rbesartan is a long-acting angiotensin II receptor irbesartan may offer potential advantages in safety
blocker (ARB) that is highly selective for the AT1 and tolerability over other classes of antihypertensive
receptor subtype.1 Once-daily administration of agents.
irbesartan has dose-dependent antihypertensive Irbesartan in combination with hydrochlorothiazide
effects.2– 6 Because of its specific mechanism of action, (HCTZ)7,8 is safe and effective in reducing blood pres-
sure (BP) in patients with hypertension. The combina-
tion of the two drugs significantly reduces BP in pa-
Received April 17, 1998. Accepted December 30, 1998. tients not controlled by irbesartan5 or HCTZ alone.8
From the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin (MK); Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (RG); and Hydrochlorothiazide is a commonly used diuretic
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Princeton, in the treatment of hypertension.9 However, long-term
New Jersey (JT, KK-T, RAR). diuretic use is associated with dose-related hypokale-
This study was sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuti-
cal Research Institute, Princeton, New Jersey. mia, glucose intolerance, and increases in serum low-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Mahendr S. Ko- density-lipoprotein cholesterol and uric acid levels.9,10
char, MD, Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, The Medical
College of Wisconsin, 5000 West National Avenue (14A), Milwau- Combination with another antihypertensive agent,
kee, WI 53295; e-mail: [email protected] however, allows lower doses of HCTZ to be used, and
Irbesartan Dose
may blunt the adverse metabolic effects associated fying patients were then randomized to one of 16
with diuretic use.11 double-blind treatment groups (Table 1). All patients
This trial used a 4 ⫻ 4 factorial or “matrix” design. were instructed to take three capsules (irbesartan or
Study Design This randomized, double-blind, pla- Statistical Methods All statistical tests were two-
cebo-controlled study was conducted at 46 sites in the sided and carried out at a significance level of ␣ ⫽
United States. During a 4- to 5-week lead-in period, 0.05.
patients took single-blind placebo (three capsules and Demographic and Baseline Characteristics Quanti-
one tablet) once daily. To be eligible for randomiza- tative data were analyzed using a one-way analysis of
tion, patients had to have a mean SeDBP at both variance (ANOVA) with treatment group as the factor.
Weeks 3 and 4 between 95 and 110 mm Hg (readings Qualitative data were assessed using a 2 test.
could not differ by ⬎ 8 mm Hg) and demonstrate
good compliance (80% to 120% of expected medica- Sample Size Determination Forty subjects in each
tion consumption). If patients did not meet the BP of the 16 treatment groups provided a 95% confidence
entry criteria at Week 4, an optional visit was permit- that for any dose combination, the mean SeDBP re-
ted at Week 5 and the mean SeDBP values at Weeks 4 duction after 8 weeks of therapy would be estimated
and 5 were then used to determine eligibility. Quali- to within 1.3 mm Hg of the true mean.
Efficacy Analyses of efficacy assessments included (Figure 1). The response surface model of predicted
data for all patients who had a baseline evaluation and change from baseline to Week 8 in SeDBP shows an
at least one on-therapy evaluation. The primary effi- additive relationship with irbesartan and HCTZ (Fig-
cacy variable was the mean change from baseline in ure 2). For irbesartan doses up to 300 mg, the pre-
trough SeDBP at Week 8. Changes in SeDBP and dicted reductions increased linearly with increasing
SeSBP were analyzed using both a response surface doses of HCTZ. For doses of HCTZ up to 25 mg,
model and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). A inclusion of a quadratic term characterized the reduc-
global test procedure12 was performed to determine tion in SeDBP with increasing doses of irbesartan such
whether at least one combination of irbesartan/HCTZ that, at doses approaching 300 mg, the effects of irbe-
was more effective than each of its components. No sartan appeared to reach a plateau. The global test
tests were performed to compare specific pairs of procedure12 showed that there was at least one com-
treatment, as it was not an objective of the study. bination treatment that produced significantly larger
reductions in trough SeDBP than either component
Demographic and Baseline Characteristics There Trough:Peak Ratios Peak reductions in SeDBP oc-
were no significant differences between the treatment curred between 2 and 5 h postdose for all treatment
groups in baseline BP or demographic characteristics groups. For the 100 mg and 300 mg irbesartan mono-
(all P ⬎ .3). Sixty-five percent of the patients were therapy groups, the placebo-adjusted trough:peak
male, 85% were white, and the mean (⫾ SD) age was ratios for SeDBP at Week 8 were 63% and 55%, re-
55 ⫾10.5 years. Mean seated BP at baseline was 151/ spectively. For the 12.5 mg and 25 mg HCTZ mono-
100 ⫾ 14.7/4.2 mm Hg. therapy groups, the trough:peak ratios were 60% and
92%, respectively. Trough:peak ratios for the irbesar-
Changes in Trough Seated and Standing Blood Pres- tan/HCTZ combination treatment groups ranged
sures and Heart Rate At Week 8, dose-related reduc- from 55% for the 37.5 mg irbesartan/6.25 mg HCTZ
tions in trough SeDBP were observed with increasing group to 81% for the 300 mg irbesartan/6.25 mg
doses of irbesartan alone, with increasing doses of HCTZ group.
HCTZ alone, and with increasing doses of the combi-
nation of irbesartan with HCTZ (Figure 1 and Table 2). Subgroup Analyses Except for a larger placebo BP
This pattern was also observed at Weeks 2, 4, and 6 response in elderly patients (ⱖ 65 years old) and
800 KOCHAR ET AL AJH–AUGUST 1999 –VOL. 12, NO. 8, PART 1
FIGURE 1. Mean changes from baseline in trough seated diastolic blood pressure with irbesartan (Irbe) and hydrochlorothiazide
(HCTZ) at Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8.
Placebo N ⫽ 38 N ⫽ 40 N ⫽ 36 N ⫽ 43
⫺2.3 (10.3)/⫺3.5 (6.3) ⫺7.5 (10.5)/⫺7.1 (6.7) ⫺11.1 (12.5)/⫺9.1 (8.9) ⫺14.9 (9.5)/⫺10.2 (5.8)
6.25 mg N ⫽ 39 N ⫽ 39 N ⫽ 41 N ⫽ 38
⫺4.6 (10.1)/⫺5.1 (6.9) ⫺10.2 (10.7)/⫺8.1 (7.7) ⫺11.9 (10.4)/⫺10.0 (6.7) ⫺17.2 (12.6)/⫺13.2 (6.2)
12.5 mg N ⫽ 39 N ⫽ 39 N ⫽ 38 N ⫽ 43
⫺8.9 (11.2)/⫺6.2 (5.5) ⫺14.7 (11.9)/⫺9.0 (5.7) ⫺14.9 (14.6)/⫺11.9 (7.7) ⫺15.9 (13.3)/⫺15.0 (7.8)
25 mg N ⫽ 36 N ⫽ 40 N ⫽ 40 N ⫽ 41
⫺11.5 (14.9)/⫺8.3 (6.7) ⫺16.8 (12.2)/⫺11.7 (6.8) ⫺21.5 (11.5)/⫺13.8 (7.0) ⫺23.1 (15.0)/⫺14.4 (8.0)
Values are mean (standard deviation) for change from baseline trough seated systolic/diastolic blood pressure.
ity (ie, elevated liver enzymes, on 37.5 mg irbesartan/ Irbesartan alone and in combination with HCTZ
12.5 mg HCTZ), which resolved after withdrawal. was safe and well tolerated. No dose-related AE were
There were no clinically significant changes noted in observed, and the incidence of AE and rates of dis-
physical examinations or electrocardiograms. continuation were comparable between treatment
groups. The addition of irbesartan had positive effects
on HCTZ-associated biochemical abnormalities. Irbe-
This study demonstrates that irbesartan in combina- sartan appeared to blunt the hypokalemia associated
tion with HCTZ produces clinically and statistically with HCTZ, and uric acid and total cholesterol levels
significant antihypertensive effects. After 8 weeks of were lower with the combination therapy than with
therapy, the proportion of patients normalized in- HCTZ monotherapy. The HCTZ-associated increases
creased in a dose-dependent manner with irbesartan in serum triglycerides were not exacerbated by irbe-
monotherapy, with HCTZ monotherapy, and with sartan. The combination of the ARB losartan with
combination therapy. A maximal response to irbesar- HCTZ has also been shown to blunt the hypokale-
tan alone or in combination with HCTZ was generally mia13,14 and increases in serum uric acid13–15 and cho-
observed by Weeks 4 to 6. Trough:peak ratios ranged lesterol13 levels associated with HCTZ monotherapy.
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