In Chapter 1 of Matthew's gospel, the genealogy of Jesus includes Solomon, the wisest man in the Bible. What
three women, apart from His mother Mary, are also mentioned by name in the genealogy?
Matthew 5
In the genealogy of Jesus, there are 4 women named, and one woman is mentioned but not named in the
genealogy itself. Who is she?
When Jesus was born, Magi - wise men - came from the East to find Him and worship Him. Where did they go
When the Spirit took Jesus into the desert, the devil tempted Him _______ times.
Three(Turn stones into bread)( Throw yourself down)( Worship the tempter) Matthew 4 chapter
What was the name of the high priest, at whose palace a meeting was called to plot against Jesus and by what
means did they plan to take Him?
Caiaphas – trickery
What did Jesus say the wine was, according to Matthew's description of the Last Supper in the KJV Bible?
his blood
Who did Jesus say was going to deny him three times, according to Matthew's description of the events leading up
to his crucifixion in the KJV Bible?
According to Jesus in His sermon, who shall be called the sons of God? (Matthew 5:9, KJV)
Those who are peacemakers
What was Matthew's profession before becoming a disciple of Jesus? Matthew 9:9
Answer: tax collector
In Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus fed five thousand men, plus women and children, on bread and fish. How many loaves
of bread and fish did He have?
Answer: five loaves and two fish
Who was the disciple who betrayed Jesus to the Romans, according to Matthew's description of the events leading
up to his crucifixion in the KJV Bible
Answer: Judas
In Matthew 14:22-32, when Jesus walked on water to reach the boat that the disciples were in, who got out of the
boat to go to Jesus?
Answer: Peter
Where was Jesus, when He was betrayed and arrested?
Answer: Gethsemane
Who was Jesus handed over to after facing Sanhedrin, according to Matthew's description of the events leading
up to his crucifixion in the KJV Bible?
Answer: Pontius Pilate
Jesus was handed over to the governor, Pontius Pilate. Pilate asked him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus
replied, "It is as you say" (Matthew 27:11). Then they brought out a notorious prisoner named Barabbas. Pilate said
to the crowd, "Whom do you want me to release to you? Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ?" (Matthew 27:17)
They all replied, "Barabbas!" Then Pilate said "What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" They all shouted out,
"Let him be crucified!" Pilate asked what evil Jesus had done, but the crowd kept crying out, "Crucify him! Crucify
him!" (Matthew 27:21-23)
Who did Jesus tell to 'Follow me and I will make you fishers of men'?
Answer: Peter and Andrew
What did the foolish virgins forget to bring in the story from Matthew 25?
Answer: Oil for their lamps
In the book of Matthew, how many times did Jesus predict His betrayal and His death?
Answer: 5
Jesus predicted His death 5 times throughout the Gospel of Matthew including verses 16:21, 17:22-23, 20:18-19,
26:1-2, and 26:23-25.
What was the name of the governor who questioned Jesus during His trial?
Answer: Pontius Pilate
What colour was the robe that the soldiers put on Jesus when they were preparing him to be crucified, according
to Matthew's description of the events in the KJV Bible?
Answer: scarlet
What does Jesus say is the greatest commandment?
Answer: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Which disciple betrayed Jesus and turned Him over to the chief priest?
Answer: Judas
Questions and Answers on the Gospel of Matthew (One-Word Answers)
Chapter 1: The Genealogy and Birth of Jesus
1. Who was the father of Joseph? Jacob
2. What is the name of Jesus’ mother? Mary
3. Who visited Joseph in a dream? Angel
4. What name means “God with us”? Emmanuel
5. Who was the king of Judea at Jesus' birth? Herod
6. What was Joseph’s profession? Carpenter
7. From which tribe was Joseph? Judah
8. How many generations are listed from Abraham to David? Fourteen
9. Who was Mary’s husband? Joseph
10. Who was the first patriarch in Jesus’ genealogy? Abraham
11. Whose wife gave birth to Boaz? Rahab
12. Who was David’s son listed in the genealogy? Solomon
13. What kind of man was Joseph described as? Just
14. What city was Joseph originally from? Nazareth
15. In which chapter is Jesus’ genealogy found? One
16. How did the angel address Joseph? Son
17. What was the purpose of Jesus’ coming? Save
18. Who was Jesus’ legal father? Joseph
19. Which Old Testament prophet is quoted about the virgin birth? Isaiah
20. What name was Joseph commanded to give the child? Jesus
Chapter 2: The Visit of the Wise Men and Escape to Egypt
21. From which direction did the wise men come? East
22. What guided the wise men to Jesus? Star
23. In which town was Jesus born? Bethlehem
24. What gifts did the wise men bring? Gold
25. Where did Joseph take Mary and Jesus to escape Herod? Egypt
26. Who ordered the killing of all boys in Bethlehem? Herod
27. What prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus living in Nazareth? Nazarene
28. Who was troubled along with King Herod? Jerusalem
29. What did the chief priests and scribes say about the birthplace of the Messiah? Bethlehem
30. Who warned the wise men not to return to Herod? God
31. How many wise men are mentioned? None
32. What does Bethlehem mean? Bread
33. Where did Herod search for the child? Bethlehem
34. Who was Rachel weeping for? Children
35. What is the meaning of "out of Egypt I have called my son"? Fulfillment
36. Who succeeded Herod as king? Archelaus
37. Where did Joseph settle after returning from Egypt? Nazareth
38. Who spoke to Joseph in dreams? Angel
39. What Old Testament book prophesied Jesus’ birthplace? Micah
40. Who fell down and worshipped Jesus? Magi
Chapter 3: John the Baptist Prepares the Way
41. Who baptized Jesus? John
42. Where did John baptize people? Jordan
43. What animal is mentioned as representing the Holy Spirit? Dove
44. What food did John the Baptist eat? Locusts
45. What clothing did John wear? Camel’s
46. What was John’s main message? Repent
47. Who is coming after John, more powerful than him? Jesus
48. What did John call the Pharisees and Sadducees? Vipers
49. What did John say would be cut down and thrown into the fire? Tree
50. What does baptism symbolize? Repentance
51. Who spoke from heaven during Jesus’ baptism? God
52. What did the voice from heaven call Jesus? Son
53. Who questioned John’s authority? Leaders
54. What does the winnowing fork separate? Chaff
55. What will Jesus baptize with? Spirit
56. Where did John live? Wilderness
57. What river did John mention? Jordan
58. What did John say was near? Kingdom
59. How did Jesus describe John? Prophet
60. Who was John’s father? Zechariah
... (Continue in the same format for all chapters, adding 20 questions per chapter, ensuring comprehensive coverage
of the Gospel of Matthew.)
. Who is generally accepted to be the author of the gospel of Mahew?
2. Who told Joseph not to fear taking Mary as his wife?
Angel of he Lord
3. Which ruler wanted the baby Jesus killed?
Herod (Mat 2:16)
13. In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, why were some of the labourers unhappy with beingpaid only one
Some had worked less hours for he same pay (Mat 20:1-16 - Such is he kingdom of heaven
14. What objects did the ten virgins take with them in the parable?
Lamps (Mat 25:1)
15. At the judgement, Jesus will separate the people like a shepherd separates the sheep and whichother animals?
Goas (Mat 25:32)
16. What did Judas do with the 30 pieces of silver that he was given to betray Jesus?
Gave hem back (Mat 27:3-4 - He hrew hem down in fron of he chief priess and elders)
17. Other than pung a stone in front of Jesus' tomb, what measure was taken to guard the tomb?
Se a guard o wach (Mat 27:65-66)
18. What story were the soldiers told to tell to explain how Jesus disappeared from the tomb?
The disciples sole him (Mat 28:11-5)
19. How many woes did Jesus pronounce on the Scribes and Pharisees in Mahew's gospel?
Seven (Mat 23 - In Luke here are only six)
20. Who is the stepfather of Jesus
Joseph (1:18-19)
21. Where did Joseph and Mary go when eeing from Herod?
Egyp (2:13)
22. Give three reasons Jesus gave as to why He needed to be bapze
To be an example (3:15) For he remission of sins (3:15) To fulll all righeousness (3:15)
23. In the 'Sermon on the Mount' who did Jesus say would see God?
Pure in hear (5:8)
24. In the 'Sermon on the Mount' what did Jesus say 'you are ...'?
Sal of he earh (5:13)
25. In the 'Sermon on the Mount' what things did Jesus say should be done in secret? (6:1-18)
Giving (6:1-18) Fasng (6:1-18) Praying (6:1-18
)26. What example in nature did Jesus give us showing us God's provision?
Birds (6:26)
27. What contrasts/comparisons did Jesus make in the 'Sermon on the Mount'?
(7:13-27) Srai and wide gaes Narrow and broad ways Good and corrup rees
True and False prophes True and false disciples Wise and foolish builders
28. What was it about the centurion that caused Jesus to marvel?
Faih (8:10)
29. What was Mahew's occupaon before becoming a disciple of Jesus?
Taxman/ Tax Collecor (9:9)
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30. What queson did Jesus ask the blind men to strengthen their faith?
Do you believe ha I am able o do his? (9:28)
31. What did Jesus say are all numbered?
Hairs on your head (10:30)
32. What lile act did Jesus say would be rewarded?
Giving a cup of cold waer (10:42)
33. Of whom did Jesus say there has NOT arisen a greater born among women?
John he Baps (11:11)
34. To those that labor and are heavy laden and come to Jesus, what did He promise to give?
Res (11:28)
35. What did Jesus know about the scribes when they accused Him of casng out devils by Beeelzebub?
Their houghs (12:24-25)
36. What sign did Jesus say would be given to the evil and adulterous generaon?
The sign of he prophe Jonah (12:38-40)
37. Who did Jesus claim to be greater than?
Jonah (12:41-42)
38. Aer Jesus sent the multudes away what did Jesus do?
Go ino a boa (14:23)
39. What was Peter's prayer when he was sinking in the water?
Lord, save me (14:30)
40. Who is the great grandfather of Jesus?
Mathan (1:15)
41. What is the name of the father of the twins in Jesus’ genealogy?
42. What is the name of the twins?
Perez and Zerah (1:3)
43. How many generaons between Abraham and David?
44. How many generaons between Abraham the great exile to Babylon
45. How many generaons between David and the birth of Jesus?
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63. What is the crime of one who marries a woman who was divorced because of sexual immorality?
No crime (5:32)
64. What is the eye to the body according Ma 5:22
Lamp of the body
Quotes –
Mat 6:33 – “Bu seek ye
rs…. Mat 7:7 – “Ask and i shall be given … Mat 5:3 – “Blessed are he poor in spiri, for here is he kingdo
m of Heaven”Mat 5:5 – “Blessed are he meek, for hey shall inheri he
earh” Mat 5:6 – “Blessed are hose who hunger and hirs for righeousness, for hey will be lled”
67. Where did Jesus meet the Centurion?
Capernaum (8:5)
68. What did Jesus say about the faith of the Centurion?
“I have no found anyone in Israel wih such grea faih” (8:10)
69. Which disciple’s mother-in-law was healed by Jesus?
Peer (8:14)
70. What did Jesus tell the disciple who request to go bury the father before coming to follow Jesus?
“Follow me, Le he dead bury heir own dead” (8:22)
71. Where did Jesus heal the two-demon possessed men?
The region of Gadara (8:28)
72. Where the demons casted to?
In he herds of pig (8:32)
73. Why did the teachers of the law call Jesus blasphemous when he healed the paralyzed man in Ma 9
Because he said “Your sins are forgiven” (9:2)
74. How many years had the woman healed of bleeding bled?
12 years (9:20)
75. Whose daughter did Jesus raise up from the dead?
The Synagogue leader (9:25)
76. What was the cry of the two blind men who followed Jesus?
“Have mercy on us, Son of David” (9:27)
77. Who were the 12 disciples sent to?
The los sheep of Israel (10:5)
78. Which rst town did Jesus go aer instrucng his 12 disciples to go out to preach to the lost sheep of Israel?
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