1. If the local authority decides that the person 6. Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this
does not meet their criteria for needing care in a thing nor that, ---- simply growth; we are happy
care home, they are not obliged to fund them, - when we are growing.
--- little money the person has.. We think there is something outside us, ---- it is
simply a projection of what is inside us.
A) as far as
B) whatever A) so that
C) such a B) whereby
D) however C) but
E) just as D) when
E) so long as
2. Being successful is all about following your
passion ---- that is being a stay at home mom,
the owner of a bakery, or an engineer.. 7. In posterior fossa surgery, the sitting position
offers a number of advantages believed to
outweigh complications ---- air embolism and
A) even so pneumatocephalus..
B) as if
A) as regards
C) unless
B) as far as
D) besides
C) also
E) whether
D) such as
B) while
A) on the contrary
C) only
B) even so
D) until
C) so
E) just as
D) still
A) whether A) so that
B) where B) just as
C) but C) while
D) so D) unless
E) whereas E) in case
5. ---- west and east Germany had achieved political 10. Japan had to review source files for final
reunification relatively painlessly, it has brought reconciliation ---- the one provided by the centre
more economic and social strains between the did not accurately reflect the status of ODS as of
two peoples than many anticipated.. end of year..
A) As long as A) since
C) Only if C) even if
D) After D) unless
E) Although E) whenever
11. Across the 30 blood groups, over 600 different 16. At the annual meeting of American Economic
blood-group antigens have been found, ---- many Association (AEA), one panel will discuss the
of these are very rare, some being found mainly failings of the discipline in light of the financial
in certain ethnic groups.. crisis; another will consider how economics
needs to change ----..
A) so long as
A) from now on
B) before
B) as a consequence
C) whether
C) at most
D) in case
D) instead
E) but
E) sooner
B) Although
A) Even
C) Just as
B) Because
D) If
C) While
E) Whether
D) So
B) although
A) so
C) even if
B) therefore
D) in case
C) since
E) whereby
D) as
B) while A) Lest
D) because C) When
E) whereas D) Until
E) As long as
15. Before machines were invented, work by children
---- by adults was needed in order to provide
enough food, clothing, and shelter for all.. 20. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is ---- crowded
that every park and footpath has been colonized
by the homeless..
A) also
B) so long as A) as
C) as well as B) too
D) both C) more
E) either D) so
E) very
21. ---- the number of drink-drivers caught on 26. Events ---- World War II have produced a sense of
Dunedin roads has dropped by 23%, there is still history as discontinuous: each act, emotion, and
a long way to go.. moment is seen as unique..
A) Until A) since
B) Although B) during
C) However C) until
D) Whether D) before
E) Since E) up to
22. When the people of paradise enter paradise, 27. The ad man doesn’t persuade his customer by
they will abide therein forever and never leave making carefully reasoned arguments, ---- by
it; ----, the people of hell will abide therein subtly deflecting objections, evoking feelings
forever and never leave it.. and impressions..
A) otherwise A) as
B) similarly B) but
D) nevertheless D) more
E) however E) than
23. The disease, which has killed 1,500 ---- it was 28. ---- artists of the Renaissance were inspired by
first recorded in 1976 in what is now Democratic scientific advances at the time, so artists of
Republic of Congo, causes vomiting, diarrhoea today must be fired by science’s probing into
and external bleeding.. outer space, to the origins of our cosmos..
A) although A) In contrast
B) if B) In spite of
C) since C) In case
D) for D) Since
E) when E) Just as
24. People should eat fewer of the foods that cause 29. ---- mutation is regarded as the fundamental
them discomfort, but they must get counselling source of genetic diversity it is not the only
before eliminating any foods ---- this might cause factor that contributes to observed patterns of
you to miss out on some important nutrients.. genetic diversity in human populations..
A) so that A) However
B) despite B) Although
C) until C) Whether
D) as D) Before
E) due to E) Unless
25. Most of us think that the whole point is that 30. Many public goods and services provided by
adding more data improves the algorithm, ---- governments, and for which there is no market
the contrary seems to be true.. price, are excluded ---- they cannot be associated
with a retail price..
A) as if
A) whereas
B) but
B) in case
C) so
C) but
D) moreover
D) instead of
E) since
E) since
31. ---- metals from natural and anthropogenic 36. Intranasal anticholinergics may be useful in
sources accumulate together, it is difficult to patients with nasal secretion as the predominant
determine what proportion in the organism is symptom, ---- nasal decongestants should be
natural and what is anthropogenic.. avoided or limited to ten days..
A) Because of A) while
B) While B) because
C) Since C) unless
D) Despite D) as long as
E) Therefore E) supposing
32. ---- he was aware that aircrafts were not 37. ---- how beautiful your wedding has been, that
permitted to fly below the bridge, Ernie directed will never guarantee a good marriage..
three jet fighters to fly behind the warships
underneath the bridge..
A) So long as
A) If B) No matter
C) So that D) Because of
E) However
38. ---- fiction concerns itself with social reality and
possesses specific humanism, it cannot be
33. ---- the war, many Iraqis who live in Syria prefer considered a significant work of art..
to stay, because they consider the killings in
Baghdad to be more..
A) Because
A) Despite B) Unless
B) Obviously C) When
C) Although D) If
D) Pertaining to E) After
E) Nevertheless
39. ---- no one likes it when they are criticised, there
are some occasions when someone criticising you
34. All indices report a rise in UK house prices over can prove to be extremely motivational..
the past month, ---- the rate of growth looks to
be slowing slightly..
A) If
A) since B) Unless
B) just as C) Although
D) if E) Once
E) which
40. ---- Americans marry at a later age than 50 years
ago, the great majority marry at some point in
35. Little could be done to control the disease, ---- their lives..
there was complete ignorance of the biology of
cancer and the vast majority of the population
exposed to the hazard had poor access to baths.. A) As
B) When
A) since
C) Since
B) so as to
D) Just as
C) when
E) Even though
D) so that
E) unless
41. ---- African nations were conquered by Europeans 46. ---- the new car is able to detect if a driver is not
we were brainwashed and programmed into paying attention or not, it is expected to
working for Europeans interests.. decrease the number of accidents..
A) Just as A) Until
B) If B) Even if
C) Although C) Although
D) Until D) So
E) When E) Since
42. In 2013, Italy declared a state of emergency in 47. All the efforts of society to clean up the pollution
Sardinia ---- a violent storm ravaged the island, will prove to be futile ---- they address the
killing at least 16 people.. original cause of the pollution..
A) once A) if
B) even so B) though
C) even if C) whereas
D) since D) unless
E) as regards E) in that
43. ---- a new drug comes out, it seems the doctors 48. Secure identity is playing an ever more
put everyone on it which isn't covered by most important role in the world ---- the global
insurances.. population grows and becomes increasingly
A) Even if
A) Although
B) Before
B) Until
C) Since
C) If
D) Because
D) Whether
E) Whenever
E) As
B) whether A) if
C) so long as B) so
D) and so C) while
E) if D) unless
E) which
45. ---- the elderly population increases and people
live longer, more people will require help with
aspects of daily living and disease management.. 50. Crime recorded by the police has fallen by 3%, -
--- reported crimes have fallen by 10%..
A) As
A) owing to
B) Though
B) whenever
C) Thus
C) as if
D) Now that
D) even so
E) Even if
E) so as
1 D 41 E
2 E 42 A
3 C 43 E
4 C 44 D
5 E 45 A
6 C 46 E
7 D 47 D
8 C 48 E
9 C 49 B
10 A 50 D
11 E
12 B
13 A
14 B
15 C
16 B
17 C
18 E
19 C
20 D
21 B
22 B
23 C
24 D
25 B
26 A
27 B
28 E
29 B
30 E
31 C
32 B
33 A
34 C
35 A
36 A
37 B
38 B
39 C
40 E