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CE /Attot/ CB C S/V/ 2 4 / s 9

B.A./ semester-v (Honours) Examinati on, 20124
(Under cBcS)
(Vide Notification No. CSR/3/tg dated OZ.OS.ZOIS;


Date Honours Course Time

2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Friday, (Full Marks 65)
CC-11 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
10th January,2025
(Fult Marks 50)
2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Friday, (Full Marks 65)
CC-12 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
17th January,2025
(Full Marks 50)

2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Monday, (Full Marks 65)
DSE_A 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
20th January,2025
(Full Marks 50)
2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday, (Full Marks 65)
22"d January,2025 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
(Full Marks 50)

c Practical Examinations will be held in 'away centre'from 04,02.2025 to 1g.02.2025.

o No candidates will be sllowed to appearfor the exsmination without Actmit Card.
o Candidates shall have to appear at the examination in subject/s and paper/s on the scheduled
and time printed in their respective Admit Cards (unless changed die to unavoidable sttuition anA
notiJied in due time).
o The date and time as printed on this progrilmme subject to unovoidoble changes,

Senate House
The I 8tr' December, 2024.
Controller of Examinations
University of Calcutta

q' S{''*

CE / Attot/ CB CS/V/ Z 4/ 9 0

B.A.lB.Sc./ Semester-v (Major) Examination, 2024
(Under CBCS)
(Vide Notification No. CSR/4/18 dated 07.05.2018)

Date Henours Course Time
2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Friday, (Full Marks 65)
CC-11 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
10th January,2025
(Full Marks 50)
2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Friday, (Full Marks 65)
CC-12 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
17th January,2025
(Fult Marks 50)

2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Monday, (FuIl Marks 65)
DSE-A 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
20th January,2025
(Full Marks 50)
2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday, (Full Marks 65)
22"d Jantaryr}}zs 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
(Full Marks 50)

a Practical Examinations will be hetdfrom 04.02.202s to 19.02.2025.

a No candidates will be allowed to appearfor the examination without Admit Card,
o Condidates shall have to oppear at the examinution in subject/s and paper/s on the schecluled
and time printed in their respective Admit Curds (unless changed die-to unavoidable situation
notiJied in due time).
The date and time as printed on this programme subject to unavoidable changes.

Senate House
(Dr. Jayanta Sinha)
Kolkata Controller of Examinations
The 1 8tr' December, 2024. University of Calcutta


B.A./B-sc. semester-v (Generar) Examination,
(Under cBcS)
(vide Notification No. csR/3/r8 dared

Saturday, LCC-I(2) ENGC

1lth January,zozs (For the B.A. General Candidates only) 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 p.M.
17tn January,202s 10:00 A.M. to t:00 p.M.

DSE - 2A,3A
10:00 a.m. to l:00 m. (FulI Marks 65
l't Half
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon (full MartsJ0)
2.00 P.M. to 5.00 p.M. (Futt Marks 65)
2.00 P.M. to 4.00 p.M. (Fuil Marks 50)

Date Subject (l't Hatf)

Subject (2"d Half)
I rnysrcs, Lootogy, Home Science Extension Human Development, An"i"nt
Tuesday, Education, Social Science, Film Studies, -
2l't January,2O2S I Physical Education, Human Rights, Indian and World History, Islamic
I Russian, History & Culture, Mathematics,
Women Studies, Education
Environmental Science, History
rrruturuBy, Iretense Stuclles,
Monday, -vrrvuu.rr J,
Music, Household Art, pali, Arabic, peisian, Botany, Economics, Food &
27th January,ZO2S
Geography, tvtotecuta. niotogy,-
Psychology, philosophy,

29rh January ,ZOZS Geology, Political Science, Electronics I

Microbiology, Journalism & Mass
Friday, Anthropology, Compute, Bciencel
3l't January r20Zs Statistics, Physiology, English I Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, French,
a Pructical Examinations wiil be hetd by coilegesfrom
04.02.202s to 18.02.2025,
No candidates wilr be ailowed to appearfor the
examination without Arrmit
a Candidatesshallhavetoappearattheexlmiyat!oninsubject/sandpaperh2nthe@
their respecii'e Admit cards (antess
'#i;;':'in "nrngla
duin unsvoidabte situ7tion and notified in
o The date and time as printed on this programme
sabject to unavoidubre changes. ,
^ ,0--c-

SenateHouse #<^r**
The lgth
University of Calcutta
CE/Attot/ CB cS/V/ 2 4/ e 2

UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA semester-v (Hons. & General) Examination, 2024
(Under CBCS)
(Vide Notification No. CSR/10/18 dated 30.05.2018)


Papers with Non-MCQ Time

Full Marks of more than 50 From l0:00 A.M. to l:00 P.M.
Full Marks of up to 50 From 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon

Friday, (cc s.1 Ch for Hons.) (CC 5.1 Cg for General) (80 Marks)
10th January,2025
Auditing & Assurance

(CC 5.2 Ch for Hons.) (80 Marks) (Non- MCe)

Taxation II

Monday, (DSE 5.1 for General only) (80 Marks) (Non-MCe)

20th January,2025 Taxation II
Consumer Behaviour and Sales Management
Public Finance and Taxation
Fundamentals of Computer

(DSE 5.1 for Hons. only) (Non-MCe)

Wednesday, Macroeconomics (Module I) (40 Marks)
22"d January,2025
Consumer Behaviour and Sales Management (for Hons.) (g0 Marks)
Public Finance and Taxation (for Hons.) (g0 Marks)
Fundamentals of Computer (for Hons.) (80 Marks)
Tuesday, (DSE 5.1 for Hons.) (Module II) (40 Marks) (Non-MCe)
28th January,2025 Advanced Business Mathematics
(DSE 5.2 for Hons. & General) (80 Marks) (Non-MCe)
Thursday, Corporate Accounting
30th January,2025
Product & Pricing Management and Marketing Communication
Direct Tax : Laws and Practices
DBMS and System Analysis & Desisn

o No candidotes will be allowed to appearfor the examination without Atlmit Curd.

o Candidates shall have to oppear at the examination in subject/s and paper/s on the schedulecl dfite/s
und time printed in their respective Admit Cards (unless changetl flue to unavoidable titiutioo anl
notfud in due time).
o The clate and time as printed on this programme sabject to unavoicluble changes.
pg ' -

SenateHouse '
(Dr. Jayanta Sinira)
Kolkata controller of Examinations
The lStr'December,21}4. University of Calcutta
fx.P$e Lt

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