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c 0200cET204122303

Reg No.: Name: ?-----t>
B.Tech Degree 54 (R,S) / 54 (PT) (&S) / 54 (WP) (R) Examination May

Course Code: CET204

Max. Marks: 100 Duration:3 Hours

(Answer all questions; each question carries 3 marks) Marks

I With the help of a block diagram, distinguish between a saturated soil and a dry J

2 What do you meant by soil structure? Explain Flocculated structure of soil. J

J Define liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit. 3

4 List out the factors affecting permeability of a soil. J

5 State the assumptions made in computing the vertical stresses due to a point load J

acting on the ground surface.

6 What is critical hydraulic gradient? 3

7 Differentiate normally consolidated. over consolidated and under consolidated 3

8 Explain the following terms. OMC and b) Zero air void line J
q Explain Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. 5

l0 What are the uses of stabiliw number and stabilitv charts? J

(Answer onefull questionfrom each module, each qaestion carries 14 morks)

Module C
ll a) A soil specimen has a water content of l0%o and a wet unit weight of 20 kN/m3. If 9

the specific gravity of solids is2.7, determine a) Dry density, b) Void ratio and c)

Degree of saturation. Take /-: l0kN/m3.

b) India.
Explain the major soil deposits in 5

12 a) A litre capacity cuffer of mass I kg was pushed into an embankment under 7

construction and the mass of the cutter with soil was found to be 2.865 kg. If the

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sample had water content of llo/o, determine the void ratio of the soil in
embankment. G: 2.67.
b) With the help of a three-phase diagram, derive the relationship between the void
ratio, water content and degree of saturation.
Module -2
13 a) A test for the relative density of soil in a place was performed by digging a small
hole in the soil. The volume of the hole was 400m1 and the moist weight of the
excavated soil was 9N. After oven drying, the weight was 7.8N. Of the dried soil,
4N was poured in to a vessel in a very loose state, and its volume was found to be
270m1. The same weight of soil when vibrated and tamped had a volume of 200
ml. Determine the relative density.
b) Explain the uses of particle size distribution curve. 5

14 a) A falling head permeability test was mn on a sample of clean, uniform sand. One 8

minute was required for the initial head of 100 cm to fall to 50 cm in the stand pipe
of cross-sectional area 1.5 cm2. If the sample was 4 cm in diameter and 30 cm long,
calculate the coefficient of permeability of the sand.
b) Explain the different corrections of Hydrometer reading.
Module -3
15 a) A concentrated load of 50 kN acts on the surface of a homogeneous soil mass of
large extent. Determine the stress intensity at a depth of 5 m, directly under the
load, and at a horizontal distance of 2.5 m.
b) Explain any two approximate methods for vertical stress distribution of contact
pressure beneath footings.

16 a) A deposit of fine sand has a void ratio of 0.54 and the specific gravity of solid
particles is2.67. Compute the safe exitgradient, with a factor of safety of 4. '
b) A clay stratum of 8m thick is located at a depth of 6 m from ground surface. The
natural moisture content of the clay is 56Yo and G : 2.75. The soil strata between
the ground surface and clay consists of fine sand. The water table is located at a
depth of 2 m below the ground surface. The submerged unit weight of fine sand is
10.5 kN/m3, ild its moist unit weight above the water table is 18.69 kN/m3.
Calculate the effectiv" ,tr"r, at the centre of the clay layer.

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Module -4
17 a) A stratum of clay is 2 m thic| and has an initial overburden pressure of 50 kN/m2
at its middle. Determine the final settlement due to an increase
in pressuie of 40
kN/m2 at the middle of clay layer. The clay is over consolidated
with a pre-
consolidation pressure of 75 kN/m2. The values of the coefficient
of recompression
and compression index are 0.05 and 0.25 respectively.
Take initial void ratio as

b) Explain the procedure for determining of Coefficient of Consolidation 6

l8 a) In a standard proctor test, 1.8 Kg of moist soil was filling the mould (Volume : 8
944 cc) after compaction. A soil sample weighing 23 g was
taken from the mould
and oven dried for 24 fus. at a temperature of I100C.
Weight of dry sample was
found to be 20 g. Specific gravity of soil solids is G : 2.7.whatis
the theoretical
maximum value of the dry unit weight of soil at that water
b) Explain the factors affecting compaction of soil.

Module -5
19 a) Explain UU, CU and CD shear test.
b) A shear vane of 7.5 cm diameter and I I cm lenglh was used to measure
the shear 9
strength of a soft clay. If a torque of 600 Nm was required
to shear the soil,
calculate the shear strength. The vane was then rotated rapidly
to cause remoulding
ofthe soil. The torque required in the remoulded state was 200
Nm. Determine the
r sensitivity of soil.
20 a) Explain different types of rotational slope failures.
b) Explain Friction circle method of slope stability analysis
:F * rl.

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