New Headway 14 vocabulary units 1-8 level 10-1111
New Headway 14 vocabulary units 1-8 level 10-1111
New Headway 14 vocabulary units 1-8 level 10-1111
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 2 All Rights reserved
Awesome extremely good
Incredible Amazing = impossible = very difficult to
Fabulous very good; excellent
spectacular very exciting to look at
Bunch Group
Blog = weblog a diary that you put on the Internet for other people
to read
Ps used when you want to add extra information at
the end of a letter or email
Unit 1 p.4
Apparently Probably = that something seems to be true,
although it is not certain
A curve a line which bends continuously and has no
straight parts
An argument a disagreement =
Matter to be important
Master (v.) to learn well
age a very long time
Frustrate feel annoyed or less confident = discourage
Ex Previous
Fail to not succeed
Come over to come to a place, move from one place to
Hang on to wait for a short time
Hop to jump on one foot
Drop off to take someone to a particular place by car
Downtown City center
Unit 1 p.5
Jet-lagged the feeling of tiredness and confusion after making
a long journey in an aircraft
A bit A little
Litter small pieces of rubbish
Poor (adj.) deserving sympathy
Unit 1 p.6
Chilean Related to Chile
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 3 All Rights reserved
Astronomical extremely large
In my case, In my situation
Mining the industry of getting metals from the ground
Mine A hole in the ground for getting metas by digging
Harrowing (adj.) extremely upsetting = suffering
Toll (n.) suffering
Observatory (n.) a building from which scientists can watch the
planets, the stars, the weather, etc.
Boundary a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit
of something
Universe World
Probe (v.) to discover information = to examine something
to find something that is hidden
Out of breath
Straight Clear
Unit 1 p.7
Itchy (adj.) having or causing an itch
Itch (n.) The feeling to rub the skin with your nails
Point out to tell some information
A barrier Preventing = stopping
Handful Few
A handful of words Few words
Locate To find
Possessions things that you won
get the message across to make someone understand
A Thought An idea
Converse to have a conversation with someone
Native (adj.) relating to or describing someone's country
Pearl Jewel = gem
Destination the place where someone is going
Surrounding (adj.) to be everywhere around
Municipal (adj.) belonging to a town or city
pleasant enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or easy to like
Greenery (adj.) green plants used as decoration
Culture the way of life
Fit to be suitable for something
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 4 All Rights reserved
Shame an unlucky situation
Shame on you used to tell someone that they should feel sorry for
something they did
Whinge (v.) UK to complain
Truck Lorry
Stink (v.) To be too bad
Unit 1 page 8
Exciting Interesting
Guaranteed Promised
Excited Very happy
Hill Less than a mountain = high land
Sled to ride or travel on snow using a sledge
Relative A family member
Flight an aircraft that is making a journey
Adult Mature = grown up
tumbleweed (n.) a plant like a bush of North America and Australia
which breaks near the ground when it dies and is
then rolled about in large balls by the wind
Farming the activity of working on a farm or organizing the
work there
Pack (v.) to come or bring together in large numbers or to
fill a space
Tidy (v.) to make a place or a collection of things tidy
Mess (n.) Untidiness = chaos
Whinge (v.) UK to complain
Annoy Bother = to make someone angry
Basement a part of a building below the level of the ground
Shelter protection from bad weather, danger or attack
tornado a strong dangerous wind
Uncommon not seen = happening often
petrol Gas
pledge a serious or formal promise
Allegiance loyalty and support for a ruler, country,
The pledge of
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 5 All Rights reserved
Suspend To stop
In a row In arrange
Soccer Football
Stink Be bad = to smell very unpleasant
Straight Not curving
Barrier anything that prevents people from being together
or understanding each other
Unit 1 page 9
Lifelong lasting for the whole of a person's life
Life-size describes a work of art or model that is the same
size as the person or thing that it represents
Life expectancy the length of time that a person is likely to live
Life insurance Life assurance (Uk)
Tidy ordered and arranged
Spectacular Great = exciting
Homemade made at home
Homebound Forced to stay at home
Head case Crazy person
headrest the part of a chair that supports the head
headrest a set of headphones
Headway to make progress or to achieving something
Airway the passage through the mouth and throat that
carries air to the lungs
Unit 1 page 10
Kitten a very young cat
Adorable easy to love = attractive
Silly Foolish =fool = ridiculous
Pillow cushion
Weird very strange and unusual
Corn UK the seeds of plants -
US the seeds of the maize plant, or the plant
US an anchorman or anchorwoman
Bagel a small, hard roll of bread
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 6 All Rights reserved
Unit 1 page 11
Dessert sweet food
Drop by to visit someone
afford to be able to buy
show performance or a television or radio programme
Pace speed
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 7 All Rights reserved
Unit 2 page 12
Merchant a person who buys and sells products in large
a gossip merchant (= someone who enjoys talking about people's
)private lives
a speed merchant (= someone who drives too fast)
A merchant bank a bank which does business with companies rather
than with people
Summit Top = the highest point of a mountain
Summit an important formal meeting between leaders
Hostel a large house where people can stay free or
Persia The country of Iran in the past
Emperor a male ruler of an empire
Territory Area = land connected with a particular country or
Extensive covering a large area
Entire Whole = complete
Route way or direction between places
Trade business activity = buying and selling
Far East the countries of East Asia, including China, Japan,
North and South Korea and Indonesia
Unit 2 page 13
Mug (v.) to attack a person in a public place and steal their
Pickpocket (v.) to steal things out of pockets or bags
Backpacking travelling or camping with your clothes and
belongings in a backpack
Backpack bag which you usually carry on your back
Travel bug
Unit 2 page 14
Send off to send a letter, document or parcel by post
Scream a loud high sound = noise
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 8 All Rights reserved
Unit 2 page 15
College University
Associate with Relate to
Unit 2 page 16-17
Object Thing
Affection a feeling of liking for a person or place
Soaked (adj.) extremely wet
Cash to exchange a cheque , etc. for cash
Property Things owned
Idyllic extremely pleasant, beautiful or peaceful
Occur Happen
Deny to say that something is not true
Vital (adj.) necessary for the success = important
Contribution Share
Transform (v.) to change completely
income money that is earned from doing work
Capital Main
per capita amount for each person
Inhabitant a person or animal that lives in a particular place
Convince (v.) Persuade
Ration (v.) to limit
Worsen (v.) to become worse
Affordable (adj.) not expensive
Evict (v.) to force someone to leave somewhere
shore the land along the edge of a sea, lake or wide river
Demolish (v.) to completely destroy
Intention something that you want and plan to do
Clear (v.) to remove or get rid of
The Authorities the group of people with official legal power to act
or enforce the rules
Venture (n.) a new activity
Logging (n.) the activity of cutting down trees for wood
Log (v.) to cut down trees
Resort (n.) /rɪzɔt/ a place
Estimate (v.) to guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something
Exotic (adj.) unusual and often exciting
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 9 All Rights reserved
Paradise a place of great happiness = heaven
Unspoiled place A beautiful place
Charm (n.) Attraction
Struggle (v.) to use a lot of effort to
To Cope with to deal successfully with
Relentless (adj.) continuing in a severe or extreme way
Suck to pull in liquid
Dry Not wet
Massive (adj.) Very large
Global (adj.) relating to the whole world
Charity giving money or help free to those who are in need
because they are poor.
Approach A method = a way
Calculate (v.) to judge the number or amount of somethin
Course A sports area
Consume (v.) to use fuel, energy or time in large amounts
Piped water
Unit 2 page 17
Benefits Interests
Annual happening once every year =yearly
Revenue A regular income
Package A group of things
Coop up To be in a small closed space
Compound an area which contains a group of buildings
Contact with to communicate with
Community Society
Chambermaid a woman employed in a hotel to clean and tidy
Mass a large amount
urgent Important
Crowd a large group of people
Bay a part of the coast
Prime main or most important
Handle (v.) to deal with = be in charge of
Inhabitant a person or animal that lives in a particular place
Gridlock (n.) a situation where roads in a town become so
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 10 All Rights reserved
blocked by cars that it is impossible for any traffic
to move
Charge to ask an amount of money
Admission the money that you pay to enter a place
Clean up to make a person or place clean and tidy
Mess Untidiness –
Master plan an organized set of decisions about how to do
something in the future
Unique Rare
Culture Values = the way of life
Destined (adj.) intended
Impact Effect
Thought an idea or opinion, or a set of ideas about a
particular subject
Consultant someone who advises people = specialist =
Ruin (v.) to spoil or destroy completely
Asset (n.) a useful or valuable quality, skill or person
Exploit (v.) to use unfairly
Damage harm or injury
Article An essay = a piece of writing in a newspaper or
Author The writer of a book, article, play, etc.
Reaction behavior, a feeling or an action that is a direct
result of something else
wonder (v.) To ask yourself questions or express a wish
shame an unlucky situation
They cashed in on They made money from
Relentless waves of Huge, unstoppable numbers of tourists
Low-end package People who pay for cheap trip with food and hotel
tourists pre-paid
Cooped up in the hotel Kept within the wall of the hotel. the tone is
compound negative
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 11 All Rights reserved
The victim of its own It has lost (money / beauty / way of life )ecause it
success has been successful
Have second thought Change your mind and decide to so something
Unit 2 page 18
Whale watching
White water rafting the activity of being moved quickly in a raft
Fighter plane a small fast military aircraft
Harbor Port = an area of water next to the coast where
ships and boats can shelter
Skydiving a sport in which a person jumps from an aircraft
before opening a parachute
formula car
Scuba diving swimming under water with special breathing
equipment = diving
Snorkeling swimming while using a snorkel = diving for short
Eerie strange in a frightening and mysterious way
Shimmering reflecting a gentle light
Ridge of a long narrow raised part of a surface, especially a
high edge along a mountain
Greenish slightly green in colour
Purplish almost purple in colour
Buzzing noise to make a continuous low sound such as a bee
Awe respect mixed with fear or surprise
Hanging open
Hike (v.) to go for a long walk
Sunrise the time in the morning when the sun starts to rise
in the sky
Ancient Very old
Invade to enter a place in large numbers to do damage
Float with the wind To be floating on air = to be very happy
Breeze a light and pleasant wind
civilization A developed society
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 12 All Rights reserved
Unit 2 page 19
Make way To move things to have space
Do your best to make the greatest effort possible
Impression Opinion = effect
Arrangements Plans
Profit money which is earned in trade or business
Command to give someone an order = order
Thirsty needing to drink
Do away with sth to get rid of something or stop using
Do with sth want it very much
Do sth over to do something again
Do without sth to manage without having something
Make sth up to invent a story to deceive
Make up for sth to take the place of something lost or damaged
Make off to leave quickly to escape
Make (sth) of sth to give importance to something
Unit 2 page 20
Presumably used to say what you think is the likely situation
A chore a boring or unpleasant job or piece of work
Stand out much better than other similar things
Swing off
Rear view mirror a mirror which allows a driver to see what is
happening behind their car
Trek (v.) to walk a long distance, usually over land such as
hills, mountains or forests
Cub A young animal
Constantly all the time or often
Hectic full of activity; very busy and fast
Rush Hurry
Exhausting making you feel very tired
Broaden (v.) to become wider
A bit A little
Sort of Kind of
Mid teenage The middle of teenager's period
Hang out to spend a lot of time in a place
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 13 All Rights reserved
Privileged having a privilege
privilege an advantage
Pros Advantages = merits
Cons Disadvantages = demerits
Awkward (adj.) difficult to use, do, or deal with
Broad (adj.) General
Advocate Supporter
Handle (v.) Deal with
Attitude a feeling or opinion about something
Unit 2 page 21
Triplet one of three children born to the same mother at
the same time
Disappointed Very Sad = frustrated
Brilliant Very good = clever
Nonsense A silly or stupid idea
Ridiculous Silly
Relief a feeling of happiness
disgusting extremely unpleasant or unacceptable
Mess Chaos = untidiness
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 14 All Rights reserved
Unit 3 page 22-23
Smash (v.) break noisily into a lot of small pieces
Suspiciously Seem guilty
burglar Hoses thief = a person who enters buildings and
steals things
dare to be brave or rude to do something
A robbery Stealing = theft
Plunge fall suddenly
Shelter protection from bad weather, danger or attack
Rescue (v.) Save
Hack (v.) to get into someone else's computer system
without permission
Survive to continue to live or exist
Protective giving protection
Incredible Impossible = very difficult to believe
Avoid to stay away
Stuck unable to move
Top-secret extremely secret
Nerd Someone who is a computer expert or enthusiast
Rescue Saving
Safe and sound completely safe
Get in touch with to communicate with
Track down to find something
Unit 3 page 24
Plea Appeal = an urgent request
A contest A competition
zone Area
Tow to pull a car
Go bust If a company goes bust, it is forced to close
because it is financially unsuccessful
Bust (adj.) Broken
Apparent (adj.) able to be seen or understood
Beneath Below = under
Fatally having an important bad effect
Spot Spotted spotted to see or notice
Release to give freedom
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 15 All Rights reserved
Unit 3 page 25
Star To be the main actor
Tragically Sadly
Frustrating Annoyed = disappointed = very sad
Detective someone whose job is to discover information
about crimes
Cop A policeman
Community society
Tense (adj). nervous and worried
Intense Emotional
Passionate having very strong feelings or emotions
Suspense the feeling of excitement
Dramatic Exciting
Claustrophobic describes a place which is small and closed, and
makes you feel uncomfortable when you are in it
Craft skill and experience
Prompt Actor's help
Episode A part of a story
Mystery Strange thing
Thriller an exciting story
Twist A change
Spine-Chilling Very frightening
Unit 3 page 26
Clinging Holding tightly
Awakened Woken up
Gaze Look
Vanishing Disappearing
Deserted Empty
Obviously Clearly
Nerve Courage
Ultimate Final
Focus Center
Alerted Warned
Initial of or at the beginning
Interpretation an explanation
React to act as a direct result of something else
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 16 All Rights reserved
Traits Characteristics =
Pale ---d -----d To lose color
Clutch to take hold of something tightly
Feeble weak
synopsis a short description of the contents of something
such as a film or book
Unit 3 page 27
Railing A metal or wooden post, which is used to form a
Alighted to find or unexpectedly see something
A stunt a man or woman who performs dangerous actions
in a movie.
Figure the shape of the human body, or a person
precaution an action to prevent dangerous something
Dummy Not real thing =
Anchorage a place where something is fastened firmly
Desperately hopelessly
Melodrama a story, play, or film in which the characters show
stronger emotions
Frequent happening often; common
Constituent A person
Gossip Backbiting =conversation about other people's
private lives
Speculations Guesses
Unwilling not willing
Novelty the quality of being new and unusual
Embarrassment feeling ashamed or shy
Acute Extreme
Tranquil calm and peaceful
Suicide killing yourself
Grateful Thankful
Brave Courageous
Deed Action
Convene to meet for a meeting
Desperate Serious
Retreat to go away
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 17 All Rights reserved
Elevator Lift
Pensive thinking in a quiet way
profound felt or experienced very strongly
Relief happiness
Unit 3 page 28
Jigsaw /dʒɪg.sɔ/ a picture cut into pieces of different shapes
which must be joined together correctly to form
the picture again
rip sth up to tear something into small pieces
Jammed Full
tear sth up to tear paper into a lot of small pieces
Treasury the financial government department
stick together support and help each other
Theory a formal statement of the rules
Bizarre very strange and unusual
Unit 3 page 29
How come? Why?
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 18 All Rights reserved
Unit 4 page 30
Principal School manager
Awful Too bad = horrible
Suit (v.) . to be right
Clubbing to go to nightclubs
Obviously Clearly = in a way that is easy to understand or see
Clue A proof = a sign or some information which helps
you to find the answer
Stuffy Without fresh air
Disturb to interrupt =
Unit 4 page 32
Urgently Very important
How come? Why ?
Insomniacs someone who often finds it difficult to sleep
Atheist someone who believes that God or gods do not
Dyslexics Someone who can't spell or read well
Pacifists someone who believes in pacifism
pacifism the belief that war is wrong
unemployed not having a job
Weird Strange = unusual
Tiny Too small
For Company to make you feel as if you are not alone
Drop by to visit someone
Driveway a short private road which leads from a public road
to a house
Crossword a game in which you write words which are the
answers to questions
Unit 4 page 33
Confession (n.) to admit that you have done something wrong
Confess (v.) to admit that you have done something wrong
Sin the breaking of, a religious or moral law
Frumpy old-fashioned and not attractive
Figure Shape = appearance
Obviously easy to understand or see = clearly
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 19 All Rights reserved
Pretty Beautiful
Bugging to place or hide a listening device inside something
Scared Frightened
Occasion a particular time
Unit 4 page 34
Conspiracy planning to do something bad or illegal
Circulate to speak about something quickly
Juicy interesting because it is shocking or personal
Shooting shooting bullets from guns or other weapons
Mixture A combination of different things
A hint Indirect statement
Horrify to shock someone very much
Bizarre very strange and unusual
Proof A clue = showing truth
Breathtaking Absolutely
Devised Thought up
Wicked Fiendish
Believe Buy into
Devised Hatched
Interfere Tampered
Planned trick Elaborate hoax
Go around Circulate
Breeze Wind
A stunning array A fantastic exhibition
All agree Unanimously
Seek to conceal Try to hide
Bizarre Strange
To be stuck To glue
Hit Run into turbulence
Eerily Strangely and coincidentally
Stupid Patiently ridiculous
Pretty plausible Quite believable
Devise 2 to invent
Unit 4 page 35
Estimated Approximate =
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 20 All Rights reserved
Set up Trick = to arrange a trick
Standard Usual
Hypothesis / an idea or explanation for something that is based
Hypotheses on known facts but has not yet been proved
Farce a humorous play or film
Fiendish wicked
Elaborate hoax A carefully planned trick
Fake to make an object look real to deceive people
Blissful extremely or completely happy
Isolation Separation
Intrusion Interference = going into people's affairs
Resource a useful or valuable possession
Tropical extremely hot
Plenty more than enough, or a large amount
Former in an earlier time = last = previous
Butler the most important male servant
Apparently Seem to be true
Hatched Devise = plan
Tampere Interfere
Multiply to increase very much
Arbitrary by chance = coincidence
Mundane very ordinary
Bearable Acceptable
Global Universal
Paranoia unreasonable false beliefs
Unit 4 page 36
Rumor False stories
Astronaut a person who has been trained for travelling in
leap A big change
Mankind Humanity
assert Confirm
Mission Work as a duty
A hoax a plan to deceive
Broadcast to send out a program on television or radio
allege to state that someone has done something illegal or
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 21 All Rights reserved
wrong without giving proof
A military base A military area
Flutter To move
Breeze Wind
Stunning array Fantastic exhibition of stars
Plausible Believable
Alien a creature from a different planet
Prop an object used by the actors performing in a play
or film
Counter theory opposing theory
Unanimously All agreed
millennium a period of 1000 years
Millennia (plural)
UFO unidentified flying object = unknown object
Widespread existing or happening in many places
Evidence Proof
Conceal Hide
The public all ordinary people
Unit 4 page 37
Assassinate (v.) to kill someone famous or important
Tiny Very small
Piper someone who plays a pipe ( a short narrow tube)
Aircraft a plane or helicopter
Crash (v.)
Vineyard land on which vines (= plants which produce
grapes) are grown
Pilot (v.) to fly an aircraft
Royalty the people who belong to the family of a king and
Bizarre Strange
Conspiracy A secret plan to illegal something
Tragedy a very sad event
Run against
Senate the important politicians who make laws in
the USA.
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 22 All Rights reserved
FBI The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Explosives Bombs =
Glue (v.) To be stuck
Chat to talk
Turbulence Violent air movement
Interfere to involve yourself in a situation
Legendary very famous
Curse trouble and unhappiness
Clan a group of families,
Dynasty a series of rulers or leaders who are all from the
same family
Strike To hit
Eerily Strangely and coincidently
Incident Unusual and unpleasant incident
Patently Clearly
Ridiculous Stupid
Record to keep information
Unit 4 page 38
1- Fake X genuine , real , authentic
Like X dislike, hate, can't stand
Tiny X big, large, huge, enormous, massive
Happiness X unhappiness, sadness, misery, sorrow
guilty X not guilty, innocent, blameless
Safe X unsafe, risky, dangerous, unsecure
Admit X deny, contradict
Sincere X insincere, dishonest
Success X failure, disaster, flop
Mature X immature, childish, young, youthful
Encourage X discourage, dishearten, criticize
Kind X unkind, mean, cruel
Appear X disappear , vanish
5- Absurd Used cruelly or badly
Disused Not used any more
Unused Not ever used
Misused Used in wrong way
Overused Used too much
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 23 All Rights reserved
Underused Not used enough
2-stinginess Unwilling to pay money
bungee jumping the sport of jumping off a very high bridge with a
long elastic rope tied to your legs
Semester Term =
Lousy (informal) Very bad
Dense (adj) (Informal) stupid
A tough question X An easy question
Tough meat X Tender meat
A clear sky X a cloudy sky
A clear conscience X a guilty conscience
Fair hair X dark hair
A fair decision X an unfair decision
A hard mattress X a soft mattress
A hard test X an easy test
A live animal X a dead animal
Live music X recorded music
A light color X a dark color
A light sleeper X a deep / heavy sleeper
Unit 4 page 39
Coo cooed cooed to speak in a soft, gentle, or loving way
Host someone who has guests
Time off a period of time when you do not work
Whistle to make a high sound by the lips
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لقناة اإلنجليزية للعرب 24 All Rights reserved
Unit 5 page 40-41 An eye to the future
A prediction An expectation
Spontaneous happening or done in a natural way
SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test
Pack (v.) to put something into a bag
Absolutely completely
Stuff Substance = things
Due (adj.) expected to happen, arrive
Due to Because
To name to give a name
Unit 5 page 42
Attitude Opinion
Scared Frightened = worried
Stiff Person
Refreshment (small amounts of) food and drink
Assistance Help
press Push
Duty-free goods goods bought in special shops in airports, on ships,
etc. on which you do not pay government tax
Remain to stay in the same place
Unit 5 page 43
Cure Remedy
Unit 5 page 44
Get a bad rap a false criminal charge – a bad judgment
Tournament a competition for teams
Memorable (adj.) to be remembered
Sulk to be silent and refuse to smile or be pleasant to
Talented Gifted = with talent; able or skilful
Odd strange or unexpected
Champion Winner
Tough difficult
Unit 5 page 45
Co-write to write something with someone else
Influence Effect
Set up Arrange
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Launch To begin - to send
Batch a group of things
To Spot to see or notice someone
Blueberries the dark blue fruit
Cranberries a small round red fruit
Normal Usual
Multiple sclerosis a disease in which the covering of the nerves
gradually becomes destroyed, damaging a person's
speech and sight and ability to move.
Relatively in comparison with other similar things or with
what you expect
Mobile able to move freely or be easily moved
Fatigue extreme tiredness
Caregiver someone who looks after a person
A burden something difficult or unpleasant that you have to
deal with or worry about
The thing is ------ A spoken expression used to introduce an answer.
No my kind of thing - Not something that I enjoy or have an interest in
How are things ? How are you ?
What's the thing you What is the feature /characteristic you like most ?
like most ?
To do the right thing To behave correctly
Doing your own thing Doing something independently rather than
following the group
Your kind of thing Your taste / what you enjoy
To say the wrong thing To say something that is inappropriate
To have a thing about To have strong personal feeling about
To make a big thing To make something more important than it is.
about it.
Unit 5 page 46
Ambitious having a strong wish to be successful, powerful
or rich
Present To give – to introduce
Finding a problem, situation or object Solution – discovery
Staff Employees
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Motto Slogan
Unit 5 page 47
Take offense To be or feel insulted, offended, or humiliated by
Take place Occur = happen
Take (no) notice to give attention to something
Take part to be involved in = to participate
somebody/something To be very grateful
for granted
take sth for granted to believe something to be the truth
Take advice
Take a risk to do something you know might be dangerous
Take responsibility for To be responsible
Take forever To take a very long time
Take sth back to return something you have bought to a shop
Take sth in To watch a film – to include – to understand
Take off To leave the ground
Take on sb. to employ someone - to compete against or fight
Put a stop to something to stop
Put words into to interpret what someone said so that the words
somebody's mouth mean what you want and not what the speaker
Put somebody in To be responsible for
charge of something
Put your best foot To try to act as an ideal version of oneself,
forward typically to try to impress others
Put your work first
Put pressure on To try to influence or persuade one to do
somebody something or act a certain way; to make demands
on or expect something from someone.
Put on when a person tries to deceive someone into
believing something that is not true
Put off to delay an event or activity until a later time or
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Put away To store
Put out To stop burning
Put yourself in my To imagine oneself in the situation or
shoes circumstances of another person,
Standard Measure
Complicated Complex
Unit 5 page 48
Reunion the act or process of coming together again
How are things ? How are you ?
Option Choice
Bank statement a printed record of the money put into and
removed from a bank account
To date To have a romantic relationship
What a shame! That's too bad.
Unit 5 page 49
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Unit 6 page 50
Ingredients Components
Fluid a substance which flows and is not solid
Enthusiasm Zeal = a feeling of energetic interest
Pub public house = a building in Britain where
alcoholic drinks can be bought and drunk and
where food is often available
Fame To be known and famous
Swift Fast = happening or moving quickly
Spot (v.) to see or notice someone or something
Zip (v.) (informal ) to go quickly
Scooter a motor scooter
Nutritious containing many of the substances needed for life
and growth
Passion a very powerful feeling
Unit 6 page 51
Luggage baggage
Unit 6 page 52
Pile An amount
Heap an untidy pile or mass of thing
Boatload (informal ) a large amount
Unit 6 page 53
Fluffy soft and woolly or like fur
Formula Method = rule
Whacked to hit someone or something noisily
Complicated Complex
Smarty-pants someone who wants to appear to be clever
Eager wanting very much to do
desperate Serious / – wanting
Detergent powder or a liquid for removing dirt from clothes
or dishes, etc
Unit 6 page 54
Rival a person, group, etc. competing with others =
Specialty Product
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Roast Cook
Retailer a person, shop or business that sells goods
Tiny Very small
Rapidly Fast
Passionate having very strong feelings or emotions
Decade a period of ten years
Curiosity an eager wish to know or learn about something
Initially at the beginning
Persistent lasting for a long time
Welfare help given to people who need it = comfort
Anti Against
globalization the increase of trade around the world
Commercialism the principles and activity of commerce
Comfy (informal ) comfortable
Irresistible impossible to refuse
Domination power or control over other people or things
Unit 6 page 55
Loyal firm and not changing
Devotion loyalty and love or care
Co Together-with
founder someone who establishes an organization
Drop out Not to finish a course
Found founded to bring something
Argue to speak angrily
Bitterly Angrily
Reluctant not willing to do something
Ailing experiencing difficulty and problems
Stunning very impressive
Sleek smooth, shiny and lying close to the body, and
therefore looking well cared for
Utilitarian designed to be useful rather than decorative
Lounge The room in a house or apartment that is used for
relaxing, and entertaining guests
Rapidly At a great speed
Currently At the present time
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Originally In the beginning , before a change
Passionately With strong feeling and enthusiasm
Initially At the beginning
Eventually After a long time, especially after a delay
Truly Really = genuinely
Effectively In a way the produces a successful result
Bitterly In a way that shows feelings of sadness or anger
Reluctantly In a way that show hesitation because you don't
want to do sth
Gradually Slowly over a long period of time
Vitally In a very important way
Unit 6 page 56
Recession a period when the economy of a country is not
Profitable resulting in a profit or an advantage
Refuse (n.) Garbage
UFO An unidentified flying object = unknown object
Content Happy
Contract A written agreement
Invalid Incorrect
An insult an offensive remark or action
Unit 6 page 57
Something's come up An unexpected problem
I can't make our I can't get to /keep the appointment for our
meeting on the 6th meeting
Sorry, you're breaking I didn't understand /catch the last thing you said
up. Can you repeat the (because it was unclear).
last part?
It's a deal It is a greed
I don't know their I don't know the number without looking it up.
number offhand
Bear with me while I Wait a moment while
look it up
You win some, you Don't feel bad about not getting what you wanted.
lose some May be better next time.
I wouldn't stand a There is no chance that I would be successful
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Unit 7 page 58
You can smoke in the You can smoke in the specialized area for
designated area smokers.
Obtain Get
You aren't Permitted to You aren't allowed to
Unit 7 page 59
Willingness (n.) to be happy to do something
Unwillingness not wanting to do something
A soul A person
Affair a sexual relationship, especially a secret one
Swallow my pride
Unit 7 page 60
Excitement a feeling of being excited = happiness
Suppose (v.) to think that something is likely to be true =
Complain (v.) to say that something is wrong
Quiz A short test
Contest Competition
Name (v.) To give a name
A bunch of A lot of
Break up To end a romantic relationship
Get along To like and be friendly to each other
Unit 7 page 61
A wedding ceremony A marriage party
An arranged marriage a marriage in which the parents choose who their
son or daughter will marry
A chaperone an older person who is present at a social event for
young people to encourage correct behaviour
Bridesmaid a girl or woman who during the marriage
ceremony helps the woman who is getting married
Wealthy rich
Good manners Good Morales = good behaviors
background the type of experience, training, education, etc. that
a person has
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Keen very interested, eager or wanting (to do) something
very much
Unit 7 page 62-63
Unwilling Not happy to do something
Retirement when you leave your job and stop working, usually
because you are old = on pension
Nest a comfortable home
Afford to to be able to buy or do something because you
have enough money or time
Get along To be friendly
Treat to buy or pay for something for another person /
deal with
Jealous unhappy and angry because someone has
something or someone you want
Strapped not having enough money
Contribute to Share in = to help
Get on sb's nerves to annoy someone a lot
Debt money, which is owed to someone else
Pay ---off money paid to someone
Cozy Very comfortable
Wits intelligence and the ability to think quickly
Sponge off to get money, food, etc. from other people,
especially in order to live without working
Postpone to delay
Forfeit to lose the right to do
perk an advantage
Snorkeling swimming while using a snorkel
Domestic belonging or relating to the home, house or family
Issue Subject
Tidbit a small dish of pleasant-tasting food
Buddy (informal) a friend
Rack up to increase
Racked up Accumulated
Strapped for cash Constantly short of money
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Unit 7 page 64
Get along well Have a good relationship
Get it Understand
Get on one's nerves Annoy = irritate
Get old Grow old
Get calls Receive calls
Get angry Become angry
Get a cell phone Buy a cell phone
Get money To have money
Get out Avoid - Become known- borrow
Get to Discover – arrive at – bothered /upset
Get over Recover from – heal emotionally – to be surprised
Get up Approach – reached – get out of bed
Get through Connect by phone – talk to – finish
Get around Disregard – find the time to – deal with
Unit 7 page 65
Passionate having very strong feelings
Spontaneous happening or done in a natural
Temperamental Moody
He's absolutely rolling If you say someone rolls in, you mean that person
in it. has arrived late or unexpectedly
He's not short a few
Short Lacking
stinking rich to be extremely rich
well off rich
Fed up bored, annoyed or disappointe
Wiped out (adj.) ( informal ) extremely tired
As dumb as dirt
Out of line behaving in a way that breaks the rules =
Chilly cold
You're totally loaded
You can say that again.
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Unit 8 page 66
Passion a very powerful feeling,
full of oneself self-important.
Commute Travel = to make the same journey regularly
between work and home
Executive jet
Previous before the present time = last
Unit 8 page 67
Row a line of things, people, animals---etc.
Commercial describes a product that can be bought by or is
intended to be bought by the general public
Sumptuous luxurious and showing that you are rich
Terminal Building the area or building at a station, airport or port
which is used by passengers leaving or arriving by
train, aircraft or ship
Fantasy a pleasant situation that you enjoy thinking about =
wide imagination
Heliport an airport for helicopters
Runway a long piece of ground on which aircraft take off
and land
Cockpit the small closed space where the pilot sits in an
aircraft, or where the driver sits in a racing car
Airborne flying
Aviation the activity of flying aircraft
Roar If a vehicle or aircraft roars somewhere, it moves
there very quickly making a lot of noise
Unit 8 page 68
Absolute very great
Bliss perfect happiness
not sleep a wink to not sleep at all
You're kidding. You're joking.
Rumpled Untidy
Deserted area Empty area = isolated area
Surrounded by to be everywhere around something
Countryside The country = villages
Woods Forest = jungles
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Utter (adj.) complete or extreme
battered damaged, especially by being used a lot
Unit 8 page 69
Profusely In a large amount
Stuffy Without air
Dehydrate (v.) to (cause to) lose water
Dramatically A lot – suddenly
Approach (v.) to come near
Fluid a substance which flows and is not solid
A bit of A little of
Slight (adj.) small in amount or degree
Nauseous feeling as if you might vomit
Heat Exhaustion feeling very weak and ill after being in a very hot
place for too long
Bonfire a large fire that is made outside to burn unwanted
things, or for pleasure
Outskirts Suburbs = the areas around a town or city
Nostrils The two holes in your nose that you breathe
Salt tablets Tablets you need to take when you've lost a lot of
water in hot weather.
Anonymous not known = unknown
Panic a sudden strong feeling of fear
Lousy (informal) very bad
Profusely Very much
Properly Correctly
Unit 8 page 70
Convenient Suitable
Efficient Effective
Destination the place where someone is going or where
something is being sent or taken
Terminal the area or building at a station, airport or port
which is used by passengers leaving or arriving by
train, aircraft or ship
Cathedral the largest and most important church of an area
Arched having a shape or structure with an upward curve
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at the top
Resemble to look like
Awe-inspiring causing you to feel great respect or admiration
Stare to look for a long time with the eyes wide open
Gaze to look at something or someone for a long time
Open-mouthed with your mouth wide open because you are
Speechless unable to speak
Enormous Huge = extremely large
Marvel Wonder = a thing or person that is very surprising
or causes a lot of admiration
Model (v.) to make a model of something
Brass a bright yellow metal made from copper and zinc
Booth a small space like a box that a person can go into
Story Storey (us.) = level
Insignificant not important
Vast extremely big
Depict to represent or show
Zodiac an area of the sky through which the sun, moon
and most of the planets appear to move, divided
into twelve equal parts, each with a name and
symbol, and each connected with an exact time of
The Heavens the sky
Unit 8 page 71
Original Different = produced by artist
Obvious clear; easy to see
Inadequate not good enough = too small
Electrify to make a machine or system operate using
Demolish to completely destroy a building
Façade /fəsɑd/ The front building
Beaux-arts fine art
A sculpture the art of forming solid objects = statue
Mercury a heavy silver-coloured metal
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Elegant graceful and attractive
Luxurious very comfortable and expensive
Roll out
Post-war after a war
Leak to escape from a hole
Rusty covered with rust
Dirt dust
Enthrall to keep someone completely interested
Renovation repairing and improving something, especially a
Commuter someone who regularly travels between work and
Exotic unusual
An exhibition Exhibit
Hurry the need to move or do things more quickly
Buzz (informal ) a feeling of excitement, energy and
Crisscrossing To move back and forth
Equivalent the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc as
something else
Knock down to destroy a building
Unit 8 page 72
Grateful (adj.) showing or expressing thanks
Blizzard a severe snow storm with strong winds
Thrilled (adj.) extremely pleased
Silly Ridiculous = foolish
Pimple a small raised spot on the skin
Tiny Very small
Enormous Very huge
Hilarious Very funny
Brilliant UK ( informal) very good
Fabulous very good; excellent
Gorgeous very beautiful or pleasant
Priceless Valuable = having a high value
Adore to love someone very much
Unit 8 page 73
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Screwdriver a tool for turning screws مفك
Retriever a large dog with thick black or light brown fur
Transaction when someone buys or sells something, or when
money is exchanged
Coverage the reporting of a particular important event or
To tow to pull a car, boat, etc.
Airfare the price of a journey by aircraft
Leaky having a hole in it and liquid or gas can get
Drip To fall in drops
Seal Covering = something fixed around the edge of an
opening to prevent liquid or gas flowing through it
Gasket a flat piece of soft material or rubber that is put
between two joined metal surfaces to prevent gas,
oil or steam from escaping
Rubber an elastic substance
American New Headway 2nd edition Book 4 by Mr.Ahmed Abdel Ghani Abdel Ali Gadelkarim