Environmental Risk Assessment Form
Environmental Risk Assessment Form
Environmental Risk Assessment Form
1. Desk study: Review drawings, understand nature of project, the construction and / or operation processes, their aspects and their potential effects. Note
existing features, e.g. current occupation, geography especially drainage, infrastructure and surrounding built environment. Check for existence of designated
sites, heritage features, e.g. ancient monuments.
2. Site visit: Identify potential receptors of environmental harm or damage and assess the significance of construction and / or operational effects on them.
Effects are significant if they have the potential to cause damage
particularly in regard to pollution of controlled waters
harm or damage resulting in costs to remedy
complaint from any stakeholder including the general public
4. Mitigation Measures: Identify the measures required to minimize construction and / or operational effects and where baseline and construction and / or
operational stage surveys should be carried out.
WATER AND EFFLUENTS Land, water contamination & Compliance with foul water discharge 1 x 3:
Existing drainage and effects of health concerns due to inadequate directives ; adequate management of
construction and / or operation. YES √ √ √ discharge of foul sewage. 3 3 9 septic tank.
Site water disposal, dewatering Land contamination and poor Provide designated concrete wash out 3
activities. visual appearance caused by area for construction activities.
undesignated concrete wash out Control dewatering; use adequate
COSHH controls. area. designed settlement tank and monitor
Water contamination/ water discharge.
pollution and loss of aquatic life
due to settlement tank not Follow IKK EMP and clients EMP
available or poorly maintained.
MATERIALS AND FUELS, Land contamination due to poorly Adequate storage of oil/fuel; 1 x 3:
OILS AND COSHH STORAGE stored liquid material. Appropriate spill response equipment.
Material and fuels supply with YES √ √ √ Land /water contamination in 3 3 9 High standard of housekeeping including
potential for pollution and /or surface water and site drainage. Waste Management. COSHH and MSDS 3
substitution. Land/water contamination due to Training given to personnel.
lack of spill response equipment.
Land/water contamination due to Follow IKK EMP and clients EMP
poor housekeeping
Designated sites, existing flora
and fauna, noxious weeds. NA N/A N/A
Listed sites and structures,
PLANT & EQUIPMENT Water, land, air contamination due Keep machinery adequately maintained, 1 x 3:
Traffic movements, setting, site YES √ √ to leakage of oil or fuel containers; 3 3 9 fit for purpose and in safe condition;
access, pedestrians, parking √ heavy black CO2 emissions. regular monitoring. 3
RESOURCES AND ENERGY Wastage of energy/resource Record energy consumption on site and 1 x 2:
USE YES √ √ √ consumption causing increased provide means of saving energy.
Scope for reductions and cost, Air pollution and increased 3 2 6 Follow IKK EMP and clients EMP 2
efficiencies CO2 emissions.
COMMUNITY RELATIONS , Environmental concern having Notify and communicate to KSA ENV 1 x 3:
etc. one of the above mentioned department of any ENV concern that
Proximity to housing, schools, YES √ √ √ potential effects. are directly/indirectly affecting the
hospitals, parks, delicate contractor / operator .
installations etc. site security, 3 3 9 Coordination with other stakeholders 3
community involvement.
Follow IKK EMP and clients EMP
Other aspects
Signature of Contractor and / or Operational HSE Manager Accepted by Client and / or Env Department