1 1
Antenna Pattern
Concepts and Techniques
M I C H A E L D. F O E G E L L E
Two-Axis Positioners
By adopting the great-circle method and manipulating the
AUT in two axes, it is possible to automate the test such that
data can be acquired according to the measurement sequence
of either method. Figure 7 shows a simple two-axis position-
er that can automate the rotation of the AUT on both axes. By
rotating the turntable (elevation) 360° and stepping the hor-
izontal axis (azimuth) of the AUT between each turntable ro-
tation, the great-circle method (see Figure 8a) can be dupli-
cated. Alternatively, by rotating the horizontal axis (azimuth)
of the AUT 360° and stepping the turntable (elevation), the
conical-section method (see Figure 8b) can be duplicated.
The two-axis positioner does suffer from one of the limita-
tions mentioned for the conical-section method. That is, for
Figure 3. Illustration of the conical-section method for spheri- some portion of the pattern (the south pole in Figures 7 and
cal antenna-pattern measurement. 8), the support structure is between the AUT and the MA.
This effect can be minimized by matching the support struc-
ture to the load being rotated, thereby reducing the amount
of interposing material to a minimum. Controlling the orien-
tation of the AUT with respect to the support can also im-
prove results. By making sure that the support is in a null or
back-lobe, its effects on pattern-related measurements can be
Three-Dimensional Patterns
No matter which method is used to acquire the data, the
analysis of the result is made easier by the use of a three-
dimensional spherical plot to graph the output. Figure 9 gives
an example of a dipole pattern (a) and a standard-gain horn
pattern (b) plotted in three dimensions. This type of graphing
capability allows the pattern to be rotated around for different
Figure 4. Great-circle configuration of antenna under test.
views to help get an idea of the relative magnitude of the sig-
nal in various directions.
r < 0.62 √ D3 /λ ,
Antenna Pattern
Theory and Equations
M I C H A E L D. F O E G E L L E
Range Calibration
With a two-axis positioner setup, it is quite straightforward
to perform general pattern measurements and determine a
variety of relative data such as 3-dB beam width, front-to-
back ratio, and directivity. However, before accurate mea-
surements of values such as total radiated power (TRP), ef-
fective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), or antenna gain can
be made, it is necessary to perform a reference calibration to
correct for the various factors affecting these tests. The factors
include components such as range-length loss, gain of the re-
ceive antenna, cable losses, and so forth.
Normally, this calibration is done using a reference anten-
na (typically either a dipole or standard-gain horn) with
known gain characteristics. The reference antenna is mount-
ed at the center of the positioner as the antenna under test
(AUT) and adjusted to be at bore-sight level with the receive
antenna. The reference calibration is repeated for each polar-
ization of the receive antenna, with the reference antenna
polarized parallel to the corresponding receive element. Figure
1 shows a typical range-calibration setup and calls out vari-
ous components that are included in the measurement.
Typically, a signal generator or the output of a network an-
alyzer is connected to the reference antenna by one or more ca-
Illustration by TAISHA PAYTON
PRX = , (2)
cl3cl4 The difference between
where gpa is the gain of the preamplifier, and cl3 and cl4 are the rms and peak field values
cable losses of the corresponding receive cables. can result in an immediate
If any of the components are missing, the corresponding
gain or loss for that variable in the equation should be 1. In 3-dB error in reported
terms of decibels, these formulas become measurement results.
Pt = PSG + ga – cl1 – cl2 (3)
calibration technique is inherently governed by this same for-
and mula, the resulting gain will be different depending on whether
VSWR effects have been accounted for separately. If not,
PRX = Pr + gpa – cl3 – cl4, (4) the gain will be changed simply by the ratio of net power to
forward power:
and the gain or loss of missing components would be 0 dB.
The Friis transmission equation governs the interaction be- PnetGt netGrλ2 Pinc (Gt net • Pnet/Pinc) Grλ2 PincGt incGrλ2
tween two antennas in the far field: Pr = = = (7)
(4πr)2 (4πr)2 (4πr)2
PtGtGrλ2 An impedance mismatch is just as likely to happen with the
Pr = , (5)
(4πr)2 receive antenna, leading to similar measurement issues, but it
would not be as easy to observe directly because, in this case,
where Pr is the power measured at the receive antenna output the reflected energy would be reradiated. There is no good
port; Pt is the power measured at the transmit antenna input way to measure the forward and reflected received energy.
port; Gt is the gain of the transmit antenna; Gr is the gain of the However, the VSWR of the receive antenna can be used to
receive antenna; λ is the wavelength; and r is the separation be- determine this effect. Fortunately, the gain of the receive
tween the two antennas (the range length).1, 2 antenna does not need to be known exactly (other than to
The exact definition of Pt is often a source of some confu- double-check the calibration result against theoretical pre-
sion and is somewhat dependent on what terms are included dictions) because it will be measured as part of the range
in the definition of gain. If the antenna is perfectly matched to calibration process.
the source cable, then all power applied to the antenna is As indicated in Figure 1, other factors are typically involved
radiated (or absorbed by losses in the antenna). However, in in the measurement, unless power meters and directional cou-
the more common case of a mismatch between the source plers are used right at the antennas to measure the net trans-
impedance and the antenna impedance, a portion of the en- mitted and received power. These factors include cable losses
ergy is reflected back to the source so that the net power trans- and the gain of any power amplifiers or preamplifiers.
768CE.qxd jp.1 9
To minimize the uncertainty of resulting measurements, it where E is the electric field generated at the distance r from the
is usually desirable to perform the range calibration with all ca- transmit antenna, Pt is the power measured at the transmit
bles in place and use the same configuration for both calibra- antenna input port, Gt (θ, φ) is the angle-dependent gain of the
tion and pattern measurements. Should any component be transmit antenna, and r is the distance from the transmit an-
changed or damaged, the entire calibration must be redone. It tenna to the test point (the range length).1
is possible to perform individual calibrations on various system Combining the equation for the power density with that of
components, but each additional measurement increases the the electric field gives
total measurement uncertainty involved. Therefore, it is prefer-
able to calibrate the system as a whole whenever possible. PtGt(θ,φ)
ρ= . (13)
To determine exactly how to apply the range calibration, it Combining this result with the equation for TRP gives
is important to make a comparison between the desired mea-
P π 2π
surement quantities and what will actually be measured by TRP = 4πt ∫θ=0 ∫φ=0 Gt(θ,φ) sin(θ)dθdφ. (14)
the test system. The primary quantity of interest is the TRP,
which can be obtained by integrating the time-averaged power
density of the radiated signal across the entire spherical surface Received Power
enclosing the AUT. Unfortunately, the receiver used to perform the test cannot
The time-averaged power density of a radiating signal is measure power density directly; instead, it measures received
given by the real part of the Poynting vector: power (again, neglecting cable losses, etc.). A related quantity
to the TRP would then be the total received power, given by in-
1 1 |E|2 |Erms|2 |Erms|2 tegrating the received power across all of the measurement
ρ= Re(E × H) = = = , (8)
2 2 η η 120π points of the AUT. The total power received is
√30PtGt(θ,φ) Pr GtGrλ2
E= , (12) C= = , (19)
r Pt (4πr)2
768CE.qxd jp.1 10
Antenna Measurement
where C is the ratio of received power to transmitted power. nitude and phase. The magnitude of the reflection coefficient
Substituting this into the previous equation gives a correction is then
factor of
Vrefl VSWR –1
|ρ| = = . (24)
TRP G Vinc VSWR +1
= t . (20)
TPr 4πC
The transmission coefficient τ is defined as the ratio of trans-
The required site-calibration constant is now represented mitted to incident waves and is given by
in terms of the gain of the reference antenna and a single-
path loss measurement for each polarization. The ratio C VL
τ= , (25)
could contain contributions from other terms, such as V+
cable loss and so forth, as long as those contributions are
present in both the reference calibration and the pattern or, in terms of impedance,
τ= , (26)
Accounting for VSWR ZL + Zo
The treatment of the transmit antenna VSWR is an impor-
tant part of both the range calibration and the measurement where VL is the wave transmitted through the mismatch to
of various antenna properties. In general, VSWR is a mea- the load side (magnitude and phase).
surement of the mismatch between two transmission lines. By definition, τ – ρ = 1. However, the transmission coeffi-
It provides a measurement of the amount of signal being cient is not very useful for determining the net transmitted
reflected back from the mismatch, which is directly related to power from the VSWR because it also requires some knowl-
the amount of energy that is transmitted. edge of the impedance of the load. Although the necessary
For many antennas, the VSWR represents the largest com- information could be determined from the reflection co-
ponent of the antenna efficiency (the rest results from ohmic efficient, it is considerably easier to determine the ratio of
losses in the antenna itself). To determine the contribution the reflected power to the incident power, and then use that
from VSWR, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of the net to determine the net transmitted power:
power to the forward power.
VSWR is defined as the ratio of maximum to minimum Prefl Vrefl2 2
= 2 = |ρ| , (27)
voltage on the transmission line and is given by Pinc Vinc
not have a significant effect. where ∆t(θ, φ) is the relative magnitude of the AUT pattern
at any angle with respect to the maximum.2 For an isotropic
Gain, Directivity, Efficiency, and EIRP radiator, ∆t(θ, φ) = 1, so that D = 1. For any real antenna,
Once the range has been calibrated, a number of anten- ∆t(θ, φ) < 1 for much of the surface, resulting in D > 1. Direc-
na properties can be determined from the pattern mea- tivity is the only term related to the antenna gain, which is
surement. The first property of interest is EIRP. EIRP is solely a relative term. Range calibration does not show up in
the power required for a theoretical isotropic radiator (one this equation.
that radiates the same power in all directions) to generate As with the TRP measurement, the measurement system is
the same field level in all directions as the maximum field only capable of measuring received power, so instead of EIRP,
seen from the AUT. Starting from the definition of TRP, the corresponding value calculated would be the effective
EIRP is given by isotropic received power:
π 2π
π 2π
EIPr = ∫θ=0 ∫φ=0 Pr max sin(θ)dθdφ
EIRP = ∫θ=0 ∫φ=0 ρmaxr2 sin(θ)dθdφ, (30) (35)
= 4πPr max ,
where ρmax is the maximum time-averaged power density
found over the surface of the measurement sphere. where Pr max is the maximum received power from the pattern
Assuming that the maximum power density can be defined measurement.
using the bore-sight gain of the AUT, Assuming again that the maximum received power is the
bore-sight transmission response, the same site-reference con-
PtGt stant, C, can be used:
ρmax = . (31)
= = . (36)
Combine this with the equation for EIRP to get EIPr 4πPr max 4πC
Some of these antenna properties have little or no meaning draft form and subject to change, the details of these calcula-
for some antennas. In addition, the orientation of the AUT tions are not covered in this article.
can affect the result of an automated calculation without ad-
ditional input from the user to indicate the desired alignment Conclusion
information. For example, the meaning of E- and H-plane The techniques for complex pattern measurement are rather
beam widths is commonly understood. However, if an AUT is straightforward, but the calculations involved in determin-
randomly oriented for the pattern test, or has an unusual pat- ing certain antenna properties can be much more compli-
tern, there is no simple way to determine automatically what cated. Nonetheless, with appropriate care and understanding
constitutes each plane. of the associated quantities, it is not difficult to obtain excel-
lent results.
CTIA Requirements The information provided in this article can help even the
The Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Associa- novice RF or EMC engineer to determine a variety of an-
tion (CTIA) has developed some very specific antenna-prop- tenna properties.
erty requirements in addition to the EIRP and TRP measure-
ments.4 One of these is the near-horizon partial radiated References
power, which is used to determine the power radiated in a 1. “Antenna Calculations,” ETS-Lindgren Antenna Catalog (Cedar
small band (typically ±22.5° or ±45°) along the azimuth axis. Park, TX: ETS-Lindgren, 2002), 71.
This requirement is intended to determine how a cellular 2. CA Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design (New York:
phone will interact with the network of cellular base stations Harper & Row, 1982), 29, 65.
arranged around it along the horizon during normal opera- 3. JD Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd ed. (New York: Wiley,
tion. The orientation of the AUT will have a great effect on this 1975), 347.
result, so the standard calls out precise positioning require- 4. “Method of Measurement for Radiated RF Power and Receiver Per-
ments for the phone. formance, Draft Revision 1.2” (Washington, DC: Cellular Telecom-
Because a cellular phone has both transmit and receive munications and Internet Association, 2001).
modes, the CTIA standard also contains receive property re- 5. BC Wadell, Transmission Line Design Handbook (Boston: Artech
quirements, including total isotropic sensitivity (TIS) and House, 1991), 497.
near-horizon partial isotropic sensitivity (NHPIS), in addition
to the radiated pattern requirements. These values are calcu- Michael D. Foegelle, PhD, is senior principal design engineer at
lated from the received power pattern instead of the trans- ETS-Lindgren (Cedar Park, TX). He can be reached at 512-531-
mitted power pattern. Because the CTIA standard is still in 6444 or [email protected]. ■
Reprinted from Compliance Engineering, Annual Reference Guide 2002 • Copyright © 2002 Canon Communications LLC