XJUNIOR MANUAL GGC 2019 Version 6.0
XJUNIOR MANUAL GGC 2019 Version 6.0
XJUNIOR MANUAL GGC 2019 Version 6.0
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Parents are a valuable and indispensable source of help to the Junior Golf
Parents should:
1. Show appreciation for the efforts and work of all those involved in the
promotion of junior golf.
2. Encourage juniors to participate – do not force them.
3. Never ridicule or remonstrate with juniors for making mistakes or for losing.
4. Remember that juniors learn by example – applaud good shots by all
5. Respect and accept official decisions and teach juniors to do likewise.
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• All information relating to junior golf can be located on the Junior Golf
area on the Galway Golf Club website: http://www.galwaygolf.com/
• There are two high level links at the bottom of the Junior Golf home
page. One for Junior Golfers and one for Temporary Juveniles.
• Select the Juniors 2019 golf link to access the junior online competition
booking system and to access other information relating to junior golf
such as the events calendar, the parental supervision rota, competition
results and a variety of other useful information.
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• Select the Temporary Juvenile 2019 golf link to access the temporary
juvenile information links such as the parental supervision rota, the
events calendar and a variety of other useful information.
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4 Coaching:
The Junior Coaching Schedule will be displayed on the junior noticeboard and
on the Junior Golf Area of the club website. Please check the time that you
have been allocated. If you are unable to attend at this time please inform the
pro shop ASAP so that you can be included in further coaching at a later date.
The Temporary Juvenile Coaching is during the months of July and August on
Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9am to 11am. A copy of the coaching
schedule will be posted on the website and you will be advised of your
allocated coaching day. You are required to attend at least 5 of the coaching
Practice Mats and Short Game Area: It’s recommended that you practice more
than once a week. Specific times will be allocated for junior practice during the
months of June, July and August. Attendance will be recorded. It is the
responsibility of each junior member and temporary juvenile member to
ensure that their attendance is recorded. Junior and temporary juvenile
members must attend the practice mats at least 10 times over the summer
Chipping Greens: Please adhere to the rules clearly displayed at the chipping
practice area.
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Competitions for junior girls and boys will be held in June July and August on
Monday and Thursday mornings with tee times reserved from 8am. Except
Race Week and when GUI Competitions are played.
Please refer to the Junior Section of the website for bookings and competition
entry. Please refer to the sections in this booklet in relation to Scorecards,
Safety on the Course, Etiquette and Dress Code on the Course.
There will also be junior competitions played on the Bank Holiday Mondays,
when available. Please refer to the noticeboard and website for details.
There will be 9 hole junior boys and girls competitions arranged for Saturday
evenings at 5pm throughout July and August. These 9 hole competitions are
designed for the younger junior golfers who are less confident in playing 18
holes with older golfers and for junior golfers who have not been able to play
in the required number of regular competitions throughout the summer.
Please refer to the noticeboard and website for details.
Temporary Juveniles must reach a certain standard of golf before they are
permitted to play on the course. The coaching team will decide when the
temporary juvenile player is ready and will issue them with a tag to indicate
that they have permission to play on the course in the company of an adult
member. Temporary Juveniles may only play the course from July onwards as
per the Golf Club rules.
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Any boy who reaches a handicap of 12 from the red tees will be eligible to
apply for a full men’s GUI handicap. A junior boy will then be able to play in
men’s club competitions. The following criteria apply:
Category 1: Handicap of 0-12 can book on-line when the timesheet turns live
but must book their tee time after 12 noon.
Category 2: Handicap 13-16 can book on line 3 days in advance but must book
their tee times after 2pm
Category 3: GUI handicap of 17 and upwards can call into the pro shop after 12
noon on Saturday and book any time that is free after 3pm for Sunday club
competitions. These junior boys will compete for a junior prize. Entry fees are
to be paid in the pro shop.
Category 4: Junior handicaps. Not eligible for open or Club Competitions. They
can play in junior competitions. Otherwise they must play with an adult as per
the constitution.
Junior members who return scores in golf clubs other than Galway Golf Club,
which result in their handicaps being reduced, are obliged to inform the club
junior handicap secretary of such scores.
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● Junior girls begin playing with a junior handicap of 36 and play off the junior
tees (yellow). Any girl who reaches a handicap of 24 from the junior tees will
then be invited to apply for a full ladies ILGU handicap. These girls will then
continue to play in, and loose shots from their ILGU handicap in the weekly
junior competitions.
● If a junior girl has a ILGU handicap she is entitled to play in the ladies weekly
competitions. When playing in a ladies club competition, a junior may mark
another junior’s card but they must be accompanied by an adult member. A
junior who has a ILGU handicap may mark an adult member’s card.
● Junior girls are entitled to play in and win regular ladies club competitions.
Junior girls and student members are not entitled to win first prize in the major
competitions i.e. The Lady Captain’s Prize or the President’s Prize.
Junior girls play for a Junior Captains, Junior Lady Captains and Junior
Presidents Prize.
Junior members who return scores in golf clubs other than Galway Golf Club,
which result in their handicaps being reduced, are obliged to inform the Club
junior handicap secretary of such scores.
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6 Scorecards:
• No junior may mark his or her own card.
• The marker should check the score after each complete hole with the
competitor, and record it.
• On completion of the round, the marker should sign the scorecard and
hand it to the competitor. The competitor should check his/her score
and agree any doubtful points that may arise with the marker. If either
the competitor or marker is in doubt on any point they should seek
clarification from the junior committee before signing and returning the
• The competitor should ensure that the scorecard bears his/her name,
handicap and title and date of the competition. The penalty for breach
of the rule is disqualification from the competition.
• The R and A “Golf Rules” which are available in the club should be
carried by junior members while playing golf in Galway Golf Club or
while representing Galway Golf Club in any other club.
When you, as a player, play a round of golf, you need to record how many
shots or strokes you hit. Below is an example of a golf club scorecard. It has all
the important information that you will need to fill in the scorecard when you
*NOTE – The most important things that should be written on the card:
Before you start to play are: Before you leave the course are :
4. Correct date
1. The most important thing to remember when playing any sport is to look
after your health and safety. Before commencing play, a golfer should
always stretch and take a few minutes to warm up. This means more
oxygen and blood flow to the muscles. Thus the body muscles can bend
and stretch more and the ball can be hit further.
2. Prior to making a practice swing or playing a stroke, the player should
ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the
club, the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs etc. which may be moved by
the stroke or swing.
3. Do not hit the ball until you are sure that players in front are out of
range. Shout ‘fore’ if your ball is likely to land close to other players on
the course.
4. Juniors may not cut in on a hole if there are players playing the previous
5. Respect officials and accept their decision with grace and not a grudge.
This includes the Junior Co-ordinators, Committee Members, Course and
Clubhouse staff.
6. Remember to respect the course. Repair all divots made after you have
taken a shot and any damage on the green caused by the impact of the
ball. Before leaving the bunker always rake the sand after hitting to clear
your footprints.
7. Don’t stand in a place that causes your shadow to be cast across a
player’s putting line and never walk through a player’s putting line.
8. Leave the green as soon as the hole has been completed. Do not mark
your scores on the green, wait until you are at the next tee.
9. While playing, no junior player can leave the course - for example to go
to the shop outside the perimeters of the golf course.
10. Non-members are not permitted as caddies
11. Play quickly and do not hold up any players behind.
12. Juniors who behave badly, whether in the clubhouse or on the course
will be disciplined in accordance with club procedure.
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● Honour is about being truthful to yourself and the rules of a sport. Golf
is a game of honesty, etiquette and maturity. As in all sports, golf should
be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play, respect for others and
should always be played in the right spirit. Be modest in victory and
gracious in defeat. Shake hands after the event, whoever wins -- and
mean it.
● Players are responsible for their own actions and personal conduct on
the golf course. Never throw clubs in anger.
● Respect fellow team members; give them support when things are
going well or badly for them. Respect your opponents; they are not your
enemies as they are fellow competitors in a sporting event. Look for
your opponent’s lost ball.
● Be organised and on time. Don’t turn up late for your tee time
● Keep trolleys off greens and outside bunkers. Trolleys should not be
taken on to the tee boxes.
● Mobile phones are not allowed in the clubhouse or on the golf course.
9 Dress Code:
Denim jeans, singlets, football, rugby, soccer and similar jerseys, hoodies,
cargo pants/combats, tracksuits or leisure suits.
Golf shoes are not permitted in the upstairs bar or dining room nor are golf
hats or caps. Shoes must be worn at all times when in in the bar or dining
room. Tailored denim jeans with no fade or tears are permitted in the
The clubhouse has every facility required for changing into and from golfing
apparel and changing in the car park is not recommended.
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The Galway Golf Club Code of Conduct for Young Players and Parents plus
the Galway Golf Club Junior Safeguarding (Code of Ethics) document are
available on the junior area on the Galway Golf Club website.
We hope these guidelines will assist both juniors and their parents/guardians
in an understanding of any issues pertaining to junior membership. Any further
clarification can be obtained from the Secretary Manager or Junior Committee