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Analog loop:
1、stable state and FFT
2、vector network Analyzer manual
3、self-oscillation conditions
4、phase margin 45°,Gain margin -10dB criterion
5、zero point and pole point characteristic
6、pole-zero point compensation circuit
7、LCR network frequency characteristic
8、system transfer function
9、voltage ripple
Digital loop:
10、continue domain to discrete domain,c2d
11、Tustin bilinear transformation analysis
12、 Matlab calculate difference Equation coefficient
13、 pole-zero point compensation circuit to discrete domain
14、Butterworth low pass filter
15、 incremental PID control algorithm
16、digital flyback power block

数字电源开源社区 1

Analog loop Digital loop

Ø Amplifier Ø ADC
Ø Comparator Ø Timer
Ø Lantch Ø PID/loop alogrithm

This picture is provided by iwatt,campbell.

数字电源开源社区 2

Note:the disturbance signal

should be injected into the feedback
loop by isolation transformer.



数字电源开源社区 3
one pole point(1p)

Z2 Small signal analysis:

Z1  R1 Z 2  R2 / /
S  jw

Vin  0 0  V0 Vo  R2 1
 H (s)   
Z1 Z2 Vin R1 1  SR2C1
0V R2 1 R
20 lg H ( s )  20 lg( )  20 lg 2  20 lg wR2C1
R1 1  ( SR2C1 ) 2 R1
f 1
   arctan f0   800Hz
f0 2 R2C1
20 lg wR2C2  3dB

Description:Gain will decrease to infinitely small

with frequency increase.
f0 Position: f 0 
2 R2C1
magnitude-frequency characteristic :-20dB/10Wo

Phase-frequency characteristic :Max phase shift

is 90°,45°@ pole point

数字电源开源社区 4
one zero point(1z)
Small signal analysis:
Z1 1
Z1  R1 / / Z 2  R2 S  jw
Vin  0 0  V0 Vo  R2
0V  H (s)    (1  SR1C1)
Z1 Z2 Vin R1
R2 R
20 lg H ( s)  20 lg( 1  ( SR1C1) 2 )  20 lg 2  20 lg wR1C1
R1 R1
f 1
  arctan f0   1600Hz 20 lg wR1C1  3dB
f0 2 R1C1

Description:Gain will increase to infinitely max

with frequency increase.
f0 Position: f 0 
2 R1C1
magnitude-frequency characteristic :20dB/10Wo

Phase-frequency characteristic :Max phase shift

is 90°,45°@ pole point

数字电源开源社区 5
one pole with one zero point(1p1z)
Z2 Small signal analysis:
Z1 Z1  R1 Z2 R2 
1 S  jw
Vin  0 0  V0 Vo (1  SR2C1 )
0V  H (s)  
Z1 Z2 Vin SR1C1
|1  SR2C1 | R
20 lg H ( s)  20 lg( )  20 lg 2
| SR1C1 | R1
f0 1
  arctan f0   800Hz
f 2 R2C1

Pole point position:0Hz

Zero point position:800Hz

magnitude-frequency characteristic :+0dB/10Wo

Phase-frequency characteristic :Max phase shift

is 0°,45°@ pole point

数字电源开源社区 6
one pole with two zero point(1p2z)
Z2 Small signal analysis:
Z1 Z1  R1 / /
Z 2  R2 
S  jw
jwC1 jwc2
Vin  0 0  V0 Vo (1  SR1C1 )(1  SR2C2 )
0V  H (s)  
Z1 Z2 Vin SR1C 2
1 1
f zero1   800Hz f zero 2   1600Hz
2 R1C1 2 R2C2

20 lg H ( s)  20 lg ( f zero1  f  f zero 2 )

Pole point position:0Hz

f zero1 f zero 2 Zero point position:800Hz / 1600Hz
magnitude-frequency characteristic :
Phase-frequency characteristic :

数字电源开源社区 7
two pole point with one zero point(2p1z)
Z2 Small signal analysis:
1 1
Z1  R1 Z 2  ( R2  )// S  jw
jwC2 jwC1
Z1 Vin  0 0  V0

0V Z1 Z2
Vo (1  SR2C2 )
H (s)  
Vin SR (C  C )(1  SR C1C2 )
1 1 2 2
C1  C2

1 1
f zero1   800Hz f pole2   36kHz
2 R2C2 CC
2 R2 1 2
C1 C2
Pole point position:0Hz/36kHz
f zero1 f pole 2 Zero point position:800Hz
magnitude-frequency characteristic :
Phase-frequency characteristic :

数字电源开源社区 8
two pole with two zero point(2p2z)
Z2 Small signal analysis:
1 1 1
Z1  R1/ / Z 2  ( R2  )// S  jw
jwC1 jwC2 jwC3
Z1 Vin  0 0  V0

0V Z1 Z2
Vo (1  SR2C2 )(1  SR1C1 )
H (s)  
Vin SR (C  C )(1  SR C2C3 )
1 2 3 2
C2  C3
1 1
f zero1  800Hz fzero2   7.2kHz
2 R2C2 2RC1 1

f pole1  0 Hz f p o le 2 
C 2C 3
 36 kH z
2 R 2
C2  C3
f zero1 f zero 2 f pole 2 Pole point position:0Hz/36kHz
Zero point position:800Hz/7.2kHz
magnitude-frequency characteristic :
Phase-frequency characteristic :

数字电源开源社区 9
three pole with two zero point(3p3z)
Z2 Small signal analysis:
1 1 1
Z1 Z1  R1/ /
Z 2  ( R2 
S  jw

Vin  0 0  V0

Z1 Z2
0V 1 1
(S  )( S  )
Vo R1  R3 R2C2 (R1  R3 )C3
H (s)   
Vin R1R3C1 C  C2 1
S (S  1 )( S  )
R2C1C2 R3C3
1 1
f zero1   340Hz f zero 2   3.6kHz
2 R2C2 2 ( R1  R3 )C3

f pole1 
 10kHz 1
CC f pole 2   72kHz
f zero1 f zero 2 f pole1
2 R2 1 2
C1  C2
2 R3C3
f pole 2
Pole point position:10kHz/72kHz

Zero point position:340Hz/3.6kHz

magnitude-frequency characteristic :
Phase-frequency characteristic :

数字电源开源社区 10

Small signal analysis:

V0    CTR  R6 S  jw
R5//(R 7  )

V0 R R (1 SC3R7 )
H (s)   CTR 6 5
V1 1 SC3 (R5  R7 )

V0 (1  SR2C2 )
G (s)  
Vin CC
SR1 (C1  C2 )(1  SR2 1 2 )
C1  C2

(1  SR 2 C 2 )
F (s )   CTR
C 1C 2
SR 1 ( C 1  C 2 )(1  SR 2 )
C1  C 2
R 6 R 5 (1  SC 3 R 7 )

1  SC 3 ( R 5  R 7 )

H(S G(S we can add one zero point R7

with c3 to offset the pole
) ) of the optocoupler

数字电源开源社区 11
Small signal analysis:
Z1  jwL  RL Z2  (  RC ) / / R3 S  jw
Z1 jwC
Z2 H (s) 


Vin Z1  Z 2
(1  SR2C ) R3
 2
S LC ( R2  R3 )  S [ L  ( R1R2  R1R3  R2 R3 )C ]  R1  R3

(1  SR2C ) R3 1  SR2C
 2
 2
S LCR3  S [L  2R3 )C ]  1 S LC  1

f zero   3.4kHz
2 R2C
f pole   740Hz
2 LC

Pole point position:740Hz(double pole)

Zero point position:3.4kHz

magnitude-frequency characteristic :
Phase-frequency characteristic :

数字电源开源社区 12
Open loop

) )


1 1
(S  )( S  )
R1  R3 R2C2 (R1  R3 )C3 1 SR C
F (s)  G (S )  H (S )  K (S )   10 4 2 c S  jw
R1 R3C1 C  C2 1 S LC  1
S (S  1 )( S  )
R2C1C2 R3C3

数字电源开源社区 13
Open loop



数字电源开源社区 14
Open loop


数字电源开源社区 15
C2d,continue domain to discrete domain
 FT 1 
X ( jw)   x(t )e  jwt dt
x( t ) 
2 
X ( jw)e jwt dw Note : s  jw
Fourier transform
FT 1
X (e jw )   x[n]e
n  
 jwn
x[n] 
2   X (e
)e jwn dw Note : s  jw

X (  jw)   x(t )e t e  jwt dt LS x( t )  
X (  jw)et e jwt dw Note : s    jw Laplace transform
 2 

n  
Z 1 Note : z  e jw
X (e jw )   x[n]e
n  
 jwn
X ( n) 
2  X (e )e dz
jw jw ( n 1)
Z transform
Uniform sampling
x(t ) x(n ) L[ x(t )]  X ( s ) Z [ x(n )]  X ( z )
Tustin transform

How to transform X(s) to X(z), or how to transform X(z) to X(s) ? It's a question.

2 Z 1
Tustin Tustin bilinear transformation: S
T Z 1

X [n  1] Z z 1 X [ z ] 1 unit time shift

z 1

X [ n  2] Z z 2 X [ z ] 2 unit time shift

z 2

X [ n  2] Z z 2 X [ z ] z 2 3 unit time shift

数字电源开源社区 16
one pole point

Z2 Small signal analysis:

Vo  R2 1 2 Z 1
H (s)    S
Z1 Vin R1 1  SR2C1
S  jw

T Z 1

 R2 1
H ( z)   | 2 z 1 T 10uS
0V R1 1  SR2C1 s  T z 1
Y ( n) 1
H ( z)   2
X ( n) 2 z 1
1  0.2 103
T z 1
Y ( n)  0.95Y ( n  1)  0.049 X ( n)  0.049 X ( n  1)
%Matlab code
clear all; %clear old data
s  domain close all; %close old file
Ts=10*10^(-6) %sampling period
Cont_s=tf(-2,[0.2*10^(-3),1]) %S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
z  domain Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v')%Equation coefficient
num_z = -0.0488 -0.0488
den_z =1.0000 -0.9512

If increase the sample frequency ,z domain

will be more closed to s domain.

数字电源开源社区 17
one zero point
Small signal analysis:
Z1 Vo  R2 2 Z 1
H (s)    (1  SR1C1) S
Vin R1 T Z 1
0V Y (n)  R2
H ( z)    (1  SR1C1 ) | 2 z 1 T 10uS
X ( n) R1 s
T z 1

Y ( n)  Y ( n  1)  42 X ( n)  38 X ( n  1)

%Matlab code
clear all; %clear old data
close all; %close old file
z  domain Ts=10*10^(-6) %sampling period
Cont_s=tf([-0.2*10^(-3),-2],1) %S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
s  domain Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v')%Equation coefficient

num_z = -42.0000 38.0000

den_z = 1 1

数字电源开源社区 18
one pole with one zero point(PI控制器)
Z2 Small signal analysis:
Z1 H (s) 
(1  SR2C1 ) S
2 Z 1
Vin SR1C1 T Z 1

0V Y ( n) (1  SR2C1 )
H ( z)   | 2 z 1
X ( n) SR1C1 s  T z 1

Y (n)  Y (n  1)  2.05 X (n)  1.95 X (n  1)

%Matlab code
clear all; %clear old data
z  domain close all; %close old file
s  domain Ts=10*10^(-6) %sampling period
Cont_s=tf([-0.2*10^(-3),-1],[0.1*10^(-3),0])%S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v') %Equation coefficient
num_z = -2.0500 1.9500
den_z = 1 -1

数字电源开源社区 19
one pole with one zero point(PI控制器)
Z2 Small signal analysis:
Z1 −�� (1+��2 �1 )

�∗ 2+
�1 �1 ∗�1
�(�) = =− =−
��� ��1 �1 �
0V 1
�∗�� +
�� �� 2 Z 1
PID(�) = �� + = S
T Z 1
� �

�(�) = �(� − 1) + (�� + 0.5�� ∗ ��)�(�) + (0.5�� ∗ �� − ��)�(� − 1)

%Matlab code ,Kp=Ki=1

clear all; %clear old data
z  domain close all;
%close old file
%sampling period
s  domain Cont_s=tf([1,1],[1,0])%S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v') %Equation coefficient

num_z =1.0000 -1.0000

den_z = 1 -1

数字电源开源社区 20
one pole with two zero point
Z2 Small signal analysis:
Z1 H (s) 
Vo (1  SR1C1 )(1  SR2C2 )
 S
2 Z 1
Vin SR1C 2 T Z 1
%Matlab code
0V clear all; %clear old data
close all; %close old file
Ts=10*10^(-6) %sampling period
% numerator
den_c=conv([0.1*10^(-3),0],1); %denominator
Cont_s=tf(num_c,den_c) %S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v')%Equation coefficient
z  domain
num_z =-43.0500 79.9000 -37.0500
den_z =1 0 -1
s  domain
Y (n)  Y (n  2)  43.05 X (n)  79 X (n  1)
- 37.05 X (n - 2)

数字电源开源社区 21
two pole with one zero point
Z2 Small signal analysis:
Vo (1  SR2C2 )
H (s)   | 2 Z 1
Vin SR (C  C )(1  SR C1C2 ) S  T Z 1
Z1 1 1 2 2
C1  C2
%Matlab code
clear all; %clear old data
close all; %close old file
Ts=1*10^(-6) %sampling period
Cont_s=tf(num_c,den_c) %S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
z  domain Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
s  domain bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v')%Equation coefficient

num_z =0.2046 0.0010 -0.2036

den_z =1.0000 -1.7959 0.7959

Y (n)  1.8Y (n  1) - 0.8Y(n - 2) 0.205 X (n) - 0.204 X (n  2)

数字电源开源社区 22
two pole with two zero point
Z2 Small signal analysis:
Vo (1  SR2C2 )(1  SR1C1 ) 2 Z 1
H (s)   S
Vin SR (C  C )(1  SR C2C3 ) T Z 1
Z1 1 2 3 2
C2  C3
%Matlab code
clear all; %clear old data
close all; %close old file
Ts=1*10^(-6) %sampling period
Cont_s=tf(num_c,den_c) %S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
z  domain Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
s  domain bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v')%Equation coefficient

num_z =9.2066 -17.9582 8.7536

den_z =1.0000 -1.7959 0.7959

Y (n)  1.8Y (n 1)-0.8Y(n-2) 9.2X (n)-17.96X (n  2)  8.75X (n  2)

数字电源开源社区 23
three pole with two zero point(Type3补偿器与差分方程)
Z2 Small signal analysis:
Z1 1
(S  )( S 
Vo R1  R3 R2C2 (R1  R3 )C3
H (s)   
Vin R1R3C1 C  C2 1
S (S  1 )( S  )
0V R2C1C2 R3C3
2 Z 1
T Z 1
%Matlab code
clear all; %clear old data
close all; %close old file
Ts=1*10^(-6) %sampling period
z  domain %numerator
s  domain 6))],[1,1/(2.2*10^(-6))]));
Cont_s=tf(num_c,den_c) %S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v')%Equation coefficient

Y ( n )  2 .5 6 7 Y ( n  1)  2 .1 5 7 Y ( n  2 )
 0 .5 9 Y ( n  3)  1 .2 1 0 9 X ( n )  1 .1 8 1 X ( n  1)
 1 .2 1 X ( n  2 )  1 .1 8 X ( n  3)

数字电源开源社区 24
Butterworth low pass filter
H (s)  2
| 2 Z 1
2( SRC )  2 SRC  1 S  T Z 1
R  1K C  22nF
%Matlab code
clear all; %clear old data
close all; %close old file
Ts=10*10^(-6) %sampling period
Cont_s=tf(num_c,den_c) %S domain function
bode(Cont_s,'g');grid on;hold on; %S domain bode
Cont_discret_s=c2d(Cont_s,Ts,'tustin') %Z domain function
bode(Cont_discret_s,'r');grid on;hold on; %Z domain bode
[num_z,den_z]=tfdata(Cont_discret_s,'v')%Equation coefficient

Y (n)  1.95Y (n  1) - 0.955Y(n - 2) [0.252 X (n)

 0.505 X (n - 1)  0.252 X (n  2)] 10 3

数字电源开源社区 25

PID control algorithm: Proportion Integration Differentiation

continue domain B
1 t de( t)
u ( x)  k p [e(t )  e (t ) dt +Td ]
Ti dt

discrete domain
T k
u ( k )  k p [e ( k ) 
 e(n)+
n 0 T
(e(k )  e(k  1))]

incremental PID algorithm

u (k )  u (k )  u (k  1)  K p[e(k )  e(k  1)]  k ie(k )  k d (e(k )  2e(k  1)  e(k  2))

Y (n)  x (n)  x (n  1)  K p[e(n)  e(n  1)]  k ie(n)  k d (e(n)  2e(n  1)  e(n  2))


数字电源开源社区 26
Incremental PID c-code
#define max(a, b) (a>b? a:b)
#define min(a, b) (a<b? a:b) continue domain
#define range(x, a, b) (min(max(x, a), b))
#define exchange(a, b, tmp) (tmp=a, a=b, b=tmp)
#define myabs(x) ((x<0)? -x:x)
typedef struct
{ float limit; //max limit
float target; //target voltage
float feedback; //pid output to control
float Kp;
float Ki;
float Kd;
float e_0; //current error voltage
float e_1; //last error voltage
float e_2; //before last error voltage
}PID; discrete domain
float pid_calc(PID *pid)
float out;
float ep, ei, ed;
pid->e_0 = pid->target - pid->feedback;
ep = pid->e_0 - pid->e_1;
ei = pid->e_0;
ed = pid->e_0 - 2*pid->e_1 + pid->e_2;
out = pid->Kp*ep + pid->Ki*ei + pid->Kd*ed;
out = range(out, -pid->limit, pid->limit);
pid->e_2 = pid->e_1;
pid->e_1 = pid->e_0;
return out;

数字电源开源社区 27

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