CST201 DATA STRUCTURES, December 2020
CST201 DATA STRUCTURES, December 2020
CST201 DATA STRUCTURES, December 2020
0800csT2 01122005
Reg No.:
Third Semester B.Tech Degree Examination
Decembe r 2020 (20rg
\ Answer all questions. Eoch question corries
3 morks Marks
I What is frequency count? Explain with
an example.
2 Derive the Big O notation for (n): 3n3+2n+7.
J Write any three applications of Stack.
4 Explain PUSH and pOp operations in stack.
5 What is dynamic memory allocation? List
any two advantages of dynamic (3)
memory allocation.
6 write an algorithm to count number of nodes
in a singry rinked rist. (3)
7 the output of inorder, preorder & postorder traversars on the foilowing
il:: (3)
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l2a) How the performance of an algorithm is evaluated? Explain the best, worst (10)
and average oase analysis of an algorithm with the help of an example.
Module 3
15 a) Write an algorithm to insert a node in the beginning and end of a doubly (10)
linked list. Demonstiate with an example.
b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of First-fit and Best-fit memory ()
allocation schemes.
16a) How can a linked list used to represent the polynomial 3xa+2*+5. Write an (10)
algorithm to add two polynomials represented using linked list.
b) Write an algorithm to delete a given node in a singly linked list. (4)
Module 4
l7 a) Write an algorithm to inseft an element to a binary search tree. Explain with (10)
an example.
b) Explain any two graph representation methods with example for each. (4)
l8 a) write algorithm to perform DFS in a graph. Explain with an example. (10)
b) Show the structure of the binary search tree after adding each of the following (4)
values in that order: 2,5,1,7,10,9,11,6. What is the height of the created
Module 5
19 a) Explain Quick sort algorithm with an example: (10)
b) What is meant by collision? Give an example. (4)
20 a) Explain the four different hashing'functions with examples. (8)
b) Illustrate the differences between selection sort and insertion sort with (6)
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