Bluetooth Controlled Arduino Notice Board

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F.Y.B.Tech Students’ Conference on EDAI1 Projects-14th December 2019, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, INDIA.

Bluetooth Controlled Arduino Notice Board

Sangeeta Kurundkar, Siddharth Nahar, Vishwesh Meher, Mohammad Daanish
Shaikh, Siddhi Mundada, Tejas Murkya

replace the currently used programmable electronic display
Abstract — and conventional notice boards. It is proposed to design to
This document deals with an innovative rather an interesting receive message in display toolkit which can be used from
manner of intimating the message to the people using a wireless an authorized mobile phone using (Mit App Inventor). The
electronic display board which is synchronized using the Bluetooth whole process can be described from the transmitter and
technology. receiver section. Here simply we have to enter message
In this modern digital age, many traditional shopkeepers can not using app from authorized mobile phone ,this message will
attract customers as modern supermarkets do. So this project aims
to make them marketise their product from anywhere.   This will be sent via Bluetooth to Arduino , Arduino will process the
help us in passing any message almost immediately without any message and pass to LCD display ,which displays this
delay just by sending a message which is better and more reliable message in a most populated or crowded places , where we
than the old traditional way of passing the message on notice can’t speak loudly. This proposed system has many
board. This proposed technology can be used in colleges many upcoming applications in educational institutions and
public places, malls or big buildings to enhance the security system
and also make awareness of the emergency situations and avoid
organizations, crime prevention, traffic management,
many dangers. Using Bluetooth module display the message onto banking, railways, advertisements etc. Been user friendly,
the display board. long range and faster means of conveying information. By
The main objective of this project is to make the notice board using this proposed methodology we can enhance the
handy from anywhere (within bluetooth range).  And this project security system and also make awareness of the emergency
aims on displaying messages on notice board connected via situations and avoid many dangers.
Bluetooth , controlled through our mobile phones.
Keywords — Arduino Ide, Bluetooth Module ,LCD display ,MIT 1. IOT Based Digital Notice Board using Arduino ATMega
App Inventor ,Smart City ,Wireless Communication 328 (Pooja Pawar, Suvarna Langade, Mohini Bandgar) This
system is cheap, quick reliable and secured for any
I. INTRODUCTION organization that requires to circulate notice regularly and
In this world Mobile Phones and the related technologies are reduce physical efforts .Using GSM technology , there is no
becoming more and more prevalent. Various technical problem of the range i.e. distance. It can send notice from
arenas in the field of Telecommunication and Embedded any location. This proposed system uses SIM900, LED
Display, GSM module, ATMega328. The system can be
Systems are becoming omnipresent in the people. The use of
used in various applications like banking, schools,
cell phones has rapidly increased over the last decade and a
restaurants, offices, hospitals, score boards for sports etc.
half Upgradation in networking technologies has encouraged
the development and growth of very dense networks. Now- 2. Electronic Notice Board with Multiple Output Display
a-days the general mass prefer communicating while on the (Prof. Kruthika Simha Shreya Chethan Kumar, Parinitha C,
move therefore landlines usage has been drastically reduced. Shashidhar Tantry (Department of Electronics and
Now-a-days LED message scrolling displays are very Communication Engineering, PES Institute Of Technology,
popular. These displays are used in shopping malls, theaters, Banglore College of Engineering Belagavi, India) In this
schools, traffic signs, public transportation, banking sector paper , it can be easily integrated with general purpose
etc. Notice boards are one of the widely used ones ranging display board to provide its mobility. The system accept the
from primary schools to major organizations to convey message from of SMS and display on the notice board.
messages at large. A lot of paper is been used and which is
later wasted by the organizations and moreover for 3. GSM based Smart Home and Digital Notice Board
circulating this messages physical efforts is also required. (Aniket Pramanik ,Vikas Nagar , Satyam
This in turn leads to a lot of deforestation thus leading to Dwivedi,Rishikesh)
global warming. Here a small innovative step in making use The project presents a digital notice board and a home
of technology for regular purposes would have an adverse automation system using a GSM SIM900 module. The idea
effect on the environment issues which we are presently behind this project is to provide its users with a simple, fast
concerned about. The main aim of this paper is to design a and reliable way to put up important notices in an LCD
message(text) driven automatic display Board which can where the user can send a message to be displayed in the
LCD. The message can be sent through an android

application designed in this project, to the GSM SIM900
F.Y.B.Tech Students’ Conference on EDAI1 Projects-14th December 2019, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, INDIA.

module which has a SIM card inside it. Similarly, a home III. METHODOLOGY/EXPERIMENTAL
automation system has been developed where home
A. Components
appliances like light, fan etc. can be switched on or off using
the same android application designed in this project. The The components required for this project along with of
project consists of a 32-bit ARM based microcontroller description of their working is given below:
LPC2148, GSM SIM900 module, an LCD, a motor and an
android application for user interface with the hardware.  1. Arduino UNO-
It is based on the 8-bit ATmega328p microcontroller and
4. Real Time Digital Notice Board on Cloud Platform contains several other components like crystal oscillator,
(Avhad Jyoti S, Bhavar Vedika S. , Chavhan Sneha K. , serial communication and voltage regulators to perform
Dhole Tushar R. & Prof. Kapadnis Jagdish Y) The proposed functions as defined by the uploaded code. As for the pin
system accepts the message, stores it, validates and displays layout, there are 14 I/O pins out of which 6 support PWM
it on the LCD board. LCD boards are used to display output. There are 6 analog input pins as well. Code is
messages in Railway stations, shopping malls for displaying uploaded using the USB-B port.
advertisement, Educational institution and organizations,
managing traffic in smart cities and other public utility
places. Cost of printing and photocopying is also reduced
because the information can be delivered to a large number
of people in a very short time. It provides faster transfer of
information and are easy to install and maintain. This paper
provides an efficient way of displaying messages on Notice
Board and also get auto notification using Wireless
Technology. It also provides user to easily receive the
important information or message.

5. Solar Powered Scrolling led Display Board for Public

Utility Places (Ezhilarasan S, Gnanapragash S,Ravielango A
,Gobinathan S) This work introduces a development of
scrolling LED notice board with self-generating power from
built in solar panel for its working. The main advantage of
the project is to get a major reduction in paper consumption
and manpower. The messages can also be passed Fig. 1. Arduino pin diagram
immediately without any delay. Scrolling LED display is
used as it is low power and low cost. The led Display 2. HC-05 Bluetooth Module-
System is aimed at the colleges and universities for This module helps add full-duplex wireless functionality
displaying day-to-day information continuously or at regular to a project thus allowing communication between devices
intervals during the working hours. that support Bluetooth. A USART at 9600 baud rate is
utilized to achieve this.
6. Digital Notice Board in Schools and Colleges by
Implementing IoT with Audio Alert System ( C. Anitha , M.
Aruna , S. Elavarasi , V. Nandhini and D. L. Jayanthi )
The main objective of this project is to construct an internet
based graphical notice board system using raspberry pi that
display message sent from the user and to design a simple,
easy to install, user friendly system, which can receive and
display notice in a particular manner with respect to date and
time so that the user can easily access or know the latest
notices or messages. Wi-Fi i.e., the wireless technology is
used in this project. The Ethernet cable is used to connect
the Ethernet connector from raspberry-pi to router. Internet
connection must be essential for this project. The main
components of this project are raspberry pi, LCD monitor,
Android application or web application, speaker, Wi-Fi
F.Y.B.Tech Students’ Conference on EDAI1 Projects-14th December 2019, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, INDIA.

Fig. 2. HC-05 Bluetooth Module A block diagram of the project is given below.
3. LCD(2004)I2C Interface -
The module helps reduce wire connections to our
microcontroller to just 4 and also contains an onboard
potentiometer to control the contrast of the LCD. The 16
output pins are for connection to the LCD which be soldered
to the back of the module.

Fig. 5. Block diagram

B. Synthesis/Algorithm/Design/Method
First we need to connect the RX and TX pins of the HC-05
module to the TX and RX pins of the Arduino board
respectively. It has two operating modes, Data mode and
Command mode. We will be using the module in data mode
hence the Key pin is not grounded. Then we connect the
SCL (Signal Clock) and SDA (Signal Data) pins of our I2C
module to the two analog pins that are SCL and SDA
Fig. 3. I2C Module respectively. The SDA pin transfers data while the SCL pin
I2C is a communication protocol that stands for Inter- is used to receive the clock signal from the board. Each data
Integrated Circuit. It is a bus interface connection protocol bit transferred on SDA line is synchronized by a high to the
used in serial transfer for short distance communication. It low pulse of each clock on the SCL line. The data line
features half-duplex synchronous communication and can be cannot change when the clock is high. Only low can allow
configured in a multi-master arrangement. the data line to exchange information. A pull-up resistor is
connected to both lines since the devices on the I2C bus
work in active low state. The data packets are transmitted
4.16x2 LCD Module- using 9bits.
The display consists of 16 columns and 2 Rows with each
character occupying 40 pixel dots. It supports both alphabets The circuit diagram below shows the connections that we
and numbers and can work in 8-bit and 4-bit modes. were made to connect all our components together.

Fig. 4. 16x2 LCD Fig. 6. Circuit Diagram

Now that our circuit is ready, we will send a message to

Block-Diagram the HC-05 module through the app we built using MIT
App Inventor. This data will then be t ransferred over to
F.Y.B.Tech Students’ Conference on EDAI1 Projects-14th December 2019, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, INDIA.

the I2C module through the microcontroller and finally the

message will be displayed on our LCD display.

Fig. 7. MIT App Inventor code blocks

This is the application which we have made it using MIT

App Inventor[7]. This platform enables us to make
application without writing long codes but just using correct
logic and blocks. Above Fig. no. 7. Explains the code and
Fig. no. 8 is its output. ListPicker1 (“Bluetooth Devices” in
Fig. no. 8) allows us to select the available active Bluetooth
devices ( explains first block in Fig. no. 7 ). After picking
the desired one if it gets connected the message will be
displayed as “You are now connected” ( explains second
block in Fig. no. 7 ). Now finally the when we type some
text in textbox and press the send button the if loop works.
If the device is connected to some device the only the text
would be sent otherwise a text would pop up on the screen
“You are not connected !” ( explains the third block in Fig.
no. 7 ).

Fig 9. Screen 2 after selecting Bluetooth devices from screen 1

Fig 8 .Screen one

Fig 10. Screen 3
F.Y.B.Tech Students’ Conference on EDAI1 Projects-14th December 2019, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, INDIA.

C. Testing
Arduino Code
We tested our project by sending the text messages through
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //for serial communication
the app and verifying the output it ultimately produced on
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> //for I2C controlled lcd our display. All texts were successfully transferred and the
#include <Wire.h>// to connect with I2C component delay between input and output was short.
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);
SoftwareSerial mySerial (0,1); //(RX, TX);


String sub = " "; //for data that goes above 16 chars to print on next line
String newsub = " ";
The above described methodology has resulted
String oldval; in successful making of this BLUETOOTH
String newval = "No Data"; CONTROLLED ARDUINO NOTICE BOARD project.
int i = 0; All the linking of Hardware components like Arduino
int j= 0;
UNO with Bluetooth Module has been made properly
void setup() which has resulted in the proper functioning of the system.
{ The system is working as it was predicted earlier.   

mySerial.begin(9600); //begin serial communication with bluetooth
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Wireless Notice");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" Board ");
void loop()
val = mySerial.readString();
int a= val.length();
if(a > 15) // for string greater than 15 characters
{ Fig 11. Shows the result
for(int b =16 ; b<=a; b--)
if(val[b]==' ') V. LIMITATIONS
sub = val.substring(b+1); //string to be printed on next line
val = val.substring(0, b); // string to be printed on second line The voice calling feature is not available in existing project
break; for the blind people who can’t read the important
} instructions from the digital board .
sub= " ";
if(val != oldval) //storing string in another variable to print multiple times
{ In future by using this proposed methodology we can
newval = val; enhance the security system and also make awareness of the
newsub = sub;
emergency situations and avoid many danger.
lcd.clear(); We can also use GSM technology so there is no problem of
lcd.setCursor(i, 0); the range i.e. distance , and using this it will reduce physical
lcd.print(newval); efforts of circulating notice everyday .
lcd.print(newsub); The voice calling feature can be added to the proposed
i++; system as a further enhancement for using the system so that
j++; it will be also helpful for blind people (who can’t read the
if(i >= 15) important information) in knowing the important updates.
i = 0;
val = oldval; As the technology is advancing every day the display board
} systems are moving from Normal hand written display to
digital display, further to Wireless display units, to increase
F.Y.B.Tech Students’ Conference on EDAI1 Projects-14th December 2019, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, INDIA.

the market by attracting more and more customers using

Technology. This paper develops a module ,such that we
have we have to enter message using app ,this message will
be sent via Bluetooth to Arduino , Arduino will process the
message and pass to LCD display ,which displays this
message in a most populated or crowded places , where we
can’t speak loudly. This proposed system has many
upcoming applications in educational institutions and
organizations, crime prevention, traffic management,
banking, railways, advertisements etc. Been user friendly
and faster means of conveying information are major
bolsters for this application.

First of all, let us thank the effort of those who have
contributed significantly to our project. We express our
sincere gratitude and thankfulness towards our Guide Dr.
Sangita Kurundkar for her continuous support and for, help
& encouragement in implementing this Project.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our
profound sense of gratitude and respect to all those who
helped us throughout the duration of this project. 

[1] P. Pawar, S. Langade, M. Bandgar, “A Paper on IOT Based Digital
Notice Board using Arduino ATMega 328,” International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 06 ,Issue:
03, Mar 2019
[2] K. Simha, Shreya, C. Kumar, C. Parintha, S. Tantry, “Electronic
notice board with multiple output display,”  2016 International
Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and
Embedded System (SCOPES).
[3] B. Choudhry, A. Pramanik, V. Nagar, “GSM based Smart Home and
Digital Notice Board,” National Institute of Technology, Silchar,
Assam-788010, India
[4] A. Jyoti, B. Vedika, C. Sneha, D. Tushar, K. Jagdish, “Real Time
Digital Notice Board on Cloud Platform,” Imperial Journal of
Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-4, 2016
[5] S. Ezhilarasan, S. Gnaanapragash, A. Ravielango, S. Gobinathan,
“Solar Powered Scrolling led Display Board for Public Utility Places,”
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science,
Engineering and Information Technology 2018, Volume 3, Issue 8
[6] C.Anitha, M.Aruna, S.Elavarasi, V.Nandhina, D.L.Jayanthi, “Digital
Notice Board in Schools and Colleges by Implementing IoT with
Audio Alert System,” Asian Journal of Applied Science and
Technology (AJAST) Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 110-113

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