Adobe Scan 21 Feb 2023
Adobe Scan 21 Feb 2023
Adobe Scan 21 Feb 2023
' J .' !
\1 It ~()
IRt>ad the passage given bclo" nnd answa the questions thnt follow:
l l)
· -·,
I I _l. R!:alizing the: potential oJ'know-lcd!1;P~ r of'lndin is a littk bit diJfo:uil 1,, ,,:-::;.:~~- '
I / I !w Sarrn Shiksha Abhiyan (SS ,-\) is a goud dfort for univcrs:il :h:c,·ss tn ,1u:1 li1: :::.,-\11.,,,1 !
' / educ:ition- a min imum lll'C<.:ssary condition to make lndia n klll)Wkdbc s,1 ckty ·. ;1, \\:,: i
2006 report of the National Knowledge ('on1111issi\H\ (NKC) puts i1 -rcm:1ins a d i~t:u\l
2. Thr: _rca~m call he: tlic ,,umber of :-.choo l bnildinf.:- l~ll' d, ll\l'11\:11y :ni-i ~l\:1.'thh 1:· I
I 1
I c~uc:tl :o11 /::ill-; r~,r ·,hu, t of rcqu irnnc11 t ~ ;md Sll doc:, thc 1111mh:r t" q11:1litic,\ \l';1i.: h1..'r~. I
11.1c go n :nir~i cnt b1_idi.;ct-, \\ li it/1 l"llUhk,: lll !tin: h·nclll'rs \ H\ c,111tr.1ct l'-1> int·- n pit\lllh.'1.' '
/ o f J ::,abry. 1s P!il.Ylllg l!a vor \\ith quality. \\-'h ilt- 1hc 1111·u1 ,i,Ht \, r tlil· pri, .\IL' sr,·11.n in
1 the fo:ld 1s p ru v 1d 111g ',lllllc Cll tll p ct it 10 11 , JJlLCh:111i, 111 -; t, 1 rn 1~11\ ·1.· \ Ii: 1•1.· qu i1\·d ~t:indords
/ are lacking. '\
I 1
3. N~! _tfa~t th:'. rL' .1r~ 1~0 1util,t1,d :-.1,111d.11 d,; ti t •,t.111d.n_d~-~·11_l, n\·~11'.'· _·' '.'.tllcic :--. \\:c
the t\.1t1nn'.1! C. ot~nl' il Hlf. hb:.111,m,d flc,c.1rc il '.md l r.1 H1 111l'• ~t\( H t I) 11, hr mr, 011\ \
lt: I\ <.: ,
I I IC;\l[xx>ks m ,,inou" su}: Ject :; lur :-.t h,1ol L·d11 ~·;1t11111. ~.l·,,·r,d 111,,dl'I '.:(l\,i r,\:> .ind Th.'
I ~entrJ! Board o!.-Sernn,d:i~) h luc\til,'rt l t ll Sl ) to c1111dt1\'l L'~,imin.11 it,n-; ~it t:l'll\ 1~\ :cvl~\. \
1 Jhe :-,la!c "i
tco /la \•~ tn~,r ,cht'1(1! t;oar,h t,, 1;,\nJ un e,.,1m... rrn,I cnlt\t ( ,: m11111\\ll m \
/ ~tan<lards. l➔O'r\ <.:'.\ ~r. th<: :it.-md;irJ-; , nr~ ._, iL!1.· l~. fll _thl'ir :in,i..;t:-' h > ..,\Jt1,.,, '--;-','rl:1culi\r \
i / perforrrwncc, ~o me '-taki; ~in.: ,l\ t:rl)
,c1111:nl-lll m:id~ inf~an -.,\ -.:r p.1pt'1s \
I f 4. Quc,;tions ar_i~ I.!\ c'.1 O\'C~ li1c _... i . \ \l\:ar \1_~.:11 ~lk·'.! h'; C !\S.i'. ~ 1uinl', b) th~ nu~nbcr ~f
! t,tmknb sccurrng 90°(, (•r '. H ll -: tfl t.K:- . 1;1,::hu ~c1..c 111tLH ) i.; \,l !,1, 1i w0 uld .,ppt> lnJ 1,1 \
; ;, . •- t1 1,:.
; ,:,'} • 1J 1, ~-
~ t. , 1.r· •l1 lu1i1w
• 4 ., ·
· _:;-
rr1,.ol11t1n1. Tile iwr,,l:cr:-- ,
:ire so idrg: that ·,he rut-c.' ff ,
, ·i , , , , , ,, ,\ l-..( 1, • r C'r (\<..I,
·1 . ,i.
~ ' r) · 1
. ,,. •
• w ) ,,...t 1--r aem'
1 1
' '>ilY'l tl, tm c1.'J1t.fle--,
) ,.l'....,." .,1,~,..., I f''- ,~ . 1 ., -1 I
, ~,,., J.!." ,.. ~lJ ·• .
.t. . ' . . ... , · - ~·
; ,, Jt is not difl k idt 10 S( ~ \'- hy. (n -'. tl\ 9 . ! 1\C , 1~~l· r <L'> :> " I n 1rm. 1.l\\'r 8h l• 1
. ·----'~. .. . . .: ...... .. ·- ·- ··- ___..._,... - ~- - -- ·· . ...... ... --~----· - ·--·
I · ·- ..
-student . . . ___ ____ ~Tc ;~~-;-w; i1; r:i;gJ1•,h it w~-, ;
\ ab s scored more than 90%m Econo mics in the l)c lhrar g(f rbc co untry pro d uce'> '.:) ,
ye · Sens by the dozen s. ·
ove 9000.The numbers seem to be g'rowing· every · ofa good ~uden t·s
. A I·narLya be out . ,i
many sueh childr en, we can expec t India to produce
may ~~t E' g lish it is 5urpr 15 ing . !!
6. While scoring high marks or even too out of 1rOOonom1
. cs or n ' t' "
b' . M , d h t they ha ve to a ce '· n
reach .m su ~ects hke athem atics or Physic s, m , c
lt leaves a big gap betwe en what students learn at schoo l .m w a 1
Read the passage given below.
·, :,/;.~
,.· . ,I.,.~·
{}} 2$
. ,;,-
~ Gu~8) 1~LM
!!~ra '~
?ar cen tag e of Tot al Was\~waier. that
ls Trea.t ed ·
( .l
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(vi) IJased on the given graphical representation of data in the passage, choose the
option that lists the <,tatcment that is NOT TRUE.
a, Delhi hac. the large~t system of water treatment facilities in India.
b. Mumbai bas the third largest system of water treatment.
c. Gujarat sets an example to Delhi and Mumbai regarding the
treatment of water.
d. Class I! cities have an inefficient system of sewage management.
i (vii) Which state in the country has the lowest treatment percentage?
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Madhya Pradesh
c. Maharashtra
d. Gujarat
(viii) According to the passage, less than 50 % of water used is treated in
a. Delhi
b. Mumbai
c.: . Tamil Nadu
d. Uttar Pradesh
(ix) Which of the following facts can be inferred from the given graph?
J. The sewage treatment capacity of the country needs to be increased.
2. The condition of treatment of sewage is still better in Class II cities. l
3. Th.e Maximum contamination of water takes place in Delhi.
4. The cla')S I cities are the reason for contamination of water bodies.
a.1 ,3&4
I b 2&4
l c. 1&2
( d.1,2&3 l
- ·-·-_ ___\_?~:. ~V~~
':. 0 ~-~~- fol~~~~~-~~~t~~~nt is NOT substantiated by information in the \
t"'-d -rrik·e of doctc rs· leave patientsh at ·the mercy of God. Mr. Kaushal who
A. Repea.-- ~ ·
h d . b'tt r experience recently ,y!Jcn e tell sick and had to be admittedto a
1 ·
· ' narratmg
of 'The patriot · tale of woe
-..a, a• • e. ·tes a letter to rhe Editor - ·
- -rta 1 ' \ n .
h·-n.;p m· ion 0n ~ \vVhv h Id ·
· - s ou n· t essential services be banned
and 2enerat mg pu ic op
_.1, ·...,
...,eooint'e on strike?
. . f1 ., JaQ:riti Viliar, Gurgaon. You recently read about a
1 <:'U
are Ri•' t
• •- •
Rirva .
o i >
d , tiscd ~
bYCharak Rescarch Ltd. Naida. You wish to
th ~"
post o. · f ct"n11st '. ~ -+a h\.er!l detaiis to e :v,anagers of the Production Unit.
- -~ " · l1''""'mcr
;;.pply fo r it. Appl} \\ i.h iu
~ - - - - -- -·
... - -- - -
- --- ------------
... - - .. ~- ~ - · ·"'_ __ · • · • •-.J• - • _ _ _
• ·•· ...
"'f . Attempt nL '
• nd o' ,
ANY o ~E from A a B elven belo,v.
-------- t 5 - --
Read the given extracts to attempt the questions with reference to conte~i.
Il iii)
According to the extract which of the fo liowing does not relate to lhe tiger::.
described .
a. Jumping
b. Confident \
c. Daring
\ .
.'Vi, •1, 1• d Jrnl b1 ,1vt:
t• ~~ \' •1(' 1\ l •1, )I\ ;ll td !t(.'.\!~b1 11
r:;1td,1n (1n.,l r,k><1<s\ tt\;
,t i l.(lu.\ :ll ltl \loniinat't·
, \ >\li&
1l1\ I by ~----
l h, • \\ ~! \ \ [ \ 11~k;~-1 k it\ tl' l'". .. {•v1
_,,, 'au I>·... I..."
'"' ,! rnplacr-(
., ~ ·,•1 l,:nn11,:Hi
~) 1.i. I,
.. : ~--, \',< :s.r•.,,i (c.ittk !'~•~~(·d with ,t niind 1-1 bu.1d,
, 'l. , :· ,. , , . _ ,t:-iJ ; .t r!1~' '1t~·111. th'l.:u c,ut ()!·sorts
\ , I.\ A' ,·\ :. t,:; t I:in,11
:-,·.1p~ m,nrc\I wtt. h tht artless patn
. t
;,_' · , •~; ·•·, \ 1J '. \1 i'. t•, N 1nrnz:d ,wong and S tiuocd wroog
1. ' ,Y,, __..,i 1-;.,, r s.ik ,,·tl,1 h:·t ri,~ iu wooden qltatts,
, ' , , ;1.•,1\.-·:,":\.,•d \~1., kku with silver warts,
, ' · 's -',·- ·:., i i.',, ·. i:i J b, :wfrtttl mountain scene,"
;) \t\'h\di o:·t:-i.~ following can be inferred from the extract?
-- - - -- ---- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - ---......1...____J
- -~-...- ----~-·- - -- - --------- 8
. - -·-- -----
\ lYJ Which---f - ol !o ~-: ---- -_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __
- - ef
\ a. If er th -·- --
of'i fev cr'
.. ~Ver I get rich , I wi ll; is incorrect use l -
II v)
b. If eve r I trav el to Us I ~ya car
c.:. If ever I bec om e as~!Og
· If eve r
Wh .
at Idea do you
' . Wd/ visit New Yor k
er I ·11
1 brea th, J Wil l · h' WJ perf or,n at
. in ale oxy gen
get c:ro N
m turn ed
Royal Alb ert Hall
I a Th .
nam e boa rds are sha
bb Wrong and S turned wro ng?
· , e
b. fhc dire ctio ns Nor th & so! tl .
' 1 1s wro ngly p 0 .
c Th spe llin g erro rs on th. b inted
· ere are · c nam e oards
d Th . k ·
· e she d own ers are illit erat e so they
~~t Wr? ngly spe lt boards
vi) The poe t uses the wor d 'pol ish~ d traf{ ch indi cate s ---- ---
Jc Whi
a. Wis e and sma rt
b. Cul ture d and wel l man ner ed
c. Aff lue nt and wea lthy
d. Bru tal and car eles s
ts giv en.
2 Att em pt AN Y ON E of two ext rac
par t of that history· tog t a grasp ofw h~
"To visit Ant arc tica now is to be a . ' toe u d t d h ere we ' ve
·ding . It's
whe re we cou ld pos sibl y be hea
com e from and gran ite sh7
ei~ • an
1 e d
dill era n folds and pre -Ca mbr ian
sign ific anc e of Cor
· · . Wh en you th'mk a bout all that can hap pen ma
s, ozo
· ne - . carbon-'
1 • d ext mct mn m1 11 ton yea rs '
evo ut1on an . ."
. d-b ogg lmg
.rt can get pre tty mm
a. Run & wa lk
b. Bit1h & death
; c. Ob lite rate & elim ina te 7
d about in the extract.__ _ _ ___ _ _ _
I d. Acce pt & ignore
- - - -- ---
_l I\
I) I·, }1t"rc1·p1h,11 td' ' lt1 )11 •H•' r,111110 li,r1lui tw1111' 1.11,I; "'' n l1•, 11'•d " ' ,t,
., Yr ·1
11. l '1it111t 11 h,, \11l~ri·n .l
1· N,i t
d. N 1)tw t) I thl" nbnvc
j I)
Br,-.1·d l)I\ l~) llowlng nl!110 m ti111·,1 plt! 1i fj11 •Jt; II!(,! 1111; {. t1 f/l ' ( I 1 , J,fli,li:
SU1ll'll11~11I j : n~, ry lhtlltµ;lil It Wllll llll 1: 1HJ,l ,Y l1q1 ni: .
.: Ml' , l .11111h /illY,, that l)Ct'fy l111d di 111li1;d tl1 1• j~; rtdr.n Wull
S l:lklllt: lll :>
:1.Ikrry lwcl wi •il1t~d :,\;t:lnp, Mr, L111r1l1
h, 1>c, ry hnd n,i~i~t d ·,ccin11, l,111nh
c. lk1ry a11d l,111111> ho1h \Vl:1 ~ tc•iti11t vi•.ir111 lu ,· c i1d1 r,th t.:: r
d. I krry had i111c1.11 ion ol ril 1.:1· t iug I .111t1l>, I
Ill) Why did · 111h want l<i :;Ill)' i11 g:1rdc n'/
:1. I .anih LOll:,iden;d ii :, bl.:aurilitl dny
b. L.1n1ll did nut w: 1n1 In iaay l11L!uut •i 11ri ht:a111 i·l id diiy •. I
c. l\Je itlicr ( a ) nut (h)
cl . Hotl1 ( :l) (1ft, (11)
iv) 'I <1()11 ' 1 ,nind wli1, 1.:< ,111c •j i11l !l lhi: g,11d1'. 11, ' 111 whil'l i q f tl11· Jii llPw lan (JJ1t 1(1 11,
thr 11t1dl' 1 li11cd
v,:rn 1h ( '/\ NN<J'I lw rq1 l11q•d b y' 111 1nd '
a. M,11ry V•/1J1 dd ',(: ldu111 hnlh 1'r 11llt H1I 1h, t1 Pt 'i{' in 1hi: •,l tt 1· 1,
b _ llqt1:d1t y ol'tltl: prnd11 c., I 1•11'uod, who \\<1 111,I <_,n ,~ p:1 ~11n1 u lttl cx 1r,~·1 1
t , I >a vid h:1•; d('.v 1·,cd ·,11 cl1 n /" Hid 1\1 1' ! Ii, id 11 , '.n lvt· •·' Vc 1~ 1111 ,1 ,J,; 1,
d, ·1hev ll1< 1li /',hl thi ·; pi1..: l1ll l' nt :iy diV t'll ,1(!<.11l11l( ) 1 ,l' cn •.1111)1(') i11 q t l,r: r
prud11cl ·..
J Attcmot· ANV ONE of hn, ,·,t r;td ~ f,h·tn . l
\I \ "' ( , {J
"lho~o were the da ys q i tn,1i1ily 11Hl<1 0 1 ·.ll rJ!ili iw, ,t11tl ( i ii! / f, ·11. Jw i· t .ll1 f ,, t ll w fi ln, l
l w as \ hot outdoo r-; . l )uppo\ \: lllL: ',tud,c , lsi•ht -, m·,·.d, d 111<, l•. .:nd IH1y·. ,, , i1t· I
·.c 1•; ,11 id
. l \ mad~ t i) lonk 11g ly in to h,c,h: pi • •r:ril_: ibk nl tliv J'IIO Vll ' r\ ' ,l l ll I !w .r,.t1,,hy W/1' ,
\ \ ma1ntatt1-1.:td in thl' m1~k1,; up ,.h.:par101c•11 1 . 1.:':'. ~:'Ill I 1:1:,1<,_~ 1'. 11 '.11001,'. ;Hk lt w ( Ii i, ·! ;,c l• , 1 ,
i a.mJ a,:tresseG ur~t_v, h,~,
'->cninr ,1,..,,1,•,t .J1il tl 1 • ,_1,,t,nd !1• .11 > , , r 111 ti• 1, 111,i: ii,•: j,mi111
. d so forth."
assistant the main comedian, an . used to be shot outdoors?
i) What fraction of a movie.
. ly outdoor. shooting
a. Mam
b. Complete movie
five percent b
c. I
d None of the a ove
"The girls and boys to be mad e; ~ok Ugly in order to look presentable in
ii) line?
the movie''. What is the literary evice Used in this part of the
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Oxymoron
d. Paradox
The senior assistant did make up of-----
a. Main actors
b. Second heroine
c. Main comedian
d. Junior artists
iv) What was strictly maintained in the make -up department
a. Lights
b. Mirrors
c. Heroines
d. Hierarchy
' in the
v) Which of the following word can be best replaced for 'presentable
a. Graceful
b. Appealing
C. Unkempt
d. Untidy
vi) Who is the 'I' referred in here
a. Kothamangalam Subbu
b. Senior Make up man
C. Asokamitran
d. The lawyer
r's affections and
"She wished she could be admitted more deeply into her brothe
forbade it and Geoff had
3B that someday he might take her with him. Though their father
. And she was
never expressed an opinion, she knew he thought her too young
world oµt there waiting for her and she knew
impatient. She was conscious of a vast
instinctively that she would feel as at home."
\ I
c. Iron
. .y
d. Suntle r. •ne e 1,' tlr~·
.) 11 with rc 11..ri;;
Based on the extract select the most approP 1·i'ttC oplll
v) '
two statements given below:
Statement I: Geoff thought his sister was
too youn g.
Statement 2: Her father forbade it
a. Both statements are false
b. Both statements are true & statenient . - - r)r ., 1-,t~in-:- nt
2 is the juSl tl tent ll)!1 l - ••
c. Both statements are true and had the
snme impact
d. Both statements are true and had diffe
rent outc~)nlt:
What trait of Geoff is highlighted by 1h..: write
vi) r in the c:--tract
a. Car dessness
b. Cheerfulnes s
c. Ca lmne ss
J . Bossy and dominating n:-i lun.:
rni aPe
,:, rv
. w;1s ,l!l en~- () i\'C liter ary ckvic(·
v) lo \1r1pn
"rnc rry children" and motlier. ( •il! nJ111:1,t. l · \ l U [ th,· ( l' I \! '"( l l
• ·· .t (, ' }l'l\v : u 1 thl'
_L . -~ ----·---- - - ---- -
_ - : - - ~ s ; ~- - -
. . . ·ith boll e111cnt'. Why ct·1d ·- -:-- -------- .
vi) 'He only stared at the gul \\ th ~ Pcddkr ·--i- -- ---
~ behave this way? . . b ut 40-so i
t nowing ID u o \Vords each. I
Vl Ans,ver ANY TWO of the o f mv \ '2*2:.::4 '
- he ~mpty sounds_ o • own footsteps and l didn't , \
i) All I could hear wns t ··t d from this staten1ent? pa~~a 2
u11de1s an . • \
soul. What do yhou ·tions of the servants m the story 'The Enemy' ? Expla1·n 2
[that era w · · ·
.. ")
· f fv t e ac
Do you.1u~ two aspects kings o. '
What were: f 'Th, Tiger kmg
ere afraid of? Answer with )
m respect to the storv- o 1.: