Bài Tập 1_ Tpr and Tbl (1)
Bài Tập 1_ Tpr and Tbl (1)
Bài Tập 1_ Tpr and Tbl (1)
Task 1: Watch the following videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkMQXFOqyQA and answer the questions:
1. What new items (vocabulary/ grammar/chunks/ patterns) are taught in the lesson?
2. How many times does the teacher repeat them? Why does he repeat them many times?
3. How does the teacher help students understand their meanings?
4. How do the students show the teacher that they understand their meanings?
5. Does the teacher ask students to pronounce those words/ chunks?
6. Do students say the chunks? If yes, when? Does the teacher give corrective feedback if the students make pronunciation
7. Does the teacher write new words/ chunks on the board?
8. Does the lesson focus on speaking, writing, listening or reading?
Task 2: Watch the following videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mk6RRf4kKs&t=2s and answer the questions:
1. How does the teacher teach the meaning of the words (plane, car, teddy, doll) at the pre-teaching stage?
2. Does the teacher ask the learners to repeat the words orally after he says them?
3. How does the teacher teach the following phrases: fly the plane, drive your car, hug your teddy, kiss your doll?
4. How does the teacher know the learners understand the meaning of those chunks?
5. What do you think about the order of the chunks taught? (which chunk is introduced first, which is introduced next …. and
does the teacher keep or change the order at any phase of the lesson?)
6. How many phases are there in the lesson? What does the teacher and learners do in each phase? Complete the following table.
1.What does the teacher do at step 1? If the teacher summarizes students’ answers on the board, which words would students
write? Why?
The teacher initiates a discussion with students about birthday-related topics, encourages participation, and asks questions to engage
them in the theme of the lesson. The teacher can summarize the answers on the board to capture key vocabulary or ideas mentioned by
the students, such as:
Food/Drinks (e.g., soda, pizza, chips)
Students would write these words to reinforce vocabulary related to the lesson theme and provide a shared language resource
for subsequent tasks.
2. What language items (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary) do students need in steps 3, 4, and 5?
3 Does the teacher teach those language items before students do the task at step 3, 4, 6?
No. This lesson follows a Task-Based Learning (TBL) approach where students first engage in the task (steps 3, 4) and later focus on
language form and accuracy (step 7). The teacher introduces and clarifies language items after observing their needs during the task.
7 Does the lesson focus on learning language items (grammar, vocabulary) or completing a task in which the target language
items are used?
The primary focus is on completing a meaningful task (choosing party items). However, this task inherently uses target language
items, which are later reviewed and consolidated in the post-task stage (step 7).
8 What do you think about the possibility of students making mistakes while completing the task?
Mistakes are very likely as students experiment with the target language without prior explicit instruction. However, these mistakes
provide valuable learning opportunities and guide the teacher’s post-task feedback.
9 What difficulties may students and the teacher have in this lesson?
Students: Limited vocabulary may restrict their ability to participate actively. They might struggle with pronunciation or
grammar related to countable/uncountable nouns or prices.
Teacher: Managing diverse student language needs during the task and balancing the focus on fluency and accuracy could be
challenging. Ensuring all groups remain on task while preparing to provide meaningful feedback is also demanding.
10 Compare between the task at step 3,4,6 and the task below. Which one focuses on form? Which one focuses on meaning?
Which is more meaningful? Which allows students to use their own language resources?
Comparison between the Task at Steps 3, 4, 6 and the "Going Shopping" Task:
The steps 3, 4, and 6 task focuses on meaning, is more meaningful, and allows for greater use of students’ own language resources,
while the "Going Shopping" task is more form-focused and structured.
Activity 1:
1. oranges
2. eggs
3. flour
4. powdered milk
5. biscuits
6. jam
1. bread
2. salt
3. apples
4. tins of fish
5. coca cola
6. flour ✅
7. rice
8. sugar
9. curry powder
10. biscuits ✅
11. powdered milk ✅
12. dried beans
Matching Items:
powdered milk
Final Answer:
Salt and Pepper
Fast Food
Activity 3:
Have your students sit in pairs, preferably face to face. Distribute the handouts, “A” to one student in the pair, and “B” to the other. Tell them not
to look at each other’s handout. Instead, they carefully describe their picture to their partner. Tell them that there are eight differences they must
find and that they have only fifteen minutes to find them. After the allotted time has passed, elicit all the eight differences from your students. (15
– 20 minutes)
Activity 4:
1. Bill
2. Chef
3. Customers
4. Home Delivery
5. Meal
6. Menu
7. Order
Activity 5:
True/False Questions