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566 of 2018
A.S.No.566 of 2018
Appellants 2 & 3 LRs of the deceased First Appellant already on record and
Appellants 4 to 7 brought on record as LRs of the deceased First Appellant
vide Court order, dated 05.01.2018 made in C.M.P.No.18179 of 2017 in
A.S.SR.No.88770 of 2014 (K.K.S.J., & P.V.J.,)
1.Union of India,
Rep. By Secretary to Govt., (Revenue Dept.),
Government of Puducherry,
Having office at Chief Secretariat,
A.S.No.566 of 2018
Prayer : First Appeal filed under Section 54 of the Land Acquisition Act,
1894 to set aside the award, dated 23.07.2014 and made in L.A.O.P.No.14
of 2010 on the file of the learned II Additional District Court at Puducherry
in so far as rejecting the claim of the Appellants to the extent of
Rs.17,44,20,388/- worked out at the rate of Rs.678/- per Sq.ft over and
above the sum of Rs.100/- fixed by the lower Court and fix the
compensation at the rate of Rs.778 per Sq.ft and allow the appeal.
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Section 4 (1) of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, dated 09/06/2006, the said
extent was acquired along with larger extent for expansion for
lands and made notes of valuation. The L.A.O took note of a total number
of 874 sales effected during the relevant period that is for a period one year
data collected, he rejected 78 sales data on the ground that those were sales
ground that they relate to sale of less than 500 sq. ft. He further rejected
576 sales data on the ground that there are faraway and finally retained 175
sales data. Out of the retained, the highest was in Sl. No. 164 at the rate of
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Rs. 167/- per sq.ft. was rejected on the ground that the sale was transacted
guideline value was Rs. 60/- more than the assessed value, he took the same.
21.01.2009 at the said rate of Rs.60 per sq. ft. In respect of the lands in
the Land Acquisition Act to determine the rightful claimant to receive the
award and the said reference was taken on file as L.A.O.P.No.199 of 2009
and, by an award dated 09.09.2009, it was held that all the three claimants
appellants made earlier, the Land Acquisition Officer made the reference
value at Rs. 778 per sq. ft. The same was resisted by the respondents by
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copies of the sale deeds were marked on their behalf. The Land Acquisition
side and the evidence on record found that no independent sale deed was
filed by the claimants. The Exs.P-1 to P-5 are the sale deeds found in the
data of the respondent and the respondent had rejected them already by
giving various reasons. Therefore, the Court on its own held that it is safe
and correct to fix the value at Rs.100 per sq. ft. and accordingly enhanced
the compensation. Aggrieved by the same, the present appeal suit has been
7. In the present Appeal Suit, originally the claimants also filed ten
additional documents which included eight sale deeds during the period
2005-06 and photographs of the acquired land. The purpose of filing the
Appeal Suit, the then Bench observed whether it is possible to produce more
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sale deeds than the ones already marked in the trial so as to throw more light
producing the said sale deeds which were part of the sales data originally
compiled by the respondent. The Government Pleader had filed her response
by listing the documents filed both originally along with L.A.O.P and along
8. Again, when the matter came up for hearing, the learned counsel
appearing for the appellants, Mr.S.Mahimai Raj, would submit that even
documents marked before the Trial Court itself, the appellants are entitled to
the appellants in Exs.P-1 to P-5 form part of the sales data produced by the
respondent themselves, within the check period of one year. Therefore, that
lends additional credence to the documents and the Trial Court erred in
rejecting the same only on the ground that they form part of the
respondent’s sales data. He would further submit that the highest among the
comparable data should be taken and Ex.P-1 being at the rate of Rs. 777.77
per sq. ft. should be taken into account and, rounding it off, the appellant’s
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that the sales data has been scientifically taken into account and considered
by the respondent/L.A.O. And even though the assessed value was only Rs.
41/-, Rs. 60 was given. The Trial Court has already, on a compassionate
basis, enhanced it to Rs. 100 which itself is on the higher side. She would
submit that the concerned data taken that is Sale Item No. 517 is in respect
of the very adjacent land itself, and the other sales data now relied upon by
the appellants are far away and are incomparable. The topography of the
Survey Nos. It is her submission that Ex.R-4 sales data is within the
acquired land itself and when data is available within the acquired land,
there is no need to travel further and she relies upon the Judgment of the
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Smt. Shakuntalabai & Ors -Vs- State of
Maharashtra1 . And therefore, she would pray that the appeal suit be
1 1996 (2) SCC 152
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advanced on behalf of both sides, and we have perused the records. The
(i) Whether the Judgment and Decree of the Trial Court fixing Rs.100/- per
(ii) What is the market value to be fixed in respect of the appellants lands?
Question No. 1 :
11. First, the Judgment of the Trail Court does not deserve acceptance
as the reasoning given that the sale deeds from the sales data given should
not be relied upon is incorrect in law and is without any basis. As submitted
by the Learned Counsel for the Appellant, that being part of the sales data
reasoning is given by the trial court to arrive at the value of the land.
Without any basis whatsoever, the Trial Court fixed the market value at
market value by the Trial Court at Rs. 100/- per sq.ft is not in order.
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Question No. 2 :
the evidence on record and the additional evidence sought to be let in before
us. In view of the submissions made by the learned counsel for the
behalf of the appellants and, hence, the C.M.P.No. 6666 of 2021 shall stand
executed by the second appellant, by which, she sold the land measuring to
extent of 1800 Sq.ft bearing R.S.No.82/2 at the rate of Rs.375/- per Sq.ft in
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14. Let us examine the issue as per the parameters followed by the
first filter adopted by the Land Acquisition Officer is that the sales effected
along with superstructure are incomparable and rejected. In that view of the
matter, Exs.P-1, P-3 and P-4 will stand excluded from consideration. The
second filter adopted by the Land Acquisition Officer is to weed out the sale
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of less than 500 sq. ft. Exs.P-2 and P-5 are more than 500 sq. ft. and
therefore can be considered. The third parameter adopted for rejecting 566
sales data is that the sales are far away. However, the notes of inspection do
However, he has retained 175 sales data even after adopting the distance
admits that Ex.P-1 is very near to the acquired land but, however, the same
from the Topo-Sketch produced before us, that the lands in respect of the
175 retained sales data and Exs.P-1 to P-5 are comparable and located in
the same vicinity and are similarly situated. Of the five comparable sales
data relied on by the appellants, Exs.P-2 and P-5 alone relate to vacant land.
15. The learned Counsel for the appellants submited that as per the
Trust (Regd.) Faridkot & others -Vs- State of Punjabe & others2, we have
to take the value as per Ex.P-1, which is Rs.777/- per Sq.ft. But, however,
2 2012 (3) CTC 396
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ground, first and second floors. As a matter of fact, if the value of the
building is excluded the land value may be even marginal lesser than Ex.P-
alone are the payable exemplaries As pointed out by the learned Counsel for
the appellants, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the above mentioned
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area, forming the part of the Puducherry city. The value contained in Ex.P-
2, according to us would reflect the fair market value at the relevant point of
time. Since the said plot is only of an extent of 1800 Sq.ft, and the large
extent if plotted out, towards development, roads, public space etc., space
have to be left out for the same. Further considering the low lying nature
and the need to fill up the plot and develop it by standing developed
and Another3, as laid down the broad guidelines which are to be considered
by this Court, while fixing the market value in paragraph No.4 of the
3 1988 3 SCC 751
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18. Considering the extent, being 1800 Sq.ft in Ex.P-2 and the
submissions of the learned Government Pleader that some parts of the land
are even low lying, we adopt the maximum standard deduction i.e., 1/3rd of
follows :
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petitioner be deducted.
The Result :
Rs. 9,16,85,764.82 p;
already paid;
(iii) That the second and third appellants are entitled to 1/3rd each
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Index : yes
Internet : yes
Speaking order
A.S.No.566 of 2018
Pre-Delivery Judgment in
A.S.No.566 of 2018