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Urban Stormwater Management: A Sustainable Approach
Lina Karamoutsou 1, *, Elisavet Veliou 2 , Eivind Bigum Kvernberg 3 and Aris Psilovikos 1

1 Laboratory of Ecohydraulics & Inland Water Management, Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic
Environment, University of Thessaly, 38446 Volos, Greece; [email protected]
2 Agency for Water and Wastewater Services, 0560 Oslo, Norway; [email protected]
3 Norconsult AS, 1338 Sandvika, Norway; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Climate change is impacting urban areas, especially through extreme rainfall that stresses
conventional water management systems. Rainwater resulting from impervious runoffs, stormwater
leads to an increase in the amount of wastewater that requires treatment and an overflow of the
combined sewer system. Therefore, untreated wastewater is released into the surroundings or, in
some cases, causes damage to urban systems. Nevertheless, many cities in the world are in the
process of establishing a sustainable approach to urban water management. Sustainable stormwater
management practices are essential for overcoming various environmental challenges and promoting
community sustainability and resilience. The purpose of this paper is to communicate Oslo’s success
in implementing sustainable stormwater management in urban areas. By analyzing successful
cases, researchers may be able to record patterns that offer potential answers to the stormwater
management challenge. The present case study presents an approach that can enlighten urban
planners and policymakers about the potential outcomes of sustainable stormwater management
under the conditions presented.

Keywords: climate change; stormwater; urban; water management; Oslo

1. Introduction
Citation: Karamoutsou, L.; Veliou, E.; Climate change is impacting urban areas, especially through extreme rainfall that
Kvernberg, E.B.; Psilovikos, A. Urban stresses conventional water management systems [1,2]. Rainwater resulting from imper-
Stormwater Management: A vious runoffs, stormwater leads to an increase in the amount of wastewater that requires
Sustainable Approach. Water 2024, 16, treatment and an overflow of the combined sewer system [1,2]. Therefore, untreated
2089. https://doi.org/10.3390/ wastewater is released into the surroundings or, in some cases, causes damage to urban
w16152089 systems. Nevertheless, many countries in the world, such as Norway, Denmark, and Ger-
many, are in the process of establishing a sustainable approach to urban water management.
Academic Editor: Enedir Ghisi
Such countries include green structures, which are climate-adaptive as well as resistant to
Received: 4 June 2024 flooding [3,4].
Revised: 8 July 2024 Sustainable stormwater management practices are essential for overcoming various en-
Accepted: 8 July 2024 vironmental challenges and promoting community sustainability and resilience [3–5]. The
Published: 24 July 2024 local management of stormwater helps to reduce dependence on centralized systems, in-
cluding water supply and treatment, leading to the efficient conservation of water resources
and reducing freshwater sourcing demand [4,5]. Similarly, flooding management, erosion,
and the deterioration of water quality, among other factors, are addressed, helping to build
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
resistance against water scarcity that is synonymous with climate change. Retrofitting
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
stormwater ponds, reinstating wetlands, and extending stormwater retention improve
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
water quality and reduce peak flows and flood risks [5,6]. On the other hand, public acts,
conditions of the Creative Commons
offering focused professional workshops, and including urban stormwater management are
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// viable efforts that enable efficient, sustainable, and more diligent stormwater management
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ from local to federal levels [6,7]. Sustainable stormwater management treats stormwater

Water 2024, 16, 2089. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16152089 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/water

Water 2024, 16, 2089 2 of 11

as a valued resource and promotes its conservation, including water management among
other interacting water bodies [4–7].
Sustainable stormwater management practices have multiple benefits for urban areas
that cut across environmental, economic, and health concerns. As indicated earlier, water
availability is one of the most crucial issues for urban areas given the increasing pressure
on the resource [5,6,8]. Sustainable stormwater management strategies are thus critical in
reducing the volume of stormwater discharged, further minimizing water stress [8]. For
example, green infrastructure allows far less polluted stormwater to run off [9]. Such strate-
gies capture pollution from stormwater runoff, such as heavy metals, oil, and bacteria, and
then filter it, reducing pollution levels. In addition, the use of green infrastructure in urban
areas is crucial as it captures stormwater to reduce flooding and keep waterways clean and
healthy [10]. Water quality is also improved through numerous processes, including the
adsorption, filtration, plant uptake, and decomposition of organic matter [11,12]. Moreover,
sustainable stormwater management strategies enable urban areas to address the issues of
climate change, aging infrastructure systems, and increasing imperviousness [13].
The challenges associated with implementing sustainable stormwater management
practices in urban areas are diverse and require new and innovative approaches to ad-
dress them [5,14]. As urban areas have long been characterized by retrofitting sites into
sustainable stormwater management, this option is less likely to be effective in locations
with extensive amounts of impervious pavement, including parking lots, and sidewalks
that do not create enough space for green infrastructure to be introduced. Furthermore,
for decades, traditional engineering solutions have also been a standard approach in the
field of stormwater collection systems, consisting of areas on-site where stormwater is
regulated and released into waterways [14]. However, new and innovative measures and
practices are desperately needed due to non-point source pollution, incidental flooding,
and sickly waterways’ current conditions, all of which undermine sustainable stormwa-
ter management in urban areas [15]. Moreover, since much stormwater infrastructure
has been designed to move water off-site as quickly as possible, achieving sustainable
objectives necessitates altering traditional engineering approaches [14,16]. As urban water
resources face increasing pressures, the need to manage stormwater sustainably in a variety
of contexts is evident, leading to the pressing need for effective and efficient stormwater
management [14–16].
Oslo, a city committed to combating climate change, is determined to become a hub of
sustainability by eliminating all greenhouse gas emissions. In May 2020, the City Council
embraced a comprehensive climate strategy that outlines the roadmap to achieve this
ambitious goal by 2030. The Paris Agreement, a global commitment to limit temperature
rise to below 2 degrees Celsius, serves as the foundation for Oslo’s climate strategy. With
the world’s population increasingly gravitating towards urban areas, cities play a crucial
role in driving climate action. Oslo recognizes this responsibility and aims to lead by
example. While the task of transforming into a zero-emission city within a decade is unde-
niably daunting, Oslo has made significant strides in technology and policy advancements.
However, achieving this vision necessitates not only technological innovation but also
societal shifts and collective efforts. By aligning with the Paris Agreement, Oslo is poised
to spearhead the transformation towards a sustainable future [17].
By the year 2030, Oslo is set to become a city that emits virtually no greenhouse gases.
This transformation will not only create a healthier and more enjoyable city, but also one
that is well managed and characterized by reduced social inequality, as well as cleaner air
and water. Oslo serves as a platform for innovation, where new climate change solutions
are tested, refined, and brought to market. The city’s climate and business policies work
hand in hand, reinforcing each other’s impact. Oslo is leading the charge in environmental
and climate policies, both within Norway and on the international stage. By sharing our
solutions and experiences, we are influencing other cities and countries to accelerate their
efforts in reducing emissions. Our goal is for Oslo to become a “carbon-negative city”
Water 2024, 16, 2089 3 of 11

by 2030, actively working to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere through the
implementation of biological and industrial carbon capture and storage technologies [17].
The purpose of this paper is to present Oslo’s success in implementing sustainable
stormwater management in urban areas. By analyzing successful case studies, researchers
may be able to record patterns that offer potential answers to the stormwater management
challenge. The present case study grants knowledge to urban planners and policymakers
regarding different scenarios and their patterns of sustainable stormwater management.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. The Case Study of Oslo
Oslo is among the fastest growing cities in Europe. Oslo municipality makes a pro-
jection of the population in Oslo and its districts every year. This projection is used for
planning investments, service offerings, and planning work. As of 1 January 2023, Oslo
municipality had 709,037 inhabitants. Given the assumptions in this year’s projection (the
intermediate alternative), the population will grow by more than 100,000 until 2050, to just
under 813,000 [18].
This urbanization increases dense surfaces and makes the city more compact. Addi-
tionally, the drainage system now includes many of the city’s original streams. A good
example is Hovinbekken. The stream closure took place in stages. In 1955, the municipality
began to lay Hovinbekken in large concrete pipes, because the streams functioned as re-
cipients for sewage and waste. They appeared to be unlovable and a danger to children.
There was no opposition and the area was in the process of being transformed into business
and housing.
A combination of closed surfaces, stream closures, and limited capacity in the pipeline
network to handle stormwater during intense rainfall leads to back-up in basins, overflows,
and the pollution of waterways, stormwater flooding in streets and buildings, as well as
the infiltration of water into basements. Against the background of the above as well as
the climate change the city faces, Oslo municipality launched its strategy on stormwater
management in 2014. The purpose is to deal with excess water resulting from urban growth
and climate change. More torrential rain creates more stormwater and possible flooding.
The water must be given its place back in the city, which means opening closed streams.
Opening the streams has an important additional function; nature returns to the city, to the
delight of its citizens.
Oslo municipality has been innovative in giving private businesses and residents
their own responsibility. This responsibility involves managing stormwater in one’s own
property without damaging neighboring plots as well as setting aside plenty of space for
one’s own management when planning. In the case of new buildings, the builders have
to apply for a permit to discharge stormwater into the public sewer network [2]. The
applications must include stormwater calculations and provide the discharge quantity in
liters per second (L/s).
The strategy for stormwater management reduces flood risk and includes measures
for safe flood management when extreme weather hits the city. The Oslo Fjord is a large
recipient to which the water must be directed safely. Safety involves the control of both the
quantity and the quality of the water that is discharged, e.g., in the form of E. coli [2,19].
Moreover, removing snow from Norwegian roads is considered a necessary task in
order to be able to maintain the agreed road standards during the winter season. The
snow is driven away to a large extent to ensure traffic safety and meet requirements and
expectations for mobility and accessibility. Snow that is driven away from the roads is
often contaminated, to a greater or lesser extent, with environmental toxins, particles,
microplastics, sand, gravel, salt, and rubbish and must be handled properly. The amount of
snow that is driven away during a season may vary depending on the snow conditions.
A great amount of snow can fall in a short time. Analyses show that Oslo municipality
needs a solution that can handle a total of at least 500,000 m3 over a 12-week period and
Water 2024, 16, 2089 4 of 11

Water 2024, 16, 2089 4 of 11

continuous volume flow of at least 1000 m3/h. At the same time, cities can also have win-
ters with little snow, where the need is not necessarily as great [20].
a continuous volume flow of at least 1000 m3 /h. At the same time, cities can also have
2.2. The with little snow,
Stormwater 3‐Stepwhere the(S3SS)
Strategy need is not necessarily as great [20].

2.2. The is a method
Stormwater 3-Stepwhich, by (S3SS)
Strategy means of three steps, defines how rainfall of varying
intensity (low, moderate, and heavy)
S3SS is a method which, by means should be handled
of three in a sustainable
steps, defines wayof
how rainfall (Figure
S3SS lays down that rainfall from small rainfall events should be able to be
intensity (low, moderate, and heavy) should be handled in a sustainable way (Figure 1). infiltrated into
S3SS (penetrable)
lays down surfaces
that rainfall from(Step
small1), runoffevents
rainfall from large
be ableevents should be into
to be infiltrated able
to be delayed before it is channeled further (Step 2), and runoff from extreme
permeable (penetrable) surfaces (Step 1), runoff from large rainfall events should be able to rainfall
be should
delayed be diverted
before onto the
it is channeled surface
further via2),
(Step safe
andfloodways (Step
runoff from 3) [21].rainfall
extreme More specifi-
should be diverted onto the surface via safe floodways (Step 3) [21]. More specifically:

Figure 1.
Figure 1. S3SS and
and the
the typical
typical measures
measures within
within each
each of
of the
the steps.
steps. The
The arrows
arrows from
from the
the bottom
bottom of
step 22 symbolize
step symbolize emptying
emptying via
via aa line
line or
or via
via terrain
terrain runoff.
runoff. The
The arrows
arrows on
on terrain
terrain symbolize
symbolize overflow
from one
from one step
step to
to the

Step 1:
Step 1: A total of 1010 mm
mm of of rainfall
rainfall from
from the
the measured
measured area
area is
is diverted
diverted toto permeable
surfaces and
surfaces and infiltrated
infiltratedor or collected
collectedandand reused
the measured
measuredarea.area. This
This is
is achieved
by using
by using green
green areas,
areas, such
such as
as trees,
trees, rain
rain beds,
beds, and
and green
green roofs
roofs and
and permeable
permeable surfaces
instead of asphalt.
instead of asphalt. Stormwater from roofs, roads, and open spaces is directed to green
directed to green
areas, open
areas, open ditches,
ditches, andand canals
canals or or to
to aa body
body ofof water.
water. This
This leads
leads toto aa greener
greener city
city with
multifunctional solutions.The The idea
idea is
is to
to give
give nature
nature its
its place
place back.
back. Landscape architecture
meets hydraulics
hydraulics andand together
together they
they create
create aa more
more attractive
attractive city.
city. Processes
Processes that
that take
take place
during stage
stage 11 are
are infiltration,
evaporation,and andpurification.
purification. AA map
map ofof green
green roofs
roofs in
in Oslo
is shown
shown inin Figure
Figure 2.2.
Step 2: Runoff from a climate-adjusted 5-year rainfall must be retained in the measured
area. Amounts of water calculated for stage 1 cannot be subtracted when dimensioning
the needed retention for stage 2. This is achieved by dedicating areas to drainage and
ensuring that the areas are equipped to deal with stormwater. We must reduce the risk
where stormwater often collects and leads to flooding and damage, and where a flood is
critical. Stage 2 involves collecting and diverting stormwater to achieve an improvement in
the water quality of the watercourse by reducing overflow operation. Oslo municipality
has 751 stormwater discharges into waterways and 218 overflows [22]. In addition to
digestion, less extraneous water and a more sustainable wastewater treatment process are
achieved by saving energy. The separation of common sewer lines is a costly measure
in itself. Considering that Oslo has many quick clay areas, there is often a need for
geotechnical investigations as well as the piling of trenches, which increases costs even more.
Project managers in Oslo municipality encounter this challenge very often. Sometimes
sedimentation tanks can be a good solution, but the use of shallow stormwater pipes has
increased recently. These are used a lot by Stavanger municipality due to less snow.
Water 2024,
2024, 16, 2089 5 5ofof11

Figure 2. Map ofFigure

green2.roofs in Oslo provided by Plan-og bygningsetaten, Oslo kommune.
Map of green roofs in Oslo provided by Plan-og bygningsetaten, Oslo kommune.
Step 2: Runoff from a climate-adjusted 5-year rainfall must be retained in the meas-
ured Step
area. 3: Runoffof
Amounts from a climate-adjusted
water calculated for stage100-year
1 cannot rainfall must bewhen
be subtracted diverted in safe
flood plains and must not cause flood damage to the measured area. This is achieved
ing the needed retention for stage 2. This is achieved by dedicating areas to drainage and by
arranging dedicated floodways, i.e., certain roads and waterways, and ensuring that the
ensuring that the areas are equipped to deal with stormwater. We must reduce the risk
stormwater is channeled safely to the floodways and onward via these towards the fjord
where stormwater often collects and leads to flooding and damage, and where a flood is
(the result of the submergence of a glacial valley characterized as a narrow, deep, and long
critical. Stage 2 involves collecting and diverting stormwater to achieve an improvement
inlet of the sea between high rocks). In some places, it must also be supplemented with
in the water quality of the watercourse by reducing overflow operation. Oslo municipality
systems below the ground.
has 751 stormwater discharges into waterways and 218 overflows [22]. In addition to di-
gestion, less extraneous water and a more sustainable wastewater treatment process are
3. Implementation
achieved by saving
3.1. Blue-Green Roofsenergy. The separation of common sewer lines is a costly measure in
itself. Considering that Oslo has many quick clay areas, there is often a need for geotech-
Blue-green roofs combine the water-retention benefits of blue roofs with the vegetation
nical investigations as well as the piling of trenches, which increases costs even more. Pro-
and insulation benefits of green roofs. They can store significant amounts of rainwater and
ject managers in Oslo municipality encounter this challenge very often. Sometimes sedi-
can strengthen biodiversity with native plants [23]. Blue-green roofs handle stormwater
mentation tanks can be a good solution, but the use of shallow stormwater pipes has in-
in two ways. It can happen by runoff, also called detention, which is the natural delay
creased recently. These are used a lot by Stavanger municipality due to less snow.
that occurs when water flows through various layers and materials, and slowly drains out
Step 3: Runoff from a climate-adjusted 100-year rainfall must be diverted in safe flood
from the roof within hours or days after a rain event. The other way is by retention, which
plains and must not cause flood damage to the measured area. This is achieved by arrang-
is water that the roof consumes through evaporation and transpiration from vegetation
ing dedicated floodways, i.e., certain roads and waterways, and ensuring that the storm-
that is part of the roof solution. Blue-green roofs can contribute significantly to keeping
water is channeled
stormwater away. safely to the floodways and onward via these towards the fjord (the
of the submergence of a glacialchief
to Bent C. Braskerud, valley characterized
engineer as a narrow,
in the Water deep, and
and Wastewater long
inlet of the sea between high rocks). In some places, it must also be supplemented
in Oslo municipality, the structure of the roof is a key factor. Vega Scene on Grünerløkka with
in Oslo isbelow the ground.
a reference project for blue-green roofs in Norway. The project was completed
in 2019 and won Oslo City’s architecture award. The roof consists of a thick (15–40 cm),
Water 2024, 16, 2089 6 of 11

vegetated cover that absorbs and evaporates precipitation. Precipitation is absorbed in

the growing medium on the roof, which is lightweight and shallow, often made of a mix
of crushed brick and expanded shale with a small amount of organic matter, and choked
downspouts control runoff from the roof. The construction ensures that rain (first step)
is delayed and evaporates, while rain (as indicated in the second step) is released in a
controlled manner into the public sewerage network. The plants on Vega Scene are planted
out with different thicknesses of growth mass to create progressively more demanding
vegetation on the thickest layers, according to Hans Martin Hanslin, researcher at the
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO). The research shows that more than
130 species have moved onto the roof and that the roof handles extreme rain events [24].

3.2. Rain Bed

A rain bed is a planted depression in the terrain where water is temporarily stored on
the surface and infiltrates to the ground or the drainage network (Figure 3). The surface
of the rain bed should be flat and horizontal so that water can reach and infiltrate the
entire area. The depth of the drainage volume on the surface can be advantageously
20–30 cm. Increased depth results in a smaller area requirement, and the entire surface is
moistened more often, to the delight of the vegetation. Good maintenance is important for
good function and for rain beds to be perceived as a relevant alternative for stormwater
management. Failure to empty sludge traps and replace dead plants has caused some rain
beds to fall into disrepair. An advantage of measures on the surface is that we can more
easily see if they work and need maintenance than buried solutions. Correcting errors is
also easier and cheaper.
Deichmans gate in Oslo was originally a dilapidated street garden that was mainly
used as a parking space. The water and drainage lines needed upgrading and on that
occasion there was a desire to use the surface water as a resource rather than directing it
into the municipality’s drainage lines and treatment plant. The rain beds were sized to
handle the 20-year rain with a climate factor of 1.2. An infiltration capacity of 30 cm/h in
Water 2024, 16, 2089 7 of 11
the rain beds was assumed. The rain beds made up approx. 3.5% of the total catchment
area [25].

Figure 3. Rain
Rain bed:
bed: roof
roof water
water leading
leading to
to rain
rain bed
bed [26].

3.3. Shallow
Shallow Storm
Storm Water
Water Pipes
In a typical ditch, thestorm
a typical ditch, the stormwater
waterpipe is at
pipe is the bottom.
at the What
bottom. characterizes
What characterizesNorwegian
trenches is covering pipes with a protection layer due to frost. For downspouts
gian trenches is covering pipes with a protection layer due to frost. For downspouts in Oslo, thein
Oslo, should
the coverbe should
at leastbe
(Figure 4).(Figure
1.8 m This is 4).
considered a sufficienta frost-free
This is considered sufficient depth. In
depth. Inshallow
contrast,storm water
shallow pipes
storm are pipes
water locatedaremuch higher.
located muchThey canThey
higher. be used
canin beareas
with stable cold temperatures.
in areas with stable cold temperatures.
3.3. Shallow Storm Water Pipes
In a typical ditch, the storm water pipe is at the bottom. What characterizes Norwe-
gian trenches is covering pipes with a protection layer due to frost. For downspouts in
Oslo, the cover should be at least 1.8 m (Figure 4). This is considered a sufficient frost-free
Water 2024, 16, 2089
depth. In contrast, shallow storm water pipes are located much higher. They can be7used of 11
in areas with stable cold temperatures.

Figure4.4. Ditch
Figure Ditchsection

dimensions vary
vary depending
depending on
on the
pipes. For
For the
the bottom

Table Bottomwidth (nm)
width [27].[27].
Dim (mm)
Dim (mm) BottomWidth
Bottom Width (mm)
<250 >600
250–400 650–800
400–800 900–1300
400–800 900–1300
800–1200 1600–2000
>1200 1600–2000
>1200 >2000
3.4. Open Streams
Hovinbyen is Oslo’s largest urban development area. The reopening of parts of the
Hovinbekken has been part of the transformation area. The plan is to reopen from Marka
to the fjord with walkways that create life along the brook. Reopening and planting will
help reduce dust in the air. In addition, Hovinbekken will contribute as a safe floodway
in the event of heavy rainfall (Planning program with VPOR for Hasle and Valle Hovin,
Planning and Building Agency).

3.5. Safe Floodways in Roads and Streets

A premise for the planning and engineering of safe floodways in streets and roads
is to define the dimensioning flow of water. An assessment of a suitable method for
calculation (manual calculations or hydraulic modelling) of dimensioning water flow and
any capacity check of the planned floodway will be situational, and must be carried out in
each individual case.
The choice of cross profile when designing the road/street can be decisive in achieving
the desired drainage capacity. Often the cross section alone will not have enough capacity
and must therefore be combined with other elements to achieve sufficient capacity. To
illustrate the possible drainage capacity of the cross-sections, three typical street cross-
sections in Oslo are presented, based on three road widths and curbs of varying height
(Figure 5) [28].
The choice of cross profile when designing the road/street can be decisive in achiev-
ing the desired drainage capacity. Often the cross section alone will not have enough ca-
pacity and must therefore be combined with other elements to achieve sufficient capacity.
To illustrate the possible drainage capacity of the cross-sections, three typical street cross-
Water 2024, 16, 2089 sections in Oslo are presented, based on three road widths and curbs of varying height 8 of 11
(Figure 5) [28].

Figure 5. One-sided drop, roof drop, and V-profile

V-profile [28].

4. Discussion
4. Discussion
The street profile
The street profile with
with the
the highest
highest drainage
drainage capacity
capacity isis V-shaped.
V-shaped. However,
However, it it is little
is little
used in Norway so far. Plowing snow in winter can be a challenge. However, it can be an
in Norway so far. Plowing snow in winter can be a challenge. However, it can be an
applicable transverse profile to
transverse profile to use
use when
when establishing
establishing aa floodway.
floodway. RoofRoof drop
drop is
is one
one of
of the
most used
used cross-sections, where the
cross-sections, where the surface
surface water is directed
water is directed out
out to
to the
the sides
sides either
either in in an
open ditch or in a drain along the curb. One-sided drop is a widely used cross profile in
open ditch or in a drain along the curb. One-sided drop is a widely used cross profile in
road and street design, where excess water is led out to one side in a drain along a curb or
road and street design, where excess water is led out to one side in a drain along a curb or
open ditch. The cross-section must include elements such as curbs, ditches, and the like to
open ditch. The cross-section must include elements such as curbs, ditches, and the like to
be able to function as a safe floodway [29].
be able to function as a safe floodway [29].
One of Oslo’s notable achievements in stormwater management is its emphasis on
One of Oslo’s notable achievements in stormwater management is its emphasis on
green infrastructure. Green roofs, permeable pavements, raingardens, and vegetated swales
green infrastructure. Green roofs, permeable pavements, raingardens, and vegetated
are among the green infrastructure components, which can absorb and filter stormwater,
swales are among the green infrastructure components, which can absorb and filter storm-
thus reducing the load on the city’s drainage systems. In addition to alleviating flooding,
water, thus reducing the load on the city’s drainage systems. In addition to alleviating
these components enhance biodiversity, reduce air pollutants, and add aesthetic value.
flooding, these components enhance biodiversity, reduce air pollutants, and add aesthetic
Additionally, Oslo has invested in the restoration and conservation of natural water bodies,
value. Additionally, Oslo has invested in the restoration and conservation of natural water
such as rivers, streams, and wetlands. By enhancing the capacity of the ecosystems to
bodies, and
absorb suchattenuate
as rivers, stormwater,
streams, andthewetlands. By enhancing
city reduces the risk oftheflooding
of the ecosystems This
to absorb and attenuate stormwater, the city reduces the risk of flooding
is consistent with the nature-based solution for managing stormwater, which has been downstream.
This is consistent
effective with the
in many places nature-based
globally, solution for managing stormwater, which has
with co-benefits.
it comes to implementing Oslo’sco-benefits.
in many places globally, with environmentally friendly stormwater man-
agement techniques in other cities, the following principles will be crucial: tailoring to
the local geography or the climate, engaging community participation, integration into
urban planning, investing in innovation, supporting policies, and financing. In other words,
while the Oslo approach can be an inspiring model for other urban areas, every city should
analyze its unique geographical, climatic, and infrastructural characteristics.
Green roofs and sustainable buildings can make large and dense cities more attractive.
Small rainfall can be handled locally without putting the pipe system under strain, and
energy can be saved in the hottest months. Vegetation provides shadow and transpiration
from the foliage cools. Buildings with vegetation on the roof and/or on the walls will act
as air conditioning with minimal power consumption, only a small pump that distributes
the water as needed. If rainfall is collected and used for irrigation, the indoor temperature
will improve and the urban heat island effect will be reduced. It is unreasonable that we
use energy to cool buildings inside for high temperatures outside, by sending the heat out
of the building to streets that become even hotter. Despite the fact that other countries
may not have such deep ditches, digging can be minimized with innovative stormwater
solutions, so that greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.
Furthermore, taking responsibility and accepting consequences according to rules can
thus give more back to the city and its citizens. Oslo municipality has been active on social
media and has shared its campaigns in a short, simple, and understandable way. The “Do it
for Oslo” campaign, which among other things asked people to reduce water consumption
in dry periods, had a great effect. People have to understand and accept that they affect the
Water 2024, 16, 2089 9 of 11

climate and quality of life with their own actions, such as, e.g., by directing the roof water
into the terrain rather than into the public network.
Community engagement and collaboration with all stakeholders are vital in ensuring
that the public takes an active part in the efforts and has a sense of ownership. Integration
with urban development curbs future infrastructure challenges and mainstream sustainable
practices. Investment in research is critical in developing the existing approaches and the
creation of new technologies and practices.
The government should also play a central role in supporting policies and financial
incentives. Sustainable urban stormwater management can be achieved through the collab-
orative participation of different stakeholders operating in diverse but coordinated roles.
Policy formulation, financial incentives, infrastructure development, and public outreach
are the responsibility of the government at every level; city management, implementation,
readiness checks, monitoring data collections, and maintenance. It is also the private sector
that develops and innovates, which carries out enforcement that engages in corporate social
responsibility. Nonprofits and community organizations contribute by running education
activities around outreach as well as guiding the local projects. Researchers and academia
carry out research, analyze the data, or educate the professionals of tomorrow. Municipal
residents and property owners incorporate best practices, such as participating in commu-
nity initiatives or maintaining stormwater management features. Moreover, partnerships
and integrated planning are essential to prevent or protect the quality of water, reduce
flooding, and enhance urban environments.
Finally, while the S3SS method from Norway offers a promising approach to sus-
tainable urban stormwater management, its replication in other countries requires careful
adaptation to local conditions, infrastructure, climate, regulatory environments, and social
contexts. Conversely, it should be emphasized that comparing Oslo’s green infrastruc-
ture efforts with those in other regions, such as Denmark, does come with certain risks.
These risks primarily stem from differences in geographic, climatic, socio-economic, and
regulatory contexts.

5. Conclusions
Oslo’s efforts in sustainable stormwater management from a holistic point of view
becomes a representative example to the rest of the worlds’ cities due to the importance of
blue-green infrastructure, citizens’ involvement, and innovation in developing sustainable
urban spaces. City authorities’ commitment to sustainability and creativity in developing
feasible solutions can reduce the negative impacts of residential growth on the future and
keep the city’s residents prosperous. The present case study presents an approach that can
enlighten urban planners and policymakers about the potential outcomes of sustainable
stormwater management under the conditions presented.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.K. and E.V.; methodology, L.K. and E.V.; data curation,
E.V.; writing—original draft preparation, L.K., E.V. and E.B.K.; writing—review and editing, L.K.,
E.V., E.B.K. and A.P.; supervision, A.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: The information and insights presented in this communication paper
are based on publicly available reports, documents, and resources provided by the Water and
Wastewater Agency of the Oslo Municipality (in Norwegian), as well as the existing knowledge and
literature on sustainable stormwater management practices.
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the Water and Wastewater Agency of the Oslo
Municipality for providing valuable insights and information on Oslo’s sustainable stormwater
management practices.
Conflicts of Interest: Author EBK is employed by Norconsult AS. The remaining authors declare no
conflicts of interest.
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