Midterm Break Assigmnt Questions on the Gospel of JOHN

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Midterm Break Assignment Questions


1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was __________ God, and the Word __________
God. The same was in the beginning __________ God.” (1:1-2)
A. was, with and was B. Was, without and Was C. With and was, With
2. According to John 1:4, describe Life in the Word.
3. How did the darkness respond to the light that shined? (1:5)
4. Why did John come to bear witness of the Light? (1:7)
5. What is significant about the true Light? (1:9)
6. Who was being referred to in this statement; “But as many as received Him, to them He gave
power to become the sons of God,” (John 1:12)
7. Who is being referred to in this Quote; “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and
we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (1:14)
8. Why was Jesus preferred before him? (1:15)
9. By whom was the law given, and by whom was grace and truth given? (1:17)
A. Moses and Jesus B. Jesus and Elijah C. Peter and Paul
10. When he was interrogated by the priests and Levites from Jerusalem, what did John the Baptist
confess? (1:20)
11. What other prophet did the priests and Levites suggest that John the Baptist might be? (1:21)
12. What was John the Baptist’s response to the priests’ and Levites’ question concerning his
identity? (1:23)
13. With what did John baptize? (1:26)
14. What was John not worthy to unloose? (1:27)
15. What is significant about the Lamb of God? (1:29)
16. Why did John come baptizing with water? (1:31)
17. What was to be the sign to John concerning He which baptizes with the Holy Ghost? (1:33)
18. How was Christ described to the two disciples of John? (1:36)
19. Give the response of John the Baptist’s disciples to Jesus’ inquiry concerning the intention of
their visit. (1:38)
20. Give the name of the disciple of John who later became a disciple of Jesus, and give the name of
this man’s brother. (1:40) A. Andrew and Simon Peter B. Philip and Thomas C. Titus and
21. What is the meaning of “Messiah”? (1:41)
A. The Christ B. Emmanuel C. INRI D. King of the Jews
22. What was Peter’s name before he met Christ; what name did Christ give to him; and what does
this name mean? (1:42) A. Peter/Cephas, Simon and Stone B. Simon,
Peter/Cephas, A stone
23. Give three statements that Philip made to describe Jesus to Nathanael. (1:45) A. He
whom Moses and the prophets wrote about, He is Jesus of Nazareth and He is the son of Joseph
B. He is the messiah, He is to die on the cross and He is Emmanuel C. He is God, He is the son
of Mary and He will die
24. How did Jesus describe Nathanael? (1:47) A. “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no
guile!” B.
25. What three titles did Nathanael ascribe to Jesus? (1:49) A. Rabbi, The Son of God and The
King of Israel B. The messiah, the king of the Jews and Master C. The Saviour, the Christ and
the King of the Jews
26. What did Christ promise that Nathanael would observe when he saw the heavens opened?

1. What relative of Jesus was present at the marriage of Cana? (2:1)
2. Who was called to the marriage of Cana? (2:2) A. Jesus and His disciples B. Jesus
and Mary C. Disciples and the Apostles D. Jesus
3. Who informed Jesus that the supply of wine was depleted? (2:3)
4. Why did Jesus say, “Woman, what have I to do with thee?” (2:4)
5. Quote the command the mother of Jesus gave to the servants at the marriage in Cana. (2:5)
6. How much was contained in each of the six water pots? (2:6)
7. How full did the servants fill the six water pots? (2:7)
8. What three commands did Jesus give to the servants at the marriage in Cana? (2:7-8)
9. According to the ruler of the feast, when did men normally set forth the best wine, and when did
they bring out the worst wine? (2:10)
10. What did Jesus find being sold in the temple on the occasion of the Passover? (2:14)
11. What did Jesus use to drive the money changers out of the temple? (2:15)
12. What did Jesus do with the money of the money changers? (2:15)
13. What did Jesus not want His Father’s house to become? (2:16)
14. Name the Old Testament prophecy the disciples remembered when Jesus drove the money
changers from the temple, and give the Old Testament reference from which this quote was
taken. (2:17)
15. What did the Jews seek in order to validate Christ’s right to cleanse the temple? (2:18)
16. Complete this statement made by Jesus. “I will destroy this __________, and in __________
__________ I will raise it up.” (2:19)
17. How long did it take to build the temple of Jesus’ day? (2:20)
18. What was Christ speaking of when He referred to destroying and rebuilding the temple in three
days? (2:21)
19. When did the disciples make the connection between Jesus’ resurrection and His statement
concerning destroying and rebuilding the temple in three days? (2:22)
20. Why did many believe in the name of Jesus during the Passover in Jerusalem? (2:23)
21. Why did Jesus refuse to commit Himself to those who believed in Him at the Passover? (2:24-25)
22. Why did Jesus not need men to testify of man? (2:25)

1. Of what religious sect was Nicodemus a member? (3:1)
2. What was the social status of Nicodemus? (3:1)
3. When did Nicodemus come to Jesus? (3:2)
4. What convinced Nicodemus that Jesus was a teacher sent from God? (3:2)
5. Finish the question Nicodemus asked in response to Christ’s statement about the necessity of
being born again. “How can a man be born when He is old? Can he...” (3:4)
6. “Except a man be born of __________ and of the __________, he cannot enter into the kingdom
of God.” (3:5) A. Water and fire B. Water and Brimstone C. Water and Power.
7. What two things can we not understand about the wind? (3:8)
8. Why was Jesus amazed at Nicodemus’ lack of spiritual understanding? (3:10)
9. According to John 3:14, what is an Old Testament illustration of Christ’s crucifixion? (3:14)
10. Who is granted eternal life? (3:15)
11. Why did God give His only begotten Son? (3:16)
12. Finish this quote and give the reference. “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn
the world...” John 3:17
13. Why do men love darkness rather than light? (3:19)
14. Why does the evil man hate to come to the light? (3:20)
15. Why does the man doing truth come willingly to the light? (3:21)
16. Why was John baptizing in Aenon near to Salim? (3:23)
17. What arose between the disciples of John and the Jews? (3:25)
18. “A man can receive __________, except it be given him from ________.” (3:27) A. Nothing,
Heaven B. Heaven and Hell C. Bread and Heaven
19. Whom did John the Baptist claim to be? (3:28)
20. According to John 3:30, what did John the Baptist have to do, and what did Christ have to do?
21. According to John 3:31, who is above all?
22. What words did Christ speak when He was sent from God? (3:34)
23. Why did the Father give all things into the hands of His Son? (3:35)
24. What will those who refuse to believe on the Son of God not see, and what will abide on them?
1. What did Jesus do when He knew the Pharisees had heard He baptized more disciples than
John? (4:1-3)
2. What region did Christ and His disciples have to pass through to go from Judea to Galilee? (4:4)
3. What time of day was it when Jesus sat down at Jacob’s well? (4:6)
4. What did Jesus first say to the woman of Samaria who came to draw water from Jacob’s well?
5. What did Christ say He could give to the woman of Samaria? (4:10)
6. What two reasons did the woman of Samaria give for her skepticism concerning Christ’s ability to
give her living water? (4:11)
7. Complete the quote; “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never
thirst...” (4:14)
8. What did Christ tell the woman of Samaria to do when she asked to be given living water? (4:16)
9. How many husbands had the woman of Samaria had? (4:18)
10. What did the woman of Samaria perceive Jesus to be? (4:19)
11. Who are the true worshipers? (4:23)
12. “God is a __________: and they that __________ Him must worship Him in __________
and in __________.” (4:24)
13. According to John 4:25-26, whom did Jesus claim to be? (4:25-26)
14. What was the reaction of the disciples when they returned and found Christ talking with the
woman of Samaria?
15. How did the woman of Samaria describe Christ to the people of Sychar, and what did she
conclude about Him? (4:29)
16. What did the disciples entreat Christ to do as He waited for the people of Sychar? (4:31)
17. What was meat for Christ? (4:34)
18. Why did the disciples conclude that it was harvest time? (4:35)
19. How many days did Jesus tarry in Sychar? (4:40)
20. What did the people of Sychar determine about Jesus? (4:42)
21. What does a prophet not have while in his own country? (4:44).
22. Where did Christ meet the nobleman from Capernaum whose son was sick? (4:46)
23. How did Christ respond to the nobleman who entreated Him to heal his son? (4:48)
24. Why did the nobleman from Capernaum go on his way? (4:50)
25. What happened as a result of Christ’s healing of the nobleman’s son? (4:53)

1. What was the name of the pool by the sheep market in Jerusalem? (5:2)
2. What types of people waited at the pool of Bethesda for the angel to trouble the water? (5:3)
3. What question did Christ ask the man at the pool of Bethesda? (5:6)
4. Why had the impotent man failed to get into the pool when the angel came and troubled the
water? (5:7)
5. According to the Jews, what Jewish law did the man who was healed at the pool of Bethesda
break? (5:10)
6. What excuse did the man give for carrying his bed on the Sabbath? (5:11)
7. When Jesus later encountered the man who was healed at the pool, what did He command him
to do, and for what reason? (5:14)
8. What did the Jews seek to do to Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath? (5:16)
9. According to John 5:18, what crime, beside healing on the Sabbath, did the Jews accuse Jesus
of committing?
10. The __________ Judges no one, but has committed judgment unto the __________. (5:22) A.
Father and Son B. Son and Father C. Son and Mother
11. What three things will happen to the person who hears the words of Christ and believes on Him?
12. What will happen to the dead who hear the voice of the Son of God? (5:25)
13. When those in the graves hear the voice of the Christ, what will happen to those who have done
evil? (5:29)
14. Complete this quote of Christ. “I seek not mine own will...” (5:30)
15. Unto what did John bear witness? 5:33)
16. How did Christ describe the light shed by John the Baptist? (5:35)
17. What bore witness to the fact that Christ was sent from the Father? (5:36)
18. According to John 5:37, give two things we cannot perceive about God.
19. If the people truly believed in Moses, why should they have believed in Christ? (5:46)

1. According to John 6:1, what is another name for the Sea of Galilee? (6:1)
2. Which disciple did Jesus ask about the need to buy bread? (6:5)
3. Who brought the lad with the five loaves and two fishes to Christ? (6:8-9)
4. Describe the five step process Christ used in His miracle of the feeding of the five thousand. (6:1-
5. What fragments remained after the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand? (6:13)
6. Give the two phrases which indicate the time of day that Jesus walked on the water? (6:16-19)
7. What did the people do when they saw that Jesus and His disciples were gone away in a ship?
8. Why did the people seek to follow Christ across the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum? (6:26)
9. Fill the gap. “This is the __________ of God, that ye __________ on Him Whom He hath
_________.” (6:29)
10. Who does Jesus say is the bread of God? (6:33)
11. Quote John 6:35. (6:35)
12. Finish this quotation of Jesus. “...Him that cometh to me...” (John 6:37)
13. Why did the Jews have a problem with Jesus’ witness that He came down from heaven? (6:42)
14. No one can come to Christ, except the __________ draw him. (6:44)
15. According to John 6:46, what individual has seen the Father?
16. Describe the difference between the manna of the wilderness and the bread of life. (6:49-50)
18 What was Christ’s flesh, the living bread given for? (6:51)
19. Fill in the gaps. "Whosoever eateth of Christ’s _________ and drinketh his __________ hath
__________ life. (6:54)
20. According to John 6:55, what is Christ’s flesh, and what is his blood?
21. Where did Christ teach His lesson on the bread of life? (6:59)
22. According to John 6:63, what are the words of Christ compared to?
23. What happened to many of the disciples of Christ after His teaching concerning the bread of life?
24. What did Jesus ask His twelve disciples when many of His followers turned from following Him?
25. Name two things, concerning Christ, of which Simon Peter was certain. (6:68-69)
26. Why did Christ call Judas Ischariot a devil? (6:70-71)

1. How does Jesus describe the person who tries to enter His sheep fold other than through the
door? (10:1)
2. According to John 10:3, state two things the things the shepherd does for his own sheep.
3. Why will sheep not follow a stranger? (10:5)
4. Why did Jesus inform His listeners that He was the Door of the sheep? (10:6-7)
5. (Fill in the blanks) “I am the __________: by me if any __________ enter in, he shall be
__________.” (10:9)
6. Describe the life that Christ promised to give to His sheep. (10:10)
7. What does the good shepherd do for his sheep? (10:11)
8. What does the hireling do when he sees a wolf after the sheep? (10:12)
9. Why does the hireling flee when he sees a wolf after the sheep? (10:13)
10. How do the sheep relate to the good shepherd? (10:14)
11. Complete this statement of Jesus. “And other sheep I have...” (10:16)
12. What two powers did the Father grant the Son over His own life? (10:18)
13. What did the Jews want to know about Jesus when He was at the feast of the dedication?
14. Quote John 10:27.
15. (Fill in the blanks) Jesus said, “I give unto them (His sheep) __________ life; and they shall
never __________, neither shall any man __________ them out of my hand.” (10:28)
16. Who gave the sheep to Christ? (10:29)
17. What did the Jews do when Jesus claimed to be one with the Father? (10:30-31)
18. For what sin did the Jews propose to kill Jesus, and for what reason did they feel He was guilty
of this sin? (10:33)
19. What claim did Jesus make concerning the Scripture in John 10:35? (10:35)
20. According to John 10:36, what did the Father do for Jesus?
21. According to John 10:37, what reason is given which would make it excusable not to believe in
22. Why did Christ do His works? (10:38)
23. When Christ escaped out of the hands of the Jews who were trying to stone Him, to what place
did He go to abide? (10:40)
24. What did the many people who resorted unto Christ beyond Jordan conclude about the things
John had said about Him? (10:41)

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