S07-02 Six Seconds To Midnight
S07-02 Six Seconds To Midnight
S07-02 Six Seconds To Midnight
TIER 3–7
Six Seconds
to Midnight
By Liz Courts
Six Seconds to Midnight
Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-02
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #7–02: Six Seconds to Midnight is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- to 7th- level characters
(Tier 3–7, Subtiers 3–4 and 6–7). This scenario is designed for play in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign, but can easily
be adapted for use with any world.
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Six Seconds
to Midnight
By Liz Courts
hen the Ulfen skald Birji Uringen settled
in the River Kingdoms, he founded a town WHERE ON GOLARION?
named after himself, which was populated The River Kingdoms are a disparate and ever-shifting
by many of his followers from the Lands of the Linnorm collection of territories northeast of Lake Encarthan. This
Kings. Among his companions was the wizard Rhona adventure takes place in the River Kingdom of Uringen.
Ambros, who made the most of her home by constructing Embeth Forest comprises most of the kingdom’s territory,
a bizarre, four-faced clock tower, following instructions and a number of fey make their homes here—not all of them
from a stolen manuscript on time-altering magic. When friendly to outsiders. The town of Uringen is caught between
she activated the tower for the first time, it tore a piece two versions of itself: one static and unchanging, and another
of Uringen into a pocket dimension. Intermittently, this that sporadically becomes lodged between the Material
piece of the town shifts between Golarion and a bubble Plane and the First World. To learn more about Uringen and
between Golarion and the First World, a phenomenon its inhabitants, read Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Guide to
that brings the town no shortage of intense study among the River Kingdoms, available in bookstores and game stores
scholars of fey and planes alike. everywhere, and online at paizo.com.
With the verdant Embeth Forest nearby, Uringen is
also a haven for alchemical studies, as the forest provides
The River Kingdoms
an abundance of rare reagents and alchemical oddities.
A sizeable portion of Uringen’s population consists of
arcane researchers and alchemists, foremost among
them the current mayor of the “unstuck” portion of the
• Uringen
town, Lady Aurelia Ogden.
The mayor and her assistants, including her pixie
comrade Cerotious, have carefully kept track of the four
clock faces’ movements, and they have calculated that
a hitherto unseen phenomenon will occur in a matter
of weeks: the three predictable clock faces will all read
exactly the same time. The fourth and western face
acts erratically and always has, but of late it has begun
mimicking the other faces at random. As a result, Lady have time-manipulating properties, is not functioning
Ogden suspects that all four faces will align, and when properly. The Society’s scholars require especially
that happens, no knows quite what to expect. Minor esoteric materials to perform repairs. One of these is the
surges of arcane energy and other fairly innocuous exceedingly rare temporal essence, a source of which drips
events have accompanied the alignment of two clock from the Uringen’s clock tower like grease from a wagon
faces, and Lady Ogden suspects that the upcoming event axle. Ogden and the Society have agreed to exchange
could be wondrous indeed. The trouble is, she is far the Pathfinders’ service for Uringen materials, and the
too short-staffed to properly document the upcoming possibility of a longer-term arrangement.
phenomenon, so she needs to call in outside help. Although much of the clock tower’s strange power
The Pathfinder Society has many agents who could comes from the magic woven into the gears of the tower
assist, but they have a more pressing issue: the Sky Key, itself, it also draws power from the fey circle upon which
a recently reconstructed Numerian device that seems to it was built. An imperfect confluence between the circle
GM RESOURCES The Pathfinder Society struck a deal with Lady Aurelia
This adventure makes use of the following Pathfinder Ogden, one of the mayors of the town of Uringen in
Roleplaying Game products: the Pathfinder RPG Rulebook, the River Kingdoms. In exchange for their assistance
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide, Pathfinder RPG recording an upcoming phenomenon at the Uringen
Ultimate Combat, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment, clock tower, Lady Ogden promised the Society access
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2, and to Uringen’s alchemical supplies and reagents,
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3. These rules can be found highly prized throughout the River Kingdoms and
online for free as part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game beyond for their rarity and efficacy. Venture-Captain
Reference Document at paizo.com/prd, and the relevant Holgarin Smine in Tymon is their primary contact,
rules from the Bestiary volumes are reprinted in the end of and he instructs the PCs to assist with the mayor’s
the scenario for the GM’s convenience. experiments and to secure temporal essence, a substance
that the Society’s scholars believe will help repair the
and the tower creates much of the magical instability that malfunctioning Sky Key. Venture-Captain Smine
plagues the device. instructs the PCs to meet with Jamel Visser, leader of
The upcoming confluence has drawn the attention the Embeth Travelers, who will guide them through the
of Mather Nithra, an evil grig from Embeth Forest. He Embeth Forest and into Uringen.
has long been a blight upon the people of Uringen, When the PCs meet with Visser, the Embeth Travelers
corrupting the local forest and its denizens to his dark are unwilling to proceed without some preliminary
and twisted ways, and he, too, senses that a time of great assistance from the Pathfinder Society, and money will
convergence is nigh. He and his fell followers plan to not do for these nomadic woodsmen. Mather Nithra,
use this time of chaos to finally wipe Uringen off the who has plagued Uringen since the town’s inception,
map once and for all. has gone quiet, and the Travelers want to make sure that
Mather Nithra is not the only fey to take interest the old grig hasn’t left debilitating traps on the road to
in the convergence of the clocks. The dryad Henbane Uringen. The PCs can complete other tasks to assist the
Allseasons returns occasionally to the sacred circle upon Travelers, including aiding some of the sick or injured
which Rhona Ambros built the clock tower. While most within the group.
dryads are bonded to a single specific tree, Henbane When they arrive at Uringen, the PCs have the
is bonded to a collection of branching paths of time, opportunity to learn more about the clock tower and
some of which connect through this circle. In addition, what Lady Ogden expects, as well as rest and buy some
this circle is sacred to her patron Shyka, the Eldest of of the higher-end alchemical goods that make the
entropy, reincarnation, and time, and Uringen is an small town famous across the Inner Sea. Lady Ogden’s
unfamiliar and unwelcome addition. Mather Nithra assistant, the pixie Cerotious, can also grant the PCs
appealed to Shyka for assistance in cleansing the area of insight into the fey circle upon which the clock tower
human interference, and while Shyka did not respond to was built. The PCs have at least one day to prepare,
Nithra one way or the other, the enigmatic Eldest subtly gather notes, buy supplies, and rest before the clock
encouraged her follower’s interest in returning to the tower’s alignment begins, which Lady Ogden predicts
circle for the convergence. With both Henbane and will be close to midnight.
Mather Nithra working separately to destroy the clock Just a few seconds before midnight, the fourth clock
tower and the surrounding town, Uringen is under the face spins wildly, and begins to align perfectly with the
greatest threat it has faced since its founding. other clock faces, but a moment later, chaos breaks loose
While Henbane and Mather Nithra both intend to upon the town square. Rivers of blue and red energy arc
destroy Uringen, their objectives are not the same, out from the western clock face, tearing open portals
and are in fact even cross-purpose in the long term, all over the square. At the same time, corrupted fey in
and so Henbane might be persuaded to leave the town service to Mather Nithra pour out upon the town square,
alone if she can be convinced that Uringen is a valuable and a group of gremlins smashes through one of the
addition to her “tree”. The flow of temporal essence, tower’s windows and begins tearing apart the tower
only possible with Uringen extant, would be a perfect from within. Meanwhile, the dryad Henbane Allseasons
offering to Shyka the Many, whose mastery of time and appears in the center of the tower, and uses her power
reality is formidable even in the mutable First World. over wood to seal off the tower’s entrance.
Mather Nithra, for his part, is uninterested in anything To retrieve the temporal essence, the PCs must enter the
Uringen can offer other than its utter annihilation, and tower, deal with the fey creatures and animated objects
so will certainly need to be driven off by force. within the tower, and confront Henbane Allseasons
at the top of the clock tower. Both sides want the Society wants. You heard about the mishap with the Sky
temporal essence, but the PCs have the opportunity to Key? How it’s not working correctly? Turns out, that clock
convince Henbane to give them some of the vials she tower might have something that can fix it. Scholars call
already collected, as well as depart Uringen peacefully. that something ‘temporal essence.’ Fetch at least one vial
Otherwise, the PCs may have to defeat Henbane in of the stuff. Ogden says the best time to collect it is in the
combat to take the essence for themselves. If the PCs middle of the clock face alignment. I’ve arranged for travel
ally with Henbane, the dryad agrees to leave Uringen in to Embeth Forest. When you get there, you’ll be meeting
peace, but Mather Nithra sends one last strike against Jamel Visser. Visser’s the leader of the local forest guides.
the people who defeated so many of her allies. They call themselves the Embeth Travelers. Don’t dawdle.
You’ve got to make it to Uringen before the clock faces align.
GETTING STARTED The boat will get you to Visser in a little over 2 weeks if
Read or paraphrase the following to get the you don’t run in to trouble. The clocks align in 3 weeks.
adventure underway. “Any questions…or refills?”
The incessant beat of hammer against anvils Should the PCs have any questions,
and weaponry greets entrants into Smine’s Venture-Captain Smine answers to the best
Weaponworks, a smithy of great repute in of his abilities, offering his insights into
the town of Tymon in the River Kingdoms, Uringen’s clock tower.
along with an oppressive wave of heat and What’s so special about this tower?
the acrid smell of coal. A broad-shouldered “One of the founders of the town built
dwarf, face and arms smudged with soot it. Great piece of work—even if it’s
from the furnaces, smiles broadly, proclaiming not dwarven,” he says with a wink. “It
in a voice harsh with years of yelling, “Ah! combines magic and machinery. I’m
I was expecting you lot! Step inside no wizard; can’t tell you more
my office. I have refreshments.” than that. It causes a piece of
He steps inside a cozy the town to disappear and
office, gesturing at several reappear—or at least. At
chairs, ranging from an least, people in Uringen say
overstuffed chaise to a sparse that’s what it does.
and undecorated rocking chair. After Holgarin What kind of things will we be
recording? “The mayor’s going to
rinsing his face off in a nearby basin
of water, he pours out several glasses
Smine have a keener idea of that. Record
of water, immediately quaffing one for the usual stuff. Sights, sounds,
himself before refilling it and sitting anything else you notice. Bring
down to his desk. “Venture-Captain Holgarin Smine, at your extra ink and paper, just in case.”
service. Guessing the Lodge got my message. You don’t look What is the Sky Key? “Huh, thought you’d know about
too fresh-faced for this mission.” Finishing the rest of his that. An artifact of Jormurdun, one of the legendary Sky
drink, he wipes the corner of his mouth with a clean cloth. Citadels of the dwarves.”
“I’ll be quick about it. You’ve got a bit of travel ahead What’s Uringen like? “Split. I mean that literally.
of you. One of the mayors of Uringen, Lady Aurelia Ogden, One half of the town disappears for bit, and the other
wants the Society’s help—with an experiment she’s been sticks around. Aurelia Ogden is the mayor of the half
doing. The clock tower of Uringen has drawn all sorts of that disappears sometimes. Knavar Mieren is the mayor
researchers. It hasn’t worked quite right from the get-go. It of the other half. They’re pretty isolated in Uringen. To
makes a whole piece of the town disappear. Four clock faces, get there, you’ve got to get guides to help you through
each with a different way of counting time. All displaying a the Embeth Forest. Guides like Jamal Visser. I’ve heard
different time—until now. The mayor thinks that those faces that the town itself is always moving.”
might finally join up. What’s going to happen when it does What can you tell us about Jamel Visser? “The
is anybody’s guess. She doesn’t have the staff she needs Embeth Travelers get folks to and from Uringen safely.
to record it properly. That’s where the Society comes in.” I’d heed his word about anything. With the fey thick
“Uringen’s alchemical goods are some of the best. In in those woods, I’d take precautions against them too.
exchange for recording the experiment’s effects, and Good man, though. He doesn’t have much use for coin.
dealing with unexpected issues, Mayor Ogden will give We’ll be paying him in more useful goods.”
the Society a discount. But there’s something else that the
Can we just buy a teleport to get there sooner? “To be and tarpaulins. Water from a recent downpour collects in the
honest, you have plenty of time. The boat’s already been canvas’ folds and in puddles on the ground.
paid for. Sounds expensive for no good reason. Plus,
Uringen supposedly moves its location and the forest When the PCs arrive, a pair of Travelers directs them
is a dangerous place to teleport. Plus, you’d have to tell to Jamel Visser (NG human ranger 6), who is standing by
Visser about the change of plans somehow. the central campfire. Dressed in plain forester’s garb, as
Anything else you can tell us? “Hold off on buying well as a worn but well-kept suit of leather armor and a
any alchemical goods until you get to Uringen. No sense longbow, he listens to the two scouts with a pensive look
wasting your money. Don’t go blabbing that you’re with on his face. At the PCs’ approach, he turns to greet them.
the Society while you’re in Tymon. Locals don’t know
about this lodge. “Well met, travelers. Smine sent word of your arrival,
expressing the urgency of your journey, but we will have to
Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), delay your departure. On our trip here, we ran afoul of that
or Knowledge (local) blasted grig’s traps, and we won’t be able to leave until we’ve
fixed things up.”
PCs with the right skills might know some details about
the town of Uringen, its history, and even some of the At this point, the PCs can ask Jamel Visser what
local legends. problems the Travelers have been having, or inquire
15+ Uringen’s alchemists are renowned through the further about Uringen.
Inner Sea for the effectiveness of their elixirs and potions. How can we assist you? “I’ve got a few problems, to be
The clock tower that stands in the center of Uringen honest. Deadfall, pits, whatever snares those twisted fey
doesn’t tell the same time on all its faces, and one of the thought of, and that’s just the start. They’ll all need to
faces always spins wildly out of control. be cleared or disabled before we go back into the woods.”
20+ The town of Uringen was founded in 4637 ar by an What about here in camp? “Our mules are sick,
Ulfen skald name Birji Uringen. probably poisoned, and even some of our hounds have
25+ The grig Mather Nithra has made numerous succumbed too. Our healers would be most appreciative
threats on the people of Uringen as well as on travelers if you helped them out.”
through Embeth Forest. Who did this? “Nithra’s folk like to harass us in and
30+ Uringen’s clock tower was built on top of an ancient out of the woods. We usually catch most of their tricks,
fey circle by one of Uringen’s founders, Rhona Ambros, but not this time.”
using stolen notes. Who’s Nithra? “Nithra is a grig, from what I hear. I’ve
never actually seen him face to…well face, I guess. Just in
At this point, the PCs have an opportunity to grab passing as he hopped away from putting mistletoe in the
supplies before heading down the West and East Sellen stew pot. Some fey might clean your house while you slept
Rivers to Embeth Forest, where Venture-Captain Smine at night, and I can tell you, he’s not that kind.”
has arranged for the next leg of their journey. Can’t we pay somebody to fix this? “You think your
coin is good out here? Which “somebody” do you see that
A. EMBETH FOREST (CR 6 OR CR 9) we could pay? City folk, always so sure that money is the
After an uneventful trip along the Sellen River, the PCs solution to everything,” he sighs, “If you can’t help, just
arrive near the edge of the Embeth Forest, where Jamel stay out of the way.”
Visser and his group of Travelers are waiting for them. Does Uringen really move around? “The town is never
Wary of the increased activity around Uringen, as well exactly where it is supposed to be on a map, and to make
as reports of fey harassment on the roads leading to matters more confusing for outsiders, the forest itself
Uringen, Visser wants the PCs to help ensure the road is shifts and changes far more quickly than a normal forest
safe. Visser tasks the PCs with assisting the Travelers as has any right to change. Don’t worry though; we in the
they journey through the forest, and keeping watch for Travelers spend our lives in this forest, and know its ever-
signs that the grig Mather Nithra may be planning an shifting landscapes. We’ll get you to Uringen.”
attack on Uringen. What’s the situation in Uringen? “We don’t go into
Uringen proper, just to the edge. We want to stay as far
A sturdy wooden pier stretches over the western bank of the away from that clockwork contraption as we can. Besides,
fast-moving river, where a river barge offloads several crates we do more good out here than in there. What I do know
of labeled goods. Nearby, a camp laid out in a rough semicircle is that Mayor Ogden is in a tizzy about something, which
bustles with activity, its borders marked off by covered wagons is troubling to see from a woman who doesn’t blink an
Approximately half a mile outside Uringen, Visser The man rests his hand on the hilt of a rapier at his
calls a halt to the caravan, gesturing the PCs forward. side, while the woman hooks her thumbs in the wide
sash wrapped around her body. A tiny blue-skinned
Raising his voice over the jingle of yokes and the rattle of humanoid with iridescent blue butterfly wings flits
wagon wheels, Visser booms out “Halt!” Dismounting from his behind the woman’s head, a miniscule pair of pince-nez
horse, he gestures down the road. “About half a mile down that perched upon his pert nose.
road, you’ll be in Uringen. Desna smile on you in that place.” A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Knowledge (local)
check identify the pair as
If the PCs managed to complete at least two tasks for the mayors of Uringen,
the Embeth Travelers, Visser pulls an oilskin folio Knavar Mieren and
out of his saddlebags. Aurelia Ogden, and a
PC who succeeds at a DC
“Since you’ve been right 15 Knowledge (nature)
useful this trip, I was hoping recognizes the butterfly-
you could carry these reports winged humanoid as a
to Mayors Mieren and Ogden, pixie. The mayors argue
since you’ll be in town indefinitely, unaware of
anyway. Put in a good word for the PCs’ presence until
you as well, maybe you’ll get they’re interrupted (by
something from them for it.” the pixie if the PCs make
no move after several
If the PCs inquire about the minutes). Mayor Mieren,
contents of the reports, Visser who runs the static side of
shrugs, saying, “Mostly keeping Uringen, distrusts outsiders.
track of what we see. With Uringen He is furious that Mayor Ogden
so far from anywhere else, it’s invited the Pathfinder Society,
good to keep in mind what beasts and his attitude towards
are wandering about.” the PCs is one of thorough
annoyance if their make their
B. URINGEN allegiance obvious. He crosses
When the PCs arrive in Uringen, his wiry arms over his broad chest and
read or paraphrase the following. Cerotius does not engage the PCs in conversation.
Mayor Ogden, on the other hand,
The town of Uringen is a flurry of activity. welcomes the PCs—if not with open
Puffs of multicolored smoke rise from tall stone chimneys arms, with considerably more grace than her counterpart.
that emerge from steeply pitched rooftops, and people A woman approaching her middle years, Aurelia Ogden
dressed sharply in black and white shuffle about the town, retains some of her youthful good looks, the barest grace
preparing for the convergence. The divide between the two of silver among sun-bleached brown hair at her temples
halves of the town is stark. A wide street, 20 feet across at its and crows’-feet around her brown eyes the only real sign
widest, separates the static and unstuck portions of the town. of her age. Read or paraphrase the conversation below.
Boarded windows and prominent “closed” signs decorate the
static half of the town, whose residents speak in hushed and “Excellent to see that my message was received and heard
tense tones. In the unstuck half of the town, excitement and by the Society! I’m Mayor Aurelia Ogden, and this is my
curiosity outweigh fear, and groups of people gather in the compatriot, Mayor Knavar Mieren. I trust your journey through
streets. Above it all, a four-sided tower looks out upon the the Embeth wasn’t too hazardous?”
town, with an enormous clock face decorating each side at
its pinnacle. She waits for the PCs to recount their experiences in
Embeth Forest before continuing. If the PCs hand over
In the middle of the street between the two halves, Visser’s reports, she thanks them and briefly looks over
a pair of well-dressed figures appears to be locked in the reports before handing them to Mayor Mieren.
a debate, their words clipped and harsh. Their heated
conversation is in Skald, with a smattering of words and “Not unexpected news, but I will leave the details of the guard
phrases in Common. arrangement with Mieren. Right now, I must focus all my
Diplomacy (gather information) ancient fey circle, whether by chance or by design, caused
Like some fey, Seripan can be plied with traditional the structure to malfunction from the start. Rhona’s
offerings of bread, milk, or honey, though distilled decision to use the large block of white quartzite located
beverages like brandy or whiskey are far more likely to just outside of the circle in the tower’s construction
loosen her tongue. The former grants a +2 circumstance further contributes to its instability; this stone was once
bonus on a Diplomacy check, while the latter grants a the fey circle’s heelstone.
+5 circumstance bonus. Seripan’s starting attitude is At the very top, the clock faces align to the cardinal
friendly in Subtier 3–4 and indifferent in Subtier 6–7. directions, while long arms of weather-tarnished
The DCs below assume that Seripan’s attitude is friendly. metal click out the hour and minute, but the four faces
Subtract 5 from the DC if she is helpful, and add 5 to the do not depict the same time. The time on the western
DC if she is indifferent. Most of Seripan’s ditties have face moves the most erratically, with its arms swinging
some meaning behind them that may not be readily backwards and forwards, while the northern face depicts
apparent to the PCs without an additional skill check to an accurate time. On each floor, glass windows break
interpret the significance. up the monotony of stone, but even these are covered
12+ “Uringen hasn’t been around that long, and even with arcane scripts and sigils from an eclectic variety of
it was built on something older. ‘Bones of the earth, rise arcane traditions. Almost every available wall is taken up
from the ground / Keep us sound, within your girth.’” by a bookshelf stuffed with ledgers recording the Clock
This short ditty is a simple allusion to the stone-worked Tower’s behavior since Uringen’s founding.
houses (and the Clock Tower) popular in the oldest parts The pixie Cerotious greets the PCs on the ground floor
of Uringen. of the Clock Tower, calm despite the activity around him.
17+ “’Reckless Rhona / Looked at her Tower / But Despite having met them when they spoke to Mayor Ogden,
was quite sour / For every hour / She heard every flaw.’ he greets the PCs as if he had never seen them before.
Turns out, no matter how long you prepare, you can’t “Ah, hello there! Aurelia mentioned you might be
get it right the first time…But I wonder if it was her first stopping by! Welcome to the Tower—I would be Cerotious,
time making the Tower? The Tower does seem to work… aide-de-camp for Mayor Ogden and advisor of First
mostly. That’s a lot of gears and flim-flammery, and it’s World affairs to Uringen. Is there anything in particular
amazing that even one of those faces is actually useful.” that makes you curious?” The pixie manages to pull off a
A DC 25 Knowledge (local) reveals that ‘Rhona’ refers to courtly bow in mid-air as he presents his name and title.
Rhona Ambros, one of the founders of Uringen and the Around the butterfly-winged fey, plain-robed apprentices
architect of the tower. set up delicate apparatuses, while others walk slowly up
22+ “Ogden wants to fix the tower to do what Reckless the wooden stairs to the next floor.
Rhona intended it for. ‘Time is just a door / Just step right If the PCs seem genuinely interested in Ogden’s
through / In stolen cloak of blue / To the days of yore.’” experiment (or if a PC is a gnome or connected to the
PCs that succeed at a DC 30 Knowledge (arcana) check First World in some way), Cerotious’s face brightens as
learn that the Clock Tower was constructed to study more he immediately dives into his studies of the fey circle at
about the exotic field of chronomancy. the Tower’s base.
27+ Seripan mentions that she has heard rumors from
the forest that Nithra appealed to “The Many” to “cast “As you can see, Ogden’s lesser apprentices are
out the intruders,” but Seripan’s rumors don’t mention moving her timepieces to various places within the
any response to this alleged appeal. A DC 30 Knowledge Tower, but my focus is here—on the circle. Most of the
(religion) check reveals that the phrase refers to one speculation up to this point thinks that Reckless Rhona
of the Eldest of the First World: Shyka. A Knowledge messed up her construction…but I don’t think so.”
(religion) result of 35 or higher reveals that one of the The pixie flits over to an open windowsill, pointing at the
things Shyka is known for is the use of time magic. narrow gap between the stonework. “This is not the work
of a sloppy person! No, I think that the fey circle interfered
B2. Clock Tower with her design somehow, and that’s why part of the
In the center of “unstuck” Uringen stands the Clock town disappears…I just have to prove that somehow.”
Tower, a five-story edifice constructed of blue-gray stone The pixie pauses for a moment, tracing a symbol on one of
and mottled with pearlescent white blocks. One of the the white stones embedded in the wall. “Aurelia mentioned
founders of Uringen, Rhona Ambros, crafted the Clock that an unbiased and fresh set of eyes might reveal insight
Tower with the goal of being able to peer into the past at a otherwise clouded by staring at it too long. As the senior
whim—or that’s the running theory based on the journal assistant researcher and head pixie on the clock tower
entries the wizard left behind. Its location atop an deciphering project, I take any potential leads very seriously.
C. Town Square N
: Red Portal
: Blue Portal
dragon, they move around the Town Square, relying on +11, Fly +17, Intimidate +11, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10,
their unluck auras to do the job. Stealth +19, Swim +11, Use Magic Device +11
Morale The pugwampis are cowardly and unwilling to risk Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan; telepathy 100 ft.
their own safety. A pugwampi flees if it takes any damage. Combat Gear scroll of dispel magic, wand of scorching ray (CL 7th,
10 charges)
hp 11 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 145, see page 29) Breath Weapon (Su) 10-foot-cone, despair for 1d6 rounds, DC 14
TACTICS Fortitude negates. Creatures affected by despair are staggered,
During Combat The vexgits break into nearby buildings and sickened, and immune to effects that grant a morale bonus. A
dismantle whatever they can get their hands on. They throw gloom dragon can use this breath weapon every 1d4 rounds.
small objects through portals to distract and annoy pursuers. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Morale The vexgits run away if they take any damage. Spells A gloom dragon casts spells as a 5th-level sorcerer.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 11 SCALING ENCOUNTER D1
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14 Make the following changes to encounter D1 to accommodate
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Disable Device), a party of 4 PCs.
ToughnessB, Weapon FinesseB Both Subtiers: The same energies that animated the
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+6 to jump), Appraise +1, Climb +16, Craft supply sack ruined some of the alchemical supplies within.
(traps) +2, Disable Device +14, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge Each time the supply sack would deal fire or acid damage,
(engineering) +1, Perception +8, Stealth +18 (+22 in metal or stony either from its caustic contents ability or its spit supplies
areas, +14 when moving); Racial Modifiers +4 Disable Device, +4 ability, there is a 50% that it does not deal any fire or acid
Stealth in metal or stony areas, –4 Stealth when moving damage. Do not reduce the number of functional supplies
Languages Undercommon the PCs can find at the end of the encounter.
SQ track +1, wild empathy +2
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear leather A PC who falls from a higher floor onto a patch of gears
armor, mwk longbow, mwk warhammer, soothe syrupUE, 31 gp takes 1d6 damage in addition to the typical falling damage.
Development: After dealing with Nithra’s forces, Ogden D1. First Floor
meets up with the PCs, telling them that she saw a group Arcs of purple energy ripple from between the Clock
of gremlins enter the tower from the east. If questioned, Tower’s gears and the white stones that make up the fey
Ogden believes that Nithra is behind the attack, because circle. The pungent scent of ozone and fresh rain fills the
gremlins and corrupted fey are his signature allies. room, and from above, the screeching sounds of metal
Rewards: If the PCs do not defeat the creatures outside twisting and wood breaking echoes down, revealing the
of the tower, reduce each PC’s gold as follows. twisted activities of the vexgits above.
Subtier 3–4: Reduce each PC’s gold by 295 gp. Creatures: The pixie Cerotious is hiding invisibly in
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold by 502 gp. this room to avoid the creatures that have invaded the
Subtier 6–7: Reduce each PC’s gold by 710 gp. tower. A surge of energy from the First World animated
a sack of weapons and alchemical equipment, which
D. THE CLOCK TOWER attacks any creature it can see.
Henbane sealed the tower’s front door shut. The PCs
can break the reinforced door with a DC 23 Strength Subtier 3–4 (CR 4)
check, or spells such as warp wood. The windows are
quite difficult to open; they are magically reinforced to SUPPLY SACK CR 4
prevent breaking, and can only be opened with 1 minute Animated object (medium) (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 14)
of work and a successful DC 30 Disable Device check to N Medium construct
open. However, a group of vexgit gremlins has opened a Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception –5
window on the second floor of the east side of the tower, DEFENSE
20 feet above the ground. The PCs can scale the side of AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural)
the tower to the open window with a DC 20 Climb check. hp 36 (3d10+20)
Hazard: The gears on each of the floors of the clock Fort +1, Ref +1, Will –4
tower spin rapidly. Several situations in this scenario Defensive Abilities DR 5/piercing or slashing; Immune
may cause PCs to end up within the gear mechanisms— construct traits
passing through an unlucky portal, falling on to OFFENSE
gears from a higher floor, or simply choosing to cross Speed 30 ft.
the gears to maneuver about the battlefield. A PC who Melee slam +5 (1d6+3 plus grab)
succeeds at a DC 18 Acrobatics check (DC 22 in Subtier Ranged spit supplies (see below)
6–7) may walk across the gears safely at half speed. A PC Special Attacks constrict (1d6+3 plus caustic contents), strangle
who fails this check by less than 5 cannot move further, TACTICS
but suffers no ill effects. During Combat The supply sack attacks anyone within area
A PC who fails this Acrobatics check by 5 or more falls D1. It does not continue attacking unconscious creatures.
prone and takes 1d6 points of damage from the gears. Morale The sack is mindless, and does not surrender. It does
On the following round, the PC may attempt another not pursue creatures outside of area D1.
Acrobatics check at the same DC. If that check fails STATISTICS
by 5 or more, the PC takes another 2d6 damage as it is Str 14, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
thrown off the gears to the ground below. Base Atk +3; CMB +5 (+9 grapple); CMD 15
4th Floor
2nd Floor
S A Clock Room
3rd Floor
: Red Portal
: Blue Portal
1 square = 5 feet S : Floor Switching Portals
SQ construction points (cloth, constrict, grab, supplies, spit points of acid damage and 1d4 points of fire damage when it
supplies, strangle) constricts a creature.
SPECIAL ABILITIES Cloth (Ex) The supply sack is made of cloth. This ability replaces
Caustic Contents (Ex) The supply sack deals an additional an animated object’s typical hardness 5 with DR 5/piercing
1d4 points of acid damage and 1d4 points of fire damage or slashing.
when it constricts a creature. Durable (Ex) Strange energies from the First World have
Cloth (Ex) The supply sack is made of cloth. This ability enhanced and reinforced this supply sack, granting it 30
replaces an animated object’s typical hardness 5 with DR additional hit points.
5/piercing or slashing. Spit Supplies (Ex) The supply sack has two main pouches; one
Spit Supplies (Ex) The supply sack has two main pouches; filled with weapons and the other with alchemical items.
one filled with weapons and the other with alchemical Each time the sack uses spit supplies, it makes each of the
items. Each time the sack uses spit supplies, it makes each following attacks against a random target within 30 feet. The
of the following attacks against a random target within 30 alchemical items do not deal the typical splash or ongoing
feet. The alchemical items do not deal the typical splash damage, and instead function as listed below. It also spits a
or ongoing damage, and instead function as listed below. variety of vials of liquid that have no effect on their targets.
When it uses this ability, it also spits a variety of vials of 1: longsword +3 (1d8+6/19–20)
liquid that have no effect on their targets. 2: club +3 (1d6+6)
1: longsword +3 (1d8+2/19–20) 3: alchemist’s fire +3 touch (1d6+6 fire)
2: club +3 (1d6+2) 4: acid flask +3 touch (1d6+6 acid)
3: alchemist’s fire +3 touch (1d6+2 fire) Sticky (Ex) The supply sack contains sticky alchemical goop
4: acid flask +3 touch (1d6+2 acid) from high-quality Uringen-made tanglefoot bags, which
Strangle (Ex) A creature grappled by a supply sack cannot helps it grab on to its foes. This ability gives it a +4 bonus
speak or cast spells with verbal components. on its grapple checks and inflicts a –4 penalty on any
attempt to escape its grapple.
Subtier 6–7 (CR 7) Strangle (Ex) A creature grappled by a supply sack cannot
speak or cast spells with verbal components.
Animated object (large) (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 14) Development: Cerotious has not dared to fly upstairs,
N Large construct but he has heard the sound of clanking gears from above,
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception –5 and he is concerned that the tower is falling apart. He is
DEFENSE afraid to progress further up the tower, but he offers to
AC 14, touch 8, flat-footed 14 (–1 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size) use his constant detect abilities and call out if he notices
hp 82 (4d10+60) anyone else entering the tower. Cerotious picked up a
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will –4 piece of paper that appeared out of thin air. When the PCs
Defensive Abilities DR 5/piercing or slashing; Immune speak to him, give the PCs Cerotious’s Handout. This
construct traits piece of paper has two Sylvan phrases written on the back
OFFENSE of it: “Alternate” and “Progress in an orderly fashion”.
Speed 30 ft. These words, like the rest of the handout, are clues to the
Melee slam +9 (1d8+9 plus grab) puzzle to unlock the Belfry (see below). If none of the PCs
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. speaks Sylvan, Cerotious translates the phrases.
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+9 plus caustic contents), strangle Treasure: When the PCs defeat the supply sack, it
TACTICS contains four each of longswords, clubs, and enhanced
During Combat The supply sack attacks anyone within area D1. versions of alchemist’s fire, acid flasks, tanglefoot bags,
It does not continue attacking unconscious creatures. holy water, and antitoxins. See the sidebar Uringen
Morale The sack is mindless, and does not surrender. It does and Alchemy on page 9 for the rules on these enhanced
not pursue creatures outside of area D1. alchemical items. In Subtier 6–7, the bag has a side pouch
STATISTICS containing two elixirs of hiding, an elixir of truth, two elixirs
Str 22, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 of tumbling, an elixir of green dragon breath UE , and 72 gp.
Base Atk +4; CMB +13 (+21 grapple); CMD 20 Rewards: If the PCs do not defeat the supply sack,
SQ construction points (cloth, constrict, durable, grab, supplies, reduce each PC’s gold earned by the following amount.
spit supplies, sticky, strangle) Do not reduce the number of items the PCs receive from
SPECIAL ABILITIES the bag based on how long they take to defeat it.
Caustic Contents (Ex) The supply sack deals an additional 1d4 Subtier 3–4: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 108 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 235 gp. skipping any clues that the PCs have already figured out.
Subtier 6–7: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 362 gp. When you do so, feel free to take the handout from the
players and physically write in the clue, paraphrasing
Unlocking the Belfry turns of phrase that match the style of speech of one of
Most of the portals on each floor transport creatures the PCs who is actively involved in solving the puzzle, if
and objects that pass through them to another portal of you can. Each clue is written in the handwriting of one
the opposite color on the same floor. However, a few of of the PCs, which the PCs can discern with a Linguistics
the portals function differently. One of the red portals check (DC 20, or DC 10 for the PC whose handwriting
on each of the first, second, and third floors transports is represented). Once the PCs figure out or strongly
creatures and objects to a blue portal on the floor above. suspect that they are receiving clues from themselves,
Conversely, one of the blue portals on each of the second, feel free to allow the players to add flavorful messages for
third, and fourth floors transports creatures and objects themselves to the notes (but not any that grant additional
to a red portal on the floor below. information) or even reword to fit their vision of their
When the clock faces aligned, a barrier rose up that is character’s writing style if they wish.
now blocking the way from the fourth floor (are D4) to Clue 1: One portal of each color on each floor changes
the Belfry (area D5). In order to pass through the barrier floors, except on the first and fourth floors. The writing
blocking the way to the belfry, the PCs must pass through on the back says “Alternate” and “Progress” in Sylvan.
these special portals in the right order. Cerotious’s Clue 2: Alternating must mean we need to switch off
handout provides clues about the correct order. Written between red and blue portals.
on the back of the handout are two phrases in Sylvan: Clue 3: Progress probably means we have to go through
“Alternate” and “Progress in an orderly fashion”. The the floor switching portals in some order, but I’m not sure
front of Cerotious’s handout shows the possible ways to which order. The symbols by the arrows and inside each
pass between floors, and it also assigns a number to each floor on the diagram show which portals go to which floors.
path between floors. The numbers are indicated by the Clue 4: I’m beginning to think we need to ascend in
tally marks by the arrows on the side of the diagram. order based on the number of vertical lines, starting by
In order to unlock the way to the belfry, a PC must pass taking the blue portal on the second floor. But there’s no
through the portals in a way that alternates portal colors, time; the portals are fading. Come on, I know you can get
while passing from the smallest numbers to the largest. it this time!
The solution is as follows: If the PCs manage to solve the puzzle without receiving
Climb to second floor and pass through a blue portal to any clues beyond Clue 1, they receive additional rewards
the first floor, then a red portal to the second floor. Next, at the end of the scenario for their quick thinking. They
climb to third floor and pass through a blue portal to the also receive these rewards if they impressed Cerotious
second floor, then a red portal to the third floor, finally, in area B2, as long as they do not receive Clue 4 (see the
climb to fourth floor and pass through a blue portal to Conclusion of the adventure).
the third floor, then a red portal to the fourth floor. After The PCs may attempt to bypass this puzzle entirely
a PC passes through the red portal to the fourth floor, she with dimensional magic, such as dimension door. Anyone
sees a purple gate open up in the barrier blocking passage who attempts to enter the belfry using dimensional
to the belfry, and she can pass through the barrier. magic must attempt a DC 22 caster level check (DC 25 in
The PCs will need to figure out which portals on each Subtier 6–7) . On a successful check, the caster appears
floor travel to a different floor through trial and error, within the belfry. On a failed check, the caster emerges
but they are free to use objects to test the portals. unharmed from a random portal on the first floor of the
Cerotious’s handout has an unusual origin; it comes clock tower.
from the future. The original note comes from Inquisitor
Henbane, who accidentally let it slip through a portal D2. Second Floor
that spat it out on top of Cerotious. If the PCs are stuck
on this puzzle, if they start attempting time-consuming The walls of this wooden balcony are filled with shelves of
activities like trying every possible combination of portal papers. Three-foot-tall fences are all that stands between the
enty, or if the players are frustrated, future versions of balcony and the intricate spire of gears that extends from the
themselves who ran out of time to solve the puzzle provide floor below, growing thicker and wider as it ascends to an
them with additional clues. Each time this happens, a impenetrable tangle twenty feet above.
halo of purple light surrounds the handout, and when
the light fades, there is more writing in the margins or There are no encounters on this floor, but the PCs can
on the back. Give the PCs the following clues in order, hear the deafening sounds of gremlins on the floor above,
and see their tiny arms reaching over into the gears to
tear the mechanism apart. If the PCs attack the gremlins, SCALING ENCOUNTER D3
see the Creatures entry for the third floor. Make the following adjustment to accommodate a group of
4 PCs.
D3. Third Floor Subtier 3–4: Remove one vexgit human hunter from the
Creatures: Gremlins on this floor are casually ripping encounter.
apart the gears and throwing them through portals, Subtier 6–7: Remove two vexgit human hunters from the
chittering in delight at the destruction. When the PCs encounter.
arrive on the third floor or initiate combat from the
second floor, they take to their work with a renewed, manic At will—prestidigitation
enthusiasm. Describe the tower’s rapid deterioration 1/hour—rusting grasp, snare
each time a gremlin gets a turn to take it apart. TACTICS
Hazard: If any gremlins are still sabotaging the tower Before Combat The vexgits use their snare spell to set up traps
at the end of the third round of combat, the tower emits to hinder their foe’s movement.
an earsplitting sound as dozens of gears break free from During Combat The vexgits focus fire to take down the PCs,
their places and clatter to the ground. All creatures in the starting with human PCs.
tower (with the exception of Henbane in the Belfry) must Morale The vexgits run away if they are reduced below 5 hp.
succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save (DC 21 in Subtier 6–7) or They know there’s a dead end on the floor above, so they
be stunned for 1 round. This is a sonic effect. The tower’s attempt to flee out of the second floor window if the PCs
magic sustains its function, but it will need substantial are not blocking that escape route, using the floor-changing
repairs to prevent further deterioration in the coming days. portals if necessary. If they cannot flee, they surrender.
STATISTICS Morale The vexgits run away if they are reduced below 5 hit
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 11 points. They know there’s a dead end on the floor above, so
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14 they attempt to flee out of the second floor window if the
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Disable Device), PCs are not blocking that route, using the floor-changing
ToughnessB, Weapon FinesseB portals if necessary. If they cannot flee, they surrender.
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+6 to jump), Appraise +1, Climb +16, Craft STATISTICS
(traps) +2, Disable Device +14, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge Str 10, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 11
(engineering) +1, Perception +8, Stealth +18; Racial Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14
Modifiers +4 Disable Device, +4 Stealth in metal or stony Feats Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Disable Device),
areas, –4 Stealth when moving ToughnessB, Weapon FinesseB
Languages Undercommon Skills Acrobatics +10 (+6 to jump), Appraise +1, Climb +16, Craft
SQ track +1, wild empathy +2 (traps) +2, Disable Device +14, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear leather (engineering) +1, Perception +8, Stealth +18; Racial
armor, mwk longbow, mwk warhammer, universal solvent, Modifiers +4 Disable Device, +4 Stealth in metal or stony
32 gp areas, –4 Stealth when moving
Languages Undercommon
Subtier 6–7 (CR 9) SQ track +1, wild empathy +2
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear leather
VEXGIT GREMLINS (4) CR 1 armor, mwk longbow, mwk warhammer, universal solvent,
hp 11 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 145, see page 29) 32 gp
During Combat The vexgits spend their turns pulling gears off Development: If the PCs defeat the gremlins and they
the tower and throwing them through portals. did not pass through the first floor, an invisible Cerotious,
Morale The vexgits run away down the tower if they are who is hiding on the first floor (area D1) cautiously flies
reduced to 4 hit points or fewer. upstairs and warns them that “the supplies are attacking!”
Treasure: In Subtier 6–7, the gremlins dropped a small
VEXGIT HUMAN HUNTERS (4) CR 3 satchel on the floor, which contains a pot of sovereign glue.
Vexgit gremlin ranger 2 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 145) Rewards: If the PCs do not defeat the gremlins, reduce
LE Tiny fey each PC’s gold earned by the following amount.
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8 Subtier 3–4: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 136 gp.
DEFENSE Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 304 gp.
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+1 armor, +4 Dex, +2 natural, Subtier 6–7: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 472 gp.
+2 size)
hp 28 each (3 HD; 1d6+2d10+14) D4. Fourth Floor
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4
DR 5/cold iron; SR 12 The stairway to the belfry has collapsed. In its place, a wall of
OFFENSE bright blues and reds ripples in a wave, ebbing and flowing to
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. some unseen force. The wall extends onto the ceiling, blocking
Melee mwk warhammer +5 (1d4/×3) or the view of the floor above.
bite +3 (1d3)
Ranged mwk longbow +7/+7 (1d4/×3) or A shimmering barrier oblocks further passage,
mwk longbow +9 (1d4/×3) encompassing the entirety of the belfry. A PC whos
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. succeeds at a DC 25 Spellcraft check recognizes that the
Special Attacks combat style (archery), favored enemy barrier is similar to a wall of force. If any of the PCs has
(humans +2), speedy sabotage, wrecking crew passed through the portals in the correct order, that PC
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +1) sees the wall dissolve, allowing passage. Any PCs who have
At will—prestidigitation not passed through the portals in the correct order still
1/hour—rusting grasp, snare see the barrier. PCs who have passed through the portals
TACTICS can leap from the western edge of the collapsed stairs
Before Combat The vexgits use their snare spell to set up traps (marked D on the map) to the eastern portion of the stairs
to hinder their foe’s movement. in the belfry with a successful DC 12 Acrobatics check, or
During Combat The vexgits focus fire to take down the PCs, climb to the area marked D in the Belfry with rope or with
starting with human PCs. a successful DC 15 Climb check.
D5. Belfry
The top of the Clock Tower is swathed in bright light, any view Make the following adjustments to encounter D5 to
of the town of Uringen blocked by barriers of glowing violet. The accommodate parties of 4 PCs.
numerous gears that drive the clocks spin and tick in time, and Both Subtiers: Henbane expended all of her uses of her
with every twitch of the seconds’ hand, a shudder runs through Tree of Ages ability earlier in the day.
the room. Between the gears of the clocks, a thick, silver-gold
substance drips out, crackling with arcs of red and blue. to keep one vial as an additional favor, increasing the
unmodified DCs to 28 and 33, respectively. However, this
Creature: Inquisitor Henbane is busy gathering the DC decreases by 5 for each step her attitude improves from
dripping substance—the temporal essence that the PCs unfriendly, and the DC also decreases by 5 if the PCs make
also seek. Curious as to its properties, and sensing its arguments involving the long-term view or otherwise
connection to time, she gathers the liquid as quickly as attempt to take Shyka’s strange perspective of time into
possible, collecting a new vial every five minutes. consideration. Henbane starts as indifferent, rather than
Touched with a bit of madness that comes from working unfriendly, towards followers of Shyka, and they receive
as an agent of Shyka, Henbane Allseasons often rambles a further +5 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks.
cryptically, to the point of being indecipherable by Henbane rolls a Sense Motive check on every PC in the
mortals or those who don’t share her strange perspective group for each of the PC’s offers to make sure that they are
on time. She begrudgingly speaks Common or Elven, not lying to her.
much preferring her native tongue of Sylvan. PCs who
speak to her in Sylvan receive a +2 circumstance bonus
on Charisma-based skill checks to influence her. Her
attitude begins at Unfriendly, though it does not take
much to slip it backwards—her attitude toward any PC
who insults her or balks at her demands shifts to hostile.
Henbane blames the people of Uringen for damaging
the circle. Her accusations are true; in the process
of creating the clocktower, Rhona Ambros destroyed
the circle’s original heelstone, one of many mystical
waypoints that Shyka sprinkled across Golarion for
unknown purposes. The heelstone’s constituent parts
were used in the creation of the Clock Tower (they are the
white stones in the walls that the PCs might have noted
earlier). Henbane intends to rededicate the site to Shyka.
She plans to set up a new heelstone while she moves into
the tower to determine how the Tower interacts with
the circle. While her initial plan involves destroying the
clock tower and replacing it with a circle of standing
stones, it would be sufficient to replace numerous key
stones in the clock tower with other stones, creating an
odd disjoint standing stones amidst the clock tower. If
the PCs convince Henbane to spare Uringen, regardless
of what else they may offer, one of her terms is that she
requires them to set up those stones.
Henbane has noticed the temporal essence and is
somewhat fascinated by it, and the substance could give
the PCs the chance they need to reach a peaceful resolution.
Convincing Henbane to leave Uringen in peace with their
promise to repair the circle requires the PCs to convince
her that the town is useful to Shyka. To do that, they must
succeed at a DC 23 Diplomacy check (DC 28 in Subtier 6–7) Henbane
and agree to offer Shyka the rights to the temporal essence.
The PCs can convince her to allow the Pathfinder Society
Subtier 6–7 (CR 10) invisibility on herself and sneaks down the tower with the
temporal essence she has collected so far.
HENBANE ALLSEASONS CR 10 Base Statistics Without heroism and resist energy (fire),
Female dryad inquisitor of Shyka 9 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Henbane’s statistics are Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +16; Melee
Player’s Guide 38, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 116) mwk ironwood heavy mace +12/+7 (1d8+2), Ranged
CN Medium fey +1 composite longbow +15/+15/+10 (1d8+3/×3); Skills
Init +12; Senses low-light vision; Perception +22 Climb +11, Craft (sculpture) +11 (+17 when affecting
Aura aura of madness (30 ft., DC 19, 9 rounds/day) wood), Escape Artist +24, Handle Animal +13, Intimidate
DEFENSE +25, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (nature) +15,
AC 24, touch 17, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +7 Dex, +3 natural) Knowledge (planes) +11, Perception +22, Sense Motive +26,
hp 130 (15 HD; 6d6+9d8+69) Spellcraft +12, Stealth +29, Survival +14
Fort +15, Ref +17, Will +18 STATISTICS
DR 5/cold iron Str 14, Dex 24, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 21, Cha 16
Resist fire 20 Base Atk +9; CMB +11; CMD 28
Weaknesses tree dependent Feats Deadly Aim, Enfilading FireUC, Escape RouteUC, Great
OFFENSE Fortitude, Manyshot, Point-blank Shot, Precise Shot, Precise
Speed 30 ft. StrikeAPG, Rapid Shot, Stealthy, Toughness
Melee mwk living steel heavy mace +14/+9 (1d8+2) Skills Climb +13, Craft (sculpture) +13 (+19 when affecting
Ranged +1 composite longbow +17/+17/+12 (1d8+3/×3) or wood), Escape Artist +26, Handle Animal +15, Intimidate
+1 composite longbow +19/+14 (1d8+3/×3) +27, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (nature) +17,
Special Attacks bane (9 rounds/day), judgment 3/day (2 Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +24, Sense Motive +28,
simultaneous) Spellcraft +14, Stealth +31, Survival +16
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +9) Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan; speak with plants
Constant—speak with plants SQ monster lore +5, solo tactics, stern gaze +4, track +4, tree
At will—entangle (DC 14), tree shape, wood shape (1 lb. meld, woodcraft
only) (DC 15) Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds, ring of delayed
3/day—tree stride doom (3 charges), soothe syrupAPG (4); Other Gear +1
1/day—suggestion (DC 16) darkleaf cloth studded leatherUE, +1 composite longbow
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +14) (+2 Str), mwk living steel heavy maceUE, belt of incredible
8/day—vision of madness (+/–4) dexterity +2, cloak of elvenkind, efficient quiver, empty vial
Inquisitor Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +14) (10), 3 gp
At will—detect alignment, discern lies (9 rounds/day) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 9th; concentration +14) Tree of Ages (Su) Henbane can restore life to wooden
3rd (4/day)—dimensional anchor, dispel magic, heroism, objects, transforming them into constructs of living wood that
hunter’s eyeAPG serve as her allies. Up to three times per day as a swift action,
2nd (5/day)—blistering invectiveUC (DC 17), hold person (DC she can create up to three wooden allies (see stat block below).
17), invisibility, spiritual weapon Each of these allies remains animated for one minute, until she
1st (7/day)—command (DC 16), cure light wounds, shield of uses this ability again, or until it is reduced to 0 hit points.
faith, true strike, wrathAPG Tree Meld (Su) A dryad can meld with any tree, similar
0 (at will)—acid splash, bleed (DC 15), create water, detect to how the spell meld into stone functions. She can remain
magic, guidance, read magic melded with a tree as long as she wishes.
Domain Madness Tree Dependent (Su) Henbane must stay within 300 yards
TACTICS of locations and times that are connected to the strange tree
Before Combat Henbane casts heroism and resist energy (fire) of branching paths of time to which she is bound. If she strays
and on herself. more than 300 yards away from such a location, she is sickened.
During Combat Henbane prefers to avoid direct confrontation Every hour thereafter, she must make a DC 15 Fortitude save
by frightening potential foes into seeing matters from to resist becoming nauseated for an hour. Henbane carries four
her perspective. If combat seems becomes unavoidable, soothe syrups to stave off the effects while she is away from
she uses her animate wood ability to create allies out of her metaphysical tree, which she does not need to use during
the surrounding tower and uses her wooden allies for her this scenario.
teamwork feats. She combines spells and archery to hamper Woodcraft (Ex) A dryad has a +6 racial bonus to Craft checks
her foes and pick them off one at a time. involving wood, and is always treated as if she had masterwork
Morale If reduced to 20 hit points or less, Henbane casts artisan’s woodworking tools when making such checks.
When the PCs exit the clock tower and emerge into the
SLOT head CL 6th WEIGHT —
town square, they find that the square is ransacked and
AURA faint abjuration
deserted. A small group of fey, a grig and several quicklings,
Following Shyka has led Henbane down dark, lonely, and hide behind one of the buildings.
haunted paths. This token, a bloom of the Henbane flower, Creatures: Several of Mather Nithra’s allies wait in the
allows its wearer to step outside of the flow of time. As shadows outside the Clock Tower, hoping that the PCs
a purely mental move action action, you can destroy the will die insider the tower. If the PCs defeated Henbane
flower to disappear completely one round. While you are in battle, Nithra’s allies retreat at the first sight of the
out of time, you cannot be affected by any new spells PCs, and stop their attack on Uringen. If, on the other
or effects, and any ongoing durations of spells or effects hand, the PCs negotiated with Henbane, then Henbane
affecting you do not continue to progress. You also cannot descends the tower with the PCs, and as they launch
take any actions while out of time. At the beginning of their ambush, Nithra’s forces ask the dryad why she isn’t
your next turn after disappearing from time, you reappear helping to destroy the tower. Henbane gives the cryptic
in the same square you left (or the closest open space if reply, “The time wasn’t right anymore. Your request
it is occupied). only made sense later.” The grig and the quicklings
seem to accept her answer as reasonable, and they attack
REJUVENATED WOOD CR — the PCs, while Henbane stands aside. If the PCs ask
N Small construct Henbane why she isn’t helping the PCs fight the evil fey,
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception –5 she seems intrigued by the idea, “That is not part of our
DEFENSE arrangement, but it is a fascinating point of consideration.
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size) Unfortunately, it is difficult to hold a discussion over the
hp 16 (1d10+10) noise of combat. Perhaps another time?” Use the town
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will –5 square map from encounter C. If the time is earlier than
Immune construct traits 12:34 in the morning, the portals remain; otherwise,
OFFENSE remove the portals from the map.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +3 (1d4) Subtier 3–4 (CR 7)
Str 10, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 QUICKLINGS (3) CR 3
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 12 hp 18 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 227, page 28)
Combat Gear giant wasp poison (3)
Development: Collecting a full vial of the temporal essence TACTICS
takes five minutes, and can only be done at such a rapid rate Before Combat The quicklings apply poison to their
while the clock faces are synchronous. Henbane has been shortswords.
collecting them at the maximum rate since the convergence, During Combat The quicklings use their superior mobility
which means she likely has at least one vial already, if not to attempt to outmaneuver the PCs and deal sneak attack
more. If the PCs defeated Henbane and desire more vials of damage without being surrounded.
essence, they will need to spend the necessary time during Morale The quicklings flee if reduced below 8 hit points.
the convergence collecting them.
Before the PCs depart the belfry, a tiny purple portal GRIG FIDDLER CR 3
appears and sucks in Cerotious’s handout. If Henbane is Grig bard 2 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 147)
present, she says “It is time” right before the portal appears NE Tiny fey
and seems completely unfazed the phenomenon. Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
Rewards: If the PCs do not defeat Henbane or convince DEFENSE
her not to destroy the tower, reduce each PC’s gold by AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 size)
the following amount. In addition, if the PCs do not hp 17 (3 HD; 1d6+2d8+5)
successfully negotiate with Henbane to leave peacefully, Fort +1, Ref +10, Will +5; +4 vs. bardic performance, language-
cross Henbane’s token off the Chronicle sheet. dependent, and sonic
Subtier 3–4: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 500 gp. DR 5/cold iron; SR 16
+12 (1d4+1/19–20) or clock tower arcs out with blue and red energy every new
dagger +15 (1d3+1/19–20) or and full moon. Mather Nithra’s allies retreat to the forest
+1 shortsword +14 (1d4+2/19–20) to lick their wounds, and it will be some time before they
Ranged composite shortbow +15 (1d4+1/×3) attempt another strike on Uringen.
Special Attacks sneak attack +4d6 +4 bleed Mayor Ogden asks the PCs for a full report on the
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +5) events in the clock tower. As long as the PCs stopped both
1/day—dancing lights, flare (DC 11), levitate, shatter (DC 13), Henbane and Nithra from destroying the clock tower, she
ventriloquism (DC 12) promises that the Society will have access to the higher
TACTICS quality goods from Uringen on a more permanent basis.
Before Combat The quicklings apply giant wasp poison to their If the PCs stopped the gremlins from dealing substantial
shortswords. damage to the tower in area D3, Mayor Ogden commends
During Combat The quicklings use their superior mobility them for their quick action in preventing a catastrophe,
to attempt to outmaneuver the PCs and deal sneak attack and sends a letter to Venture Captain Smine praising the
damage without being surrounded. PCs for their skill. Mayor Mieren also seeks out the PCs
Morale The quicklings flee if reduced below 15 hit points. and apologizes for doubting them, assuring them that they
STATISTICS are welcome to return to Uringen whenever they please.
Str 13, Dex 28, Con 17, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 12 Any PC who traveled through a portal during the
Base Atk +5; CMB +13; CMD 25 scenario gains access to the Touched by Time boon.
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Dodge, MobilityB, Quick Draw, Spring When the PCs depart Uringen, if they PCs sufficiently
AttackB, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse impressed the Embeth Travelers in area A, the Travelers
Skills Acrobatics +21 (+93 to jump), Bluff +13, Craft meet them outside of town and give them each a loyal
(weapons) +14, Escape Artist +21, Perception +15, Sense Embeth hound.
Motive +7, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +25 (+65 while still vs. foes Treasure: If the PCs unlocked the belfry without
who can’t see invisible), Survival +12, Use Magic Device +13 receiving the second clue, or if they unlocked the belfry
Languages Aklo, Common, Sylvan without receiving the fourth clue and impressed Cerotious
SQ poison use, rogue talents (bleeding attack +4, fast on their first journey into the clock tower, Cerotious praises
getaway), trapfinding +2 them for their quick thinking, and rewards them with a
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, giant wasp poison collection of magic items and gold. In Subtier 3–4, he gives
(3); Other Gear +1 shortsword, composite shortbow (+1 Str), them a scroll of glitterdust, two scrolls of haste, and 100 gp. In
dagger (10), mwk shortsword, cloak of resistance +1, 180 gp Subtier 6–7, he additionally gives them a scroll of invisibility
purge and a rather ostentatious golden set of eyes of the eagle.
Rewards: If the PCs encounter the quicklings and grigs Rewards: If the PCs don’t impress Cerotious and receive
and do not defeat them, reduce each PC’s gold earned by his reward, reduce each PC’s gold earned as follows.
the following amount. If the PCs defeated Henbane, do Subtier 3–4: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 70 gp.
not reduce their gold earned. Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 195 gp.
Subtier 3–4: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 500 gp. Subtier 6–7: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 320 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 900 gp.
Subtier 6–7: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 1,300 gp. Reporting Notes
If the PCs allied with Henbane Allseasons, check box
CONCLUSION A on the reporting sheet. If the PCs defeated Henbane
The temporal anomalies around the Uringen clock tower Allseasons in combat, check box B.
end abruptly at 12:34 in the morning. The western face
once again spins wildly out of control, the other three Primary Success Condition
faces desynchronize, and the clock tower emits a deep If the PCs retrieved at least one vial of temporal essence,
resonant bass tone thirteen times before going silent. each PC earns 1 Prestige Point.
If Henbane Allseasons survives, she reports back to
Shyka the Many about the clocktower, the temporal essence, Secondary Success Condition
and the intriguing mortals known as the Pathfinder If the PCs prevented the gremlins from sabotaging the
Society. If the PCs rebuild the circle, there are no clock tower until it emitted the sound hazard in area D3,
immediately apparent effects, but the western face of the each PC earns 1 additional Prestige Point.
Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-02: Character Chronicle #
Embeth Hound: The Embeth Travelers gift you with a loyal Embeth hound at no cost. An Embeth hound
is a riding dog who receives a +4 racial bonus on all Climb and Swim checks in place of a riding dog’s SUBTIER Slow Normal
typical +4 racial bonus on Acrobatic checks while jumping. An Embeth hound is trained for combat and
additionally knows the Track trick. If the Embeth hound dies, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
6–7 1,626 3,252
Henbane’s Token: Inquisitor Henbane leaves you with a token of her favor. This enchanted flower
SUBTIER Slow Normal
from a henbane plant allows its wearer to step outside of the flow of time. As a purely mental move action
action, you can destroy the flower to disappear completely one round. While you are out of time, you — — —
cannot be affected by any new spells or effects, and any ongoing durations of spells or effects affecting
you do not continue to progress. You also cannot take any actions while out of time. At the beginning
of your next turn after disappearing from time, you reappear in the same square you left (or the closest
open space if it is occupied). Once you expend the token’s power, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet. Starting XP
Touched by Time: You have passed through time-distorting portals in Uringen, and residual magic from Initials
that experience clings to you. You may cast either haste or slow as a spell-like ability, using your character
XP Gained (GM ONLY)
level as your caster level and Charisma as your key ability score. When you use this boon, cross it off your
Chronicle sheet.
All Subtiers Subtier 6–7 Final XP Total
opponents must make to oppose these items is elixir of truth (500 gp)
increased by 2. elixir of tumbling (250 gp)
Prestige Spent
enhanced acid flask (20 gp; limit 4) eyes of the eagle (2,500 gp)
enhanced alchemist’s fire (40 gp; limit 4) potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
enhanced holy water (50 gp; limit 4) ring of delayed doom (3 charges; 15,000 gp, limit 1;
Current Final
enhanced tanglefoot bag (100 gp, limit 4) Ultimate Equipment 169) Prestige Fame
giant wasp poison (210 gp each, limit 3) scroll of invisibility purge (750 gp)
mwk living steel heavy mace (812 gp; Ultimate sovereign glue (2,400 gp)
Equipment 51) Starting GP
potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp) GM’s
For GM Only