPA, (b) to
earn a better grade for a subject, or (c) to gain a better understanding of the subject. In such
cases, both grades will appear on the student’s permanent record, but only the latest grade earned
for the same course will be calculated toward the student’s CGPA.

Noncredit Courses. The grades of P (pass without credit), AU (audit), and noncredit courses do not
count for credit attempted or completed. These grades have no effect on the calculations of
semester GPA, CGPA, or percentage of successful course completion.

Changing Academic Programs. Credits and grades earned from applicable courses taken at SFBU in
the original program may be applied toward the new program requirements. The credits are
excluded from the maximum program length (MPL) but are included in the CGPA calculation for
the new program at the same degree level.

Earning an Additional Credential/Degree.

• Students starting a new program at the same undergraduate/graduate degree level: Credits
and grades earned from applicable courses taken at SFBU may be applied toward the new
program requirements. The grades are included in the CGPA calculation for the new
program at the same degree level.
• Students Starting a master’s degree after earning a bachelor’s degree at SFBU/other
institutions: Grades and credits earned at a bachelor’s degree level (for bachelor credit) are
not applied towards the master’s degree. Bachelor students earning master-level credit at
SFBU are advised to talk with their counselor about transferability into a graduate program.

Transfer of Credits from Other Institutions. The number of credits transferred, when performed
during admission evaluation, will reduce the program length. Credit transferred from any outside
institution is excluded from the maximum program length and has no effect on calculating the
student’s GPA or CGPA.

Academic Probation Policy

In addition to failing to meet the Standard of Satisfactory Progress at the checkpoints listed in the
two SSP charts above, students are placed on academic warning/probation as described in the

Undergraduate Students

• An undergraduate student shall be placed on Academic Warning for the following semester
if the student fails to earn a CGPA of 2.0 or above at the end of the previous semester.
• An undergraduate student shall be placed on Academic Probation for the following
semester (if the next semester is the summer semester or if the student is taking a break,
probation will be deferred to the following semester) if, at the end of the semester during
which the student was placed on Academic Warning, the student’s CGPA remains below
• If an undergraduate student continues to hold a CGPA below 2.0 at the end of the semester
spent on Academic Probation, the student is subject to dismissal. The university’s Academic

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 38

Probation Committee shall review and determine whether to dismiss the student or allow
the student to remain on Academic Probation for one additional semester, after which time
it is expected that the student will have removed him- or herself from Academic Probation.
Barring extraordinary circumstances, failure to do so will result in immediate dismissal.

Master’s Degree and Graduate-Level Academic Certificate Students

• A graduate student shall be placed on Academic Warning for the following semester if the
student fails to earn a CGPA of 3.0 or above at the end of the previous semester.
• A graduate student shall be placed on Academic Probation for the following semester (if
the next semester is the summer semester or if the student is taking a break, the probation
will be deferred to the following semester) if, at the end of the semester during which the
student was placed on Academic Warning, the student’s CGPA remains below 3.0.
• If a graduate student continues to hold a CGPA below 3.0 at the end of the semester spent
on Academic Probation, the student is subject to immediate dismissal. The university’s
Academic Probation Committee shall review and determine whether to dismiss the student
or allow him or her to remain on Academic Probation for one additional semester, after
which time it is expected that the student will have removed him- or herself from Academic
Probation. Barring extraordinary circumstances, failure to do so will result in immediate

Rule Related to Financial Aid 1: A student receiving federal financial aid who does not meet the
CGPA standards at the end of the second year will no longer be eligible for financial aid, may not be
placed on probation, and must be dismissed unless the student wishes to continue without being
eligible for federal financial aid.

However, a student not meeting the CGPA standards at the end of the second year may remain as
an enrolled student who is eligible for federal financial aid if there are documented mitigating
circumstances (i.e., death in the family, sickness of the student, etc.).

Removing Academic Warning/Probation Status

A student who can remedy the condition and reestablish satisfactory progress within the terms
specified above will be removed from academic probation. There will be observations on the
student every semester thereafter.


Students are required to seek academic counseling immediately upon entering academic
probation. While on academic probation, students must attend at least one counseling session per
semester or as often as required by the counselor.

Currently, SFBU does not offer any government financial aid program. The term “financial aid” is used here and in the following for
informational purposes.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 39


A student will be dismissed from the university if:

1. The Academic Probation Committee’s decision is to dismiss the student.

2. The student cannot remedy the condition in the additional semester provided by the
Academic Probation Committee.

Appealing Academic Probation Status or Dismissal

A student who has been placed on probation or faces dismissal and disagrees with the finding may
appeal according to the grievance procedures outlined in this catalog and posted on the MySFBU
student portal. The Provost’s office will hold a hearing and decide on the probation/dismissal.

SFBU has several types of examinations: course examinations, challenge examinations, and
proficiency examinations.

Course Examinations

Most courses at the university have at least two examinations in a semester: a midterm and a final.
These examinations may be comprehensive or partially comprehensive, so students need to
ascertain from their instructors the precise scope of the examinations. Course examinations can
consist of information found in the textbook, course Learning Management System (LMS), outside
reading, assigned videos, lectures, and so on; thus, students should review and synthesize all of the
course material. Furthermore, the structure of course examinations can use any modality and be a
combination of essay, multiple-choice, calculations, oral, and short answers. At the end of each
semester, students are required to take final examinations.

Examination for Challenging a Course

SFBU recognizes that exceptional undergraduate students—for example, because of independent

studies or overlapping course work—may have achieved the learning objectives of a course.
Therefore, undergraduate students with the course background may petition to receive credit for
the course by completing a “Challenge Examination.”

Students wishing to challenge a course by examination must enroll for the course and pay tuition
fees in the same manner as courses to be completed by regular class attendance. In addition, a
non-refundable fee per examination for the challenged course is charged.

What courses can I take on a Challenge Exam?

o The course must be listed on the schedule of classes for the semester.
o The course must be numbered at or below 350 level.

How many Challenge Exams can I take?

o A student may request up to two (2) challenge exams per semester.
o For the entire duration of the study program, the maximum number of requests to

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 40

take a challenge exam is five (5) courses (whether pass or fail) with the corresponding

How do I submit my request?

o A formal online petition, via the MySFBU student portal, for the challenge must be
submitted to the Records office at the time of registration, which must be before the
beginning of the semester.
o Permission from the academic team and the Department Chair is required.

Proficiency Examinations

Graduate students who have knowledge of a background (undergraduate) subject but have not
taken a course in the subject may clear the background preparation requirements by taking a
proficiency examination. The proficiency exam should be taken early enough to satisfy the
prerequisite requirement for higher-level courses.

An undergraduate student may be required to take a proficiency examination on a major subject if

the subject was taken more than 10 years ago and the student has not had relevant experience in
the subject for 10 years.

Passing the Test. The instructor giving the proficiency examination grades the test and determines
whether the student passes. A non-refundable fee is charged to the student for taking a
proficiency examination. The student can apply to take a proficiency examination on a subject only
once. If the student misses a prescheduled proficiency examination, the exam fee is
nonrefundable, and the student loses his/her chance of taking the examination on the subject.

Proficiency examinations do not apply to students enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Business

Teaching Assistants
Each semester, designated staff assign teaching assistants (TAs) to assist faculty in teaching several
courses. TAs are assigned based on class/course requirements and needs. Under designated
faculty supervision, TAs provide additional assistance to students to support their learning. These
services are provided by the university to the students free of charge.

Designated staff may assign Exam Proctors (Proctors) to assist faculty in administering exams and
quizzes. Proctors are assigned based on class/course needs and instructor requests for support.
Faculty administer the exams; however, proctors may point out unusual activity to the faculty.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 41


University Catalog Requirements

The SFBU University Catalog is the school’s advisory guidance for student academic behavior and
compliance. It is not an enforceable contract between the university and the student. Students will
fall under the graduation requirements written in the catalog used at the time of the student’s
entrance to the program as a degree or academic certificate-seeking student. The section on
“Study Plan” in “Academic Information” describes the rules for the student to follow for the
graduation requirements. However, this 2024–2025 University Catalog permits program and
course changes/updates that the student must follow in revised Study Plans.

Petition to Graduate

When nearing the completion of the undergraduate or graduate study, students must initiate a
review process for the Registrar’s office to verify eligibility for graduation. The student must file an
online petition form one semester in advance—before his/her last registration—by using the
MySFBU student portal to submit this request. The Registrar’s office staff will then make a
graduation evaluation in time for the petitioner to register for the last time before graduation. The
student will receive an evaluation report to confirm the courses left to complete to meet
graduation requirements.

Re-Petition to Graduate

A student is required to resubmit the request and pay a re-petition fee after filing the original
graduation request if any of the following occurs:

• If the petition for graduation is denied.

• If the student cannot complete coursework as required by the approved graduation date.
• If otherwise required by the Program Officer.

A reevaluation of the student’s graduation requirements will be made, and a new Study Plan will be
provided to the student.

Students are responsible for compliance with the announcements and regulations specified in the
University Catalog and with all university policies, rules, and regulations. On completion of their
study programs and fulfilling their financial obligations to the university, students are permitted to
participate in commencement activities and events, are granted degrees, and will receive

Completion of a Program

The semester in which a student fulfills the graduation requirements, including course
requirements, project completion (if applicable), and removal of any financial obligations, is the
semester the student graduates and is the date that is shown on the diploma.

All graduating students will complete an online exit survey.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 42

Withhold Diploma
SFBU may withhold and refuse to confer a student’s diploma for a specified period or deny a
student participation in commencement activities if the student has a grievance pending or, as a
sanction, if the student is found responsible for violating university policy.

Withdrawal from the University

A student is deemed to have been withdrawn when any of the following occurs:

(1) the student drops all enrolled courses in a period of attendance when the student is required to
remain enrolled to maintain his/her academic status

(2) the student submits a written notice to withdraw through the portal, as described in the
cancellation section

(3) SFBU suspends or expels the student due to misconduct, unsatisfactory academic performance,
or overdue fees

(4) SFBU terminates an F-1 student for violation of U.S. Department of Homeland Security

(5) the student fails to return from a leave of absence

(6) the student, without prior approval, fails to attend four consecutive classes for all enrolled
courses in a period of attendance when the student is required to remain enrolled to maintain
academic status or

(7) the student has not enrolled at SFBU for two consecutive semesters or more.

The student must clear his/her financial obligation to the school as well as his/her library records
upon withdrawal from the university.

Withdrawal during the first week of a semester will not be recorded on the permanent transcript.
For withdrawal after the first week and before the final exams, a “W” grade for each enrolled
course is posted on the permanent transcript. A student withdrawing from the university without
formal notification to the Records office is subject to a “U” grade posted on the permanent

Refer to the “Refund Policy” section for the refund policy for students withdrawing from SFBU.
Students who withdrew from SFBU without clearing their financial balances will not be issued their
official transcripts.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 43

Dismissal from the University
Permanent separation of the student from the university. Students who are socially dismissed from
SFBU once classes have started will be automatically withdrawn from all of their courses, will
receive a grade of “W” or “WF” (based on the date that the sanction was issued), and will not
receive a tuition refund unless the sanction is deferred to the following semester.

Dismissal is noted on the transcript.

Revocation of Degree
The university reserves the right to revoke a degree for fraud, misrepresentation, or any other
violation of SFBU policies, procedures, or directives in obtaining the degree or for other serious
violations committed by a student before graduation, even if the misconduct was reported or
investigated after the degree was conferred.

Reentry to SFBU
Any student who withdraws from SFBU and is absent for more than one semester before resuming
studies later must submit a new application via the MySFBU student portal. The student falls under
the admissions and graduation requirements that are in effect during reentrance.

F-1 International Students

International students who plan to transfer to another institution must follow the transfer rules
published by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at SFBU

The transferability of credits earned at SFBU is at the discretion of the institution to which you may
seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree or certificate you earn in the educational program is
also at the discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits and
degrees that you earn at SFBU are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer,
you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason,
you should make certain that your attendance at SFBU will meet your educational goals. This may
include contacting an institution in advance to which you may seek to transfer after attending SFBU
to determine if your credits and degree or certification will transfer.

Teach-Out Policy
In the event of the closure of any program or modality of an existing program, SFBU will implement
a teach-out plan supporting all currently enrolled students in finishing their program by their
projected graduation date if they maintain continuous enrollment. SFBU will also support students
electing to transfer to other institutions and make efforts toward a smooth transition. No new
students will be admitted to the closed program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 44

Registration Procedure
The registration calendar is listed in the University Catalog and on the SFBU website. The semester
registration notice is sent to the students by e-mail and posted on the SFBU website and bulletin
boards. The registration packages are available online.

• All applicants to SFBU must first be admitted into the university by the Admissions
Department before enrolling and attending classes.
• Except for new students registering for courses in the first semester, all students must
register on or before the scheduled deadline for each semester.

New students who have received their acceptance documents are scheduled to register during
the registration period before the semester starts.
• All students are urged to register via the MySFBU student portal. Designated staff advisors
are ready to assist students in course selection or counseling.
• Tuition and fees are due and payable in full at the time of registration unless the student
has signed up for a tuition payment plan. Tuition payment plans do not apply to new
students who are registering for their first semester of studies at SFBU.
• Working professionals with education benefits offered by their employers and receiving
tuition reimbursements may follow SFBU’s special payment plan by submitting supporting
documents to the SFBU Office of Administration before registration.
• An undergraduate student wishing to enroll in more than 16 credit hours and a graduate
student in more than 12 credit hours per semester must obtain permission from the
Department Chair. To submit such a request, the following requirements must be met:
a. The student must have completed at least two semesters of study in the current
program (the grades from the second term having been published), counting only
program-specific credit courses.
b. In the current program, an undergraduate student must have a CGPA of 3.5 or
higher and a graduate student 3.7 or higher.
c. The student did not fail any course in the past two semesters in the program.
d. Students on academic probation may be advised to enroll with a limited course load.
e. Any student attending a class without officially registering for the class will be
required to pay a fine as defined by the administration.
• Students may enroll as full-time or part-time students. F-1 international students must
enroll as full-time students (as defined in the Academic Policies and Procedures
section). Various limitations apply to students on other nonimmigrant visas.
• Unless they enroll in a 100% online modality, all students must have a valid health
insurance plan. Students can purchase coverage under the SFBU Student Health
Insurance Group Plan offered by Global Benefits Group (GBG) and pay the insurance fee
at registration time. Students with alternative U.S.-based coverage may be waived from
the plan if they satisfy all the waiver eligibility criteria. To review the criteria, please see
the waiver request page in the MySFBU student portal.
• Before arriving on campus, students must undergo tuberculosis (TB) testing. You must
visit your primary care physician or a clinician before coming to SFBU. Required forms

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 45

are available on the MySFBU student portal and the website.
• Registration is complete when all fees are paid.
• Students with a prior bad-check record will not be allowed to pay by check again.

San Francisco Bay University has adopted the following policies and procedures regarding student


Student: any person who attends or has attended SFBU.

Education Records: any record maintained by the school that is directly related to a student except
for sole possession records, employment records, school security records, counseling records, and
alumni records.

Student Rights
Students have a right to inspect education records within 45 days of submission of a written
request to the Registrar’s Office, except for the financial records of the student’s parents and
confidential recommendations to which the student has waived access. When a record contains
information about more than one student, the student may only inspect the portion pertaining to
him- or herself.

Students may obtain copies of education records upon payment of a reproduction fee. However,
SFBU reserves the right to deny copies of education records if the student has an unpaid financial
obligation to SFBU or if there is unresolved disciplinary action against the student.

Students may request that SFBU amend an education record that the student believes is
inaccurate, misleading, or violating their privacy rights. All such requests must be made in writing
to the Registrar’s Office; they must clearly identify the part of the record that the student would
like to amend and must specify why the record should be amended. If SFBU decides not to comply
with the request, SFBU will notify the student of the decision, advise the student of his or her right
to a hearing, and provide additional information regarding the hearing.

Directory Information
SFBU may, at its discretion, disclose the following types of directory information without consent:
name, address, email address, phone number, birth date, birthplace, major field of study,
participation in recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, degrees, academic
certificates, honors and awards received, the most recent previous educational institution
attended, and photographs.

Upon receipt by the Registrar’s office of a written request to withhold directory information, SFBU
will withhold disclosure of all directory information indefinitely. Please note that in such
circumstances (1) the student’s information will not appear in any commencement materials; (2)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 46

SFBU will inform employers, credit card companies, scholarship committees, and other requesters
looking to verify enrollment or degree information that SFBU has no information available about
the student’s attendance at SFBU; (3) SFBU has no duty to contact the student to request
permission to release the directory information; and (4) SFBU shall not be responsible or liable for
any consequences arising from or related to withholding directory information. A student may
revoke the hold by submitting a written request to the Registrar’s office.


In addition to directory information, SFBU may release, without prior written consent, information
from an education record to school officials with a legitimate educational interest. Education
records may also be shared with parties outside of SFBU in certain circumstances, including, for
example, (a) other schools in which the student seeks or intends to enroll; (b) federal, state, and
local authorities in connection with certain state or federally supported education programs; (c)
DHS or ICE in connection with SEVIS requirements; (d) accrediting agencies; (e) parents that claim
the student as a dependent; (f) in connection with financial aid; (g) to comply with a judicial
order or lawfully issued subpoena; (h) the appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency; (i)
in connection with the results from a disciplinary proceeding to an alleged victim of a crime of
violence or sexual assault; or (j) organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of SFBU.

San Francisco Bay University takes seriously its obligations to preserve information,
documentation, and records.

Custodian of Records
The Custodian of Records for student academic records is the Registrar, and the Custodian of
Records for student financial records is the Chief Financial Officer.

Required Student Records

SFBU shall maintain the following records for each student who is enrolled in an educational
program at SFBU:
• Name
• Address
• E-mail address
• Telephone number

SFBU shall maintain, for each student granted a degree or certificate by that institution, permanent
records of all the following:
• The degree or certificate granted and the date on which it was granted
• The courses and credit hours on which the certificate or degree was based
• The grades earned by the student on each of those courses

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 47

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a
federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools
that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights
are transferred to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the
high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”
• Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education
records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records
unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to
review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
• Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records that they
believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the
parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the
school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to
place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested
• Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student to
release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools
to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following
conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
o School officials with legitimate educational interest
o Other schools to which a student is transferring
o Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes
o Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
o Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school
o Accrediting organizations
o To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
o Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies
o State and local authorities within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state

Schools may disclose, without consent, directory information such as a student’s name, address,
telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However,
schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and
eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory
information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights
under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter or inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student
handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 48

Required Institutional Records
SFBU shall maintain, for a period of not less than 5 years, its principal place of business in this state,
complete and accurate records of all the following information:

• The educational programs offered by SFBU and the curriculum for each.
• The names and addresses of the members of the institution’s faculty and records of the
educational qualifications of each faculty member.
• Any other records required to be maintained as described in the University Catalog,
including, but not limited to, records maintained pursuant to Article 16 of the California
Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 regarding Completion, Placement, Licensure,
and Salary Disclosure information.

Student Records
SFBU shall maintain a file for each student who enrolls, whether the student completes the
educational program. In addition to the information required as listed above, the file shall contain
all of the written records and transcripts of any formal education or training, testing, or experience
that are relevant to the student’s qualifications for admission or the award of credit or acceptance
of transfer credits including the following:
• Verification of high school completion or equivalency or other documentation establishing
the student’s ability to do college-level work, such as successful completion of an ability-to-
benefit test.
• Records documenting credit hours of credit earned at other institutions that have been
accepted and applied by the institution as transfer credits toward the student’s completion
of an educational program.
• Grades or findings from any educational achievement used for admission or college
placement purposes.
• Personal information regarding a student’s age, gender, and ethnicity if that information
has been voluntarily supplied by the student.
• Copies of all documents signed by the student, including contracts, instruments of
indebtedness, and documents relating to financial aid.
• Records of enrollment dates and, if applicable, withdrawal from the institution, leaves of
absence, and graduation.
• A transcript showing all the following:
• The courses or other educational programs that were completed or were attempted
but not completed, and the dates of completion or withdrawal.
• Credit for courses earned at other institutions.
• Credit based on any educational achievement used for admission or college
placement purposes.
• The name, address, website address, and telephone number of the institution.
• For independent study courses, course outlines, or learning contracts signed by the
faculty and administrators for the course.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 49

• The dissertations, theses, and other student projects submitted by graduate
• A copy of documents relating to student financial aid that is required to be maintained by
law or by a loan guarantee agency.
• A document showing the total amount of money received on behalf of the student and the
date or dates on which the money was received.
• A document specifying the amount of a refund, including the amount refunded for tuition
and the amount for other itemized charges; the method of calculating the refund; the date
the refund was made; and the name and address of the person or entity to which the
refund was sent.
• Copies of any official advisory notices or warnings regarding the student’s progress.
• Complaints received from the students.

Document Maintenance
As of the fall 2015 term, SFBU implemented policies to minimize paper forms for recordkeeping.
Therefore, most, if not all, information and documents for student recordkeeping are now stored
in electronic form. All information and documents received are inputted into the Campus
Management System (CAMS) or scanned into CAMS or the designation network folder, as
applicable. Electronic documents will be retained as if they were paper documents. Therefore, any
electronic files will be maintained for the appropriate amount of time.

SFBU shall maintain all records required by law. SFBU shall maintain the pertinent student records
for a period of 5 years from the student’s date of completion or withdrawal.

SFBU is not required to maintain records relating to federal financial aid programs since SFBU does
not offer federal financial aid.

A record is considered current for 3 years following a student’s program completion or withdrawal.
A record may be stored on microfilm, microfiche, computer disk, or any other method of record
storage only if all the following apply:
a. The record may be stored without loss of information or legibility for the period within
which the record is required to be maintained.
b. For current records, SFBU maintains functioning devices that can immediately reproduce
exact, legible printed copies of stored records. The devices should be reasonably close to
the stored records at SFBU’s primary administrative location in California. For a record that
is no longer current, SFBU shall be able to reproduce exact, legible printed copies within 2
business days.
c. SFBU has personnel scheduled to always be present during normal business hours who
know how to operate the devices and can explain the operation of the devices.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 50

Security and Safekeeping
SFBU’s records will be stored safely and securely.

All information and documents in paper form that are within the retention period are kept secured
in fireproof safes locked in file rooms located in the Administration building. The doors to these
rooms always remain locked. Unauthorized personnel may not enter these Student File rooms.
Documents removed from a Student File room must be checked out by the person removing the
document and securely maintained by that person until its prompt return.

All information and documents in electronic form are stored in the CAMS or designated network
folders. All data will be backed up.

Currently, two backup systems are in place: 1) a local backup performed nightly and 2) a remote
backup performed weekly.

Length of Record Retention

Student records for all students are kept for 5 years; they include both academic and financial

Student’s Right to Inspect and Review Records

Students have a right to inspect education records within 45 days of submission of a written
request to the Registrar’s Office, except for the financial records of the student’s parents and
confidential recommendations to which the student has waived access. When a record contains
information about more than one student, the student may only inspect the portion pertaining to
him- or herself.

Students may request copies of education records. However, SFBU reserves the right to deny
copies of education records if the student has an unpaid financial obligation to SFBU or if there is
unresolved disciplinary action against the student.

Students may request that SFBU amend an education record that the student believes is
inaccurate, misleading, or violating their privacy rights. All such requests must be made in writing
to the Registrar’s Office; they must clearly identify the part of the record that the student would
like to amend and must specify why the record should be amended. If SFBU decides not to comply
with the request, SFBU will notify the student of the decision, advise the student of his or her right
to a hearing, and provide additional information regarding the hearing.

Document Destruction
The Compliance Department is responsible for the ongoing process of identifying records that have
met the required retention period and overseeing their destruction. Destruction of financial and
personnel-related documents will be accomplished by shredding.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 51

Legal Hold
From time to time, SFBU’s President may issue a notice, known as a “legal hold,” suspending the
destruction of records due to pending, threatened, or otherwise reasonably foreseeable litigation,
audits, government investigations, or similar proceedings. No records specified in any legal hold
may be destroyed, even if the scheduled destruction date has passed until the legal hold is
withdrawn in writing by the President.

Failure on the part of employees to follow this policy can result in possible civil and criminal
sanctions against SFBU and its employees and possible disciplinary action against responsible
individuals. The President and the Compliance Department will periodically review these
procedures to ensure that they conform to new or revised regulations.


Honesty and integrity are virtues that SFBU holds in high regard. Students are expected to uphold
high moral standards in pursuing their academic degree or certificate, as well as throughout their
professional careers. SFBU encourages its students to incorporate these qualities in their daily
lives, not only while at the university or because they are required to do so.

SFBU takes acts of academic misconduct very seriously. A student who violates the university’s
policy is deemed dishonest and is subject to appropriate disciplinary actions. For an international
student, the consequence may adversely impact immigration status and result in a dismissal from
the university and expulsion from the United States.

Definition of Academic Integrity

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Students should take
pride in earning their grades and degrees through dedication, hard work, and honesty. This means
knowing and following ethical standards when making decisions and completing one’s work. Both
the faculty members and the students share the responsibility of maintaining academic integrity to
ensure that the university degrees and the public trust are not compromised.

Types of Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is strictly prohibited by the university and is dealt with diligently. Students
should avoid committing such acts and learn the proper conduct for accomplishing required tasks.
The following are the common forms of academic misconduct and their implications.

AI Policy

Students are encouraged to use AI tools in their coursework in accordance with the guidelines set
by their instructors. Any work produced with the assistance of AI must be transparently
acknowledged, and all use of AI should uphold the standards of academic integrity. Unauthorized
use of AI for assignments or any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, may lead to
disciplinary action.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 52


Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s ideas, designs, or body of work and representing
them as one’s own without giving proper credit. Self-plagiarism is submitting one’s own work
twice for academic credit without proper citation.

The act of plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

a. Failing to give credit to the source of work, including using artificial intelligence (AI), ideas,
designs, or written materials (including excerpts from such materials), and claiming it as
one’s own work.
b. Utilizing computer programs, user interface designs, images, photographs, charts, diagrams,
figures, or similar work created by artificial intelligence or someone else without giving credit
or receiving permission.

Proper credits should be given to the originator (including AI) of the materials used in academic
work. Students have a duty to learn and apply the appropriate methods for citing and referencing
the source of information and, in the case of AI, including prompts and validation of correctness. In
addition, copyrighted materials should not be reproduced and used without permission.


Cheating is obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through dishonesty,
deception, or fraud. Whether one commits the act oneself or helps others to perform such an
infraction, both parties are considered responsible for cheating. True learning is accomplished by
performing one’s own work honestly and diligently.

Cheating includes but is not limited to:

a. Copying (either in part or in whole) coursework such as homework assignments, quizzes,
exams, projects, reports, data, etc.
b. Allowing or aiding another person to copy coursework as stated above in any form.
c. Collaborating with other people on coursework without the expressed consent from the
d. Submitting work used in another course, either from the previous or the current
semester, unless expressly approved by the course instructor.
e. Submitting work done by another person in any form or manner (paid or unpaid).
f. Using unauthorized materials or equipment during a quiz or an exam.
g. Communicating or passing information during a quiz or an exam.
h. Taking a quiz or an exam by using or acting as a surrogate for another person.
i. Impersonating as or for someone else in the classroom for attendance or other purposes.
j. Obtaining unauthorized copies (written or photographed) of course materials for one’s own
use or someone else.
k. Using any work to be provided to a faculty member generated by artificial intelligence (AI)

Students should understand the difference between collaborating, helping, and cheating. Working
together (if permitted by the instructor) to achieve a common goal or assisting a fellow student to
learn and be able to complete the work by himself/herself is honorable. Providing answers or
committing acts identified above as cheating is dishonest.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 53


Providing falsified information or misleading statements to the professor, TA, or administrative

staff is considered a breach of the policy. Students must provide truthful information and answer
questions honestly.


One should not prevent or obstruct another student from completing coursework for personal
gain or advantage.


Faculty, TAs, and staff shall be treated with respect and be allowed to perform their work without
improper interference. It is unacceptable for a student to pressure or intimidate another person
into awarding a favorable grade or helping to circumvent the proper requirements. SFBU does not
tolerate such behavior and may impose strict penalties if such incidents occur.

Gross Transgression

Gross transgression occurs when a student commits a serious violation, which can lead to dismissal
from the university. Such violations include but are not limited to:
a. Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to documents, electronic
files/records, or IT properties that belong to the university or the faculty.
b. Presenting falsified documents to SFBU administration.
c. Interfering with the grading process or alteration of records.
d. Stealing data or information from the university, the instructor, or the TA.
e. Destroying/altering documents, records, or equipment to cover up any wrongdoings or to
impede the investigation process.
f. Inflicting physical or psychological harm on another person in an attempt to commit any
type of academic dishonesty.

Roles and Responsibilities

Faculty and students play important roles in advocating and upholding academic integrity.


The student has responsibilities to:

a. Read and understand the academic integrity policy.
b. Always comply with the stated rules and policies.
c. Not committing any sort of academic misconduct, deliberately or not.
d. Not participate, assist, or enable others in actions that result in a breach of the policy.
e. Report any knowledge of activities that violate the policy.
f. Know the consequences of taking part in academic misconduct.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 54


The faculty’s roles in enforcing the policy are to:

a. Ensure that the students know the academic integrity policy and its importance.
b. Make every reasonable effort to prevent any form of cheating or plagiarism in the class.
c. Decide the appropriate disciplinary action for the student who commits academic
d. Maintain adequate records of violations of the policy.
e. Report to the university administration if an incident is deemed severe (morally
reprehensible) or the student is a repeat offender.

Disciplinary Actions
Professors and administrative staff shall have the discretion and latitude to determine what acts
qualify as academic misconduct and to decide the proper disciplinary actions for the student who
violates the policy.

An offense is an incident or an attempt at academic dishonesty. These offenses shall be

documented as a permanent part of students’ records, and the number of offenses shall be
determined based on overall records (not on a per-course basis).

Subject to the frequency (number of offenses) and severity of the infractions, academic sanctions
may result in:
a. A stern warning from the professor with the offense being noted on record
b. No credit or score is being awarded for the assignment, quiz, or exam
c. An “F” grade for the entire course
d. The requirement to perform community services
e. A statement on the student’s transcript
f. Dismissal from the university

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 55

Inappropriate conduct by students or applicants for admission is subject to disciplinary action up to
and includes dismissal from or denial of admission to the university. The following is a non-
exhaustive list of examples of inappropriate conduct:
a. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of campus documents, records, or identification, or knowingly
furnishing false information to the university.
b. Violation of any federal, state, or local law.
c. Misrepresentation of oneself, another individual, or an organization to be an agent of the
university or another institution.
d. Obstruction or disruption of the campus educational process, administrative process, or
other campus functions, whether on or off campus.
e. Physical abuse on or off campus of the person or property of any member of the campus
community or members of his or her family, or the threat of such physical abuse.
f. Theft of, or nonaccidental damage to, campus property or property in the possession of, or
owned by, a member of the campus community.
g. Unauthorized entry into, unauthorized use of, or misuse of campus property; unauthorized
class entry.
h. On campus property, the sale or knowing possession of dangerous drugs, restricted drugs, or
narcotics, except when lawfully prescribed pursuant to medical or dental care.
i. Possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals, or weapons on campus property or at
a campus function.
j. Engaging in lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior on or using campus property or at a campus
function, either in person or by correspondence.
k. Abusive behavior directed toward, or hazing of, a member of the campus community.
l. Violation of any order, rule, or policy of the university.
m. Failure to cooperate with a university or police investigation.
n. Endangering the health or safety of others on or from campus property.


The most up-to-date policy regarding sexual harassment is available in the student portal. You
may access it by logging in at my.sfbu.edu. Scroll to the bottom of the homepage and click on
“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment” in the Notices block to view or download the policy.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 56

SFBU takes grievances very seriously. Students have the right to file a grievance that concerns
SFBU, whether such grievances are with personnel, the course of study, general university policies,
or other related matters. This policy describes the grievance procedure available to students.

Informal Resolution
SFBU highly encourages students to attempt to informally resolve concerns directly with the
aggrieving party or department. Students are particularly encouraged to informally resolve
academic matters, such as those involving course policies, with their instructor or, if their instructor
is not available, with their respective Department Chair before filing a grievance. Grade appeals
may be made as described in the section of this catalog entitled “Grading Policy and Academic

Even after initiating the formal grievance process, students are encouraged to seek informal
resolution of their concerns. A student whose concerns are resolved may withdraw the formal
grievance at any point in the process.

Regarding appeals of disciplinary action and all other grievances, including those related to
harassment and discrimination, no student must attempt informal resolution and may bring formal
grievances to the administration as outlined in this policy.

The administration must receive academic grievances and appeals of disciplinary action within 30
days of the close of the academic term in which the first incident giving rise to the grievance
occurred or the notice date of the disciplinary action. There is no deadline for other types of

Grievance Procedure and Resolution

All grievances and supporting documentation shall be submitted to the SFBU Compliance
Department in writing. Grievance should be made using the SFBU Grievance Form, which is
available on the SFBU website.

Please note that if a grievance is filed to appeal the disciplinary action, the grievance must include
a description of the basis of the appeal. Failure to state the basis of the appeal in the initial
grievance may result in the denial of the appeal. The following are the only valid bases of appeal: (i)
new evidence that could reasonably be expected to cause the individual(s) reviewing the grievance
to overrule prior disciplinary action; (ii) failure to follow published SFBU policies in a way that
materially disadvantaged the student; (iii) demonstrated bias or discrimination; and (iv) the
sanction imposed is substantially disproportionate to the severity of the violation.

The grievance may be sent via email to [email protected] or delivered in person to the front
desk of the SFBU Administration building during normal business hours. If the grievance is
regarding SFBU Compliance or its personnel, it may be sent to the Chief Academic Officer via email
or in-person delivery to the front desk of the SFBU Administration building during normal business

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 57

hours. In such a case, the complainant should specify that the grievance concerns compliance or its

Intake personnel, generally members of SFBU Compliance, will review the form. If the form is
complete, intake personnel will acknowledge receipt of the grievance within 5 business days of
receipt and forward it to the appropriate party for review and resolution. Matters are generally
forwarded as follows:
• Academic matters and appeals of disciplinary action are forwarded to the Chief Academic
Officer or its designee.
• All other complaints are assigned to a member of SFBU Compliance.

Depending on the type and complexity of the grievance, the appropriate party may, in their
discretion, adjudicate the matter or assign the matter to a Grievance Committee.

Within 60 days of receipt of the grievance, SFBU shall provide a written response to the grievance
via email. If further investigation is needed, the complainant will be provided with a written
response to the grievance within 10 business days after completion of the investigation.

The complainant may appeal SFBU’s resolution by filing a statement of appeal that clearly
describes the basis of the appeal within 5 business days of the date of the written response. The
President of SFBU, or the President’s designee, shall adjudicate the appeal within 30 days of SFBU’s
receipt of the complainant’s statement of appeal.

If a complainant has exhausted all grievance procedures provided under SFBU’s policies, the
complainant may contact:

The WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), 1080 Marina Village Parkway, Suite
500, Alameda, CA 94501, 510.748.9001.

No Retaliation
No member of the SFBU community shall be subject to adverse action by SFBU based on the
reasonably good faith filing or participation in a grievance.

Maintenance of Records
Records for student complaints are maintained for at least 6 years. Records for grievances made by
nonstudents are maintained in accordance with applicable university policy.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 58

Our mission at San Francisco Bay University is to provide a welcoming and supportive environment
for students while maximizing their opportunities for career growth and personal development.
We believe that student life is not only an integral part of the campus community but also a
fundamental part of the educational process. Student services at the university are designed to
meet the needs of our student body. These include both academic and non-academic issues and
activities. Many of our students work part-time or full-time and come from various social and
ethnic backgrounds. As such, our services are tailored to meet the needs and concerns of a mature
and multicultural student body.

University Orientation
All new students, regardless of program, modality, or full-time or part-time status, must attend the
new student orientation program offered before the beginning of each semester. Orientation
packages are distributed to the new students before the orientation workshop. Presentation
materials cover essential information for the students, including the facility and learning resources
information, administrative services provided to the students, and important rules and policies to
help the students stay focused on their academic objectives. The staff advisors also assist the new
students in registering for classes. F-1 international students are provided with a health insurance
plan and information on regulations they must observe in compliance with the federal regulations
for international students.

All SFBU students are welcome to attend the orientation to greet the new students and receive
current university information.

While students are responsible for making their own housing arrangements, the university does
provide a limited number of student housing, primarily university-owned condominiums within a 2-
mile radius of the instructional buildings. Residence in university-owned student housing is
optional and generally assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. Because of the limited number
of units, SFBU cannot guarantee housing.

Student housing commitments are for one semester, and students are eligible to reside in student
housing for a maximum of two semesters. To be eligible for student housing, a student must be a
regularly enrolled, full-time SFBU student. Housing reservations are effective only after submitting
a housing application and SFBU’s receipt of the required rent and deposit. Please visit the SFBU
housing webpage https://www.sfbu.edu/student- life/housing for important housing-related

Non-university housing in the immediate area is available in the form of house and apartment
rentals, but students should note that local housing is highly competitive, with monthly rents for a
one-bedroom exceeding $2,000. SFBU advises students living outside of university housing to begin
their housing search as early as possible to find suitable accommodation. Students may contact the
SFBU housing office at [email protected] for questions about on- or off-campus housing.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 59

AC Transit Bus Pass; Public Transportation
Full-time SFBU students are eligible for an annual bus pass from AC Transit. For more information
regarding the pass, please see: https://www.sfbu.edu/student- life/transportation-easypass.

Other public transportation information is included on the website and in the SFBU Student
Handbook posted on the MySFBU student portal.

Nonacademic Counseling
The Student Services office helps with personal and interpersonal issues such as relationships,
cultural differences, assertiveness, and self-esteem. If a student needs a professional counselor, it
will help them find a suitable university counselor. Additionally, the Student Services office helps
students with educational/vocational concerns such as coping with university life, academic
performance, test anxiety, reentry adjustment, and determining life goals. Students are
encouraged to seek counseling assistance to deal with any problems that might affect their success
at SFBU.

Professional Development Seminars

Offering professional development seminars is an integral part of Student Services. The seminars
are intended to enhance the students’ abilities in their professional lives—in cultural,
communicative, and technical aspects. The seminar information is emailed to students and posted
on the SFBU website, social media pages, and digital display boards on campus.

Career Services
As a key component of Student Services, career placement services provide students with career
planning and job search assistance before and after graduation in the following ways: (1) career
planning, resume preparation and interview skills enhancement, and networking; (2) career
seminars and job fairs; (3) internship opportunities; and (4) various library materials containing
information about employment opportunities. The Career Center has a computer dedicated to
career planning for students to conduct job searches and access information. The MySFBU student
portal also contains employment information on the job posting board through the e-Career
Center tab.

Student Handbooks
The SFBU Student Handbook describes important policies and regulations affecting students’
status at SFBU. It also provides relevant information affecting the students’ lives during their
studies at SFBU. Statements made in the Student Handbook that conflict with statements made in
this University Catalog are superseded by the University Catalog. The Student Handbook and the
International Student Handbook are posted on the MySFBU student portal. In the New Student
Orientation Workshop, the students are informed about and receive handouts pointing to the
online location for these handbooks. The handbooks complement the information contained in the
University Catalog. All students are urged to read and refer to the information in the most current
editions of the student handbooks and the University Catalog, all of which are available online.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 60

Affiliation with Professional Societies
To expand and enrich student life on campus, SFBU students are encouraged to get involved in
various professional organizations. Such involvement also takes the students a step closer to the
professional world. Examples include activities sponsored by the IEEE local chapter and various
other professional activities regularly held in Silicon Valley.

Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

The IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society. A nonprofit organization, IEEE
promotes the development and application of electro-technology and applied sciences for the
benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of its members. IEEE
members participate in activities in approximately 150 countries. The technical objectives of the
IEEE focus on advancing the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, and computer
engineering and computer science.

Engineering students are encouraged to join the on-campus IEEE student club. The club provides
students with opportunities to participate in IEEE activities. The participants can connect with the
latest technical information, research, career opportunities, and a community of innovators who
can provide inspiration to strive for success in their chosen profession. This connection enables
engineering students to have convenient access to valuable IEEE publications and participate in
organized IEEE activities, particularly the ones held in Silicon Valley. Several faculty members serve
as senior advisors when enrolling students.

Business Students

Students in the School of Business are encouraged to join at least one of the following
professional organizations, among others:
o Institute of Management Accountants
o American Institute of CPAs
o California Society of CPAs
o United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
o Project Management Institute

Toastmasters Club

Students interested in improving their public speaking skills can join the on-campus Toastmasters
Club. The Club holds weekly meetings and is supervised by a designated administrator. Several
students in the club have participated in regional competitions and won awards. Refer to the SFBU
website for more information.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 61

Student Organizations
The purpose of student organizations is to foster student involvement for a common purpose or
goal to enhance academic, career, and personal or community development. They are created to
promote student engagement, promote leadership and learning, and foster shared interests. Refer
to the SFBU website for more information, or feel free to contact the Student Services team.

Student Health Insurance

All students must have health insurance coverage for each term in which they are enrolled and
during semester breaks. Students enrolled in a 100% online modality are exempt from this health
insurance requirement. SFBU offers international students health insurance coverage through
Cigna Healthcare via International Student Insurance. For sign-up assistance, please contact the
Finance office at [email protected].

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 62


Campus Description
In accordance with the university’s curricular emphasis on technology and business, SFBU’s
campus is in a high-technology R&D and business development area in southern Fremont,
occupying modern research and development building complexes and their surrounding areas. The
university is peaceful and conveniently accessible from highways I-880 and I-680 via Mission
Boulevard and Warm Springs Boulevard. The abundant and fully landscaped parking areas provide
smooth traffic flow and easy building access.

SFBU’s facilities are focused on creating a transformative and empowering campus experience for
the benefit of its students and for building recognition, visibility, and outreach. The facilities
provide a warm and inviting environment for students to stay on campus longer and to engage in
the services and activities the institution offers. Moreover, the campus architecture has a modern
yet inviting exterior facade to create a positive influence on and enhance the community.

Main Features
1. Learning Resource Center, Café, Dining Hall, and Recreation

This large open area allows the following services to be accessible both visually and physically (with
exceptions) in hopes that students and faculty engage in the various activities happening in the
area: the Library, Quiet Study Area, Career Services, Recreational and Student Lounge, Dining
Lounge, Café, Computer Center, and Faculty offices.

2. Lecture Hall

The signature lecture hall is used for classes as well as for special events, community seminars, and
the like. The room’s stadium seating can accommodate approximately 70 people. It opens to a
large hallway for pre-event and post-event gatherings.

3. Active Learning Classrooms

Various fixed- and mobile-seating classrooms are offered to meet the needs of instructors and
students. Each classroom has energy-efficient LED lighting and temperature control units and is
equipped with an LCD screen connected to the instructor’s demo computer, which has access to
the campus network system and the internet, in addition to other standard classroom provisions.

4. Outdoor Space

The Quad Area allows students to study, eat, and lounge outdoors.

5. Administrative Offices

Admission, Records, Finance, and other student services departments are located separately to
provide privacy on more individual matters.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 63

Health, Security, and Safety

The university and its campus sites are compliant with all local and state fire and safety codes, as
well as regulations in reference to NFPA 25, CFC, Cal OSHA, and the City of Fremont. Building and
classroom occupancies are all within the stated guidelines of CBC/IBC/CFC 1006.2, 1004 codes.

Teaching and Research Facilities

SFBU’s teaching, research, and laboratory facilities have the required hardware and software tools.
Keeping pace with the advancement of information technology, SFBU’s IT Department provides a
modern digital campus environment for students, faculty, and administrative staff.

To support teaching activities, classrooms are set up at the beginning of each semester according
to the hardware and software requirements of each course. Modern design, simulation, and
testing tools are installed for instructors to use in class. Outside teaching resources may be set up
to provide faculty members with additional teaching and research tools.

All classrooms also have modern, state-of-the-art equipment to enhance student learning. Practice
laboratories are ready for students to gain hands-on experience after class or during lab sessions.

Computer Networks: There are a variety of high-performance computers on campus to support

teaching and learning, including high-capacity servers, advanced workstations, and modern PCs.
Wireless and wired network connections for high-speed internet access are provided to students
on campus. The campus networks are connected to the internet via Comcast Internet service,
allowing faculty and students to access email and various websites. Each student and faculty
member has a computer account to access the MySFBU portal, Canvas LMS, intranet resources,
and various servers on campus.

Available computer science teaching and learning software tools and packages include Oracle
server/client tools, Microsoft SQL server/client tools, Microsoft Visual Studio, JDK, MS Office, and
various popular software QA and testing programs such as Selenium. In addition to the MS
Windows system, Mac computers and CentOS Linux are provided to students for iPhone
development and other learning needs. The embedded systems labs cover Embedded Linux,
Raspberry Pi, and the Android System.

Learning Resources and Laboratories

Designated learning laboratories allow students to conduct after-class hands-on practice and take
laboratory courses. The practice focuses on the following:
o Big data, data mining, and machine learning
o Data Engineering/Data Science
o Artificial Intelligence
o The Internet of Things (IoT)
o Mobile Apps design
o Computer networking, systems administration, and network security
o Database administration and database design
o VLSI/SOC design
o Embedded systems design

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 64

Other Applications: Students also use the computer laboratory facility to do homework and
projects in areas such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain, object-oriented design
and programming, Linux system programming, Java/C++/Python programming, MATLAB, website
design, e-business programming, software testing, digital media and graphics, and business

The University Library and Digital Campus

The SFBU administration strives to provide an up-to-date digital campus facility to the students and
faculty to increase their learning/teaching effectiveness. The university library not only maintains
traditional service functions but also provides commercially available digital libraries that
are easily accessible online by students, faculty, and staff.

The MySFBU portal allows students and faculty to access SFBU’s unique online environment.
Faculty members use the portal to manage their courses, and students use the portal to submit
online requests to administrative staff and access learning resources, personal records, career
information, and library information and resources. The SFBU IT Department maintains the
MySFBU portal.

Library Services

Besides learning in class, students are encouraged to pursue independent research using resources
provided by SFBU’s library. The library’s physical collections of resources consist of books and
periodicals. The online resources include databases from ProQuest, a leading academic content
provider to researchers and libraries worldwide. ProQuest One Business is the most
comprehensive business database on the market, providing access to over 2,000 online
newspapers, magazines, and journals and thousands of companies, industry, and country reports.
SFBU’s library also provides access to over 75,000 digital copies of business, computer science,
engineering, and technical books to faculty and students through subscriptions to O’Reilly for
Higher Education and ProQuest eBook Central.

To encourage and help students stay current in their chosen fields, the SFBU library maintains print
subscriptions of core periodicals in business and engineering.

In its effort to continuously adapt and increase its resources in response to the educational and
research needs and interests of SFBU students and faculty, the library welcomes suggestions from
faculty and students on new acquisitions.

Information Literacy

The SFBU library is committed to teaching information literacy skills, enabling them to develop
their abilities to assess their information needs, find needed information efficiently, evaluate
information critically, and use it ethically. These information literacy skills will prepare our students
for lifelong learning.

Library assistance is provided in person at the Library Information Desk and via email, phone, or

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 65

Library patrons can access the library catalog from the library’s website and the library databases
via the SFBU student/faculty portals.

Library users can find help by using Ask-a-Librarian on the library website. To access the library
catalog, library patrons have two options:
1. Use the computer in the library lobby, whose home page is the catalog.
2. Access the catalog from the library’s website.

To access the library’s electronic collection, library users have three options:
1. Use the computer in the library lobby
2. Access the e-library via the link on the student/faculty portal:
a. Go to https://my.sfbu.edu/
b. Click the e-Services tab, top right
c. Select e-Library > ProQuest or O’Reilly
3. Access from anywhere 24/7 via EZProxy
a. Go to https://elib.sfbu.edu/login
b. Enter your on-campus computer login information
c. Click on “ProQuest Digital Library” or “O’Reilly for Higher Education.”


Faculty members use the Canvas LMS and MySFBU faculty portal as tools to help them manage
their courses online, including maintaining their students’ academic and attendance records and
posting and updating course syllabi, assignments, instructions, and handout materials. Teaching
Assistants access the system to post homework-related information and useful learning materials
for individual courses. Faculty members and teaching assistants can also send messages to their
students through these electronic facilities.

Each current student is assigned accounts to access the MySFBU and LMS student portals. The
systems are designed so that student users can access all general information but only their own
personal data and academic records. Using the systems, students can obtain their course-related
information, update their personal contact data, and check their own study plans, financial
records, and attendance records.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 66

San Francisco Bay University offers the following degree programs:

• Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) and Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration (BSBA)

• Graduate: Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS), Master of Science in Data Science
(MSDS), Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE), Master of Business
Administration (MBA), and Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBAn)

• Certificate Program (Graduate): Graduate Certificate in Management

In addition to its degree programs, the university offers a wide range of undergraduate general
education courses in psychology, humanities, and social science disciplines to support the need for
holistic integration with our degree programs. These courses are listed in the Course Numbers and
Descriptions section of this catalog.

SFBU’s undergraduate and graduate programs are designed to prepare students for the practice of
electrical engineering, embedded systems engineering, computer science, data science, business
analytics, decision-making, marketing, and business administration at a professional level. In
particular, the degree curricula are designed to keep pace with the development of Silicon Valley’s
major industries, including electronics, computer engineering, information technology, enterprise
management, and global business development.

As Silicon Valley is a dynamic and fast-changing high-technology hub where the only constant is
fierce competition among the employers, the employers in the Valley are more demanding of
workers’ qualifications. Therefore, job seekers in the Valley must be well prepared for their
background training and understand that continued education is a general requirement in the

SFBU’s program committees in various disciplines hold regular meetings to ensure that the
curriculum design and facility support in hardware and software can meet industry standards.
Furthermore, faculty members who teach major and related courses must have had previous or
current industry experience and are equipped with up-to-date knowledge and skills in their
teaching subjects.

Degree programs are offered in two categories: 1) programs with an engineering emphasis and 2)
programs with a business emphasis. Each offers degree programs at two levels: bachelor’s and
master’s levels. In addition, the business program offers an academic Graduate Certificate in
Business Management. Program information categorized by degree level follows.

Human Subjects: The Institutional Review Board

The Associate Provost at SFBU will review and determine the appropriateness of any requests for
research involving human subjects. Research, as defined by federal regulations, is a systematic
investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalized knowledge.) If approved for further
consideration, the project will go before the Institutional Review Board (IRB), whether a classroom
project, a thesis or dissertation, or a faculty member’s research and whether the research is funded

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 67

or not. The board membership consists of experienced faculty from a variety of disciplines, as well
as expert lay people not affiliated with the university. The IRB is required to review all protocols for
projects involving human subjects to ensure compliance with guidelines prescribed by federal and
state regulations. The board’s charge is the protection of human subjects from “research risks”
that may be physical, psychological, social, or legal. Fundamental concerns in the protocol review
are to assure that the subjects will be fully informed and freely consent to participate in the
project, that their right to privacy is protected, and that all data collected will be held confidential
and published without identifiers.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 68

San Francisco Bay University’s School of Engineering offers degree programs in the three
disciplinary areas of computer science, data science, and electrical engineering:

• Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)

• Graduate: Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS), Master of Science in Data Science
(MSDS), and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)

The University Provost, Program Director for Engineering and program advisory committees, as
well as the faculty members of the School of Engineering, are responsible for Engineering
programs’ academic affairs. The program advisory committees comprise industry professionals,
potential employers, and community leaders who advise, review, and provide recommendations
on the undergraduate and graduate programs. Practical applications are emphasized throughout
the student’s learning process, although the theoretical background is taught in each course
subject as a fundamental requirement.

Degree programs offered by Engineering programs are designed for students who intend to
become professional engineers in the high-technology electronics or computer industries, as well
as for those who desire a modern, general education based on the problems and the promises of a
technological society. The environment in which students are educated is as important in shaping
their future as their classroom experiences. Engineering programs offer a friendly atmosphere and
a variety of academic programs that have made SFBU engineering graduates highly valued in high-
tech firms and Bay Area communities.

All engineering faculty members possess the following: advanced degrees earned in engineering
and science disciplines, high-tech work experience relevant to their teaching subjects, and
enthusiasm for teaching and helping students. Engineering is not a homogeneous discipline; it
requires many special talents. Some faculty members in the school are goal-oriented designers who
are concerned with teaching students how to solve problems, synthesize relevant information and
ideas, and apply them in a creative, feasible design. Other engineering faculty members function
more typically as method-oriented scientists, using the techniques of their discipline in their
teaching and research to investigate various natural and artificial phenomena.

The courses offered include hands-on experience in the engineering programs aimed to achieve
the following objectives:
• To provide each student with a goal-oriented education by tailoring each student’s study
plan based on the student’s background and interests.
• To provide in-depth professional training with state-of-the-art learning resources for
the student.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 69

• To provide relevant laboratory experience throughout each program as an integral part
of education.
• To provide undergraduate students with well-rounded and balanced undergraduate studies.
• To nurture a learning environment that leads to professional values recognizing high
quality and integrity in a true engineer.
• To provide graduate students an opportunity to pursue advanced training and professional
development to practice their profession with increased competence.

Undergraduate Program in Engineering

SFBU offers one undergraduate engineering degree program: the Bachelor of Science in Computer
Science (BSCS).

Committee Oversight

The responsibility for developing, modifying, and maintaining the undergraduate degree program is
performed by the School of Engineering Curriculum Committee, which is led by a faculty group,
and its recommendations are reviewed and approved by the chief academic officer of the
university (the Provost). Input from other stakeholders, such as qualified students, the Department
Chairs, librarians, assessment coordinators, administrators, and employers, is welcomed.

Distance Learning

The BSCS program is approved for distance learning. Students may mix and match on-site and
online courses or take 100% online courses. Online courses may be offered in a synchronous or
asynchronous modality.

Credential Requirements

The undergraduate program accepts qualified high school graduates and college transfer students.
Undergraduate applicants who have not completed at least 30 semester hours of college credit are
considered first-year applicants.

Credential Evaluation Requirement

Applicants who have earned their high school or college credentials at a foreign institution must
provide a course-by-course credential evaluation analysis. This credential evaluation must be
completed by a member of t h e National Association of Credential Evaluation Services
(NACES), the Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or the American
Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International Education
Services. If it is a hard copy, this credential evaluation must be in the original sealed envelope; an
electronic copy may be sent directly from the evaluation agency to SFBU. Note: International
schools/colleges accredited by U.S. regional accrediting bodies are exempt from this requirement.

General Background Requirements

Applicants to all engineering programs must have completed pre-calculus subjects in algebra,
trigonometry, and geometry before admission into any program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 70

Remedial Courses: Remedial courses are not offered at SFBU except for English as a Second
Language classes.

Proficiency Exams: A student may be required to demonstrate proficiency in a subject taken more
than 10 years before application with SFBU by successfully completing a proficiency examination.

Experiential Learning: SFBU does not award credit for prior experiential learning.

Application Requirements

In addition to the following requirements, as supplementary indicators of potential success at

SFBU, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of one or more of the following:

• Additional undergraduate or graduate degrees and certifications

• Previous coursework or training in the intended field of study
• Work experience
• Achievement in sports, music, or other creative pursuits
• Involvement in community/volunteer services
• Fluency in multiple foreign languages
• Personal statement with background and purpose for seeking the degree
• Other special skills

To apply for admission into the BSCS degree program, the applicant is required to complete the
application form online and submit the following to the SFBU Office of Admissions:
1. Unofficial or official transcripts from ALL previously attended institutions. First-year
applicants are required to submit their official final high school transcript upon high school
graduation. Applicants must have been in good academic standing at the last institution
attended. A high school/college CGPA below 2.0 does not qualify for admission.
2. For non-native English speakers, an English proficiency document. An official transcript
with English course records or TOEFL/IELTS/iTEP/PTE Academic/Duolingo/Cambridge B2
First score report or equivalent will suffice. See the English Proficiency Requirement
subsection below for details on the English entrance requirement.

F-1 International Students: In addition to the above general application requirements, an

international applicant is required to submit the following documents:
1. Copy of passport
2. A financial support document. Provide a recent financial support document indicating a
minimum amount of $40,000 available to pursue study in the first academic year at SFBU.
One of the following would be acceptable:
• A current bank letter and bank statement
• A loan letter from a lending institution
• Copies of fixed deposits

An affidavit of support or sponsor letter is required if the funds are not in the applicant’s name.
3. An international student transferring from a U.S. institution is required to submit a photocopy of

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 71

• Previous I-20 form
• Visa
• I-94 (U.S Department of Homeland Security issued arrival/departure form)

Also note that foreign transcripts must be evaluated by a member of the National Association of
Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE),
or American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International
Education Services.

HiSET/HSE, CPP, GED: SFBU recognizes the High School Equivalency (HiSET), the California
Proficiency Program (CPP), and General Educational Development (GED) qualifications and accepts
such graduates. A GED score of 456 or above is recommended. Lower scores may require an
interview with a member of the admissions committee.

Applicants interested in applying for scholarships need to provide additional documentation.

Please refer to the section on Scholarships in this catalog and the website.

English Proficiency Requirement

Non-native English speakers are considered to meet the entrance English proficiency requirement if
they meet any of the following requirements:
• An official IELTS (Academic), TOEFL (iBT), TOEFL Essentials, iTEP Academic, PTE Academic,
Cambridge B2 First, or Duolingo test score report with minimum scores as follows:
o IELTS (Academic): 6.5 band
o TOEFL (iBT): 90
o TOEFL Essentials: 8.0 band
o iTEP Academic: 5.0
o PTE Academic: 75
o Cambridge B2 First: 168
o Duolingo: 120
• Successful completion of IEP Upper Intermediate Level B with a grade of B or better in all
four courses.
• An English assessment report from a few U.S. English language institutions recognized by
major universities in the U.S.
• A high school diploma or a college-level English credit course passed at an institution located
in the U.S., U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada.
• A degree earned at an institution in which the language of instruction is strictly English (as
determined solely by SFBU). Applicants from the following countries meet these criteria:
Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Ascension, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda,
Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Dominica,
England, Eritrea, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya,
Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New
Guinea, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines,
Scotland, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad &
Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Wales, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 72

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions

Course credit earned at other institutions of higher education may be transferable. Credit transfer
is made by the admission evaluators while conducting the admission evaluation or by formal
transfer agreement between institutions. Credit transfer is done at the program-of-study level,
topic area level, the major and major selectable levels, and on a case-by-case basis.

The following statements apply to all transfer credits:

• The SFBU Admissions office must receive all official transcripts before the student joins a
degree program. Without preapproval, transcripts received after the student joins SFBU
cannot be used in transferring credits, except for records from the term immediately
preceding the student’s starting semester at SFBU.
• The student was officially enrolled in the course.
• Courses eligible for transfer by prearranged transfer or articulation agreement shall follow
the details contained in the agreement. Courses eligible for one-to-one matching course
transfer will be evaluated based on the comparability in content, quality, and rigor with
SFBU’s courses. Required courses require a closer comparability match. Courses eligible for
topic area transfer may be mapped to the program’s relevant topic area credit hour
requirements without the need for one-to-one course matching and may have their credit
hours used in lieu of required credit hours with the approval of the Registrar and Department
Chair. The transfer evaluation will include, but is not limited to, course descriptions, course
syllabi, or public information. Students may be asked to provide course catalogs or syllabi if
needed. Up to 75 semester credit hours of courses that have been reviewed and approved
as part of a formal SFBU articulation/transfer agreement are guaranteed to transfer.
• When evaluating any foreign transcript, the admission evaluators may accept the credit
transfer based on their knowledge of the course contents compared to similar courses
offered in the U.S.
• Without prior approval, courses for transfer to SFBU may not be completed concurrently at
another institution while a student is matriculated in an SFBU degree program.
• College English courses taken at an institution where English is not an official language
cannot be transferred for general education credit.
• The credits under consideration for transfer must be earned at (1) institutions approved by
the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, (2) public or private institutions of higher
learning accredited by an accrediting association recognized by the U. S. Department of
Education, or (3) foreign institutions of higher learning. Credits earned at a foreign
institution must be evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential
Evaluation Services (NACES), Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
International Education Services.
• Professional Development Units (PDUs) offered by professional/industry organizations
cannot be transferred to SFBU for academic credit.
• Continuing Education Units (CEUs) offered on a nonacademic basis by other academic
institutions cannot be transferred to SFBU for academic credit.
• The total number of credits transferred from other institutions to meet the student’s
undergraduate program requirements is limited to 75 semester credit hours. Students must

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 73

take at least 45 credit hours at SFBU.
• Credits transferred at the time of admission evaluation will reduce program length. Credit
transferred from any outside institution has no effect on the calculation of the student’s
• Credits transferred from any outside institution are excluded from the maximum attempted
credit hours for the program.

Credit Hour Transfer Conversion: One semester credit hour equals, at a minimum, 15 contact
classroom hours of lecture, 30 contact hours of laboratory, or 45 contact hours of practicum.

Grades Required for Transfer Credit: In the bachelor’s degree program, applicable courses
completed with an equivalency of a letter grade of “C” or better are transferable. Courses
completed with Pass/No Pass are not transferable unless the transcript states that the general
grading policy is not based on letter grades. This policy must be submitted in writing from the
institution (transcript key or a verification letter).

Other Types of Undergraduate Transfer Credit: The following other types of credit may be
• AP/IB course credit earned is equivalent to college credit.

• Credit by Examination (CLEP). SFBU grants credit to those students who pass examinations
in English, natural sciences, humanities, and social science subjects offered by the College
Level Examination Program (CLEP). Only General Education credits will be granted. Students
should consult with the Admissions Office for information on acceptable CLEP scores and
credit hours. The CLEP Institution Code for SFBU is 7569.

• Transfer of Credit from Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES)
and Military Services. Credits will be allowed for DANTES Subject Standardized Tests and
professional military education evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). The
maximum transferable credits follow the same policies as specified above. SFBU’s
evaluation of an application is made before the student’s admission to a program unless
otherwise approved by the authorizing VA office. The DANTES Institution Code for SFBU is

Access to Computers

Students taking courses from the SFBU School of Engineering are required to have computers on
which they will install various software packages, applications, microphones, and cameras, connect
to cloud applications, implement course assignments, and take examinations. Students should
expect some courses to require software use/licensing fees comparable to the cost of a classic
textbook. Example computer uses include a web server, a relational database, the
Python/JavaScript/PHP programming language, data visualization and analytics tools, making a
business website, creating analytical models, performing statistics on data sets, machine
learning, use for oral presentations, downloading of course materials and project templates,
uploading of assignments, accessing the student portal and course learning management systems,
use of cloud-based applications, virtual office meetings with the professor, delivery of student
services, interaction with the administration and staff, and so on. For interactive online/hybrid

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 74

classroom meetings and group video conferencing, the recommended bandwidth is ≥ 3 Mbps in
both the upstream and downstream directions.

Remote students are expected to have their web cameras on during any interactive online virtual
class meeting and examinations. For individual peer-to-peer video conferencing, 1 Mbps is the
recommended minimum bandwidth. For an improved video experience, a wired
connection/adapter can reduce interaction latency and the number of dropped packets compared
to a Wi-Fi connection.

Graduation Requirements

Each program requires coursework in the following three areas:

1. General education
2. Major study
3. Electives

An overall GPA of 2.0 or better and a D grade or higher on all courses toward the degree are
required. The student must be in good standing with the University and have an approved petition
to graduate on file.

Course Numbers: Courses numbered in the 100s and 200s are lower-division courses; courses
numbered in the 300s and 400s are upper-division courses.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites must be met before taking a course. Corequisites may be

taken at the same time as the course is taken. To meet prerequisites or corequisites, lower-division
status means undergraduate students with fewer than 60 completed semester credit hours, and
upper-division status means undergraduate students with 60 or more completed semester credit

1. General Education Requirements

All undergraduate students in the engineering programs must complete at least 40 semester credit
hours in general education (GE). GE courses cover subjects in the following areas: English language
communication and critical thinking (Area A), mathematics and natural sciences (Area B), arts and
humanities (Area C), and social sciences (Area D).

Examples of courses that fall under each area of general education are as follows:
• Area A: English Language Communication and Critical Thinking: Expository Writing, Critical
Thinking, Public Speaking, Small Group Communication, Intercultural Communication,
American Literature.
• Area B: Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics,
Physical Sciences, Physics.
• Area C: Arts and Humanities: Introduction to Philosophy, Art/Music Appreciation, Principle of
• Area D: Social Sciences: American Experience, American/California History, Emotional
Intelligence, Introduction to Psychology, Multiculturalism, Public Administration, Sociology.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 75

General Education Student Learning Outcomes

SFBU has determined that the first five institutional learning outcomes (refer to pp. 9–10) also serve
as general education outcomes, with one modification: The general education outcome for critical
thinking has been modified as shown below to allow for a clear mapping between general
education courses in natural sciences, social sciences, communications, and humanities.

All undergraduate students are expected to demonstrate the following general education student
learning outcomes:

Written Communication: Write sustained, coherent arguments or explanations.

Oral Communication: Utilize effective oral communication strategies.

Quantitative Reasoning: Utilize mathematical concepts and methods to analyze and explain issues

Information Literacy: Identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share
information in support of academic, personal, and professional needs.

Critical Thinking: Utilizing various disciplinary perspectives, explore and analyze issues, ideas,
artifacts, and events to formalize an opinion or conclusion.

2. Major Study Requirements

The BSCS program is designed to include a series of major study coursework. The courses provide
the student with the foundation and training in computer and database technologies,
programming languages, network engineering, data science, structured programming, algorithms,
and engineering mathematics and science areas.

Professional Development. The Career Development, Professional & Technical Writing, and
Senior Capstone Project courses prepare engineering students for their professional careers.

3. Electives

Electives are built in each program to promote breadth and depth in the study program. The
student must complete enough elective courses to meet the graduation requirements.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 76

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)
The following is the description of the BSCS program, with a statement of its objectives, learning
outcomes, and curriculum.

PROGRAM OBJECTIVES. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science curriculum is designed to

provide in-depth professional training in a range of current computer science subjects, including
artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data science, structured programming, object-oriented
analysis and program design, computer organization principles and operating systems, database
principles and applications, and principles of computer networks. It is designed to equip the
student with both a theoretical background and hands-on experience.

The curriculum provides training in software engineering and prepares the students for
employment in computer software-related areas, such as computer software design and
development and computer software applications in computer networks and Internet systems.
After completing the undergraduate degree, a student is also prepared to enter an advanced
degree program in a computer science–related field if he/she desires.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES. Students graduating with a BSCS degree are expected to
demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:

Written and Oral Communication: Communicate proficiently on topics related to computer

science and computer systems with a range of audiences.

Quantitative Reasoning and Problem-Solving: Utilize general knowledge in areas such as data
management, algorithms, networking, or quantitative analysis to solve computing problems.

Information Literacy: Search, locate, and utilize information pertaining to current computing
practices, technology used in the industry, and software tools to fulfill specified requirements.

Inquiry, Analysis, and Critical Thinking: Demonstrate rational thinking over the selection and
application of suitable computing solutions appropriate to the discipline.

Specialized Knowledge and Foundations/Integrative Learning: Apply computer science principles

and skills acquired in the degree program to work on programming assignments and projects.

Students starting under the University Catalog for the Fall 2024–2025 academic year will have
the requirements as described below.

Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 120 credit hours are required for graduation. They include the following:
1. 30 credit hours of general education courses, including 6 credit hours in English language
communication and critical thinking (Area A), 9 credit hours in mathematics and natural
sciences (Area B), 6 credit hours in arts and humanities (Area C), and 9 credit hours in social
sciences (Area D).
2. 75 credit hours of major courses apportioned as follows:
a. 12 credit hours of major preparation courses (with Mathematic subjects that meet
general education requirements)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 77

b. 48 credit hours of major core courses
c. 15 credit hours of major specialization courses
3. 15 credit hours of electives.

1. General Education (Agility Praxis Pathway; 30 credit hours)

The purpose of general education is to give breadth to the student’s education. With an
interdisciplinary mixture of English language communication and critical thinking, mathematics and
natural sciences, arts and humanities, and the social sciences, the student will be prepared for
his/her roles both in society and at work.

Agility Praxis Pathway: The SFBU APP—Agility Praxis Pathway—is the foundation of our academic
approach, reflecting our commitment to a modern paradigm of higher education. Grounded in
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, the SFBU APP centers on student needs, addressing
evolving demands from students, employers, and global challenges. It fosters adaptability, bridges
academic traditions with practical creativity, and offers flexible pathways to achieve goals and
seize new opportunities.

Here is how it unfolds:

Think. In the “Think” stage, students explore diverse texts and multimedia resources, broadening
their perspectives and sparking curiosity. This phase includes guest speakers, flipped classroom
videos, and varied readings to stimulate vibrant discussions and healthy debate, encouraging
active participation and visible thinking routines.

Do. The “Do” phase focuses on practicing essential skills, mindsets, and behaviors aligned with
course goals. Students engage in hands-on learning through sustained writing exercises,
experiments, and design processes, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical

Create. The “Create” stage empowers students to synthesize their learning into tangible projects,
artifacts, and presentations. This creative output demonstrates their progress and mastery, serving
as a portfolio of their capabilities and readiness for real-world challenges.

Composed of 10 interdisciplinary courses (areas A, B, C, and D) that ask big questions, the SFBU APP
prepares students for academic success and lifelong intellectual exploration, professional
achievement, and creative contribution. It embodies our vision of a responsive, experiential, and
forward-looking education paradigm.

Area A: English Language Communication and Critical Thinking (6 credit hours)

APP101 How to Tell Your Story (3)
APP103 How to Communicate in a Global Context (3)

Area B: Mathematics and Natural Sciences (9 credit hours)

APP105 How to Use Math in Real Life (3)
APP106 How Your Brain Works (3)
APP109 How Can We Thrive? Scientific Inquiry & The
Future of Sustainability (3)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 78

Area C: Arts and Humanities (6 credit hours)
APP102 How to Design Your Life (3)
APP107 How to “Be Creative” in Partnership with
Computation and Machine Learning (3)

Area D: Social Sciences (9 credit hours)

APP104 How to Lead (3)
APP108 How to Use Data Science and Game Thinking
for Social Impact (3)
APP110 How to Design Social Innovation/Impact
Solutions to Thrive (3)

2. Major Requirements (minimum 75 credit hours)

The purpose of the major courses is to provide students with specialized topic knowledge,
including computer and database technologies, programming languages, data science, structured
programming, algorithms, artificial intelligence, and network engineering, as well as
professional/career development.

Preparation Courses (12 credit hours) Credit Hours

MATH201 Calculus – I (3)
MATH202 Calculus – II (3)
MATH203 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH208 Probability and Statistics (3)

Core Courses (credit hours) Credit Hours

CS200 Discrete Logic (3)
CS230 Linux and Shell Scripting (3)
CS230L Linux and Shell Scripting Lab (1)
CS250 Introduction to Programming (3)
CS250L Introduction to Programming Lab (1)
CE305 Computer Organization (3)
CS350 Data Structures (3)
CS350L Data Structures Lab (1)
CS360 Programming in C and C++ (3)
CS360L Programming in C and C++ Lab (1)
CS380 Operating Systems (3)
BUS450 Professional and Technical Writing (3)
CS455 Algorithms & Structured Programming (3)
CS457 Data Modeling and Implementation Techniques (3)
CS457L Database Technologies Lab (1)
CS480 Java and Internet Applications (3)
CS480L Java Programming Lab (1)
CS481 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data (3)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 79

CS487 Object-oriented Design and Implementations (3)
CS494 Senior Capstone Project – I (3)

Specialization Courses (15 credit hours)

CE450 Fundamentals of Embedded Engineering (3)

CS453 Compiler Design (3)
CS470 Network Engineering and Management (3)
CS477 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (3)
CS478 Blockchain Technology and Applications (3)
CS483 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (3)
CS485 JavaScript and Internet Programming (3)

3. Electives (minimum 15 credit hours)

The student may select courses in any discipline to fulfill this requirement and promote breadth
and depth in their study program. Course prerequisite requirements must be met. When
applicable, the student may take curricular practicum courses and engage in practical training to
work on company projects related to the student’s course of study.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 80

Graduate Programs in Engineering
The School of Engineering offers three master’s degree programs:

• Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)

• Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS)

• Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)

Concentrations: Concentrations are open to both on-campus classroom and distance learning
modality students. Students may have only one formal concentration, and choosing a study
concentration is not required. Courses counting towards the concentration credit hour
requirement may be taken as either Majors or Electives. An approved concentration will appear on
the student’s official transcript. If no concentration is selected, the transcript will show the
program title without any concentration notation.

Students are advised to complete the 12 credit hours applicable to their concentration before
meeting with the Registrar’s office to request their desired concentration formally. Due to logistics
and diploma printing time requirements spanning multiple months, last-minute concentration
requests and changes may not be approved at the discretion of the Registrar’s Office.

The MSCS program offers the option to select a 12-hour concentration in Cybersecurity, Data
Science, or Network Engineering. See the description of the MSCS program for details about the
concentration. The MSDS and MSEE programs do not offer any concentrations.


The objective of the master’s degree programs is to provide advanced engineering training to
those who wish to practice their profession with increased competence in the high-technology
electronics and computer industries. Each program emphasizes both mastery of subject matter
and an understanding of related research and research methodology. This emphasis implies
developing the student’s ability to integrate and apply the subject matter.

Committee Oversight

The Academic Committee is responsible for developing, modifying, and maintaining each master’s
degree program. The Academic Committee is led by a designated group of members who invite
input from qualified students, faculty, administrators, and employers.

Distance Learning

The MSCS program is approved for distance learning. Students may mix and match on-site and
online courses or take 100% online courses. Online courses may be offered in a synchronous or
asynchronous modality.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 81

Credential Requirements

Master’s degree program applicants must hold a valid bachelor’s degree with a minimum CGPA of
3.0 or must have completed a master’s or doctoral-level degree from an accredited institution. If
the applicant holds a graduate degree demonstrating significant improvement in academic
performance and yields a combined CGPA of 3.0 or above, this applicant may qualify for admission.
An applicant who holds (or is pursuing) a master’s or doctoral degree must provide the transcripts
for those degree programs. Academic achievements and CGPA earned from the applicant’s
graduate studies will also be used in the credential evaluation.

Applicants must have been in good academic standing at the last institution attended and must
meet all other of the specific degree program’s admission requirements.

Credential Evaluation Requirement

Applicants who have earned their bachelor’s credentials at a foreign institution must provide a
course-by-course credential evaluation analysis. This credential evaluation must be completed
by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), the
Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or the American Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International Education Services. This credential
evaluation must be in the original sealed envelope; if it is a hard copy, an electronic copy may be
sent directly from the evaluation agency to SFBU. Note: International schools/colleges accredited
by U.S. regional accrediting bodies are exempt from this requirement.

General Background Requirements

Each individual graduate program may require additional background preparation requirements
before acceptance into the program. Background preparation requirements and information on
how to clear those requirements are found under the graduate program sections of the Catalog.

Proficiency Exams: A student may be required to demonstrate proficiency in an undergraduate

background subject taken more than 10 years before applying to SFBU by successfully completing a
proficiency examination.

A student may also select to take proficiency exams to clear the background preparation required
by the program. The student must observe the rules for taking proficiency exams.

Of particular importance is the timing for taking each proficiency exam. Clearance of a background
subject must be completed early enough to meet two conditions: (1) There must be sufficient time
for administrative processing of the exam, and (2) Processing of the exam must be completed
before the student’s registration in any course with the background preparation subject as a
prerequisite for the course.

Experiential Learning: SFBU does not award credit for prior experiential learning.

Application Requirements

In addition to the following requirements, as supplementary indicators of potential success at

SFBU, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of one or more of the following:

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 82

• Additional undergraduate or graduate degrees and certifications
• Previous coursework or training in the intended field of study
• Work experience
• Achievement in sports, music, or other creative pursuits
• Involvement in community/volunteer services
• Fluency in multiple foreign languages
• Personal statement with background and purpose for seeking the degree
• Other special skills

Graduate program admission follows a holistic review process. Academic and non-academic
achievements are considered while assessing an applicant’s ability to succeed in the master’s
programs. An interview with the Academic team may also be conducted if necessary.

To apply for admission into a master’s degree program, the applicant is required to complete the
application form online and submit the following to the SFBU Office of Admissions:
1. Copy of passport or a government-issued I.D.
2. Official transcripts from ALL previously attended institutions.
3. A document certifying completion of a bachelor’s degree; a transcript printed with degree
completion information will suffice.
4. For non-native English speakers, an English proficiency document. An official transcript
with English course records or TOEFL/IELTS/ iTEP/PTE Academic/Duolingo/Cambridge B2
First score report or equivalent will suffice. See the English Proficiency Requirement
below for details on the English entrance requirement.

Entrance Assessment Test: A GRE test score is optional. Applicants may submit GRE or other
national-level exam scores to strengthen their application. SFBU’s institution code for reporting
the GRE score is 5485.

F-1 International Students: In addition to the above general application requirements, an

international applicant is required to submit the following documents:
1. A financial support document. Provide a recent financial support document indicating a
minimum amount of $40,000 available to pursue study in the first academic year at SFBU.
One of the following would be acceptable:
o A current bank letter and bank statement
o A loan letter from a lending institution
o Copies of fixed deposits

An affidavit of support or sponsor letter is required if the funds are not in the applicant’s name.
2. An international student transferring from a U.S. institution is required to submit a photocopy of
• Previous I-20 form
• Visa
• I-94 (U.S Department of Homeland Security issued arrival and departure form)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 83

Scholarships: Applicants interested in applying for scholarships need to provide additional
documents. Please refer to the section on Scholarships in this catalog and the website.

English Proficiency Requirement

Non-native English speakers are considered to meet the entrance English proficiency requirement if
they meet any of the following requirements:
• An official IELTS (Academic), TOEFL (iBT), TOEFL Essentials, iTEP Academic, PTE Academic,
Cambridge B2 First, or Duolingo test score report with minimum scores as follows:
o IELTS (Academic): 6.5 band
o TOEFL (iBT): 90
o TOEFL Essentials: 8.0 band
o iTEP Academic: 5.0
o PTE Academic: 75
o Cambridge B2 First: 168
o Duolingo: 120

• Successful completion of IEP Upper Intermediate Level B with a grade of B or better in all
four courses.

• An English assessment report from a few U.S. English language institutions recognized by
major universities in the U.S.
• A degree earned or a college-level English credit course passed at an institution in the
U.S., U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada.

• A degree earned at an institution in which the language of instruction is strictly English(as

determined solely by SFBU). Applicants from the following countries meet this criteria:
Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Ascension, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda,
Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Dominica,
England, Eritrea, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya,
Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New
Guinea, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines,
Scotland, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad &
Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Wales, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions

Graduate course credit earned at other accredited institutions of higher education may be
transferable to meet the student’s graduation requirements if the courses are closely related to
the engineering course requirements in the student’s intended program of study and the grade
earned meets the requirement stated below. Such course credits are considered qualified transfer
credits. Credit transfer is made on a case-by-case basis by the admission evaluators while
conducting the admission evaluation or by formal transfer agreement between institutions.

The following statements apply to qualified transfer credits:

• The SFBU Admissions office must receive all official transcripts before the student joins a
degree program. Without preapproval, transcripts received after the student joins SFBU

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 84

cannot be used in transferring credits, except for records from the term immediately
preceding the student’s starting semester at SFBU.
• The student was officially enrolled in the course.
• Courses eligible for transfer will be evaluated based on the comparability in content, quality,
and rigor with SFBU’s courses. The transfer evaluation will include, but is not limited to,
course descriptions, course syllabi, or public information. Students may be asked to provide
course catalogs or syllabi if needed. Note the following limitations:
o For the MSCS program, no more than 12 credit hours of qualified graduate-level
course credits may be transferred. Students must take at least 24 credit hours at
o For the MSDS program, no more than 9 credit hours of qualified graduate-level
course credits may be transferred. Students must take at least 21 credit hours at
• Without prior approval, courses for transfer to SFBU may not be completed concurrently at
another institution while a student is matriculated in an SFBU degree program.
• The credits under consideration for transfer must be earned at (1) institutions approved by
the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, (2) public or private institutions of higher
learning accredited by an accrediting association recognized by the U.S. Department of
Education, or (3) foreign institutions of higher learning. Credits earned at a foreign institution
must be evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation
Services (NACES), Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or American
Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International
Education Services.
• Professional Development Units (PDUs) offered by professional/industry organizations
cannot be transferred to SFBU for academic credit.
• Continuing Education Units (CEUs) offered on a nonacademic basis by other
academic institutions cannot be transferred to SFBU for academic credit.
• Credits transferred at the time of admission evaluation will reduce program length. Credit
transferred from any outside institution has no effect on the calculation of the student’s GPA
or CGPA.

Credit Hour Transfer Conversion: One semester credit hour equals, at a minimum, 15 contact
classroom hours of lecture, 30 contact hours of laboratory, or 45 contact hours of practicum.

Grades Required for Transfer Credit: In the master’s degree programs, applicable courses
completed with an equivalency of a letter grade of “B” or better are transferable. Courses
completed with Pass/No Pass are not transferable unless the transcript states that the general
grading policy is not based on letter grades. This policy must be submitted in writing from the
institution (transcript key or a verification letter).

Access to Computers

Students taking courses from the SFBU School of Engineering are required to have computers on
which they will install various software packages, applications, microphones, and cameras, connect
to cloud applications, implement course assignments, and take examinations. Students should
expect some courses to require software use/licensing fees comparable to the cost of a classic

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 85

textbook. Example computer uses include a web server, a relational database, the
Python/JavaScript/PHP programming language, data visualization and analytics tools, making a
business website, creating analytical models, performing statistics on data sets, machine
learning, use for oral presentations, downloading of course materials and project templates,
uploading of assignments, accessing the student portal and course learning management systems,
use of cloud-based applications, virtual office meetings with the professor, delivery of student
services, interaction with the administration and staff, and so on. For interactive online/hybrid
classroom meetings and group video conferencing, the recommended bandwidth is ≥ 3 Mbps in
both the upstream and downstream directions.

Remote students are expected to have their web cameras on during any interactive online virtual
class meeting and examinations. For individual peer-to-peer video conferencing, 1 Mbps is the
recommended minimum bandwidth. For an improved video experience, a wired
connection/adapter can reduce interaction latency and the number of dropped packets compared
to a Wi-Fi connection.

Graduation Requirements

The Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
(MSEE) degree programs require 36 credit hours. The Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS)
degree program requires 30 credit hours.

The following conditions must also be met for a student to be eligible for graduation:
• Maintain a grade of C or better for all courses taken toward the degree requirements.
• Maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.
• Maintain good standing with the University—with clear financial, library, and other school
• Receive approval to graduate after filing a petition for graduation.

Course Numbers. Courses numbered from 450G to 499G are cross-listed specialized courses
taken for graduate-level credits; courses numbered in the 500s and above are graduate-level
courses. Students should expect graduate-level 4xxG courses to have noticeably higher-level
assignments compared to 4xx undergraduate workloads. Refer to the Engineering – Graduate
Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions section for individual course descriptions.

Prerequisites/Corequisites. Students are responsible for determining their readiness and ability to
address graduate-level academics successfully.

Capstone Course

The capstone course in each engineering master’s degree program is intended to integrate the
knowledge and hands-on experience that the student has acquired from the coursework taken in
the respective program. The Capstone course instructor determines the course objectives and
scope based on the degree curriculum and technology trend. With this learning experience, the
student is prepared to pursue his/her career in the high-technology industry.

The student shall take the capstone course near the end of his/her program of study.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 86

Career Planning

Students are encouraged to gain real-world experience by engaging in curricular practicum training
(internship) when applicable. For career planning, students meet one-on-one with the Career
Center staff in their first term of enrollment. Students learn to prepare their resumes and
participate in job searches and other activities. The students may utilize the online e-Career Center
from their portal for job listings and off-campus job fairs.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 87

Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)
The following are descriptions of the master’s engineering degree programs, with a statement of
objectives, learning outcomes, and curriculum.

PROGRAM OBJECTIVES. The MSCS degree program is designed to provide advanced knowledge
and hands-on experience in computer science to students who are interested in gaining expertise
in software engineering as well as modern Internet technologies and applications. Through the
learning process, the students not only acquire knowledge of modern computer technologies but
also cultivate abilities in software design, development, deployment, and integration aspects of
professional learning. They are encouraged to apply their knowledge and skills to course projects
that match industry trends.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES. Students graduating with an MSCS degree are expected to
demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:

Written and Oral Communication: Effectively present the concepts, designs, and outcomes for
software development projects in written and oral forms.

Quantitative Reasoning and Problem-Solving: Employ current computer science technologies,

methodologies, and quantitative analysis to examine modern industry challenges and formulate
suitable solutions.

Information Literacy: Demonstrate proficiency and resourcefulness in utilizing multiple sources of

information to research, design, or implement complex programming projects.

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Creative Thinking: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills
to analyze computing problems and derive solutions based on evidence and practicality.

Specialized Knowledge, Integrative Learning, and Creative Thinking: Practice specialized

knowledge relevant to the area of expertise and the skills attained in the program study to
complete required tasks in a professional manner.

Background Preparation

Students admitted into the MSCS degree program are required to have a bachelor’s degree (BS, BA,
or BE) in computer science/engineering or another field with a sufficient background in computer
science and mathematics, including coursework or experience equivalent to (as deemed
appropriate by the Academic team) all the following subjects:
• Mathematics: calculus, linear algebra, and statistics/probability
• Introduction to Python Programming Language and programming logic
• Data structures

The Academic team may request additional documents or an interview to assess and validate the
qualification of an applicant who did not complete an undergraduate degree in Computer

A student who lacks any of the background preparation requirements listed above is expected to
clear them by either (1) taking the course at SFBU or another approved institution/organization

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 88

that is comparable in subject matter, quality, and rigor as SFBU and earning a grade of at least C or
higher, or (2) taking and passing a proficiency exam on the subject. The student must have clear
background preparation requirements before being accepted into the MSCS program.

Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 36 semester credit hours of graduate study are required for the MSCS program.
They include coursework in the following categories:

1. Foundation courses (11 credit hours)

2. Specialization courses based on the student’s selection of technical pursuits (12 credit

3. Elective courses (10 credit hours)

4. Computer Science Capstone Course (3 credit hours)

The software engineering coursework is for developing technical skills that benefit the student for
career planning; elective courses outside of computer science are for broadening the student’s skill

The student must meet prerequisite requirements before enrolling in any course. On clearing
background preparation work, the student starts to take courses to meet the degree requirements,
beginning with the subjects listed in the Foundation Requirements section.

1. Foundation Requirements (11 credit hours; required subjects)

CS455G Algorithms & Structured Programming or

CS501 Practical Application of Algorithms and

CS457G Data Modeling and Implementation Techniques

CS457LG Database Technologies Lab

CS500 Object-Oriented Design in Python

CS500L Object-Oriented Design in Python Lab

2. Specialization Requirements (12 credit hours)

The student is advised to consider industry trends and career choices when selecting computer
science courses. Before taking the Computer Science Capstone Course near the end of the program,
the student will have taken at least 12 credit hours of graduate-level software engineering courses
(or those corresponding to one of the chosen concentrations below) and 10 credit hours of

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 89


The student may choose one of the three concentrations shown below and complete 12 credit
hours of the associated courses listed under the concentration. After completing these selected
courses, the student can request that the concentration area be specified on the transcript and the
diploma to highlight the field of specialization.


CS535 Network Security Fundamentals

CS571 Cloud Computing Infrastructure

CS581 Cloud Security

CS589 Special Topics (related to Cybersecurity)

CS477G Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (taken as an Elective course)

Data Science

CS550 Machine Learning and Business Intelligence

CS570 Big Data Processing & Analytics

CS589 Special Topics (related to Data Science)

CS481G Introduction to Data Science (taken as an Elective course)

Network Engineering

CS515 UNIX/Linux Network Programming

CS535 Network Security Fundamentals

CS565 Advanced Network Management

CS575 Network Analysis and Testing

Cluster Courses

The following are examples of cluster courses that the student may select to strengthen the
knowledge and skills related to an area of interest without declaring a concentration for their MSCS
degree. Selecting any four (4) courses from the lists will meet the Specialization course

Cloud Computing and Big Data

CS550 Machine Learning and Business Intelligence

CS570 Big Data Processing & Analytics

CS571 Cloud Computing Infrastructure

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 90

Mobile Application Technologies

CS548 Web Services Techniques and REST Technologies

CS551 Mobile Computing for Android Mobile Devices

CS556 Mobile Applications on the iPhone Platform

QA Engineering

CS521 Software Project Management

CS522 Software Quality Assurance and Test Automation

CS548 Web Services Techniques and REST Technologies

CS575 Network Analysis and Testing

Each semester, when the course offering list is published, instructions on graduate-level courses
belonging to various areas of interest are also published along with the course offering list. Every
graduate student is advised to refer to these instructions to select courses and build his/her
expertise area.

Other CS5xx level courses offered by the School of Engineering may also be taken to complement
the knowledge and skills desired. A cross-disciplinary study of areas of interest can be desirable as
the changing computer industry has become more demanding for engineers with multidisciplinary
skill sets.

3. Electives (10 credit hours)

The student may take any graduate-level courses, including those outside of software engineering,
to meet the electives requirement of 10 credit hours. At least 6 credit hours must comprise
courses with numbers at or higher than 500. When applicable, the student may take Curricular
Practicum courses and engage in practical training to work on company projects related to the
student’s course of study. No more than 6 credit hours of practicum coursework may be counted
towards graduation.

4. Capstone Course (3 credit hours; required)

On completing all or most coursework for the MSCS program, the student must take the CS595
Computer Science Capstone Course and, under the guidance of the course instructor, integrate the
knowledge and skills learned from all the courses taken during the program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 91

Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS)
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES. The MSDS program focuses on exploring, processing, and analyzing large-
scale data sources from the perspectives of computer science, data representation, data analytics,
mathematics, and applied statistics. Students learn the theory and acquire practical, hands-on
skills in algorithm development, software design and programming, data management, data
mining, trend analysis, and data visualization. The program incorporates real-world data science
applications in various disciplines, such as artificial intelligence, computer vision, data-driven
engineering, business intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES. Upon completion of the MSDS program, the students are
expected to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

Written and Oral Communication: Effectively communicate the results of data analysis to both
technical and nontechnical audiences.

Quantitative Reasoning and Creative Thinking: Collect, clean, and organize data from various
sources and apply statistical and machine learning techniques to data.

Information Literacy: Demonstrate proficiency and resourcefulness in utilizing multiple sources

of information to research, design, or implement solutions to problems.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Apply critical thinking about data, identify patterns and
trends, and solve problems using data analysis.

Specialized Knowledge and Integrative Learning: Analyze and draw meaningful insights from
complex datasets using advanced statistical and computational techniques.

Ethical Reasoning: Identify and address ethical challenges related to data collection, privacy, bias in
data analysis, and how to use data responsibly.

Background Preparation

Students admitted into the MSDS degree program are required to have a bachelor’s degree (BS,
BA, or BE) in computer science, data science, or engineering or in another field with a sufficient
background in computer science, data science, and mathematics, including coursework or
experience equivalent to (as deemed appropriate by the Academic team) the following subjects:
• Mathematics: calculus, linear algebra, and statistics/probability
• Introduction to Python Programming Language and programming logic
• Data structures

The Academic team may request additional documents or an interview to assess and validate the
qualification of an applicant who did not complete an undergraduate degree in Computer

A student who lacks any of the background preparation requirements listed above is expected to
clear them by either (1) taking the course at SFBU or another approved institution/organization
that is comparable in subject matter, quality, and rigor as SFBU and earning a grade of at least C or

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 92

higher, or (2) taking and passing a proficiency exam on the subject. The student must have clear
background preparation requirements before acceptance into the MSDS program.

Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 30 semester credit hours of graduate study are required for the MSDS program.
They include coursework in the following categories:

1. Foundation courses (9 credit hours)

2. Specialization courses in data science (12 credit hours)

3. Elective courses (6 credit hours)

4. Data Science Capstone Course (3 credit hours)

The student must meet prerequisite requirements before enrolling in any course. On clearing
background preparation work, the student starts to take courses to meet the degree requirements,
beginning with the subjects listed in the Foundation Requirements section.

1. Foundation Course Requirements (9 credit hours; required subjects)

CS481G Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Science

DS500 Mathematics and Statistics for Data Science

DS501 Python Programming for Data Science

2. Specialization Requirements (12 credit hours)

The student is advised to consider industry trends and career choices when selecting data science
courses. Before taking the Data Science Capstone Course near the end of the program, the student
will have taken at least 12 credit hours of graduate-level courses shown below and 6 credit hours
of electives. The following are examples of cluster courses for each area of interest. Selecting any
four (4) courses from the list will meet the Specialization Course requirements.

CS550 Machine Learning and Business Intelligence

CS570 Big Data Processing & Analytics

DS512 Data Engineering

DS520 Deep Learning

DS535 Large Language Models (LLM)

DS540 Natural Language Processing (NLP)

DS565 Generative AI-Driven Intelligent Apps Development

DS589 Special Topics (related to Data Science)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 93

Each semester, when the course offering list is published, instructions on graduate-level courses
belonging to various areas of interest are also published along with the course offering list. Every
graduate student is advised to refer to these instructions to select courses and build his/her
expertise area.

3. Electives (6 credit hours)

Students may select 6 credit hours (a combination of 1, 2, or 3- courses) of subjects that earn
graduate-level credits in data science or other majors to fulfill the elective requirement.

When applicable, the student may take Curricular Practicum courses and engage in practical
training to work on company projects related to the student’s course of study. CPT501 (part-time
internship) and CPT502 (full-time internship) courses, which earn one credit hour and two credit
hours, respectively, may be counted as elective courses. No more than 3 credit hours of practicum
coursework may be counted towards graduation.

4. Capstone Course (3 credit hours; required)

On completing all or most coursework for the MSDS program, the student must take the DS595
Data Science Capstone course and, under the guidance of the course instructor, integrate the
knowledge and skills learned from all of the courses taken during the program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 94

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES. The MSEE degree program is designed to provide students with advanced
knowledge and hands-on experience in electronics and embedded system engineering,
emphasizing the Internet of Things (IoT). Through the learning process, the students not only
acquire knowledge of modern electronics and embedded system technologies but also cultivate
abilities in designing, simulating, and integrating the engineering subjects learned. They are
encouraged to apply their knowledge and skills to course projects that match industry trends.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES. Students graduating with an MSEE degree are expected to
demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:

Written Communication and Critical Thinking: Create reports for engineering projects that
demonstrate an advanced level of proficiency and evidence-based decision-making ability.

Quantitative Reasoning: Prepare engineering prototype models, conduct experiments, collect

measurements, analyze the data, and effectively interpret the results.

Information Literacy: Demonstrate expertise and resourcefulness in utilizing multiple sources of

information to research and strategize solutions necessary to complete engineering projects.

Integrative Learning, Problem-Solving, and Creative Thinking: Produce robust hardware/software

solutions to meet industry needs in modern technology areas by utilizing existing technology in a
novel manner.

Specialized Knowledge: Apply the specialized skills relevant to graduate-level work to examine
problems, synthesize the data/information, and communicate the requirements and the solutions

Background Preparation

Students admitted into the MSEE degree program are required to have a bachelor’s degree (BS, BA,
or BE) in electrical or another field with a sufficient background in engineering, mathematics, and
science, including coursework or experience equivalent to (as deemed appropriate by the
Academic team) all of the following subjects:
• Mathematics: calculus, linear algebra, and statistics/probability
• Sciences: Physics
• Electrical and Computer Engineering Subjects: C Programming, Python Programming, circuit
theory, and logic Design

The Academic team may request additional documents or an interview to assess and validate the
qualification of an applicant who did not complete an undergraduate degree in Electrical

A student who lacks any of the background preparation requirements listed above is expected to
clear them by either (1) taking the course at SFBU or another approved institution/organization
that is comparable in subject matter, quality, and rigor as SFBU and earning a grade of at least C or
higher, or (2) taking and passing a proficiency exam on the subject. The student must clear
background preparation requirements before acceptance to the MSEE program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 95

Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 36 semester credit hours of graduate study are required for the MSEE program.
They include coursework in the following categories:

1. Foundation courses (11 credit hours)

2. Specialization courses in engineering (12 credit hours)

3. Elective courses (10 credit hours)

4. Electrical Engineering Capstone Course (3 credit hours)

The student must meet prerequisite requirements when taking any course. On clearing
background preparation work, the student starts to take courses to meet the degree requirements,
beginning with the subjects listed in the Foundation Requirements section.

1. Foundation Requirements (11 credit hours; required subjects)

CE450G Fundamentals of Embedded Engineering

CE450LG Embedded Engineering Lab

EE461G Digital Design and HDL

EE461LG Digital Design and HDL Lab

EE488G Computer Architecture

2. Engineering Course Requirements (12 credit hours)

The student is advised to consider industry trends when selecting electronic and computer
engineering courses. Before taking the Electrical Engineering Capstone Course near the end of the
program, the student will have taken a minimum of 12 credit hours of graduate-level engineering
courses and 10 credit hours of electives. Choices of field of study include the Internet of Things
(IoT), embedded systems, multicore computing, and modern IC technologies. The following are
examples of cluster courses for each area of interest:

Internet of Things (IoT) and Embedded Systems

EE517 Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT)

CE521 Real-time Systems and Programming

CE522 Embedded Design in Networking Environment

CE523 Embedded Design in Device Driver Environment

CE530 Embedded Software Design in Linux

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 96

Multicore Computing

EE504 Advanced Computer Architecture

EE553 System on Chip (SoC) Design

Modern IC Technologies

EE505 Advanced Digital IC Design

EE511 Advanced Analog IC Design

EE520 Advanced FPGA Design and Implementations

EE577 Design Verification with System Verilog

Each semester, when the course offering list is published, instructions on graduate-level courses
belonging to various areas of interest are also published along with the course offering list. Every
graduate student is advised to refer to these instructions to select courses and build his/her
expertise area. In addition, a cross-disciplinary study of engineering areas of interest can be
desirable as the fast-changing electronics and computer industries have become more demanding
for engineers with multidisciplinary skill sets.

3. Electives (10 credit hours)

The student may take any graduate-level courses, even outside of engineering, to meet the
electives requirement of 10 credit hours. When applicable, the student may take Curricular
Practicum courses and engage in practical training to work on company projects related to the
student’s field of study. No more than 6 credit hours of practicum coursework may be counted
towards degree requirements.

4. Capstone Course (3 credit hours; required)

On completing all or most of the coursework for the MSEE program, the student is required to take
the EE595 Electrical Engineering Capstone Course and, under the guidance of the course instructor,
integrate the knowledge and skills learned from all of the courses taken during the program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 97

San Francisco Bay University’s School of Business offers the following degree programs:

• Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) (CIP: 52.0101)

• Graduate: Master of Business Administration (MBA) (CIP: 52.0299) and Master of Science in
Business Analytics (MSBAn) (CIP:30.7012)

• Certificate Program (Graduate): Graduate Certificate in Management (CIP: 52.0201)

These educational programs in the business administration and management disciplines are
intended to prepare individuals to make sustained contributions to organizations and society in a
global, diverse, and dynamic environment. They focus on developing an individual’s
interdisciplinary problem-solving skills, interpersonal and communication skills, ability to adapt to
changing information technology and business environments, entrepreneurial innovations, and
ethical and professional values. Successful completion of a program requires an understanding of
not only the required business subjects but also modern information analytics and internet
technology pertinent to e-business applications.

All business faculty members possess the following: advanced degrees earned in business,
computer science, or mathematics disciplines; work experience relevant to their teaching subjects;
and enthusiasm for teaching and helping the students. To increase the students’ learning
effectiveness, they bring their real-world experience into the classrooms and use case studies to
stimulate their minds and exemplify various lecture topics.

• The course offerings and hands-on experiences of the business programs aim to achieve
the following objectives: To prepare students for professional careers in modern-day

• To equip students with not only business knowledge but also the ability to make use of the
best practices for decision-making, analytics, and technology in the business environment.

• To provide a simulated enterprise environment and professional development

opportunities for those who wish to practice the profession of business administration,
management, marketing, and business analytics with increased competence.

• The undergraduate program also develops the students’ communication skills, analytical
skills, and understanding of organizational and cross-culture issues and increases their
awareness of business and social issues so that they can be thoroughly grounded in ethical

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 98

• To provide graduate students an opportunity to pursue advanced training and professional
development to practice their profession with increased competence.

Undergraduate Program in Business

SFBU offers one undergraduate business degree program: the Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration (BSBA), a 4-year, 120-semester credit hour program.

Concentrations: The BSBA program offers the option to select a concentration in Business
Analytics of 12 credit hours (typically 4 courses of 3 credit hours each). See the description of the
BSBA program for details about the concentration.

Concentrations are open to both on-campus classroom and distance learning modality students.
Students may have only one formal concentration, and choosing a concentration of study is not
necessary. Courses counting towards the concentration credit hour requirement may be taken as
either Majors or Electives. An approved concentration will appear on the student’s official
transcript. If no concentration is selected, the transcript will show the program title without any
concentration notation.

Committee Oversight

The responsibility for developing, modifying, and maintaining the undergraduate degree program is
performed by the School of Business Curriculum Committee, which is led by a faculty group, and its
recommendations are reviewed and approved by the chief academic officer of the university (the
Provost). Input from other stakeholders, such as qualified students, the Department Chairs,
librarians, assessment coordinators, administrators, and employers, is welcomed.

Distance Learning

The BSBA program is approved for distance learning. Students may mix and match on-site and
online courses or take 100% online courses. Online courses may be offered in a synchronous or
asynchronous modality.

Credential Requirements

The undergraduate program accepts qualified high school graduates and college transfer students.
Undergraduate applicants who have not completed at least 30 semester credit hours of college
credit are considered first-year applicants.

California Community College Applicants: Graduates from California community colleges who have
earned associate degrees designed for transfer (ADT, AA-T, AS-T) with a CGPA of 2.0 will be
guaranteed admission to the BSBA program, providing they have met the program’s other
admissions requirements (such as English proficiency, etc.).

Credential Evaluation Requirement

Applicants who have earned their high school or college credentials at a foreign institution must
provide a course-by-course credential evaluation analysis. This credential evaluation must be
completed by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES),

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 99

Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or American Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International Education Services. If it is a hard copy,
this credential evaluation must be in the original sealed envelope; an electronic copy may be sent
directly from the evaluation agency to SFBU. Note: International schools/colleges accredited by
U.S. regional accrediting bodies are exempt from this requirement.

General Background Requirements

Remedial Courses: Remedial courses are not offered at SFBU except for English as a Second
Language classes.

Proficiency Exams: A student may be required to demonstrate proficiency in a subject taken more
than 10 years before application with SFBU by successfully completing a proficiency examination.

Experiential Learning: SFBU does not award credit for prior experiential learning.

Application Requirements

In addition to the following requirements, as supplementary indicators of potential success at

SFBU, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of one or more of the following:

• Additional undergraduate or graduate degrees and certifications

• Previous coursework or training in the intended field of study
• Work experience
• Achievement in sports, music, or other creative pursuits
• Involvement in community/volunteer services
• Fluency in multiple foreign languages
• Personal statement with background and purpose for seeking the degree
• Other special skills

To apply for admission into the BSBA program, the applicant is required to complete the
application form online and submit the following to the SFBU Office of Admissions:
1. Unofficial or official transcripts from ALL previously attended institutions. First-year
applicants are required to submit their official high school transcript upon high school
graduation. Applicants must have been in good academic standing at the last institution
attended. A high school/college CGPA below 2.0 does not qualify for admission.
2. For non-native English speakers, an English proficiency document. An official transcript
with English course records or TOEFL/ IELTS/iTEP/PTE Academic/Duolingo/Cambridge B2
First test score report or equivalent will suffice. See the English Proficiency Requirement
subsection below for details on the English entrance requirement.

F-1 International Students: In addition to the above general application requirements, an

international applicant is required to submit the following documents:

1. Copy of passport.
2. A financial support document. Provide a recent financial support document indicating a
minimum amount of $40,000 available to pursue study in the first academic year at SFBU.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 100

One of the following would be acceptable:
• A current bank letter and bank statement
• A loan letter from a lending institution
• Copies of fixed deposits

An affidavit of support or sponsor letter is required if the funds are not in the applicant’s name.

3. An international student transferring from a U.S. institution is required to submit a

photocopy of his/her
• Previous I-20 form
• Visa
• I-94 (U.S Department of Homeland Security issued arrival and departure form)

Also note that foreign transcripts must be evaluated by a member of the National Association
of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), Association of International Credential Evaluators
(AICE), or American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
International Education Services.

HiSET/HSE, CPP, GED: SFBU recognizes the High School Equivalency (HiSET), the California
Proficiency Program (CPP), and General Educational Development (GED) qualifications and accepts
such graduates. A GED score of 456 or above is recommended. Lower scores may require an
interview with a member of the admissions committee.

Applicants interested in applying for scholarships need to provide additional documentation. Please
refer to the section on Scholarships in this catalog and the website.

English Proficiency Requirement

Non-native English speakers are considered to meet the entrance English proficiency requirement if
they meet any of the following requirements:
• An official IELTS (Academic), TOEFL (iBT), TOEFL Essentials, iTEP Academic, PTE Academic,
Cambridge B2 First, or Duolingo test score report with minimum scores as follows:
o IELTS (Academic): 6.5 band
o TOEFL (iBT): 90
o TOEFL Essentials: 8.0 band
o iTEP Academic: 5.0
o PTE Academic: 75
o Cambridge B2 First: 168
o Duolingo: 120
• Successful completion of IEP Upper Intermediate Level B with a grade of B or better in all
four courses.
• An English assessment report from a few U.S. English language institutions recognized by
major universities in the U.S.
• A high school diploma or a college-level English credit course passed at an institution in
the U.S., U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 101

• A degree earned at an institution in which the language of instruction is strictly English (as
determined solely by SFBU). Applicants from the following countries meet this criteria:
Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Ascension, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda,
Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Dominica,
England, Eritrea, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya,
Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New
Guinea, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines,
Scotland, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad &
Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Wales, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions

Course credit earned at other institutions of higher education may be transferable. Credit transfer
is made by the admission evaluators while conducting the admission evaluation or by formal
transfer agreement between institutions. Credit transfer is done at the program-of-study level,
general education topic level, and major levels, as well as on a case-by-case basis.

The following statements apply to all transfer credits:

• The SFBU Office of Admissions must receive all official transcripts prior to the student’s
joining a degree program. Without preapproval, transcripts received after the student joins
SFBU cannot be used in transferring credits, except for records from the term immediately
preceding the student’s starting semester at SFBU.
• The student was officially enrolled in the course.
• Courses eligible for transfer by prearranged transfer or articulation agreement shall follow
the details contained in the agreement. Courses eligible for one-to-one matching course
transfer will be evaluated based on the comparability in content, quality, and rigor with
SFBU’s courses. Required courses require a closer comparability match. Courses eligible for
topic area transfer may be mapped to the program’s relevant topic area credit hour
requirements without the need for exact one-to-one course matching and may have their
credit hours used in lieu of required credit hours with the approval of the Registrar and
Department Chair. The transfer evaluation will include, but is not limited to, course
descriptions, course syllabi, or public information. Students may be asked to provide course
catalogs or syllabi if needed. Up to 75 semester credit hours of courses that have been
reviewed and approved as part of a formal SFBU articulation/transfer agreement are
guaranteed to transfer.
• When evaluating any foreign transcript, the admission evaluators may accept the transfer of
credit based on their knowledge of the course content compared to similar courses offered
in the U.S.
• Without prior approval, courses for transfer to SFBU may not be completed concurrently at
another institution while a student is matriculated in an SFBU degree program.
• College English courses taken at an institution where English is not an official language
cannot be transferred for general education credit.
• The credits under consideration for transfer must be earned at (1) institutions approved by
the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, (2) public or private institutions of higher
learning accredited by an accrediting association recognized by the U. S. Department of

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 102

Education, or (3) foreign institutions of higher learning. Credits earned at a foreign
institution must be evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential
Evaluation Services (NACES), Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
International Education Services.
• Professional Development Units (PDUs) offered by professional/industry organizations
cannot be transferred to SFBU for academic credit.
• Continuing Education Units (CEUs) offered on a nonacademic basis by other academic
institutions cannot be transferred to SFBU for academic credit.
• The total number of credits transferred from other institutions to meet the student’s
undergraduate program requirements is limited to 75 semester credit hours. Students must
take at least 45 credit hours at SFBU.
• Credits transferred at the time of admission evaluation will reduce program length. Credit
transferred from any outside institution has no effect on the calculation of the student’s
• Credits transferred from any outside institution are excluded from the maximum attempted
credit hours for the program.

Credit Hour Transfer Conversion: One semester credit hour equals, at a minimum, 15 contact
classroom hours of lecture, 30 contact hours of laboratory, or 45 contact hours of practicum.

Grades Required for Transfer Credit: In the bachelor’s degree programs, applicable courses
completed with an equivalency of a letter grade of “C” or better are transferable. Courses
completed with Pass/No Pass are not transferable unless the transcript states that the general
grading policy is not based on letter grades. This policy must be submitted in writing from the
institution (transcript key or a verification letter).

Other Types of Undergraduate Transfer Credit: The following other types of credit may be
• AP/IB course credit earned is equivalent to college credit.

• Credit by Examination (CLEP). SFBU grants credit to those students who pass examinations
in English, natural sciences, humanities, and social science subjects offered by the College
Level Examination Program (CLEP). Only General Education credits will be granted. Students
should consult with the Office of Admissions for information on acceptable CLEP scores and
credit hours. The CLEP Institution Code for SFBU is 7569.

• Transfer of Credit from Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES)
and Military Services. Credits will be allowed for DANTES Subject Standardized Tests and
professional military education evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). The
maximum transferable credits follow the same policies as specified above. SFBU’s
evaluation of an application is made before the student’s admission to a program unless
otherwise approved by the authorizing VA office. The DANTES Institution Code for SFBU is

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 103

Transfer of Credit from California Community Colleges

General Education: All graduates from California community colleges (CCC) who have earned
associate degrees designed for transfer (ADT, AA-T, AS-T) or a verified GE/IGETC certification may
maximize their credit transfer via a “topic area” style transfer based on credit hours, rather than
exact course matching.

Business Major Courses: CCC graduates with a designated transferable Business Administration
degree can expect almost all or all their major courses to transfer, although some may transfer as

Required BSBA Major Courses: Credit transfers are done course-by-course (for example, CCC
microeconomics for SFBU BSBA microeconomics).

Major Related but Non-Exact-Matching CCC Courses: SFBU’s BSBA program contains a pool of major
courses that students may select from. CCC courses that are related to topics contained within the
BSBA’s major pool may be transferred on a credit-hour basis. Example: Based on credit hours, CCC
CS123, the Java Programming Language, can be transferred to satisfy the BSBA’s selectable major
course pool requirement that contains the Python Programming Language even though it is not an
exact match. Both are computer languages that use the imperative programming paradigm, and
both are used in a similar manner to implement various general-purpose business applications.

General Education and Electives: Courses from the BSBA’s major selectable course pool are distinct
from and should not be confused with general education courses or electives. More broadly,
electives may also include nonrelated and non-exact matching.

Access to Computers

Students taking courses from the SFBU School of Business are required to have computers on
which they will install various software packages, applications, microphones, and cameras, connect
to cloud applications, implement course assignments, and take examinations. Students should
expect some courses to require software use/licensing fees comparable to the cost of a classic
textbook. Example computer uses include a web server, a relational database, the
Python/JavaScript/PHP programming language, data visualization and analytics tools, making a
business website, creating analytical models, performing statistics on data sets, machine
learning, use for oral presentations, downloading of course materials and project templates,
uploading of assignments, accessing the student portal and course learning management systems,
use of cloud-based applications, virtual office meetings with the professor, delivery of student
services, interaction with the administration and staff, and so on. For interactive online/hybrid
classroom meetings and group video conferencing, the recommended bandwidth is ≥ 3 Mbps in
both the upstream and downstream directions.

Remote students are expected to have their web cameras on during any interactive online virtual
class meeting and during examinations. For individual peer-to-peer video conferencing, 1 Mbps is
the recommended minimum bandwidth. For an improved video experience, the use of a wired
connection/adapter can reduce interaction latency and the number of dropped packets compared
to a Wi-Fi connection.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 104

Please note that this estimate includes tuition, fees, textbook costs, and health insurance
premiums, which are subject to change. All students are required to pay current rates for tuition
and fees each semester. Additional fees may apply, depending on the services requested (see
Tuition and Fee section). The cost of course materials, including textbooks and course-related
software, is estimated to be approximately $150 per course. The actual cost of course materials
can vary significantly from course to course.

Graduation Requirements

The BSBA degree program requires coursework in the following areas:

1. General education
2. Major study
3. Electives

A minimum of 120 semester credit hours are required for graduation. No more than 75 credit
hours may be transferred. An overall GPA of 2.0 or better (on a scale of 4) and a D grade or higher
on all courses toward the degree are required. The student must be in good standing with the
university and have an approved petition to graduate on file.

Course Numbers: Courses numbered in the 100s and 200s are lower-division courses; courses
numbered in the 300s and 400s are upper-division courses.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites must be met before taking a course. Corequisites may be

taken at the same time as the course is taken. For the purposes of meeting prerequisites or
corequisites, lower-division status means undergraduate students with fewer than 60 completed
semester credit hours, and upper-division status means undergraduate students with 60 or more
completed semester credit hours.

1. General Education Requirements

All students entering under the University Catalog for 2024–2025 must complete at least 30
semester credit hours in general education (GE).

General Education Student Learning Outcomes

SFBU has determined that the first five institutional learning outcomes (refer to pp. 9–10) also
serve as general education outcomes, with one modification: The general education outcome for
critical thinking has been modified as shown below to allow for a clear mapping between general
education courses in natural sciences, social sciences, communications, and humanities.

All undergraduate students are expected to demonstrate the following general education student
learning outcomes:

Written Communication: Write sustained, coherent arguments or explanations.

Oral Communication: Utilize effective oral communication strategies.

Quantitative Reasoning: Utilize mathematical concepts and methods to analyze and explain issues

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 105

Information Literacy: Identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share
information in support of academic, personal, and professional needs.

Critical Thinking: Utilizing various disciplinary perspectives, explore and analyze issues, ideas,
artifacts, and events to formalize an opinion or conclusion.

2. Major Study Requirements

The BSBA curriculum aims to provide the students with a foundation and training in business
administration, analytics, and information technology. Students are encouraged to use computers
to gain hands-on experience in online business, analytics, and computation.

Professional Development. The Career Development course P450 prepares the students for their
professional careers.

3. Electives

Electives are built into the program to promote breadth and depth in the study program. The
student must complete enough elective courses to meet the graduation requirements in the

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 106

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
The following is a description of the BSBA degree program, which includes a statement of its
objectives, learning outcomes, illustrative degree program maps for academic planning, and

PROGRAM OBJECTIVES. The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program is designed to

help students navigate the intersection where business, technology, and people come together.
With a balanced mixture of business knowledge and information science, students will be able to
holistically blend modern management principles, best professional practices, data management
techniques, business analytics, and computer scripting to address business needs in the age of
ubiquitous data, e-commerce, and automation.

The BSBA program allows students to select a concentration in Business Analytics of 12- credit
hours (typically 4 courses). Choosing a specific concentration is not required.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES. Students graduating with a BSBA degree are expected to
demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:

Written Communication: Use written language t o communicate complex business concepts

and their enabling-technology approaches.

Oral Communication: Orally explain to one’s peers the complex business and supporting
technology concepts.

Quantitative Reasoning: Apply (computer and noncomputer-assisted) quantitative methods in a

comprehensive manner in a business setting.

Information Literacy: Access, review, and apply information meaningfully in business and
management decision-making.

Critical Thinking: Analyze business issues and recommend solutions that apply business concepts
and technology practices.

Specialized Knowledge: Apply business concepts in the areas of management, finance, accounting,
marketing, and information technology to various business scenarios. Evaluate and propose
information technology solutions to improve an organization’s operational efficiency.

CONCENTRATIONS. Concentrations are open to both on-campus classroom and distance learning
modality students. Students may have only one formal concentration, and choosing a concentration
of study is unnecessary. Courses counting towards the concentration credit hour requirement may
be taken as either Majors or Electives. An approved concentration will appear on the student’s
official transcript. If no concentration is selected, the transcript will show the program title without
any concentration notation.

Business Analytics Concentration. Students who complete their BSBA with 12 credit hours or
more of Business Analytics specialization (BAN, including MGT460/L and 500-level BAN courses)
may request the Registrar’s office to have their transcripts marked with “ Concentration in
Business Analytics.”

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 107

Students are advised to complete the 12 credit hours applicable to their concentration before
meeting with the Registrar’s office to request their desired concentration formally. Due to logistics
and diploma printing time requirements spanning multiple months, last-minute concentration
requests and changes may not be approved at the discretion of the Registrar’s Office.

Courses Applicable to the BSBA Business Analytics Concentration

BAN223 SQL & Relational Databases

BAN335 Python Introduction for Commerce

BAN337 JavaScript

BAN452 Excel for Finance, Accounting & Analytics

BAN455 Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP

BAN460 Introduction to Business Analytics

BAN460L Introduction to Business Analytics Lab

BAN463 Data Visualization

BAN470 Introduction to Machine Learning–Based Prediction Modeling and Forecasting

BAN472 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

BAN501 Quantitative Methods for Business

BAN520 Business Analytics for Dashboards

BAN524 Intermediate Business Analytics

BAN572 Process Management for Analytics

BAN589 Special Topics on Analytics, Strategy, and Applied Information

MGT501 Agile Project Management

MGT460 Production and Operations Management

MGT460L Production and Operations Management Lab

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 108

Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 120 credit hours are required for graduation. They include the following:
1. 36 credit hours of general education courses, including 12 credit hours in English language
communication and critical thinking (Area A), 9 credit hours in mathematics and natural
sciences (Area B), 6 credit hours in arts and humanities (Area C), and 9 credit hours in social
sciences (Area D).
2. 60 credit hours of major courses (34 required and 26 selectable from the major pool).
3. 24 credit hours of electives.

1. General Education (minimum 36 credit hours)

The purpose of general education is to give breadth to the student’s education. With an
interdisciplinary mixture of English language communication and critical thinking, mathematics and
natural sciences, arts and humanities, and the social sciences, the student will be prepared for
his/her roles both in society and at work.

Agility Praxis Pathway: The SFBU APP—Agility Praxis Pathway—is the foundation of our academic
approach, reflecting our commitment to a modern paradigm of higher education. Grounded in
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, the SFBU APP centers on student needs, addressing
evolving demands from students, employers, and global challenges. It fosters adaptability, bridges
academic traditions with practical creativity, and offers flexible pathways to achieve goals and
seize new opportunities.

Whole Person Interdisciplinary (credit hours listed in parentheses)

APP101 How to Tell Your Story (3)
APP102 How to Design Your Life (3)
APP103 How to Communicate in a Global Context (3)
APP104 How to Lead (3)
APP105 How to Use Math in Real Life (3)
APP106 How Your Brain Works (3)
APP107 How to “Be Creative” in Partnership with (3)
Computation and Machine Learning
APP108 How to Use Data Science and Game Thinking (3)
for Social Impact
APP109 How Can We Thrive? Scientific Inquiry and the (3)
Future of Sustainability
APP110 How to Design Social Innovations/Impact (3)
Solutions to Thrive

2. Major Requirements (minimum 60 credit hours: 34 required course credit hours + 26 credit
hours selectable from the major pool listed below)

The purpose of the major courses is to provide students with specialized topic knowledge,
including business administration and information technology courses, as well as professional
career development.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 109

ACC110 Financial Accounting (3)
BLAW310 Introduction to Business Law (3)
BUS450 Professional & Technical Writing (3)
ECON201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECON202 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
FIN310 Fundamentals of Finance (3)
MGT310 Principles of Management (3)
MGT451 Project Management (3)
MGT480 Entrepreneurship (3)
MKT310 Principles of Marketing (3)
BAN460* Introduction to Business Analytics (3)

Plus 26 student selectable credit hours from the major pool list below
ACC110L Financial Accounting Lab (1)
ACC120 Managerial Accounting (3)
ACC120L Managerial Accounting Lab (1)
ACC450 Cost Accounting (3)
ACC451 Intermediate Accounting – I (3)
ACC451L Intermediate Accounting – I Lab (1)
ACC452 Intermediate Accounting – II (3)
ACC490 Introduction to Taxation (3)
BAN223* SQL & Relational Databases (3)
BAN335* Python Introduction for Commerce (3)
BAN337* JavaScript (3)
BAN452 Excel for Finance, Accounting, & Analytics (3)
BAN455* Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP (3)
BAN460L* Introduction to Business Analytics Lab (1)
BAN463* Data Visualization (3)
BAN470 Introduction to Machine Learning–Based
Prediction Modeling and Forecasting (3)
BAN472* Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) (3)
BUS493 Senior Project (3)
CPT401 Curricular Practicum I (1)
CPT402 Curricular Practicum II (2)
ECON470 The Economics of Money, Banking, and (3)
Financial Markets
MATH208 Probability and Statistics (3)
MGT450 Organizational Behavior and Management (3)
MGT460* Production and Operations Management (3)
MGT460L* Production and Operations Management Lab (3)
MGT482 Launching Innovative Startups (3)
MGT483 Business Innovation – A Historical and Cultural (3)
MGT491 Lean Business – Creating Efficient Businesses (3)
MKT221 HTML & CSS Web Page Construction (3)
MKT450 Marketing Management (3)
MKT483 Monetizing Intellectual Property (3)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 110

MKT491 The Art of Negotiation (3)
P450** Career Development (1)
SOC501 Emotional Intelligence Essentials (1)

*Applicable to Business Analytics Concentration; BAN5xx courses may also be used (applied as

**SOC501 may be used as a substitute for P450.

Note: Major course credit hours not applied to the major credit hour requirement may be used
towards the free electives credit hour requirement.

3. Electives (minimum 24 credit hours)

Electives include any course offered for academic credit that the student has not already applied
for in the BSBA General Education or Major credit hour requirements. Electives may include
courses from General Education, the School of Business, or the School of Engineering, courses
bearing graduate-level credit, and courses transferred in. Major courses not applied to the major
credit hour requirement may be used towards the elective credit hour requirement.

Prerequisite/corequisite requirements must be met when taking any course. Recommendations are

BSBA students who are more interested in business administration may select courses in any field
from the Business programs to fulfill this requirement and are encouraged to take management
and marketing courses.

BSBA students who are more interested in information science are encouraged to take computer
science courses from the Engineering program as electives. They are also encouraged to take
business analytics electives such as BAN455 Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP.

BSBA students who are considering a future career as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) should
seek additional advising, study the numerous requirements of the California Board of Accountancy
(CBA – www.dca.ca.gov/cba/), and, from the start of their studies, focus where possible all
electives and general education choices towards meeting the CBA’s numerous academic
requirements. The CBA requires substantial additional academic education and professional
training outside the scope of the BSBA program.

When applicable, the student may take Curricular Practicum Training (CPT) courses, CPT401 or
CPT402, and engage in practical internship training to gain work experience on company projects
that are related to the student’s course of study. The student must observe the rules required for
taking the practicum courses. No more than 6 credit hours of practicum coursework may be
counted towards graduation in the 120-credit-hour BSBA program.

BSBA Study Plan Recommendations

Study Plans are guides for outlining a pathway toward degree completion. A Study Plan
highlights one way, but not the only way, to complete a degree. When developing their Study
Plans, students should meet with their advisors and the School of Business to identify any
additional requirements (such as grade minimums) that may affect them.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 111

First, it is recommended that students target scheduling flexibility by prioritizing general education
(English Language Communication and Critical Thinking, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Arts
and Humanities, and Social Sciences) and program requirements early on, followed by taking most
of their electives towards the end of their studies.

Second, it is recommended that strong BSBA students plan for a fast-paced course load of 15
credit hours per semester to prioritize the reduction of elapsed calendar time. Reducing the
elapsed calendar time will both reduce associated living costs and pull forward the rewards of
potential employment opportunities. Undergraduate students must take a minimum 12 credit-
hour course load to maintain full-time status. Students may take courses during the summer
semester to reduce the elapsed calendar time needed for degree completion.

Third, SFBU undergraduate students planning on directly progressing into the MBA or MSBAn
program immediately upon graduation are advised to acquire up to 12 credit hours or 9 credit
hours, respectively, of graduate-level (4xxG or 5xx) course work in their undergraduate course
load, excluding the Business Capstone Course (BUS595). Courses registered for graduate-level
credit are priced at the graduate fee level. Courses registered for undergraduate-level credit are
priced at the undergraduate level. Up to 12/9 credit hours of graduate-level work from either the
School of Business or the School of Engineering may be counted in the MBA/MSBAn program. The
result of direct progression can be considerable time savings for the student.

Fourth, SFBU undergraduate students planning on directly progressing into the academic Graduate
Certificate in Management program are advised to meet with an academic advisor to discuss
acquiring graduate-level (4xxG or 5xx) School of Business coursework in their undergraduate course
load, excluding the Business Capstone Course (BUS595). Courses registered for graduate-level
credit are priced at the graduate fee level.

Students are expected to review their Study Plan each semester because not all courses are offered
every term, nor are they offered in all modalities every term. It is recommended that students
meet with their advisors every semester for compliance with requirements and scheduling

Students transferring credit into the BSBA program are issued a customized Study Plan during the
admissions process that will be available on their MySFBU student portal.

After consulting with their advisors and getting preapprovals, students may take some courses
from either the Master of Business Administration (MBA) or the Master of Science in Business
Analytics (MSBAn) program or from the School of Engineering.

Academic Certificate Program in Business

The School of Business offers one academic certificate program: the Graduate Certificate in
Business Management (GCM). This 18-credit-hour (6 graduate courses) program provides an
extensive foundation in management, equivalent to the first academic year of SFBU’s 36-credit-
hour MBA program utilizing actual SFBU MBA courses and university faculty. Students earn
graduate-level credit on an official SFBU transcript and an official certificate diploma on
successfully completing the program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 112

The GCM program may be completed in two semesters (one academic year) by taking 9 credit
hours (3 courses of 3 credit hours each) during each semester.

The GCM utilizes SFBU’s MBA applicable courses and follows the MBA program’s 15-week spring,
summer, and fall semester calendar, course start and time, course modality (on-campus, online,
hybrid), grading, etc.

GCM students have full campus and e-library access. Students also enjoy convenient access to the
greater San Francisco Bay and San José Silicon Valley areas.

All courses completed with a B grade or better may be transferred into SFBU’s MBA program.

Committee Oversight

The responsibility for developing, modifying, and maintaining the graduate certificate program is
performed by the Business Curriculum Committee, which is led by a faculty group, and its
recommendations are reviewed and approved by the chief academic officer of the university (the
Provost). Input from other stakeholders, such as qualified students, the Department Chair,
librarians, assessment coordinators, administrators, and employers, is welcomed.

Distance Learning

The GCM programs are accredited for distance learning. Students may mix and match on-site and
online courses or choose to take 100% online courses. Online courses may be offered in a
synchronous, hybrid, or asynchronous modality. Not all courses are offered, or offered by all
modalities, each term.

General Background Requirements

Remedial Courses: Remedial courses are not offered at SFBU except for English as a Second
Language classes.

Proficiency Exams: The GCM program does not offer proficiency exams.

Experiential Learning: SFBU does not award credit for prior experiential learning.

Application Requirements

Students must be over 18 years of age. Applicants are recommended to have previously earned a
high school diploma and possess an associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral-level degree.
Having at least a bachelor’s degree is highly recommended.

Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Business Management program follows an open and
inclusive admissions process, with students taking responsibility for determining their readiness
and ability to address graduate-level academic courses successfully.

F-1 International Students: The GCM is currently not accepting F-1 international students.
Interested students are advised to consider the MBA program that does support F-1 international
student applications.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 113

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions

The GCM program does not accept transfer credit from other institutions. Undergraduate SFBU
students may transfer up to 9 credit hours of SFBU graduate-level business credit hours into the

Access to Computers

Students taking courses from the SFBU School of Business are required to have computers on
which they will install various software packages, applications, microphones, and cameras, connect
to cloud applications, implement course assignments, and take examinations. Students should
expect some courses to require software use/licensing fees comparable to the cost of a classic
textbook. Example computer uses include a web server, a relational database, the
Python/JavaScript/PHP programming language, data visualization and analytics tools, making a
business website, creating analytical models, performing statistics on data sets, machine
learning, use for oral presentations, downloading of course materials and project templates,
uploading of assignments, accessing the student portal and course learning management systems,
use of cloud-based applications, virtual office meetings with the professor, delivery of student
services, interaction with the administration and staff, etc. For interactive online/hybrid classroom
meetings and group video conferencing, the recommended bandwidth is ≥ 3 Mbps in both the
upstream and downstream directions.

Remote students are expected to have their web cameras on during any interactive online virtual
class meeting and during examinations. For individual peer-to-peer video conferencing, 1 Mbps is
the recommended minimum bandwidth. For an improved video experience, use of a wired
connection or adapter can reduce interaction latency and the number of dropped packets
compared to a Wi-Fi connection.

Graduation Requirements

The following are required for graduation:

• Maintain a grade of C or better for all courses taken toward the certificate requirements.
• Maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.
• Maintain good standing with the university with clear financial, library, and other school
• Receive approval to graduate after filing a petition for graduation.

Notes: Not more than 3 credit hours of practicum coursework may be counted towards the GCM.
The GCM program does not offer formal concentrations.

The GCM requires a minimum of 18 credit hours of graduate-level business courses earned at
SFBU from (1) core required courses (6 credit hours) and (2) major courses selectable from a pool
(12 credit hours).

Course Numbers: Courses that are numbered from 450G to 499G are cross-listed specialized
courses taken for graduate-level credits; courses numbered in the 500s and above are graduate-
level courses. Students should expect graduate-level 4xxG courses to have noticeably higher-level
assignments compared to 4xx undergraduate workloads.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 114

Refer to the Business – Graduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions section for
individual course descriptions.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: Students are responsible for determining their readiness and ability to
address graduate-level academics successfully. Therefore, course prerequisites or corequisites are
not enforced for GCM students.

Career Planning

For career planning, students are advised to meet one-on-one with the Career Center staff in their
first term of enrollment.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 115

Graduate Certificate in Business Management (GCM)
The following is the description of the GCM program, with a statement of its objectives, learning
outcomes, and curriculum.

PROGRAM OBJECTIVE. The GCM shares the MBA program’s objective to provide aspiring leaders
with a broad base of field-proven interdisciplinary business concepts in management, marketing,
human resources, finance, analytics, and technology that will enable them to launch their
professional careers to the next level. Program graduates will have acquired the flexibility of
thought to make wise decisions in today’s complex, diverse, multicultural, and global business
settings and to enhance their careers.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES. GCM shares the MBA program’s learning outcomes. Graduating
students are expected to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:

Written Communication: In a contextually appropriate manner, write strategic business plans and
tactical implementation plans.

Oral Communication: In a business setting, craft and deliver compelling messages based on logic
and a variety of supporting materials.

Quantitative Reasoning: Convert relevant information into insightful mathematical portrayals

and apply them across various business situations.

Information Literacy: Determine, acquire, and analyze data needed from multiple sources to
create recommendations for complex business situations.

Critical Thinking: Methodically solve multicriteria business and managerial problems.

Specialized Knowledge: Synthesize concepts in management, finance, accounting, and

marketing to resolve complex business challenges.

Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 18 semester credit hours of graduate study earned at SFBU are required for the
GCM program. The GCM curriculum includes MBA-acceptable coursework. Students must have a
CGPA of 3.0 to earn the Certificate. Graduates can also apply for and enter the MBA program at SFBU
as part of their continuing education (the 18 earned credits will be applied to the MBA program).

As previously noted, GCM requires coursework in the following categories:

1. Required Core Courses (6 credit hours)
2. Major courses selectable from a pool (12 credit hours)

1. Required Core Management Courses (6 credit hours)

Students must take at least two of the three following courses to gain a knowledge base of
business theories and techniques:
FIN501 Financial Management
HRM531 Human Resource Management

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 116

MGT530 Logistics and

The third course, if taken, will be counted towards fulfillment of the required credit hours of major
courses selectable from the pool as described below.

2. Major Courses Selectable from the MBA Acceptable Pool (12 credit hours)

Beyond core requirements, students must take at least 12 credit hours of graduate-level business
(major) coursework (courses numbered 4xxG, 5xx). Courses must be from the School of Business or
curricular practicum (CPT501 or CPT502). The Career Development (P450G) course and the
emotional intelligence courses (SOC450G and SOC501) are also acceptable. Courses taken at the
School of Engineering are not acceptable.

Refer to the Business – Graduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions section for
individual course descriptions.

Curricular Practicum. Not more than 3 credit hours of practicum coursework may be counted
towards the GCM. When applicable, the student may take Curricular Practicum courses (CPT501 or
CPT502) and engage in practical training to work on company projects that are related to the
student’s course of study. The student must observe the rules required for taking the practicum

Career Development. The P450G Career Development course (1 credit hour) is designed for
students to take in preparation for becoming working professionals. Topics include effective
communication strategies, emotional intelligence, diversity and cultural awareness, professional
behavior, resume writing, job searching skills, and interviewing skills.

Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence courses SOC501 (1 credit hour) Emotional

Intelligence Essentials and SOC450G (3 hours) Emotional Intelligence are considered major pool
courses and are acceptable for the GCM as either major or electives. Emotional intelligence is
essential for successfully managing and controlling interpersonal relations and is therefore helpful
to those aspiring to management and decision-making positions.

Note: The BUS595 MBA Capstone Course does not apply to the GCM program and is unavailable for
GCM student enrollment.

BSBA to GCM to MBA Study Plan Sequence

Continuing SFBU undergraduate students can enroll in the GCM at any time. Undergraduate
students planning to enroll in the MBA program may first enter the GCM program and then
transfer the earned credits into the SFBU MBA after receiving their bachelor’s degree, which is
required for the MBA program.

SFBU BSCS or SFBU BSBA students who completed SFBU MBA graduate-level credits as electives
can transfer those credit hours, but engineering credit hours are not transferable. For example,
SFBU students may earn a BSBA/BSCS degree, then a GCM, and finally an MBA. Required GCM core
and selectable courses do not need to be retaken and will be credited within the MBA program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 117

Even if they have not completed their SFBU MBA program, actively enrolled SFBU MBA students
may request, after paying the GCM graduation fee, a certificate on completing all GCM graduation
requirements. Students are advised to take core courses whenever they are offered, as not all
courses are offered every term.

Graduate Programs in Business

The School of Business offers two master’s degree programs:

• Master of Business Administration (MBA)

• Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBAn)

Concentrations: Concentrations are open to both on-campus classroom and distance learning
modality students. Students may have only one formal concentration, and choosing an area of
study concentration is not required. Courses counting towards the concentration credit hour
requirement may be taken as either Majors or Electives. An approved concentration will appear on
the student’s official transcript. If no concentration is selected, the transcript will show the
program title without any concentration notation.

Students are advised to complete the 12 credit hours applicable to their concentration before
meeting with the Registrar’s office to request their desired concentration formally. Due to logistics
and diploma printing time requirements spanning multiple months, last-minute concentration
requests and changes may not be approved at the discretion of the Registrar’s Office.

The MBA program offers the option to select a 12-hour concentration (typically four courses) in
Marketing Management, Management, or Business Analytics. See the description of the MBA
program for details about the concentration. The MSBAn does not offer any areas of concentration.


The objective of the master’s degree programs is to provide advanced training to those who wish
to practice their profession with increased competence in the global business industries. Each
program emphasizes both mastery of subject matter and an understanding of related research and
research methodology. This emphasis implies developing the student’s ability to integrate and
apply the subject matter.

Committee Oversight

The responsibility for developing, modifying, and maintaining each master’s degree program is
performed by the Business Curriculum Committee, which is led by a faculty group, and its
recommendations are reviewed and approved by the chief academic officer of the university (the
Provost). Input from other stakeholders, such as qualified students, the Department Chairs,
librarians, assessment coordinators, administrators, and employers, is welcomed.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 118

Distance Learning

The MBA program is approved for distance learning. Students may mix and match on-site and
online courses or choose to take 100% online courses. Online courses may be offered in a
synchronous or asynchronous modality.

The 2024–2025 University Catalog has the MSBAn approved only for in-person on-campus learning.
MSBAn students must take over 50% of their course credit hours in the on-campus modality.

Credential Requirements

Master’s degree program applicants must hold a valid bachelor’s degree with a minimum CGPA of
3.0 or must have completed a master’s or doctoral-level degree from an accredited institution. If
the applicant holds a graduate degree demonstrating significant improvement in academic
performance and yields a combined CGPA of 3.0 or above, this applicant may qualify for admission.
An applicant who holds (or is pursuing) a master’s or doctoral degree must provide the transcripts
for those degree programs. Academic achievements and CGPA earned from the applicant’s
graduate studies will also be used in the credential evaluation process.

Applicants must have been in good academic standing at the last institution attended and must
meet all other of the specific degree program’s admission requirements.

Credential Evaluation Requirement

Applicants who have earned their bachelor’s credentials at a foreign institution must provide a
course-by-course credential evaluation analysis. This credential evaluation must be
completed by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES),
the Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or the American Association of
Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International Education Services. This
credential evaluation must be in the original sealed envelope; if it is a hard copy, an electronic
copy may be sent directly from the evaluation agency to SFBU. Note: International
schools/colleges accredited by U.S. regional accrediting bodies are exempt from this

General Background Requirements

Each individual graduate program may require additional background preparation requirements
before acceptance into the program. Background preparation requirements and information on
how to clear those requirements are found under the graduate program sections of the Catalog.

Note: It is recommended that applicants considering the MSBAn program feel confident and
comfortable with probability, statistics, and programming in at least one computer language.

Proficiency Exams: A student may be required to demonstrate proficiency in an undergraduate

background subject taken more than 10 years before application with SFBU by successfully
completing a proficiency examination.

A student may also select to take proficiency exams to clear the background preparation required
by the program. The student must observe the rules for taking proficiency exams.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 119

Of particular importance is the timing for taking each proficiency exam. Clearance of a background
subject must be completed early enough to meet two conditions: (1) There must be sufficient time
for administrative processing of the exam, and (2) Processing of the exam must be completed
before the student’s registration in any course with the background preparation subject as a
prerequisite for the course.

Experiential Learning: SFBU does not award credit for prior experiential learning.

Application Requirements

In addition to the following requirements, as supplementary indicators of potential success at

SFBU, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of one or more of the following:

• Additional undergraduate or graduate degrees and certifications

• Previous coursework or training in the intended field of study
• Work experience
• Achievement in sports, music, or other creative pursuits
• Involvement in community/volunteer services
• Fluency in multiple foreign languages
• Personal statement with background and purpose for seeking the degree
• Other special skills

Graduate program admission follows a holistic review process. Academic and non-academic
achievements are considered while assessing an applicant’s ability to succeed in the master’s
programs. An interview with the Academic team may also be conducted if necessary.

To apply for admission into a master’s degree program, the applicant is required to complete the
application form online and submit the following to the SFBU Office of Admissions:
1. Copy of passport or a government-issued I.D.
2. Official transcripts from ALL previously attended institutions.
3. A document certifying completion of degrees earned (bachelor’s/master’s/doctoral-level
degrees); a transcript printed with degree completion information will suffice.
4. For non-native English speakers, an English proficiency document. An official transcript
with English course records or TOEFL/IELTS/ iTEP/PTE Academic/Duolingo/Cambridge B2
First score report or equivalent will suffice. See the English Proficiency Requirement
subsection below for details on the English entrance requirement.

F-1 International Students: In addition to the above general application requirements, an

international applicant is required to submit the following documents:
1. A financial support document. Provide a recent financial support document indicating
a minimum amount of $40,000 available to pursue study in the first academic year at
SFBU. One of the following would be acceptable:
o A current bank letter and bank statement
o A loan letter from a lending institution
o Copies of fixed deposits

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 120

An affidavit of support or sponsor letter is required if the funds are not in the applicant’s name.
2. An international transfer student (from a U.S. institution) is required to submit a
photocopy of his/her
o Previous I-20 form
o Visa
o I-94 (U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued arrival/departure form).

Note: The MSBAn program does not support F-1 international student visas.

Scholarships: Applicants interested in applying for scholarships need to provide additional

documents. Please refer to the section on Scholarships in this catalog and on the website.

English Proficiency Requirement

Non-native English speakers are considered to meet the entrance English proficiency requirement if
they meet any of the following requirements:
• An official IELTS (Academic), TOEFL (iBT), TOEFL Essentials, iTEP Academic, PTE
Academic, Cambridge B2 First, or Duolingo test score report with minimum
scores as follows:
o IELTS (Academic): 6.5 band
o TOEFL (iBT): 90
o TOEFL Essentials: 8.0 band
o iTEP Academic: 5.0
o PTE Academic: 75
o Cambridge B2 First: 168
o Duolingo: 120
• Successful completion of IEP Upper Intermediate Level B with a grade of B or better in all
four courses.
• An English assessment report from a few U.S. English language institutions recognized by
major universities in the U.S.
• A degree earned or a college-level English credit course passed at an institution located in
the U.S., U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada.
• A degree earned at an institution in which the language of instruction is strictly English (as
determined solely by SFBU). Applicants from the following countries meet this criteria:
Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Ascension, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda,
Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Dominica,
England, Eritrea, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya,
Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New
Guinea, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines,
Scotland, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad &
Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Wales, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 121

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions

Graduate course credit earned at other accredited institutions of higher education may be
transferable to meet the student’s graduation requirements if the courses are closely related to
the business management course requirements in the MBA or MSBAn programs, and the grade
earned meets the requirement stated below. Such course credits are considered qualified transfer
credits. Credit transfer is made on a case-by-case basis by the admission evaluators while
conducting the admission evaluation or by formal transfer agreement between institutions.

The following statements apply to qualified transfer credits:

• The SFBU Admissions office must receive all official transcripts before the student joins a
degree program. Without preapproval, transcripts received after the student joins SFBU
cannot be used in transferring credits, except for records from the term immediately
preceding the student’s starting semester at SFBU.
• The student was officially enrolled in the course.
• Courses eligible for transfer will be evaluated based on the comparability in content, quality,
and rigor with SFBU’s courses. The transfer evaluation will include, but is not limited to,
course descriptions, course syllabi, or public information. Students may be asked to provide
course catalogs or syllabi if needed. Note the following limitations:
o For the MBA program, no more than 12 credit hours of qualified graduate-
level course credits may be transferred. Students must take at least 24 credit
hours at SFBU.
o For the MSBAn program, no more than 9 credit hours of qualified graduate-
level course credits may be transferred. Students must take at least 21 credit
hours at SFBU.
• Without prior approval, courses for transfer to SFBU may not be completed concurrently at
another institution while a student is matriculated in an SFBU degree program.
• The credits under consideration for transfer must be earned at (1) institutions approved by
the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, (2) public or private institutions of higher
learning accredited by an accrediting association recognized by the U.S. Department of
Education, or (3) foreign institutions of higher learning. Credits earned at a foreign institution
must be evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation
Services (NACES), Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or American
Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) International
Education Services.
• Professional Development Units (PDUs) offered by professional/industry
organizations cannot be transferred to SFBU for academic credit.
• Continuing Education Units (CEUs) offered on a nonacademic basis by other
academic institutions cannot be transferred to SFBU for academic credit.
• Credits transferred at the time of admission evaluation will reduce program length. Credit
transferred from any outside institution has no effect on the calculation of the student’s GPA
or CGPA.
• Credits transferred from any outside institution are excluded from the maximum attempted
credit hours for the program.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 122

Credit Hour Transfer Conversion: One semester credit hour equals, at a minimum, 15 contact classroom
hours of lecture, 30 contact hours of laboratory, or 45 contact hours of practicum.

Grades Required for Transfer Credit: In the master’s degree programs, applicable courses
completed with an equivalency of a letter grade of “B” or better are transferable. Courses
completed with Pass/No Pass are not transferable unless the transcript states that the general
grading policy is not based on letter grades. This policy must be submitted in writing from the
institution (transcript key or a verification letter).

Transfer of Credit from SFBU’s Graduate Certificate in Business Management

Graduate course credit earned in the GCM program is transferable to meet the MBA graduation
requirements if transferred within 7 years of completing the GCM.

Graduate course credit earned in the GCM MAY be transferable to meet the student’s MSBAn
graduation requirements if transferred within 7 years of completing the GCM and the courses to be
transferred overlap with the MSBAn course pool (BAN, MGT, and MKT courses, electives). Courses
not within the current MSBAn course pool cannot be transferred.

Access to Computers

Students taking courses from the SFBU School of Business are required to have computers on
which they will install various software packages, applications, microphones, and cameras, connect
to cloud applications, implement course assignments, and take examinations. Students should
expect some courses to require software use/licensing fees comparable to the cost of a classic
textbook. Example computer uses include a web server, a relational database, the
Python/JavaScript/PHP programming language, data visualization and analytics tools, making a
business website, creating analytical models, performing statistics on data sets, machine
learning, use for oral presentations, downloading of course materials and project templates,
uploading of assignments, accessing the student portal and course learning management systems,
use of cloud-based applications, virtual office meetings with the professor, delivery of student
services, interaction with the administration and staff, and so on. For interactive online/hybrid
classroom meetings and group video conferencing, the recommended bandwidth is ≥ 3 Mbps in
both the upstream and downstream directions.

Remote students are expected to have their web cameras on during any interactive online virtual
class meeting and during examinations. For individual peer-to-peer video conferencing, 1 Mbps is
the recommended minimum bandwidth. For an improved video experience, use of a wired
connection/adapter can reduce interaction latency and the number of dropped packets compared
to a Wi-Fi connection.

Graduation Requirements

The Master of Business Administration degree program (MBA) requires at least 36 credit hours of
graduate-level courses. The Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBAn) degree program
requires at least 30 credit hours of graduate-level courses.

The MBA and MSBAn degree programs require coursework in the following categories:

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 123

1. Core required courses
2. Major courses selectable from a pool
3. Electives
4. The Business Capstone Course

The following must also be met for a student to be eligible for graduation:
• Maintain a grade of C or better for all courses taken toward the degree requirements.
• Maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.
• Maintain good standing with the university with clear financial, library, and other school
• Receive approval to graduate after filing a petition for graduation.

Capstone Course

The Business Capstone Course (BUS595) is intended to integrate the knowledge and skills that the
student has acquired from the courses taken in the respective program. The capstone course
instructor determines the course objectives and scope based on the program curriculum and
business trends. With this learning experience, the student is prepared to pursue his/her career in
the changing global business arena.

The student shall take the capstone course near the end of his/her program of study.

Career Planning

Students are encouraged to gain real-world experience by engaging in curricular practicum training
(internship) when applicable. For career planning, students meet one-on-one with the Career
Center staff in their first term of enrollment. Students learn to prepare their resumes and
participate in job searches and other activities. The students may utilize the online e-Career Center
from their portal for job listings and off-campus job fairs.

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Master of Business Administration (MBA)
The following are descriptions of the master’s business degree programs, with a statement of
objectives, learning outcomes, and program curriculum.

PROGRAM OBJECTIVE. The objective of the MBA program is to provide aspiring leaders with a
broad base of field-proven interdisciplinary business concepts in management, marketing, human
resources, finance, analytics, and technology that will enable them to launch their professional
careers to the next level. Program graduates will have acquired the flexibility of thought to make
wise decisions in today’s complex, diverse, multicultural, and global business settings.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES. Students graduating with an MBA degree are expected to
demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:

Written Communication: In a contextually appropriate manner, write strategic business plans and
tactical implementation plans.

Oral Communication: In a business setting, craft and deliver compelling messages based on logic
and various supporting materials.

Quantitative Reasoning: Convert relevant information into insightful mathematical portrayals

and apply them across various business situations.

Information Literacy: Determine, acquire, and analyze data needed from multiple sources to
create recommendations for complex business situations.

Critical Thinking: Methodically solve multicriteria business and managerial problems.

Specialized Knowledge: Synthesize concepts in management, finance, accounting, and

marketing to resolve complex business challenges.

Background Preparation

Students admitted into the MBA or MSBAn degree programs are required to have the proper
background for taking graduate-level coursework. For non-native English language speakers, English
proficiency is required (refer to the English Proficiency Requirement for MBA and MSBAn Programs
subsection above for details).

For students who lack college-level mathematics, statistics (preferred), business math, or the
equivalent, it is recommended that they take SFBU course BAN460G Introduction to Business
Analytics (3 credit hours). BAN460G is considered an elective in the MBA or MSBAn programs.

For students who lack professional career experience or a career planning course such as P450 or
the equivalent, it is recommended that they take the SFBU course P450G Career Development (1
credit hour). P450G is considered an elective in the MBA and MSBAn programs.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 125

Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 36 semester credit hours of graduate study are required for the MBA program.
They include coursework in the following categories:

1. Core required courses (9 credit hours)

2. Major required courses (12 credit hours)

3. Elective courses (12 credit hours)

4. The Business Capstone Course (3 credit hours)

Several areas of interest are shown in the Major Requirements section; each is listed with a cluster
of courses. Students taking courses in an area of interest will gain in-depth knowledge and skills in
the corresponding business professional field of business. Additionally, taking courses in an area of
interest can benefit the student for career planning. The student must meet
prerequisite/corequisite requirements when taking any course.

MBA students who are considering a future career as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) should
seek additional advising, study the numerous requirements of the California Board of Accountancy
(CBA – www.dca.ca.gov/cba/), and, from the start of their studies, focus where possible all core
and elective choices towards meeting the CBA’s numerous academic requirements. The CBA
requires substantial additional academic education and professional training outside the scope of
the MBA program.

Course Numbers: Courses ranging from 450G to 499G are cross-listed specialized courses taken for
graduate-level credits; courses numbered in the 500s and above are graduate-level courses.
Students should expect graduate-level 4xxG courses to have noticeably higher-level assignments
compared to 4xx undergraduate workloads. Cross-listed specialized courses and graduate-level
courses are taken to meet the graduation requirements.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites must be met before taking a course. Corequisites may be

taken at the same time as the course is taken.

1. Core Required Courses (9 credit hours)

The following required courses provide a knowledge base of interdisciplinary business theories and
techniques. Core courses may be taken at any time during the program.
FIN501 Financial Management
HRM531 Human Resource Management
MGT530 Logistics and Operations Management

2. Major Courses Selectable from the School of Business Graduate Course Pool (12 credit hours)

Beyond core requirements, students must take at least 12 credit hours of 500-level business
(major) coursework. Although not required, the student can select a concentration or an area of
interest and take courses in the chosen area to meet the major requirements. Taking enough

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 126

courses in a concentration or an area of interest benefits the student in entering the corresponding
business profession.

Concentrations (Optional)

The student may choose one of the three (3) concentrations shown below and complete 12 credit
hours of the associated courses listed under the concentration. After completing these selected
courses, the student will be able to request that the concentration area be specified on the
transcript and the diploma to highlight the field of specialization.

(1) Management (excludes HRM531 and MGT530)

Students who complete their MBA with 12 credit hours or more of Management, Green Business
Management, or Human Resource Management (MGT, GBM, HRM, SOC) specialization (excluding
MGT530 and HRM531 core required courses) may request the Registrar’s office to have their
transcripts and printed diploma marked with “Concentration in Management.”

MGT450G Organizational Behavior and Management

MGT451G Project Management

MGT460G Production and Operations Management

MGT460LG Production and Operations Management Lab

MGT480G Entrepreneurship

MGT483G Business Innovation – A Historical and Cultural Perspective

MGT491G Lean Business – Creating Efficient Businesses

MGT500 Risk Management

MGT501 Agile Project Management

MGT540 Management of Innovation

MGT542 Technology and Product Management

MGT550 Global Outsourcing Project Management

GBM500 Green and Socially Responsible Management

HRM532 Strategic Workforce Planning

SOC450G Emotional Intelligence

SOC501 Emotional Intelligence Essentials

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(2) Marketing

Students who complete their MBA with 12 credit hours or more of Marketing (MKT, SOC)
specialization may request the Registrar’s office to have their transcripts and printed diploma
marked with “Concentration in Marketing Management.”

MKT450G Marketing Management

MKT483G Monetizing Intellectual Property

MKT491G The Art of Negotiation

MKT541 Strategic Marketing

MKT542 Global Marketing

MKT545 Global Trade and Operations

MKT550 Consumer and Buyer Behavior

MKT551 Sales Management

MKT552 Brand Management and Marketing

MKT553 Digital Marketing and Social Media

MKT554 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SOC450G Emotional Intelligence

SOC501 Emotional Intelligence Essentials

(3) Business Analytics

Students who complete their MBA with 12 credit hours or more of Business Analytics (BAN,
including MGT460/L) specialization may request the Registrar’s Office to have their transcripts
marked with “Concentration in Business Analytics.”

BAN452G Excel for Finance, Accounting, and Analytics

BAN455G Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP

BAN460G Introduction to Business Analytics

BAN460LG Introduction to Business Analytics Lab

BAN463G Data Visualization

BAN470G Intro to Machine Learning Prediction Modeling and Forecasting

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BAN472G Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

BAN501 Quantitative Methods for Business

BAN520 Business Analytics for Dashboards

BAN524 Intermediate Business Analytics

BAN572 Process Management for Analytics

BAN589 Special Topics on Analytics, Strategy, and Applied Information

MGT501 Agile Project Management

MGT460G Production and Operations Management

MGT460LG Production and Operations Management Lab

Areas of Interest

Unlike concentrations, areas of interest are informal and are not shown on a student’s transcript or
printed diploma. Each semester, when the course offering list is published, instructions on
graduate-level courses belonging to various areas of interest are also published along with the
course offering list. Every graduate student is advised to refer to these instructions to select
courses and build his/her expertise area.


ECON470 The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets

FIN501 Financial Management (required core course)

FIN510 Investment Analysis

FIN512 Financial Risk Management

FIN522 International Trade and Investment

FIN568 Corporate Finance

FIN580 Portfolio Management

FIN585 International Finance


ACC450G Cost Accounting

ACC451G Intermediate Accounting – I

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ACC452G Intermediate Accounting – II

ACC490G Introduction to Taxation

ACC501 Advanced Accounting

ACC512 Federal Taxation of Business Enterprises

ACC530 Auditing

Note: Emotional intelligence courses SOC501 (1 credit hour) Emotional Intelligence Essentials and
SOC450G (3 credit hours) Emotional Intelligence are considered major pool courses and are
acceptable for electives. Emotional intelligence is essential for successfully managing and
controlling interpersonal relations and is therefore helpful to those aspiring to management
positions and decision-making positions.

3. Electives (12 credit hours)

The student may choose any graduate-level courses (courses numbered 4xxG, 5xx) to meet the
electives requirement. Electives may include courses from the School of Business, the School of
Engineering, CPT, Career Development, and courses transferred in.

Curricular Practicum. When applicable, the student may take curricular practicum courses (CPT501
or CPT502) and engage in practical training to work on company projects that are related to the
student’s course of study. The student must observe the rules required for taking the practicum
courses. No more than 6 credit hours of practicum coursework may be counted towards the MBA’s
graduation requirements.

Career Development. The P450G Career Development (1 credit hour) course is designed for
students to take in preparation for becoming working professionals. Topics include effective
communication strategies, emotional intelligence, diversity and cultural awareness, professional
behavior, resume writing, job searching skills, and interview skills.

4. Capstone Course (3 credit hours; required)

On completing most of the coursework for the MBA program, the student is required to take
theBUS595 Business Capstone course and, under the guidance of the course instructor, integrate
the knowledge and skills learned from all the courses taken during the program to form a
complete business plan as the class project.

Note: If a new graduate business student took accounting or business law courses in a foreign
country and desired to professionally work in areas requiring detailed American accounting or law
knowledge, then they are strongly advised to take the equivalent topic area American courses.

MBA Study Plan Recommendations

Study Plans are guides for outlining a pathway toward degree completion. A Study Plan highlights
one way, but not the only way, to complete a degree. When developing their Study Plans, students

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 130

should meet with their advisor to identify any additional requirements (such as grade minimums)
that may affect them.

First, it is recommended that students target scheduling flexibility at the end of their study plan by
prioritizing program requirements early on, followed by taking most of their electives toward the
end of their studies.

Second, it is recommended that strong MBA students plan for a target course load of 12 credit
hours per semester to prioritize the reduction of elapsed calendar time. Reducing the elapsed
calendar time will both reduce associated living costs and pull forward the rewards of potential
employment opportunities. Graduate students must take a minimum 9 credit-hour course load to
maintain full-time status. Students may take courses during the summer semester to reduce the
elapsed calendar time needed for degree completion.

Third, SFBU undergraduate students planning on directly progressing into the MBA program
immediately upon graduation are advised to acquire up to 12 credit hours of graduate-level (4xxG
or 5xx) coursework in their undergraduate course load, excluding the Business Capstone Course
(BUS595). Courses registered for graduate-level credit are priced at the graduate fee level. Courses
registered for undergraduate-level credit are priced at the undergraduate level.

Up to 12 semester credit hours of graduate-level work from either the School of Business or the
School of Engineering may be counted in the MBA program. The result of direct progression can be
considerable time savings for the student. The undergraduate student must meet the admissions
criteria for the MBA program, including CGPA requirements.

Students are expected to review their Study Plan each semester because not all courses are
offered every term, nor are they offered in all modalities every term. It is recommended that
students meet with their advisors to comply with requirements and optimize scheduling.

Students transferring credit into the MBA program are issued a customized Study Plan during the
admissions process that will be available on their MySFBU student portal.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 131

Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBAn)
PROGRAM OBJECTIVE. The objective of the MSBAn program is to enable aspiring business
analysts, modelers, operational managers, and expert advisors to solve business challenges by
bringing optimized quantitative-driven recommendations into decision-making and forecasting
processes. Successful students will learn to use a combination of probability-based methods, high-
speed computational processing, and visual analytics in conjunction with modern management,
marketing, and logistics strategies.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES. Students graduating with an MSBAn degree are expected to
demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:

Written Communication: For the intended audience, skillfully communicate focused insights and
recommendations in the context of the wider business situation and challenges while illustrating
fluency in supporting quantitative analysis and mastery of the underlying data.

Oral Communication: Create a cohesive presentation with messages that are precisely stated and
delivered in a compelling manner with supporting visual analytics, polished language, and
appropriate technical detail.

Quantitative Reasoning: Convert relevant business factors and data sets into insightful
multivariable analytical models suitable for computerized processing with optimized processing
steps to fit given business restrictions such as the value of expected information/decisions,
available time, budget, and computational resources.

Information Literacy: For the business challenge at hand, proactively determine the scope of
needed information and data from multiple sources, determine optimal search approaches, filter
and organize the resulting information and data for the chosen analysis methods, and properly
handle the information in terms of legal, ethical, and confidentiality restrictions.

Critical Thinking: For the issue at hand, develop a clear situation statement, systematically analyze
the involved assumptions, evaluate and interpret the available information to form a
comprehensive analysis, assign value weights, develop a specific position, and state the limits of
the created position and its perspective to other positions.

Specialized Knowledge: Innovatively synthesize competitive advantages and situation-dependent

optimal solutions/positions using relevant business theories, modern decision-making techniques,
and quantitative-based analytics.

Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 30 semester credit hours of graduate study are required for the MSBAn program.
They include coursework in the following categories:

1. Core required courses (9 credit hours)

2. Major required courses (9 credit hours)
3. Elective courses (9 credit hours)
4. The Business Capstone Course (3 credit hours)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 132

Course Numbers: Courses that are numbered from 450G to 499G are cross-listed specialized
courses taken for graduate-level credits; courses numbered in the 500s and above are graduate-
level courses. Students should expect graduate-level 4xxG courses to have noticeably higher-level
assignments compared to 4xx undergraduate workloads. Cross-listed specialized courses and
graduate-level courses are taken to meet the graduation requirements.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites must be met before taking a course. Corequisites may be

taken at the same time as the course is taken.

1. Core Required Courses (9 credit hours)

The following required courses provide a knowledge base of interdisciplinary business theories and
techniques. Core courses may be taken at any time during the program.

BAN501 Quantitative Methods for Business

FIN510 Investment Analysis

MGT530 Logistics and Operations Management

2. Major Courses Selectable from the Pool listed below (9 credit hours)

Beyond core requirements, the student must take at least 6 credit hours of 500-level business
analytics (BAN5xx major) coursework and an additional 3 credit hours of major courses (for a total
of 9 credit hours) from the lists below.

These courses, if not already counted towards the major requirement, may be used towards the
elective requirement.

500-level Business Analytics (6 credit hours required)

BAN520 Business Analytics for Dashboards

BAN524 Intermediate Business Analytics

BAN572 Process Management for Analytics

BAN589 Special Topics on Analytics, Strategy, and Applied Information

Additional Selectable Major Courses (3 credit hours required)

BAN452G Excel for Finance, Accounting & Analytics

BAN455G Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP

BAN460G Introduction to Business Analytics

BAN460LG Introduction to Business Analytics Lab

BAN463G Data Visualization

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 133

BAN470G Intro to Machine Learning Prediction
Modeling and Forecasting

BAN472G Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

MGT460G Production and Operations Management

MGT460LG Production and Operations Management Lab

MGT450G Organizational Behavior and Management

MGT451G Project Management

MGT480G Entrepreneurship

MGT500 Risk Management

MGT501 Agile Project Management

MGT540 Management of Innovation

MGT542 Technology and Product Management

MKT545 Global Trade and Operations

MKT550 Consumer and Buyer Behavior

MKT554 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

3. Electives (9 credit hours)

The student may choose any graduate-level courses (courses numbered 4xxG, 5xx) to meet the
electives requirement. Electives may include courses from the School of Business, the School of
Engineering, CPT, Career Development, and courses transferred in.

It is recommended that MSBAn students consider taking BAN, computer science, and data science
courses related to data and information processing. For example, MSBAn students may find
it interesting as an elective CS478 Blockchain Technology and Applications. Blockchain technology
is the foundation for cryptocurrency and blockchain-enabled digital business contracts. Other
courses that may interest MSBAn students include CS481 Introduction to Data Science, DS512 Data
Engineering, DS520 Deep Learning, DS540 Natural Language Processing, etc.

Curricular Practicum. When applicable, the student may take curricular practicum courses (CPT501
or CPT502) and engage in practical training to work on company projects that are related to the
student’s course of study. The student must observe the rules required for taking the practicum
courses. No more than 3 credit hours of practicum coursework may be counted towards the
MSBAn graduation requirements.

Career Development. The P450G Career Development (1 credit hour) course is designed for
students to take in preparation for becoming working professionals. Topics include effective

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 134

communication strategies, emotional intelligence, diversity and cultural awareness, professional
behavior, resume writing, job searching skills, and interview skills.

Emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence courses SOC501 (1 credit hour) Emotional

Intelligence Essentials and SOC450G (3 credit hours) Emotional Intelligence are considered
acceptable as electives. Emotional intelligence is essential for successfully managing and
controlling interpersonal relations and is therefore helpful to those aspiring to management and
decision-making positions.

4. Capstone Course (3 credit hours; required)

On completing most of the coursework for the MSBAn program, the student is required to take
the BUS595 Business Capstone Course and, under the guidance of the course instructor, integrate
the knowledge and skills learned from all the courses taken during the program.

MSBAn Study Plan Recommendations

Study Plans are guides for outlining a pathway toward degree completion. A Study Plan highlights
one way, but not the only way, to complete a degree. When developing their Study Plan, students
should meet with their advisor to identify any additional requirements (such as grade minimums)
that may affect them.

First, it is recommended that students target scheduling flexibility at the end of their study plan by
prioritizing program requirements early on, followed by taking most of their electives toward the
end of their studies.

Second, it is recommended that strong MSBAn students plan for a fast-paced course load with
upwards of 12 credit hours per semester to prioritize the reduction of elapsed calendar time.
Reducing the elapsed calendar time will both reduce associated living costs and pull forward the
rewards of potential employment opportunities. Graduate students must take a minimum 9
credit-hour course load to maintain full-time status. Students may take courses during the summer
semester to reduce the elapsed calendar time needed for degree completion.

Third, SFBU undergraduate students planning on directly progressing into the MSBAn program
immediately upon graduation are advised to acquire up to 9 credit hours of graduate-level (4xxG
or 5xx) coursework in their undergraduate course load, excluding the Business Capstone Course
(BUS595). Courses registered for graduate-level credit are priced at the graduate fee level. Courses
registered for undergraduate-level credit are priced at the undergraduate level.

Up to 9 credit hours of graduate-level work from either the School of Business or the School of
Engineering may be counted in the MSBAn program. The result of direct progression can be
considerable time savings for the student. The undergraduate student must meet the admissions
criteria for the MSBAn program, including CGPA requirements.

Students are expected to review their Study Plan each semester because not all courses are offered
every term, nor are they offered in all modalities every term. It is recommended that students
meet with their advisors to comply with requirements and optimize scheduling.

Students transferring credit into the MSBAn program are issued a customized Study Plan during the
admissions process that will be available on their MySFBU student portal.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 135


General Education – Undergraduate Course Numbers and Descriptions

For general education, lower-division courses are numbered in the 100s and 200s, and upper-
division courses are numbered in the 300s and 400s.
Course No. Description
100–199 Freshman-level courses
200–299 Sophomore-level courses
300–399 Junior-level courses
400–499 Senior-level courses
450–499 Senior-level specialized skills courses
taken for undergraduate-level credit

Courses are listed by subject: English, Humanities, Mathematics, Physics and Physical Sciences, and
Social Science. Each course description is followed by any prerequisite or corequisite information.

Each 1-credit-hour lab course requires at least 2 contact hours of lab work each week.


(GE in English and Communication area)

ENGL100 English Structure and Composition (0 credit hours)

This course focuses on the structural components of academic writing, starting with the parts of
speech, the parts of a sentence, and the building blocks of phrases and clauses. It covers sentence
types and variety, parallelism, proper word usage and punctuation, and avoiding sentence errors.
This course also emphasizes unity and coherence, as well as the structure of paragraphs and
standard academic essays.

ENGL101 Expository Writing (3 credit hours)

This fundamental-level college writing course is based on a systematic approach to addressing

students’ needs in acquiring knowledge and skills in written communication. It explores an
integrated approach to the mechanics of communication, encompassing a full range of basic
concerns in informative writing, going from processes to its forms to the popular techniques
writers have used to make their works outstanding. Students enhance their writing skills through
the process of prewriting, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing expository essays. By the end
of the semester, students should have functional knowledge of English grammar, sentence
structure, and punctuation and be able to write effective academic expository and persuasive

ENGL102 Critical Thinking (3 credit hours)

This course focuses on becoming an effective provider and consumer of ideas in our information-
saturated society. Students will learn to identify the intent of the message, judge the soundness of
the argument, and evaluate the validity of the evidence. Rigorous training will help learners go

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 136

beyond feelings and personal biases to clear, impartial, and accurate problem-solving and decision-
making that are essential to all human communication: speaking, writing, debating, and

ENGL115 Public Speaking (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to develop effective skills in extemporaneous speaking, formal

presentations, and listening. Students will learn about nonverbal communication, cultural
differences in communication, and research methodology.

ENGL220 Small Group Communication (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to accomplish the following learning goals: 1) to help the students
understand theories and principles of small group decision-making and problem-solving, 2) to
provide students with hands-on experience working in small groups, the most powerful tool in
modern industry, and 3) to offer students opportunities to observe the development and operation
of real-life task-oriented groups.

ENGL320 Intercultural Communication (3 credit hours)

This course introduces theories and practices regarding intercultural relationships and
communication. It helps students adapt to a rapidly diversified workforce both in Silicon Valley and
in other parts of the world. From the vantage point of this course, students will see the forces that
shape cultures and influence intercultural contacts. They will be enabled to build harmonious and
productive relationships with individuals from all national, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds.

ENGL425 Modern American Literature (3 credit hours)

This course examines fiction and nonfiction writing produced by American authors in the 20th and
21st centuries. It will cover the themes, styles, and content of modern American authors. Genres
such as drama, action, and science fiction will be investigated. Students will be asked to analyze
context, culture, time, and structure. This course requires critical thinking on essays written about
various readings.
Prerequisite: ENGL101

(GE in Humanities area)

HU210 Introduction to Philosophy (3 credit hours)

This course is an introduction to the great questions of philosophy using a historical approach. The
class covers Western and non-Western traditions from pre-Socratic and Confucian times to modern

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 137

HU230 Art Appreciation (3 credit hours)

A crash course in Western art aesthetics from ancient art to post-modernism, this course gives the
student a historical Western art background that makes comparisons to the East, as well as the
tools to analyze paintings through their own cultural point of view.

HU240 Music Appreciation (3 credit hours)

This course is designed for students to explore the fundamentals of music through easy-listening
examples from all aspects of sound: tone, color, harmony, rhythm, mood, dynamics, tempo,
themes, and forms. Students will analyze music with respect to the historical and cultural context
as well as to daily life.

HU280 Principles of Ethics (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to reveal ethical principles and problems applicable to their lives. Topics
include the application of ethical principles, background and philosophical principles of ethics,
ethical practices, and practical ethical problems and solutions.

HU420 Critical Analysis of Film (3 credit hours)

This course examines the impact of film on society and vice versa. Students will review, critique,
and analyze several films throughout the semester. It also examines the content, meaning, history
and culture of American and foreign films. Various genres and film movements will be viewed and
discussed. Knowledge, insight, and critical analysis will be required to demonstrate how the
selected films reflect and impact cultures.

HU450 Information Literacy for Academics, Life, and the Workplace (3 credit hours)

This course will give students a skill that they will be able to use and benefit from for the rest of
their lives: the ability to read, evaluate and understand newspapers, magazines, websites,
journalistic materials, business writing, and journals. Students will learn to evaluate and analyze
bias, propaganda, agenda, point-of-view, and misinformation. They will be able to interpret,
organize and synthesize information from various sources to achieve a specific purpose with clarity
and depth.
Prerequisite: ENGL101


MATH20 Calculus – I (3 credit hours)

(GE in Mathematics area)

This course is the first of a series in calculus designed for students to build a fundamental
background in calculus and to learn its applications to basic problems. Topics include functions,
limits, continuous functions, derivatives and applications, antiderivatives, composite functions and
chain rules, graphing techniques using derivatives, implicit differentiation, finite integrals, and
fundamental theorems of calculus.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 138

Prerequisite: Pre-calculus subjects

MATH202 Calculus – II (3 credit hours)

This course is the second of the calculus series designed for students to understand integration
techniques and extend the differentiation notion and methods to functions of multiple variables.
Topics include logarithmic and exponential functions and their derivatives, inverse trigonometric
functions, derivatives, as well as L’Hopital’s rule, integration techniques and their applications,
sequence, series, partial derivatives, and improper integrals.
Prerequisite: MATH201

MATH203 Linear Algebra (3 credit hours)

Linear algebra is one of the topics necessary to prepare students for higher-level math courses
such as differential equations. It is also relevant to computer science and business students
interested in data science since linear problems are often the simplest models of the natural world.
In this course, students will learn the language, concepts, and techniques from the ground up,
beginning with the geometric representation of systems by equations and progressing to
the manipulation of abstract ideas such as singular value decomposition.
Prerequisite: MATH201

MATH208 Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)

(GE in Mathematics area)

This course is designed for students to understand the concepts, theory, and applications of
probability and statistics. Topics include permutation, combination, random variables, distribution,
means and variance, normal distribution, random sampling, estimation, confidence interval,
hypothesis testing, linear correlation, and regression.
Prerequisite: Pre-calculus subjects

Physics and Physical Sciences

PHYS101 Introduction to Physical Sciences (3 credit hours)

(GE in Sciences area)

This is an introductory course to expose the students to physical science subjects, including the
basics of astronomy, chemistry, earth science, and physics.
Prerequisite: Pre-calculus subjects

PHYS201 Physics – I (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to be the first of a series in physics for engineering students. Topics include
vectors, motion and Newton’s laws, gravitation, work and energy, momentum, mechanics of rigid

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 139

bodies, oscillations, kinetic theory of gases, waves and sound, and thermodynamics. Laboratory
practices are conducted formally each week.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: MATH201/PHYS201L

PHYS201L Physics Lab – I (1 credit hour)

This course is designed to be taken concurrently with the PHYS201 Physics - I course. The student
first learns to use the general measuring equipment, the proper experimental procedures, and lab
safety issues. The student is expected to gain skills in data analysis and lab report writing
throughout the semester. Lab topics include measurements of position and velocity, kinematics,
Newton’s laws of motion, energy, momentum, conservation laws of energy and momentum,
collisions, torque, rotational dynamics, waves, and thermodynamic behaviors.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: MATH201/PHYS201

PHYS202 Physics – II (3 credit hours)

This course is the second of a series in physics for engineering students. Topics include Coulomb’s
law and electric fields, currents and DC circuits, magnetic fields, time-varying EM fields, AC circuits,
optics, interference, diffraction, and an introduction to modern physics. Laboratory practices are
conducted formally each week.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: PHYS201/PHYS202L

PHYS202L Physics Lab – II (1 credit hour)

This course is designed to be taken with the PHYS202 Physics – II course. The student learns to use
electrical measuring equipment to conduct the first of several experiments related to
electromagnetism. Lab safety, as well as skills in data analysis and lab report writing, are stressed.
Lab topics include measurement of electric field and potential, simple circuits, resistors, DC
circuits, Kirchhoff’s laws, capacitors, RC circuits, magnetic effects, inductors, AC circuits,
electromagnetic induction, RLC circuits, geometrical optics, lenses, and light as a wave.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: PHYS201L/PHYS202

Social Science
(GE in Social Sciences area)

SOC201 California History (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to expose the students to the uniqueness of California's history and its
evolution. Topics include the social, economic, and political development of the “Golden State”
over the last three centuries, spanning the Native American, Spanish, Mexican, and American
periods. Forms of study include lectures, case studies, and field trips for research.

PSY210 Introduction to Psychology (3 credit hours)

This psychology course reflects on theories and concepts of behavior and processes of the mind.
Students will be introduced to topics such as motivation, emotion, personality, social behavior,

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 140

perception, learning, and development. Different areas of psychology will be examined, such as
cognitive, forensic, social, and developmental psychology. Additional topics may include
environmental and biological factors affecting behavior, adaptation to stress and adversity,
common disorders, experimental methods, and current research trends, among others.

SOC215 Introduction to Sociology (3 credit hours)

This course provides a study of culture, social organization, and social relations. Additional topics
include the major social problems in society, with an emphasis on how those problems are
interrelated and the role of society in their creation and perpetuation. Issues and problems related
to cross-culture and diversity will also be addressed.

SOC235 Multiculturalism in the United States (3 credit hours)

This course looks into various aspects of multiculturalism in American society, exploring issues
related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and other social group identities.

SOC250 Public Administration (3 credit hours)

This course serves as an introduction to public administration. Early key thinkers in the
development of public administration will be examined. During the semester, topics such as public
policy formation, public management, human resources, reinvention, privatization, e-government,
public finance, performance measurement, and ethics will be reviewed. Students will become
familiar with the primary issues and challenges facing public administrators today.

SOC260 Civilization and Urbanization (3 credit hours)

This is an introductory course designed to cover the 5,000-year shift from rural to urban
throughout the world. The city is civilization’s greatest work of art, but it has many challenges. The
ancient walled cities, utopian writings, urban theories, religious experiments, English Garden Cities
and new towns, American Greenbelt Towns, company towns, flight to the suburbs, neo-traditional
planning, the New Urbanism, and current sustainable development, Smart Growth, and the more
recent Greening and Healthy Cities will be described, and the actual city and regional planning
practices shown.

SOC275 The American Experience (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to guide the students in examining the 20th-century rise of the United
States as a modern multiethnic society with emphasis on the socioeconomic and political forces
that have shaped its development.

HIST340 Modern American History (3 units)

This course covers the development of the United States from post–Civil War (1865) to the
present. Students will further develop their historical research, writing, critical thinking, and
presentation skills throughout this course. Covered topics start with the 1800’s Reconstruction,
immigration, industrialization, western expansion, and American urbanization, followed by the
20th century’s World War I, the Great Depression, the New Deal, World War 2, Korean War, baby
boom generation, Vietnam War, civil rights movement, and globalization. The course concludes

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 141

with the 21st century, including the impact of September 11, 2001, terrorism, and modern

HIST400 Early American History (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to lead the students to examine the early periods of American history that
shaped the development of the nation, including America before Columbus, European expansion,
the founding era and Revolution, the Constitution and the New Republic, and subsequent periods
of civic and political growth up to the Civil War.
Prerequisite: ENGL101

SOC450 Emotional Intelligence (3 credit hours)

Emotional intelligence (EI), or emotional quotient (EQ), defines the skills or capacity to recognize
one’s own emotions and those of others and how to control these emotions. In this course, the
students will learn about EQ and how to manage interpersonal relations and why it is important in
their life and career because, in recent years, EQ has become a major indicator of achievement.
They will learn how to increase their EQ by developing their abilities to perceive, use, understand,
and manage emotions. EQ is a type of intelligence that, unlike IQ, can be increased, and its benefits
are apparent in one’s life and career. Knowing yourself is the essence of EQ. Students will learn
about themselves by assessing their EQ at the beginning of the class and at the end of the term to
see if any improvement took place.


Engineering – Undergraduate Program Course Numbering and Descriptions

For general education, lower-division courses are numbered in the 100s and 200s, and upper-
division courses are numbered in the 300s and 400s.
Course No. Description
100–199 Freshman-level courses
200–299 Sophomore-level courses
300–399 Junior-level courses
400–499 Senior-level courses
450–499 Senior-level specialized skills courses
taken for undergraduate-level credit

Courses are listed by subject: Business, Computer Systems Engineering, Computer Science,
Curricular Practicum, and Professional Development. Each course description is followed by any
prerequisite or corequisite information.

Each 1-credit-hour lab course requires at least 2 contact hours of lab work each week. Each 1 credit
hour of a practicum course requires at least 45 contact hours of practical experience related to the
student’s program curriculum.


2024 – 2025 University Catalog 142

BUS450 Professional and Technical Writing (3 credit hours)

This course presents students with practical instructions about communicating in different kinds of
academic and workplace environments, as well as professional/technical communities. Students
will learn how to organize and produce common professional writing work, such as technical
reports, white papers, proposals, and theses. The course also covers different forms of effective
writing, writing styles, approaches, formats, and citations of referenced materials.

Computer Systems Engineering

CE305 Computer Organization (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the issues and challenges
involved in designing and implementing modern computer systems. The primary goal is to help
students become more skilled in their understanding of computer systems, including how the
hardware and software interact with each other. This course will also provide an understanding of
where computers come from and where they are going, as well as an understanding of their
strengths and weaknesses, such as why compiled code will always execute faster than JAVA code.
Subjects will include RISC vs. CISC CPU design approach, instruction sets, pipelining, instruction
scheduling (branch prediction, speculative and out-of-order execution, etc.), cache, and storage
hierarchy design. Additional key focuses will be on modern I/O architectures such as PCI, PCI-X,
SATA, SCSI, and USB, among others, and their importance for performance and compatibility.

CE450 Fundamentals of Embedded Engineering (3 credit hours)

This is the first in a series of embedded systems courses designed for students who are interested
in learning real-time embedded systems and practicing real-time programming of embedded
systems. Topics include hardware issues such as platform, microprocessors commonly used in
these systems and how a microprocessor works in such systems; the concept of memory, registers,
I/O; interrupt generation and handling in an embedded system; the concept of real-time
programming, multitasking, concurrency, mutual exclusion; overview of real-time kernel/OS,
drivers; system initialization and startup, and debug issues. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250/CE450L

CE450L Embedded Engineering Lab (1 credit hour)

This is a drill course designed to be taken concurrently with the CE450 Fundamentals of Embedded
Engineering course. The students gain hands-on experience with embedded systems programming
and design. They are also guided to work on projects involving control systems.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250L/CE450

Computer Science

CS200 Discrete Logic (3 credit hours)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 143

This course is designed to introduce students to discrete-logic concepts related to computer
science and a broad spectrum of applications. Topics include logic set theory, Boolean matrix
algebra, relations, structures, combinatorics, computational methods, elements of logic design,
graphs theory and its applications to computer science and telecommunications, and design and
analysis of efficient algorithms.
Prerequisite: Pre-calculus subjects

CS230 Linux & Shell Scripting (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to familiarize the students with the Linux environment. Topics include
concepts of the Linux operating system, Shell commands, Visual editor, file manipulation and
securities, Linux utility commands, shell features and shell environment, online manual, controlling
user processes and managing jobs, the introduction of regular expression and its usage with grep,
sed, and awk power utilities, basic shell programming techniques, large file management, and the
user programming environment customization. Students are also introduced to Linux shells (bash,
Bourne, and Korn), shell programming, basic Linux file systems, and resource management. The
students will be able to write shell scripts to accomplish routine tasks for software development
and testing. Hands-on exercises are required.
Corequisite: CS230L

CS230L Linux & Shell Scripting Lab (1 credit hour)

This course is designed to be taken concurrently with the CS230 Linux & Shell Scripting course. The
students gain hands-on experience with Unix/Linux commands, vi editor, Linux utility, shell
scripting/programming, security issues, managing long files, and customization of user
Corequisite: CS230

CS250 Introduction to Programming (3 credit hours)

This course is an introduction to computer science using Python programming language. Major
topics covered include defining and analyzing problems, developing algorithms, implementation,
debugging, documentation of programs, coverage of basic algorithms, programming concepts, and
data types. Students will write computer programs that include control structures, iteration,
methods, argument passing, and classes.
Corequisite: CS250L

CS250L Introduction to Programming Lab (1 credit hour)

This course is designed to be taken concurrently with the CS250 Introduction to Programming
course. It is aimed at students new to the Python language who may or may not have experience
with other programming languages. Students will learn (a) how Python works and its place in the
world of programming languages, (b) to work with and manipulate strings, (c) to perform math
operations, (d) to work with Python sequences, (e) to collect user input and output results, (f) flow
control processing, (g) to write to, and read from files, (h) to write functions, and (i) to handle

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 144

Corequisite: CS250

CS350 Data Structures (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to teach efficient use of data structures and algorithms to solve problems.
Students study the logical relationship between data structures associated with a problem and
physical representation. Topics include introduction to algorithms and data organization, arrays,
stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting, hashing, and heap structures. Hands-on exercises are
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250/CS350L

CS350L Data Structures Lab (1 credit hour)

This course is designed to be taken concurrently with the CS350 Data Structures course. C
language, a structured programming language, is further investigated. Topics include pointer
structure, structure and union, stack, queue, linked list, sort, binary tree, and heaps.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250L/CS350

CS360 Programming in C and C++ (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to develop the ability to design, code, and document application programs
using C and C++ programming languages. Emphasis is on the establishment of design objectives,
criteria and specifications, processes of synthesis, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation of
open-ended problems. Topics include an introduction to procedural C programming and general
object-oriented programming as implemented in C++, data types, expressions, statements,
functions, program scope, run-time memory allocation, function overloading, template functions,
class mechanism, derivation, inheritance, and migration from C to C++. Labs may accompany
lectures in partial class meetings during the semester. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250/CS360L

CS360L Programming in C and C++ Lab (1 credit hour)

This course is designed to be taken concurrently with the CS360 Programming in C and C++
course to practice and develop programming skills in both C and C++.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250L/CS360CS380 Operating Systems (3 credit hours)

This course covers the fundamental concepts and implementation techniques of modern operating
systems. Topics include processes, threads, concurrency, memory management, file systems, I/O
systems, security, and OS virtualization. Popular operating systems will be selected for case studies,
including Linux/UNIX, Windows, Android, and VMWare hypervisors. Hands-on exercises and
projects are required.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS453 Compiler Design (3 credit hours)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 145

This course is designed to give students a fundamental knowledge of compilers and interpreters
for modern computer languages. Topics include a study of modern computer languages, regular
expressions, lexical analysis, parsing techniques, context-free grammar, and syntax-directed
translation. Hands-on exercises and semester projects are required.
Prerequisite: CS350

CS455 Algorithms & Structured Programming (3 credit hours)

This course introduces students to the design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms to solve
engineering problems using an object-oriented programming language. It covers the common
algorithms, algorithmic complexity, and data structures used to solve these problems. The course
concentrates on the design of algorithms and the analysis of their efficiency.
Prerequisite: CS350

CS457 Data Modeling and Implementation Techniques (3 credit hours)

This is the first of a series of courses designed to teach relational database concepts, design, and
applications. Topics include database architecture, relational model, structured query language
(SQL), data manipulation language (DML), data definition language (DDL), database design, ER
modeling, database normalization, denormalization, and physical database design. Popular
database systems, such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL servers, are used for hands-on exercises and
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250/CS457L

CS457L Database Technologies Lab (1 credit hour)

This is a drill course designed to be taken concurrently with the CS457 Data Modeling and
Implementation Techniques course. The students gain hands-on experience in database
applications using popular database systems, including Oracle and Microsoft SQL servers. They are
also guided in working on database design projects.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250L/CS457

CS470 Network Engineering and Management (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to introduce network communications. Topics include network-layered

models (OSI, TCP/IP), architecture, principles, service models and protocols, data communication
basics, switching, routing, security, network management, and wireless and mobile networks.
Modern Internet technologies and implementations are presented in case studies. Hands-on
exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS477 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (3 credit hours)

An ethical hacker is usually employed by an organization that trusts him or her to attempt to
penetrate networks or computer systems, using the same methods as a hacker, for the purpose of
finding and fixing computer security vulnerabilities. This course goes into computer hacking
techniques in depth. The students leave with the ability to quantitatively assess and measure

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 146

threats to information assets and discover where the organization is most vulnerable to hacking.
This knowledge allows system administrators to deploy proactive countermeasures, stay ahead of
information security developments, and exploit vulnerabilities.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS478 Blockchain Technology and Applications (3 credit hours)

This course explores the fundamentals and applications of blockchain technology, which is the
transparent, secure, immutable, and distributed database used currently as the underlying
technology for cryptocurrency. Types of blockchain will be introduced and studied with real-life
cases. Through practical cases and research assignments, this course will introduce students to the
workings and applications of this potentially disruptive technology and its potential impact on all
aspects of the business world and society.

CS480 Java and Internet Applications (3 credit hours)

This course introduces students to the Java language, programming with object-oriented construct,
GUI design and graphics programming, and core Java libraries. Students will learn Java language
basics such as syntax and classes, inheritance, interfaces, reflection, graphics programming, event
handling, user-interface components with Swing, Java applets, exception handling, stream, and
files. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250 or CS360/CS480L

CS480L Java Programming Lab (1 credit hour)

This is a drill course designed to be taken concurrently with the CS480 Java and Internet
Applications course. The students gain Java programming skills in this weekly lab course through
hands-on exercises that normally correspond with the lecture material offered each week.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250L or CS360L/CS480

CS481 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Science (3 credit hours)

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that combines mathematics, statistics, programming

languages, and specific domain knowledge. This course describes (1) the process of gaining
knowledge and insights from data in both a structured and an unstructured way and (2) scientific
methods, processes, algorithms, and systems that can be employed to analyze, design, develop,
and implement solutions to challenging novel and existing data science problems.
Prerequisite: MATH208

CS483 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (3 credit hours)

This course covers artificial intelligence (AI) applications in problem-solving, reasoning, planning,
natural language understanding, computer vision, autonomous car navigation, machine learning,
business intelligence, robot design, and so on. In order to solve AI problems, the major algorithms
include machine learning, search, Markov decision processes, constraint satisfaction, graphical
models, and logic. The main goal of this course is to equip students with the tools in the Python
library to tackle a variety of AI problems in industries.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 147

Prerequisite: CS250

CS483L Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Lab (1 credit hour)

Students will learn Python programming in the Google Colab platform with numpy, pandas,
matplotlib, scikit-learn, seaborn, tensorflow models, and Keras API to implement algorithms
covered in the lecture from different raw dataset sources. And they will have the chance to build
systems for several hands-on design projects. In a two-hour lab session, students will become
familiar with algorithm functions in the aforementioned libraries to implement different data
processes in machine learning, search, Markov decision processes, constraint satisfaction, graphical
models, and logic and to optimize design systems by plotting data process curves and error
analysis in the model.
Prerequisite: CS250L

CS485 JavaScript and Internet Programming (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to provide students with advanced programming knowledge and skills for
application development on the Internet. Students study both client-side and server-side scripting,
including HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, to develop interactive and responsive websites. Other topics
covered include jQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js Express Framework, RESTful API, MongoDB (NoSQL),
and various JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and React. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS487 Object-Oriented Design and Implementations (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to use an object-oriented programming language to achieve the goal of
teaching the students the design methodology for algorithm development. The objective is to
develop the students’ programming ability with proper logical and object-oriented thinking
processes, as well as basic design patterns. The course covers two main topics: (1) problem
specification and analysis: understand the problem, analyze it, and translate human thinking into a
computer program, and (2) object-oriented design and analysis: understand data abstraction,
encapsulation, aggregation, and inheritance. These concepts are the foundation for object-
oriented programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, and C#. Hands-on practice using
Python is required.
Corequisite: CS250

CS494 Senior Capstone Project – I (3 credit hours)

This is the first part of the senior capstone project series. The senior capstone project course is
designed to develop the creativity of every senior graduating in computer science through the
exercise of the design effort and implementation skills of a self-selected project. The design
approach must employ modern design techniques and methodologies in the related fields that
were acquired during the course of the program study. Completion of the project entails (1) proper
research on relevant topics, (2) formulation of a design problem statement, (3) design
specifications, (4) consideration of alternative solutions, (5) a development plan, (6) actual
implementation, and (7) submission of a final report. The student must discuss with and follow the

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 148

guidelines provided by the instructor through the period of research, implementation, testing,
report writing, and related procedures.
Prerequisite: Must be in the senior year of the program.

CS495 Senior Capstone Project – II (3 credit hours)

This is the second part of the senior capstone project series. The student may choose to continue
to work on the project developed during the CS494 Senior Capstone Project - I course. The goal is
to allow students to enhance or expand their projects to gain more experience in product
development, as well as apply additional knowledge/skills acquired during the course of program
study or through individual research. On completion of the project, the student is required to
conduct an open-forum presentation of the project and submit a professional report.
Prerequisite: CS494

Curricular Practicum

CPT401 Curricular Practicum (1 credit hour)

Curricular practicum, or curricular practical training, is a supervised practical experience that is the
application of previously studied theory. The curricular practicum must provide students with
valuable learning experience and must significantly increase their knowledge in their program of
study. It is defined as alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type
of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative
agreements with the school, and the course is an integral part of an established curriculum. At
least three hours of work in a practical setting has the credit equivalency of one hour of classroom
lecture (1 credit hour). To be eligible to take this course, the student must be in good standing,
have completed at least two semesters of coursework required in his/her degree program,
and have obtained a written agreement that outlines the arrangement between the institution and
the practicum site (including specific learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation
criteria), and received approval by a designated advisor. F-1 international students must follow
additional rules required by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The student must use
SFBU’s online tool to submit his/her application to take this course before meeting with a
designated advisor to assess eligibility. Information and instructions concerning this course are
provided in the application form.

This is a part-time practicum course taken by the undergraduate student to work no more than
twenty hours each week during the approved practicum period. Failure in this course will prevent
the student from taking any curricular practicum course afterward.

Prerequisite: Refer to the instructions on the application and agreement documents.

CPT402 Curricular Practicum (2 credit hours)

Curricular practicum, or curricular practical training, is a supervised practical experience that is the
application of previously studied theory. The curricular practicum must provide students with
valuable learning experience and must significantly increase their knowledge in their program of
study. It is defined as alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 149

of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative
agreements with the school, and the course is an integral part of an established curriculum. At
least three hours of work in a practical setting has the credit equivalency of one hour of classroom
lecture (1 credit hour). To be eligible to take this course, the student must be in good standing,
have completed at least two semesters of coursework required in his/her degree program, and
have obtained a written agreement that outlines the arrangement between the institution and the
practicum site (including specific learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation criteria),
and received approval by a designated advisor. F-1 International students must follow additional
rules required by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The student must use SFBU’s
online tool to submit his/her application to take this course before meeting with a designated
advisor to assess eligibility. Information and instructions concerning this course are provided in the
application form.

This is a full-time practicum course taken by the undergraduate student to work more than twenty
hours but not to exceed forty hours each week during the approved practicum period. Failure in
this course will prevent the student from taking any curricular practicum course afterward.

Prerequisite: Refer to the instructions on the application and agreement documents.

Professional Development

P450 Career Development (1 credit hour)

This course is designed for the students to take in preparation for becoming working professionals.
Topics include effective communication strategies, emotional intelligence, diversity and cultural
awareness, professional behavior, and interview skills.


Engineering – Graduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions

Master’s degree courses are numbered in the 500s. Each master’s degree program allows for a
limited number of credits for 400-level courses with a “G” suffix.

Course No. Description

450G–499G Cross-listed specialized skills courses

taken for graduate-level credits

500–599 Graduate-level courses

For information on prerequisite subjects numbered below 450, refer to the section Engineering —
Undergraduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 150

Courses are listed by subjects: Embedded Systems Engineering, Computer Science, Curricular
Practicum, Data Science, Electrical Engineering, and Professional Development. Each course
description is followed by any prerequisite or corequisite information.

Each 1-credit-hour lab course requires at least 2 contact hours of lab work each week. Each 1 credit
hour of a practicum course requires at least 45 contact hours of practical experience related to the
student’s program curriculum.

Embedded Systems Engineering

CE450G Fundamentals of Embedded Engineering (3 credit hours)

This is the first in a series of embedded systems courses designed for students who are interested
in learning real-time embedded systems and practicing real-time programming of embedded
systems. Topics include hardware issues such as platform, microprocessors commonly used in
these systems and how a microprocessor works in such systems; the concept of memory, registers,
I/O; interrupt generation and handling in an embedded system; the concept of real-time
programming, multitasking, concurrency, mutual exclusion; overview of real-time kernel/OS,
drivers; system initialization and startup, and debug issues. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250/CE450LG

CE450LG Embedded Engineering Lab (1 credit hour)

This is a drill course designed to be taken concurrently with the CE450G Fundamentals of
Embedded Engineering course. The students gain hands-on experience with embedded systems
programming and design. They are also guided to work on projects involving control systems.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250L/CE450G

CE521 Real-Time Systems and Programming (3 credit hours)

This is the second in the embedded systems series designed for students who are interested in
learning real-time embedded systems and practicing real-time programming of embedded systems.
By examining an off-the-shelf real-time operating system, students will gain hands-on experience
in real-time operating system programming and implementations. Specific topics include a review
of embedded system design, the concept of real-time systems, real-time specification and design
techniques, real-time kernels, system performance analysis, memory management, task
management, time management, synchronization of inter-task communication, queuing models,
real-time operating system tools for embedded systems, and real-time programming examples.
Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CE450

CE522 Embedded Design in Networking Environment (3 credit hours)

This course is designed for the students to learn protocol stack implementation/porting in a real-
time operating system (RTOS) kernel environment. Students learn the concept of network protocol
stack implementation/porting, embedded real-time system software architecture, and real-time
operating systems. They also learn to design and write programs as a collection of independent and
concurrent tasks, non-preemptive and preemptive multitasking, task scheduling, and task

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 151

synchronization and intertask communication, including semaphores and message queues.
Industry-standard RTOS will be used for practice and projects.
Prerequisites: CE450

CE523 Embedded Design in Device Driver Environment (3 credit hours)

This course investigates the operating system (Windows NT, Linux, or Unix) components that
interact with device drivers, the device driver building and debugging process, device driver
architecture, functionality, and the relevant kernel APIs. Topics include operating system
architecture; I/O API; operating system kernel; building, loading, and debugging device drivers;
device driver entry points; device driver data structures; I/O request processing; plug, play and
power management; interrupt-timers; memory management; direct memory access; and timing.
The goal of the course is to present comprehensive coverage of the operating system kernel, HAL,
device drivers, and the related APIs. On completion of the course, the student should be able to
develop, build, install, and test basic device drivers, as well as to port existing drivers from one
operating system to another. Hands-on practice is required.
Prerequisite: CE450

CE530 Embedded Software Design in Linux (3 credit hours)

This course prepares students to enter the challenging world of embedded Linux. It covers the
following key topics: comparing Linux and traditional embedded environments, comparing leading
embedded Linux processors, understanding the details of the Linux kernel initialization process,
learning the basic concepts about Linux drivers, learning about the special role of bootloaders in
embedded Linux systems with specific emphasis on U-Boot, using embedded Linux file systems,
understanding the Memory Technology Devices subsystem for flash (and other) memory devices,
mastering debugging tools such as gdb, KGDB, learning many tips and techniques for debugging
within the Linux kernel, learning how to maximize productivity in cross-development
environments, learning to prepare an entire development environment (including TFTP, DHCP, and
NFS target servers), and learning to configure, build, and initialize BusyBox to support a set of
unique requirements. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CE450

Computer Science

CS453G Compiler Design (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to give students a fundamental knowledge of compilers and interpreters
for modern computer languages. Topics include a study of modern computer languages, regular
expressions, lexical analysis, parsing techniques, context-free grammar, and syntax-directed
translation. Hands-on exercises and semester projects are required.
Prerequisite: CS350

CS455G Algorithms & Structured Programming (3 credit hours)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 152

This course introduces students to the design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms to solve
engineering problems using an object-oriented programming language. It covers the common
algorithms, algorithmic complexity, and data structures used to solve these problems. The course
concentrates on the design of algorithms and the analysis of their efficiency.
Prerequisite: CS350

CS457G Data Modeling and Implementation Techniques (3 credit hours)

This is the first of a series of courses designed to teach relational database concepts, design, and
applications. Topics include database architecture, relational models, structured query language
(SQL), data manipulation language (DML), data definition language (DDL), database design, ER
modeling, database normalization, denormalization, and physical database design. Popular
database systems, such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL servers, are used for hands-on exercises and
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250/CS457LG

CS457LG Database Technologies Lab (1 credit hour)

This drill course is designed to be taken concurrently with the CS457 Data Modeling and
Implementation Techniques course. The students gain hands-on experience in database
applications using popular database systems, including Oracle and Microsoft SQL servers. They are
also guided to work on database design projects.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250L/CS457G

CS470G Network Engineering and Management (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to introduce network communications. Topics include network-layered

models (OSI, TCP/IP), architecture, principles, service models and protocols, data communication
basics, switching, routing, security, network management, and wireless and mobile networks.
Modern Internet technologies and implementations are presented in case studies. Hands-on
exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS477G Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (3 credit hours)

An ethical hacker is usually employed by an organization that trusts him or her to attempt to
penetrate networks or computer systems, using the same methods as a hacker, for the purpose of
finding and fixing computer security vulnerabilities. This course goes into computer hacking
techniques in depth. The students leave with the ability to quantitatively assess and measure
threats to information assets and discover where the organization is most vulnerable to hacking.
This knowledge allows system administrators to deploy proactive countermeasures, stay ahead of
information security developments, and exploit vulnerabilities.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS478G Blockchain Technology and Applications (3 credit hours)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 153

This course explores the fundamentals and applications of blockchain technology, which is the
transparent, secure, immutable, and distributed database used currently as the underlying
technology for cryptocurrency. Types of blockchain will be introduced and studied with real-life
cases. Through practical cases and research assignments, this course will introduce students to the
workings and applications of this potentially disruptive technology and its potential impact on all
aspects of the business world and society.

CS480G Java and Internet Applications (3 credit hours)

This course introduces students to the Java language, programming with object-oriented
construct, GUI design and graphics programming, and core Java libraries. Students will learn Java
language basics such as syntax and classes, inheritance, interfaces, reflection, graphics
programming, event handling, user-interface components with Swing, Java applets, exception
handling, stream, and files. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250 or CS360/CS480LG

CS480LG Java Programming Lab (1 credit hour)

This is a drill course designed to be taken concurrently with the CS480 Java and Internet
Applications course. The students gain Java programming skills in this weekly lab course through
hands-on exercises that normally correspond with the lecture material offered each week.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250 or CS360L/CS480G

CS481G Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Science (3 credit hours)

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that combines mathematics, statistics, programming

languages, and specific domain knowledge. This course describes (1) the process of gaining
knowledge and insights from data in both a structured and an unstructured way and (2) scientific
methods, processes, algorithms, and systems that can be employed to design, develop, and
implement solutions to challenging novel and existing data science problems.
Prerequisite: MATH208

CS483G Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (3 credit hours)

This course covers artificial intelligence (AI) applications in problem-solving, reasoning, planning,
natural language understanding, computer vision, autonomous car navigation, machine learning,
business intelligence, robot design, and so on. In order to solve (AI) problems, the major
algorithms include machine learning, search, Markov decision processes, constraint satisfaction,
graphical models, and logic. The main goal of this course is to equip students with the tools in
the Python library to tackle a variety of AI problems in industries.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS483LG Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Lab (1 credit hour)

Students will learn Python programming in the Google Colab platform with numpy, pandas,
matplotlib, scikit-learn, seaborn, tensorflow models and Keras API to implement algorithms
covered in the lecture from different raw dataset sources. And they will have the chance to build

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systems for several hands-on design projects. In a two-hour lab session, students will become
familiar with algorithm functions in the aforementioned libraries to implement different data
processes in machine learning, search, Markov decision processes, constraint satisfaction,
graphical models, and logic and to optimize design system by plotting data process curves and
error analysis in the model.
Prerequisite: CS250L

CS485G JavaScript and Internet Programming (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to provide students with advanced programming knowledge and skills for
application development on the Internet. Students study both client-side and server-side scripting,
including HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, to develop interactive and responsive websites. Other topics
covered include jQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js Express Framework, RESTful API, MongoDB (NoSQL),
and various JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and React. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS500 Object-Oriented Design in Python (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to use object-oriented programming language to achieve the goal of
teaching the students the object-oriented design methodology for software development. The
objective is to develop the students’ programming ability with proper logical and object-oriented
thinking processes, as well as software design patterns. The course covers three main topics: (1)
object-oriented design and analysis: requirement analysis, design process, data abstraction,
encapsulation, aggregation, and inheritance; (2) design patterns: reusable solutions to commonly
occurring problems such as Abstract Factory, Observer, Command, Decorator, Adaptor, Iterator,
and State; and (3) Python language: data types, control structures, functions, parameter passing,
library functions, lists, tuples and dictionaries, I/O, modules, functional programming, and
advanced python syntax. Hands-on practices are required.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250/CS500L

CS500L Object-Oriented Design in Python Lab (1 credit hour)

This course is designed to be taken concurrently with the CS500 Object-oriented Analysis and Design
in Python course to practice object-oriented design and develop programming skills in Python.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: CS250/CS500

CS501 Practical Application of Algorithms (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to expand a student’s knowledge of algorithms by concentrating on the

practical application to solve real-world computational problems. Students will be trained in the
process of “Algorithmic Thinking,” allowing them to develop a good conceptual understanding and
improve their ability to solve challenging problems. Students will learn how to implement abstract
algorithmic thoughts in programs, explain them to others, and formulate simpler, more efficient
solutions to real-life problems faced during an interview or in the workplace.
Prerequisite: CS250

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CS510 Advanced UNIX/Linux Programming (3 credit hours)

This course is designed for students to gain fundamental knowledge of and hands-on experience
with programming in the UNIX/Linux environment. Students will learn to program in C with
UNIX/Linux system calls and will learn about other advanced topics such as the UNIX file system,
process control, signals, and inter-process communications. Students are required to do a term
project with a substantial amount of programming. On completion of this course, students should
be able to develop real-world UNIX/Linux applications. Hands-on practice and projects are
Prerequisites: CS230 and CS250

CS515 UNIX/Linux Network Programming (3 credit hours)

This course is designed for graduate students to gain hands-on experience in UNIX/Linux network
programming. The students will learn to develop UNIX/Linux network applications using a number
of UNIX/Linux network programming interface techniques including Sockets, XTI, and RPC. Topics
include an overview of transport layer (TCP/UDP), TCP sockets, UDP sockets, threads, and client-
server design, XTI, RPC, and Streams. Hands-on exercises and projects are required.
Prerequisites: CS230 and CS250

CS521 Software Project Management (3 credit hours)

This course teaches students to apply current software development approaches to managing
complex modern software projects. Practical strategies, tactics, and designs are discussed together
with realistic exercises. Topics include software development process, project planning,
requirements definition, design specification, usability engineering, verification and validation,
project and change management, and process quality improvement. Students are required to
participate in all course activities to develop a real-world software product.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS522 Software Quality Assurance and Test Automation (3 credit hours)

This course teaches students to learn practical static and dynamic techniques that allow software
development teams to engineer high-quality products. The course begins with an overview of
modern software development approaches. It then introduces quality management and test
development based on preventive and agile principles as well as quality risk analysis. It covers
system, integration, performance, and automated testing techniques. Quality improvement
models for software development and testing are discussed. Several test automation tools are
demonstrated in class. Students gain hands-on experience through assignments and exercises and
learn to evaluate real-world applications.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS526 Advanced Web Programming (3 credit hours)

This course teaches students how to build modern web applications with web application
frameworks. It helps students understand how the web application framework performs and
shows students how to use various features of the framework to solve many problems in real-

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world development scenarios they are likely to face. In the process, students will learn how to work
with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, the Object-relational Mapping Framework, and other web
technologies. Students will start by learning core concepts such as the Model-View-Controller
architectural pattern and then work their way toward advanced topics as well as mobile web
development techniques.
Prerequisite: CS250 or CS480

CS531 Python Applications Programming (3 credit hours)

This course introduces the fundamental and advanced features of Python programming language
and how to utilize them to develop Python applications. The students will start by learning about
the development environment, basic syntax, variable types, basic operators, control flows and
loops, functions, modules, files I/O, and exceptions. The course goes on to include advanced topics
such as classes/objects, object-oriented programming, regular expressions, multithreading,
interface with Linux commands, and C programs. On completion, the students will be able to
develop Python applications that involve CGI programming, database access, networking, XML
processing, GUI programming, and functional programming.
Prerequisites: CS230 and CS500

CS532 Advanced Internet Programming and Design (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to give the students an in-depth understanding of Java programming
techniques. The course focuses on advanced Java language features and packages that are
essential for building a variety of application architectures. Topics include Java techniques of XML,
JNI, thread, network programming, generic programming concepts, and internalization. On
completion of this course, the students should be well prepared to create enterprise-wide, Java-
centric solutions to client/server problems involving Java and networks. Each technology topic will
cover its uses, implementation, and language issues. Students are required to implement a project
for each Java technique. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CS480

CS535 Network Security Fundamentals (3 credit hours)

This course deals with security issues on the Internet and the web. Major topics include issues
related to Internet infrastructure and applications running on the Internet, techniques to reduce
security risks, and an introduction to the role of security as an enabling technology for electronic
commerce. The course includes an overview of Internet and web security, its applications and legal
issues, encryption and cryptography, SSL and browsers, web servers, and Java security.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS540 Advanced Database Administration (3 credit hours)

This course provides an in-depth understanding of the Oracle Database Management System. The
emphasis is on the latest Oracle database architecture, database configuration and administration.
Topics include logical/physical database layout, database server processes, database creation,
various database physical objects, client/server configuration, multithreaded server configuration,

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database storage management, database security, database utilities, database monitoring,
partitions, and database backup/recovery methods. Hands-on practice is required.
Prerequisite: CS457

CS547 Advanced Database Design and Analysis (3 credit hours)

This course is intended for graduate students to further explore database server development and
database tuning. The course specifically details procedural extensions to SQL to develop stored
procedures, functions, packages, and database triggers. In addition, it covers database
performance tuning from an application development point of view by exploring query optimizers,
database hints, and various database access methods. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CS457

CS548 Web Services Techniques and REST Technologies (3 credit hours)

This course covers the fundamental concepts of the 3-tier model commonly used in Enterprise
Application development. Topics include the Spring Framework, JDBC with database applications,
JPA (Java Persistence API), Hibernate, Spring MVC, Java Servlets, and JavaBeans. In addition, the
students will learn the best-practice development approach using the Sprint Framework with JDBC
or ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tools to map business domain object models to the
underlying relational database. At the end of this course, the students shall have a fresh view of
both the fundamental and advanced skills needed to implement large-scale enterprise systems.
Hands-on exercises are an integral part of the course.
Prerequisite: CS480

CS550 Machine Learning and Business Intelligence (3 credit hours)

This course introduces methods and techniques for using stored business data to make business
decisions. The student will learn data types, including operational or transactional data, such as
data for sales, cost, and inventory; nonoperational data, such as forecast data and macroeconomic
data; and metadata, as well as learn their patterns, associations, or relationships, and how to use
this information for decision-making. Modern data warehouse concepts will also be introduced.
Specific examples of businesses using data mining techniques will be given in the course. The
student is required to work on course projects by using modern data analysis software and
referring to cases studied.
Prerequisite: CS457

CS551 Mobile Computing for Android Mobile Devices (3 credit hours)

Google’s Android mobile phone software platform may be the next major opportunity for
application software developers. Android has the potential to remove the barriers to successful
development and sales of a new generation of mobile phone application software. Just as PCs have
created the markets for desktop and server software, Android will create a new market for mobile
applications by providing a standard mobile phone application environment. This hands-on course
focuses on developing applications for Android, including map-based applications, camera-based
applications, SMS, and the like. Advanced development topics are also covered, including security,
IPC, and certain advanced graphics and user interface techniques.

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Prerequisite: CS500

CS556 Mobile Applications on iPhone Platform (3 credit hours)

This course provides an in-depth study of the design, development, and publication of object-
oriented applications for the iPhone platform using Apple SDK. Students will learn to utilize Xcode,
SwiftUI, and UIKit to create iOS apps for iPhones.
Prerequisite: CS360 or CS500

CS565 Advanced Network Management (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to give graduate students an in-depth understanding of and hands-on
experience in the management of network systems and applications. Emphases are on simple
network management protocol (SNMP) management, MIB, management tools, systems, and
applications. Current widely used industry applications will be used to demonstrate management
concepts. Computer-based training software will be used to check/verify the students’ network
management skills in order to ensure they are prepared for the industry challenges. Topics include
Network Management fundamentals; OSIMAN, SNMP, and TMN standards; RMON and ITU TMN
architecture; inside structure and practical applications of SNMP, SNMP2, SNMP3, RMON, RMON2,
and MIBs. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite: CS470

CS570 Big Data Processing & Analytics (3 credit hours)

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the operating principles and hands-
on experience with mainstream big data computing systems such as MapReduce, Hadoop, and,
most recently, Apache Spark, a fast, in-memory distributed collections framework written in Scala.
Applying these techniques to big data processing and analytic problems, such as PageRank,
machining learning, and social network graph mining, will be discussed.
Prerequisite: CS500

CS571 Cloud Computing Infrastructure (3 credit hours)

This course first gives an overview of cloud computing infrastructure, including cloud computing
frameworks, patterns, virtualization, and applications, and then discusses container technologies
like Docker. According to Gartner (Gartner, Feb - 2019), by 2022, more than 75% of global
organizations will be running containerized applications in production. The course then focuses on
the discussion of the container orchestration system Kubernetes. Kubernetes is taking the app
development world by storm. It radically changes the way applications are built and deployed in
the cloud. Since its introduction in 2014, Kubernetes has become one of the largest and most
popular open-source projects in the world. Legend has it that Google deploys over two billion
application containers a week throughout Kubernetes.
Prerequisite: CS500

CS572 Blockchain Development (3 credit hours)

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 159

This course teaches the students the basics of blockchain technology as well as the languages and
tools required to build decentralized applications on the Ethereum platform. This course introduces
everything needed to understand technology, write smart contracts, and build applications that
interact with them. Participants will learn about the Ethereum platform, the programming
language Solidity, how to use Web3.js and the Truffle framework, and lastly, how to tie everything
together. Step by step, participants will build a fully functioning decentralized application, deploy
it, and evaluate it.
Prerequisite: CS500

CS575 Network Analysis and Testing (3 credit hours)

This course covers computer network analysis, testing techniques, and experience-based strategies
to isolate and solve network problems. Topics include wiring and cable testing issues, transmission
encoding techniques, dissecting the IEEE 48-bit MAC address, the impact of different types of
broadcast traffic, operational details and analysis considerations for switches, Ethernet and Token
Ring operational details and analysis, the IEEE 802.2 LLC protocol, datagrams and routing, IP
specifics, protocol analysis and troubleshooting, baselining throughput, and latency. Hands-on
exercises using a protocol analyzer are required to reinforce the topics.
Prerequisite: CS250

CS581 Cloud Security (3 credit hours)

This course covers the basics of cloud infrastructure technologies such as computers, storage,
containers, serverless, IAM, asset management, and more. Challenges of scalability and security in
multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud environments are examined. Students will learn how various
cybersecurity principles apply to cloud technology, such as Least Privilege, Defense in Depth,
Attack Vector, Trust Boundaries, and Shared Responsibility Model, among others.
Prerequisite: Cloud Computing Fundamentals

CS589 Special Topics (3 credit hours)

Special topics courses are offered to graduate students in the Computer Science program by
current faculty members or invited guest speakers to expose the students to emerging
technologies related to their studies. These courses are conducted the same way as regular
Prerequisite: Depending on topic

CS595 Computer Science Capstone Course (3 credit hours)

Under the guidance of the course instructor, the capstone course is intended to integrate the
knowledge and hands-on experience that the student has acquired from the foundation, core, and
elective coursework required for the program in the course. The instructor determines the course
objectives and scope based on the computer science curriculum and technology trend and guides
the students to develop their integration ability. The student shall take the capstone course near
the end of his/her program of study.
Prerequisite: Must be in the final semester of the program.

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Curricular Practicum

CPT501 Curricular Practicum (1 credit hour)

Curricular practicum, or curricular practical training, is a supervised practical experience that is the
application of previously studied theory. The curricular practicum must provide students with
valuable learning experience and must significantly increase their knowledge in their program of
study. It is defined as alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type
of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative
agreements with the school, and the course is an integral part of an established curriculum. At
least three hours of work in a practical setting has the credit equivalency of one hour of classroom
lecture (1 credit hour). To be eligible to take this course, the student must be in good standing,
have completed at least two semesters of coursework required in his/her degree program,
and have obtained a written agreement that outlines the arrangement between the institution and
the practicum site (including specific learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation
criteria), and received approval by a designated advisor. F-1 international students must follow
additional rules required by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Information and
instructions concerning this course are provided in the online application form.

This is a part-time practicum course taken by the graduate student to work no more than twenty
hours each week during the approved practicum period. Failure in this course will prevent the
student from taking any curricular practicum course afterward.

Prerequisite: Refer to the instructions on the application and agreement documents.

CPT502 Curricular Practicum (2 credit hours)

Curricular practicum, or curricular practical training, is a supervised practical experience that is the
application of previously studied theory. The curricular practicum must provide students with
valuable learning experience and must significantly increase their knowledge in their program of
study. It is defined as alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type
of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative
agreements with the school, and the course is an integral part of an established curriculum. At
least three hours of work in a practical setting has the credit equivalency of one hour of classroom
lecture (1 credit hour). To be eligible to take this course, the student must be in good standing,
have completed at least two semesters of coursework required in his/her degree program,
and have obtained a written agreement that outlines the arrangement between the institution and
the practicum site (including specific learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation
criteria), and received approval by a designated advisor. F-1 international students must follow
additional rules required by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Information and
instructions concerning this course are provided in the online application form.

This is a full-time practicum course taken by the graduate student to work more than twenty hours
but not to exceed forty hours each week during the approved practicum period. Failure in this
course will prevent the student from taking any curricular practicum course afterward.

Prerequisite: Refer to the instructions on the application and agreement documents.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 161

Data Science

DS500 Mathematics and Statistics for Data Science (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the fundamental
mathematical and statistical concepts essential for success in the field of data science. It aims to
equip students with the necessary quantitative skills to analyze and interpret data, make informed
decisions, and derive meaningful insights from complex datasets.
Prerequisite: MATH208

DS501 Python Programming for Data Science (3 credit hours)

In this foundation course, students will embark on a journey to master the fundamental
programming skills required for effective data analysis and manipulation using the Python
programming language. Throughout the course, the instructor will engage students in hands-on
coding exercises and projects to reinforce their learning. Students will be equipped with the skills
necessary to tackle data science challenges and develop programs to perform data analysis using
Prerequisite: CS250

DS512 Data Engineering (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the key
principles, techniques, and tools involved in data engineering. As organizations increasingly rely on
data-driven decision-making, the role of data engineers has become critical in managing,
processing, and transforming raw data into valuable insights. Students will explore various data
storage solutions, data processing and integration, data warehousing, data security, and
scalability/performance optimization.

DS520 Deep Learning (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to provide students with a solid understanding of the core concepts,
techniques, and applications of deep learning (DL). Deep learning, a subset of machine learning,
has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and has become an impetus behind
advancements in various domains, including computer vision, natural language processing, and
speech recognition. Students will learn the concepts of neural networks (CNNs & RNNs),
the development of generative models, and applications of DL in artificial intelligence.
Prerequisite: CS500 or DS501

DS540 Natural Language Processing (NLP) (3 credit hours)

Natural language processing (NLP) is the subfield within data science involving supervised and
unsupervised learning of textual data. This course presents the fundamental concepts, methods,
and applications of NLP. It covers tokenization, syntactic and semantic analysis, named entity
recognition, part-of-speech tagging, text classification, machine translation, sentiment analysis,
and language models. It also covers different models and algorithms, such as n-grams, Hidden
Markov Models, text classifiers, and recurrent neural networks. Practical assignments and projects

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allow students to apply their knowledge to real-world applications and use cases such as sentiment
analysis, chatbot development, and search engine relevance.
Prerequisite: DS500

DS565 Generative AI-Driven Intelligent Apps Development (3 credit hours)

In the fast-changing world of technology, the demand for intelligent applications powered by AI
and ML is rapidly increasing. This course aims to provide students with the necessary expertise to
develop cutting-edge applications and harness the potential of generative AI technology.
Intelligent apps using generative AI technology stand apart from traditional apps by offering
enhanced creativity, adaptive learning, personalized user experiences, automation, and decision-
making capabilities, and human-like conversational abilities.

This course equips students with the skills to develop innovative apps that leverage the power of
AI. Topics include an introduction to generative AI, deep learning, and machine learning
techniques; implementing generative models for various domains; ethical considerations; and
deploying AI-driven apps. Through hands-on projects and real-world case studies, students gain
practical experience in designing and deploying generative AI models within a development
framework. By the end of the course, students are prepared to contribute to the field of intelligent
app development with a strong understanding of AI ethics.
Prerequisite: CS500 or DS501

DS589 Special Topics (3 credit hours)

Special topics courses are offered to graduate students in the Data Science program by current
faculty members or invited guest speakers to expose the students to emerging technologies
related to their studies. These courses are conducted the same way as regular courses.
Prerequisite: Depending on the topic

DS595 Data Science Capstone Course (3 credit hours)

Under the guidance of the course instructor, the capstone course is intended to integrate the
knowledge and hands-on experience that the student has acquired from the foundation, core, and
elective coursework required for the program in the course. The instructor determines the course
objectives and scope based on the data science curriculum and technology trend and guides the
students to develop their integration ability. The student shall take the capstone course near the
end of his/her program of study.
Prerequisite: Must be in the final semester of the program.

Electrical Engineering

EE461G Digital Design and HDL (3 credit hours)

This course develops the student’s ability to design commonly used basic building blocks of modern
digital systems and provides them with a fundamental knowledge of state-of-the-art design
methodology, design considerations, and verification strategies for complicated digital hardware

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 163

design. Topics include Verilog HDL basics, logic modeling, state machine design, and memory
modeling using Verilog HDL. Additional topics on FPGA architecture, device vendors, FPGA design
tools, FPGA applications, and the latest trends in the programmable logic industry are also
covered. Students can use Verilog tools such as Synopsys VCS, Mentor Modelsim, Cadence NC
Verilog, and Silo III Verilog Simulator from SimuCAD for their homework and design projects.
Hands-on practice is required. Students are encouraged to take the HDL-based sequence of
courses EE461 and EE512 to gain knowledge and experience in semicustom IC design using
industry-grade EDA design tools.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Logic Design/EE461LG

EE461LG Digital Design and HDL Lab (1 credit hour)

This is a drill course designed to be taken concurrently with the EE461G Digital Design and HDL
course. The students gain hands-on experience with Verilog simulation tools to learn logic design.
They will have the chance to work on several design projects. They will also learn the essentials of
several popular scripting languages: Perl, Python, and Unix/Linux Shell.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Logic Design/EE461G

EE468G Microelectronics Circuit Design and Analysis (3 credit hours)

This course provides an in-depth understanding of electronic circuit design and analysis at the
transistor level. It is taken in preparation for studying more advanced analog or digital courses. The
topics include differential and multistage amplifiers, current source and bias circuits, amplifier
frequency response and feedback, output stages, operational amplifiers, inverters, combinational
logic, and sequential logic. The lab is run in conjunction with the course material, and industry-
standard CAD tools are applied.
Prerequisite: Circuit Theory

EE488G Computer Architecture (3 credit hours)

This course introduces the organization, design, and applications of modern computer architecture
from both the hardware and software perspectives. Topics include performance benchmarks,
instruction sets (for both RISC and CISC), computer arithmetic, memory, parallelism (instruction,
data, and thread levels), I/O and storage, multicore processors and programming, and GPU
(graphics processing unit). Hands-on labs involving HDL and SPIM simulations, assemblers, linkers,
and multithread programming are required to enhance classroom learning.
Prerequisites: EE461 and CS250

EE504 Advanced Computer Architecture (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to further investigate modern computer design introduced in course
EE488G. Topics include an in-depth study of multiprocessor architecture and interconnection
networks, pipelines, data flow, algorithm structures, memory system design, cache memory
design, and a comparison of the performance and design among various computer architectures.
Hands-on project experience is required.
Prerequisite: EE461

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EE505 Advanced Digital IC Design (3 credit hours)

This advanced course in digital circuit design applies the knowledge of advanced circuit design
concepts to digital IC in state-of-the-art CMOS technologies. It emphasizes the design and
optimization of circuits/layouts for combinational logic gates, sequential logic circuits, arithmetic
building blocks, and memory circuits. The challenges of today’s digital integrated circuit design,
such as scaling, process variation, signal integrity, timing issues, interconnectivity, and power
consumption, will be addressed specially. The circuit simulation tool (HSPICE), layout design tool
(Virtuoso), and schematic entry tool (Composer) are used for homework assignments and projects.
Prerequisite: EE461

EE508 VLSI Design - Place and Route (3 credit hours)

This course is the third in the VLSI design series and introduces ASIC place and route. The course
introduces the students to state-of-the-art physical design automation tools and techniques.
Topics include design flow, library review, tool graphical interface, floor planning, power planning,
timing-driven placement, static time analysis (STA), CT-Gen, special routing, final routing,
engineering change order (ECO), and run batch mode jobs. Hands-on exercises and projects are
Prerequisite: EE461

EE509 Mobile and Wireless Communication (3 credit hours)

This course covers the concepts of frequency reuse, wireless communication channel
characteristics, modulation and demodulation for wireless communications, equalization and
channel coding, speech coding, multiple access techniques such as FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, FDD and
TDD, and commercial wireless communication standards such as AMPS, GSM, IS136 (TDMA), and
IS-95 (CDMA). Hands-on simulations are used to help students gain an in-depth understanding of
wireless communication. Familiarity with communication theory and simulation tools such as
MATLAB or System View is required.

Note: This is an introductory course on wireless technologies. Any topic, such as GSM, TDMA, or
CDMA, can be expanded to a full-semester course under Special Topics offerings.)
Prerequisite: CE450

EE511 Advanced Analog IC Design (3 credit hours)

This course offers students extensive exposure to concepts and techniques in the analysis and
design of analog IC, including device modeling, basic circuit building blocks, feedback system,
frequency response, and noise. EDA tools may be used in homework assignments and projects.
Prerequisite: EE461

EE512 Application Specific Integrated Circuit Design (ASIC) (3 credit hours)

In connection with EE461, this course is designed for students who intend to become logic
designers using HDL-based design methodologies. Topics include ASIC/CPLD/FPGA Library
modeling, cell characterization, static timing analysis, place and route algorithms, design for

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testability, fault modeling, industry-standard formats for design information interchange, and a
survey of the most popular EDA tools. Industry-grade design tools such as Synopsys Design
Compiler, Cadence Verilog-XL, Synopsys DesignTime (under dc_shell), Synopsys Prime Time,
Cadence Silicon Ensemble, Mentor Calibre LVS/DRC, and Synplicity Synplify are used for homework
assignments and projects.
Prerequisite: EE461

EE517 Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) (3 credit hours)

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to make “things,” including consumer electronic devices or
home appliances, such as refrigerators, security cameras, and temperature sensors, part of the
Internet environment. To realize the full potential of the IoT paradigm, this introductory course will
address challenges and the various solutions available. The course content will cover IoT concepts
and architecture, IoT enablers and solutions, IoT data and knowledge management, and IoT
security and reliability. The students will need to complete a term project to demonstrate the
concept of IoT for a chosen application based on an embedded system or a development platform.
Prerequisites: CS230 and CS250

EE520 Advanced FPGA Design and Implementations (3 credit hours)

Digital design using FPGAs is a particularly important activity in industries due to reduced costs,
compared with ASIC design, and faster time-to-market. To design a digital system using FPGA, the
designers must understand the architecture of the FPGA as well as the accompanying CAD tools.
The course will cover two major Xilinx FPGA architectures in detail. The student will learn to build
various digital blocks such as combinational logic, sequential logic, finite state machines, RAM, and
DSP by studying the architectures of the FPGAs. Hands-on exercises are required.
Prerequisite: EE461

EE553 System on Chip (SoC) Design (3 credit hours)

System on Chip (SoC) is composed of many functional modules such as processor, memory, digital
IPs, analog/mixed-signal modules, RF, and interfaces on a single chip. This course will focus on
ARM-based on-chip bus platforms, digital IP verification, and the trend and integration of SoC.
Prerequisite: EE488

EE577 Design Verification with System Verilog (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to cover the design verification methodologies commonly used in system-
on-chip (SoC) design. Topics include design verification basics, introduction of various verification
strategies, verification of soft and hard IP blocks, verification for networking/communication ASIC,
verification for audio/video signal processing ASIC, how to build an efficient and effective
verification platform, automation of verification flow, test case coverage, how to create design
models using PLI routine, formal verification, and more. The students will also be informed that
design verification is becoming the bottleneck in modern ASIC design cycles, especially in system-
on-chip (SoC) design. The verification cycle could consume 70% of the design cycle.
Prerequisite: EE461

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 166

EE589 Special Topics (3 credit hours)

Special topics courses are offered to graduate students in the Electrical Engineering program by
current faculty members or invited guest speakers to expose the students to emerging
technologies related to their studies. These courses are conducted the same way as regular
Prerequisite: Depending on topic

EE595 Electrical Engineering Capstone Course (3 credit hours)

Under the guidance of the course instructor, the capstone course is intended to integrate the
knowledge and hands-on experience that the student has acquired from the foundation, core, and
elective coursework required for the program. The instructor determines the course objectives and
scope based on the electrical engineering curriculum and technology trend and guides the students
to develop their integration ability. The student shall take the capstone course near the end of
his/her program of study.
Prerequisite: Must be in the final semester of the program.

Professional Development

P450G Career Development (1 credit hour)

This course is designed for graduate students to take in preparation for becoming working
professionals. Topics include effective communication strategies, emotional intelligence, diversity
and cultural awareness, professional behavior, and interview skills.


2024 – 2025 University Catalog 167

Business — Undergraduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions
For the undergraduate program, lower- division courses are numbered in the 100s and 200s, and
upper-division courses are numbered in the 300s and 400s. For information on subjects numbered
500 and above, refer to the Business – Graduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions
Course No. Description
100–199 Freshman-level courses
200–299 Sophomore-level courses
300–399 Junior-level courses
400–499 Senior-level courses
450–499 Senior-level specialized skills courses taken
for undergraduate-level credit
450G–499G Cross-listed specialized skills courses taken
for graduate-level credits
500–599 Graduate-level courses

Courses are listed by subjects: Accounting, Business Analytics, Business Law, Curricular Practicum,
Economics, Finance, General Business, Management, Marketing, and Career Development. Each
course description is followed by any prerequisite or corequisite information.

Each 1-credit-hour lab course requires at least 2 contact hours of lab work each week. Each 1
credit hour of a practicum course requires at least 45 contact hours of practical experience related
to the student’s program curriculum.

Accounting (3 credit hours required)

ACC110 Financial Accounting (3 credit hours; required)

This is the study of accounting as an information system, examining why it is important and how it
is used by investors, creditors, and others to make decisions. The course covers the accounting
information system, including recording and reporting of business transactions with a focus on the
accounting cycle, the application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), financial
statements, and statement analysis. It includes issues relating to assets, liability, and equity
valuation; revenue and expense recognition; cash flow; internal controls; and ethics.

ACC110L Financial Accounting Lab (1 credit hour)

This lab course is designed to be taken concurrently with the ACC110 Financial Accounting course.
However, it is a separate course with its own syllabus and topics. This lab includes an introduction
to software accounting tools such as QuickBooks (or an alternative as designated by the
instructor). In this lab, students will learn about software accounting tools to manage business
accounting tasks such as the sales process, tracking revenue, tracking expenses, inventory, bank
reconciliation, reports and graphs, company file setup, and maintenance.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 168

ACC120 Managerial Accounting (3 credit hours)

This course studies how managers use accounting information in decision-making, planning,
directing operations, and controlling. It focuses on cost terms and concepts, cost behavior, cost
structure, and cost-volume-profit analysis. Issues relating to cost systems, cost control, profit
planning, and performance analysis in manufacturing and service environments are included.

ACC120L Managerial Accounting Lab (1 credit hour)

This lab course is designed to be taken concurrently with the ACC120 Managerial Accounting
course. However, it is a separate course with its own syllabus and topics. Topics include company
file setup and maintenance, inventory, sales tax, time and billing, payroll setup, payroll processing,
adjustments, and the yearend procedures.

Hands-on practice is required.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC120 or ACC110L

ACC450 Cost Accounting (3 credit hours)

This class applies the essentials of financial accounting to the practice of management. Students
will understand cost definitions, cost concepts, cost behavior, and cost estimation. In addition,
they will learn how cost accounting is applied to manufacturing and service organizations, the
principles of planning and control for effective cost-related management, capital budgeting, and
cash flow statements, and how to analyze financial statements.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC110 or ACC120 or equivalent, or upper-division/graduate-level

ACC451 Intermediate Accounting - I (3 credit hours)

Designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers as accounting professionals, this
course enhances the student’s understanding of the principles of accounting. Topics include
understanding financial accounting and accounting standards, financial statement preparation,
required disclosures, and in-depth study of current assets, revenue recognition, and fixed assets.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC120 or ACC450 or equivalent

ACC451L Intermediate Accounting - I Lab (1 credit hour)

This lab course is designed to be taken concurrently with the ACC451 Intermediate Accounting - I
course. However, it is a separate course with its own separate syllabus and topics. On completing
this practical lab, students will be able to manage complex accounting situations using real-world
examples from the accounting topics covered in ACC451. During class meetings, students will
interact with specific issues such as multiyear accrual recognition of delayed revenues and in-
depth study of current assets and determine how to address them both theoretically and in the
finer details of recording. Students may have to modify their accounting software configuration to
reflect the given issue according to their accounting needs properly.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC120L or ACC450 or equivalent

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 169

ACC452 Intermediate Accounting - II (3 credit hours)

This course is a continuation of Intermediate Accounting – I (ACC451). Subject matter includes

current and long-term liabilities, stockholders’ equity, investments, pension and postretirement
benefits, leases, and cash flow statements.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC451 or equivalent

ACC490 Introduction to Taxation (3 credit hours)

This course covers taxation concepts applied to an individual’s income, deductions, credits,
property transactions, and tax accounting methods. An understanding of the concepts will enable
students to prepare quality individual income tax returns as a professional. The course will also
cover taxation rules governing financial planning.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Upper-division/graduate-level status

Business Analytics (3 credit hours required; 12 credit hours required for BAN concentration)
Note: BAN5xx courses may also be used to meet BAN’s 12 credit-hour concentration requirement.

BAN223 SQL and Relational Databases (3 credit hours)

The course emphasizes using SQL/RDMSs as a tool in support of business and data analytics. After
completing this course, students will be able to explain the theory and best practices supporting
relational database management systems (RDMSs) and be able to use SQL’s (Structured Query
Language) friendly approach for entering, retrieving, updating, and sorting data, calculating
statistics, and modifying the structure of the internal data storage tables. Time permitting, using a
programming language to establish remote connections will also be covered.

BAN335 Python Introduction for Commerce (3 credit hours)

Python is a popular and flexible general-purpose programming language with a wide variety of
libraries, including database interfaces, mathematical and stochastic modeling, functions for
business analytics supporting decision-making, graphical interface toolkits for visual analytics,
image handlers, HTTP-based dashboard support, and many more. This course takes a balanced
approach, with students learning the core mechanics of the language and how to apply Python to
analytics and commercial applications via instructor-led course assignments and projects.

Note 1: It is suggested that analytical students wishing to use Python in the future for database
connections first take BAN223.

Note 2: School of Business students may substitute BAN335 with CS250/CS250L, with the latter
counting towards BSBA selectable or elective credit hours.

BAN337 JavaScript (3 credit hours)

JavaScript is a versatile, dynamic programming language with a high degree of interoperability,

which makes it ideal for front-end information handling, clean data assurance, and
the implementation of lightweight front-end algorithms. After completing this course, students will

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 170

have a working knowledge of JavaScript’s core, client-side, and, if time permits, server-side
functionalities. Students will be able to use their JavaScript skills to present visual analytics, check
and process customer data, preprocess client files before sending them to the backend for
additional analysis and processing, add interactivity to customer-facing websites, provide
connections to backend databases, and call other languages. The course examples and assignment
will include examples from the field of business analytics.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: MKT221 or BAN335 or knowledge of a computer programming language

(excluding SQL)

Note 1: With respect to supporting server-side content and applications, it is suggested, but not
required, that School of Business students learn JavaScript after learning SQL and Python.

Note 2: School of Business students may substitute BAN337 with CS485, with the latter counting
towards BSBA selectable or elective credit hours.

BAN452 Excel for Finance, Accounting & Analytics (3 credit hours)

Excel is a widely used tool, and its skillful use provides multiple benefits over one’s professional
career. Students will learn to master many areas of Excel’s flexibility, including graphics,
conditional formatting, sorting, pivot tables, conditional calculations, data loading, and the use of
Excel’s powerful functions and Analysis Tool Pak/Solver extensions. Time permitting, business
modeling will be introduced.

BAN455 Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP (3 credit hours)

After completing this course, students will be able to implement industrial- scale business
algorithms and process complex data sets and business models with active code to powerful
backend analytics and relational database engines. Students will learn how to add smart logic and
information- passing connections using server-side languages/scripts such as Python or PHP.
Students are expected to have access to a computer or cloud account on which they will install a
web server, database, and Python or PHP for the programming language as determined by the

Recommendation: A working knowledge of HTML and a procedural programming language

BAN460 Introduction to Business Analytics (3 credit hours) - Required

This course teaches the basics of business analytics. The students learn to use popular data analysis
tools to analyze business data for the purpose of understanding business trends, making business
forecasts, and improving an organization’s decision-making and business strategies.
Recommendation: A working knowledge of Excel and statistics

BAN460L Introduction to Business Analytics Lab (1 credit hour)

This course will be taken concurrently with the BAN460 Introduction to Business Analytics course.
The students gain hands-on experience with business analytics and learn to use popular data
analysis tools.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 171

BAN463 Data Visualization (3 credit hours)

Students will learn how to explore data and provide insight to others using data visualization
techniques. After completing this course, students will be able to design, develop, analyze, and
interpret various types of visualizations. They will also be able to develop compelling
presentations and insightful stories based on a given case study. The approach used will include
theory as well as a hands-on component.

BAN470 Intro to Machine Learning Prediction Modeling and Forecasting (3 credit hours)

Students will gain a working knowledge of applying machine learning to real-world business
prediction, forecasting, and decision-making. After an introduction to the history and theory of
machine learning, students will then learn how to compare and contrast the benefits of various
models/algorithms and select the best models for the task at hand; prepare and import data,
address data anomalies; train, modify, and optimize their models; perform final model
evaluation; and make recommendations to decision-makers based on their model’s predictions.

Prerequisite: BAN452 or equivalent, or a computer science course in artificial intelligence,

machine learning, data science, or algorithms

BAN472 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) (3 credit hours)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to artificial intelligence (AI), covering its
history, fundamental concepts, applications, risks, and mitigation strategies. It offers insights into
AI components and technologies, development processes, and ethical considerations, preparing
students to understand the evolving world of AI.

Note: This course is not open to students enrolled in the School of Engineering without prior
written approval from the Engineering Department Chair. Engineering students are encouraged to
take CS483/CS483L Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence.

Business Law (3 credit hours required)

BLAW310 Introduction to Business Law (3 credit hours; required)

This course is designed as an introductory-level course in U.S. business law. The focus will be on
preparing students to spot potential legal issues in the operation of businesses so they can operate
legally and know when to consult an attorney before taking action. The course begins with an
overview of the fundamental structures and processes of the U.S. legal system. Topics include
sources of law and ethics, contracts, torts, agency, criminal law, business organizations, and
judicial and administrative processes. Emphasis is placed on fundamental legal principles
pertaining to business transactions.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 172

Business (3 credit hours required)

BUS450 Professional and Technical Writing (3 credit hours; required)

This course presents students with practical instructions about communicating in different kinds of
academic and workplace environments, as well as professional/technical communities. Students
will learn how to organize and produce common professional writing work, such as technical
reports, white papers, proposals, theses, and resumes. The course also covers different forms of
effective writing, writing styles, approaches, formats, and citations of referenced materials.

BUS493 Senior Project (3 credit hours)

This instructor-driven course implements a senior project as a culminating undergraduate

experience in a student’s professional area of interest, wherein students successfully demonstrate
mastery of specialized knowledge and effectively communicate their results in writing and in oral
presentations. Projects may later be used to showcase a student’s skills to potential industry
employers or as material to support graduate-level studies.

Prerequisite: Open to School of Business undergraduate students who have earned 90 semester
credit hours before starting their senior project.

Curricular Practicum

CPT401 Curricular Practicum (1 credit hour)

Curricular practicum, or curricular practical training, is a supervised practical experience that

applies previously studied theory. The curricular practicum must provide students with valuable
learning experience and must significantly increase their knowledge in their program of study. It is
defined as an integral part of an established curriculum and an alternative work/study, internship,
cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by
sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school. At least 3 hours of work in
a practical setting have the credit equivalency of 1 hour of classroom lecture (1 credit hour). To be
eligible to take this course, the student must be in good standing, have completed at least two
semesters of coursework required in his/her degree program, and have obtained a written
agreement that outlines the arrangement between the institution and the practicum site
(including specific learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation criteria), and received
approval from a designated advisor. F-1 international students must follow additional rules
required by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Students must use SFBU’s online tool
to submit their application to take this course before meeting with a designated advisor to assess
eligibility. Information and instructions concerning this course are provided in the application form.
This is a part-time practicum course taken by the undergraduate student to work no more than 20
hours each week during the approved practicum period. Failure on this course will prevent the
student from taking any other curricular practicum course.

Prerequisite: Refer to the instructions in the application and agreement documents.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 173

CPT402 Curricular Practicum (2 credit hours)

Curricular practicum, or curricular practical training, is a supervised practical experience that

applies previously studied theory. The curricular practicum must provide students with valuable
learning experience and must significantly increase their knowledge in their program of study. It is
defined as an integral part of an established curriculum and an alternative work/study, internship,
cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by
sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school. At least 3 hours of work in
a practical setting have the credit equivalency of 1 hour of classroom lecture (1 credit hour). To be
eligible to take this course, the student must be in good standing, have completed at least two
semesters of coursework required in his/her degree program, obtain a written agreement that
outlines the arrangement between the institution and the practicum site (including specific
learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation criteria), and receive approval from a
designated advisor. F-1 international students must follow additional rules required by the U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Students must use SFBU’s online tool to submit their
application for this course before meeting with a designated advisor to assess eligibility.
Information and instructions concerning this course are provided in the application form. This is a
full-time practicum course that requires the undergraduate student to work more than 20 hours
but does not exceed 40 hours each week during the approved practicum period. Failure on this
course will prevent the student from taking any other curricular practicum course.

Prerequisite: Refer to the instructions in the application and agreement documents.

Economics (6 credit hours required)

ECON201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours; required)

This introductory course focuses on aggregate economic analysis. Topics include aggregate
measures of economic activity, macroeconomic equilibrium, money and financial institutions,
monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, and economic growth.

(Lower Division GE – Social Sciences area for nonbusiness majors)

ECON202 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours; required)

This is an introductory course focusing on the choices of individual economic decision-makers.

Topics include scarcity, specialization and trade, market equilibrium, elasticity, production and cost
theory, market structures, factor markets, and market failure.

(Lower Division GE – Social Sciences area for nonbusiness majors)

Finance (3 credit hours required)

FIN310 Fundamentals of Finance (3 credit hours; required)

This course introduces students to the world of finance. Financial management is concerned with
the efforts of the corporation’s managers to raise and allocate capital in a manner that will
maximize and stabilize the firm’s future cash flow. This course examines the concepts and

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 174

techniques available to financial managers as they address various aspects of financing and
investment questions. Topics include financial background, a review of accounting, financial
statements, and taxes, cash flow and financial analysis, the financial system and interest, time
value of money, the valuation and characteristics of bonds, the valuation and characteristics of
stocks, risk and return, capital budgeting, and international finance. A case study will be applied to
assist students’ learning.


MGT310 Principles of Management (3 credit hours; required)

This course is designed for students to learn the basic skills, applications, and foundations of
management. Specifically, students will learn organizational structure and environment, as well as
develop skills in planning, organizing, leadership, motivation, decision-making, communication,
negotiation, and managing information for decision-making. This course serves as a foundation for
a more in-depth study of various aspects of management covered in other courses.

Preparation Recommendation: ECON201, ECON202

MGT450 Organizational Behavior and Management (3 credit hours)

This course explores the complex dimensions of organizational behavior, including examining
experiential and conceptual approaches to communication, self-awareness, perception,
motivation, problem-solving, and culture. Students apply interpersonal and intrapersonal
exploration to manage change, leadership theories, and organizational issues.

MGT451 Project Management (3 credit hours; required)

This course introduces the principles of project and program management, the roles of project
management, matrix organization in both private and public segments, and project management
techniques leading to the efficient execution and completion of projects.

Proposal development, case studies, and independent projects are required.

MGT460 Production and Operations Management (3 credit hours)

This course balances the theory and practice of production and operations management, covering
quantitative, qualitative, and behavioral aspects. Students will learn how to identify and apply
strategies, business process design principles, and quantitative techniques. This knowledge will
then be applied to optimize business operations, enhance efficiency, and improve
competitiveness. Students will develop quantitative models and use software tools such as
Microsoft Excel Analysis Tool Pak and Solver to create solutions for multivariate operational
constraints. Typical control cases include service and product design choices, sales forecasting,
scheduling, metrics for production/inventory control, statistical quality control, and logistical

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 175

MGT460L Production and Operations Management Lab (1 credit hour)

Designed to be taken with MGT460, during this hands-on lab course, students will learn software-
based techniques to solve various time, labor, material, forecasting, and capacity issues; take
control of the conversion process from input to outputs; and perform cost optimizations in classic
production planning and operations scenarios. This course is designed to be taken concurrently
with the MGT460 course. However, it is a separate course with its own separate syllabus and
topics. Students will be expected to develop their own mathematical models, transform their
models into software-based implementations, and then determine the optimized best-fit business
solution. Students should be comfortable with, or refresh themselves on, solving multivariate
simultaneous equations before the first meeting. Students should also be comfortable installing
software on their machines or using cloud-based services.

MGT480 Entrepreneurship (3 credit hours; required)

This course explores the full range of entrepreneurial processes, including the evaluation,
development, and creation of a successful business. It will help potential entrepreneurs and
professionals visualize and experience entrepreneurial development. The course explores the
entrepreneurial approach to resources, such as developing an organizational structure, market
analysis, financing entrepreneurial ventures, and screening venture opportunities. Individuals will
experiment and evaluate what it takes to be an entrepreneur, including developing a plan for a
new business.

MGT482 Launching Innovative Startups (3 credit hours)

From introduction to mastery, this hands-on project-based course is ideal for entrepreneurs, future
entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators alike. To put your dream into action, the logical
entrepreneur development process will be covered from the ideation and business modeling
phases through the funding and marketing launch phases. Discussions are flexible, with student-
suggested topics welcome, such as design thinking, lean startup, validating the market opportunity,
tips for successful startup team management, low-cost marketing tactics, pricing strategy, etc.

MGT491 Lean Business - Creating Efficient Business (3 credit hours)

This course addresses methods for validating your idea and stress-testing it for business efficiency
by emulating proven lean practices in modern organizations. Topics include defining customer
value through qualitative and quantitative techniques, presenting an early-stage product/service
concept in business terms using Lean Canvas, and using the minimum viable product (MVP) to
ensure opportunity validation. The product/service concept is then validated against customer
desirability, viability, and feasibility. Value-stream analysis is then used to confirm efficient process

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 176

Marketing (3 credit hours required)

MKT221 HTML & CSS Web Page Construction (3 credit hours; required)

Students completing this course will gain a deep and technically accurate understanding of how
websites work, display and gather data, and become proficient using HTML & CSS to create,
modify, and maintain user-facing (client side) web pages. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is
the web page’s working language surrounding content. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) provide a
consistent look and feel styling across the website. Time permitting, the instructor may also
introduce other technologies, such as JavaScript and SQL, and explain how they bring advanced
functionality to a website.

MKT310 Principles of Marketing (3 credit hours; required)

This course introduces the major marketing principles, marketing’s role within the company, and
its role in the global economy. Studies will focus on how to find marketing opportunities with
market segmentation, how to get information for marketing decisions, the elements of product
planning and new product development, wholesalers and retailers and their strategies, pricing, and

MKT450 Marketing Management (3 credit hours)

This course studies marketing management by analyzing real-world cases. Students will learn to
implement and execute the marketing process through situation assessment, strategy formulation,
marketing planning, and marketing implementation and evaluation.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: MKT310 or upper-division/graduate-level status

MKT483 Monetizing Intellectual Property (3 credit hours)

Intellectual property (IP) is a firm’s most valuable asset. Ideal for social media content creators and
going beyond traditional IP definition and usage, students in this course will learn innovative
models and interesting strategies for generating capital and value from intangible assets. The
rapidly growing U.S. market for leasing intellectual property is already greater than $63 billion per
year. Course topics include Outright Sales, Third-Party Licensing, Royalty Securitizations, Bowie
Bonds, Collateralization, Donations, Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets and Patents, etc. This
course contains assignments with research and role-playing.

MKT491 The Art of Negotiation (3 credit hours)

This course will enable students to acquire comprehensive knowledge and develop advanced skills
to navigate complex negotiation scenarios and influence various stakeholders, including
customers, vendors, managers, peers, and direct reports. Throughout the course, students will
analyze and apply theories and practical strategies to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes,
commonly known as win-win solutions. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of a strategic
mindset, disciplined preparation, and the development of key interpersonal skills that are crucial
for achieving desired objectives in negotiations. Students will engage in real-world and practical
applications through case studies and simulations relevant to Silicon Valley. They will analyze
various negotiation contexts, including entertainment and sports, and participate in projects

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 177

focused on negotiating to maximize profitability. By integrating real-world examples with
theoretical concepts, this course prepares students to apply negotiation skills effectively in diverse
business environments.

Professional Development

P450 Career Development (1 credit hour; required)

This course is designed for students to take in preparation for becoming working professionals.
Topics include effective communication strategies, emotional intelligence, diversity and cultural
awareness, professional behavior, and interview skills.

Note: SOC501 Emotional Intelligence Essentials may be used as a substitute for P450.


2024 – 2025 University Catalog 178

Business – Graduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions
Master’s degree courses are numbered in the 500s. Each master’s degree program allows for a
limited number of credits for 400-level courses with a “G” suffix.

Course No. Description

450G–499G Cross-listed specialized skills courses

taken for graduate-level credits

500–599 Graduate-level courses

For information on prerequisites, corequisites, or subjects numbered below 450, refer to the
section Business — Undergraduate Programs Course Numbering and Descriptions above.

Courses are listed by subject: Accounting, Business Analytics, Business Law, Business, Curriculum
Practicum, Finance, Green Business Management, Management, Marketing, Professional
Development, and Social Science. Each course description is followed by any prerequisite or
corequisite information or recommendations.

Each 1-credit-hour lab course requires at least 2 contact hours of lab work each week. Each 1-
credit hour of a practicum course requires at least 45 contact hours of practical experience related
to the student’s program curriculum.


ACC450G Cost Accounting (3 credit hours)

This class applies the essentials of financial accounting to the practice of management. Students
will understand cost definitions, cost concepts, cost behavior, and cost estimation. In addition,
they will learn how cost accounting is applied to manufacturing and service organizations, the
principles of planning and control for effective cost-related management, capital budgeting, and
cash flow statements, and how to analyze financial statements.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC110, ACC120, or upper-division/graduate-level status

ACC451G Intermediate Accounting – I (3 credit hours)

Designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers as accounting professionals, this
course enhances the student’s understanding of the principles of accounting. Topics include
understanding financial accounting and accounting standards, financial statement preparation,
required disclosures, and in-depth study of current assets, revenue recognition, and fixed assets.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC120, ACC450, or equivalent

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 179

ACC451LG Intermediate Accounting – I Lab (1 credit hour)

This lab course is designed to be taken concurrently with the ACC451G Intermediate Accounting
course. However, it is a separate course with its own syllabus and topics. On completing this
practical lab, students will be able to manage complex accounting situations using real-world
examples from the accounting topics covered in ACC451G. During class meetings, students will
interact with specific issues such as multiyear accrual recognition of delayed revenues and in-
depth study of current assets and determine how to address them both theoretically and in the
finer details of recording. Students may have to modify their accounting software configuration to
reflect the given issue according to their accounting needs properly.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC120L, ACC450, or ACC451, or equivalent

ACC452G Intermediate Accounting – II (3 credit hours)

This course continues Intermediate Accounting – I (ACC451G). Subject matter includes current and
long-term liabilities, stockholders’ equity, investments, pension and postretirement benefits,
leases, and cash flow statements.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC451 or equivalent

ACC490G Introduction to Taxation (3 credit hours)

This course covers taxation concepts applied to an individual’s income, deductions, credits,
property transactions, and tax accounting methods. An understanding of the concepts will enable
students to prepare quality individual income tax returns as a professional. The course will also
cover taxation rules governing financial planning.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: Upper-division/graduate-level status

ACC501 Advanced Accounting (3 credit hours)

This course is designed for accounting graduate students who want to have a complete
understanding of the concept of consolidation requirements, consolidated financial statements,
and accounting techniques relating to particular types of business and non-business entities. The
student will also explore various tax aspects of consolidated financial statements and participate in
case studies.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC451, ACC452, or equivalent

ACC512 Federal Taxation of Business Enterprises (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to give students an understanding of the concepts of federal taxation of
corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts. An understanding of the concepts will enable
students to prepare corporation and partnership tax returns in a professional environment. Also
covered are rules governing trusts and estates.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Upper-division/graduate-level status

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 180

ACC530 Auditing (3 credit hours)

In this course, students learn auditing techniques, procedures, practices, and programs based on
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States; students will learn best
practices for working document preparation and report writing.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: ACC451, ACC452, or ACC501, or upper-division/graduate-level status

with the permission of the instructor

Business Analytics

BAN452 Excel for Finance, Accounting & Analytics (3 credit hours)

Excel is a widely used tool, and its skillful use provides multiple benefits over one’s professional
career. Students will learn to master many areas of Excel’s flexibility, including graphics,
conditional formatting, sorting, pivot tables, conditional calculations, data loading, and using
Excel’s powerful functions and Analysis Tool Pak/Solver extensions. Time permitting, business
modeling will be introduced.
Recommendation: A working knowledge of statistics.

BAN455G Server-Side Data Processing Using Python/PHP (3 credit hours)

After completing this course, students will be able to implement industrial- scale business
algorithms and process complex data sets and business models with active code for powerful
backend analytics and relational database engines. Students will learn how to add smart logic
and information- passing connections using server-side languages/scripts such as Python or PHP.
Students are expected to have access to a computer or cloud account on which they will install a
web server, database, and Python or PHP for the programming language as determined by the

Recommendation: A working knowledge of HTML and a procedural programming language

BAN460G Introduction to Business Analytics (3 credit hours)

This course teaches the basics of business analytics. The students learn to use popular data analysis
tools to analyze business data for the purpose of understanding business trends, making business
forecasts, and improving an organization’s decision-making and business strategies.

BAN460LG Introduction to Business Analytics Lab (1 credit hour)

This course is designed to be taken concurrently with the BAN460G Introduction to Business
Analytics course. However, it is a separate course with its own separate syllabus and topics. The
students gain hands-on experience with business analytics and learn to use popular data analysis

Prerequisite/Corequisite: BAN460

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 181

BAN463G Data Visualization (3 credit hours)

Students will learn how to explore data and provide insight to others using data visualization
techniques. After completing this course, students will be able to design, develop, analyze, and
interpret several types of visualizations. They will also be able to develop compelling presentations
and insightful stories based on a given case study. The approach used will include theory as well as
a hands-on component.

BAN470G Intro to Machine Learning Prediction Modeling and Forecasting (3 credit hours)

Students will gain a working knowledge of applying machine learning to real-world business
prediction, forecasting, and decision-making. After an introduction to the history and theory of
machine learning, students will then learn how to compare and contrast the benefits of various
models and select the best models for the task at hand; identify and import the appropriate data;
remove data anomalies; train modify, and optimize their models for improved results or execution
speed; perform final discrepancy analysis, and make a recommendation to decision makers based
on their model’s predictions.

Prerequisite: BAN452, or graduate level status students, or a computer science course In

artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, or algorithms

BAN472 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) (3 credit hours)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to artificial intelligence (AI), covering its
history, fundamental concepts, applications, risks, and mitigation strategies. It offers insights into
AI components and technologies, development processes, and ethical considerations, preparing
students to understand the evolving world of AI. Note: This course is not open to students
enrolled in the School of Engineering… they are encouraged to take CS483/CS483L Fundamentals
of Artificial Intelligence.

BAN501 Quantitative Methods for Business (3 credit hours; required for MSBAn)

This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary business decision-making

methodologies and develop the student’s ability to analyze complex systems. It focuses on
quantitative methods of management science and operations research using quantitative analysis.
The students learn to evaluate models from real-world examples and techniques to analyze and
solve problems. Students also learn to use quantitative analysis software, critically evaluate the
results, and perform sensitivity analysis.

BAN520 Business Analytics for Dashboards (3 credit hours)

This course will teach you how to display data analysis results on dashboards. It covers how to
design and build dashboards, as well as the data visualizations to be displayed in them using a
leading analytics tool. You will learn how to present data, using charts and other types of
visualizations, in the most effective way by following the best practices for data visualization and
dashboards. The assignments and projects will enable you to design, develop, and modify
visualizations and dashboards. Out-of-class activities include reading assignments, case study
analysis, and the project.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Upper-division/graduate-level status

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 182

BAN524 Intermediate Business Analytics (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to teach business analytics as applied by enterprises to make business
strategies and decisions for improving business performance. The students will learn the
foundations of business analytics, tools and methods of data analysis, and major models and
application techniques used for making business decisions. The course will also introduce analytics
trends by discussing the emerging role of big data and big analytics. Hands-on exercises are

BAN572 Process Management for Analytics (3 credit hours)

Students will learn how to design and implement a self-service analytics (SSA) business process
pipeline to increase productivity and become self-sufficient for their reporting and analytics needs.
They will gain the ability to make optimal trade-offs among various computer technologies using a
ranking and selection methodology. Students will be able to apply their SSA pipeline to solve
business challenges at the enterprise level.

BAN589 Special Topics on Analytics, Strategy, and Applied Information (3 credit hours)

Special topics courses are offered by current faculty members or invited guest speakers to expose
the students to emerging best practices and innovative technologies that apply data science to
solve business challenges. Topics include machine learning, optimization methods, computer
algorithms, probability and stochastic models, information economics, logistics, strategy,
consumer behavior, marketing, and visual analytics. These courses are conducted in the same way
as regular courses.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Topic dependent


BUS450G Professional and Technical Writing (3 credit hours)

This course presents students with practical instructions about communicating in various kinds of
academic and workplace environments, as well as professional/technical communities. Students
will learn how to organize and produce common professional writing work, such as technical
reports, white papers, proposals, theses, and resumes. The course also covers different forms of
effective writing, writing styles, approaches, formats, and citations of referenced materials.

BUS589 Special Topics (3 credit hours)

Special topics courses are offered by current faculty members or invited guest speakers to expose
the students to emerging business topics. These courses are conducted in the same way as regular
Prerequisite/Corequisite: Topic dependent

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 183

BUS595 Business Capstone Course (3 credit hours; required for both MBA and MSBAn)

The capstone course is intended to integrate the knowledge and hands-on experience that the
student has acquired from the foundation, core, and elective coursework required for the program
under the guidance of the course instructor. The instructor determines the course objectives and
scope based on the business curriculum and trends and guides the students to develop their
integration ability. The student shall take the capstone course near the end of his/her program of
Prerequisite/Corequisite: 24 credit hours or more completed in the related graduate
business program

Curricular Practicum

CPT501 Curricular Practicum (1 credit hour)

Curricular practicum, or curricular practical training, is a supervised practical experience that

applies previously studied theory. The curricular practicum must provide students with valuable
learning experience and must significantly increase their knowledge in their program of study. An
integral part of an established curriculum is defined as an alternative work/study, internship,
cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by
sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school. At least 3 hours of work in
a practical setting have the credit equivalency of 1 hour of classroom lecture (1 credit hour). To be
eligible to take this course, the student must be in good standing, have completed at least two
semesters of coursework required in his/her degree program, and have obtained a written
agreement that outlines the arrangement between the institution and the practicum site
(including specific learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation criteria), and received
approval from a designated advisor. F-1 international students must follow additional rules
required by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Students must use SFBU’s online tool
to submit their application for this course before meeting with a designated advisor to assess
eligibility. Information and instructions concerning this course are provided in the online
application form. This is a part-time practicum course that requires the graduate student to work
no more than 20 hours each week during the approved practicum period. Failure on this course
will prevent the student from taking any other curricular practicum course.

Prerequisite: Refer to the instructions in the application and agreement documents.

CPT502 Curricular Practicum (2 credit hours)

Curricular practicum, or curricular practical training, is a supervised practical experience that

applies previously studied theory. The curricular practicum must provide students with valuable
learning experience and must significantly increase their knowledge in their program of study. An
integral part of an established curriculum is defined as an alternative work/study, internship,
cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by
sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school. At least 3 hours of work in
a practical setting have the credit equivalency of 1 hour of classroom lecture (1 credit hour). To be
eligible to take this course, the student must be in good standing, have completed at least two
semesters of coursework required in his/her degree program, and have obtained a written

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 184

agreement that outlines the arrangement between the institution and the practicum site
(including specific learning objectives, course requirements, and evaluation criteria), and received
approval from a designated advisor. F-1 international students must follow additional rules
required by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Students must use SFBU’s online tool
to submit their application to take this course before meeting with a designated advisor to assess
eligibility. Information and instructions concerning this course are provided in the online
application form. This is a full-time practicum course that requires the graduate student to work
more than 20 hours but does not exceed 40 hours each week during the approved practicum
period. Failure on this course will prevent the student from taking any other curricular practicum

Prerequisite: Refer to the instructions on the application and agreement documents.


ECON470G The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (3 credit hours)

This course brings a fresh perspective to today’s major questions surrounding financial and
monetary policies. Topics include the behavior of interest rates, monetary strategy and tactics, the
demand for money, and an introduction to the work of Frederic Mishkin, former Governor of the
Federal Reserve (predecessor to Jermone Powell), with his informed insight into the monetary
policy process, the regulation and supervision of the financial system, and the internationalization
of financial markets.


FIN501 Financial Management (3 credit hours; required for MBA)

This course introduces modern financial theories, tools, and methods used to analyze financial
problems. It assumes the point of view of corporate financial managers to interact with efficient
capital markets. Therefore, while making the best use of constrained resources is necessary,
maximizing shareholders’ equity is also vitally important. The primary focus is on the analysis and
forecast of internal operations and the use of short-term and long-term capital.

FIN510 Investment Analysis (3 credit hours; required for MSBAn)

This course covers the foundations of investment management. Topics include theory and
empirical evidence related to portfolio theory, market efficiency, asset pricing models, factor
models, and option pricing theory. Students are expected to create optimal investment strategies.

FIN512 Financial Risk Management (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to further introduce modern financial theories, tools, and methods for
dealing with financial risks. Financial risk management has become an extremely important
discipline for corporations, financial institutions, and many government enterprises, particularly in
challenging economic times.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: FIN501, FIN510, or equivalent

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 185

FIN522 International Trade and Investment (3 credit hours)

This course covers the theories of international trade through comparative advantage and related
corporate strategies, the impacts of emerging regional economic blocks, the institutions of the
multilateral trading system, and trade barriers. Students will learn the mechanics of international
payment, shipping, and distribution.

FIN568 Corporate Finance (3 credit hours)

This course is in the accounting/finance area of interest. The first part of the course uses lectures,
discussions, and case studies to cover essential corporate finance subjects, including executive
compensation, corporate governance, and bankruptcy law. The second part of the course consists
of discussions of corporate financing, such as mergers, acquisitions, and valuations; corporate
restructuring; LBOs; MBOs; and merchant banking.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: FIN501, FIN510, or equivalent

FIN580 Portfolio Management (3 credit hours)

This course teaches advanced portfolio decision-making. Topics include index models, portfolio
performance measures, bond portfolio management and interest immunization, stock market
anomalies, and market efficiency.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: FIN501, FIN510, or equivalent

FIN585 International Finance (3 credit hours)

This course prepares the students for a career in international finance by discussing the financial
environment in which a multinational firm and its managers must function. It focuses on foreign
exchange management and financial management in a multinational firm. It points out to the
students the basic principles of profit-seeking and risk-avoidance practices in the volatile global
financial markets.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: FIN501, FIN510, or equivalent

Green Business Management

GBM500 Green and Socially Responsible Management (3 credit hours)

On completing this course, students will be able to (a) identify and explain multiple environmental
and social responsibility demands being faced by modern businesses, (b) utilize socially responsible
methodologies and best- practices in the production of products and the delivery of services to
generate societal benefits beyond classic financial profit and (c) formulate enterprise-wide policies
which integrate social responsibility and green sustainability values.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 186

Human Resource Management

HRM531 Human Resource Management (3 credit hours; required for MBA)

This course provides students and practicing managers with a comprehensive overview of
essential personnel management concepts and techniques. The focus is on essential topics such as
job analysis, candidate screening, interviewing, testing, hiring, evaluating, training, motivating,
promoting, and compensating and their associated legal constraints.

Additional topics covered include global HR, diversity awareness and training, and sexual
harassment legal requirements. Practical applications such as how to appraise performance and
benefits and handle grievances are explored. Additionally, developing independent work teams
that foster creativity and innovation will be discussed.

HRM532 Strategic Workforce Planning (3 credit hours)

This course begins with discussing the need for workforce planning and gives samples of plans
developed for various types of organizations such as manufacturing, high-tech, small business, and
so on. This course provides students with an opportunity to learn about and develop a workforce
plan as part of the business plan and also an ongoing dynamic document developed as a part of
the strategic planning component of the organization. It also concerns scheduling, rosters, and
succession planning, which is a process of identifying a long-term plan for the orderly replacement
of key employees. The course also explores cases of developing a gap analysis to determine
manpower needs and budgeting for the manpower needs. Developing new HR workforce
configurations such as self-managed teams, telecommuting, outsourcing, temps-to-hire, and other
methods to make companies more flexible and offer economical solutions to the high cost of
knowledge workers. The course includes case studies and the actual writing of several workforce
plans for various sizes of organizations.


MGT450G Organizational Behavior and Management (3 credit hours)

This course explores the complex dimensions of organizational behavior, including the examination
of experiential and conceptual approaches to communication, self-awareness, perception,
motivation, problem-solving, and culture. Students apply interpersonal and intrapersonal
exploration to manage change, leadership theories, and organizational issues.

MGT451G Project Management (3 credit hours)

This course introduces the principles of project and program management, the roles of project
management, matrix organization in both private and public segments, and project management
techniques leading to the efficient execution and completion of projects.

Proposal development, case studies, and independent projects are required.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 187

MGT460G Production and Operations Management (3 credit hours)

This course balances the theory and practice of production and operations management, covering
quantitative, qualitative, and behavioral aspects. Students will learn how to identify and apply
strategies, business process design principles, and quantitative techniques. This knowledge will
then be applied to optimize business operations, enhance efficiency, and improve
competitiveness. Students will develop quantitative models and use software tools such as
Microsoft Excel Analysis Tool Pak and Solver to create solutions for multivariate operational
constraints. Typical control cases include service and product design choices, sales forecasting,
scheduling, metrics for production/inventory control, statistical quality control, and logistical

MGT460LG Production and Operations Management Lab (1 credit hour)

During this hands-on lab course, students will learn software-based techniques to solve various
time, labor, material, forecasting, and capacity issues; take control of the conversion process from
inputs to outputs; and perform cost optimizations in classic production planning and operations
scenarios. This lab course is designed to be taken concurrently with the MGT460LG course. However, it
is a separate course with its own separate syllabus and topics. Students will be expected to develop
their own mathematical models, transform their models into software-based implementations,
and then determine the optimized best-fit business solution. Students should be comfortable with,
or refresh themselves on, solving multivariate simultaneous equations before the first-class
meeting. Students should also be comfortable installing software on their machines or using cloud-
based services.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: MGT460

MGT480G Entrepreneurship (3 credit hours)

This course explores the full range of entrepreneurial processes, including the evaluation,
development, and creation of a successful business. It will help potential entrepreneurs and
professionals visualize and experience entrepreneurial development. The course explores the
entrepreneurial approach to resources, such as developing an organizational structure, market
analysis, financing entrepreneurial ventures, and screening venture opportunities. Individuals will
experiment and evaluate what it takes to be an entrepreneur, including developing a plan for a
new business.

MGT482G Launching Innovative Startups (3 credit hours)

From introduction to mastery, this hands-on project-based course is ideal for entrepreneurs, future
entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators alike. To put your dream into action, the logical
entrepreneur development process will be covered from the ideation and business modeling
phases through the funding and marketing launch phases.

Discussions are flexible, with student-suggested topics welcome, such as design thinking, lean
startup, validating the market opportunity, tips for successful start-up team management, low-cost
marketing tactics, pricing strategy, and so on.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 188

MGT491G Lean Business - Creating Efficient Business (3 credit hours)

This course addresses methods for validating your ideas and stress-testing them for business
efficiency by emulating proven lean practices in modern organizations. Topics include defining
customer value through qualitative and quantitative techniques, presenting an early-stage
product/service concept in business terms using Lean Canvas, and using the minimum viable
product (MVP) to ensure opportunity validation. The product/service concept is then validated
against customer desirability, viability, and feasibility. Value-stream analysis is then used to confirm
efficient process implementation.

MGT500 Risk Management (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to teach the students risk management concepts, processes, and strategy
making and implementation in a corporate environment. Topics covered include the nature and
concept of risks, risk management structure and process flow, information and gathering
techniques, data analysis methodology and tools, and risk management techniques. Case studies
and a project are required.

MGT501 Agile Project Management (3 credit hours)

Agility in management has been a hallmark factor behind many Silicon Valley success stories. The
scrum-based agile approach stands in stark contrast to traditional approaches that rely on slow
bureaucratic and paperwork-heavy planning approaches. After introducing scrum, students will
master scrum’s adaptive principles, plus its iterative and incremental methodologies and learn how
to apply them from small projects to large programs.

Students as project managers will learn how to create “user stories,” apply multiple estimation
techniques, pivot appropriately to changing requirements, enhance customer collaborations,
measure progress, measure value, reduce costs, and ensure technical excellence. Course
knowledge also includes sprints, multilevel planning, estimation and velocity, product functionality
backlog, and the roles of different team members roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, and
Development Team Member). To provide students with additional theoretical depth throughout
the course, classical and alternative project management frameworks will be contrasted and
trade-offs compared.

MGT530 Logistics and Operations Management (3 credit hours; required for MBA and MSBAn)

The field of logistics and operations management optimizes the management of continuous
activities of the processes of production, warehousing, transportation of goods, and the delivery of
services. The combination of e-commerce and globalization has created many challenges with new
behaviors, increased product variety, technological advancement, and deep integration with other
functional areas of the business (sales, marketing, finance, etc.). In this course, students will learn
how to use quantitative-based analytical techniques to make logistics and operations decisions.

MGT538 International Business Management (3 credit hours)

In this course, students will begin by appraising and deconstructing the environment of
international business by examining the economic, financial, political, and cultural aspects of global
trade. They will then learn how to assess and critique global organizational design and

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 189

international business management techniques for various situations. After examining business
practices and opportunities in various regions around the world, students will prepare a country
screening analysis or similar project as a way to apply their knowledge of strategic international
business management concepts to real-world situations.

MGT540 Management of Innovation (3 credit hours)

This course is designed to equip the students with the knowledge and management skills to
address the needs of new and innovative enterprises in a changing and uncertain environment.
Topics include technology forecasting and assessment, program or product selection and control,
market development, financial management, regulations, and ethics.

MGT542 Technology and Product Management (3 credit hours)

Designed to give students practical experience in product development, this course focuses on
managing engineering and technology activities. Topics include technology product design,
planning, production, marketing, sales, and maintenance; technological product life cycle from
research and development through new product introduction; marketing requirement
documentation (MRD); product positioning; channel inventory management; outbound
communications; and the organizational role of the product marketing manager. Case studies and
project presentations are required.

MGT550 Global Outsourcing Project Management (3 credit hours)

In today’s increasingly competitive and globalized business landscape, effective global outsourcing
management has emerged as a critical area of focus for organizations. As companies strive to
enhance their performance and gain a competitive edge, managing suppliers play a pivotal role in
shaping overall costs and facilitating differentiation strategies. This course offers students a
comprehensive understanding of the profound impact that sourcing and supply management have
on the success and profitability of modern businesses. It delves into the intricacies of sourcing and
supplier management decisions, considering factors such as costs, pricing dynamics, ethical
considerations, globalization trends, and risk management strategies. Furthermore, it explores
how sourcing and supply management practices interact with other organizational functional
areas, including product design and inventory management. Through a blend of engaging
lectures and in-depth case study discussions, students will gain practical insight into the
complexities of sourcing and supply management, equipping them with the knowledge and skills
needed to navigate these challenges effectively in today’s dynamic business environment.


MKT450G Marketing Management (3 credit hours)

This course studies marketing management by analyzing real-world cases. Students will learn to
implement and execute the marketing process through situation assessment, strategy formulation,
marketing planning, and marketing implementation and evaluation.

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 190

MKT483G Monetizing Intellectual Property (3 credit hours)

Intellectual property (IP) is a firm’s highly valuable asset. Ideal for social media content creators
and going beyond traditional IP definition and usage, students in this course will learn innovative
models and interesting strategies for generating capital and value from intangible assets. The
rapidly growing U.S. market for leasing intellectual property is already greater than $63 billion per
year. Course topics include Outright Sales, Third-Party Licensing, Royalty Securitizations, Bowie
Bonds, Collateralization, Donations, Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets and Patents, etc. This
course contains assignments with research and role-playing.

MKT491G The Art of Negotiation (3 credit hours)

This course will enable students to acquire comprehensive knowledge and develop advanced skills
to navigate complex negotiation scenarios and influence various stakeholders, including
customers, vendors, managers, peers, and direct reports. Throughout the course, students will
analyze and apply theories and practical strategies to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes,
commonly known as win-win solutions. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of a strategic
mindset, disciplined preparation, and the development of key interpersonal skills that are crucial
for achieving desired objectives in negotiations. Students will engage in real-world and practical
applications through case studies and simulations relevant to Silicon Valley. They will analyze
various negotiation contexts, including entertainment and sports, and participate in projects
focused on negotiating to maximize profitability. By integrating real-world examples with
theoretical concepts, this course prepares students to apply negotiation skills effectively in diverse
business environments.

MKT541 Strategic Marketing (3 credit hours)

This course will teach the students fundamental concepts and practices in marketing research and
marketing data analysis, as well as using data and financial analysis to set strategic positioning
strategies. Emphasis will be on practical marketing research skills development and basic analysis
mechanisms leading to strategic marketing. Students will learn both primary sources (such as
surveys) and secondary sources (internet, publications, etc.) through research techniques.
Students will also engage in their own marketing research projects. Although statistical analysis
will be covered in the course, quantitative analysis skills will be the focus. The course also covers
an overview of quantitative and qualitative tools for strategic marketing, market segmentation
process, strategic positioning, and channel marketing issues. Case studies and marketing
requirements reports are required.

MKT542 Global Marketing (3 credit hours)

From an international business perspective, students will learn how to develop global marketing
strategies involving marketing research, segmentation, and positioning. Students will then
incorporate global product policy decisions into a comprehensive market entry plan or similar
project to bring these marketing concepts to life.

MKT545 Global Trade and Operations (3 credit hours)

The course is designed to develop the knowledge and understanding of the global marketing
environment and of the concepts, tools, and theories that will prepare the students to take

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 191

responsibility for successful global market penetration for his/her business organization. The
perspective of the course is managerial, that is, the ability to identify opportunities, resolve
problems, and implement solutions and programs.

MKT550 Consumer and Buyer Behavior (3 credit hours)

In this course, students guided by the instructor will gain insight into the minds of buyers. This
course applies modern behavior theory to the complex purchasing decision-making processes used
by consumers and organizations. Topics include the psychology of consumption, brand loyalty,
group vs. individual decision-making, intuitive vs. rational decision-making, and the like. After
completing this course, the student will be able to describe key motivations within individual
purchasing decisions, explain situational influences on purchasing behavior, and explain how
purchasing behaviors can be integrated into marketing and sales strategies to improve revenues.

MKT551 Sales Management (3 credit hours)

With a strong focus on selling as a career, this course covers a spectrum of selling strategies, sales
force management, strategic, relationship, and product selling approaches, ownership of the
customer relationship, and building customer personas. Additional topics may include forecasting,
pricing and negotiation strategies, recruitment, territory assignment, quotas, channel
management, etc. After completing this course, the student can build and manage a sales team,
formulate, and implement sales programs, and evaluate and control the sales process.

MKT552 Brand Management and Marketing (3 credit hours)

With a focus on corporate branding, this course covers building, measuring, and increasing brand
equity. Topics include creating brand strategy, branding in the digital era, naming new products,
building brand extensions, etc. After completing this course, the student will be able to explain the
importance of brands to profitability, measure the equity value of a brand, map a brand’s
competitive market position, and apply brand equity to new business opportunities.

MKT553 Digital Marketing and Social Media (3 credit hours)

Using a robust combination of creativity, critical thinking, data analysis, and project tracking skills,
this course will enable students to master digital marketing and social media influence. After
completing this course, the student will be able to explain in detail the ASCOR digital marketing
framework (assessment phase, strategy phase, channel and communication plan, digital marketing
operations, refinement phase), optimize a firm’s online value proposition by aligning its strengths
with ever-changing market economics; and create a multistage digital marketing campaign from
the initial activities through final deployment.

MKT55 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (3 credit hours)

It is critical for your website/blog and the like to be highly ranked to achieve both high quantity and
quality traffic. Compared to paid advertising, SEO is a significantly lower-cost way to build traffic.
Throughout this course, students will gain insight into the algorithms and approaches used by
search engines and then master common optimization techniques. Web scrapers, indexing, and
other related concepts will be part of the classroom discussion. A working knowledge of HTML is

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 192

assumed. Topics Include keyword research, selection of keywords, editing of website meta tags,
alternatives to Google’s search engine, and so on.

Professional Development

P450G Career Development (1 credit hour)

This course is designed for students to take in preparation for becoming working professionals.
Topics include effective communication strategies, emotional intelligence, diversity and cultural
awareness, professional behavior, and interview skills.

Social Science

SOC450G Emotional Intelligence (3 credit hours)

Emotional intelligence (EI), or emotional quotient (EQ), defines the skills or capacity to recognize
one’s own emotions and those of others and how to control these emotions. Unlike IQ, EQ can be
increased. In this course, students will learn about EQ and its importance in their life and career.
They will learn how to increase their EQ by developing their abilities to perceive, use, understand,
and manage emotions. Knowing oneself is the essence of EQ. Students will learn about themselves
by assessing their EQ at the beginning of the class and at the end to see if there is any
improvement. In recent years, EQ has become a major indicator of achievement. Students
completing this course will have the means to increase and manage their EQ.

SOC50 Emotional Intelligence Essentials (1 credit hour)

Mastery of emotional intelligence (EI), also known as emotional quotient (EQ), is essential for
successfully managing and controlling interpersonal relations. The first half of this course will focus
on enhancing the students’ skills at recognizing multivariate EQ issues in others and themselves.
The second half of this course will focus on improving students’ skills for synthesizing appropriate
solutions in complex professional and personal relationships.

Although the writing, editing, and publishing of the University Catalog for 2024–2025 has been
guided by an effort to attain accuracy, no responsibility can be assumed for editorial, clerical, or
typographical errors or an error occasioned by an honest mistake.

All information contained in this catalog is subject to change without prior notice when
approval is obtained in advance from the Provost of San Francisco Bay University. The 2024–
2025 University Catalog does not constitute a legal agreement between the university and the

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 193

The San Francisco Bay University was founded on January 2, 1984, and incorporated as a California
nonprofit, public-benefit institution on March 27, 1984. Because of the strong demand in Silicon
Valley for qualified engineers, the School of Engineering began to offer the Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering degree in November 1984, followed by the Master of Science in Electrical
Engineering in 1985. The university opened the Computer Systems Engineering programs at both
the bachelor’s and master’s degree levels in 1987. Under high-spirited teamwork, the university
grew quickly from a budding school of a few students and faculty in 1984 to a well-established
school by 1989. February 23, 1989, marked a milestone for the university as it attained full
institutional approval from the California Department of Education. When the entrepreneurial
spirit in Silicon Valley demanded students with business training, the university established the
School of Business and began to offer the Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of
Business Administration and Information Sciences degrees in 1995. At the same time, the School
of Engineering continued to expand its programs by offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees in
computer science with curricula emphasizing computer software applications in various fields
based on industry trends. In January 1998, the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges, and
Schools (ACICS) recognized the university to award bachelor’s and master’s degrees. In April 2005,
ACICS recognized the university to award two doctorate degree programs: Doctor of Business
Administration and Doctor of Computer Engineering. In August 2018, ACICS renewed the
university’s accreditation until December 31, 2022. On November 21, 2018, the U.S. Department of
Education issued a final decision to continue recognition of ACICS as a federally recognized
accrediting agency. On March 4, 2019, the WASC Senior College and University Commission
(WSCUC) recognized the university as a Candidate for Accreditation.

On July 8, 2020, the university received accreditation from the WASC Senior College and University
Commission (WSCUC). On December 17, 2020, the Intensive English Program (IEP) received
programmatic accreditation from the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation
(CEA). On February 25, 2021, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program was approved
for distance education modality by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).
Effective the summer of 2021, the Bachelor of Business Administration, and Information Sciences
(BBAIS) degree name was changed to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA).
On January 20, 2022, the Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) program was approved
for distance education modality by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).
On February 11, 2022, the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) program was
approved for distance education modality by the WASC Senior College and University Commission
(WSCUC). On April 14, 2022, the Intensive English Program (IEP) was approved for synchronous
online course delivery by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA). On
September 8, 2023, the Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) program was approved by the
WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). On November 15, 2023, the Master of
Science in Business Analytics (MSBAn) program was approved by the WASC Senior College and
University Commission (WSCUC).

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 194

From I-880: Exit I-880 at Mission Blvd.-Warren Ave. and take Mission Blvd. East (towards the hills).
Turn right onto Warm Springs Blvd. Drive past Warren Ave. and turn right on Mission Falls Lane.
Turn right again to enter the university parking lot.

From I-680: Exit I-680 at Mission Blvd.-Warm Springs District and drive west on Mission Blvd.
(towards the Bay) to Warm Springs Blvd. Turn left onto Warm Springs Blvd. Drive past Warren Ave.
and turn right on Mission Falls Lane. Turn right again to enter the university parking lot.


Main Campus (Building 1) 161 Mission Falls Lane, Fremont, CA 94539

2024 – 2025 University Catalog 195

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