Bluetooth Controlled Arduino Notice Board
Bluetooth Controlled Arduino Notice Board
Bluetooth Controlled Arduino Notice Board
module which has a SIM card inside it. Similarly, a home III. METHODOLOGY/EXPERIMENTAL
automation system has been developed where home
A. Components
appliances like light, fan etc. can be switched on or off using
the same android application designed in this project. The The components required for this project along with of
project consists of a 32-bit ARM based microcontroller description of their working is given below:
LPC2148, GSM SIM900 module, an LCD, a motor and an
android application for user interface with the hardware. 1. Arduino UNO-
It is based on the 8-bit ATmega328p microcontroller and
4. Real Time Digital Notice Board on Cloud Platform contains several other components like crystal oscillator,
(Avhad Jyoti S, Bhavar Vedika S. , Chavhan Sneha K. , serial communication and voltage regulators to perform
Dhole Tushar R. & Prof. Kapadnis Jagdish Y) The proposed functions as defined by the uploaded code. As for the pin
system accepts the message, stores it, validates and displays layout, there are 14 I/O pins out of which 6 support PWM
it on the LCD board. LCD boards are used to display output. There are 6 analog input pins as well. Code is
messages in Railway stations, shopping malls for displaying uploaded using the USB-B port.
advertisement, Educational institution and organizations,
managing traffic in smart cities and other public utility
places. Cost of printing and photocopying is also reduced
because the information can be delivered to a large number
of people in a very short time. It provides faster transfer of
information and are easy to install and maintain. This paper
provides an efficient way of displaying messages on Notice
Board and also get auto notification using Wireless
Technology. It also provides user to easily receive the
important information or message.
Fig. 2. HC-05 Bluetooth Module A block diagram of the project is given below.
3. LCD(2004)I2C Interface -
The module helps reduce wire connections to our
microcontroller to just 4 and also contains an onboard
potentiometer to control the contrast of the LCD. The 16
output pins are for connection to the LCD which be soldered
to the back of the module.
B. Synthesis/Algorithm/Design/Method
First we need to connect the RX and TX pins of the HC-05
module to the TX and RX pins of the Arduino board
respectively. It has two operating modes, Data mode and
Command mode. We will be using the module in data mode
hence the Key pin is not grounded. Then we connect the
SCL (Signal Clock) and SDA (Signal Data) pins of our I2C
module to the two analog pins that are SCL and SDA
Fig. 3. I2C Module respectively. The SDA pin transfers data while the SCL pin
I2C is a communication protocol that stands for Inter- is used to receive the clock signal from the board. Each data
Integrated Circuit. It is a bus interface connection protocol bit transferred on SDA line is synchronized by a high to the
used in serial transfer for short distance communication. It low pulse of each clock on the SCL line. The data line
features half-duplex synchronous communication and can be cannot change when the clock is high. Only low can allow
configured in a multi-master arrangement. the data line to exchange information. A pull-up resistor is
connected to both lines since the devices on the I2C bus
work in active low state. The data packets are transmitted
4.16x2 LCD Module- using 9bits.
The display consists of 16 columns and 2 Rows with each
character occupying 40 pixel dots. It supports both alphabets The circuit diagram below shows the connections that we
and numbers and can work in 8-bit and 4-bit modes. were made to connect all our components together.
C. Testing
Arduino Code
We tested our project by sending the text messages through
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //for serial communication
the app and verifying the output it ultimately produced on
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> //for I2C controlled lcd our display. All texts were successfully transferred and the
#include <Wire.h>// to connect with I2C component delay between input and output was short.
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);
SoftwareSerial mySerial (0,1); //(RX, TX);
mySerial.begin(9600); //begin serial communication with bluetooth
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Wireless Notice");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" Board ");
void loop()
val = mySerial.readString();
int a= val.length();
if(a > 15) // for string greater than 15 characters
{ Fig 11. Shows the result
for(int b =16 ; b<=a; b--)
if(val[b]==' ') V. LIMITATIONS
sub = val.substring(b+1); //string to be printed on next line
val = val.substring(0, b); // string to be printed on second line The voice calling feature is not available in existing project
break; for the blind people who can’t read the important
} instructions from the digital board .
sub= " ";
if(val != oldval) //storing string in another variable to print multiple times
{ In future by using this proposed methodology we can
newval = val; enhance the security system and also make awareness of the
newsub = sub;
emergency situations and avoid many danger.
lcd.clear(); We can also use GSM technology so there is no problem of
lcd.setCursor(i, 0); the range i.e. distance , and using this it will reduce physical
lcd.print(newval); efforts of circulating notice everyday .
lcd.print(newsub); The voice calling feature can be added to the proposed
i++; system as a further enhancement for using the system so that
j++; it will be also helpful for blind people (who can’t read the
if(i >= 15) important information) in knowing the important updates.
i = 0;
val = oldval; As the technology is advancing every day the display board
} systems are moving from Normal hand written display to
digital display, further to Wireless display units, to increase
F.Y.B.Tech Students’ Conference on EDAI1 Projects-14th December 2019, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, INDIA.
First of all, let us thank the effort of those who have
contributed significantly to our project. We express our
sincere gratitude and thankfulness towards our Guide Dr.
Sangita Kurundkar for her continuous support and for, help
& encouragement in implementing this Project.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our
profound sense of gratitude and respect to all those who
helped us throughout the duration of this project.
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