Pathophysiology of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Predisposing Factors Predisposing Factors

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Pathophysiology of

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Predisposing Factors Predisposing Factors
Persons with Coagulation Disorders-
Sexual Lifestyle- Male Homosexuals are at
Hemophiliacs due to continuous need of
high risk.
Blood transfusions.
Babies born to infect6ed mother. Unprotected Sex
Intravenous Drug Abuse
Frequency of exposure to blood and body

Sexual exposure to genital Parenteral exposure to infected Parenteral exposure to infected

secretions of an infected person blood and tissue blood and tissue

Transmission of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Immune System Stimulation
Selectively attacks the CD4+ T results to:
lymphocytes Leukocytosis (↑ WBC)

Attachment of HIV virus to CD4+ receptor

Internalization and uncoating of the virus

with viral RNA and reverse transcriptase

Reverse Transcription
Integration of Viral DNA into host DNA
Transcription of the inserted Viral DNA to produce Viral
Messenger RNA
Translation of Viral Messenger to Create Viral Protein

Translation of Viral Messenger to Create

Viral Protein

Assembly and release of new Destruction of the Host Cell


Repetitive Process

Decrease in the number of circulating T-Cells Possessing

the CD4+ receptor sites mainly the Helper T-Cells
Deterioration of the Immune System

Susceptibility to Opportunistic ↓ Capacity of fighting ↑ Risk of developing

infections infections neoplasms

Manifested as: Kaposi’s Sarcomas

Frequent URTI Frequent Infections
Manifested as:
Increase metabolic Weight Loss
Night Sweats -leads to manifestations
Lymphadenopathy requirement
Pneumocystic Carinni Pneumonia -manifestations
Fungal Infections
Candidiasis ↓ - leads to
Cytomegalovirus Infection

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