S03-23 the Goblinblood Dead
S03-23 the Goblinblood Dead
S03-23 the Goblinblood Dead
Jerall Toi
Author• Erik Mona
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-23: The Goblinblood Dead is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for lSt- to 5th-level
characters (Tier 1-5; Subtiers 1-2 and 4-5). This scenario is designed for play in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play
campaign, but can easily be adapted for use with any world.
This product makes use of the Path.finder RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder RPG
GameMastery Guide, and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. These rules can be found online for free as part of the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Reference Document at paizo.com/prd.
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Patlifinder Society Scenario #J-23: The Gobliriblood Dead© 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Paizo Publishing, LLC, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder,
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The nation oflsger has fallen on hard times. Less than 2
decades ago, the savage Chitterwood goblinoids organized
and attacked the nation from within, sparking the deadly
Goblinblood Wars. So great was the threat to Isger and The Goblinblood Dead takes place in the Chitterwood of
its neighbors that only an unlikely alliance between central lsger. Once a forest of much larger size, the goblin
a regiment of Eagle Knights from Andoran, a small infested woodland was diminished greatly a decade ago
order of Hellknights from Cheliax, and a contingent of when a united force of Andorens, Chelaxians, and Drumans
Druma's Mercenary League could stem the goblinoid forced repulsed a dire goblin threat upon lsger. Now lsger
tide. In the end, much of the Chitterwood was put to the exists as a thrall to Cheliax, weakened by the Goblinblood
torch, forcing the surviving goblinoids to seek refuge Wars and supported by the money and influence of the
deep among the caverns below. Infernal House of Thrune. For more information on lsger
During one of the first battles of the Goblinblood and the Goblinblood Wars, refer to Path.finder Campaign
Wars, one hobgoblin, Telda, panicked and fled the field of Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide, available wherever
battle. Knowing that her cowardice would be punished by gaming material is sold, and online at paizo.com.
either enslavement or exile, she chose not to return to her
people, and instead fled north until she reachedFinder's
Gulch, the haunted foothills bordering Cheliax and
Molthune. Here, she encountered a cult of Urgathoa and
found herself drawn into their ranks. Within the cult,
Telda met several other hobgoblin outcasts, including a
burly warrior, Darak.
As Telda explored her newfound religion further, her
needs and desires began to shift toward the horrific.
During one particularly debased feast, Telda began to
vocalize strange and terrible sounds in the middle of the
meal. Unable to control her own voice, the frightened
hobgoblin lashed out at those around her. Eventually, after
her energy was spent, Telda found that her own voice and military to protect the country's primary source of
words had returned to her, and that her fellow supplicants income-the trade routes that run along the Conerica
lay dead or dying from festering and bleeding wounds River and the roadways that follow its course. The rest
wounds that her touch had caused. It was then, surrounded of the nation has since fallen victim to countless smaller
by the blood of her fellow worshipers, that Telda had her problems, from common banditry to undead infestations.
first revelation-a vision of the Chitterwood goblinoid The Pathfinder Society has long used overland caravan
armies rising once more, loyal only to her. Soon after, routes to get important documents, treasures, and
Telda returned to the Chitterwood with a small group of personnel from central Avistan to the Inner Sea. The
like-minded cultists, including Darak-now her constant Society often employs caravans operated by Varisian
companion and protector-and began raiding battlefield wanderers, especially those operating as part of the
graves and crypts to gradually build her skeletal army. Sczarni organized crime syndicate. One particular route
Now, the Chitterwood's borders are far narrower through Isger, from Cheliax to Druma, passes through
following the blazing climax of the Goblinblood Wars, the Chitterwood, its caravan masters willing to risk
and Isger's military remains likewise depleted. Isger's danger if it allows them to stay off the main roads and
steward, Hedvend VI, has ordered the remnants of the better hide their illicit or smuggled cargo. However, in
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the last few months, a number of important Sczarni an old worg picking through the empty graves. The
caravans operating on these rarely traveled roads have worg is not initially hostile, but is cautious and willing
disappeared or reported significant casualties due to to defend herself if attacked. If the PCs can improve the
nighttime ambushes or "bandit raids." beast's attitude toward them, she can provide additional
The Sczarni suspect that the caravans have fallen information regarding what's behind the skeletons and
victim to the all-too- common bandit attacks. In actuality, empty graves.
Telda's undead minions are the true cause of the missing Further clues and tracks found at the graveyard
caravans. Her plans require countless bodies and supplies, eventually take the PCs to the source of the undead
materials that the caravan smuggling routes provide scourge: a small cave network deep within the
ample numbers of. Chitterwood. Telda, a hobgoblin oracle of
In order to protect both their own assets Urgathoa, is responsible for the recent
and Pathfinder cargo, the Sczarni have undead attacks. The PCs will need to
approached the Society, asking for a group defeat Telda and her fellow cultists
of Pathfinders to guard the next scheduled if they are to ensure their caravan's
caravan and, if the opportunity presents safety and secure the trade route for
itself, track down the source of the attacks. future use.
·1. - - .'
Chitterwood. That's where you come in. I have made all the surrounding their walls, so there are apparently plenty
arrangements necessary to ship you to lsger in the morning, of goblinoids to still be found."
where you'll meet the caravan you are tasked with escorting Can we expect adverse weather conditions? "It should
through the goblinoid-infested woods. In the meantime, I have be late summer when you arrive in Isger. You should not
summoned the honored lsgeri war hero Gaspar Desime to help encounter any bad weather, though I did not expect brave
answer any questions you might have about your upcoming Pathfinders to be afraid of a little rain or cold."
visit to the Chitterwood. Guaril Karela is also available and Mission Notes: PCs of the Cheliax faction have
can answer any questions you have about the caravan you'll be the chance to retrieve Paracountess Zarta Dralneen's
guarding, though I believe he is currently stationed at his shop locket. Desime was once romantically involved with the
in the Docks district." Paracountess, and still believes he can win her
favor once again. He now keeps her locket
Dreng has organized two information on his person at all times. A PC can
sharing sessions for the PCs: one with Gaspar steal it without Desime noticing with a
Desime, a veteran Isgeri soldier, and the other successful DC i8 Sleight of Hand check.
with Guaril Karela, leader of the Sczarni in Alternatively, a PC can convince Desime
Absalom. Desime has accompanied Dreng to to return the locket with a successful
the PCs' quarters, and answers any questions DC 20 Diplomacy or Intimidate check. If
on the spot. Karela has agreed to meet the PCs Desime catches a PC attempting to pick
in his Absalom-based store, the Pickled Imp. his pocket, the DC of any further attempts
to convince him to surrender the locket
Gaspar Desime increases by 5. Successfully getting the locket
Desime, with his chiseled Chelish earns Cheliax faction PCs 1 Prestige Point.
features and elaborately bedecked
Isgeri military uniform, cuts Guaril Karela
an imposing figure. Loud, The PCs should have no difficulty
abrasive, and arrogant, most find Gaspar Oes1me in finding Guaril Karela's store, the
him difficult to tolerate. However, he Pickled Imp, located in Absalom's seedy
did prove himself a hero during the Docks district. When the PCs enter the
Goblinblood Wars and his knowledge may be of use to store, read or paraphrase the following.
the PCs. Desime gives a brief history of the Goblinblood
Wars (as detailed in the first paragraph in the scenario Karela's curio store seems dark and cramped, regardless of
background on page 3), overemphasizing his own role the time of day. The dirty windows block most outside light,
during the conflict. Eventually, he allows the PCs to ask a leaving the inside of the store permanently encased in shadow.
few questions. Desime does not know any specifics about Rows upon rows of shelves filled with knickknacks, baubles,
the caravan they'll be escorting, but he can answer almost and trinkets-all of varying levels of quality and authenticity
any question about the Chitterwood and the Goblinblood run the length of the store, leaving little room for people to
Wars. Answers to some of the most common questions move about.
the PCs may have are given below. From somewhere behind the shelves, Karela, acting as
Who do you suspect is behind the attacks? "Isger is shopkeep, shouts a greeting to potential customers as they enter.
currently besieged by numerous threats-the undead
roam the lands to the north and south of my beloved Karela wants to secure the lucrative Chitterwood trade
homeland, while bandits prey on the weak throughout the route and protect the Sczarni caravan, but he is wary about
countryside. What's worse, the Chitterwood itself is still sharing too many Sczarni secrets. He tends to redirect the
the home to the scattered remains of goblinoid armies, left conversation if the PCs ask any sensitive questions.
over from the Goblinblood Wars. If only for your sake, I Where do we meet the caravan? "I have sent
hope it's merely bandits behind the caravan attacks." instructions informing the caravan to meet you a few
What dangers can we expect to face in the Chitterwood? miles south of Logas. I shall have my associate Kazrin
"You will probably face nothing more than bandits, meet you in Logas and he should be able to direct you to
probably relying on the harrowing stories surrounding the rendezvous point. From there, the caravan crew will
the Chitterwood to deceive and waylay travelers. Do lead you through the Chitterwood."
not be surprised, though, if you encounter a hobgoblin How large is the caravan? "You only have one wagon to
or bugbear. I hear the city of Logas can still maintain worry about. We do not normally make use of long wagon
a steady supply of fresh goblin heads for the pikes trains. Those are too difficult to protect and too easily
noticed. The caravan master is a man named Jandri, one Alik, the only other guard besides Kazrin, is the
of our best remaining allies in the area." youngest of the crew. She does not fully trust non
How long does the journey take? "If you don't slow Sczarni, especially non-Varisian PCs, and says little
the caravan down, the journey through the Chitterwood throughout the journey. She does, however, show a
should take just over a week." particular animosity toward Chelish supporters and, as
How can we defend the caravan if we must also track a result, focuses primarily on protecting the caravan's
down the source of the attacks? "In our business, we try halfling passenger throughout their journey.
not to leave much to chance. Our routes are normally Camon is a recently escaped halfling slave from the
well prepared, including secret watering points Chelish port city of Ostenso. There he worked
and hidden campsites. The caravan is most at the shipyards for most of his life. In an
vulnerable while on the move. If you can unexpected turn of events, one of the
secure the caravan at one of these safe many underground anti-slavery networks
points, Jandri and his crew should be able orchestrated his freedom and passage
to defend it in your absence." east with the Sczarni caravan. He hopes
What is the caravan transporting? "I to reach Andoran or Druma and seek his
have to respect the privacy of our clients. fortune there-or at least a modest living
So, regretfully, I cannot answer that, and bereft of thralldom. None of the NPCs
neither can Jandri, were you to ask him." voluntarily share information about Camon's
Development: Once the PCs finish talking to history, but he is willing to relay some of his
Karela, he offers each of them a colorful story if pestered enough.
Varisian scarf. He explains that Jandri, the driver, is a sullen,
the scarf will help his informant at middle-aged woman. She only
Logas spot them, so they should be seems to show any kindness to
sure to wear it when they finally arrive her horse, Anka. Jandri replies to
in Isger. The PCs then have several Guar11 Karela questions using only one-word answers
hours to prepare for their journey whenever possible.
before they board a ship headed toward Andoran Kazrin, on the other hand, is friendly and
in the early morning. talkative, and is always willing to share a drink at
the end of the day. Kazrin has worked with Jandri for
ACT I: INTO THE years and reckons that the driver must be an incredibly
wise woman, and he admires her for her composure and
CHITTERWOOD willingness to speak only when she must.
The journey between Absalom and lsger takes several weeks, ALIK CR i/2
first by sea and then by land, until finally ending in front of Female human warrior 2
the gates of the lsgeri city of Logas. The Goblinblood Wars N Medium humanoid (human)
may be over, but the goblinoid threat still lingers, as is Init +1; Senses Perception +4
made apparent by the rows of fresh goblinoid corpses that DEFENSE
hang from pikes along the city's walls. Every now and then, AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +i Dex, +2 shield)
seemingly at random, a trebuchet from behind the city walls hp 11 (2d10)
hurls a huge boulder into the forest. Fort +3, Ref +i, Will -1
The PCs arrive at Logas safely and have an opportunity Speed 30 fl:.
to make a few more purchases before a Sczarni associate Melee longsword +5 (1d8+2/19-20)
meets them. The associate, a Varisian wanderer named TACTICS
Kazrin, leads the PCs to the caravan rendezvous point, During Combat Alik does her best to protect Camon, providing
several miles south of Logas, where the PCs find the a distraction to allow him the opportunity to hide.
caravan waiting for them. Morale Alik does not flee unless commanded to do so
Creatures: The caravan includes only one large, covered by Jandri, and then only if she believes Camon is safe.
wagon, pulled by a single horse. Kazrin introduces the Otherwise, Alik fights until her last breath.
PCs to the rest of the caravan crew: two more Varisians STATISTICS
the driver and a guard-and a halfling passenger. Kazrin Str 15, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
serves as an additional guard. Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
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Feats Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (longsword) Morale If three or more PCs fall in battle, Jandri panics and
Skills Intimidate +4, Perception +4, Profession (soldier) +4, attempts to flee on the back of Anka as fast as the horse
Survival +4 can manage.
Languages Common, Varisian STATISTICS
Gear leather armor, light wooden shield, longsword, 2 gp Str 9, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 11, Wis i5, Cha 8
Base Atk +i; CMB +o; CMD 11
ANKA CR l Feats Animal Affinity, Skill Focus (Survival)
Horse (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177) Skills Handle Animal +6, Heal +y, l<nowledge (geography) +s,
hp 15 Perception +y, Profession (driver) +y, Ride +8, Sense Motive +y,
Survival +10
CAMON CR12 Languages Common, Varisian
Male halfling commoner 2 Gear leather armor, club
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
lnit +2; Senses Perception +s l<AZRIN CR l 2
DEFENSE Male human warrior 2
AC i3, touch i3, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size) N Medium humanoid (human)
hp 11 (2d6+4) Init +1; Senses Perception +4
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +o; +2 vs. fear DEFENSE
OFFENSE AC i5, touch 11, flat-footed i4 (+2 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
Speed 20 fl. hp 11 (2d10)
Melee dagger +i (1d3-1/19-20) Fort +3, Ref +i, Will -1
During Combat Camon, still unused to his freedom, attempts Speed 30 fl.
to stay hidden during combat. He hides among the crates Melee longsword +s (1d8+2/19-20)
on the wagon or under the wagon, as the situation dictates. TACTICS
Morale Camon does not move from his hiding spot. If During Combat l<azrin attempts to stay close to Jandri and
discovered, he simply cowers. the wagon. If any creatures attack him, Jandri, or the
STATISTICS wagon, Kazrin defends them as best he can. Otherwise, he
Str 8, Dex is, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 10 attempts to stay out of combat if possible, as he does not
Base Atk +i; CMB -1; CMD 11 want to get in the way, and leaves most of the fighting to
Feats Athletic the PCs.
Skills Acrobatics +4 (o when jumping), Climb +y, Perception Morale Kazrin only flees if commanded to do so by Jandri. If
+s, Profession (shipwright) +3, Swim +s; Racial Modifiers Jandri falls, Kazrin fights to the death.
Acrobatics +2 (-2 when jumping), +2 Climb, +2 Perception STATISTICS
Languages Common, Halfling Str is, Dex i2, Con 11, Int lO, Wis 9, Cha 8
Gear dagger, 8 gp Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (longsword)
JANDRI CR i/2 Skills Perception +4, Profession (soldier) +4, Ride +s, Survival +4
Male human expert 2 Languages Common, Varisian
N Medium humanoid (human) Gear leather armor, light wooden shield, longsword, 2 gp
Init +i; Senses Perception +7
DEFENSE Development: Jandri, Alik, and Kazrin are transporting
AC i3, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +i Dex) all manner of goods in their wagon. Besides the supplies
hp 9 (2d8) needed to survive-food, water, tents, bedrolls, and
Fort +o, Ref +i, Will +s two potions of cure li,ght wounds -the wagon also carries
OFFENSE numerous insidious devices that can serve as defensive
Speed 30 fl. traps when the caravan stops to make camp. The caravan
Melee club (1d6-1) contains various goods the Sczarni plan to sell to the
TACTICS merchants of Druma once they get there, including
During Combat During combat, Jandri tries to keep Anka and bolts of expensive cloth, several pounds of narcotics
the wagon out of harm's way, relying on Kazrin and the PCs (including a few flasks of shiver and even a live dream
to defend him and the cargo. If attacked, he retaliates using spider), a collection of antique longswords, a dozen
his club to bludgeon enemies. bottles of aged brandy, and numerous bags of spices.
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Jandri keeps the illegal contraband well hidden in the Kazrin is actually quite nervous, having heard the various
wagon's cleverly designed hiding spaces, requiring a tales of the previous caravans disappearing. The same check
successful DC 20 Perception check to locate. If the PCs allows a PC to recognize that Camon, though also afraid, is
ask about the contraband, the NPCs remind them that unquestionably happy about his newfound freedom.
Pathfinders should cooperate with one another and that Toward the end of the day, Kazrin announces that the
the Society does not tolerate members that interfere with caravan should reach the first planned campsite soon.
the business of other Pathfinders and their associates. Creatures: Several skeletons lay in wait along the path
Mission Notes: Shadow Lodge faction PCs can convince as the caravan heads east. Telda has commanded them to
Jandri to share several curative potions stored among attack any travelers along the road and drag them back
the cargo. A successful DC 20 Diplomacy or Intimidate to her lair dead or alive. The bugbear skeletons lie half
check convinces Jandri to give the PCs the two potions of buried under small piles of dirt in the road (marked on
cure li,ght wounds, earning Shadow Lodge faction PCs 1 the map with a "B"). PCs who make a successful DC 20
Prestige Point. Perception check realize that the road has been recently
Silver Crusade faction PCs have the opportunity to read disturbed, allowing them to act in the surprise round
the caravan's cargo manifest. Jandri stores the manifest when the skeletons attack. In Subtier 1-2, only one
in a small box kept on the wagon. A PC can make a DC bugbear skeleton attacks the caravan; in Subtier 4-5, both
20 Stealth check at any time during the caravan's journey bugbear skeletons attack. When anybody, including the
in order to read the manifest and make the necessary horse or wagon, approaches within 10 feet of the squares
notes without alerting Jandri, Alik, or Kazrin, earning marked with a "B," the bugbear skeletons burst forth
members of this faction 1 Prestige Point. from the ground and attack. The other skeletons (human
Taldor faction PCs have the opportunity to learn about skeletons in Subtier 1-2, skeletal champions in Subtier
border smuggling routes across Cheliax and Isger. The 4-5) hide among the foliage to the north and south until
Sczarni associates do not surrender this information the bugbears attack, then attack from either side.
easily, and a PC attempting to collect the information
from them must succeed at a DC 25 Diplomacy check to Subtier 1-2 {CR 3)
do so. Camon is more willing to share the information
about his border crossing, requiring only a successful DC BUGBEAR SKELETON CR l
18 Diplomacy check. Gathering this information earns Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 38, 250
Taldor faction PCs 1 Prestige Point. NE Medium undead
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +o
A. Roadside Ambush (CR 3 or CR 6) DEFENSE
As the PCs travel through the Chitterwood, read or AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
paraphrase the following. hp 13 (3d8)
Fort +i, Ref +3, Will +3
There is evidence of the war everywhere-discarded and rusted DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits
armor and weaponry, numerous displaced trebuchet-hurled OFFENSE
boulders, and occasionally the remains of a hunter's trap, only Speed 30 ft.
recently triggered by an unfortunate forest animal. Even in the Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4+3)
light of day, the blackened trunks of the Chitterwood trees, still STATISTICS
bearing the scars of the great fire that marked the end of the Str 16, Dex 15, Con-, Int-, Wis 10, Cha 10
Goblinblood Wars, loom menacingly over the narrow forest path. Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17
Eventually, the thud and crash of boulders launched from Feats Improved Initiative6
Logas can no longer be heard. Even the sun struggles to penetrate
through the canopy at times, leaving dark pools of shadow HUMAN SKELETONS 3 CR l 3
stretched across the path. hp 4 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 250)
Jandri and Alik say little throughout the day, only Subtier 4-5 (CR 6)
speaking when they need to issue an order. Kazrin more
than makes up for his companions' somberness, though, BUGBEAR SKELETONS (3) CR l
telling numerous jokes and the occasional Varisian legend hp 13 each (use the stats from Subtier 1-2)
as the caravan winds through the woods. Camon says little
too, but is at least approachable, unlike Jandri. A successful SKELETAL CHAMPIONS (2) CR 2
DC 15 Sense Motive check allows a PC to recognize that hp 17 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 252)
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Development: If the PCs defeat the skeletons, they have first campsite is little more than half an hour away and,
an opportunity to learn something of the recent caravan once there, the caravan should be safe enough to see the
attacks. A PC who makes a successful DC 15 Survival night through. If the PCs assist the caravan, they can only
check can identify tracks leading from the north. The return to follow the tracks after sunset, though they can
tracks include both skeletal and booted footprints. A wait until the next sunrise.
PC who makes a successful DC 15 Knowledge (history Mission Notes: Andoran faction PCs complete their
or local) check recognizes that the human skeletons are mission by protecting Camon and keeping him alive
dressed in the remains of Mercenary League gear. If a PC during the encounter with the skeletons, earning them
managed to beat the Knowledge check DC by 5 or more, 1 Prestige Point.
he or she also knows that Mercenary League engaged in Lantern Lodge faction PCs can honor those who fell
several battles in this section of the Chitterwood, and during the Goblinblood Wars by treating at least one
that one of the more famous of those battles occurred a human skeleton found within the scenario (previously
short distance north of the ambush site. If the PCs fail reanimated or not) with the proper respect, requiring a
these checks and are unable to glean any clues from their successful DC 18 Knowledge (religion) check to properly
battle, allow one or more of the NPCs to make Survival care for and inter the corpse. Doing so earns Lantern
checks to spot the tracks. Lodge faction PCs 1 Prestige Point.
Before the PCs can follow the clues or tracks north, Sczarni faction PCs can ensure the safety of the caravan
they must first ensure the caravan's safety. If still alive, once it arrives at the nearby campsite. Jandri carries a
Jandri, Alik, or Kazrin are able to tell the PCs that the collection of simple traps in the wagon. A PC can lay the
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traps around the campsite, providing the caravan with Creatures: An old worg, Feren, stalks the empty
much needed protection, with a successful DC 20 Craft graveyard, scrounging around for anything edible. Feren
(traps) or Disable Device check. Doing so takes at least 1 hour led a strong pack during the Goblinblood Wars. However,
of work, and earns Sczarni faction PCs 1 Prestige Point. the fires that ravaged the Chitterwood destroyed much
Rewards: If the PCs manage to defeat the skeletons, of the pack's hunting territory. As a result, Feren's
reward each subtier thusly: pack struggled to survive after the wars concluded.
Subtier 1-2: Additionally, the old worg, fearing retribution from
Give each PC 21 gp. vengeful humans, forbade any of her pack from attacking
Subtier 4-5: human settlements and farms. Perhaps unsurprisingly,
Give each PC 89 gp. Feren eventually lost control of her pack as a younger,
more ambitious pack member took the lead. Feren has
B. Battlefield Graveyard (CR 1 or since lived in exile, scavenging for whatever food she can
CR 4) find amid the vast Chitterwood.
Feren has been observing Telda's cult for several
Following the tracks and clues from the caravan ambush, weeks. The cult has kept itself busy exhuming corpses
the PCs soon arrive at a battlefield graveyard, its graves andFeren has followed them, at a distance, hoping to get
recently uncovered and emptied. Read or paraphrase the at anything left behind. The cult most recently looted
following when the PCs enter the graveyard. this graveyard and Feren has spent the last few days
searching for edible scraps. When the PCs arrive, Feren
This small forest clearing smells of recently tilled earth. attempts to hide among the graves, as she is currently
Several crude grave markers dot the landscape, each currently too weak to face an armed group of Pathfinders. If
marking the position of an empty pit. discovered, Feren tries to parley with the PCs. Feren
has a starting attitude of indifferent. If the PCs attack,
Telda's cult exhumed the corpses buried here. She Feren defends herself and, having nothing else to lose,
intends to reanimate the skeletal remains to swell the fights to the death. If the PCs can shift her attitude to
ranks of her undead army. friendly, Feren willingly answers a few questions. Feren
is malnourished and starving; the PCs gain a +s bonus
on Diplomacy checks with Feren if they offer her food.
Answers to common questions the PCs may have are
given below. In Subtier 4 - 5 , Mola, one ofFeren's fellow
exiled pack mates, accompanies the old worg. Mola
allowsFeren to do the talking.
Why do you not attack? "I am old, and though I
have seen and done much, I do not wish to die today.
You seem more than capable enough to deal with an
old dog such as I."
Why are the graves empty? "A hobgoblin tribe,
one I do not recognize, came across this place
several moons ago. They spent many days turning
the land and removing the dead-human, goblin,
bugbear, it did not matter to them."
Where did the hobgoblins go? "They have made
their lair not far from here, toward the setting sun. A
nearby trail should lead you directly to a tree broken in
two. The entrance lies somewhere off the road, beneath
the tree."
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ACT 2: THE NECROMANCER'S LAIR A small cave entrance lies partially hidden beneath
the southern half of the tree. The PCs can easily locate
The forest path leads the PCs to the entrance of an old cave the entrance with a successful DC 10 Perception check
network. Goblinoids once used these shallow caves as a or by simply following Feren's advice. A crude flight of
supply point during the Goblinblood Wars. These caves stairs lies just beyond the cave entrance, leading deeper
lay empty for several years until Telda and her followers into the earth. A successful DC is Knowledge (history) or
returned to the Chitterwood. Telda has since converted Knowledge (local) check allows a PC to remember that
part of the caves to an unholy shrine dedicated to Urgathoa. the goblinoid armies often made use of underground
Here, she and her followers have been able to partake in cavern networks during the Goblinblood Wars and that
foul rituals and slowly build their undead army. many of the goblinoid survivors fled to these caverns at
Unless otherwise noted, the cave is kept dark and is the end of the conflict.
made up of unworked stone walls and hewn stone floors. Creatures: Two goblinoid skeletons guard the
Earlier goblinoid inhabits installed crude wooden struts entrance to the lair. Telda enhanced these skeletons
and simple wooden doors to provide additional support and when she reanimated them, causing them to explode
security where needed. should they be defeated. The skeletons lurk in the dim
light at the foot of the stairs, attacking any trespassers
Cl. Cave Entrance (CR 2 or CR S) on sight.
Trap: A concealed pit lies at the foot of the stairs.
The path winds its way through the Chitterwood until it Scraps of rusted metal and bits of bone hang from wires
forks at the foot of a large and mangled tree. A large tear attached to the pit walls. Any creature stepping into the
runs the length of its trunk, splitting the tree nearly in two. area marked with the read dotted line risks falling into
The southern half of the tree hangs awkwardly to the side, the trap. Anybody falling into the pit causes the bones
casting a shadow over a small dip in the land. and metal scraps to sound noisily.
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EXPLODING BUGBEAR SKELETONS (2) CR l The hobgoblin cultists use this room as a butchery,
Exploding bugbear skeletons (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 38, 250, larder, kitchen, and dining hall. Here, they partake in
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Classic Horrors Revisited 55) gruesome feasts in honor of the Pallid Princess. The
NE Medium undead hobgoblins bring their prisoners to this room and chain
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +o them along the wall. The cultists prepare their meals
DEFENSE and butcher their victims upon the stone altar, but often
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) leave at least one prisoner alive to observe their debased
hp 13 each (3d8) rituals and celebrations. Currently, several incomplete
Fort +i, Ref +3, Will +3 skeletons lay across the table as the hobgoblins ready the
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits bodies for reanimation in order to increase the numbers
OFFENSE of Telda's skeletal army.
Speed 30 ft. Creatures: Telda's fellow hobgoblin cultists spend most
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4+3) of their time in this room or in the adjoining sleeping
Special Attacks exploding skeleton chambers. Here they torture and mock prisoners,
STATISTICS prepare meals, or ready corpses for reanimation. Telda's
Str 16, Dex 15, Con-, Int-, Wis 10, Cha 10 lieutenant, Darak, watches over the activities and other
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 hobgoblins here.
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Subtier 1-2 (CR 2) hobgoblins take up defensive positions behind the table and
use their longbows to attack foes as they enter the room.
HOBGOBLINS (2 CR l 2 During Combat If reduced to 7 hit points or fewer, the
hp 12 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 175) hobgoblins drink their potions of cure light wounds.
TACTICS Morale If Darak falls or attempts to retreat to area Cs, the
Before Combat If aware of approaching enemies, the hobgoblins also attempt to fall back to area Cs.
hobgoblins take up defensive positions behind the STATISTICS
table and use their longbows to attack foes as they Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
enter the room. Base Atk +i; CMB +3; CMD 15
Morale If Darak falls or attempts to retreat to area Cs, the Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (longsword)
hobgoblins also attempt to fall back to area Cs. Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth
Languages Common, Goblin
DARAK CR l 2 Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear studded
Male hobgoblin fighter l (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 175) leather armor, longbow with 20 arrows, longsword
LE Medium humanoid (goblinoid)
lnit +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2 DARAK CR 4
DEFENSE Male hobgoblin fighter 5 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 175)
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex) LE Medium humanoid (goblinoid)
hp 17 (1d10+7) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +i DEFENSE
OFFENSE AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +i dodge)
Speed 30 ft. hp 52 (5d10+20)
Melee scythe +4 (2d4+3/x4) Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +i; +1 vs. fear
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/x3) Defensive Abilities bravery +1
During Combat Darak uses the table or altar to gain a height Speed 30 ft.
advantage against the PCs. Melee mwk scythe +10 (2d4+5/x4)
Morale If reduced to fewer than 5 hit points, Darak attempts or mwk longsword +io (1d8+5/19-20)
to fall back to Telda's position in area C5. Ranged mwk composite longbow +8 (1d8+3/x3)
STATISTICS Special Attacks weapon training (heavy blades +i)
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 TACTICS
Base Atk +i; CMB +3; CMD 15 Before Combat If aware of approaching enemies, Darak
Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (scythe) consumes his potion of blur before combat.
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth During Combat Darak uses the table or altar to gain a height
Languages Common, Goblin advantage against the PCs. He attempts to position himself
Gear studded leather armor, longbow with 20 arrows, scythe to make the most of his Improved Trip and Whirlwind
Attack feats. If he suspects the presence of an invisible
Subtier 4-5 (CR 5) opponent, he uses his dust of dryness (currently in its pellet
form) to flood the room, creating a thin layer of water on
HOBGOBLINS (2) CR 1/2 the floor so he can see his foes' footprints.
Hobgoblin fighter l (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 175) Morale If Darak is reduced to fewer than 10 hit points, he
LE Medium humanoid (goblinoid) attempts to fall back to Telda's position in area Cs.
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2 STATISTICS
DEFENSE Str 16, Dex 14, Con i6, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +i shield) Base Atk +5; CMB +8 (+10 trip); CMD 21 (23 vs. trip)
hp 17 (1d10+7) Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Trip, Mobility,
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +i Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
OFFENSE Skills Intimidate +7, l<nowledge (religion) +3, Perception +5,
Speed 30 ft. Stealth +8; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+2/19-20) Languages Common, Goblin, Infernal
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/x3) SQ armor training l
TACTICS Combat Gear dust of dryness, potion of blur, potions of cure
Before Combat If aware of approaching enemies, the light wounds (2); Other Gear +I hide armor, masterwork
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hp 10; Trigger proximity; Reset I day Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5
Effect See Subtier i-2. OFFENSE
Destruction See Subtier i-2. Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk morningstar +3 (1d8-1)
Mission Notes: Grand Lodge faction PCs have the Oracle Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +7)
opportunity to retrieve the documents stolen from the 2nd (4/day) -false life, inflict moderate wounds (DC i6), lesser
Pathfinder Society and evidence further implicating the animate dead
Aspis Consortium as the thieves. Telda's undead caught ist (7/day)-cause fear ( DC i5), inflict light wounds (DC i5),
the Consortium couriers and imprisoned them here until obscuring mist, shield of faith, summon monster I
she had them killed and then reanimated. A PC who makes o (at wi l l)-create water, detect magic, guidance, mending,
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Skeleton Summoner Telda adds "human skeleton" to the list Base Statistics Without her spells, Telda's statistics are AC 13,
of creatures she can summon with summon monster I and touch 12, flat-footed 11; hp 70.
"human skeletal champion" to the list of creatures she can STATISTICS
summon with summon monster Ill. Once per day, when casting Str 8, Dex is, Con i6, Int io, Wis i2, Cha 16
summon monster, she may summon a skeletal version of one of Base Atk +s; CMB +4; CMD 16
the creatures on that spell's summoning list (apply the skeleton Feats Improved Initiative, Skeleton Summoner, Spell Focus
template to that creature to create this monster). (necromancy), Toughness
Skills Heal +9, Intimidate +13, l<nowledge (religion)
Subtier 4-5 (CR 6) +7, Linguistics +i, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +i3;
Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth
T E L DA CR 6 Languages Abyssal, Common, Goblin, Infernal,
Female hobgoblin oracle 7 (Advanced Necril
Player's Guide 42, Path.finder RPG SQ oracle's curse (tongues), revelations
Bestiary 17s) (armor of bones, bleeding wounds, near
NE Medium humanoid (goblinoid) death)
lnit +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Combat Gear scroll of bane, scrolls of cure
Perception +i moderate wounds (2), scrolls of dispel magic
DEFENSE (2), scroll of lesser restoration, wand of inflict
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, light wounds (19 charges); Other Gear
+2 Dex, +2 shield) +I light wooden shield, masterwork
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stores them at the base of the altar, making use of them The Sczarni and the Chitterwood goblinoids deal with
during her prayers and rituals. In Subtier i-2 , the herbs any remaining undead that Telda may have let loose.
are worth 300 gp. In Subtier 4 - 5 , the herbs are worth
600 gp. Success Conditions
Mission Notes: Osirion faction PCs have the A PC earns i Prestige Point for this scenario upon
opportunity to retrieve several of Telda's books from her defeating the hobgoblins in Telda's lair and returning to
altar, including her copy of ServinE Your Hun!:fer, Urgathoa's the Sczarni caravan.
principle sacred text, and her notes on introducing the
faith to other goblinoids. The book and Telda's notes FACTION MISSION S
are written in Necril-a mixture or Aklo, Osiriani, and
Undercommon. PCs who can read Necril easily recognize The PCs may earn prestige from their respective factions
the significance of the texts, while all other PCs require for completing the tasks listed below during the course
a successful DC 20 Linguistics check to recognize it. of the adventure.
PCs who can read Aklo, Osiriani, or Undercommon Andoran Faction: Andoran faction PCs who keep
receive a +2 bonus to this check. An Osirion faction PC Camon safe in Act 1 earn 1 Prestige Point.
who manages to recognize the text for what it is earns i Cheliax Faction: Cheliax faction PCs who retrieve Zarta's
Prestige Point. locket in the Getting Started section earn i Prestige Point.
Rewards: If the PCs successfully defeat Telda, reward Grand Lodge Faction: Grand Lodge faction PCs who
each subtier thusly: retrieve the Aspis Consortium badge and the scroll tube
Subtier 1-z: from area C4 earn i Prestige Point.
Give each PC 206 gp. Lantern Lodge Faction: Lantern Lodge faction PCs
Subtier 4-5: who help properly inter any of the human skeletons in
Give each PC 5 2 2 gp. either Act i or Act 2 earn i Prestige Point.
Osirion Faction: Osirion faction PCs who correctly
CONC LUSION identify and retrieve Telda's notes and her copy of ServinE
Your Hun!:fer in area Cs earn i Prestige Point.
If the PCs defeat Telda, the attacks by undead along the Qadira Faction: Qadira faction PCs who locate and
Sczarni trade route come to an end. If the PCs took the correctly identify the Mercenary League shield in Act i
time to secure the caravan, they return to find it and the earn i Prestige Point.
NPCs that survived the ambushed safe. If the PCs failed Sczarni Faction: Sczarni faction PCs who manage to
to secure the caravan properly, they instead return to ensure the caravan's safety in encounter A by helping set
find the caravan recovering after an encounter with a the defenses around the campsite earn i Prestige Point.
woodland predator. The NPCs managed to fend off the Shadow Lodge Faction: Shadow Lodge faction PCs who
predator, but much of the caravans more fragile cargo convince Jandri to share out the potions ofcure li!:fht wounds
now lies broken and damaged. in Act i earn i Prestige Point.
Regardless, the rest of the journey proceeds smoothly Silver Crusade Faction: Silver Crusade faction PCs who
and the surviving caravan members reach Druma safely. manage to read the caravan's cargo manifest in Act i without
With Telda defeated, the PCs have managed to eliminate alertingJandri, Alik, or Kazrin earn i Prestige Point.
at least one of Isger's numerous internal threats. Soon Taldor Faction: Taldor faction PCs who learn of the
thereafter, the Sczarni begin to move goods, people, and smuggling routes across the border between Cheliax and
secrets through the Chitterwood with renewed fervor. Isger in Act i earn i Prestige Point.
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Champion of Freedom,
Andoran has long opposed the Chelish slave trade. The Sczarni, always willing to do anything to turn a
profit, have been smuggling freed slaves through the Chitterwood and eventually to Andoran or Druma. I
have heard that the Sczarni are intending to transport such an escaped slave as part of their next caravan. I
need you to look after this now-free individual and ensure his safety throughout the journey. I have enclosed
a small card, which sports the depiction of a bellflower. Your charge, a halfling by the name of Camon, knows
to trust you upon presentation of the card.
c&/?� �
Major Colson Maldris
Sweet Thing,
I believe that the good Venture-Captain Dreng has arranged a meeting between you and Gaspar Desime.
Maintaining a positive relationship with Gaspar once had its advantages. However, the oaf has since outlasted
his usefulness and I no longer find his pining amusing. Though I have severed ties with the man, he still
holds a trinket of mine-a silver locket. I believe that the man still carries it on his person. If the opportunity
arises, I want you to convince Gaspar to return the locket. If all else fails, simply snatch it from him.
�9� Appreciatively,
Respected Pathfinder,
You will soon be joining a Sczarni caravan, traveling along a smuggler's route through the nation of lsger.
We would be foolish if we did not suspect that other organizations might use these same routes, even those
that would wish the Society harm.
Recently, the Society lost several valuable documents in Andoran. We have collected sufficient evidence
indicating that they were to be smuggled into Cheliax and through to Westcrown and the Aspis Consortium.
We have reason to believe that smugglers chose to risk traveling overland through lsger. While on your
mission, keep an eye open for any clues that may help us recover the stolen documents.
�l-J..t-_ Good luck,
Honored Pathfinder,
The Lantern Lodge exists to strengthen the bonds between Pathfinders from Tian Xia and our fellows in
the Inner Sea region. You will soon have the opportunity to help us take a step toward achieving this goal.
Venture-Captain Dreng intends to send you to lsger. Many of our fellow Pathfinders may have fought in
the Goblinblood Wars or have been close to somebody that did. There are countless battlefield graves across
the war-torn nation. If you should come across any of the fallen, I ask that you take a moment to show the
proper respect and appreciation for those who gave their lives fighting against the goblinoid armies.
• Respectfu I ly,
Venture-Captain Amara Li
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Fellow Scholar,
The Society Venture-Captains intend to send you to lsger in the near future. That poor nation has only
recently begun to recover from the terrible Goblinblood Wars. Naturally, the lsgeri people do not tolerate
anything of goblin origin. This intolerance has led to the destruction of countless, potentially academically
valuable artifacts.
If, during your travels, you come across any artifact or text that describes goblin life or religion, do your best
to smuggle it safely out of lsger for further study.
- M'l.£1/�
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Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage
Seeker of Wealth,
Druma is a fascinating land, where even a runaway Chelish slave, if willing and capable, can amass a great
fortune. Many of Druma's successful merchant houses arose from such humble beginnings.
One of these younger houses may prove to be a valuable ally as we attempt to expand our holdings within
Druma. Its founder began his career within the Mercenary League and, as our agents have discovered, fought
during the Goblinblood Wars. If possible, I would appreciate it if you could recover any gear that may have
once belonged to the Mercenary League. With luck, such items, when presented as a gift and as a link to the
/!_'_t / �
past, may assist in negotiating a potentially profitable alliance.
J� in service to the Satrap,
Trusted Associate,
You may have heard that we have lost several caravans along a previously lucrative route through lsger's
Chitterwood. I have managed to strike a deal with the Pathfinder Society that will see you, and several other
Pathfinders, travel to lsger to escort our next caravan.
Dreng certainly has his own reasons for sending you, but do not forget that your loyalty lies with the
Sczarni. I need you to ensure the safety of the caravan. Though Dreng's mission may require that you leave
the caravan for a time, first ensure the security of the caravan, its crew, and, most importantly, its cargo.
�o not disappoint,
� Guaril Karela
Once again, the Ten place a greater value on material goods over the lives of Pathfinders. The Decemvirate
is rightfully concerned about attacks on Sczarni caravans traveling through lsger, but for the wrong reason.
The Ten worry about the occasional lost piece of treasure, leaving us to worry about those Pathfinder agents
and allies lost during those same attacks.
Dreng plans to send you to escort the next caravan scheduled to travel through lsger. Undoubtedly, the Sczarni
intend to transport goods that may be of use during your own mission. They would probably die before their
greed would allow them to make use of those goods. I need you to convince the caravan master to share out any
items that could increase your chance of surviving and successfully completing your mission. .
Jot(C. + Grandmaster Torch
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There are those who would use the Society's resources to further their own selfish agenda. Unfortunately,
the tenets of the Society prevent us from directly interfering with the affairs of our fellow Pathfinders, even
those that profit from the suffering of others.
Yet there is still hope. I have heard that Drandle Dreng intends to send you along with a Sczarni caravan.
The Sczarni use their caravans to smuggle illegal goods, including dangerous narcotics. As I mentioned,
we must not interfere directly. However, if you manage to examine the caravan's cargo manifest and report
what you find, we may be able to use that information to send aid and support to those adversely affected
by the contraband.
To defend and protect,
'QC."11-- �
Ollysta Zadrian
Loyal Taldan,
The Sczarni know of many secret and unguarded smuggling routes across the lsgeri border. Access to such
routes may prove invaluable when next we attempt to place an agent within Imperial Cheliax.
Karela, unforthcoming as always, would never share those secrets with me. However, as luck would have it,
you may soon be in a position to learn something of these routes. Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng intends to
send you to lsger. While there, see what you can learn about crossing into Cheliax unnoticed, possibly prying
such information from your fellow caravan members if you must.
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n a m e s a n d descriptions of c h a racters, s p e l l s , e n c h a n t m e n t s , perso n a l ities,
teams, personas, l i ke n esses a n d s p e c i a l a b i l ities; p l a ces, locations, envi r o n m e nts,
Cha racte r # creatu res, e q u i p m e n t , magical o r s u pe r n a t u r a l a b i l ities o r effects, logos, sy m bo l s ,
Prestige Points o r g r a p h i c designs; a n d a n y other t r a d e m a r k o r registered t r a d e m a r k c l e a r l y
i d e ntified a s P ro d u ct i d e n tity b y t h e owner of t h e P r o d u ct I d e n tity, a n d w h i c h
Cha racter N a m e specifi c a l ly excl u d e s t h e O p e n G a m e Content; (f) "Tr a d e m a rk" m e a n s t h e l o g o s ,
n a mes, m a rk, s i g n , m otto, d e s i g n s t h a t a re used b y a C o n t r i b u t o r to i d e n t ify itself
0Andoran 0 Chel iax 0 G rand Lodge 0 Lantern Lodge O Osirion o r its p r o d u cts o r t h e associated p r o d u cts c o n t r i b uted to t h e O p e n Game License
by t h e C o n t r i b u t o r (g) " U se'', " U sed" o r " U s i n g" m e a n s to use, D i s t r i b ute, co py,
O Qadira 0 Sczarni 0 Shadow Lodge 0 Silver Crusade 0 Taldor edit, fo r m a t , m o d ify, t r a n s l ate a n d otherwise create De rivative Material of O p e n
G a m e Content. (h) "Yo u" o r "Yo u r" m e a n s t h e l i censee i n terms of t h i s a g r e e m e n t .
2 . T h e License: T h i s Lice n s e a p p l i es to a n y O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t t h a t c o n t a i n s
a n otice i n d icat i n g t h a t t h e O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t m ay o n ly be U s e d u n d e r a n d i n
t e r m s of t h i s Lice n s e . Yo u m u st a ffi x s u c h a n ot i ce t o a n y O p e n G a m e C o ntent
Cha racte r # t h a t y o u U s e . N o t e r m s m a y be a d d e d to o r s u btracted fro m t h i s License exce pt
Prestige Points
a s d e s c r i b e d by the Lice n s e itself. No o t h e r terms o r c o n d i t i o n s m ay be a p p l i e d
to a n y O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t d is t r i b uted u s i n g t h i s L i c e n s e .
Cha racter N a m e 3 . Offe r a n d Acce pta n ce : By U s i n g t h e O p e n G a m e C o ntent Yo u i n d icate
Yo u r acceptance of t h e terms of this Lice n s e .
0Andoran 0 Chel iax 0 G rand Lodge 0 Lantern Lodge O Osirion 4 . G r a n t a n d C o n s i d e r a t i o n : I n c o n s i d e r a t i o n fo r agreei n g to use t h i s License,
O Qadira 0 Sczarni 0 Shadow Lodge 0 Silver Crusade 0 Taldor t h e C o n t r i b u t o r s g r a n t Yo u a p e r p et u a l , worldwide, royal ty-free, n o n -exc l u s ive
l i c e n s e with the exact t e r m s of t h i s Lice n s e t o Use, the O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t .
5 . Re p res e n t a t i o n of A u t h o rity to C o n t r i b u te: I f Yo u a r e c o n t r i b u t i n g o r i g i n a l
m a t e r i a l a s O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t , Yo u represent t h a t Yo u r C o n t r i b u t i o n s a r e
Yo u r o r i gi n a l creat i o n a n d/o r Yo u h ave s u ffi c i e n t r i g h t s to g r a n t t h e r i g h t s
Cha racte r # conveyed by t h i s Lice n s e .
Prestige Points 6 . N otice of L i c e n s e C o py r i g ht: Yo u m u st u p d ate t h e COPYR I G H T N OT I C E
p o r t i o n of t h i s License to i n c l u d e t h e exact text of t h e C O PY R I G H T N OT I C E
Cha racter N a m e of a n y O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t Yo u a r e c o p y i n g , m o d ify i n g o r d is t r i b u t i n g, a n d
Yo u m u st a d d t h e t i t l e , t h e copyright d ate, a n d t h e copyright h o l d e r's n a m e t o
0Andoran 0 Chel iax 0 G rand Lodge D Lantern Lodge O Osirion t h e C O PY R I G H T N OT I C E of a n y o r i gi n a l O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t y o u D i s t r i b ute.
7. Use of Prod u ct I d e ntity: Yo u agree n o t to U s e a n y P ro d u ct I d e nt ity, i n c l u d i n g
D Qadira 0 Sczarni D Shadow Lodge D Silver Crusade 0 Taldor as a n i n d ication as to c o m p a t i b i l ity, except as expressly licensed i n a n ot h e r,
i n d e p e n d e n t Agree m e n t with t h e own e r of each e l e m e n t of that P r o d u ct I d e nt ity.
Yo u agree not to i n d icate c o m p a t i b i l ity o r c o - a d a pta b i l ity with any Tra d e m a r k o r
Cha racte r # D
Prestige Points
Registered Tra d e m a r k i n conj u n c t i o n with a w o r k conta i n i n g O p e n G a m e Content
except as expressly licensed i n a n ot h e r, i n d e p e n d e n t Agree m e n t with t h e own e r
of s u c h Tra d e m a r k o r Registered Tra d e m a rk. The use of a n y Prod u ct I d e n tity i n
O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t d oes n o t constitute a c h a l l e n ge to t h e own e r s h i p of t h a t
P r o d u c t I d e n t ity. T h e ow n e r of any P ro d u ct I d e n tity u s e d i n O p e n G a m e Content
Cha racter N a m e shall ret a i n all rights, title a n d i n terest i n a n d to t h a t Prod u ct I d e n tity.
8 . I d entifi cati o n : I f you d istrib ute Open G a m e Content Yo u m ust clearly i n d icate
D Andoran 0 Chel iax D G rand Lodge D Lantern Lodge O Osirion which portions of the work that yo u are distributing a re Open G a m e Content.
9 . U p d a t i n g t h e License: Wizards o r its d e s i g n ated Agents m a y p u b l i s h
O Qadira 0 Sczarni D Shadow Lodge D Silver Crusade 0 Taldor
u p d ated ve r s i o n s of t h i s Lice n s e . Yo u m a y u s e a n y a u t h o rized ve r s i o n of t h i s
License to co py, m o d ify a n d d i s t r i b ute a n y O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t o r i gi n a l ly
d is t r i b uted u n d e r a n y vers i o n of t h i s License.
1 0 . C o py of t h i s License: Yo u M U ST i n c l u d e a copy of t h i s Lice n s e with every
Cha racte r # copy of the O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t Yo u d i s t r i b ute.
Prestige Points 1 1 . U s e of C o n t r i b u t o r C r e d i t s : Yo u m ay n o t m a r ket o r advertise t h e Open
Game C o n t e n t using t h e name of a n y C o n t r i b u t o r u n less Yo u h ave written
p e r m i s s i o n fro m t h e C o n t r i b u t o r t o d o s o .
Cha racter N a m e
1 2 . I n a b i l ity to C o m p ly: I f it i s i m p o s s i b l e fo r Yo u t o c o m p l y with a n y of t h e
0Andoran 0 Chel iax D G rand Lodge D Lantern Lodge O Osirion t e r m s of t h i s L i c e n s e with respect to s o m e o r a l l of t h e O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t d u e
to s t a t u t e , j u d i c i a l o r d e r, o r gove r n m e n t a l regu l a t i o n t h e n Yo u may n o t U s e a n y
D Qadira 0 Sczarni D Shadow Lodge D Silver Crusade O Taldor O p e n G a m e M a t e r i a l s o affected.
1 3 . Te r m i n a t i o n : T h i s License will t e r m i nate a u t o m at i c a l l y if Yo u fa i l to
co m p ly with all t e r m s herein and fail to c u re such b r e a c h wit h i n 3 0 d ays of
beco m i n g aware of the b r e a c h . All s u b l icenses s h a l l s u rvive the t e r m i n a t i o n of
this License.
Cha racte r # 14. Reformation: If any p rovis i o n of this License is h e l d to be u n enforceable, s u c h
Prestige Points provision s h a l l be reformed o n ly to the exte nt necessary to m a ke it e n fo rcea ble.
Cha racter N a m e Open Game License v i.oa © 2 0 0 0 , W i z a r d s of t h e C o a s t , I n c.
System Reference Document © 2 0 0 0 , Wizards of t h e C o a s t , I n c; A u t h o rs :
D Andoran 0 Chel iax D G rand Lodge D Lantern Lodge O Osirion J o n a t h a n Tweet, M o nte C o o k, S k i p W i l l i a m s , based o n m a t e r i a l by E . G a ry
Gygax a n d Dave A r n e s o n .
D Qadira O sczarni D Shadow Lodge D Silver Crusade 0 Taldor Pathfinder Society Scenario #J-23: The Goblinblood Dead © 2 0 1 2 , Paizo
P u b l i s h i n g, LLC; Author: J e r a l l To i .
.... . .. -- - - .
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PATHFINDER 50CIETY 5CENARIO #3-23: Scenario Chronicle #
Player Name Character Name Pathfinder Society # Faction
�----- Has Completed This Scenario.
• Items Found During This Scenario
Starting XP
hand ofthe ma13e (900 gp)
G M 's
XP Gained
scroll of lesser restoration (150 gp)
I +
I ���. I
Prestige Gained (GM O N LY}
I- I
Prestige Spent
Start GP
I ��
GP Gained (G M O N LY}
-----------------------------------------------------I-- - f +
Items Sold
Items Sold / Conditions Gained Items Bought / Conditions Cleared
I= Subtotal
Items Bought
For GM Only