Ann Antenna
Ann Antenna
Ann Antenna
Abstract—An artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed to Thus, the neural network approach has been explored in the de-
predict the input impedance of a broadband antenna as a function sign of microwave components and circuits such as microstrip
of its geometric parameters. The input resistance of the antenna
is first parameterized by a Gaussian model, and the ANN is
lines [5], spiral inductors [6], HEMT [7], filters [8], and mixers
constructed to approximate the nonlinear relationship between [9]. In the antenna community, ANN has been applied to beam-
the antenna geometry and the model parameters. Introducing forming [10] and direction-finding [11] for arrays, as well as to
the model simplifies the ANN and decreases the training time. microstrip antenna design [12]. However, the use of ANN for
The reactance of the antenna is then constructed by the Hilbert
transform from the resistance found by the neuromodel. A hybrid very broadband antennas with multiple resonances has not been
gradient descent and particle swarm optimization method is used extensively researched yet.
to train the neural network. As an example, an ANN is constructed Typically, when the ANN is used for antenna design,
for a loop antenna with three tuning arms. The antenna structure the antenna geometry parameters and the frequency are re-
is then optimized for broadband operation via a genetic algorithm
that uses input impedance estimates provided by the trained ANN garded as inputs to the ANN, while the output is the antenna
in place of brute-force electromagnetic computations. It is found input impedance. This approach has been very successful for
that the required number of electromagnetic computations in narrow-band antenna design. However, when the ANN is used
training the ANN is ten times lower than that needed during the in this manner in the broadband case, the number of hidden
antenna optimization process, resulting in significant time savings.
units will increase drastically as the number of oscillations in
Index Terms—Artificial neural network, broadband antenna, the impedance versus frequency graph increases. Increasing the
Gaussian model, genetic algorithm, Hilbert transform, particle
number of hidden units requires longer training time. Further-
swarm optimization.
more, it can lead to a high chance of reaching a local minimum,
resulting in unsuccessful training. Recently Lebber et al. re-
I. INTRODUCTION ported an ANN implementation to predict the antenna gain,
bandwidth, and polarization for a broadband patch antenna
HE design of broadband antennas is a computationally in- [13]. However, the method does not calculate the impedance
T tensive task, especially when a frequency-domain electro-
magnetic (EM) simulator is used. Moreover, when an optimiza-
variations over a wide frequency band. This approach cannot
obtain quantities such as number of resonances.
tion method such as a genetic algorithm [1] is used in the design In this paper, we indirectly use a neural network for predicting
process, the antenna characteristics must be computed for thou- the input impedance of a broadband antenna via a parametric
sands of hypothetical antennas over a broadband of frequencies frequency model. The input resistance of the antenna is first pa-
in order to evaluate the relative merit of each configuration. rameterized by a Gaussian model [14]. The Gaussian parame-
In order to substitute the computationally intensive EM simu- ters are then estimated for the different training antennas, and
lation, artificial neural networks (ANNs) [2], [3] have been sug- a neural network is trained to describe the relationship between
gested as attractive alternatives [4]. An ANN can be suitable the antenna geometry and the Gaussian parameters, as shown in
for modeling high-dimensional and highly nonlinear problems. Fig. 1. By introducing the parametric model, the resulting ANN
When properly trained with reliable learning data, a neuromodel operates in a much less complex solution space. This leads to a
is computationally more efficient than an exact EM simulator, smaller network size, faster training time, and more robust con-
and more accurate than a model based on approximate physics. vergence of the training process. For the training method, a hy-
brid scheme combining the gradient descent method and a par-
ticle swarm optimization [15] is utilized. Once the network for
Manuscript received February 28, 2006; revised October 13, 2006. This work
was supported by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board under the the input resistance is in place, the input reactance is generated
Texas Advanced Technology Program and the National Science Foundation by the Hilbert transform [16]. This proposed technique is valid
Major Research Instrumentation Program.
Y. Kim, J. Ghosh, and H. Ling are with the Department of Electrical and
when the band of interest is broad and the resonant frequencies
Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 USA of the antenna are distinct.
(e-mail: [email protected]). The resulting neural model is next exploited for antenna op-
S. Keely is with the Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX 78712 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). timization. In this paper, we use the loop-based broadband an-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.891564 tenna structure reported in [17] as an example. The antenna has
0018-926X/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 25, 2009 at 15:14 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 25, 2009 at 15:14 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 4. Prediction of resistance by the ANN: (a) %rms error = 13:14% and
(b) %rms error = 24:16%. Fig. 7. VSWR of the optimized antenna.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 25, 2009 at 15:14 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 25, 2009 at 15:14 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 25, 2009 at 15:14 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.