© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Materials Research Society, 2024
Research Letter
The combination of C o2+, Cu2+, or Z n2+ with glutamate result in compounds [M(glutamate)(H2O)2]n that are classified as MBioFs (metal–biomolecule
frameworks). These can be prepared by different methods that result in orthorhombic crystals from space group P212121. We present the results
of simple reactions carried out in aqueous media without any pH controller through the reaction of the basic metal carbonates with glutamic acid.
Due to the fast precipitation part of the products is retained when filtering and this was recovered by treatment with a 1.5% (v/v) acetic acid solution
between 50 and 70°C, which constitutes a possible recrystallization.
Figure 1. PXRD of the bioMOFs (A) [Co(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n: (I) calculated, (II) as obtained, (III) solid retained during hot filtration, and (IV)
solid obtained by reprecipitation. (B) [Cu(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n: (I) calculated, (II) as obtained, (III) solid retained during hot filtration, and (IV)
solid obtained by reprecipitation. (C) [Zn(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n (I) calculated, (II) obtained obtained in excess of glutamic acid (5% in mass), (III)
obtained in glutamic acid:zinc 1:1 stoichiometric conditions, and (IV) solid obtained by reprecipitation.
contaminants, as the characteristic peaks of the respective the final pH of the reaction medium’s solution is close to 7.
pure bioMOFs are broadened, and additional peaks are noted, The diffractogram of the final residue obtained after the re-
as well as some variations in the baseline. In the reaction to precipitation process indicates it is amorphous. In the reac-
obtain [Co(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n, it is possible to form cobalt(II) tion to obtain [Cu(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n, the solid retained in the
dihydroxycarbonate[17] and oxidized cobalt species,[18] since re-precipitation is Cu(OH)2.
Electronic spectra
Overall, although some differences were found, the results
obtained by conventional UV–Vis absorption spectroscopy
are equivalent to those obtained by photoacoustic (PA) spec-
Figure 2. Hexacoordinated arrangement of the metal ions in troscopy.[19] The electronic spectra of the bioMOFs [Co(Glu)
bioMOFs [M(Glu)(H2O)· H2O]n (M = Co2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+)—Green: (H2O)·H2O]n and [Cu(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n) in solution were
metal ion; Red: Oxygen; Light blue: nitrogen; Gray: carbon. The obtained by conventional absorption spectroscopy, whereas
hydrogen atoms were suppressed for better visualization. photoacoustic spectroscopy was used to obtain the spectra of
the bioMOFs (all three compounds) in the solid state.
Figure 3. The electronic spectra of [Co(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n (A) dissolved in 1.5% (v/v) acetic acid aqueous solution (10–2 mol L−1) obtained by
conventional spectroscopy, and (B) the pure solid obtained by photoacoustic spectroscopy.
In the electronic spectrum of [Co(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n in one observed in the spectrum of the same compound in solu-
solution, Fig. 3(A), a band centered at 513 nm and a shoul- tion (750 nm). The charge-transfer band is absent in PA spec-
der at approximately 468 nm were observed. They are due to tra due to the lack of solvent. Instead, a moderately narrow
the transitions 4T1g(F) → 4A2g and 4T1g(F) → 4T1g(P), respec- band of medium intensity is observed at 250 nm for [Co(Glu)
tively, from a high-spin d 7 system. The electronic spectrum of (H2O)·H2O]n, and 300 nm for [Cu(Glu)(H 2O)·H2O]n. This
[Cu(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n in solution, Fig. 4(A), shows a broad band is probably caused by the transition between the valence
and asymmetric band with a maximum at 750 nm due to the band (VB) and the conduction band (CB) of the solids that
transition 2T2g → 2Eg. The asymmetry of this band is attributed behave as semiconductors. The energy gap value between
to the Jahn–Teller distortion. In the electronic spectra of two VB and CB estimated graphically (Figures S2) was 4.3 eV
compounds in solution, an intense absorption occurs below for [Co(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n, 3.6 eV for[Cu(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n
300 nm, probably due to a change transfer band promoted by and 3.9 eV for [Zn(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n.
the interaction with the solvent. The photoacoustic spectra presented broader bands than
In the photoacoustic spectrum of [Co(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n, the conventional absorption spectra from solutions. Never-
Fig. 3(B), a broad absorption band ranging between 630 and theless, the differences between the electronic spectra of the
390 nm can be observed, seemingly with multiple absorp- solids and the solutions indicate that, most likely, dissolv-
tion maxima. The presence of a higher number of bands in ing the bioMOFs in acetic acid solution destroys the supra-
the solid’s photoacoustic spectrum is likely the result of both molecular structure of the compounds, including changes in
the rigidity of the supramolecular structure and the distortion the metal coordination sphere. The dissolution of [Co(Glu)
of octahedral symmetry, unfolding the t2g orbitals (octahedral (H2O)·H2O]n contributes to the shift of the bands to higher
system) into orbitals of symmetry a1’ and e’ (trigonal prismatic energy values, while the dissolution of [Cu(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n
system).[20] In the PA spectrum of [Cu(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n, the shifts to lower values. The spectra of the cobalt and copper
d-d transition band is less evident since the PA spectra were bioMOFs in solution resemble those observed for the ions
taken between 700 and 225 nm. [Co(H2O)6]2+[21] and [Cu(H2O)6]2+,[22] indicating that pos-
However, the absorption maximum for the 2T2g → 2Eg tran- sibly water molecules may have partially replaced carboxyl
sition occurs at approximately 670 nm, a value well below the groups coordinated to metal ions when dissolving bioMOFs.
Figure 4. The electronic spectra of [Cu(Glu)(H2O)·H2O]n (A) dissolved in 1.5% (v/v) acetic acid aqueous solution (10–2 mol L−1) obtained by
conventional spectroscopy, and (B) the pure solid obtained by photoacoustic spectroscopy.
1. S.L. Anderson, K.C. Stylianou, Coord. Chem. Rev. 349, 102 (2017). https://