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Shizhi Chen

Dissertation Submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirement for the degree

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering


The City College of New York

of the City University of New York

August 2013

Professor YingLi Tian, Mentor

Dr. Ardie D. Walser, Executive Officer

Committee Members:

Dr. Rogerio Schmidt Feris

Professor Fred Moshary

Professor Zhigang Zhu

UMI Number: 3671880

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Shizhi Chen

Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering

on August 5, 2013, in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering

Robust visual classification can be applied to numerous practical
applications, such as augmented reality, personal robotics and medical image
analysis. The main challenges for visual classification are accuracy and
efficiency in terms of both computation and memory. This dissertation will
present efforts to address these challenges.
To improve accuracy, we propose a new feature representation, i.e.
EigenMap, and a novel multiple-kernel learning framework, i.e. margin-
constrained multiple-kernel learning. The EigenMap utilizes kernel density
estimation to approximate the location probability of features in an image.
Hence, the proposed feature representation incorporates both appearance and
spatial information of local regions.
A popular methodology is to utilize the complementarity of multiple
feature types, by either a simple concatenation or multiple-kernel learning
(MKL). The method of the simple concatenation of feature vectors from
different feature types requires manual feature selection and careful
parameter tuning. On the other hand, MKL can automatically combine
different feature types to achieve better performance. However, the MKL
tends to only select the most discriminative feature type and ignore other
less discriminative feature types, which may provide complementary
information for visual classification.
In order to better utilize complementary features with less
discriminative power, we propose a margin-constrained multiple-kernel
learning (MCMKL) method by extending MKL with margin constraints and
dimensionally normalized kernel. The proposed MCMKL method learns
weights of different feature types, i.e., base features, according to their
discriminative power. Unlike the conventional MKL, MCMKL incorporates
less discriminative base features by assigning smaller weights when
constructing the optimal combined kernel, so that we can fully take the
advantages of complementary multiple features to improve the accuracy of
visual classification.
To improve efficiency of visual classification, especially on a large-
scale classification with a large number of categories, a typical approach is
to use one-vs-all linear Support Vector Machine (SVM). However, it has
been criticized that the complexity increases linearly with the number of
categories. On the other hand, nearest-neighbor (NN) based classifiers can
naturally handle large numbers of categories and do not have learning step.
But the inferior performance, as compared with learning based classifiers, as
well as expensive computation and memory costs have hindered these
classifiers on large numbers of classification categories.
We propose a novel classifier scheme, i.e., the Discriminative
Hierarchical K-Means Tree (D-HKTree), which combines the advantages of
both NN-based and learning-based classifiers for large-scale classification. It
incorporates learning-based classifier into NN-based classifier, and extends
the NN-based classifier to large-scale dataset with significantly lower
computational cost and memory usage. At the same time, the D-HKTree can
still achieve the state-of-the-art classification accuracies on several
challenging datasets.
The main contributions of this dissertation include a new spatially
encoded object representation and novel classifier frameworks to improve
both accuracy and efficiency of visual classification. The proposed
EigenMap object representation incorporates spatial context into the popular
bag of words model without manually partitioning an image into a set of
sub-regions. We also extend the multiple-kernel learning framework, with
margin constraints and dimensionally normalized kernel, in order to
maximize joint discriminative power of multiple complementary features.
Finally, we propose a novel classifier scheme, i.e., Discriminative
Hierarchical K-Means Tree (D-HKTree), to take advantages of both learning
based and nearest neighbor based classifiers for large-scale visual
I would like to express my deepest appreciations to my advisor,
Professor YingLi Tian, for her guidance, patience and understanding. She
not only teaches me to become a good researcher in computer vision field,
but also encourages me to apply the research to benefit our society and help
people with special needs. This dissertation would not have been possible
without her consistent support and encouragements.
I would like to thank my dissertation committee members, Professor
Zhigang Zhu, Professor Fred Moshary and Dr. Rogerio Schmidt Feris for
their valuable comments and suggestions on revising the final dissertation.
I would also like to thank my colleagues and friends in the CCNY
Media Lab, including Xiaodong Yang, Chucai Yi, Chenyang Zhang, Yang
Xian, Carol Mazuera, Ze Ye, Hangrong Pan, Long Tian, Baiyu Xi, Shuai
Yuan, Shuihua Wang, Michael Quintian, Faiz Hasanuzzaman, and many
others for their friendship and supports. Special thanks go to Xiaodong and
Chucai for the discussions of many research topics and their constructive
comments on revising this dissertation. I also enjoy the collaboration with
Xiaodong for the large scale learning part of this dissertation.
Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge NOAA CREST with much
appreciation, which has been providing financial support for my Phd study.
Finally, I cannot make it so far without the unbound love and
continuous support from my family. I would like to express my deepest
gratitude to my parents for their dedication and love. I also want to say thank
you to my wife, Man Ting Wong, for her patience and understanding over
the Phd study. I appreciate my wonderful children, Shuyi Chen and Shuhui
Chen. They have given me so much fun and the experience as a parent.
List of Figures

Figure 1: Some sample images for objects and scenes . . . . . . . . 15

Figure 2: Box filter approximation of Gaussian function . . . . . . . 25

Figure 3: Interest points detected by SURF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Figure 4: Construct SIFT descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Figure 5: Haar wavelet filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Figure 6: Reprentation of an image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Figure 7: Bag of Words representation for visual classification . . . 32

Figure 8: Construction of Bag of Words model . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Figure 9: Spatial layout of Spatial Pyramid Matching . . . . . . . 37

Figure 10: Hyper-plane of linear SVM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Figure 11: One-vs.-all SVM and hierarchical SVM . . . . . . . . . 53

Figure 12: Class taxonomy with four levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Figure 13: Relaxed hierarchy for four class data . . . . . . . . . . 56

Figure 14: Concept of image-to-class distance . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Figure 15: Difference between NBNN and local NBNN . . . . . . 66

Figure 16: EigenMap representation for visual classification . . . . . 71

Figure 17: Segmentation example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Figure 18: EigenMap Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Figure 19: Location likelihood using kernel density estimation . . . 76

Figure 20: Sample images of UIUC Sport Scene Database . . . . . . 77

Figure 21: Sample images of the Natural Scene database . . . . . . 78

Figure 22: EigenMap result on scene databases . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Figure 23: Five-fold cross validation result of EigenMap . . . . . . 81

Figure 24: Sample confusion matrices of EigenMap . . . . . . . . . 82

Figure 25: Compare EigenMap with state of the arts . . . . . . . . 83

Figure 26: The effect of number of eigenvectors . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Figure 27: Feature discrimination from SVM margin . . . . . . . . . 89

Figure 28: Multi-modal fusion for affect recognition . . . . . . . . . 93

Figure 29: Facial features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Figure 30: Body gesture features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Figure 31: Temporal segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Figure 32: Sample video in FABO database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Figure 33: The top 12 performances over fusion algorithms . . . . . 98

Figure 34: Best performance of fusion algorithms . . . . . . . . . 100

Figure 35: Feature weight distribution over base features . . . . . . 101

Figure 36: Optimal kernel parameter vs. feature dimension . . . . 102

Figure 37: Contamination from noisy feature . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Figure 38: Labeled Hierarchical K-means Tree (L-HKTree) . . . . 107

Figure 39: The framework of D-HKTree framework . . . . . . . 108

Figure 40: Illustration of unit step function . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Figure 41: Comparing memory usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Figure 42: Comparing relative computational complexity . . . . . . 122

List of Tables

Table 1: YouTube statistics in 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Table 2: Feature dimension of base features . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Table 3: Comparison to NN-based classifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Table 4: Comparison to learning based classifiers . . . . . . . . . 121

Table 5: Comparison to the hybrid classifiers . . . . . . . . . . . 125


1 Introduction 14
1.1 Applications and Challenges of Visual Classification . . . 14
1.2 Improving Classification Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.2.1 Spatially Encoded Object Representation . . . . . 16
1.2.2 Multiple Features Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.3 Improving Classification Efficiency
for Large-scale Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.4 Dissertation Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2 Related Work 22
2.1 Local Features for Object Representation . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.1 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
(A) Interest Point Detector . . . . . . . . . . . 23
(B) Interest Point Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.1.2 Object Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
(A) Bag of Words Representation . . . . . . . 32
(B) Bag of Words in Spatial Context . . . . . . . 36
2.2 Multiple-Feature Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.2.1 Direct Concatenation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.2 Single-Kernel Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.2.3 Multiple-Kernel Learning (MKL) . . . . . . . . . 48
2.3 Large-scale Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.3.1 Discriminative Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.3.2 Nearest Neighbor based Classifier . . . . . . . . 61

3 Spatially Encoded EigenMap Representation 70

3.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.2 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.2.2 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
(A) Region Features:
Texture, Shape, and Color . . . . . . . . . . 72
(B) Interest Point Features:
Uniform Grids and Harris Corners . . . . . 73
3.2.3 Codebook Formation and Feature Quantization . . 74
3.2.4 EigenMap Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.2.5 Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.3 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.3.1 Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.3.2 Experimental Setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.3.3 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
(A) Compare to the Bag of Words Model
and the LDA model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
(B) Compare to the State-of-the-art
Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
(C) Select Number of Principal Components
for EigenMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4 Margin-Constrained Multiple Kernel Learning 86
4.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.2 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.2.1 Multiple-Kernel Learning (MKL) . . . . . . . . . 87
4.2.2 Margin Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.2.3 Dimensionally Normalized Kernel . . . . . . . . 90
4.3 Multi-Modal Fusion for Affect Recognition . . . . . . . 91
4.3.1 Overview of MCMKL-based Affect Recognition . . 92
4.3.2 Facial Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.3.3 Body Gesture Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.3.4 Temporal Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.3.5 Temporal Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.3.6 MCMKL Based Multi-Modal Feature Fusion . . . 96
4.4 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.4.1 Experimental Setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.4.2 Comparison to Existing Work and MKL . . . . . 98
4.4.3 Evaluate Feature Weight Distribution . . . . . . . 101
4.4.4 Contamination from
Less Discriminative Features . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

5 Discriminative Hierarchical K-Means Tree 106

5.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.2 Construction of Discriminative
Hierarchical K-means Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.2.1 Algorithm Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.2.2 Labeled Hierarchical K-means Tree . . . . . . . . 109
(A) Towards L-HKTree . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
(B) Building L-HKTree . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
(C) Pre-Classification with L-HKTree . . . . . 114
5.2.3 Discriminatively Learned Histogram . . . . . . . 115
5.2.4 Classification with D-HKTree . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.3 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.3.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.3.2 Comparisons to NN-based Classifiers . . . . . . . 118
5.3.3 Comparisons to Learning-based Classifiers . . . . 121
5.3.4 Comparisons to Hybrid Classifiers . . . . . . . . 124
5.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

6 Conclusion and Future Work 127

6.1 Discussions and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.2 Limitations and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Bibliography 130

My Publication List 143

Chapter 1


Visual classification is a process of recognizing an object or

understanding a concept by analyzing visual appearance. It categorizes an
object or a concept into a group, within which all objects or concepts share
similar properties. For the convenience of discussion, we use object
recognition as a general term for both physical object recognition and
concept understanding in this dissertation.

1.1 Applications and Challenges of Visual Classification

Robust visual classification has been an active research area [22, 28,
40, 44] in computer vision field. It remains a driving force for many
practical applications, e.g., human computer interaction (HIC), surveillance,
augmented reality, personal robotics and medical applications. Nevertheless,
two main challenges, i.e., accuracy and efficiency, have to be overcome, in
order for visual classification to have a wide range of applications.
Figure 1: Some sample images for objects and scenes show large intra-class
variations, which includes occlusion, viewing direction changes, and scale changes.

An object appears different under varying conditions, e.g., occlusion,

scale change and viewing angle change. These variations adversely affect
the accuracy of visual classification. Figure 1 shows some example images
from several object classes, i.e., butterfly and killer whale, and from scene
classes, i.e., golden gate bridge and beach. Each class exhibits large intra-
class variations due to changes of viewing direction, scale, and occlusion
etc. It is still an open question how to represent an object to maintain high
Table 1 YouTube statistics of video watched and uploaded per month in the year of
2012 [110].

discriminative power, while achieving intra-class invariance. It is generally

believed that multiple features are necessary to accurately recognize an
object. However, it is not clear what is the best way to combine these
features to achieve a high accuracy.
On the other hand, efficiency in terms of both computation and
memory has become ever more important when designing a visual
classification system, as the size of available data increases exponentially.
Table 1 shows YouTube statistics per month in the year of 2012, released by
Google [110]. Each month, there are more than 3 million hours of video
uploaded, and 4 billion hours of video watched by viewers. In this
dissertation, we present an effort to address both challenges, i.e., accuracy
and efficiency for visual classification.

1.2 Improving Classification Accuracy

To improve accuracy, the most straightforward approach is to

construct a more discriminative object representation from features [26, 49].
The other approach is to combine multiple feature types by utilizing their
complementarity [22, 40, 88].

1.2.1 Spatially Encoded Visual Representation

The bag of words (BOW) object representation has been adapted in
many state-of-the-art visual classification systems [26, 53] due to its
simplicity and excellent performance. However, it has ignored all spatial
relationships among different object parts. Spatial Pyramid Matching (SPM)
[49] incorporates such spatial relationship by manually partitioning an image
into multiple sub-regions, and constructs a BOW histogram for each sub-
region. Then all BOW histograms are concatenated together as the final
object representation. Even though SPM models absolute spatial information
of object parts based on image space, it has outperformed BOW in many
challenging datasets [49].
However, SPM requires partition of an image into sub-regions. And
the dimension of final object representation can be very large if a large
codebook size is used. We propose a new spatially encoded object
representation, i.e., EigenMap, which does not require manual partition of
image and has much lower dimension as compared to SPM. The density
distribution of object parts over the image space is captured by their
EigenMaps. The collection of these EigenMaps incorporates both
appearance and spatial relationship of object parts.

1.2.2 Multiple Features Fusion

Popular approaches to combine multiple feature types are simple

concatenation [22, 40, 78, 108] and multiple kernels learning (MKL) method
[2, 73, 88, 89]. Due to the complexity of visual classification, no single
feature is able to provide the best tradeoff between discriminative power and
invariance in all datasets. Some features might be scale invariant, while
others might be rotation invariant. Depending on dataset, one feature might
perform better than another, or vice versa. Higher classification accuracy is
generally obtained, by combining multiple feature types together.
A straightforward way to combine multiple feature types is simple
concatenation, which results in a feature vector representation with large
dimension [22, 40, 78, 108]. The simple concatenation is very easy to
implement, and achieves higher accuracy if right features are combined.
Nevertheless, the right features have to be manually selected, and they are
different for different datasets. Hence, simple concatenation requires expert
knowledge on both features and datasets, in order to obtain optimum
performance. Furthermore, the simple concatenation fusion method is
vulnerable to the contamination of less discriminative feature types,
especially those with large feature dimensions.
The multiple-kernel learning (MKL) [2, 73, 88, 89] is able to partially
eliminate some drawbacks of the simple concatenation fusion method. It can
automatically select most discriminative feature types for a dataset. The
MKL also provides shielding from the contamination of less discriminative
base features by assigning very large weights to the most discriminative base
features. It has recently shown the effectiveness to fuse multiple base
features in object detection and recognition [88, 89]. However, MKL tends
to select only the most discriminative base features and ignore other less
discriminative base features. Therefore, MKL method cannot fully take the
advantages of all types of base features from heterogeneous modalities,
which usually provide complementary information.
In order to address these issues, we propose a margin-constrained
multiple-kernel learning (MCMKL) by applying additional margin
constraints and dimensionally normalized kernel. Unlike conventional MKL
method, our proposed MCMKL is able to learn the most discriminative base
features while still considering other base features, which are less
discriminative, but can potentially provide complementary information. We
apply MCMKL method on affect recognition from multiple modalities (e.g.
face and body gesture). The extensive experimental results on the FABO
(Face and Body Gesture) facial expression database [41] demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed method for multi-modal feature fusion.

1.3 Improving Classification Efficiency for Large-scale


Efficiency of visual classification, in terms of computational cost and

memory usage, has become ever more important as the available data size
increases exponentially. Most learning-based algorithms, e.g., one-versus-all
linear SVM [19, 25], have computation cost increasing at least linearly with
the number of object classes [14, 49, 56, 100]. At the testing phase for these
methods, the computation cost becomes infeasible when scaling up to large
numbers of classes. To improve efficiency of linear SVM for large-scale
object classification, Hierarchical SVM-based methods [34, 38, 59] utilize
hierarchical decision structure so that the computational complexity only
increases sub-linearly with the total number of classes. However, these
approaches improve efficiency through compromising classification
accuracy to some extent.
On the other hand, non-parametric nearest neighbor (NN) based
classifiers require no training phase and can naturally handle large numbers
of classes. However they have to retain all the training examples in testing
phase, which becomes infeasible on large-scale datasets due to the expensive
computation cost and memory usage. For example, the total memory
required to store dense SIFT features [58] for the training data of SUN
dataset [99] is around 100 GB, which far exceeds the memory of a desktop
(typically 4G – 48G).
In order to facilitate large-scale object classification by taking
advantages of both learning-based and NN-based methods, we incorporate
discriminative learning algorithms into NN-based methods as a novel
classification framework, i.e., Discriminative Hierarchical K-means Tree (D-
HKTree). The complexity of the proposed D-HKTree only grows sub-
linearly with the number of categories, which is much better than the recent
hierarchical SVM based methods. The memory usage in the D-HKTree also
benefits from precluding all training features, which is order of magnitude
less than the NN-based methods. In the evaluations on several object
recognition and scene understanding dataset, i.e., Caltech 101 [31], Caltech
256 [39] and SUN [99] dataset, D-HKTree obtains state-of-the-art
accuracies, while with significantly lower computation cost and memory

1.4 Dissertation Organization

The dissertation is organized as the following. Chapter 2 introduces

the related work on features, object representations, multi-feature fusion
algorithms and large-scale learning. Chapter 3 presents a new object
representation, EigenMap, for object or scene classification. We evaluate the
EigenMap on several scene datasets. Chapter 4 describes Margin Constraint
Multiple Kernel Learning (MCMKL) in details. The MCMKL is evaluated
on the FABO dataset for affect recognition. Large-scale learning with D-
HKTree is presented in Chapter 5, and is evaluated on several large-scale
object recognition and scene understanding datasets. Finally, Chapter 6
concludes the dissertation and points out the future directions for visual
Chapter 2

Related Work

Significant efforts on visual classification have been made in recent

years [15, 48, 102], to improve classification accuracy and efficiency. In this
chapter, we discuss related work from object representation to classifier
designs, which enhance the performance of visual classification, in terms of
accuracy and efficiency.

2.1 Local Features for Object Representation

Features for object representation can be roughly divided into two

categories, i.e., global and local features. Global feature captures the overall
appearance of an image or an object [68, 71, 82, 84], e.g., color histogram
[82], principal component analysis [68, 84]. This approach has worked
surprisingly well on some applications, e.g., image retrieval [82], face
recognition [84]. Nevertheless, the global feature is usually not robust with
partial occlusion, lighting change and view angle change etc.
On the other hand, the local feature [6, 33, 45, 46, 50, 58, 76] can
naturally handle the aforementioned issues, as it captures information from a
local patch. By utilizing the Bag of Words (BOW) representation [26, 60,
70, 81, 86, 96, 97], the local features have shown striking performance on
object and scene recognition [64, 99]. By incorporating spatial information
in the BOW [18, 49, 63, 75, 101], the classification accuracy is further
In this section, we will discuss various methods extracting local
features. After features extracted, some popular algorithms, which organize
local features to represent an object, are also presented.

2.1.1 Feature Extraction

Two main components are usually involved in feature extraction, i.e.,

interest point detector [4, 42, 58, 61, 65] and descriptor [4, 27, 58, 66].
Interest point detector extracts repeatable and distinctive local salient regions
in an image. Interest point descriptor summarizes the characteristics of the
neighbor pixels of each interest point based on either intensity or gradient

(A) Interest Point Detector

One of the most popular interest point detector is Harris corner based
detector [42, 79], which is based on second moment matrix

I x2 IxI y
A( x , y ) = , (2-1)
IxI y I y2

where I x and I y denote first derivatives of image intensity I at position (x, y)

in x and y directions. If the second moment matrix has two large
eigenvalues, the pixel (x, y) is considered as a corner. To avoid the
expensive computation of eigenvalues decomposition, Harris and Stephens
[42] propose a cornerness measure M c , which only depends on the
determine and trace of matrix A.

M c = Det(A) − k × Tr 2 (A) , (2-2)

where k is an empirical constant to be determined. However, Harris corner

based detector is not scale invariant.
The other common interest point detector is based on Laplacian of
Gaussian (LoG) [55, 58]. Blurred image L(x, y, σ ) is obtained by the
convolution of the original image I(x, y) with Gaussian kernel G(x, y, σ ) , as
shown in Equation (2-3).

L(x, y, σ ) = G(x, y, σ ) ⊗ I(x, y) , (2-3)

where σ is standard deviation of Gaussian kernel. To detect scale invariant

interest points, scale normalized Laplacian ∇ 2norm L(x, y, σ ) is computed as

∇ norm
L(x, y, σ ) = σ 2 (Lxx + Lyy ) , (2-4)

where Lxx and Lyy are second derivatives of L at pixel (x, y) in x and y
directions. The interest point at the detected scale can be defined from scale-
space maximum or minimum response of the scale normalized Laplacian, as
shown in Equation (2-5).

( x̂, ŷ, σˆ ) = argmaxminlocal ∇ 2norm L(x, y, σ ) . (2-5)

( x,y,σ )

Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) [58] approximates scale

normalized Laplacian ∇ 2norm L(x, y, σ ) by Difference of Gaussian (DOG),
Box filter approximation of Gaussian function and their derivatives. (a)
One dimensional (1-D) Gaussian function g(x) with standard deviation of 1; (b) First

derivative of 1-D Gaussian function ; (c) Second derivative of 1-D Gaussian

function ; (d) Approximated 2-D Gaussian function G(x,y) with standard deviation

of 1.2; dark grey color indicate 0, and lighter color indicate larger positive value; (e)

Box filter approximation of ; (f) Box filter approximation of ;

following the study [54]. Since Gaussian kernel satisfies diffusion equation
over scale, the DOG approximation can be derived from Equations (2-6) and
(2-7) below.

∂L(x, y, σ ) L(x, y, kσ ) − L(x, y, σ )

σ ∇ 2 L(x, y, σ ) = = , (2-6)
∂σ kσ − σ

∇ norm
L(x, y, σ ) = σ 2 ∇ 2 L(x, y, σ ) ∝ L(x, y, kσ ) − L(x, y, σ ) , (2-7)
where k is a constant. Hence, the interest point can also be defined from
scale-space maximum or minimum response of DOG in the right hand side
of Equation (2-7). SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) detector has
shown very robust performance, as it is invariant to scale, rotation and
change in illumination etc.
To speed up the detection, Hessian matrix based Speeded Up Robust
Feature (SURF) [4] detector simplify Gaussian filter using box filters as
shown in Figure 2(e) and 2(f). Figure 2 shows box filter approximation of 2-
dimensional (2-D) Gaussian function and its derivatives. Figure 2(a), (b) and
(c) show 1-D Gaussian function, its first derivative and second derivative
Figure 2(d) shows the approximated 2-D Gaussian function G(x,y)
with standard deviation of 1.2. Figure 2(e) and 2(f) show the box filter
approximation of and respectively. The Hessian matrix is defined as

Lxx Lxy
H (x, y, σ ) = . (2-8)
Lxy Lyy

Therefore, the scale-normalized determinant of Hessian matrix will be

Detnorm (H ) = σ 4 (Lxx Lyy − L2xy ) . (2-9)

By using box filters to approximate Gaussian kernel, the determinant

of the scale-normalized Hessian matrix [4] becomes

Detnorm (H approx ) = Dxx Dyy − (0.9Dxy )2 , (2-10)

Figure 3: Interest points detected by SURF; The green line indicate the dominant
orientation of an interest point. The size of a circle shows scale of interest point. The
red circle indicates the intensity of an interest point is larger than its neighbor pixels,
and the blue circle indicates the intensity of an interest point is smaller than its
neighbor pixels.

where Dyy is the convolution of box filter in Figure 2(f), which is normalized

by the filter size, with the original image I ( x, y ) . Similarly, Dxx and Dxy are the
convolution of corresponding box filters with the original image. The
convolution of box filter can be efficiently computed by integral image
techniques [90]. Finally, interest point and its scale can be found by

( x̂, ŷ, σˆ ) = argmaxlocal(x,y,σ ) (Detnorm (H approx )) . (2-11)

Figure 3 shows interest points detected by a popular implementation of
SURF detector [29]. As shown in Figure 3, most detected interest points are
on the two bears, instead of the snow background. This demonstrates that the
extracted features can potentially form an excellent representation of bears.
For some applications, e.g., object recognition, scene understanding,
uniform sampled pixels or dense sampling are also used as interest points
[12, 13] in literatures. Better performance has been reported for those
applications if dense sampling is used [12, 30, 51].

(B) Interest Point Descriptor

After an interest point detected, descriptor summarizes the

characteristics of its neighborhood pixels by either intensity or gradient
information. One of the most successful descriptors is SIFT descriptor,
which is based on gradient [58].
Dominant orientation is first computed by accumulating a local
orientation histogram of gradient directions over neighborhood patch
centered at interest point. Then peaks are detected in the orientation
histogram to find the dominant orientations.
Figure 4 illustrates the computation of a SIFT descriptor after the
dominant orientation calculated. Along the dominant orientation, rectangular
4 x 4 grids are laid out on the image. In each grid, a local orientation
histogram with 8 bins is accumulated by each pixel in the grid, weighted
with their gradient magnitudes. By concatenating together orientation
histograms from all grids, we have the final SIFT descriptor, which has 128
Figure 4: Construct SIFT descriptor. (a) Along the dominant orientation, 4 x 4
rectangular grids are laid out on the image, and the gradients are calculated for each
pixel (small red arrow). (b) The corresponding local orientation histograms (8 bins)
are calculated for each grid. Finally, SIFT descriptor is the concatenation of all
oriental histograms.

Figure 5: Haar wavelet filters used to compute horizontal and vertical response
and , where light region is +1, and dark region is -1.

Motivated by the success of SIFT feature, extensions to the original

SIFT feature are also proposed. Among them, SURF descriptor [4] is well
known for speeding up the original SIFT descriptor by employing integral
image technique. The dominant orientation is computed by detecting
maximum response of Haar wavelet in a sliding orientation window.
Similar to SIFT descriptor, 4 x 4 rectangular grids are also laid out on
the image along the dominant orientation. In each grid, the Haar wavelet
responses and in the x and y directions are computed for each pixel
within the grid. The Haar wavelet filters and are illustrated in Figure
5(a) and Figure 5(b) respectively. Then sum of wavelet responses (
) and their absolute responses ( ) are computed for each grid.
These four sums are used to represent a grid. The concatenation of all
response sums in the 4 x 4 grids is the SURF descriptor.
PCA-SIFT [45] computes local maps of gradient magnitude over local
patches surrounding interest points. Then principal component analysis
(PCA) projects the gradient magnitude maps to low dimensional subspace.
The resulted descriptor is much compact than the original SIFT descriptor,
however with the price of losing distinctiveness. Color SIFT [12, 17, 95]
extends regular SIFT with color information, and results in more distinctive

2.1.2 Object Representation

Object representation describes the represented object as a feature

vector. The ideal object representation is discriminative enough to
distinguish one object from another, while robust to variations, such as
lighting and viewing direction etc.
To illustrate the importance of object representation, we use Figure 6
as an example, which shows an image of a panda with the size of 300 by 207
pixels. We convert the image to gray scale and down sample the image to
smaller size, i.e., 30 by 21 pixels, as shown in Figure 6(b). With such small
size, we can still see the panda from the image. However, if we represent the
Figure 6: Reprentation of an image; (a) original image (size of 300 x 207); (b) small-
size image (size of 30 x 21); (c) The corresponding matrix (30 x 21) for the small-
size image in (b);

down-sampled image in a matrix format with same size, as shown in Figure

6(c), there is no way we can tell where the panda is in the matrix, even
though the matrix in Figure 6(c) contains identical information as that in
Figure 6(b).
Figure 7: Illustrate Bag of Words representation for visual classification [111].

The example above demonstrates the challenges of object recognition

in the computer vision field. On the other hand, it also shows the importance
of object representation for accurate visual recognition. In this dissertation,
we will focus on algorithms, which build object representation from local
features. Some of the most popular approaches are Bag of Words (BOW)
[26, 80] and its variants with spatial context [49, 56, 63, 100].

(A) Bag of Words Representation

The Bag of Words (BOW) is commonly used in document

classification or text retrieval application [3]. A document is represented by
a histogram of words, where each element in the histogram is frequency of
occurrences of a corresponding word in the document.
Inspired by the success of the BOW model in text retrieval literature,
computer vision community also adapts it to represent an image by treating
local features as visual words. Figure 7 illustrates that a bicycle is
represented by an orderless collection of local patches, i.e., components of
! "

Figure 8: Pipeline to construct Bag of Words (BOW) model. (a) Visual dictionary
construction; (b) image or object representation using BOW model [112].

the bicycle. The BOW model ignored spatial relationship between different
components of the bicycle, which, however, is very important for human to
recognize an object.
Despite the loss of spatial information, the BOW object representation
has been successfully applied in computer vision applications, such as image
retrieval and visual classification [26, 80, 96, 97, 106].
Different from words in a text, there are much more variations in local
features. Hence nearby features in feature space are grouped together to
form a cluster, which is represented by a prototype feature, i.e., a visual
word. The collection of visual words from each cluster in training data forms
a visual dictionary or codebook. Figure 8 shows a pipeline of BOW model
including visual dictionary construction in Figure 8(a), and object
representation in Figure 8(b).
We first extract local features, e.g., SURF features, from a set of
training images or objects. Figure 8(a) shows local features, which are
projected onto a two-dimensional space and marked by green color. Then
similar local features are clustered together, and are represented by a
prototype feature or visual word, marked with red color in Figure 8(a).
Visual dictionary is formed by collecting all visual words from feature
clusters, i.e., 3 visual words in Figure 8(a). A popular clustering algorithm is
unsupervised K-Means clustering method [57].
To construct object representation, local features are also extracted
from an input image. Then coding and pooling operators are used to generate
the final BOW representation, as illustrated in Figure 8(b). In the coding
step, local features are encoded using visual words in a dictionary. The
simplest coding method is vector quantization, i.e., hard assignment. The
hard assignment of a local feature is to assign the weight of 1 to the nearest
neighbor visual word, while all other visual words are assigned with 0
weight. Equation (2-13) shows hard assignment code for ith local
feature in an image.

dist(xi − dk ) = xi − dk 2 . (2-12)

1 if j = arg min dist(xi , dk )

∂i, j = k=1,...,K

0 otherwise
, (2-13)

where is kth visual word in the codebook, and K is the codebook size, i.e.,
total number of visual words in the dictionary.
However, hard assignment of a local feature usually has large
quantization error since it assigns weights to only one visual word. By
considering soft probabilistic version of coding as shown in Equation (2-14),
soft assignment has normally achieved better performance in visual
classification [36, 37].

−β * dist(xi , d j )
∂i, j = . (2-14)
K −β * dist(xi , dk )

Euclidean distance is only meaningful to approximate a geodesic

distance within a local region in feature space [92, 103]. Instead of assigning
weights to every visual word, local soft assignment [56] assigns weights to
only n nearest neighbor visual words by modifying distance function of
Equation (2-12) as shown in Equation (2-15).

xi − d k if dk ∈ NN n (xi )
dist(xi , dk ) = 2 , (2-15)
∞ otherwise

where is n nearest neighbor visual words of the local feature .

The local soft assignment is a very simple coding method. Nevertheless, it
achieves comparable performance with other more sophisticated coding
scheme [56].
Sparse coding on the other hand reconstructs a local feature as a linear
combination of a few visual words, as shown in Equation (2-16).

K 2
∂i = argmin xi − ∂m,k * dk + λ ∂m 1 , (2-16)
∂m 2

where ∂m 1
∂m λ ∂m

Better coding techniques not only increase visual classification

accuracy by eliminating some undesired noise, but also improve
classification efficiency.
Pooling is to aggregate all codes of local features of an object into a
single vector. The pooling vector, which summarizes the codes, is the BOW
vector, i.e., the object representation. Two of the most popular pooling
operators are average pooling (Equation (2-17)) and maximum pooling
(Equation (2-18)).

1 I
pk = ∂
I i=1 i,k
, (2-17)

pk = max ∂i,k
i=1,... I
, (2-18)

where I is the total number of local features in an image, and pk

! " . Maximum pooling has achieved higher accuracy
and is employed in most state-of-the-art systems for visual classification [15,

(B) Bag of Words in Spatial Context

A major limitation, using the bag of words (BOW) model as an object

representation is that it only models an object as a collection of local features
without considering features’ spatial information in the object. As proven by
many researchers, knowing spatial relationship among different object parts
can be very important in visual classification [18, 49, 75].
Both absolute spatial information [49, 63] and relative spatial
information [75] have been incorporated into the bag of words
representation. Absolute spatial context is the location information of local
features with reference to the image coordinates. Despite the fact that
absolute spatial information of local features is not invariant to translation or
Figure 9:: Spatial layout of Spatial Pyramid Matching (SPM) at (a) first level; (b)
second level; (c) third level.

rotation of cameras, it has achieved the state of the art performances

performance on
several benchmark dataset
datasets for visual classification [49, 63].
Lazebnik et al. [49
49] proposed Spatial Pyramid Matching model (SPM)
as feature representation,, by partitioning an image into successively smaller
regions and calculating a BOW histogram over each sub-region.
region. Then,
the SPM model concatenates all BOW histograms together with appropriate
Conventionally, SPM is calculated at three levels,, as illustrated in
Figure 9. At the first level, the whole image is a sub-region,
region, and BOW is
computed for the whole image. At second and third level, the
th image is
divided into 2 x 2, and 4 x 4 sub-regions respectively.. A BOW histogram is
computed for each sub-region
region. As compared with the orderless BOW model,
the SPM achieved better accuracy in several challenge datasets [30,
[ 31, 39,
52, 99] with slightly increase of computational cost
Recently, McCann and Lowe [63] propose Spatial Local Coding
(SLC), which is also based on absolute spatial information of local features.
SLC augments SIFT features with their absolute location (x, y) in the image
coordinate system. Then a dictionary is constructed based on these
augmented SIFT feature. Local soft assignment and maximum pooling are
employed to build the final spatially encoded BOW representation. By
augmenting SIFT with location, the location information has influenced both
codebook construction and feature coding. During codebook construction,
the local features in neighbor regions are more likely grouped together than
features that are far away from each other.
Savarese et al. [75] borrowed the idea of color correlograms [43] to
develop visual word correlograms, which incorporate relative spatial
information. Correlograms capture spatial correlation between all possible
pairs of visual words by forming a co-occurrence matrix of visual words as a
function of distance. However, the correlograms matrix requires expensive
computation cost even after utilizing the integral image techniques [75].
Link analysis models patterns of connections of different images
based on extracted local features [127]. Kim et al. apply link analysis to
learn visual model of object categories [127].

2.2 Multiple-Feature Fusion

Due to the complexity of visual classification, there is not a single

feature, which can provide the best tradeoff between the discriminative
power and invariance. Different feature types may be complementary to
each other for visual classification task. However, it is still an open question
how to combine these different feature types to achieve the best tradeoff.
In this section, we introduce two popular approaches in the literatures,
i.e., direct concatenation [22, 40, 78, 108] and multiple-kernel learning
(MKL) [2, 73, 88, 89] methods.

2.2.1 Direct Concatenation

The straightforward methodology at feature level fusion is the simple

concatenation of feature vectors from different modalities to form a large
feature vector [22, 40, 78, 108]. Given a set of feature types f1 , f2 , … , f N ,

the final concatenated feature fc is

fc = [ f1, f2 ,..., f N ] (2-19)

The kernel matrix can be constructed by Equation (2-20), assuming

Gaussian RBF kernel employed.

− fci − fcj

K( f , fc ) = e
i j 2σ 2 , (2-20)

where fci and fcj are concatenated feature vector for ith sample and jth sample.

In image classification, a sample is an image. By expanding both fci and fcj ,

we have

− [ f1i , f2i ,..., f Ni ]−[ f1 j , f2j ,..., f Nj ]

K( f , fc ) = e
i j 2σ 2 . (2-21)

Note that the square of L2 norm in Equation (2-21) can also be

expressed as
2 N 2
[ f1i , f2i ,..., fNi ]−[ f1 j , f2j ,..., f Nj ] = fki − fk j
2 k=1 2 . (2-22)

Substituting Equation (2-22) to Equation (2-21), we have

− k=1 fki − fk j

K( f , fc ) = e
i j 2σ 2
c . (2-23)

Reorganizing Equation (2-23), we have

− fki − fk j

K( f , fc ) = ∏ e
i j N
2σ 2 . (2-24)
c k=1

We can recognize that the product term in Equation (2-24) is the RBF
kernel for kth feature type K( fki , fkj ) . Then the kernel matrix of the

concatenated feature vector K( fci , fc j ) is the entrywise product of all kernel

matrices of single feature types, as shown in Equation (2-25). Note that we
have assumed same standard deviation σ used across all feature types in
deriving Equation (2-25).

K( fci , fc j ) = ∏ K( fki , fkj )


k=1 (2-25)

From Equations (2-24) and (2-25), we can see that all feature types
are contributing to the final kernel matrix, i.e., the concatenated feature
vector’s kernel matrix. If some feature types are less discriminative, it will
degrade the final kernel matrix K( fci , fc j ) , which in turn lower the final
classification accuracy.
The relative weights of single feature types, contributing to the final
kernel matrix, can be approximated based on Equation (2-23). If we assume
( )
fk,m − fk,m
is statistically same for each dimension of every single feature

type, the relative weights then is proportional to dimension of single

Hence, if one of feature types is noisy, and has very large feature
dimension, the noisy feature will dominate the final kernel matrix.
Therefore, direct concatenation fusion method requires a careful design for
selections of features and parameters, such as feature dimension etc. This is
essentially the manual feature selection.
One of applications for multiple features fusion is affect recognition.
Human affective state is complicated and sometimes can be very subtle. It
may not be detected just from the facial expressions. Fortunately, we
observe affective state naturally through multiple modalities, such as facial
expression, body gesture, audio signal etc. These observations through
different modalities provide complementary information on the affective
states e.g., face and body gesture modalities.
One of active research areas on affect recognition is how to combine
features from different modalities. A popular approach is to design features
based on discriminative power of each modality, and then combine them by
direct concatenation [40, 78].
Shan et al. [78] apply the Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) to
project facial features and body gesture features into a low dimensional
space which maximizes their correlation. Then the authors concatenate the
projected feature vectors together to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM)
classifier for affect recognition. However, it is difficult to extend this method
to more than two types of features, or base features, since it needs to find the
correlated space between a pair of base features. In practice, it is very likely
to have more than two base features for affect recognition due to the
problem complexity.
Gunes and Piccardi [40] select frames, which are the common apex
frames from both face and body gesture modalities for affect recognition,
and then perform a direct concatenation to combine base features from both
modalities. However, the apex frame selection is based on the knowledge of
temporal dynamics, which is usually very difficult to predict in advance.

2.2.2 Single-Kernel Learning

In this section, we review single-kernel learning in Support Vector

Machine (SVM) [16, 25]. We first derive formula for training and testing
with linear kernel and then generalize results to non-linear kernels.
The objective of SVM learning is to find a hyper-plane, which can
separate features of two classes with maximum margin and minimum
training error.
Figure 10 illustrates the hyper-plane, which is a solid purple line
separating features of pentagon class from that of triangle class. The hyper-
plane can be expressed as

w⋅ x +b = 0 . (2-26)

Two hyper-planes in Equations (2-27) and (2-28) are two support

vector hyper-planes of class +1 and class -1 respectively. Two purple dash
lines in Figure 10 illustrate the hyper-planes.

w ⋅ x + b = +1 . (2-27)

w ⋅ x + b = −1 . (2-28)
Figure 10: Hyper-plane
plane of linear SVM. Features in orange color are support vectors
with zero training error. Features in red color are support vectors with nonzero error.

The distance between these two hyper-planes are called margin, which
is as shown in Figure 10. The larger margin represents the better

generalization of the learned model. The features with orange color are
support vectors, which lie on the two support vector hyper-planes..
Any training features of a class, which lies beyond the class’ support
vector hyper-plane,, toward the other class, introduce training error. The error
is proportional to the distance between the feature and its support vector
hyper-plane. As an example, tthe features with red color in Figure 10 are
features, which have training error. To quantize training error, we define

w ⋅ xi + b ≥ +1−− ξi for yi = +1 , (2-29)


w ⋅ xi + b ≤ −1 + ξi for yi = −1 , (2-30)
ξi ≥ 0 ∀i , (2-31)

where training feature xi has corresponding class label yi , which is either +1

or -1. The slack variable ξ i is upper bound of training error for feature xi .
The upper bound of total training error is then ξ , where l is the total
i=1 i

number of training features. Hence, the objective function, which maximizes

margin and minimizes training error, is to minimize f

1 2 l
f= w +C ξ
i=1 i
, (2-32)

where C is a constant. Now we have formulated an optimization problem

with objective function of Equation (2-32) and constraints of Equations (2-
Combining Equation (2-29) and (2-30), we have

yi (w ⋅ xi + b) −1+ ξi ≥ 0 . (2-33)

By introducing non-zero Lagrange multiplier ∂i and µi for each

training feature to enforce Equations (2-33) and (2-31) respectively, we
formulate the primal Lagragian function of Equation (2-32) as

1 2 l l l
LP = w +C ξ − ∂i [ yi ( xi ⋅ w + b) −1+ ξ i ] − µiξ i , (2-
2 i=1 i i=1 i=1



∂i ≥ 0 , (2-35)

µi ≥ 0 , (2-36)
∂i [ yi ( xi ⋅ w + b) −1+ ξi ] = 0
, (2-37)

µ iξ i = 0 . (2-38)

Taking derivative of LP # w and ξ i , we have

∂L p l
= w− ∂yx =0
i=1 i i i
, (2-39)

∂Lp l
i=1 i i
∂y =0 , (2-40)

∂L p
= C − ∂i − µi = 0 . (2-41)
∂ξ i

Reformulate Equation (2-34) as

l 1 2 l l l
LP = ∂i + w − ∂i yi xi ⋅ w + ξ (C − ∂i − µi ) − b
i=1 i i=1 i i
∂y . (2-42)
i=1 2 i=1

By substituting Equations (2-40) and (2-41), we can remove the last two
terms in Equation (2-42).

l 1 2 l
LP = ∂i + w − ∂ y x ⋅w
i=1 i i i
. (2-43)
i=1 2

Substitute Equation (2-39) to Equation (2-43), we have the dual form of

Lagrangian function as shown in Equation (2-44) below.

l 1 l l
LD = ∂i − ∂ ∂ j yi y j xi ⋅ x j
j=1 i
. (2-44)
i=1 2 i=1

Now the optimization problem is to maximize Equation (2-44) subject to

0 ≤ ∂i ≤ C . (2-45)
∂y =0 . (2-46)
i=1 i i

Note that the constraint of Equation (2-45) can be obtained from Equations
(2-35), (2-36) and (2-41). The Equation (2-46) is same as Equation (2-40).
We discuss ∂i value in three different scenarios. The first one is when
training feature xi does not lie on or beyond its support vector hyper-plane,
i.e. yi ( xi ⋅ w + b) −1 > 0 This scenario corresponds to the green features in
Figure 10. There is no training error for the feature, i.e., ξ i = 0 . From
Equation (2-37), we know ∂i = 0
The second scenario is when the training feature xi lies on its support
vector hyper-plane, i.e. yi ( xi ⋅ w + b) −1 = 0 This corresponds to the orange
feature in Figure 10. There is no training error in this scenario, i.e., ξ i = 0 .
Therefore, yi ( xi ⋅ w + b)−1+ ξi = 0 and ∂i is undefined, which means some
training features on the support vector hyper-plane are non-zeros and some
can be 0.
The last scenario is when the training feature xi lies beyond its support
vector hyper-plane, i.e. yi ( xi ⋅ w + b) −1 < 0 $ %

ξ i > 0 . From Equations (2-38) and (2-41), we know that ∂i = C

After removing training features with ∂i = 0 , Equation (2-39) becomes

w= ∂yx . (2-47)
i=1 i i i

where N s is the number of support vector used in training.

By selecting training features with 0 < ∂i < C , we know ξ i = 0 , and
Equation (2-37) becomes yi ( xi ⋅ w + b) −1 = 0 . In other words, training features
with 0 < ∂i < C is on their support vector hyper-planes. Therefore, b can be
computed by simply selecting one of such training features. Of course, it is
numerically wiser to take the average of b over all such training features as
shown in Equation (2-48).

b= yi − xi ⋅ w (2-48)
{i | 0 < ∂i < C} {i|0<∂ <C}

Substituting Equation (2-47) to Equation (2-48), we have

1 Ns
b= yi − ∂ j y j xi ⋅ x j . (2-49)
{i | 0 < ∂i < C} {i|0<∂i <C} j=1

During testing phase, the predicted class label score yt of the testing feature
xt is

yt = w ⋅ xt + b = ∂ y x ⋅xt + b . (2-50)
i=1 i i i

Then the predicted class label is sign( yt &

To generalize SVM training and testing to other kernels, including
non-linear kernels, we replace the linear kernel term xi ⋅ x j with K( xi , x j ) .
Therefore kernel training of Equations (2-44)-(2-46) becomes to maximize

l 1 l l
LD = ∂i − ∂ ∂ j yi y j K( xi , x j )
j=1 i
. (2-51)
i=1 2 i=1

subject to

0 ≤ ∂i ≤ C , (2-52)

∂y =0 . (2-53)
i=1 i i
The testing phase of Equation (2-50) becomes

yt = ∂ y K( xi , xt ) + b , (2-54)
i=1 i i


1 Ns
b= yi − ∂ j y j K( xi , x j ) . (2-55)
{i | 0 < ∂i < C} {i|0<∂i <C} j=1

In literature, kernel function K( xi , x j ) is usually considered as linear kernel of

transformed features of xi and x j , i.e., Φ( xi )⋅ Φ( x j ) . The transformed feature

Φ( xi ) can be in infinite dimension space.

2.2.3 Multiple-Kernel Learning (MKL)

Given a set of base features and their associated base kernels K k , we

want to find the optimal kernel combination Kopt = k

dk K k , where dk is the

weight for the kth base feature. The kernel combination K opt approximates the
best trade-off between the discriminative power and the invariance for a
specific application.
Equations (2-56) to (2-58) show the objective cost function f and the
constraints for the multiple-kernel learning (MKL) proposed in [88].

1 2
Min f= w +C ξi + σ k dk , (2-56)
w, ξ i ,dk 2 i k

subject to

yi (w ⋅ Φ( xi ) + b) −1+ ξi ≥ 0 , (2-57)

ξi ≥ 0 ∀ i ; d k ≥ 0 ∀ k ; Ad ≥ p . (2-58)
where Φ( xi ) is the combined features corresponding to K opt in a high
dimensional space for sample xi , which is shown in Equation (2-59).
Equivalently, K opt can be expressed in Equation (2-60), where Φk ( xi )⋅ Φk ( x j )
forms kth base kernel K k .

K opt ( xi , x j ) = Φ( xi )⋅ Φ( x j ) (2-59)

K opt ( xi, x j ) = dk Φk ( xi )⋅ Φk ( x j ) (2-60)


The optimization can be carried out in a SVM framework subject to

additional regularization term of weight dk in the objective function.
In order to handle large-scale problems involving many base kernels,
the minimax optimization strategy [20, 73, 88] is used with two iteration
steps. In the first step, feature weight dk is fixed, i.e., Kopt = k
dk K k is fixed.

Then the optimization problem of Equation (2-56) can be solved by any

standard SVM solver using its dual form of Equation (2-61), since the term

σ k dk is simply a constant.

Max LD = ∂i − ∂i∂ j yi y j K opt ( xi , x j ) + σ k dk , (2-61)
∂i i 2 i, j k

subject to

0 ≤ ∂i ≤ C ; ∂i yi = 0 . (2-62)

In the second iteration step with the fixed ∂i , projected gradient

descent is employed to find updated feature weights dk as shown in
Equations (2-63) and (2-64).
∂LD 1
=σk − ∂i∂ j yi y j K k ( xi , x j ) (2-63)
∂dk 2 i, j

dknew = dkold − (2-64)

These two iteration steps are repeated until converge or the maximum
number of iterations is reached. The final weights of base features can be
Then we train SVM classifiers using the optimal combined kernel
according the final weights of base features. A new sample xt is assigned the
class labels with the sign of Equation (2-65).

yt = ∂y
i=1 i i
dk K k (xi , xt ) + b . (2-65)

The multi-class problem can be solved by one-vs.-one or one-vs.-all

strategy similar to SVM.
MKL method provides an elegant framework to fuse many base
features by assigning larger feature weight to the most discriminative base
feature. Compared to the direct concatenation method, MKL can avoid the
contamination from less discriminative base features, especially when those
features have large dimensions.
However, MKL method tends to select very few base features from
the feature pool. It often only selects one or two base features, which are
discriminative at a particular high dimensional space H. Moreover, the
kernel parameter, e.g., σ in Gaussian RBF kernel, associated with the
optimal high dimensional space H may be significantly different for the base
features from different modalities. Therefore, traditional MKL cannot utilize
the maximum discriminative power of complementary base features at the
same time.

2.3 Large-scale Learning

As the continuously increasing scale in both examples and classes of

available datasets [28, 31, 39, 99], research work on visual classification has
to take into account of many practical constraints, e.g., computation and
memory costs, for both training and testing.
ImageNet [28] is currently one of the largest public available datasets
for image classification task. It has 14 million images with more than 21,000
image categories. With a such large dataset, both computation and memory
cost become crucial in algorithm design. To train 10,000 classifiers with
linear SVM using one-vs-all framework, it takes one CPU year [28]. For
nearest neighbor classifier, a brute force approach can also take one year to
go through 4.5 million testing images [28]. With 1000 codebook size, it
requires 18 GB memory capacities to simply store the Bag of Words
histograms for 4.5 million training images.
Most learning-based algorithms, e.g., one-vs.-all linear SVM [19, 25],
at best linearly increase with the number of image classes [14, 49, 56, 100].
During testing, it becomes computationally infeasible when scaling up to
large numbers of classes.
On the other hand, non-parametric nearest neighbor (NN) based
classifiers require no training phase and can naturally handle large numbers
of classes. However, they have to retain all the training examples in testing
phase, which becomes infeasible on large-scale datasets due to the expensive
computation cost and memory usage. For example, the total memory
required to store dense SIFT features [58] for the SUN dataset [99] is around
100 GB, which far exceeds the memory of a desktop (typically 4G – 48G).
Compared to learning-based classifiers, accuracies of NN-based classifiers
are normally much lower, which also limits their applications for visual
In this section, we will discuss some research effort to improve
efficiency of discriminative learning algorithms for large-scale visual
classification problem. We will also present related work on nearest
neighbor (NN) based methods, and discuss limitations, which prevent NN-
based methods from large-scale visual classification application. Some
research work on combining both learning based and NN-based classifiers
are also presented.

2.3.1 Discriminative Learning

To adapt linear SVM for large-scale visual classification, most

research work are built on hierarchical decision tree structure [34, 38, 59].
Figure 11 shows the comparison between the conventional one-vs.-all
classification scheme and hierarchical tree structure classification scheme.
As shown in Figure 11(a), one-vs.-all classification framework learns
a model for each category. During testing phase, a test image is predicted by
the models of all classes, with each of them assign a prediction score. Then
the final predicted label is simply the class label, which has the maximum
prediction score. Hence, one-vs.-all framework has the complexity of O(N),
where N is the total number of classes.
On the other hand, hierarchical structure classifiers partition class
labels space hierarchically based on affinity between class labels. As
Figure 11:: Illustrate the difference between one
all SVM and hierarchical SVM
classification schemes; (a) One
all linear SVM classification scheme; (b)
Hierarchical SVM classification scheme [[113, 114, 115, 116, 117].

illustrated in Figure 11(b), tiger is more similar to dolphin than watermelon

or orange. Hence at the first level of the hierarchy
hierarchy,, tiger and dolphin belong
to one group, i.e., animal group, whilee watermelon and orange belong to
another group,, i.e., fruit group
group. At the following levels, each group of class
labels is further divided into subgroups recursively,, until there is only one
class label in each subgroup.
A model is learned for each partition in the hierarchical tree structure.
During testing phase, a new imag
image is classified at each level to either go to
right branch or left branch of the hierarchical tree, starting from the top
level. The final prediction result ccan
an be obtained at the leaf node of the
Figure 12:: Illustrate class taxonomy with four levels [[114, 115, 117, 118,
118 119, 120,
121, 122].

hierarchical structure. As illustrated in Figure 11(b), a new image is first

predicted as either animal or fruit at the first level. After it is predicted as
animal, then the image is predicted as either tiger or dolp
hin at the second
level. The final predicted cla
class label is obtained at this level. Due to the tree
structure, the computation
utation cost of the hierarchy based classifiers only
increase logarithmically with the total number of classes.
Much research effort on hierarchical SVM based framework is on
how to partition class label space [[7, 21, 91, 98, 104, 109],, and how to
handle confused classes [[34, 38, 59].
Griffin et al. [38
38] propose class taxonomies to represent the
hierarchical partitions of class label space, as illustrated in Figure 12. The
first level is super-group,
group, which contains all class labels. At the second level,
the class labels are partitioned as two groups, i.e., plant and animal. At the
third level, plant group is further divided into fruit and flower group. Animal
group is also divided
ed into land animal and marine animal groups. Finally the
fourth level contains leaves of taxonomies, at which one group only has one
class label.
The taxonomies are learned based on affinity between a pair of classes
or a pair of class groups. The affinity is measured based on confusion
matrix, which can be constructed using cross validation scheme during
training phase.
Two different methods are employed to generate class taxonomies
automatically. The first method splits the confusion matrix into two groups
recursively using Self-Tuning Spectral Clustering [105] until only one
category in all sub-groups. This is essentially a top-down approach.
The second method is a bottom-up approach. Initially, every class is
an individual group. Two groups with maximum mutual confusion are
joined into one group, while the confusion matrix is updated by averaging
their rows and columns. The process is repeated until one group contains all
class labels.
Similar to other hierarchical classifier framework, Griffin et al. [38]
train a classifier for every class label partition in the taxonomies. In testing
phase, they propose a termination node, at which the test image will stop
going down the hierarchical taxonomies, and perform one-vs.-all
classification for the group of class labels at the termination node.
Taking Figure 12 as an example, the classification framework is
identical to one-vs.-all classification if we place the termination node at the
first level. If the termination node is at the second level, and the test image is
classified as plant group at the first level, then all four classes in the animal
group are eliminated for further consideration. The test image will stop at the
second level, and one-vs.-all classifier is employed to determine, to which
class in the four plant classes the test image belong. The termination node at
Figure 13:: Illustrate relaxed hierarchy for four class data. (a) Relaxed hierarchy with
red colored class labels as “+1” class, and green colored class labels as “-1”
“ class.
The black colored class labels in bracket are in ignored group. (b), (c) and (d)
illustrate the coloring of class labels and the associated decisio
decisionn boundary for first
level (top level) and second level respectively. Note that red color indicates “+1”
class, green color indicates ““-1”
1” class, and black color indicates ignored class labels.
Unfilled features in (c) and (d) are not considered during col
coloring process.

the last level results in a classifier, which is same as the conventional

hierarchical based classifier presented before.
In order to achieve a better tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency,
several papers [34, 59]] utilize the relaxed hierarchy,, which postpones the
decision for some confusing classes in the hierarchical decision structure.
Figure 13(a) illustrates the concept of relaxed hierarchy. At each level,
class labels are divided into three groups. The first group of class labels is
colored as red, which is “+1” class. The second group is colored as green,
which is “-1” class. The third group includes all confused class labels, which
are colored as black. The ignored class labels are not participating in
computing decision boundary at the node.
Figure 13(b) illustrates the class label coloring with decision boundary
obtained by data from “+1” and “-1” groups at the first level of the hierarchy
in Figure 13(a). In Figure 13(b), class label 1, which features are marked as
red, belong to “+1” group, and class label 2, which features are marked as
green, belong to “-1” group. The class labels 3 and 4 belong to the ignored
group, and their features are marked as black. Similarly Figure 13(c) and
Figure 13(d) shows coloring and associated decision boundary at the left
node and right node of the second level in the hierarchy. Note that the class
labels, which features are not marked with any color, participate in neither
coloring process nor decision boundary calculation.
From intuition, the less ignored class labels is at a node of the
hierarchy, the better efficiency of the hierarchical decision structure is. In
other words, if there are more classes participating in computing decision
boundary at a node, the more class labels can be eliminated at next level of
the hierarchy.
The authors [34] formulate this tuition into a principle optimization
problem. At each node, given l training samples ( xi , yi ), where

yi ∈ ϒ = {1, 2,..., N} , class labels ϒ partitioned into a positive subset Sy+ , a

negative subset Sy− and an ignored subset Sy0 . A particular partition or

coloring gives a different binary classification problem, where positive
samples are Sx+ = { xi | yi ∈ Sy+ } , and negative samples are Sx− = {xi | yi ∈ Sy− } . Note

that the samples from ignored subset Sy0 are not participating in the binary
classification problem. An additional coloring variable for each class label is
also introduced, i.e., µn ∈ {−1, 0,+1} , where n is from 1 to N, indicating which
subset the nth class label should belong to. Then, the optimization problem at
each node becomes to minimize

1 2 l l
f= w +C µ ξ −A
i=1 yi i
µ yi . (2-66)
2 2 i=1

subject to

µ yi ∈ {−1, 0,+1} . (2-67)

µ yi (w ⋅ xi + b) ≥1− ξ i . (2-68)

ξi ≥ 0 . (2-69)

−B ≤
µn ≤ B . (2-70)

{n | µ n > 0} ≥ 1 and {n | µ n < 0} ≥ 1 . (2-71)

The first two terms in objective function (Equation (2-66)) is to

minimize training error and maximize SVM classifier margin. They are
same as standard SVM objective function if only training samples from
positive subset, i.e., “+1” group, and negative subset, i.e., “-1” group, are
considered. The last term in objective function is to encourage all training
samples participating to calculate binary decision boundary at a given node.
That is to encourage small size in ignored subset Sy0 . The constraints of
Equations (2-70) and (2-71) ensure data balance of positive and negative
group for the binary classification problem at the node.
To solve the optimization problem of Equations (2-66)-(2-71), the
authors [34] propose a two-step alternating method, i.e., (1) fixing µ n , and
optimizing w, b ; (2) fixing w, b , therefore ξ i , optimize µ n .
With fixing µ n , the optimization problem reduces to standard SVM
problem with positive samples from Sx+ , and negative samples from Sx− . We
can then find w, b with standard SVM solver [19].
With fixing w, b , therefore ξ i , the objective function of Equation (2-
66) becomes

1 2 l l
f= w +C [δ (µ yi −1)ξ i+ + δ (µ yi +1)ξ i− ] − A µ yi , (2-72)
2 2 i=1 i=1

where δ (t − m) is delta function, which is 1 only when t = m . Otherwise, the

delta function has value of 0. Since w 22 is fixed at this step, hence we drop

the first term of Equation (2-72). By recognizing µ yi is same for samples of

a given class label n, we reformulate Equation (2-72) over class labels.

f =C [δ (µn −1)ξ i+ + δ (µn +1)ξ i− ] − A µn (2-73)
n=1 i={i | yi=n} n=1 i={i | yi=n}

Reorganizing Equation (2-73), we have

f =C [δ (µn −1)ξ i+ + δ (µn +1)ξ i− − µn ] . (2-74)
n=1 i={i | yi=n} C

Since C is a constant, it can be dropped out from the objective function, and
let fn represent cost function of a class label n, i.e.,
fn = [δ (µn −1)ξi+ + δ (µ n +1)ξ i− − µn ] '( &
i={i | yi=n} C

Equation (2-74) becomes

f= f
n=1 n
. (2-76)

Therefore, with fixing w, b , the optimization is to minimize Equation

(2-76), subject to

µn ∈ {−1, 0,+1} . (2-77)

−B ≤
µn ≤ B . (2-78)

{n | µ n > 0} ≥ 1 and {n | µ n < 0} ≥ 1 . (2-79)

Note that

ξi+ = max{0,1− w ⋅ xi − b} , (2-80)

ξi− = max{0,1+ w ⋅ xi + b} . (2-81)

Since µ n can only take three discrete values as shown in Equation (2-77), a
single class label’s cost function fn , which depends on µ n , can only take
three values too. To minimize Equation (2-76) is equivalent to select
minimum fn over three possible µ n values for each class label. Let’s say µ̂ n
gives minimum fn , then n=1
µ̂ n need to satisfy the constraint of Equation (2-

If n=1
µ̂ n satisfy Equation (2-78), then µ̂ n is the solution. If

µ̂ n > B , then we know there are more class labels in the positive subset,
i.e., Sy+ . Therefore, some class labels’ µ̂ n should be decreased. This can be
done by calculating the delta increase of fn , i.e., ∆fn , per unit decrease in µ n
for each class label. Then sort the ∆fn , and select minimum ∆fn , and decrease
its corresponding µ n . The process is repeated until n=1
µ̂ n satisfy Equation
(2-78). If n=1
µ̂ n < −B , same approach is adapted except to increase µ n .

Hierarchical based SVM classifiers improve classification efficiency

because of the hierarchical tree structure. However, the price is
compromising classification accuracy to some extent.
Deep learning recently has successfully applied on large-scale image
classification. Krizhevsky et. al. [48] has trained a deep convolutional neural
network (CNN) to classify a million of images on a subset of ImageNet. It
outperforms the state of the art performance by a significant percentage.
The CNN they applied has 8 layers, i.e. 5 convolutional layers and 3
fully connected layers with 60 million parameters and 650,000 neurons.
Given such large network, the over fitting becomes a major issue. To avoid
the over fitting problem, the authors propose several techniques including
data augmentation and dropout etc. [48].
Dean et. al. [128] propose to replace the dot-product kernel operator
with locality-sensitive hashing in order to accelerate the convolution with
millions of filters. The technique achieves 20,000 times faster, and is used to
classify 100,000 object classes.

2.3.2 Nearest Neighbor based Classifier

Nearest neighbor based classifiers can naturally handle large number

of categories. However, their classification accuracy is usually much lower
than learning based classifier [62, 99]. Even though NN-based classifier is
well known for its efficiency on training, i.e., no training required, its testing
speed is extremely slow [62]. NN-based classifier usually needs to store all
training data in test phase. Hence, memory usage can become prohibitively
large when applying on large-scale datasets.
A popular approach to apply nearest neighbor on image classification
is to form an image representation by Bag of Words (BOW) model for both
training and testing images. The distances between a test image and each of
training images, i.e., image-to-image distances, are computed based on the
Euclidean distance of their BOW vectors. The predicted class label of the
test image is assigned with the class label of the training image, which has
the smallest image-to-image distance.
Boiman et al. [10] argue that two practices have severely degraded the
performance of nearest neighbor classifier, i.e., (1) vector quantization step
used in forming the BOW image representation, and (2) classification based
on image-to-image distance.
BOW enjoys a compact representation of an image based a codebook,
which size is usually small, e.g., a few hundred to a thousand visual words.
Nevertheless, the compactness comes with the price of discriminative power
loss for individual descriptors during vector quantization process. Without
training phase, nearest neighbor based classifier cannot compensate for such
loss as in learning-based classifiers. Hence, NN-based classifiers yield
inferior performance.
The use of image-to-image distance cannot generalize well to dataset
with large intra-class variation, especially when the training sample size in
each class is small. On the other hand, image-to-class distance describes the
Figure 14:: Illustrate the concept of image
class distance by searching similar
patches of a query image over all training images in class “office”; (a) Training images
of class “office”; (b) query image [123,124,125,126

overall similarity between

en a query image and all training images in a class. It
is expected to generalize better during testing.
Figure 14(b) shows a query iimage, and Figure 14(a) shows three
training images of class “office”. The query image is significantly different
from any one of the three training images
images. Nevertheless, its patches, which
are highlighted in different colors, can still find similar ones in different
training images of class “office”
“office”. To compute image-to-class
class distance
between the query image and the class “office”, we can simply accumulate
these patch similarity. Since the search of similar patches is not limited to a
single training image, the image-to-class distance generalize better in testing
phase,, especially with limited training samples in each class
To avoid vector
ector quantization and utilize image-to-class
class distance,
Boiman et al. [10]] propose Naïve-Bayes Nearest-Neighbor
Neighbor (NBNN)
classifier. The NBNN achieves comparable performance with the learning
based classifiers. In the following, we will provide the overview of NBNN
Given a query image Q, the predicted class label Ĉ is

Ĉ = argmax p(C | Q) . (2-82)


By Bayes’s theorem,
p(Q | C)p(C)
p(C | Q) = . (2-83)

Equation (2-82) becomes

p(Q | C)p(C)
Ĉ = argmax . (2-84)
C p(Q)

Since p(Q) is constant over all class label C, and we assume uniform
prior, i.e., p(C) is a constant, Equation (2-84) becomes
Ĉ = argmax p(Q | C) . (2-85)

We further assume independence of descriptors di , i.e.,

p(Q | C) = ∏ p(di | C)

, (2-86)

where N is the total number of descriptors in the query image Q. Substituting

Equation (2-86) into Equation (2-85), and take the logarithmic probability,
we have

Ĉ = argmax log
(∏ N

i=1 )
p(di | C) . (2-87)


( )
Ĉ = argmax
log p(di | C) . (2-88)
Next, approximating p(di | C) with Parzen window estimator [72, 74], gives
1 L
p( di | C) = K( di − d Cj ) , (2-89)
L j=1

where d Cj is a training descriptor from class C. NBNN further assumes that

the summation term in Equation (2-89) can be approximated by kernel value
of K(di − NN C (di )) , where NN C (di ) is the nearest neighbor training descriptor
in class C. Therefore,
p(di | C) = K(di − NN C (di )) , (2-90)
By choosing Gaussian RBF kernel, we substitute Equation (2-90) to
Equation (2-88).
d i − NN C (d i )
− 2
1 2σ 2
Cˆ = argmax N
i =1 log e . (2-91)

Reorganizing Equation (2-91) gives

N di − NN C (di )
Ĉ = argmax −log(L) − 2
, (2-92)
C i=1 2σ 2

where σ is a kernel bandwidth, which is positive number.

Assuming L and σ are equal over classes, i.e., balance training data with
equal kernel bandwidth for all class labels, we can have
N 2
Ĉ = argmax − di − NNC (di ) , (2-93)
C i=1 2

N 2
Ĉ = argmin di − NN C (di ) , (2-94)
C i=1 2

Equation (2-94) is the classification rule of NBNN classifier. For each

descriptor in a query image, we find a nearest neighbor descriptor over all
Figure 15:: Illustrate the difference between NBNN and local NBNN. (a) NBNN
calculate query feature (red square) to class distance for each of the four classes; (b)
Bar representation of query feature to class distance over all four classes for NBNN
method; (c) local NBNN calculates query feat
ure to class distance only for classes
within the circle; (d) Bar representation of query feature to class distance over all four
classes. The black bars indicate background distance.

training images in each class. Then we compute the Euclidean distance

between the query descriptor and nearest neighbor descriptor of each class.
We call the distance as feature
feature-to-class distance. These feature-to-class
distances are accumulated over class labels for all query descriptors
descriptor in the
query image. Finally, the query image is assigned with the class label,
label which
has the minimum accumulated feature-to-class distance, i.e., minimum
image-to-class distance.
However, similar to other NN
based classifiers, NBNN requires
expensivee classification cost in both computation and memory. Even after
using some approximate nearest neighbor techniques [1, 67]. The
computation cost of NBNN is still linearly proportional to the number of
classes, since each query descriptor needs to compute the feature-to-class
distance for all classes.
To reduce computational cost, McCann and Lowe [62] propose local
NBNN, in which feature-to-class distance are accumulated only over the
classes, which are presented in a local neighborhood of a query descriptor.
They argue that the feature-to-class distance cannot approximate the
likelihood of query descriptor p(di | C) well, if it gets too large.
Figure 15 illustrates the difference between NBNN and local NBNN
method. Figure 15(a) illustrates the calculation of query feature to class
distance for all the four classes, i.e., triangle, star, pentagon and circle. Note
that query feature in Figure 15 is shown as a red square. Figure 15(b) is the
bar representation of query feature to class distance over all four classes.
Figure 15(c) illustrates the local NBNN algorithm. Local NBNN finds
k+1 nearest neighbors features, which are illustrated using the circle, i.e., the
star feature on the circle is (k+1)th nearest neighbor. We then calculate query
feature to class distance only for classes within the circle, i.e., the classes, in
which some features are k nearest neighbor of the query feature; Note that
radius of the circle is used as background distance, i.e., the distance between
query feature and (k+1)th nearest neighbor (the star feature on the circle).
Figure 15(d) shows the bar representation of query feature to class distance
for local NBNN. For classes, in which no feature is the k nearest neighbor of
query feature, i.e., not within the circle, background distance is assumed.
They are indicated by black bars.
Local NBNN improves the computation cost of NBNN by only
updating the classes found in a local neighborhood. Hence, the complexity
only grows logarithmically with the number of categories. Nevertheless, the
computation cost can still be expensive when the training data is large. For
instance, we observe that it takes more than 100 seconds for local NBNN to
classify one image on the Caltech 256 dataset using dense SIFT features.
Some research efforts have been made to combine learning-based and
NN-based methods. Tuytellaars et al. [85] observe the complementarity
between NBNN and Bag-of-Words (BOW). They propose to kernelize
NBNN and combine with BOW kernel, using a discriminative learning
framework, e.g. Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) [35, 88]. In order to
reduce the computation cost, they simply down-sample query features in a
testing image, which adversely affects classification results. SVM-KNN
[107] hybrids nearest neighbors (K-NN) method with learning based
classifier, i.e., SVM, to improve accuracy of the K-NN method. Despite
these efforts [5, 10, 85, 88, 107] made to improve the performance of NN-
based classifiers, very few work, if any, has tried to extend the NN-based
classifiers to large-scale visual classification, to improve accuracy as well as
reduce computation and memory costs simultaneously.
Another related work is vocabulary tree [69], which constructs
hierarchical k-mean tree by recursively dividing training data into k groups.
k is the branch factor of the vocabulary tree. The leaf nodes in the tree then
form a large dictionary as the codebook. The vector quantization has the
computation cost of O(log(n)) instead of O(n) as in the conventional vector
quantization method, where n is the codebook size. A very efficient
hierarchical TF-IDF (Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency)
scoring scheme is proposed based on large codebook, which the hierarchical
k-mean tree provides.
Chapter 3

Spatially Encoded EigenMap Representation

3.1 Summary

We propose a novel approach to describe and recognize visual

categories. Inspired by the success of Bag of Words approach, we represent
an object using a collection of EigenMaps, which incorporate both
appearance and spatial information.
Each EigenMap captures the location likelihood of a visual word
through the kernel density estimation method. By collecting EigenMaps of
all visual words, our approach can effectively integrate both local features
and their global correspondences.
Experimental results on scene datasets demonstrate significant
performance improvement as compared with the standard Bag of Words
approach and the Latent Dirichelet Allocation model, which also utilizes a
codebook of visual words, over several feature types including both region
features and interest point features.

3.2 Method

3.2.1 Overview
Figure 16: Flowchart of the proposed approach using EigenMap representation in
visual scene classification.

The flowchart in Figure 16 illustrates our overall approach in visual

scene classification using EigenMap representation.
We first extract features from images. A codebook is generated from
the training image features by using an unsupervised clustering algorithm
such as the K-Means method. The center feature vectors in the codebook are
called visual words. Then each feature in both training and testing images is
vector-quantized to one of the visual words in the codebook.
We then construct location map for each visual word in a scene image
using the kernel density estimation method [8]. The EigenMap of a visual
word is then generated by projecting the location map to the principal
component space. The concatenation of every visual word’s EigenMap in
the scene image forms an input feature vector of a SVM (Support Vector
Machine) classifier [19, 25]. Finally we can classify an unknown scene
image to different scene categories. The proposed EigenMap representation
of a scene image not only incorporates spatial information in the appearance
features, but also effectively integrates both local features and their global
3.2.2 Feature Extraction

In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, we extract

five types of different features, which include both region features and
interest point features. In other words, for each type of features, we evaluate
the performance improvement of the EigenMap model. In our experiments,
we extract three types of region features and two types of interest point

(A) Region Features: Texture, Shape, and Color

Three types of region features are extracted in our experiments:

texture, shape, and color. Before generating any region features, we first
perform segmentation on images using the algorithm proposed by
Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher [32]. As shown in Figure 17, connected
pixels with same color are used to represent one segmented region. At each
segmented region, the above three types of region features are extracted.
Texture features are generated by passing the original image with S
filter bank [87]. S filter bank is rotationally invariant with 13 isotropic.
There are 13 responses for each image. The means and standard deviations
of each response are calculated for individual segmented region in the
image. In other words, each segmented region has 13 means and standard
deviations of the filter responses. These means and standard deviations are
combined together as texture features of one segmented region.
Figure 17: Segmentation example of a Polo scene. Connected pixels with same color
belong to the same segment.

A simple type of shape features is extracted in this experiment

following the approach in [52]. The size of each segmented region is found
by calculating the maximum length of a segmented region in x and y
directions. Then, the shape feature of each segmented region is formed by
combining the size and the number of pixels in each segmented region.
Color features are formed by calculating color histograms of each
segmented region over the RGB color space. Each color space is divided
into 10 bins. Therefore, the color feature vector of each segmented region
has 1000 dimensions.

(B) Interest Point Features: Uniform Grids and Harris Corners

In addition to the region features above, two types of interest point

features are evaluated in our experiments: the uniform grids and the Harris
corners. In our evaluations, the uniform grid method is used to sample
interest points every 10 pixels in x and y directions. The number of interest
points generated for a typical image (resolution of 300 by 500) is around
Unlike the uniform grid method, the Harris corners utilize gradient
information to detect more stable interest points in an image [42]. The
average number of the Harris corners in one image is approximately 100 in
our experiments, which is significantly less than the number of the uniform
grid interest points.
The Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) descriptor [58] is used
to describe all interest points regardless of their detection methods. A square
patch window with each interest point at its center is extracted. The patch
window size is 24 by 24 pixels. 4 by 4 center points are uniformly sampled
from the patch window. For each center point, an 8-Bin orientation
histograms of gradients within the patch window is constructed. The
gradient magnitudes are further weighted by a Gaussian function with the
mean corresponding to the center point. Then all histograms of the 16 center
points are concatenated together to form an interest point descriptor, which
has 128 dimensions.

3.2.3 Codebook Formation and Feature Quantization

After extracting feature vectors from the training images, the K-

Means clustering algorithm is used to group the feature vectors together
based on the Euclidean distance. As a result, the center feature vectors in all
clusters are called visual words. The resulting visual words form the
codebook vocabulary [26]. The codebook sizes of the texture, shape and
color features are 120, 100 and 30 respectively. Both the uniform grid and
the Harris corner features have the codebook size of 150.
The features in each image are then vector-quantized to one of visual
words in the codebook. The vector quantization process of a feature is to
Figure 18: The flowchart of EigenMap Generation for each visual word from the
find a visual word in the codebook with the smallest Euclidean distance.
Then the feature is represented by the closest visual word in the codebook.

3.2.4 EigenMap Generation

In order to effectively incorporate spatial information into these visual

words and describe their global correspondence within a scene image, we
generate an EigenMap for each visual word in the scene image. The
flowchart of EigenMap generation for each visual word is shown in Figure
Given an input image and a codebook of visual words generated from
the K-Means clustering algorithm as described in the last section, we first
locate a visual word Vi in the input image and mark the corresponding
positions at the visual word Vi’s location map. The location map has fixed
size of 50 by 50 pixels. Then we use kernel density estimation [8] to model
the location likelihood of the visual word Vi in its location map, as illustrated
in the examples shown in Figure 19. The kernel we used is the normal
distribution with the standard deviation of 2.
The next step is to project the constructed location map to a lower
dimensional space using the principal component analysis, as shown in
Equation (3-1).
(a) coast (b) inside city

(c) living room

Figure 19: A visual word Vi’s locations in an input image and its location likelihood
on the corresponding location map using the kernel density estimation analysis.

s = ΦT ∗(m − m) , (3-1)

where s is the location map projected in the eigen-space, m is the location

map, and m is the average map of all training location map m . Φ is a
matrix, in which each column vector is an eigenvector of the location maps’
covariance matrix, obtained from the training images, in the order of
descending eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. Finally, the EigenMap η
is constructed as the concatenation of s and µ , as shown in Equation (3-2).

η = [ s, µ ] , (3-2)

where µ is the mean value of a visual word’s location map m . Typical

dimension of EigenMap η is below 8, which results a very compact
representation of a scene image, as compared with previous work [49, 75].
Figure 20:: Sample images of the 8 scene categories from tthe
he UIUC Sport Scene

After each visual word’ss EigenMap η of a scene image is constructed, we

then concatenate the EigenMaps of all visual words together to represent the
scene image. This concatenated feature vector is also an input to the SVM

3.2.5 Classifier

We employ the SVM with the RBF kernel as our multi

class classifier
with one vs. one framework
framework. The SVM iss to find a set of hyper-planes,
which separate each pair classes of data with the maximum margin. That is
to assign a scene category to an unknown image based on the collections of
visual words’ EigenMaps.

3.3 Experiments
Figure 21:: sample images of the Natural Scene datab
ase, which has 13 categories.

3.3.1 Databases

Experiments are performed over two databases: the UIUC Sport

Scene database [52]] and the Natural Scene database [[30].
The UIUC Sport Scene database is a very challenging visual scene
database with significant intra
intra-class variations in the background, scale and
ghting etc. As shown in Figure 20
20,, the badminton scene can happen on the
badminton court or at the backyard of a house. The lighting and scale can


Figure 22: Comparing to the Bag of Words (BOW) model and the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) model on (a) the UIUC Sport Scene database; and (b) the Natural
Scene database.

also be very different. The database consists of 8 categories of sport scenes

with 500 images in each category.
Natural Scene database consists of 13 categories, with 210 scene
images in each category, as shown in Figure 21. Most of them are gray
images. Therefore, we cannot evaluate the color feature on this dataset.
3.3.2 Experimental Setups

We divide the dataset of each category into five subsets. Then the
images of one subset are used as testing set, while the images from the
remaining four subsets are used as training set. The process is repeated five
times with each of the five subsets used as the testing data once. All
experimental results reported in the dissertation are the average accuracy of
the five repeated testing.

3.3.3 Experimental Results

(A) Compare to the Bag of Words Model and the LDA model

For each feature type, i.e., texture, shape, color, the Harris corner with
the SIFT descriptor and the uniform grid interest point with the SIFT
descriptor, we compare the proposed EigenMap approach with the Bag of
Words model (BOW) [26] and the Topic Discovery model [52]. More
specifically, we employ the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [9] similar to
the approach proposed by Li et al. [52]. They are all running under the same
experimental setup.
The detailed comparisons over different feature types are shown in
Figure 22(a) and Figure 22(b) for the UIUC Sport Scene database and the
Natural Scene database respectively. On the UIUC Sport Scene database, the
EigenMap model outperforms the standard Bag of Words model by the
average of 4.8% over all different feature types. It also outperforms the LDA
model by the average of 15.3%.
We observe larger performance improvement over the other two
models on the Natural Scene database. The proposed approach improves

Figure 23: Comparing the BOW and the LDA models using the five-fold cross
validation results of the uniform grid interest point features on (a) the UIUC Sport
Scene database; and (b) the Natural Scene database.

classification accuracy by the average of 6% and 19% as compared with the

BOW and the LDA models respectively.
The consistent performance improvement over every feature type
verifies the effectiveness of the proposed model in the visual scene
classification. The spatial correspondences among local features, which the
(a) EigenMap on Sport Scene (b) BOW on Sport Scene

(c) EigenMap on Natural Scene

(d) BOW on Natural Scene

Figure 24: Sample confusion matrices of the EigenMap and the BOW models over
both the UIUC Sport Scene and the Nature Scene database;

EigenMap model captures, contribute to the performance improvements.

Figure 23 shows the detailed cross validation results as compared with the
BOW and the LDA model.
The sample confusion matrices of the uniform grid interest point
feature are also shown in Figure 24 for both the UIUC Sport Scene database
(a) (b)

Figure 25: Compare with the state of the art reported by Fei-Fei and Perona [30],
Lazebnik et al. [49], Li et al. [52], and Wang et al. [93] on both (a) UIUC Sport Scene
database and (b) Natural Scene database.

and the Natural Scene database. The true positive rate for each category is
shown in the last column next to the corresponding confusion matrix.
All the four confusion matrices are generated using the uniform grid
interest point with the SIFT descriptor, where the rows are the ground truth
while the columns are the classified categories. As we can see from the
confusion matrices of the EigenMap and the BOW, the EigenMap approach
achieves higher performance on most of the scene categories.
In the UIUC Sport Scene dataset, the most confusion occurs between
the “Rowing” and the “Sailing” categories since both sport scenes are very
similar in the background, which contains water in the scene images. In the
Natural Scene dataset, the most confusion occurs between the bedroom and
the living room scene images.

(B) Compare to the State-of-the-art Performance

Figure 25(a) and 25(b) show the detailed comparison with the state-
of-the-art performance on the UIUC Sport scene dataset [52, 93] and the
(a) (b)

Figure 26: The effect of number of eigenvectors used in the PCA projection on the
classification performance over (a) the UIUC Sport Scene database; (b) the Natural
Scene database; Note that we used the uniform grid interest point with the SIFT
descriptor for both databases.

Natural Scene dataset [30, 49] respectively. The results are directly cited
from their papers. From Figure 25, the proposed EigenMap model achieves a
state-of-the-art performance on both the UIUC Sport Scene database and the
Natural Scene database.

(C) Select Number of Principal Components for EigenMap

We also evaluate the effect of number of eigenvectors used in the

construction of the EigenMap on the classification performance. As we can
see from Figure 26, the number of eigenvectors used in the PCA projection
achieves the best performance when it is around 5. As the number of
eigenvectors continues increasing, the performance degrades slightly. That
suggests that we only need a very small dimensional space to represent each
visual word’s EigenMap.

3.4 Discussion
We have proposed a novel EigenMap representation of a scene image,
which can not only incorporates the spatial information with the appearance
features, but also integrates both local features and their global
correspondences effectively. The EigenMap model has been evaluated on
two public databases for scene image classification and outperforms both the
standard Bag of Words model and the LDA model. The proposed model also
achieves a state-of-the-art performance on both datasets with small feature
Chapter 4

Margin-Constrained Multiple Kernel Learning

4.1 Summary

Recent advances in multiple-kernel learning (MKL) show the

effectiveness to fuse multiple base features in object detection and
recognition. However, MKL tends to select only the most discriminative
base features but ignore other less discriminative base features which may
provide complementary information. Moreover, MKL usually employ
Gaussian RBF kernels to transform each base feature to its high dimensional
space. Generally, base features from different modalities require different
kernel parameters for obtaining the optimal performance. Therefore, MKL
may fail to utilize the maximum discriminative power of all base features
from multiple modalities at the same time. In order to address these issues,
we propose margin-constrained multiple-kernel learning (MCMKL) method
by extending MKL with margin constraints and applying dimensionally
normalized RBF (DNRBF) kernels for application of multi-modal feature
fusion. The proposed MCMKL method learns weights of different base
features according to their discriminative power. Unlike the conventional
MKL, MCMKL incorporates less discriminative base features by assigning
smaller weights when constructing the optimal combined kernel, so that we
can fully take the advantages of the complementary features from different
modalities. We validate the proposed MCMKL method for affect
recognition from face and body gesture modalities on the FABO dataset.
Our extensive experiments demonstrate favorable results as compared to the
existing work, and MKL-based approach.

4.2 Method

4.2.1 Multiple-Kernel Learning (MKL)

Multiple-kernel learning (MKL) is to find the optimal combination of

multiple base kernels K k , i.e., K opt = k
dk K k , where dk is the weight for the

kth base kernel. Its objective function is shown in Equations (2-56) to (2-58)
in section 2.2.3. We copy the equations here for the convenience.

1 2
Min f= w +C ξi + σ k dk , (4-1)
w, ξ i ,dk 2 i k

subject to

yi (w ⋅ Φ( xi ) + b) −1+ ξi ≥ 0 , (4-2)

ξi ≥ 0 ∀ i ; d k ≥ 0 ∀ k ; Ad ≥ p , (4-3)

where Φ( xi ) satisfies

K opt ( xi , x j ) = Φ( xi )⋅ Φ( x j ) . (4-4)

The dual form of Equation (4-1) is

Max LD = ∂i − ∂i∂ j yi y j K opt ( xi , x j ) + σ k dk , (4-5)
∂i i 2 i, j k

subject to

0 ≤ ∂i ≤ C ; ∂i yi = 0 . (4-6)

The optimization is carried out by two iteration steps: (1) fixing feature
weight dk , then solving Equation (4-5) with standard SVM solver; (2) fixing
∂i , then updating feature weights dk with projected gradient descent as

shown in Equations (4-7) and (4-8).

∂LD 1
=σk − ∂i∂ j yi y j K k ( xi , x j ) (4-7)
∂dk 2 i, j

dknew = dkold − (4-8)

4.2.2 Margin Constraints

To address these issues, we propose a Margin-Constrained Multiple Kernel

Learning (MCMKL) method. This is motivated by the observations that base
feature which is more discriminative usually finds a hyper-plane with larger
margin to separate support vectors of opposite classes during training of
SVM machines. A hyper-plane of base feature “a” in Figure 27(a) has a
larger margin than that of base feature “b” in Figure 27(b) to separate the
class of solid dot from the class of triangle. This suggests that the base
feature “a” is more discriminative than the base feature “b” for the
classification of the solid dot and the triangle class.
(a) (b)

Figure 27: (a) The hyper-plane of base feature “a” has a large separation margin to
separate solid dot class and triangle class; (b) The hyper-plane of base feature “b” has
a small margin to separate solid dot class and triangle class.

Therefore, the separation margin for each base feature in its high
dimensional space provides a rough measurement on the base feature’s
discriminative power. Nevertheless, these rough measurements can
effectively guide MKL when searching for the optimal feature combination.
The separation margin for each base feature can be calculated using
Equation (9) as the inversed square root of its own objective cost function.

2 2 2
mk = ≈ = . (4-9)
wk fk 1 2
wk + C ξ i + σ k dk
2 i

After obtaining the separation margin mk for each base feature, we select one
of base features as the reference base feature, which has the feature weight
of ds and the margin ms . The weight dk of kth base feature is constrained in
the range, which has the lower bound of LBk and the upper bound of UBk
according to the margin ratio between ms and mk during training. LBk and UBk
can be calculated as in Equation (4-11). The additional weight constraints in
Equation (4-10) are enforced during the multiple-kernel learning.

LBk ≤ dk ≤ UBk ∀k . (4-10)

n n
m m
LBk = k * ds ; UBk = k * ds * (1+ δ ) . (4-11)
ms ms

where n is a parameter that controls the margin sensitivity on the feature

weight ratio between dk and ds . As n increases, the values of LBk and UBk
become more sensitive to the ratio of mk and ms . δ is a constant to control
the range width of the feature weight dk . In our experiments, we set n to 1.5
and δ to 1.

4.2.3 Dimensionally Normalized Kernel

Gaussian RBF kernel is one of the most popular non-linear kernels

due to its excellent performance in numerous applications. It is defined in
Equation (4-12).

K( xi , x j ) = exp(−γ (xi,q − x j,q )2 ) . (4-12)

where xi and x j are the ith sample and the jth sample along with xi,q and x j,q as
the qth element in a feature vector. D is the sample’s feature dimension.
is the RBF kernel parameter, which determines the mapping from a low
dimensional feature space L to a high dimensional space H.
Assuming that (xi,q − x j,q )2 is statistically same, the kernel value decreases
when the feature dimension increases at a fixed as shown in Equation (4-
12). Hence, Equation (4-12) suggests the inverse relationship between the
optimal and the feature dimension. This intuition is confirmed in our
In MKL fusion, base features from different modalities may have
significantly different feature dimensions, which will result very different
optimal values for each base feature. Therefore, MKL cannot utilize the
maximum discriminative power of all base features from different modalities
at the same time.
We can treat as a feature selection parameter in MKL, which select
only few base features at a time. This intuition also explains the observations
reported in [88] that MKL tends to select only very few most discriminative
base features. Therefore, MKL cannot take the full advantages of all types of
features from multiple modalities.
Based on these observations, we propose a dimensionally normalized RBF
kernel (DNRBF), which is defined in Equation (4-13).

γ D
K(xi , x j ) = exp(− (xi,q − x j,q )2 ) (4-13)
D q=1

This normalization step is essential to eliminate the effect of feature

dimension on selection, so that all base features have a similar optimal .
Therefore, MCMKL can utilize the maximum discriminative power of all
base features from multiple modalities.

4.3 Multi-Modal Fusion for Affect Recognition

Affect recognition from multiple modalities is a challenging problem. Our

study focuses on fusion of features from visual modalities, i.e., face and
body gesture modality.
Different from conventional approaches to fuse features from multiple
modalities, which simply concatenate all feature vectors from different
sources together and feed the concatenated feature vector into a classifier,
such as SVM, we apply a margin-constrained multiple-kernel learning
(MCMKL) method to fuse features from both face and body gesture
modalities. MCMKL can effectively combine all types of features for affect
recognition by assigning an appropriate feature weight to each type of
features and calculate the optimal kernel for affect recognition.

4.3.1 Overview of MCMKL-based Affect Recognition

Figure 28 shows an overview of our affect recognition system, which

consists of five major parts, i.e., facial feature extraction, body gesture
feature extraction, expression temporal segmentation, temporal
normalization, and MCMKL-based classification.
Two types of facial features, i.e., Image-HOG and MHI-HOG [23] are
extracted in our experiments. Here, HOG stands for Histogram of Gradients
[27], and MHI stands for Motion History Image [9, 83]. Image-HOG
features capture facial appearance changes, while MHI-HOG features
represent facial motion information.
Four types of gesture features are extracted, which include location
features, motion area features, Image-HOG features, and MHI-HOG features
around both hands.
Each expression in video sequences can be first temporally segmented
into onset, apex, offset and neutral phases [23]. Then, we perform a temporal
normalization procedure to handle different temporal resolutions of
Figure 28: The overview of our proposed MCMKL-based multi-modal fusion for
affect recognition through both face and body gestures.

expressions. Finally MCMKL method is employed to find the optimal

feature combination and recognize affects.

4.3.2 Facial Features

Active Shape Model [24, 94] is first applied to track 53 facial landmark
points including brows, eyes, nose, mouth, and face contour, as shown in
Figure 29(a). Then we locate the corresponding positions of the facial points
in the Motion History Image (MHI), as shown in Figure 29(b).
The next step is to extract Image-HOG and MHI-HOG features on original
video frames and the corresponding MHI images respectively.
We use 48 by 48 pixels patches with the number of orientation bin
equals to 6 and 8 for the Image-HOG and the MHI-HOG features
(a) (b)
Figure 29: (a) Facial landmark points tracking; (b) Motion History Image.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 30: (a) skin color detection; (b) head and hand position in the original video
frame; (c) head and hand positions in the MHI image.

respectively. The MHI image captures motion information of each selected

facial point, while the original video frame conveys the appearance
information. Finally, we concatenate the Image-HOG descriptor of all the 53
facial points and apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the
feature dimension of the concatenated Image-HOG feature from 2862 to 40.
Similarly, we can obtain the MHI-HOG descriptor for the corresponding
frame and reduce the feature dimension of the concatenated MHI-HOG from
3816 down to 40 for each frame.

4.3.3 Body Gesture Features

To extract body gesture features, we first track both hands and head in
an expression video. The head position is simply the center point of the
facial points from the ASM model (see Figure 30(b)). To track hands, we
apply a skin color detection [47] followed by the removal of the face
regions, which has already been tracked by the ASM model as shown in
Figure 30(a) and 30(b).
In addition to the positions of head and hands, we also calculate the
motion areas (e.g. the numbers of motion pixels in MHI image) within the
detected regions of head and hands. Figure 30(c) shows the head and hand
regions in a MHI image.
We further extract Image-HOG and MHI-HOG features in hand
regions by uniformly sampling interest points. Then a bag of words
representation with the codebook size of 80 is used to describe the
distribution of Image-HOG and MHI-HOG features of hand regions. Finally,
we perform PCA to reduce their feature dimensions.

4.3.4 Temporal Segmentation

An expression is a sequence of facial movements, which can be

roughly described by neutral, onset, apex and offset temporal segments.
Figure 31 shows a sample of the ground truth temporal segmentation
of an expression video. The temporal segmentation procedure is necessary to
accurately model the expression dynamics, which has been proven crucial
for facial behavior interpretation [77]. In our experiments, we simply use the
ground truth temporal segmentation and the affect recognition is performed
on the complete expression cycle, i.e., onset, apex and offset.

4.3.5 Temporal Normalization

Figure 31: temporal segmentation of an expression video.

In general, the temporal resolution of an expression is generally

different when performed by different people. Even same expression
performed by same person at a different time, the temporal resolution may
not be the same. In order to resolve this time resolution issue in expression
videos, we adopt the temporal normalization approach by normalizing all
types of features over a complete expression cycle.
The temporal normalization over an expression cycle can be easily
implemented by linear interpolation over frame’s feature vector along the
temporal direction.

4.3.6 MCMKL Based Multi-Modal Feature Fusion

Features from multiple modalities may have different forms.

Therefore dimensions of different types of features may vary significantly.
Our proposed margin-constrained multiple kernel learning (MCMKL)
method can effectively fuse all base features from different modalities, i.e.,
face and body gesture modality, by assigning a feature weight to each base
We concatenate the Image-HOG and the MHI-HOG of facial points as
one base feature, i.e., the face feature. The other four base features are from
the gesture channel, i.e., location, motion area, and both hands’ Image-HOG
and MHI-HOG features. Using the margin of each individual base feature as
a guide, along with the DNRBF to synchronize the optimal kernel parameter,
the MCMKL learns the optimal combined kernel by selecting a proper
weight for each base feature during the fusion.
For our multi-classes application, we choose one vs. one
classification, and then using the maximum voting scheme to label testing

4.4 Experiments

4.4.1 Experimental Setups

We use a bi-modal face and body gesture database, i.e., FABO

database in our experiments [9]. The database is collected using two
cameras, i.e., one for face and one for body gesture in a laboratory
environment. A sample video is shown in Figure 32. However, we only
employ the videos captured by the body camera to extract features for both
modalities, since the videos from the body camera already contain both face
and body gesture information.
After removing the categories in the database with very small number
of samples, there are 8 expression categories, i.e., “Anger”, “Anxiety”,
“Boredom”, “Disgust”, “Fear”, “Happiness”, “Puzzlement”, and
“Uncertainty”. The total number of videos used in our experiment is 255 and
each video has 2 to 4 complete expression cycles.
Figure 32: sample video in FABO database recorded by body (top) and face (bottom)

Figure 33: The average performance of the top 12 ranks by sweeping kernel
parameter log2( ) from -15 to 8 for each of the three methods, i.e., concatenation
(cvpr4HB’11), MKL, and MCMKL.

We randomly divide the videos into three subsets. Two subsets are
used in training and the remaining subset is used in testing. No same video
appears in both training and testing. But same subject may appear in both
training and testing due to the random selection process.

4.4.2 Comparison to Existing Work and MKL

Table 2: The feature dimension for each base feature, i.e., Face, Loc (location), MA
(motion area), Img-HOG (Image-HOG from gesture), and MHI-HOG (from gesture).
) +, - %($ . + $-($ .
) *

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed MCMKL fusion

method, we compare it to the most recent work on the FABO database [41]
by using same features, and same training and testing dataset. We further
compare MCMKL with MKL method. The performance of the comparison
is displayed in Figure 33.
The five base features are used in our experiments, which include face
feature, location feature, motion area feature, Image-HOG and MHI-HOG
feature of both hands. The face feature is the concatenation of the Image-
HOG and the MHI-HOG from the face modality. The Table 2 shows the
corresponding feature dimension for each base feature. These base features
are fused through the concatenation, MKL, and MCMKL methods.
To make a fair comparison, we sweep kernel parameter log2( ) from
-15 to 8, and select the top 12 performances for each fusion method. Then
we rank these 12 performances by a descending order of their accuracy. We
repeat same experiment for three different subsets and the average
performances are reported in Figure 33. Figure 34 shows more details of the
rank 1 comparison, i.e., the comparison of the best performances for the
three fusion methods: MCMKL, MKL, and direct feature concatenation
(cvpr4HB’11 [23]).
(a) (b)
Figure 34: (a) The best average performance by sweeping kernel parameter log2( )
from -15 to 8 for each fusion method, i.e., cvpr4HB’11, MKL, and MCMKL; (b)
The best performance of the three fusion method in three different testing subsets.

MCMKL outperforms the other two methods over all the top 12 ranks,
as shown in Figure 33. If we look at the rank 1 comparison in Figure 34, we
can see that the proposed MCMKL achieves better performance than the
concatenation method. Note that the five base features have been carefully
selected, and the parameters, e.g., PCA projection dimensions etc. are also
carefully chosen for the concatenation fusion method in [23]. On the other
hand, MCMKL effectively select those feature vectors, and it can still
outperform the concatenation fusion method by the average of 1.3%.
Our proposed MCMKL outperforms traditional MKL method by an
average recognition rate of 5.7% on these base features, as shown in Figure
34(a). Figure 34(b) shows the performance comparison over three different
testing subsets.
Figure 35: Comparing the average feature weight distribution of the 5 base features,
i.e., face, location (loc), motion area (MA), and both hands’ Image-HOG (imgHOG)
and MHI-HOG (mhiHOG) features, for MKL and MCMKL methods.

4.4.3 Evaluate Feature Weight Distribution

In this section we verify that our proposed MCMKL is more effective

than MKL to incorporate less discriminative features, which provide
complementary information to the base features with the maximum
discriminative power. We select the kernel parameter of 2-15 for MKL and
2-1 for MCMKL method, which yield the best performance for MKL and
MCMKL method respectively.
Since we choose one vs. one strategy for our multi-class expression

classification, the total number of models we need to train is C 2n , where n is

the total number of expression classes in the dataset. Therefore, we have
trained 28 models for 8 categories of expressions, in which each model
contains one set of feature weights for the base features, i.e., face, location
(loc), motion area (MA), and both hands’ Image-HOG (imgHOG) and MHI-
Figure 36: The effect of feature dimension of three base features over the selection of
the optimal RBF kernel parameter .

HOG (mhiHOG) features. Then we take the mean feature weight of the 28
models over each base feature, followed by the proper normalization.
Figure 35 shows the distribution of average feature weights over the 5
base feature types for MKL and MCMKL method. As expected, MKL
selects only the most discriminative base feature, i.e., face feature. More
specifically, it assigns more than 98% of the total feature weights to the face
feature. The MKL method ignores all the gesture features, i.e., location, and
motion area etc., even though these gesture features have been proven to
provide complementary information to the face feature [23].
As shown in Figure 35, the proposed MCMKL obtains a more
reasonable feature weight distribution. Similar to MKL methods, it
recognizes the face feature as the most discriminative base feature by
assigning the largest feature weight of 48%. At the same time, it also
incorporates other less discriminative gesture features according to their
discriminative power.
Figure 35 has verified the effectiveness of the proposed margin
constraints and the dimensionally normalized RBF kernel (DNRBF). It is
obvious that the additional constraints on the feature weights according to
the separation margin of each base feature can enforce the model to assign
small weights to the less discriminative base features. However, it may not
be intuitive how the DNRBF contribute to a more reasonable feature weight
Before we provide such intuition, we examine the relationship
between the optimal value and feature dimension experimentally. We
select three base features, i.e., facial point’s MHI-HOG, the facial point’s
Image-HOG and the location feature. Then we manually vary the PCA
dimension of the Image-HOG and the MHI-HOG, or the number of
normalization frames of the location feature, so that their feature dimensions
can be gradually increased. Then we use SVM’s 5-fold cross validation to
find out the optimal kernel parameter for each of the three base features at
the selected feature dimension. Figure 36 has suggested the inverse
relationship between the optimal value and the feature dimension, which
has verified our analysis in section 4.2.3.
In the experiments of the last section, the most discriminative feature,
i.e., the face feature, has the optimal of 2-15. Since other less discriminative
gesture feature has much smaller feature dimension as we can see from
Table 2. Their optimal value is much larger. Therefore, at the of 2-15, the
other gesture features has almost no discriminative power since their optimal
values are very far away from 2-15. Therefore, MKL method assigns almost
zero feature weights to other gesture features.
After we perform the dimensionally normalization as in Equation (4-
13). The optimal values become very close for different base features
Figure 37: Explore contamination from noisy feature. The average performance of
the top 10 ranks by sweeping kernel parameter for each of the three methods, i.e.,
concatenation (cvpr4HB’11), MKL, and MCMKL.

regardless the differences of their feature dimensions. Therefore, MCMKL

can utilize the maximum discriminative power of all base features at the
same time. That is another reason why MCMKL method can incorporate
other less discriminative base features, which provide complementary

4.4.4 Contamination from Less Discriminative Features

In this section, we examine the contamination from the less

discriminative base features, particularly those with large feature
dimensions. From the feature weight distribution in Figure 35, we know that
the Image-HOG and MHI-HOG of hands are the least discriminative
features. So we intentionally increase their feature dimension to 1200 by
including more PCA dimensions. At the same time, we also decrease the
dimension of the most discriminative feature, i.e., the face feature, down to
90. Now, we also sweep kernel parameter log2( ) and select the top 10
performances for each fusion method, i.e., concatenation, MKL, and
MCMKL. Then we rank these 10 performances by the descending order of
their accuracy. The experimental results are shown in Figure 37.
We observe that the rank 1 result of the MCMKL method outperforms
the concatenation fusion method by almost 10%, which indicate that
MCMKL method is more effective to shield the contamination from the less
discriminative base features, as compared with the concatenation fusion

4.5 Discussion

In this chapter, we have proposed a margin-constrained multiple-

kernel learning (MCMKL) method, which extends the multiple-kernel
learning (MKL) method by constraining feature weight range according to
the separation margin of each base feature. The dimensionally normalized
RBF kernel (DNRBF) is also proposed and employed in MCMKL in order
to fuse the features from multiple modalities, which is possible to have very
different feature dimensions. Our experimental results demonstrate favorable
results as compared to the state-of-the-art results on the FABO database. We
also demonstrate the significant improvement as compared to the
conventional MKL method.
The training time of MCMKL can increase slightly since it needs to
find separation margin for each feature type. Nevertheless, by constraining
the fusing weight range of each feature type, the MKL training might
converge faster, which we need to verify in our future work.
Chapter 5

Discriminative Hierarchical K-Means Tree

5.1 Summary

A key challenge in large-scale image classification is how to achieve

efficiency in terms of both computation and memory, but without
compromising classification accuracy. The learning-based classifiers achieve
state-of-the-art accuracies, but have been criticized for the complexity that
grows linearly with the number of classes. The non-parametric nearest
neighbor (NN) based classifiers naturally handle large numbers of
categories, but incur prohibitively expensive computation and memory costs.
In this chapter, we present a novel classification scheme, i.e., Discriminative
Hierarchical K-means Tree (D-HKTree), which combines the advantages of
both learning-based and NN-based classifiers. The complexity of D-HKTree
only grows sub-linearly with the number of categories, which is much better
than the recent hierarchical SVM based methods. The memory usage in D-
HKTree also benefits from precluding all training features, which is order of
magnitude less than the recent NBNN based methods. In the evaluations on
several challenging benchmarks, D-HKTree obtains state-of-the-art
accuracies, while with significantly lower computation cost and memory
Figure 38: Labeled Hierarchical K-means Tree (L-HKTree). (a) L-HKTree structure.
(b) The corresponding feature space partitions projected onto two-dimensional space.
(c) Example images from the classes of bear and dog respectively. (d) The label
histogram associated with one leaf node, i.e., the frequency of training features falling
in the leaf node over all class labels.

5.2 Construction of Discriminative Hierarchical K-means


One attractive property of NN-based classifiers is able to naturally

handle large numbers of categories in object and scene classification.
However, the aforementioned issues of expensive classification cost and
inferior performance have hindered their applications on large-scale image
classification, due to high variances in a large-scale dataset but limited
training samples. The proposed D-HKTree addresses these issues and
Figure 39: The framework of D-HKTree. In the forward L-HKTree process, query
features come down the L-HKTree, and the label histograms of associated leaf node
are summed up into the accumulated label histogram at the bottom. Top
performance class labels are selected. Then query features propagate back to their
parent non-leaf nodes, and the DL histogram at the non-leaf nodes of the selected
class labels are summed up into the accumulated DL histogram. The class label is
finally predicted according to the maximum value in the accumulated DL histogram.

extended NN-based classification scheme to large-scale object and scene

classification. In this section, we describe the detailed theoretical derivations
and computational procedures to build D-HKTree and L-HKTree.

5.2.1 Algorithm Overview

Figure 39 demonstrates the framework of D-HKTree. Query features
in a testing image come down L-HKTree and arrive at their nearest neighbor
leaf nodes. The label histograms at the associated leaf nodes are summed up
into the accumulated label histogram at the bottom, where top p
performance class labels are selected. After the forward L-HKTree process,
query features propagate back to their parent non-leaf nodes at a certain
level, where their discriminatively learned (DL) histograms over the selected
p class labels are summed up into the accumulated DL histogram at the top.

The predicted class label is finally inferred from the accumulated DL

histogram. The DL histograms associated with non-leaf nodes of a particular
level can be generated by training a suitable discriminatively learning
classifier. In order to maintain a high speed, the accumulations of label
histograms associated with leaf nodes and DL histograms associated with
non-leaf nodes are implemented by simple operations.

5.2.2 Labeled Hierarchical K-means Tree

The main structure of D-HKTree builds upon L-HKTree. In this

subsection, we provide detailed procedures in deriving and building L-

(A) Towards L-HKTree

As the classification rules in NBNN, we make the two assumptions,

i.e. uniform prior over all class labels and the independence of query
features di in a testing image Q [10]. The predicted label can be obtained by
Equation (5-1).
Ĉ = argmax
log p(di | C) . (5-1)

We explicitly model unbalanced data over class labels in the Parzen

window estimator. The total number of training features in class C is LC .

1 Lc
log p(di | C) = K(di − d Cj ) . (5-2)
LC j=1

Instead of using the Gaussian kernel for K as in the local NBNN, we

use a uniform kernel with the bandwidth of ri .

di − d Cj
K(di − d ) = B f U(1−
j ) , (5-3)

where the bandwidth ri > 0 , B f is a positive constant and U is a unit

step function, which is 1 if the Euclidean distance between the training
feature d Cj and the query feature di is less than the bandwidth ri ; and
otherwise is 0. If substituting Equation (5-3) to Equation (5-2), we have

Bf Lc di − d Cj
log p(di | C) = U(1− ) . (5-4)
LC j=1 ri

The summation term in Equation (5-4) denotes the total number of

training features in class C, which have Euclidean distance smaller than
away from the query feature . This can be illustrated using Figure 40(a).
The center of the purple circle is at the query feature with the radius equal
to the bandwidth of . The summation term in Equation (5-4) for the
triangle class is the total number of triangle training features falling within
the purple circle, i.e. 2 in Figure 40(a). Similarly, the summation terms for
the pentagon class and the star class are 3 and 1, respectively. As illustrated
Figure 40: Illustration of unit step function. (a) The purple circle illustrates the unit
step function in equation (5-4). The center is at the query feature di with the radius
equal to the bandwidth of ri. (b) Approximate the unit step function of the purple
circle with the feature space partition by one of the leaf nodes in the HKTree.

in Figure 40(b), we further approximate the unit step function with the
feature space boundary defined by the leaf node , in which the query
feature falls within.

di − d Cj
U(1− ) ≅ δ ( fi , LEAF(d Cj )) (5-5)

where !"#$ &

% is the nearest neighbor leaf node of the training

feature %;
' equals to 1 when feature and &
% falls within the same feature
space partition defined by the leaf node . If we substitute Equation (5-5) to
Equation (5-4), it becomes

log p(di | C) = δ ( fi , LEAF(d Cj )) . (5-6)
LC j=1

Note the right hand side of the Equation (5-6) does not depend on the
query feature except that is the leaf node of . Therefore, we can pre-
compute the right hand side of Equation (5-6) for each class label (, and
store the results as the label histogram associated with the leaf node ,
denoted as !) ( .
The summation term in Equation (5-6) is the number of training
features from category (, which falls within the feature space partition of the
leaf node . !& corresponds to the total number of training features in
category ( . *+ is a L1-Norm constant. Substituting Equation (5-6) to
Equation (5-1), we have the L-HKTree classification rule.

Ĉ = argmax δ ( fi , LEAF(d Cj ))
C i=1 LC j=1
. (5-7)
= argmax
[ LH (LEAF(di ), C)]

As demonstrated in the derivation of the L-HKTree, we do not need to

compute the pair-wise distance of the query feature with each training
feature &
% online. Instead, we only employ the label histogram associated
with the leaf node where falls within. Hence, L-HKTree does not retain
any training feature. This results in a significant saving in the memory,
which allows us to extend this NN-based classifier to a large-scale
classification task.
As suggested in Equation (5-7), in the testing phase, we only need
accumulate label histograms of the leaf nodes, at which query features
arrive. The computation cost is therefore significantly reduced as compared
to the conventional NN-based classifiers [10] and the recently proposed
local NBNN [62]. Note the complexity of L-HKTree is independent of the
number of classes, which is a very attractive characteristic for image
classification on large-scale dataset with huge number of categories.
Algorithm 1: Building L-HKTree
(1) Hierarchical Kmean Tree ./0
(2) Initialize label histograms and 12 to 0
for all categories 3 do
for all training feature in category 3 do
4 1567
1. 4 3 1. 4 3 8 9
1 2 12 8 9
end for
end for

for all leaf nodes 4 do

for all categories 3 in 4 do
1. 4 3 1. 4 3 :12
end for
L1 normalize leaf node the label histogram of 4
end for

return ./0

(B) Building L-HKTree

L-HKTree is first constructed by the hierarchical K-means tree [69]

from training samples with ! levels and , branches. Figure 38(a) illustrates a
two-level tree with three branches. The corresponding feature space partition
of each leaf node projected on the two-dimensional space is shown in Figure
38(b). We modify the original hierarchical K-means tree to automatically
adjust the number of branches of a non-leaf node if the average training
features arriving at its children nodes is below a threshold -.
Algorithm 1 provides the pseudo code to build L-HKTree. A label
histogram associated with each leaf node, as shown in Figure 38(d),
accumulates the number of training features arriving at this leaf node over
all class labels. For example, Figure 38(c) shows two images from the
classes of bear and dog. One training feature from the bear class and two
training features from the dog class arrive at the feature space partition of
one green leaf nodes in Figure 38(b). The label histogram of this green leaf
node in Figure 38(d) describes the frequency of training features arriving at
this leaf node over the class labels of dog and the bear.
In order to handle unbalanced training data in different categories, we
normalize label histograms using the total number of training features of
corresponding class labels, i.e., !& in Algorithm 1.
All leaf nodes in L-HKTree have defined their corresponding feature
space boundaries as illustrated in Figure 38(b). Any feature arriving at a leaf
node can be considered as a nearest neighbor of this leaf node. The label
histogram associated with each leaf node counts numbers of training features
over class labels, which correspond to nearest neighbors to the leaf node
within the predefined feature space boundary. Intuitively, the more nearest
neighbor features are from a class label ( in the label histogram of the leaf
node , the smaller distance is between the leaf node and the class label (.
Therefore, we can have another interpretation of the label histogram as the
inverse distance from leaf node to different classes.

(C) Pre-Classification with L-HKTree

The classification rule of L-HKTree is shown in Equation (5-7).

Query features from a testing image arrive at corresponding leaf nodes. The
summation of the label histograms associated with leaf nodes forms the
Accumulated Label Histogram(#!) . The ; class candidates can be selected
by the top ; values in #!). The predicted class label (top 1 class candidate)
corresponds to the maximum value in #!).
In our implementation, instead of using every query feature in a
testing image to accumulate label histograms, we employ the non-leaf nodes
at a particular level as a filter to remove some noisy query features. This is
motivated by the max pooling scheme [56] widely used in computing BOW.
If we deem the non-leaf nodes at a particular level as a visual vocabulary, a
coding scheme (e.g., local soft assignment) and a pooling scheme (e.g., max
pooling) can be used to compute a BOW histogram ) over the selected non-
leaf nodes. Similarly in L-HKTree, only the query features, which provide
the max response at the non-leaf nodes at a certain level, are allowed to
continue down. In this way, we can also weight label histograms by the
responses of corresponding query features at the selected non-leaf nodes. In
the end, the weighted label histograms are accumulated into #!).

5.2.3 Discriminatively Learned Histogram

We choose the one-versus-all linear SVM as the discriminative

learning algorithm to incorporate into NN-based L-HKTree. In this
subsection, we show how to transform the learned SVM weights to the
discriminatively learned (DL) histograms of non-leaf nodes at a selected
As stated above, in building L-HKTree, we can also compute BOW )
for training images using the selected non-leaf nodes as a visual vocabulary,
e.g., the red non-leaf nodes of L-HKTree in Figure39. We then employ one-
versus-all linear SVM to obtain the weights < & for class (. The score vector
over = classes can be computed by Equation (5-8). For convenience, we
ignore the bias term.

Y = [y1, y 2 ,..., yC ,..., yT ] , (5-8)

where yC = W C ⋅ H = k=1
WkC H K and > is the number of non-leaf nodes at the

selected level. Substituting ? & into @, we have

[Wk1H k ,Wk2 H k ,....,WkC H K ,...,WkT H K ] . (5-9)

If we further factor out )A from the vector @, we have

H kWk , (5-10)

where Wk = [Wk1,Wk2 ,...,WkC ,...,WkT ] .

<A is the discriminatively learned histogram over = classes at the th
non-leaf node at the selected level. As label histograms are associated with
leaf nodes, discriminatively learned histograms are attached to selected non-
leaf nodes as well.

5.2.4 Classification with D-HKTree

As shown in Figure 39, a testing image is first pre-classified by L-

HKTree according to Equation (5-7). We obtain the accumulated label
histogram and select the top ; performance class labels from this histogram.
Query features in the leaf nodes are then propagated back to their parent
non-leaf nodes at the selected level. Their discriminatively learned
histograms of the selected ; class labels are multiplied by the maximum
responses at corresponding non-leaf nodes, which are summed up as the
accumulated discriminatively learned histogram. The bias terms of trained
SVM models are then subtracted from the accumulated discriminatively
learned histogram for the selected class label. Finally, we select the class
label with the highest score from the accumulated discriminatively learned
The number of top class candidates ; is adaptively selected for
different testing images. We utilize the distribution of the accumulated label
histogram to build a cumulative confidence level, which is the cumulative
probability of the class labels in the accumulated label histogram. In our
experiments, we set a threshold of 0.2 to the cumulative confidence level to
determine the top ; class candidates. By adaptively select the top ; classes
in the forward L-HKTree process, D-HKTree is able to achieve a complexity
that grows only sub-linearly with the number of classes. On the other hand,
the best performing learning-based classifiers has the computation cost at
least increases linearly with the number of categories. Therefore, D-HKTree
can handle large-scale image classification with huge numbers of categories
more efficiently than learning-based classifiers while maintain state-of-the-
art accuracy.

5.3 Experiments

We evaluate our proposed models on object and scene recognition

datasets including Caltech 101 [31], Caltech 256 [39], and SUN dataset [99].
D-HKTree significantly outperforms all previous NN-based classifiers in
terms of classification accuracy, computation cost, and memory requirement.
The relative computational complexity of D-HKTree is also significantly
improved compared to the state-of-the-art learning-based classifiers.
Experimental results demonstrate that D-HKTree can scale very well to
large-scale datasets with large numbers of categories.
Table 3: Comparison to NN-based classifiers on accuracy and speed (sec/image).

0 # 0 '*! 12

!"# $ % #& $ %''&

( %'& # $ ' ') $ *# *
( %'#& !* *" #$
+ ( ) "# !$ ' ,) # "# $ '
- ./ ##$%&'$%% ($)* *+$+&'$+, )$# )+$#&'$(, ($,-

5.3.1 Experimental Setup

We employ the dense SIFT features augmented by B and ? coordinates

throughout our experiments. The two spatial dimensions in the augmented
feature vector are weighted by 1.6 in Caltech 101 and 0.75 in Caltech 256
and SUN, as recommended in [62, 63]. L-HKTree has 2 levels with
maximum branch factor of 65K in Caltech 101 and 130K in Caltech 256 and
SUN. We employ the approximate nearest neighbor library FLANN [67] to
find the nearest neighbor branch for a query feature at each level.
In order to facilitate a fair comparison, we follow the evaluation
conventions, i.e. we use 30 images per category as training data and 15
images per category as testing data in Caltech 101 and Caltech 256 datasets.
We repeat the experiments 10 times with random selection of non-
overlapping training and testing data. The average accuracy with the
standard deviation is reported in the paper. As for SUN, we use exactly the
same training and attesting splitting as in [99], i.e. 50 images for both
training and testing sets.

5.3.2 Comparisons to NN-based Classifiers

In this paper, we use the “*” sign after a number to indicate that the
number is directly quoted from original papers. The “-“ in the table indicate
that the data is not available.
Table 3 shows the comparisons of D-HKTree with other NN-based
classifiers on both classification accuracy and computation cost. D-HKTree
has achieved the highest accuracies, i.e. 77.6% and 45.5%, on Caltech 101
and Caltech 256, respectively. We achieve 35.7% accuracy on the SUN
dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest accuracy on this
dataset using a single feature type. Since the D-HKTree takes advantages of
both NN-based and learning-based classifiers, the performance is much
better than the conventional NN based classifiers. The second step of D-
HKTree tree, i.e. the learning based classifier, has boosted up the
classification accuracy. We also quote the classical 1-NN classifier results
on Caltech 256 and SUN datasets for the comparison in the Table 3. The 1-
NN classifier is a correlation classifier in the feature space with pixel
intensities of a resized image [39]. The 1-NN results reported in [99] use
multiple feature types. If using a single feature type, the result is probably
even worse.
The testing speed of D-HKTree is significantly faster than the
conventional NN-based classifiers, especially on larger datasets. To evaluate
the testing speed, we use the code provided by [62] with the recommended
parameters for NBNN and local NBNN. The L-HKTree defines partition
boundary in feature space, which pre-stores nearest neighbor feature
statistics within each boundary. The testing of a query image does not need
to go through all features in training data. Instead, it only requires the query
features to find the corresponding boundary and update the nearest neighbor
! ('(
! 1+%
23 /



/ // / // .0

Figure 41: Comparing memory usage over different NN-based classifiers as the scale
of the dataset increases.

If we use 30 training images per category on Caltech 256, the testing

speed of D-HKTree is 30 times faster than local NBNN, and 120 times faster
than NBNN. As shown in Table 3, local NBNN is 10 times faster than
NBNN on Caltech 101, but only 4 times faster on Caltech 256, which is
different from the results reported in [62].
We think the discrepancy may be due to the number of training
images in each category used and the number of descriptors extracted in
each training image. If the total number of training features is too large, the
testing time might increase exponentially instead of logarithmically
depending on the implementation. On the other hand, the time increment is
significantly lower for D-HKTree as the dataset changes from Caltech 101 to
Caltech 256. It is interesting to observe the computation cost of SUN is even
lower than that of Caltech 256, i.e. 1.9 second per image versus 3.7 second
per image. This is due to the structure difference of the L-HKTrees built for
the two datasets, since the major computation costs of D-HKTree is from the
pre-classification of L-HKTree.
Table 4: Comparison of classification accuracy to learning based classifiers on (a)
Caltech 101 and Caltech 256 datasets; (b) SUN dataset.

0 # 0 '*!
3 4 15 ! !"# ,$ % '& "# '$ % #&
10 15 %' & '"# * $ "# *$
1+0 #,$)-&'$+- *+$#(&'$+-
.0 %)& ! " *$ ' '"# $
- ./ ##$%&'$%% *+$+&'$+,

3 4 15 %''& ' *$
1 - 3 6 %''& ' '$
1 -36% & ' $
- ./ )+$#&'$(,
Figure 41 compares the memory requirements of different NN-based
classifiers as the scale of dataset increases. Since the memory usage of
conventional NN-based classifiers is directly related to the size of training
data size, we can estimate their memory usages according to the training
data size. As for D-HKTree, the memory usage is estimated from the size of
L-HKTree. As shown in this figure, the memory usage of D-HKTree only
increases slightly from Caltech 101 to Caltech 256, then SUN. However, the
memory consumptions of NBNN and local NBNN grow significantly as
dataset scale increases. For example, the memory requirement is around
100GB for both NBNN and local NBNN under our experimental settings in
SUN dataset, while the memory usage of D-HKTree is only 6GB.

5.3.3 Comparisons to Learning-based Classifiers


7 8 9
)' .0



' '$( '$1 '$) '$* '$+ '$%
4 5 ! ! 6
7 8 9
*' .0
' '$1 '$* '$% '$, (
4 5 ! ! 6
Figure 42: Comparison of the tradeoff between accuracy and relative computational
complexity to other hierarchical SVM based methods for large-scale data, i.e. Gao
[34], Griffin [38], Marszalek [59], on (a) SUN dataset; (b) Caltech 256 dataset; Note
that the results from the other three methods are directly estimated from the plots in
the paper [34].

Table 4 demonstrates the comparisons of classification accuracy

between D-HKTree and the state-of-the-art learning-based methods. D-
HKTree outperforms most learning-based methods and achieves comparable
performance to the recently proposed Spatially Local Coding (SLC) [63] on
Caltech 101 and Caltech 256. As for the SUN dataset in Table 4(b), D-
HKTree significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art with a single
feature type by more than 8% in classification accuracy.
To further evaluate the scalability to large-scale image classification,
we compare D-HKTree with several hierarchical SVM based classifiers [34,
38, 59] in Figure 42. All of these hierarchical SVM based classifiers attempt
to improve the efficiency of one-versus-all linear SVM classifier, so that
their complexity can grow sub-linearly with the number of categories.
However, these classifiers have to sacrifice classification accuracy for
the improvement on speed. We adopt the relative computational complexity
metric introduced in [34] for our evaluation. In the case of a linear kernel,
the relative complexity is the ratio between the number of categories
evaluated and the total number of categories in the dataset.
The relative computational complexity of D-HKTree can be tuned by
varying the number of top selected class labels from the accumulated label
histogram. Although the computation cost of L-HKTree is not reflected in
this metric, this cost is independent of the number of categories. As
demonstrated in Figure 42, D-HKTree dominates the classification
accuracies on Caltech 256 and SUN datasets, especially when the relative
computational complexity is low. For instance, at the relative computational
complexity of 0.06 in Figure 42(a), D-HKTree achieves 35% on the SUN
dataset, which is more than 10% higher than that of the best method reported
in [34]. Similar results are shown on the Caltech 256 dataset in Figure 42(b).
It is also interesting to observe that the classification accuracy of D-HKTree
tend to saturate around the relative computational complexity of 0.1, which
means D-HKTree is more effective to reduce the relative computational
complexity and maintain a desirable accuracy.
The top p categories, the L-HKTree selected, are the most confident
class labels specifically for the testing image. It has pruned away a large
number of unrelated class labels. Hence, the learning based classifier in the
second step can focus only on those class labels which are confused by the
L-HKTree, and make the final prediction with better accuracy.
On the other hand, leaf node in the hierarchical SVM based classifier
also has several class candidates to make the final prediction. The difference
is that the class candidates are not the most confident class labels
specifically to the testing image. Therefore, D-HKTree yields better

5.3.4 Comparisons to Hybrid Classifiers

There are very few work [85, 107] on combining learning-based and
NN-based classifiers to take advantages of both classifier types. Table 5
compares D-HKTree with two other methods that hybrid both classifier
types, i.e. SVM-KNN [107] and NBNN Kernel [85]. As shown in this table,
D-HKTree significantly outperforms SVM-KNN and NBNN Kernel by 11%
and 8% in accuracy respectively. Note that NBNN Multi-Kernel is actually
combining NBNN Kernel with other kernels of different feature types
instead of a single feature type. Nevertheless, D-HKTree still obtains the
highest accuracy as shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Comparison to the hybrid classifiers, i.e. SVM-KNN [24], and NBNN
Kernel [20], on the Caltech 101 dataset.

17 . ( . ( 8 -./
9 !! '"# *$ !) !"# )$ * '" '$ ##$%&'$%%

SVM-KNN [107] selects k-nn neighbor images for a query image and
training a local multi-class SVM classifier to predict query image. As the
training data closely coupled with the nearest neighbor results, the nn-based
and svm based classifier cannot complement each other very well. That may
cause the significant performance decrease as compared with the D-HKTree.

5.4 Discussion

In this chapter, we have proposed a novel classification scheme, i.e.

D-HKTree, for larg-scale image classification. D-HKTree takes advantages
of both learning-based and NN-based methods. It extends the ability of NN-
based classifiers to scale to large numbers of image classes due to much
lower computation cost and memory requirement, while achieving state-of-
the-art classification accuracies. Compared to NN-based methods, D-
HKTree significantly outperforms NBNN and local NBNN in classification
accuracy, computation cost, and memory usage. Compared with learning-
based methods, D-HKTree largely improves the accuracy of hierarchical
SVM based methods at much lower relative computational complexity.
Compared to previous hybrid methods, D-HKTree also obtains much better
performance than SVM-KNN and NBNN Kernel.
Hierarchical K-Mean tree is employed to partition feature space for
training data in the D-HTree. However, any approximate nearest neighbor
method, such as hashing algorithms, can be used to generate the partition
Chapter 6

Conclusion and Future Work

6.1 Discussions and Conclusion

Visual classification contains three major components, i.e., feature

extraction, feature representation and classification. Each component can
have significant impact on both classification accuracy and efficiency. The
recent progress on each component of visual classification is impressive and
encouraging toward a more robust visual classification system. In this
dissertation, we have made contributions for feature representation and
classifier design. Especially, we focus on multi-feature fusion to improve
classification accuracy, and large-scale learning algorithm, which takes
advantages of both learning-based and nearest neighbor based classifiers.
We have proposed a new feature representation, i.e., EigenMap,
which extends the BOW model with spatial information. An EigenMap
describes the distribution of a visual word in the image’s spatial space. By
collecting EigenMaps of all visual words as an object representation, we not
only understand what object parts are in the image, but also know where
these object parts occur relative to the image space. Unlike spatial pyramid
matching method, EigenMap does not require manual partition of image
space, and has lower dimension.
To effectively combine multiple types features, we have proposed a
margin constrained multiple-kernel learning framework (MCMKL), which
finds optimal combination of base features’ kernels. The MCMKL utilizes
the discriminative power of each individual type of features, i.e., the
separation margin of features, to guide the learning of optimal weights for
kernel fusion.
The dimensionally normalized RBF kernel (DNRBF) is also proposed
and employed in MCMKL in order to fuse features with very different
feature dimensions. Our experiments demonstrate that MCMKL achieves
better performance as compared to the state-of-the-art results on affection
recognition by combining facial features and body gestures.
For large-scale visual classification problem, we have proposed a new
classifier, Discriminative Hierarchical K-Means Tree (D-HKTree), which
combined the advantages of both learning-based and nearest neighbor (NN)
based classifiers. D-HKTree significantly outperforms conventional NN-
based classifiers in classification accuracy, while with much lower
computation cost and memory usage. Compared to learning-based methods,
D-HKTree achieves comparable performance with lower relative
computational complexity.

6.2 Limitations and Future Work

Similar to other feature representations, which are based on absolute

spatial information, EigenMap is not invariant to translation or rotations.
Future work on feature representation will capture the relative spatial
relationship among different object parts while maintaining high efficiency.
Margin Constrained Multiple-kernel learning (MCMKL) requires
iteratively solving SVM problem and projected gradient descent problem
many times. The total training time can become prohibitively high, as one
iteration already has expensive computational cost. To scale the algorithm to
the large-scale data, our future work will focus on improving the efficiency
on multi-feature fusion.
Even though the Discriminative Hierarchical K-Means Tree (D-
HKTree) achieves the state of the art performances on several large-scale
datasets, its complexity, however, greatly depends on the accuracy of the
underlying nearest neighbor algorithm, i.e., L-HKTree. We will evaluate its
performance impact as the dataset becomes larger.
Another limitation of D-HKTree is the construction time of L-
HKTree. As the data size increases, the computational cost to construct the
L-HKTree also increases. If we can build a universal L-HKTree, which only
need be modified slightly according to a specific dataset, then we can
significantly reduce the training complexity. We would like to continue
develop a universal L-HKTree in future.

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My Publication List

Journal and Book Chapter

1. H. Gunes, C. Shan, S. Chen, and Y. Tian, "Bodily Expression for

Automatic Affect Recognition", In Advances in Emotion Recognition,
A. Konar, A. Chakraborty (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
2. Y. Tian and S. Chen, “Understanding Effects of Image Resolution for
Facial Expression Analysis”, Journal of Computer Vision and Image
Processing, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2012.
3. S. Chen and Y. Tian, “Describing Visual Scene through EigenMaps”,
Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing, Vol. 2, No. 1,
March 2012.
4. S. Chen, Y. Tian, Q. Liu, and D. Metaxas, Recognizing Expressions
from Face and Body Gesture by Temporal Normalized Motion and
Appearance Features, Image and Vision Computing, Volume 31 Issue
2, February, Pages 175-185, 2013, DOI:


5. S. Chen, Y. Tian. Evaluating Effectiveness of Latent Dirichlet

Allocation Model for Scene Classification. IEEE Wireless and Optical
Communications Conference (WOCC). 2011.
6. S. Chen, Y. Tian, Q. Liu and D. Metaxas. Segment and Recognize
Expression Phase by Fusion of Motion Area and Neutral Divergence
Features. IEEE Int'
l Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture
Recognition (AFGR). 2011.
7. S. Chen, Y. Tian, Q. Liu, D. Metaxas. Recognizing Expressions from
Face and Body Gesture by Temporal Normalized Motion and
Appearance Features. IEEE Int'
l Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition workshop for Human Communicative Behavior Analysis
(CVPR4HB). 2011.
8. S. Chen, Y. Tian, and W. S. Weiss, “Detecting Human Activities in the
Arctic Ocean by Constructing and Analyzing Super-Resolution
Images from MODIS Data”, Imaging and Geospatial Technologies -
Into the Future, ASPRS 2012 Annual Conference, Sacramento,
California USA, March 19-23, 2012.
9. S. Chen, D. M. Quintian and Y. Tian, “Towards a Visual Speech
Learning System for the Deaf by Matching Dynamic Lip Shapes”,
International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special
Needs (ICCHP), 2012.
10. S. Chen and Y. Tian, Margin-Constrained Multiple Kernel Learning
Based Multi-Modal Fusion for Affect Recognition, The 2nd Int'
Workshop on Emotion Representation, Analysis and Synthesis in
Continuous Time and Space (EmoSPACE) 2013.

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