Chapter Three Skeletal Biology f4
Chapter Three Skeletal Biology f4
Chapter Three Skeletal Biology f4
integumentary system
Define skeleton?
o Skeleton is the hard portion of organisms for protection of internal
Define skeletal system?
o The framework of the body consisting of bones and other
connective tissues which protects and supports the body tissues
and internal organs?
Name the common types of skeleton in organisms? And
differentiate them with examples?
o Exoskeleton and endoskeleton. Exoskeleton is the rigid hard
case that surrounds the body to protect the internal organs and
provide attachment sites of the muscles. Exoskeletons are
found in insects, lobsters and snails while endoskeleton is the
rigid internal skeleton that forms the body’s framework to
allow movement through contraction of muscles attached to the
skeleton. Endoskeletons are found in vertebrates.
Name parts of human skeleton? And differentiate them with examples?
o Axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton. Skull, vertebral
column, ribcage, and sternum forms axial skeleton while girdles
and limbs forms appendicular skeleton of the human body and
other mammalian organisms.
Describe the skull? And classify skull bones?
o The skull is a bony structure which encases the brain and gives
form to the head and face. Skull consists of 8 Cranial and 14
facial bones.
Define foramen Magnum? And mention the significance of foramen magnum?