Flowserve Casing Blind Cover
Flowserve Casing Blind Cover
Flowserve Casing Blind Cover
1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY ........................... 3
1.1 General ........................................................ 3
1.2 CE marking and approvals........................... 3
1.3 Disclaimer .................................................... 3
1.4 Copyright...................................................... 3
1.5 Duty conditions ............................................ 3
1.6 Safety ........................................................... 4
1.7 Specific machine performance..................... 5
2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE ............................. 5
2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking ........... 5
2.2 Handling ....................................................... 5
2.3 Lifting............................................................ 6
2.4 Storage......................................................... 6
2.5 Recycling and end of product life................. 6
3 DESCRIPTION ...................................................... 6
3.1 Configurations.............................................. 6
3.2 Nameplate.................................................... 6
3.3 Performance and operation limits ................ 7
4 MAINTENANCE................................................... 10
4.1 Maintenance schedule ............................... 10
4.2 Tools required............................................. 10
4.3 Examination of parts .................................. 10
5 INSTALLATION ................................................... 11
5.1 Pump Power End Removal........................ 11
5.2 Casing Blind Cover Installation .................. 11
6 REMOVAL ........................................................... 11
7 PARTS LIST AND DRAWINGS........................... 12
8 CERTIFICATION ................................................. 13
MANUALS .......................................................... 13
9.1 Supplementary User Instructions............... 13
9.2 Change notes............................................. 13
9.3 Additional sources of information............... 13
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1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY Where applicable, the Directives and any additional
Approvals, cover important safety aspects relating to
1.1 General machinery and equipment and the satisfactory provision
of technical documents and safety instructions. Where
These instructions must always be kept applicable this document incorporates information
close to the product's operating location or relevant to these Directives and Approvals.
directly with the product.
To confirm the Approvals applying and if the product is
Flowserve products are designed, developed and CE marked, check the serial number plate markings
manufactured with state-of-the-art technologies in and the Certification. (See section 7, Certification.)
modern facilities. The unit is produced with great
care and commitment to continuous quality control, 1.3 Disclaimer
utilizing sophisticated quality techniques, and safety
requirements. Information in these User Instructions is believed
to be reliable. In spite of all the efforts of
Flowserve is committed to continuous quality Flowserve to provide sound and all necessary
improvement and being at your service for any further information the content of this manual may appear
information about the product in its installation and insufficient and is not guaranteed by Flowserve as
operation or about its support products, repair and to its completeness or accuracy.
diagnostic services.
Flowserve manufactures products to exacting
These instructions are intended to facilitate International Quality Management System Standards
familiarization with the product and its permitted use. as certified and audited by external Quality
Operating the product in compliance with these Assurance organizations. Genuine parts and
instructions is important to help ensure reliability in accessories have been designed, tested and
service and avoid risks. The instructions may not incorporated into the products to help ensure their
take into account local regulations; ensure such continued product quality and performance in use.
regulations are observed by all, including those As Flowserve cannot test parts and accessories
installing the product. Always coordinate repair sourced from other vendors the incorrect
activity with operations personnel, and follow all plant incorporation of such parts and accessories may
safety requirements and applicable safety and health adversely affect the performance and safety features
laws/regulations. of the products. The failure to properly select, install
or use authorized Flowserve parts and accessories is
These instructions provide information relative to the considered to be misuse. Damage or failure caused
Casing Blind Covers only. These instructions must by misuse is not covered by the Flowserve warranty.
be used in conjunction with the manuals provided In addition, any modification of Flowserve products or
with the pump. removal of original components may impair the safety
of these products in their use.
These instructions must be read prior to
installing, operating, using and maintaining the 1.4 Copyright
equipment in any region worldwide. These All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may
supplemental instructions must be used in be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
conjunction with the pump user instruction transmitted in any form or by any means without prior
manual. The equipment must not be put into permission of Flowserve.
service until all the conditions relating to safety
noted in the instructions, have been met. 1.5 Duty conditions
This product has been selected to meet the
1.2 CE marking and approvals specifications of your purchaser order. The
It is a legal requirement that machinery and equipment acknowledgement of these conditions has been sent
put into service within certain regions of the world shall separately to the Purchaser. A copy should be kept
conform with the applicable CE Marking Directives with these instructions.
covering Machinery and, where applicable, Low Voltage
Equipment, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC),
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) and Equipment for
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX).
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The product must not be operated beyond This sign is not a safety symbol but indicates
the parameters specified for the application. If an important instruction in the assembly process.
there is any doubt as to the suitability of the
product for the application intended, contact 1.6.2 Personnel qualification and training
Flowserve for advice. All personnel involved in the operation, installation,
inspection and maintenance of the unit must be
The blind cover has been provided with a qualified to carry out the work involved. If the
standard gasket material which may not be personnel in question do not already possess the
appropriate for your service. Please ensure necessary knowledge and skill, appropriate training
material compatibility before installation. and instruction must be provided. If required the
operator may commission the manufacturer/supplier
Cover plate material compatibility is the to provide applicable training.
responsibility of the end user.
Always coordinate repair activity with operations and
If the conditions of service on your purchase order are health and safety personnel, and follow all plant
going to be changed (for example liquid pumped, safety requirements and applicable safety and health
temperature or duty) it is requested that the user seeks laws and regulations.
the written agreement of Flowserve before start up.
1.6.3 Safety action
1.6 Safety This is a summary of conditions and actions to
help prevent injury to personnel and damage to
1.6.1 Summary of safety markings the environment and to equipment. For products
These User Instructions contain specific safety used in potentially explosive atmospheres
markings where non-observance of an instruction would section 1.6.4 also applies.
cause hazards. The specific safety markings are:
This symbol indicates safety instructions where DRAIN THE PUMP AND ISOLATE PIPEWORK
non-compliance would affect personal safety and BEFORE DISMANTLING THE PUMP
could result in loss of life. The appropriate safety precautions should be taken
where the pumped liquids are hazardous.
This symbol indicates “hazardous and toxic fluid”
safety instructions where non-compliance would affect FLUOROELASTOMERS (When fitted.)
personal safety and could result in loss of life. When a pump has experienced temperatures over
250 ºC (482 ºF), partial decomposition of
This symbol indicates safety fluoroelastomers (example: Viton) will occur. In this
instructions where non-compliance will involve some condition these are extremely dangerous and skin
risk to safe operation and personal safety and would contact must be avoided.
damage the equipment or property.
This symbol indicates explosive atmosphere Many precision parts have sharp corners and the
zone marking according to ATEX. It is used in safety wearing of appropriate safety gloves and equipment
instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous is required when handling these components. To lift
area would cause the risk of an explosion. heavy pieces above 25 kg (55 lb) use a crane
appropriate for the mass and in accordance with
current local regulations.
This symbol is used in safety instructions to
remind not to rub non-metallic surfaces with a dry NEVER OPERATE THE PUMP WITHOUT THE
cloth; ensure the cloth is damp. It is used in safety COUPLING GUARD AND ALL OTHER SAFETY
instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous DEVICES CORRECTLY INSTALLED
area would cause the risk of an explosion.
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Rapid changes in the temperature of the liquid within Refer to the instruction manual provided
the pump can cause thermal shock, which can result with the pump for more information.
in damage or breakage of components and should be
avoided. Maintenance of the centrifugal pump to
avoid a hazard
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2.4.2 Long term storage and packaging The casing blind cover nameplate, at a minimum will
Long term storage is defined as more than six contain the following information:
months, but less than 12 months. The procedure Model – Description of pump model and size
Flowserve follows for long term storage of pumps is MDP - Maximum design pressure at 38˚C(100˚F)
given below. These procedures are in addition to the Material – Flowserve Material Code. See section 3.2
short term procedure.
Each assembly is hermetically (heat) sealed from
the atmosphere by means of tack wrap sheeting
and rubber bushings (mounting holes)
Desiccant bags are placed inside the tack
wrapped packaging
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3.3 Performance and operation limits 3.3.1 Alloy cross reference chart
This product has been selected to meet the Figure 3-2 is the Alloy cross-reference chart for
specification of your purchase order. See section 1.5. Flowserve ASME (ANSI) pumps.
Figure 3-3 is the Alloy cross reference chart for
The following data is included as additional information wrought casing blind covers.
to help with your installation. It is typical, and factors
such as liquid being pumped, temperature, material of 3.3.2 Pressure-temperature ratings
construction, and seal type may influence this data. If The pressure–temperature (P-T) ratings for blind
required, a definitive statement for your application can covers are shown in figure 3-4. Determine the
be obtained from Flowserve. appropriate cover “Material Group No.” in Figure 3-2.
Interpolation may be used to find the pressure rating
for a specific temperature.
The following provides pressure-
temperature ratings for the blind covers only. Example:
The lowest rating of all parts connected to the The pressure temperature rating for a Mark 3 GP2
casing must be used. Consult the user blind cover, 316 construction, with an operating
instructions provided with the pump. temperature of 149˚C is found as follows:
a) From Figure 3-2, the correct material group is 2.2
Cover plate material compatibility is b) From Figure 3-4C, the pressure-temperature
the responsibility of the end user. rating is 21.5 bar.
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Figure 3-4D Durco Mark 3 Group2-13” Lo-Flo Pumps with Class 300 Flanges
Material Group No.
Temp 1.0 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.8 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.8 3.17 Ti
˚C bar
-73 31.0 31.0 31.0 17.4 24.1 27.6 31.0 31.0 24.1 31.0
-29 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 17.4 24.1 27.6 31.0 31.0 24.1 31.0
-18 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 17.4 24.1 27.6 31.0 31.0 24.1 31.0
38 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 17.4 24.1 27.6 31.0 31.0 24.1 31.0
93 29.1 28.3 25.9 26.7 29.8 17.4 21.3 26.1 31.0 31.0 20.9 27.5
149 27.4 27.5 23.3 24.1 27.5 17.4 19.9 24.4 30.2 30.2 18.7 24.0
204 25.5 26.6 21.3 22.2 25.4 17.4 19.3 22.7 29.2 29.2 16.9 20.5
260 24.0 25.2 19.7 20.7 23.8 17.4 19.1 22.1 27.5 27.5 15.7 17.0
316 22.5 23.1 18.7 19.4 23.0 17.4 19.1 21.9 25.0 25.0 14.5 13.4
343 21.8 22.4 18.5 19.2 19.1 21.8 24.4 24.4 11.7
371 22.4 18.3 18.5 19.1 21.6 23.6 23.6 9.9
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Lock out power to driver to prevent
personal injury.
5.1 Pump Power End Removal b) Close the discharge and suction valves, and
drain all liquid from the pump.
Remove the power end according to c) Close all valves on auxiliary equipment and
the user instruction provided with the pump. piping, then disconnect all auxiliary piping.
d) Decontaminate the pump as necessary.
a) Before performing any maintenance, disconnect the
driver from its power supply and lock it off line. If Flowserve pumps contain
dangerous chemicals, it is important to follow
Lock out power to driver to prevent plant safety guidelines to avoid personal injury or
personal injury. death.
b) Close the discharge and suction valves, and e) Support the cover [1220] with appropriate
drain all liquid from the pump. equipment.
c) Close all valves on auxiliary equipment and f) Remove casing fasteners [6580.1]. On GP1 In-
piping, then disconnect all auxiliary piping. Line pumps the studs [6572.1] must be removed.
d) Decontaminate the pump as necessary. g) Move the cover away from the casing.
h) Discard the casing/cover gasket [4590.1].
If Flowserve pumps contain
dangerous chemicals, it is important to follow The cover assembly is heavy. It is
plant safety guidelines to avoid personal injury or important to follow plant safety guidelines when
death. lifting it.
e) Remove casing fasteners [6580.1]. On GP1 In-
Line pumps the studs [6572.1] must be removed.
f) Remove the fasteners holding the bearing
housing foot to the baseplate (not applicable on
In-Line pumps).
g) Move the power end, rear cover, and seal chamber
assembly away from the casing. On In-Line pumps
the simplest method of power end removal is to first
remove the motor and motor adapter with a crane.
However this is often not practical and the power
end must be removed by hand
h) Discard the casing/cover gasket [4590.1].
a) Before performing any maintenance, disconnect the
driver from its power supply and lock it off line.
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Certificates, determined from the contract American National Standard for Centrifugal Pumps
requirements are provided with these instructions for Nomenclature, Definitions, Design and Application
where applicable. Examples are certificates for CE (ANSI/HI 1.1-1.3)
marking and ATEX marking etc. If required, copies of Hydraulic Institute, 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany,
other certificates sent separately to the Purchaser New Jersey 07054-3802.
should be obtained from Purchaser for retention with
these User Instructions. American National Standard for Vertical Pumps for
Nomenclature, Definitions, Design and Application
(ANSI/HI 2.1-2.3)
9 OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION Hydraulic Institute, 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany,
AND MANUALS New Jersey 07054-3802.
9.1 Supplementary User Instructions American National Standard for Centrifugal Pumps for
Supplementary instructions such as for a driver, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (ANSI/HI 1.4)
instrumentation, controller, seals, sealant systems etc Hydraulic Institute, 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany,
are provided as separate documents in their original New Jersey 07054-3802.
format. If further copies of these are required they
should be obtained from the supplier for retention Flowserve Durco Pump Parts Catalog.
with these User Instructions.
Flowserve Mark 3 Sales Bulletin.
9.2 Change notes
If any changes, agreed with Flowserve Pump Flowserve Mark 3 Technical Bulletin (P-10-501).
Division, are made to the product after it is supplied,
a record of the details should be maintained with RESP73H Application of ASME B73.1M-1991,
these User Instructions. Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal
Pumps for Chemical Process, Process Industries
9.3 Additional sources of information Practices
The following are excellent sources for additional Construction Industry Institute, The University of
information on Flowserve Mark 3 pumps, and Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300,
centrifugal pumps in general. Austin, Texas 78705.
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Asia Pacific
Flowserve Pte. Ltd
To find your local Flowserve representative please 10 Tuas Loop
use the Sales Support Locator System found at Singapore 637345
www.flowserve.com Telephone 65 6771 1600
Fax 65 6779 4607