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Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol 14 Issue 05,2023


Veluru Sriveni,2R Swathi Priya,3Boya Revathi,4Madireddy Ruchitha,5T Vijaya Kumar
B.Tech Students,5Associate Professor
Dept of ECE
Dr.K.V.Subbareddy Institute of Technology, Kurnool

Abstract: Wireless digital notice board display be decoded and displayed on electronic notice
to gather the information on display of LED board.
matrix. This project can be also used in In this world Mobile Phones and the related
institutions or organization etc. but, sending technologies are becoming more and more
notices day to day is a heavy process. This prevalent. Various technical arenas in the field
project deals with advanced notice board. In Our of Telecommunication and Embedded
proposed system the user will enable to transmit Systems are becoming omnipresent in the
notices wirelessly on a notice board using people. The use of cell phones has rapidly
Controller Bluetooth Module with smart phone increased over the last decade and a half
and users get auto notification using cloud. Its Upgradation in networking technologies has
operation is based on microcontroller arduino encouraged the development and growth of
When the user sends notice through smart phone very dense networks. Notice boards are one of
simultaneously that message will get display on the widely used ones ranging from primary
the LED display board and also through the schools to major organizations to convey
cloud other users get auto notification on their messages at large. A lot of paper is been used
smart phone. and which is later wasted by the organizations.
I. INTRODUCTION This in turn leads to a lot of deforestation thus
Notice Board is common information sharing leading to global warming. Small innovative
medium in any institution or any public place steps in making use of technology for regular
like bus stations, railway stations and purposes would have an adverse effect on the
amusement parks. But putting on various notices environment issues which we are presently
day in and day out is time consuming. concerned about. The whole process can be
Additional man power is required to take care of described from the transmitter and receiver
this notice display board. This paper deals with section. The Bluetooth module receives a
an advanced electronic wireless notice board. message from the authorized mobile phone
Electronic notice board is a common device that and the message is extracted by the
is used to display information. The information microcontroller from the Bluetooth module
or messages are displayed using LCD’s and and is displayed on the matrix display board.
Graphical LCD’s. The wireless system for Serial to parallel communication is used for
LCD’s is a method using Radio Frequency as the entire process from Bluetooth module to
transmission medium. The system consists of Microcontroller and from microcontroller to
two modules: transmitter and receiver. The the matrix display. And for the
transmitter module is used by a user to place a acknowledgement LCD display is used. The
message through an input module PC/Mobile. proposed system “Bluetooth based Wireless
The information is then transmitted using Notice Board using Arduino” is cheap, quick
bluetooth technology to the receiver. It then will reliable and secured for any organization that
requires to circulate notice regularly and

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Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol 14 Issue 05,2023

reduce physical efforts. We are using rate), RSSI (Received signal strength indicator),
Bluetooth technology. We can send notice signal attenuation and power consumption. The
from any location. This proposed system in notice board receives serial data from wireless
this project has many upcoming applications module receiver and displays it on the graphical
in educational institutions and organizations, liquid crystal display. We have realized a
crime prevention, traffic management, common communication receiver hardware for
railways, advertisements etc. Been user notice board having compatibility with both
friendly, long range and faster means of wireless modules i.e., Bluetooth and ZigBee. We
conveying information are major bolsters for used KS0108 based 128x64 graphical LCD as
this application. By using this proposed display element. [3] M. Abila Mary, B. Pavithra,
methodology, we can enhance the security R. Sangeetha, Prof.T.C. Subbu Lakshmi, “GSM
system and also make awareness of the based wireless noticeboard using Arduino” In
emergency situations and avoid many dangers. this paper built a Noticeboard using GSM
II.LITERATURE REVIEW technology. The GSM based notice board is
[1] Ramya R, Bavithra N, Priyanka M, aimed at the colleges and universities for
“Wireless Enotice board using Bluetooth displaying day-to-day information continuously
technology” This paper explains E-notice board or at regular intervals during the working hours.
with the help of Bluetooth technology. This Being GSM-based system, it offers flexibility to
document deals with an innovative rather an display flash news or announcements faster than
interesting manner of intimating the message to the programmable system. • To develop a GSM
the people using a wireless electronic display based notice board whose contents can be
board which is synchronized using the Bluetooth updated through an SMS which realized through
technology. This will help us in passing any an embedded system with microcontroller. • To
message almost immediately without any delay design a project simple, easy to install, user
just by sending a SMS which is better and more friendly system, which may receive and display
reliable than the old traditional way of passing notice in a very specific manner. • SMS based
the message on notice board. This proposed notice board incorporating the widely used GSM
technology can be used in colleges many public to facilitate the communication of displaying
places, malls or big buildings to enhance the message on notice board via user’s mobile
security system and also make awareness of the phone. • SIM 800 GSM modem with a SIM card
emergency situations and avoid many dangers. is interfaced to the ports of the Arduino with the
[2] Dharmendra Kumar Sharma, Vineet Tiwari, help of AT commands. [4] Pallavi M. Banait,
“Small and medium range wireless electronic Nikita P. Bakale, Mayuri S. Dhakulkar, Bhushan
noticeboard using Bluetooth and ZigBee” this S. Rakhonde, “Cost effective Android based
paper introduces Notice Board using Bluetooth wireless notice board” IJETER International
and ZigBee technology. When information Journal of Emerging Technologies in
exchange occurs between people via a network, Engineering Research. In the day-to-day life,
then authentication and security of data have smart phone is gaining a wide range of
more priority. This paper introduces a low cost, importance in its usage and is portable. Thus, an
handheld, wireless electronic notice board by android smart phone can be for the purpose. An
using Atmel’s ATmega32 microcontroller and android application is installed in the user’s
different wireless technologies (Bluetooth and smart phone which permits the transmission. At
ZigBee) and their performance analysis based on receiver end, a low-cost microcontroller board
the parameter such as range, BER (bit error (Arduino Uno) is programmed to receive and

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Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol 14 Issue 05,2023

display messages in any of the above

communication mode. Using the developed
system, two different applications for displaying
messages on a remote digital notice board and
wireless person calling has been implemented.
The developed system will therefore aim in
wirelessly sharing the information with intended
users and also helps in saving the time and the
cost for paper and printing hardware. Fig: ARDUINO UNO
This chapter briefly explains about the
Hardware. It discuss the circuit diagram of each POWER SUPPLY:
module in detail. The power supplies are designed to convert
ARDUINO UNO high voltage AC mains electricity to a suitable low
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board voltage supply for electronic circuits and other devices. A
based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14 power supply can by broken down into a series of blocks,
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as each of which performs a particular function. A d.c
PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic power supply which maintains the output voltage
resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP constant irrespective of a.c mains fluctuations or load
header, and a reset button. It contains everything variations is known as “Regulated D.C Power Supply”.
needed to support the microcontroller; simply
connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it
with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
The Uno differs from all preceding boards in
that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver
chip. Instead, it features the Atmega16U2
(Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a
USB-to-serial converter. Uno board has a resistor
pulling the 8U2 HWB line to ground, making it
Fig: Block Diagram of Power Supply
easier to put into DFU mode. Arduino board has the
following new features:
• 1.0 pin out: added SDA and SCL pins that
A model described here is for its low price
are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins
and great possibilities most frequently used in
placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow
practice. It is based on the HD44780 microcontroller
the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the
(Hitachi) and can display messages in two lines with
board. In future, shields will be compatible both with
16 characters each. It displays all the alphabets,
the board that use the AVR, which operate with 5V
Greek letters, punctuation marks, mathematical
and with the Arduino Due that operate with 3.3V.
symbols etc. In addition, it is possible to display
The second one is a not connected pin, that is
symbols that user makes up on its own. Automatic
reserved for future purposes.
shifting message on display (shift left and right),
• Stronger RESET circuit.
appearance of the pointer, backlight etc. are
• Atmega 16U2 replace the 8U2.
considered as useful characteristics.
"Uno" means one in Italian and is named to mark the
upcoming release of Arduino 1.0. The Uno and
version 1.0 will be the reference versions of Arduino,
moving forward. The Uno is the latest in a series of
USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the
Arduino platform; for a comparison with previous
versions, see the index of Arduino boards.

Fig: LCD

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Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol 14 Issue 05,2023

Digital systems and microcontroller pins IV.PROJECT DESCRIPTION

lack sufficient current to drive the circuits like relays, This project proposes the design of dot matrix
buzzer circuits etc. While these circuits require
around 10milli amps to be operated, the led display using Micro Conroller.
microcontroller’s pin can provide a maximum of 1- BLOCK DIAGRAM:
2milli amps current. For this reason, a driver such as
a power transistor is placed in between the
microcontroller and the buzzer circuit.

LED MATRIX DISPALY Fig block diagram

LED-based signage and matrix displays are
bringing new dimensions of versatility and eye-
 arduino
pleasing visual effects to a growing number of
 Embedded c language
outdoor and indoor applications. Recent
advances in LED technology have even made it
difficult to distinguish still images on their high-  Transformer
quality displays from traditional printed or  Diodes
painted billboards. In this tutorial, Texas  Capacitors
Instruments takes a detailed look at the essential  Resistors
technical principles of LED display systems and  LEDS
the engineering considerations required to  Transistor
design them using arrays of discrete LED lamps.  PC Key Board
 Bluetooth Module
In our project we use power supply, Arduino
UNO, LED module, Bluetooth HC-05 and
mobile application. After uploading the program
in Arduino UNO, we will give them external
power supply. Due to that all functions of
equipment’s are on. At that time, we will pass
the notice/SMS which we want using mobile.
Then this notice/SMS will receive by Bluetooth.
And by using Arduino this notice/SMS will
display on digital notice board.
1. In Industry 2. In Offices 3. In college 4. In
Figure :Comparing three LED driver circuits

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Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol 14 Issue 05,2023

1. This proposed system has many upcoming

applications in educational institutions and
organizations, crime prevention, traffic
management, railways, advertisements etc.
As the technology is advancing every day the
display board systems are moving from Normal
handwriting display to digital display. Further to
Wireless display units. This project develops a
wireless notice board system with Bluetooth
connected to it, which displays the desired
message of the user through an SMS in a most
populated or crowded places. Here by
introducing the concept of wireless technology
in the Field of the communication. We can make
our communication more efficient and faster,
with greater efficiency. We can display the
messages and with less errors and maintenance.

[1] Prachee U. Ketkar, Kunal P. Tayade, Akash
P. Kulkarni, Rajkishor M. Tugnayat: GSM
Mobile Phone Based LED Scrolling Message
Display System, International Journal of
Scientific Engineering and Technology Volume
2 Issue 3; PP : 149-155
[2] Foram Kamdar, Anubbhav Malhotra and
Pritish Mahadik : Display Message on Notice
Board using GSM, ISSN 2231-1297, Volume 3,
Number 7 (2013); pp. 827-832
[3] Darshankumar C. Dalwadi, Ninad Trivedi,
BOARD, National Conference on Recent Trends
in Engineering & Technology
[4] Information on http://www. 8051projects.

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