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1. Academic o Pronunciation: /ˈsɛmɪnɑːr/

o Word Form: Adjective o Vietnamese: hội thảo
o Pronunciation: /ˌækəˈdɛmɪk/ 9. Globalisation
o Definition: Relating to education, schools, o Word Form: Noun
colleges, and universities. o Pronunciation: /ɡləʊbəlʌɪˈzeɪʃən/
o Vietnamese: học thuật o Example: Globalisation has led to greater
2. Blended learning economic cooperation across countries.
o Word Form: Noun o Vietnamese: toàn cầu hóa
o Pronunciation: /ˈblɛndɪd ˈlɜːnɪŋ/ 10. Workplace
o Definition: A method of learning that combines o Word Form: Noun
online and face-to-face education. o Pronunciation: /ˈwɜːkpleɪs/
o Example: Many universities now offer blended o Example: The workplace has become more flexible
learning options. with the rise of remote working.
o Vietnamese: học kết hợp o Vietnamese: nơi làm việc
3. Degree (in education) 11. Aspect
o Word Form: Noun o Word Form: Noun
o Pronunciation: /dɪˈɡriː/ o Pronunciation: /ˈæspekt/
o Example: He earned a degree in business o Definition: A particular part or feature of
management. something.
o Vietnamese: tấm bằng o Example: One aspect of the project that needs
4. Qualification attention is the budget.
o Word Form: Noun o Vietnamese: khía cạnh
o Pronunciation: /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ 12. Distance learning
o Example: She has the qualifications needed to o Word Form: Noun
work as a teacher. o Pronunciation: /ˈdɪstəns ˈlɜːnɪŋ/
o Vietnamese: bằng cấp o Example: Distance learning has become more
5. Lifelong learning popular during the COVID-19 pandemic.
o Word Form: Noun  Vietnamese: học từ xa
o Pronunciation: /ˈlaɪflɒŋ ˈlɜːnɪŋ/ 13. Attend
o Example: Lifelong learning is essential in today’s o Word Form: Verb
rapidly changing job market. o Pronunciation: /əˈtɛnd/
o Vietnamese: học tập suốt đời o Definition: To be present at an event, meeting, or
6. Retirement class.
o Word Form: Noun o Example: I plan to attend the conference next
o Pronunciation: /rɪˈtaɪə(r)mənt/ month.
o Example: He is looking forward to his retirement o Vietnamese: tham gia
after 40 years of teaching. 14. Via
o Vietnamese: nghỉ hưu o Word Form: Preposition
7. Primary education o Pronunciation: /ˈvaɪə/
o Word Form: Noun o Definition: Through the medium of or by means of
o Pronunciation: /ˈpraɪməri ˌɛdjuˈkeɪʃən/ something, like a method or channel.
o Vietnamese: giáo dục tiểu học o Example: He sent the document via email.
8. Seminar o Vietnamese: qua
o Word Form: Noun 15. Disrupt
o Word Form: Verb o Vietnamese: truy cập
o Pronunciation: /dɪsˈrʌpt/ 21. Enrich
o Definition: To interrupt or cause disorder in a  Word Form: Verb
process or event.  Pronunciation: /ɪnˈrɪtʃ/
o Example: The new technology will disrupt the  Definition: To improve or enhance the quality or
traditional business model. value of something.
o Vietnamese: làm gián đoạn  Example: The program aims to enrich the lives of
16. Benefit (verb) young people through education.
o Word Form: Verb  Vietnamese: làm phong phú
o Pronunciation: /ˈbɛnɪfɪt/ 22. Elite
o Definition: To receive an advantage or profit from  Word Form: Noun/Adjective
something.  Pronunciation: /ɪˈliːt/
o Example: The community will benefit from the  Example: The university is known for its elite
new public park. programs in science and technology.
o Vietnamese: có lợi  Vietnamese: tầng lớp ưu tú
17. Run (verb - operate) 24. Concern
o Word Form: Verb  Word Form: Noun/Verb
o Pronunciation: /rʌn/  Pronunciation: /kənˈsɜːn/
o Definition: To manage or operate something, such  Example: There is growing concern about the effects
as a business or event. of climate change.
o Example: He runs a successful online store.  Vietnamese: mối lo ngại
o Vietnamese: điều hành 25. Treat
18. Valuable opportunities  Word Form: Verb
o Word Form: Noun Phrase  Pronunciation: /triːt/
o Pronunciation: /ˈvæljuːəbl ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtiz/  Definition: To behave toward someone or something
o Definition: Opportunities that provide great in a particular way, or to give someone a gift or
benefits or advantages. reward.
o Example: Studying abroad can provide valuable  Example: She always treats her employees with
opportunities for career growth. respect.
o Vietnamese: cơ hội quý giá
 Vietnamese: đối xử
19. Recognize 26. Respect
o Word Form: Verb
 Word Form: Noun/Verb
 Pronunciation: /rɪˈspɛkt/
o Pronunciation: /ˈrɛkəɡnaɪz/
 Example: It’s important to respect other people's
o Definition: To acknowledge the existence or
validity of something or someone.
 Vietnamese: tôn trọng
o Example: The government recognized the need for
27. Approach
a new education system.
 Word Form: Noun/Verb
o Vietnamese: công nhận
 Pronunciation: /əˈprəʊtʃ/
20. Access
 Definition: A way of dealing with something or a
o Word Form: Noun/Verb
method for doing something.
o Pronunciation: /ˈæksɛs/
 Example: His approach to solving the problem was
o Definition: The right or ability to approach, enter,
very creative.
or use something.
 Vietnamese: phương pháp
o Example: All students have access to the library
28. Educational institution
 Word Form: Noun Phrase
 Pronunciation: /ˌɛdjuˈkeɪʃənl ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃən/  Pronunciation: /həʊst ˈkʌntri/
 Definition: A school, college, or university where  Definition: A country that provides hospitality to
people go to learn. foreigners, such as students or tourists.
 Example: The educational institution offers a wide  Example: The host country welcomed the
range of degrees. international students warmly.
 Vietnamese: cơ sở giáo dục  Vietnamese: quốc gia chủ nhà
29. Overseas 35. Settle in
 Word Form: Adverb/Adjective  Word Form: Phrasal Verb
 Pronunciation: /ˌəʊvəˈsiːz/  Pronunciation: /ˈsɛtl ɪn/
 Definition: In or to a foreign country, especially one  Definition: To become comfortable in a new
across the sea. environment or place.
 Example: She went overseas to study for her master's  Example: It took me a few weeks to settle in after
degree. moving to the city.
 Vietnamese: nước ngoài  Vietnamese: ổn định, hòa nhập
30. Strategy 36. Citizen
 Word Form: Noun  Word Form: Noun
 Pronunciation: /ˈstrætədʒi/  Pronunciation: /ˈsɪtɪzən/
 Definition: A plan of action designed to achieve a  Definition: A person who is a legal member of a
long-term or overall aim. particular country.
 Example: The company’s strategy was to expand into  Example: She became a citizen of the country after
new markets. living there for five years.
 Vietnamese: chiến lược  Vietnamese: công dân
31. Material 37. Westernization
 Word Form: Noun/Adjective  Word Form: Noun
 Pronunciation: /məˈtɪərɪəl/  Pronunciation: /ˌwɛstənʌɪˈzeɪʃən/
 Example: The teacher gave us additional material to  Definition: The process of adopting Western ideas,
study for the test. culture, or lifestyle.
 Vietnamese: tài liệu, vật liệu  Example: Westernization has influenced many
32. Emphasis aspects of life in Asia.
 Word Form: Noun  Vietnamese: phương Tây hóa
 Pronunciation: /ˈɛmfəsɪs/ 38. Fee
 Definition: Special importance, value, or prominence  Word Form: Noun
given to something.  Pronunciation: /fiː/
 Example: The emphasis in the course is on practical  Definition: An amount of money charged for a service
experience. or activity.
 Vietnamese: sự nhấn mạnh  Example: There is a fee for using the gym facilities.
33. Focus on  Vietnamese: phí
 Word Form: Phrasal Verb 39. Lecturer
 Pronunciation: /ˈfəʊkəs ɒn/  Word Form: Noun
 Definition: To direct attention or concentration  Pronunciation: /ˈlɛktʃərər/
toward something.  Definition: A person who teaches at a university or
 Example: The teacher asked us to focus on the key college.
concepts in the lesson.  Example: The lecturer explained the concept clearly
 Vietnamese: tập trung vào during the lecture.
34. Host country  Vietnamese: giảng viên
 Word Form: Noun Phrase 40. Well-off
 Word Form: Adjective  Word Form: Noun
 Pronunciation: /wɛl ɔːf/  Pronunciation: /ˈɛkspɜːt/
 Definition: Having a lot of money or wealth.  Definition: A person with a high level of knowledge
 Example: They are well-off and can afford to travel or skill in a particular area.
the world.  Example: The expert explained the topic in detail
 Vietnamese: khá giả during the seminar.
42. Local  Vietnamese: chuyên gia
 Word Form: Adjective/Noun 49. Trade
 Pronunciation: /ˈləʊkəl/  Word Form: Noun/Verb
 Definition: Relating to or occurring in a particular  Pronunciation: /treɪd/
area, especially the area where one lives.  Definition: The activity of buying, selling, or
 Example: The local community center offers free exchanging goods and services.
classes for residents.  Example: International trade has grown significantly
 Vietnamese: địa phương in the past decades.
43. Committed to  Vietnamese: thương mại
 Word Form: Phrasal Verb 50. Technical school
 Pronunciation: /kəˈmɪtɪd tə/  Word Form: Noun Phrase
 Definition: Dedicated to a particular cause or activity.  Pronunciation: /ˈtɛknɪkəl skuːl/
 Example: He is committed to improving the  Definition: A school that teaches students skills that
educational system in his country. are needed for a specific trade or occupation.
 Vietnamese: cam kết với  Example: He studied at a technical school to become
44. Attract an electrician.
 Word Form: Verb  Vietnamese: trường kỹ thuật
 Pronunciation: /əˈtrækt/ 51. Government
 Definition: To draw attention or interest to  Word Form: Noun
something.  Pronunciation: /ˈɡʌvənmənt/
 Example: The new restaurant is designed to attract  Example: The government introduced new policies to
more customers. improve public health.
 Vietnamese: thu hút  Vietnamese: chính phủ
45. Close relationship 52. Divide
 Word Form: Noun Phrase  Word Form: Verb
 Pronunciation: /kləʊs rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/  Pronunciation: /dɪˈvaɪd/
 Definition: A strong and trusting connection between  Definition: To separate or split something into parts.
two or more people.  Example: The teacher divided the class into small
 Example: They share a close relationship that has groups for the project.
lasted for years.  Vietnamese: chia ra
 Vietnamese: mối quan hệ gần gũi 53. Equal
47. A common way  Word Form: Adjective
 Word Form: Noun Phrase  Pronunciation: /ˈiːkwəl/
 Pronunciation: /ə ˈkɒmən weɪ/  Definition: The same in size, quantity, or value.
 Definition: A usual or typical method of doing  Example: All people should have equal rights,
something. regardless of their background.
 Example: A common way to improve language skills is  Vietnamese: bình đẳng
through daily practice. 54. Certificate
 Vietnamese: một cách phổ biến  Word Form: Noun
48. Expert  Pronunciation: /səˈtɪfɪkət/
 Definition: An official document that proves that  Word Form: Verb
someone has completed a course or passed a test.  Pronunciation: /sprɛd/
 Example: After completing the course, she received a  Definition: To distribute or extend something over a
certificate of achievement. larger area.
 Vietnamese: chứng chỉ  Example: The virus spread quickly through the
55. Aim community.
 Word Form: Verb  Vietnamese: lan rộng
 Pronunciation: /eɪm/ 62. Involved in
 Definition: To direct or intend to achieve a particular  Word Form: Phrasal Verb
goal.  Pronunciation: /ɪnˈvɒlvd ɪn/
 Example: The program aims to improve literacy rates  Definition: Taking part in an activity or being engaged
among young children. in something.
 Vietnamese: nhắm đến, mục tiêu  Example: He is involved in organizing the charity
56. Practical experience event.
 Word Form: Noun Phrase  Vietnamese: tham gia vào
 Pronunciation: /ˈpræktɪkəl ɪksˈpɪərɪəns/ 63. Stage
 Example: Internships provide practical experience in  Word Form: Noun
the workplace.  Pronunciation: /steɪdʒ/
 Vietnamese: trải nghiệm thực tế  Definition: A particular point or period in a process or
57. Partnership development.
 Word Form: Noun  Example: The project is still in the early stages.
 Pronunciation: /ˈpɑːtnəʃɪp/  Vietnamese: giai đoạn
 Example: The company entered into a partnership 64. Exist
with a local firm to expand its reach.  Word Form: Verb
 Vietnamese: quan hệ đối tác  Pronunciation: /ɪɡˈzɪst/
58. Doctorate level  Definition: To be real or alive, or to continue to be.
 Word Form: Noun Phrase  Example: Several challenges exist in making this plan
 Pronunciation: /ˈdɒktərət ˈlɛvəl/ a reality.
 Example: She completed her research at the  Vietnamese: tồn tại
doctorate level in biomedical sciences. 71. Gifted
 Vietnamese: trình độ tiến sĩ  Word Form: Adjective
59. Positive  Pronunciation: /ˈɡɪftɪd/
 Word Form: Adjective  Definition: Having natural talent or ability, especially
 Pronunciation: /ˈpɒzətɪv/ in a particular area, such as art, music, or academics.
 Definition: Characterized by or displaying favorable  Example: She is a gifted musician and can play several
qualities or results. instruments.
 Example: The feedback from the project was  Vietnamese: tài năng
overwhelmingly positive. 72. Issue (noun)
 Vietnamese: tích cực  Word Form: Noun
60. Field  Pronunciation: /ˈɪʃuː/
 Word Form: Noun  Definition: A subject or problem that people discuss,
 Pronunciation: /fiːld/ think about, or deal with.
 Definition: An area of study, work, or interest.  Example: The environmental issue needs to be
 Example: She works in the field of renewable energy. addressed immediately.
 Vietnamese: lĩnh vực  Vietnamese: vấn đề
61. Spread

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