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Cell Homeostasis

Homeostasis refers to the body’s ability to physiologically regulate its inner

environment to ensure its stability in response to fluctua:ons in external or
internal condi:ons. The liver, the pancreas, the kidneys, and the brain
(hypothalamus, the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system)
help maintain homeostasis.

The liver: metabolizing toxic substances and maintains carbohydrate

metabolism, regulates lipid metabolism.
The kidneys: for regula:ng blood water levels, re-absorp:on of substances into
the blood, maintenance of salt and ion levels in the blood, regula:on of blood
pH, and excre:on of urea and other waste products.
The hypothalamus is involved in the regula:on of body temperature, heart
rate, blood pressure, and circadian rhythms (which include wake/sleep cycles).
Homeostasis is defined as the state of steady internal, physical,
and chemical condi:ons maintained by living systems.

For op:mal func:oning of the organism, many variables, such as

body temperature and fluid balance, should be kept within certain
pre-set limits (homeosta6c range). Other variables include the pH
of extracellular fluid, the concentra6ons of sodium, potassium
and calcium ions, as well as that of the blood sugar level, and
these need to be regulated despite changes in the environment,
diet, or level of ac:vity. Each of these variables is controlled by one
or more regulators or homeosta:c mechanisms, which together
maintain life.
Homeostasis can be influenced by either internal or exis:ng condi:ons
(instrinsic factors) or external or environmental condi6ons (extrinsic factors).
All homeosta6c control mechanisms have at least three interdependent
components for the variable being regulated:

1- A sensor or receptor that detects changes in the internal or external

environment. An example is peripheral chemoreceptors, which detect changes
in blood pH.
2- The integra6ng center or control center receives informa:on from the
sensors and ini:ates the response to maintain homeostasis. The most
important example is the hypothalamus.
3- An effector is any organ or :ssue that receives informa:on from the
integra:ng center and acts to bring about the changes needed to maintain
homeostasis. One example is the kidney, which retains water if blood pressure
is too low.

Humans are warm-blooded or endothermic, maintaining a near-constant

body temperature. Thermoregula:on is an important aspect of human
homeostasis. Heat is mainly produced by the liver and muscle contrac:ons.
Humans have been able to adapt to a great diversity of climates, including
hot humid and hot arid environments. High temperatures pose serious
stresses for the human body, placing it in great danger of injury or even
death. In order to deal with these clima:c condi:ons, humans have
developed physiologic and cultural modes of adapta:on.

Nerve cells (the sensors) relay informa:on about body temperature to the
hypothalamus (the integra:ng center). The hypothalamus then signals
several effectors to return the body temperature to 37oC (the set point). Two
effectors ac:vated in the process when core temperature is too high are the
sweat glands which serve to cool the skin and the blood vessels which
undergo vasodila6on (or enlarging) so the body can give off more heat.
Blood glucose is regluated with two hormones, insulin and glucagon, both
released from the pancreas.
• When blood sugar levels
become too high, insulin is
released from the pancreas.
Glucose, or sugar, is taken up by
cells (especially liver and muscle
:ssue) where it is stored as
glycogen. This results in a
lowering of the blood sugar levels.

• On the other hand, when blood

sugar levels become too low,
glucagon is released by the
pancreas. It promotes the
breakdown of glycogen into the
glucose monomers within liver
cells. The liver cells then release
free glucose back into the blood
stream and restore blood sugar

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