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Updated August 13, 2024

U.S. Army’s Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense

(M-SHORAD) System
Background Figure 1. M-SHORAD Increment I
The Army is developing a new maneuver short-range air
defense system, or M-SHORAD, to perform short-range air
defense (SHORAD). The Army defines SHORAD as
capabilities that provide air defense against low-altitude air
threats. In the early 2000s, the Army divested SHORAD
units from Army force structure to free up personnel to
create other types of units deemed more mission-critical at
the time. After 2005, SHORAD force structure was reduced
to two battalions of Active Component Avenger systems
and Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM)
batteries and seven Army National Guard Avenger Source: https://www.leonardodrs.com/what-we-do/products-and-
battalions. services/m-shorad/.
Since 2005, there has been a dramatic increase in air and M-SHORAD Increment 1
missile platforms that could threaten U.S. ground forces. M-SHORAD Increment 1 (Figure 1) was developed under
The use of unmanned aerial systems (UASs) has increased the Other Transaction Authority contracting process. M-
exponentially and UASs have been used successfully in a SHORAD uses the M-1126 Stryker combat vehicle as its
variety of conflicts, including the current Ukrainian chassis. The weapons and radar packages are configured by
conflict. Given the increase in threat and limited air defense Leonardo DRS and then installed on the Stryker by General
assets available to Army divisions, the Army decided to Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), the vehicle’s original
improve the air defense posture of its maneuver forces. manufacturer. Leonardo DRS reports the multipurpose
M-SHORAD Requirement unmanned turret includes
In response to the growing aerial threat, the Army originally • two AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire missiles capable of
planned to field 144 M-SHORAD Increment 1 systems to hitting ground targets;
four battalions and could field additional battalions in the
future. Each M-SHORAD battalion would consist of 40 M- • four FIM-92 Stinger missiles for aerial targets in a
SHORAD systems, support vehicles and equipment, and launcher (configured by Raytheon);
about 550 soldiers. In April 2021, the 5th Battalion, 4th Air • an XM914 30 mm automatic cannon;
Defense Artillery Regiment received the first four of its M-
SHORAD systems, becoming fully equipped in late 2022. • an M-240 7.62 mm machine gun; and
In addition to the 144 systems designated for operational • a multi-mission radar capable of tracking both ground
units, the Army planned to procure 18 additional systems and air targets.
for training, operational spares, and testing, for a total of
162 systems. Reportedly, as of June 2024, the Army Prohibition on Hellfire Missile Use on M-SHORAD
envisions building about 312 M-SHORAD systems but that Increment 1
number could increase to as many as 361 “based on future Reportedly, the Army is planning to replace the Longbow
Army decisions,” but, at present, the Army only has Hellfire missile launcher on M-SHORAD Increment 1
approval for 162 systems. vehicles because the Hellfire mounted on the side of the
vehicle “created wear and tear on the missile, leading to
M-SHORAD Variants/Increments potential safety concerns.” The Army reportedly plans to
Initially, there were three M-SHORAD variants, or retrofit M-SHORAD vehicles “by swapping out the Hellfire
“Increments,” planned by the Army. launcher and for a second Stinger pod,” which would give
the modified vehicles eight total FIM-92 Stinger rounds.
M-SHORAD Increment 2
M-SHORAD Increment 2 is also referred to as DE
(Directed Energy) M-SHORAD and incorporates a 50
kilowatt (kW) laser as its primary armament to defend
against a variety of air and artillery threats. Efforts to
develop the 50 kW laser began in 2019 and, in 2021,
Raytheon was awarded a $123 million developmental
contract after a competitive shoot-off against Northrop
Grumman. The Army reports additional testing of the 50

U.S. Army’s Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) System

kW laser has enjoyed success against a variety of drones, M-SHORAD battalions—the 5th Battalion, 4th Defense
but according to Army program officials, “challenges Artillery in Germany and the 4th Battalion, 60th Air Defense
remain” in terms of defending against rockets, artillery, and Artillery at Fort Sill, OK—Army officials reportedly noted
mortars. Army plans called for M-SHORAD Increment 2 to that the Army is currently in the process of fielding to the
start a user assessment beginning in the fourth quarter of 6th Battalion, 56th Air Defense Artillery at Fort Cavazos,
FY2023, running through the first quarter of FY2024. TX, and plans to activate a fourth M-SHORAD battalion at
Reportedly, the Army now plans to choose a few designs Fort Liberty, NC in the third quarter of FY2025.
from an existing group of vendors to compete to develop
what it calls its Enduring High Energy Laser (HEL) system
FY2025 Budgetary Information
for short-range air defense in early 2025. The Army plans Table 1. FY2025 M-SHORAD Budget Request
to fund teams through design and development and then Procurement RDT&E
select a winner to build an enduring HEL in the first quarter ($M) ($M) Quantity
of FY2026. M-SHORAD $69.091 — —
Soldier Observations on DE M-SHORAD Deployed Increment 1
to the Middle East for Testing M-SHORAD — $88.480 —
Reportedly, according to Army officials, in February 2024 Increment2
the Army deployed four Stryker-mounted 50 kW laser M- M-SHORAD — $204.880 —
SHORAD prototypes to the Middle East for soldiers to test Increment 3
the system’s performance against aerial threats. Initial Sources: Procurement: Department of Defense Fiscal Year (FY)
soldier feedback was characterized as “not overwhelmingly 2025 Budget Estimates, March 2024, Army Justification Book, Volume 1 of
positive,” with officials suggesting “results from the lab 1 Missile Procurement, Army. RDT&E: Department of Defense Fiscal
environment and test ranges are very different from the Year (FY) 2025 Budget Estimates, March 2024, Army Justification Book
tactical environment.” Volume 2b of 2 Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, Army RDT&E
− Volume II, Budget Activity 4B.
M-SHORAD Increment 3
The Army reportedly plans for M-SHORAD Increment 3 to Notes: $ M = million dollars; RDT&E = Research Development Test
incorporate the FIM-92 Stinger replacement missile—the & Evaluation; Quantity = procurement quantity.
Next Generation Short Range Interceptor—into the Considerations for Congress
Increment 1 system. In addition, these plans call for the Oversight questions Congress could consider include the
Increment 1 30 mm automatic cannons to receive the XM following.
1223 Multi-Mode Proximity Airburst munition (MMPA),
which features a multipurpose munition that can be Lessons Learned from the Russo-Ukraine Conflict
employed against air, ground, and personnel targets. In The ongoing Ukrainian conflict has featured the use of a
March 2023, the Army reportedly selected Lockheed variety of military and commercial UASs employed in both
Martin and Raytheon Technologies to develop competing kinetic and non-kinetic roles. In addition to both fixed and
prototypes of a Next-Generation Short-Range Interceptor. rotary wing air threats, loitering munitions have also been
The Army has indicated it is planning for a technology employed, reportedly with considerable effect. Lessons
demonstration in FY2024, an operational demonstration in learned related to the employment of the aforementioned
FY2026, and a production decision by FY2027. systems may inform current and future development of all
four M-SHORAD Increments. Congress may consider what
Army Issues a Request for Information for efforts have been undertaken by the Army to incorporate
M-SHORAD Increment 4 lessons learned into M-SHORAD design.
On May 8, 2024, the Army issued a request for information
(RFI) for M-SHORAD Increment 4, stating that this 2024 Army Force Structure Transformation
capability is to focus on delivering “air defense capability Initiative and M-SHORAD
to support dismounted maneuver.” M-SHORAD Increment On February 27, 2024, the Army released a white paper,
4 is to include capabilities that can be transported on a C- Army Force Structure Transformation, outlining plans to
130 aircraft and that are air-droppable and sling load transform the force. Regarding M-SHORAD, the Army
capable. It is also to be capable of integration onto stated it would add four additional M-SHORAD battalions.
platforms such as the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)
Reportedly, Army officials noted on June 14, 2024, that the
and/or a robotic vehicle. The Army has requested RFI
four additional battalions would be activated in the Army
responses from industry by July 16, 2024, and that industry
National Guard “assuming they are funded across the
provide solutions that would deliver capabilities in the near
Program Objective Memorandum (POM) between FY2026
term (FY2027 to FY2028), mid term (FY2030 through
and FY2030.” Given the Army’s new transformation plans,
FY2032), and the far term (beyond FY2035).
Congress might seek to clarify the Army’s plans for the
Army Names M-SHORAD Vehicle and four new Army National Guard M-SHORAD battalions
Program Update including the timeline for unit activations and where the
On June 14, 2024, the Army reportedly renamed the units will be stationed.
M-SHORAD the “SGT STOUT” in honor of Sergeant
Mitchell William Stout, an Air Defense Artillery soldier Andrew Feickert, Specialist in Military Ground Forces
who won the Congressional Medal of Honor during the IF12397
Vietnam War. In addition to the Army’s first two

U.S. Army’s Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) System

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https://crsreports.congress.gov | IF12397 · VERSION 16 · UPDATED

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