CDP I_Group10_Final Report
CDP I_Group10_Final Report
CDP I_Group10_Final Report
Group 10
EN19376028 - Farhan U.M.M
EN19390406 - Mazariq M.S.M
EN19353944 - Sidhan M.N.
EN19394466 - Thilakarathne H.M.H.N
The feasibility report was prepared for the module Comprehensive Design Project I and module code
CE4211 for the study of real time incident of part of a area in the Deduru Oya river which shows a
natural morphological change due to anthropogenic activity that was done about 100 years past. It was
a bridge built under the British colony and the river have shown a meandering process. Hence, the client
has asked to give a solution for the railway structure protection and riverbank stability which could be
observed as a problem of the respective area. The feasibility report proceeds and attends the respective
solution through problem formulation, site appraisals, conceptual schemes, and feasible options through
baseline assumptions. Selecting a specific and suitable option and commencing a preliminary designs
and drawings and its respective calculations of preliminary costs. Moreover, declaring its critical
activities and key challenges would allow to build a baseline program and assess them it through a proper
construction management scheme. As an important stage of the report environmental impact assessment
(EIA) was done for whole life cycle and projects safety and health were specified. Hence, this module
gives a clear understanding of the importance of a feasibility report in a project commencement to
analyse and evaluate the weightage of the representing solutions considering all possible branches of
engineering. The report was done referring to many references and selecting most suitable
implementations for the problem concerned.
We, group 10 members had involved in this comprehensive design problem from the initial stage
discussing solutions, brainstorming, having weekly meetings and providing referencing relevant
resources for the purpose of a suitable explanation of the problem that was interested in. Throughout this
module it was great opportunity to understand the importance of every branch of engineering by
attending lectures with different perspective of responding and evaluating the problem. Hence, we would
thank our module coordinators Prof Saman Bandara, Prof Ayantha Gomes, Eng. Hemantha Bandara,
and Eng. Sanathanan Velauthapillai who had consecutively guided and mentored us for achieving
respective knowledges under the aforementioned areas. Moreover, Prof. Saman Bandara Prof Shiromi
Karunaratne, Prof. Himasha Abeysitiwardana for also guiding under their respective lectures which had
a supportive impact on completing the report.
Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgment ..................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables ......................................................................................................................................... viii
Chapter 1 : Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 About the Deduru Oya River Basin ........................................................................................... 1
1.2 Deduru Oya Bridge Details ....................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Desktop study of the site and environment ............................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Rainfall Patterns ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.2 Temperature changes.......................................................................................................... 3
1.3.3 Ground Water ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.4 Land usage patterns (Ecological) and Soil types ............................................................... 4
1.4 Socio Economic Characteristics ................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Main Industries .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Site Appraisal ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.6.1 Infrastructure facilities identified around the area ............................................................. 6
Chapter 2 : Problem Identification and Formulation ............................................................................. 10
2.1 Client Brief .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Problem Identification ............................................................................................................. 10
2.3 Need for the project ................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.1 Railway structure Protection ............................................................................................ 10
2.3.2 Riverbank Stability ........................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3: Objectives and Scope of the Project ..................................................................................... 12
3.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2 Scope of the project ................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.1 Conceptual Design ........................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2 Limitations and Constraints ............................................................................................. 12
Chapter 4 : Conceptual Schemes and Feasible Options ......................................................................... 13
4.1 Conceptual Schemes ................................................................................................................ 13
4.1.1 Generation of solutions .................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2 Railway structure protection ............................................................................................ 13
4.1.3 Riverbank Stability ........................................................................................................... 20
4.1.4 Conceptual alternatives for the problems identified ........................................................ 24
4.2 Baseline Assumptions.............................................................................................................. 24
Chapter 5 : Feasibility Analysis of the Alternative Solutions ................................................................ 25
5.1 Railway Structure Protection ................................................................................................... 25
5.1.1 Super Structure – Pratt Truss System ............................................................................... 25
5.1.2 Sub Structure – Bridge Pier .............................................................................................. 30
5.2 Riverbank Stability .................................................................................................................. 34
5.3 Most Suitable Option ............................................................................................................... 39
5.3.1 Multi Criterial Analysis .................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 6 : Preliminary Design Calculations ......................................................................................... 41
6.1 Basic Calculations ................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.1 Fundamental Calculations ................................................................................................ 41
6.1.2 Flow Capacity Calculations ............................................................................................. 43
6.1.3 Stability calculations ........................................................................................................ 49
6.2 Design on Railway Structure Protection ................................................................................. 52
6.2.1 Super Structure Design – Steel Renovation ..................................................................... 52
6.2.2 Sub Structure Design – Rip Rap Method ......................................................................... 55
6.3 Design on Riverbank Stability................................................................................................. 63
6.3.1 Proposed Abutment and Wall Design .............................................................................. 63
6.3.2 Assumptions ..................................................................................................................... 64
6.3.3 Abutment Design.............................................................................................................. 64
6.3.4 Gravity Wall Design......................................................................................................... 65
6.4 Design for Shoring................................................................................................................... 66
6.4.1 Sheet Piles - Steel ............................................................................................................. 66
Chapter 7 : Preliminary Drawings .......................................................................................................... 67
7.1 Railway Structure Protection Drawings .................................................................................. 67
7.1.1 Steel Renovation Drawings .............................................................................................. 67
7.1.2 Rip Rap Method Drawings ............................................................................................... 67
7.2 Riverbank Stability Drawings ................................................................................................. 68
7.2.1 Abutment Drawings ......................................................................................................... 68
7.2.2 Gravity Wall Drawings .................................................................................................... 68
7.3 Shoring Design Drawings ........................................................................................................ 69
Chapter 8 : Preliminary Cost plan .......................................................................................................... 70
8.1 Initiation of the Cost ................................................................................................................ 70
8.2 Elemental Cost Planning ......................................................................................................... 70
Chapter 9 : Critical Activities and Key Challenges ............................................................................... 71
9.1 Critical Activities of the Project .............................................................................................. 71
9.2 Key Challenges ........................................................................................................................ 71
Chapter 10 : Baseline Program and Construction Management ............................................................ 72
10.1 Baseline Program ................................................................................................................. 72
10.2 Construction Management ................................................................................................... 73
Chapter 11 : Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) ......................................................................... 75
11.1 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 75
11.2 General Information ............................................................................................................. 75
11.2.1 Objectives and justification for the Proposed Project ...................................................... 75
11.2.2 Project Proponents............................................................................................................ 75
11.2.3 Project Team .................................................................................................................... 75
11.2.4 Legal Regulatory Framework........................................................................................... 75
11.3 Project and Alternatives Description ................................................................................... 76
11.3.1 Location ............................................................................................................................ 76
11.3.2 Summary of Proposed Project and Alternatives .............................................................. 76
11.4 Environmental Setting ......................................................................................................... 76
11.4.1 Physical Environment ...................................................................................................... 77
11.4.2 Biological Environment ................................................................................................... 79
11.4.3 Social‐Economic‐Cultural Environment .......................................................................... 80
11.5 Assessment of Impacts to resources described in the Environmental Setting ..................... 82
11.6 Mitigation and Monitoring Measures .................................................................................. 83
11.7 Environmental Management Plan ........................................................................................ 83
11.7.1 Overview of Environmental Management Plan ............................................................... 83
11.7.2 Project‐wide Mitigation Plan ........................................................................................... 83
11.7.3 Project‐ wide Monitoring Plan ......................................................................................... 83
11.7.4 Management of Other On‐ or Off‐Site Pollution Controls and Infrastructure ................. 83
11.7.5 Contingency Plans ............................................................................................................ 84
Chapter 12 : Safety and Health .............................................................................................................. 85
12.1 Direct Health and Safety Concerns in the Project ............................................................... 85
12.2 In-Direct Health and Safety Concerns in the Project ........................................................... 85
12.3 Health Risk Assessment ....................................................................................................... 86
12.3.1 Evaluation of Risks .......................................................................................................... 86
12.3.2 Evaluation of Control ....................................................................................................... 87
Chapter 13 : Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 88
References .............................................................................................................................................. 89
Members Details – Discipline of Civil Engineering .............................................................................. 92
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Plan View of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region ........................................................................ 1
Figure 1-2 Side View of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region ........................................................................ 1
Figure 1-3 Enlarged Plan View of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region......................................................... 2
Figure 1-4 Climatic Zones in Sri Lanka ................................................................................................... 3
Figure 1-5 Average Annual Minimum Temperature Variation in Sri Lanka ......................................... 3
Figure 1-6 Average Annual Maximum Temperature Variation in Sri Lanka .......................................... 3
Figure 1-7 Surface Water Potential Map of Sri Lanka............................................................................. 4
Figure 1-8 Gender Population and GDP of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region ........................................... 5
Figure 1-9 Health Condition of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region ............................................................. 6
Figure 1-10 Railway Usage and Road type and length of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region..................... 6
Figure 1-11 Contour Map [Online] .......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2-1 Scour Diagram under a bridge (Source-Yang, 2005) .......................................................... 10
Figure 2-2 Meandered River Features .................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-3 Cross Section of River Meander........................................................................................... 11
Figure 4-1 Truss System and components(Connecticut , 2012) ............................................................ 14
Figure 4-2 Frame Elements and Componenets(Connecticut , 2012) ..................................................... 15
Figure 4-3 Deck Elements 1 ................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4-4 Deck Elements 3 ................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4-5 Deck Elements 2 ................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4-6 Rocker Type and Pier Surface .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 4-7 Scouring Under a Pier .......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4-8 of Potential failure mechanisms for hydraulic structures ..................................................... 21
Figure 4-9 Types of Earth Retaining Structures..................................................................................... 22
Figure 5-1 Types of Rip Rap Positions .................................................................................................. 30
Figure 5-2 Illustration of a collar ........................................................................................................... 32
Figure 5-3 Illustration of a Gravity Wall ............................................................................................... 34
Figure 5-4 Illustration of a U Abutment................................................................................................. 34
Figure 5-5 Layout of a U-Abutment ...................................................................................................... 34
Figure 5-6 Types of Gravity Wall .......................................................................................................... 35
Figure 5-7 Illustration of a Cantilever - T Type Wall ............................................................................ 37
Figure 5-8 Illustration of a Gabion CS ................................................................................................... 37
Figure 5-9 Types of Cantilevers and its Reinforcement ........................................................................ 37
Figure 5-10 Cross Section and View of Gabion .................................................................................... 38
Figure 6-1 Coordinate System of River ................................................................................................. 42
Figure 6-2 Proposed Cross Sections in River......................................................................................... 44
Figure 6-3 Components of Steel Truss ................................................................................................... 52
Figure 6-4 Connections .......................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 6-5 Extent of Local Scours ......................................................................................................... 55
Figure 6-6 Rip Rap Placement Method .................................................................................................. 55
Figure 6-7 Local Scouring Diagram....................................................................................................... 56
Figure 6-8 Proposed Wall Perimeter Plan View .................................................................................... 63
Figure 10-1 Different levels of Stakeholders ......................................................................................... 73
Figure 11-1 2016 Flood Contour ............................................................................................................ 77
Figure 11-2 Types of Soil Resources ..................................................................................................... 77
Figure 11-3 Hydrgraphy of Deduru Oya ................................................................................................ 78
Figure 11-4 Basic Data of Deduru Oya Basin ........................................................................................ 79
Figure 11-5 Ecological Regions ............................................................................................................. 80
List of Tables
Table 1-1 Climatic Divisions and their Characteristics in Sri Lanka ....................................................... 2
Table 1-2 Rainfall Percentage .................................................................................................................. 3
Table 1-3 Land Usage near Deduru Oya Bridge ...................................................................................... 4
Table 1-4 Regional details around the Deduru Oya Bridge ..................................................................... 7
Table 1-5 Access to Pipe borne water around the Deduru Oya Bridge Region ....................................... 7
Table 1-6 Drinking Supply Schemes around the Deduru Oya Bridge Region ........................................ 7
Table 1-7 Cropping Intensity around the region ...................................................................................... 8
Table 1-8 Institution connected to the river and bridge ........................................................................... 8
Table 4-1 Numerical condition rating system (Connecticut , 2012) ...................................................... 14
Table 4-2 General Comparison of Alternatives for Super structure ...................................................... 17
Table 4-3 Test on Pier Structure ............................................................................................................ 18
Table 4-4 General Comparison of Alternatives for Sub Structure ......................................................... 19
Table 4-5 General Comparison of Alternative 1 of Riverbank Stability .............................................. 23
Table 4-6 General Comparison of Alternative 2 of River Bank Stability ............................................. 23
Table 5-2 Physical Properties of Aluminum (Mazzolani,2003) ............................................................ 26
Table 5-3 Mechanical Properties of Aluminium (Mazzolani,2003) ...................................................... 26
Table 5-4 Physical Properties of Steel (Mazzolani,2003) ...................................................................... 28
Table 5-5 MCA ...................................................................................................................................... 40
Table 5-6 Selection of Suitable Methods ............................................................................................... 40
Table 6-1 Environmental Data ............................................................................................................... 41
Table 6-2 River Data .............................................................................................................................. 41
Table 6-3 Bridge Data ............................................................................................................................ 41
Table 6-4 Soil Data ................................................................................................................................ 42
Table 6-5 Modelled Arrangement .......................................................................................................... 45
Table 6-6 Perspective Views of the Model ............................................................................................ 45
Table 6-7 Velocity Distribution Images of Cross Sections .................................................................... 46
Table 6-8 Channel Width Calculation .................................................................................................... 49
Table 6-9 Stability Rating ...................................................................................................................... 50
Table 8-1 Elemental Cost Plan ............................................................................................................... 70
Table 10-1 Baseline Program ................................................................................................................. 72
Table 11-1 Lasnd Usage Patterns ........................................................................................................... 81
Table 11-2 Sumamry of Environmental issues in Basin ........................................................................ 82
Table 12-1 Risk Evaluation .................................................................................................................... 87
Table 12-2 Types of Risk Levels ........................................................................................................... 87
1 Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 About the Deduru Oya River Basin
The Deduru Oya river originating from the eastern boarder of the central province is the main water
source in the basin. It runs across Kurunegala and Puttalam districts and enters the sea at Chilaw. Hence,
“the total length of the mainstream of the river is about 115 km and the river comprises 9 tributaries.
The total land area falling under the basin is about 2,600 square km out of which 3 percent is in the
Central Province (Kandy and Matale districts) and the rest is in the North-western Province: 88 percent
in Kurunegala and 9 percent in Puttalam districts.” (Somaratne et al.,2003)
image). Moreover, it is a steel through truss bridge which is connected by 5 spans allowing the train to
pass through it.
Figure 1-3 Enlarged Plan View of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region
Percentage of rainfall received can be noted as follows (Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic
Affairs etc.., 2018)
Table 1-2 Rainfall Percentage
Referring Annex and figure below (Ministry of Environment, 2020), the project location belongs
to the intermediate zone and further as per the Agro-Ecological Map of Sri Lanka this location was
depicted as a low country zone under the intermediate zone (1L1a) receiving 75% expectancy value of
annual rainfall greater than 1400 mm.
1.3.3 Ground Water
Surface water potential of the river basin was observed as 0.5 – 1.0 m from below figure. Figure
in annex provides information on the different basins and runoff of major rivers. The column
graphs in the figure represent the annual runoffs of the rainfall in the basins (height of the
column) and percentage discharge to sea (lighter blue area). These show that water use is low in
rivers that are vulnerable to floods (unable to use the large volumes of rain that fall over the
course of the year, the water is discharged to the sea).
The groundwater resources in Sri Lanka are considered to be lesser than surface water resources.
The estimated groundwater potential is 7,800 MCM per annum (UNEP, 2005).Out of 7 main
types of aquifers, Deduru Oya has a alluvial aquifers. Generally, The set of alluvial aquifers of
Sri Lanka constitute one of the most diversified forms in the tropical region. These alluvial
deposits occur over several diversified alluvial landforms such as coastal and inland flood plains,
dissected and depositional river valleys, buried river channels, small rivulets and stream beds
with shallow alluvial deposits, and inland valleys of varying shape, form and size with fine and
coarse depositional in-fill materials. The deeper and larger alluvial aquifers occur along the lower
reaches of the major rivers that cut across the various coastal plains surrounding the low country
regions of the country[5]. Moreover, Deduru Oya have broad and deep alluvial beds of variable
texture and gravel content in their lower reaches
ecological Terrain Major soil groups Land use
Red Yellow Podzolic soils with
Coconut, Mixed
strongly mottled
Rolling, home gardens,
sub-soil, Red Yellow Podzolic, Low
IL 1a undulating Export Agricultural
Humic Gley,
& Flat Crops, Paddy,
Reddish Brown Latosolic & Regosol
Extracted from Reference [5] in table of distinguishing characteristics of the agro - ecological
regions (refer annex for map region)
Figure 1-8 Gender Population and GDP of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region
The respective area consisted of the following health conditions (Source-DS of Chilaw)
The no of railway passengers and roadway type used on this area: (Source-DS of Chilaw)
Figure 1-10 Railway Usage and Road type and length of the Deduru Oya Bridge Region
Table 1-4 Regional details around the Deduru Oya Bridge
7 Performance of major irrigation schemes in the basin
The major river basin in Kurunegala project area has been depicted as the Deduru Oya. As a result of
climatic regimes, Deduru Oya is characterised by flash floods followed by very low flows during the
months of February, March, June, July, August and September. Moreover, Batalagoda and Ridi Bendi
Ela reservoir irrigation schemes depend on the water supply of the Deduru Oya whereas numerous anicut
(direct diversion) schemes and Kimbulwana Oya and Hakwatuna Oya reservoir schemes depend on the
water in the tributaries of Deduru Oya. Lift irrigation along the main course of the Deduru Oya is not a
common practice till it reaches its middle section in Nikaweratiya area. However, water is extracted
from its tributaries (i.e. Kimbulwana Oya, Hakwatuna Oya, and Maguru Oya) in the upper reaches of
the river (Yang, 2005)
Table 1-7 Cropping Intensity around the region
Source-(Somaratne et al.,2003)
Additionally, to these there are other related institutions connected to this
8 Railway Operations over the bridge
The railway of the Deduru Oya bridge has an origin from Ragama passing the Bangadeniya (bridge
location) and ends at puttalam, the usual practice of using this line was to travel passenger trains and
also it used for the transportation of oils by train to the Colombo international airport. This line has a
distance of 157 km in distance with three main railway stations, seventeen railway stations,25 sub
railway stations and zero train halts. The trains running above it are the “Muthu Kumari”, Puttalam
mixed and express trains and Chilaw express.
The height level of the surface is shown above in figure around the area of interest with respect
to MSL ranging from
2 Chapter 2 : Problem Identification and Formulation
2.1 Client Brief
The identified site was requested to undertake and propose a railway way structure protection and a
suitable riverbank stability method
2.2 Problem Identification
Understanding the issues of causes allowed to identify certain hazard/cautious conditions for the
durability of the railway bridge. Hence, they were mainly due to the process of river meandering and
bridge pier scouring.
2.3 Need for the project
2.3.1 Railway structure Protection
Bridges are usually constructed with a life period of 100 years for the purpose of its usage, having built
a bridge in 1925 during the period of British colonial was major source of transportation of passengers,
goods and freights on the Colombo-Puttalam line which survived till the age of 2022. Approaching
towards the centennial of this railway bridge, it needs to be significantly looked towards its operational
reliability. Moreover, it is required for a bridge inspection for purpose of identifying the physical
condition for providing s solution along with the stability of structure Bridge Pier Scouring
Scour is the removal of sediment around or near structures located in flowing water. Hence, can be
defined as the lowering the riverbed level by water erosions/incision such that there is a tendency to
expose the foundations of a bridge. Moreover, it is the result of the erosive action of flowing water,
excavating, and carrying away material from the bed and banks of streams and from around the piers
and abutments of bridges. Additionally, such scour around pier and pile supported structures and
abutments can result in structural collapse and loss of life and property as consequences. Following
image represents the types of scours that can occur at a bridge.
Note- The railway bridge in this project haven’t got an abutment, hence it undergoes meandering rather
2.3.2 Riverbank Stability
The study of river could be referred as river morphology. River channel can be categorized into four
types such as straight channel, meandering, braided and anastomosing (alternative bars). Each and every
type has its cause of flow and operational characteristics. Hence, due to these causes’ channels are
primary means of transporting sediment across the continent and primary agents of erosions and
denudation on the continents. When river represents its stream properties such as stream gradient,
sinuosity, velocity friction discharge and flow stages like low flow, bank full , floods and finally the
maturity through downcutting or the headward erosion repetitively crossing across seasons allows the
environmental or geographical nature of it to be disturbed. Hence, it is much required to consider these
morphology study during construction of bridge and during its operational stage for durability.
Therefore, the definition above shows the purpose of ensuring the river/riverbanks stability during any
construction. This project causes a river to meander due to the absence of an abutment or retaining
system and fails to ensure the durability of the railway bridge. River Meandering
River meandering can be identified by the presence of a high sinuosity, low gradient, singular channel
and laterally migrating channel. Moreover, it shows some common features such as point bars (During
the migration of a channel it leaves certain characteristic set of deposits behind called a point bars) and
cut banks, oxbow lakes, flood plains. These meander channels begin on the flat terrain such that it moves
laterally by eroding the concave side (Cut bank-erosion by undercutting on outside of bends) of the
channel and depositing sediments (point bars) on the convex side of the channel due to the high velocity
in the concave curve and less velocity on the convex curve a resulting force is applied to the concave
side. The area along this meandered river can be taken as riffle and pool as shown in figure below.
Hence, a pool is a region of deeper, slower-moving water with fine bed materials, whereas a riffle is a
region with coarser bed materials and shallower, faster-moving water, in area called as thalweg (deepest
portion of the channel). The figure provided in introduction and below shows the area of interest in
Deduru Oya have these features in it allowing the banks to be unstable.
3 Chapter 3: Objectives and Scope of the Project
3.1 Objectives
• To propose solution on railway structure protection with relevant to identified river
• To propose solution on riverbank stability to prevent lateral migration
4 Chapter 4 : Conceptual Schemes and Feasible Options
4.1 Conceptual Schemes
4.1.1 Generation of solutions
The understanding and addressing of the problems were discussed in chapter 2. Hence, it is required to
model, design, analyse and recommend solutions for the respective problem. Therefore, conceptual
diagrams and ideas are generated with alternative options to study the feasibility of those to identify
the suitable option for implementation.
4.1.2 Railway structure protection
The steel railway bridge structure of the Deduru oya have existed nearly 100 years. Hence, the whole
structure needs to be inspected beforehand before the recommendations are provided. This could be
successfully performed by a conditional assessment of the whole structure such that to ensure the
reliability of the bridge and provide alternatives
Initially the inspection will vary depending on the extent of available access to the structural elements
and the type of inspection required. Naming such inspections such as increased inspection interval, .
decreased inspection interval, underwater inspections, special inspections, in-depth inspections.
Considering current condition and need, special inspection is done which is defined as the performed
inspection for any railroad bridge that might have been damaged by a natural or accidental event,
including but not limited to a flood, fire, earthquake, derailment or vehicular or vessel impact.
Under the special inspection it is required to select Interim Inspection monitor a particular known or
suspected deficiency such as: scour, settlement, deteriorated member condition, usage of a load posted
bridge, bearing or joint measurements, etc. and Fracture Critical and Fatigue Sensitive Member which
will receive a 100% close-up, "hands-on" visual inspection during each of the following aspects
• Inspections which check all exposed surfaces of metal, load path nonredundant superstructure
• all exposed surfaces of metal, load path nonredundant pier caps (cap girders),
• Tension and stress reversal zones of metal members shall be examined for the presence of tack
welds, remaining original welded erection aids, remaining original groove weld back-up bars,
plug welded holes, and other existing weld details, situations, or conditions not part of the
original design if any of these situations exist
• All fracture critical zones, all load path nonredundant members, fatigue prone weld details and
all other areas etc…
Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (FHWA) have introduced
Condition Rating Coding System which rates the condition of an element, member, or component is an
evaluation of its current physical state compared to the as-built (new) condition. Which uses numerical
condition rating system to evaluate the condition of various bridge components. (Connecticut , 2012)
Table 4-1 Numerical condition rating system (Connecticut , 2012)
Code Description
7 GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems
elements show some minor deterioration.
FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural
5 elements are sound but may have minor section
loss, cracking, spalling, or scour
POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss,
deterioration, spalling, or scour.
SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section,
deterioration, spalling, or scour have seriously
3 affected primary structural components. Local
failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or
shear cracks in concrete may be present.
deterioration of primary elements. Fatigue
cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be
2 present or scour may have removed substructure
support. Unless closely monitored it may be
necessary to close the bridge until corrective
action is taken.
deterioration or section loss present in critical
structural components, or obvious vertical or
1 horizontal movement affecting structure
stability. Bridge is closed to traffic, but
corrective action may put bridge back in light
FAILED CONDITION - out of service; beyond
corrective action.
Figure 4-2 Frame Elements and Componenets(Connecticut , 2012)
Figure 4-6 Rocker Type and Pier Surface
Pier uses the above expansion bearing to resist longitudinal braking and traction forces, wind, and
other forces besides the dead load and live load of the span and also able to resist transverse forces.
In order for a better existence considering the above system and components. The superstructure
railway of the Deduru oya bridge was seen to be affected with regard to a threat on the reliability
factors such as strength, stability, serviceability and fatigue.
Some problems and factors may be observed on the super structure and its performance
are(Connecticut , 2012)
• Corrosion
• Rail elements such as the rail, spikes, tie plate, drive lags, guards and ties have been undergone
a defect in the deck or main structure resulting in unusual wear on the rail.
• Deck plays a crucial role as the interface between the train and the superstructure therefore some
recent problems were noted on connections
• Walking over the deck and noting down the general tie condition, looking for split ties, broken
ties or decayed ties.
• It may be noted any derailment or fire damage, shifted or skewed ties and Horizontal shear crack
• Timber decays may be observed such that the tie is crushed under the rail, the track spikes will
loosen, and the track surface and gauge may be affected.
• Mechanical damage can take several forms, such as plate cutting, broken ties, and derailment
damage. mechanical damage occurs when ties are subject to repeated overloading of large
impact loads. Ties damaged should be identified and replaced
• The rust, section loss, cracks and loose, bent, or displaced members.
• Timber side walks needs to be checked for deterioration
• Rails need to be railing system for cracks, scaling, spalls, rust, section loss, lose or broken
fasteners, cracked welds, parasite infestation, weathering, splitting, checking, impact damage or
other deterioration.
• Bearing is free of debris and corrosion, that it is uniformly supported on base material the central
bearing pin is not deteriorated and will allow for span deflection/rotation and the fasteners to the
superstructure are present without section loss and tight.
• For expansion bearings there may, be having unrestricted lateral movement, that their position is
correct given the temperature and that a keeper system is in place
• Inspection of all truss members such as tension, compression and secondary members as shown
in annexes
Hence, the superstructure components were needed to be rectified
The following alternatives was proposed for the rectification of the superstructure
1. Replacement
2. Renovation
Table 4-2 General Comparison of Alternatives for Super structure
Topic/Subtopic Description
Purpose Bridge Elements (Superstructure)
Method Replacement Renovation
Material Aluminium Steel (Weather Resistance)
1. Durability Low Tensile Stress High Tensile Stress
2. Timeline (Section) Faster Slower
Speed of Execution
1. Aesthetic Soft metal with silver grey Metal alloy composed of iron
colour carbon and few other elements
2. Construction Usage of Bolt/Rivet Usage of Welding/Bolt/Rivet
Connections Connection
1. Material Handling Lower melting point Higher melting point
2. Environmental Resistance to corrosion and Low alloy steel that forms a
rusting protective oxide film Hence,
No need of repaint,
3. Safety Easy handling/Edges are Denser Steel, Toxic gases,
sharp/Can cause metal fume Extreme Temperature usage
4. Risk Improper design may lead Loss of Section
5. Construction Offsite Prefabrication and Offsite Prefabrication and
installation installation
6. Pre-Construction Brought Piece by Piece Brought Piece by Piece
7. Project Timeline May have interruptions Salinity in air may interrupt
8. Labour Machineries usage Machineries usage
9. Durability Has better strength to weight Heavier and Stronger
10. Total Cost Higher Cost (But can be Low Cost (But can be offset)
11. Design/Dimensions Uncertainty increases Special elements can be made
through welding options
12. Maintenance and Repair More Sensitive to More sensitive for corrosion
Fatigue/Sensitive to thermal and Fatigue
Therefore, from above alternatives the feasible options needs to have the following aspects such as the
Economic Priorities: Efficient use of resources/Minimum Disruption, Durability, Adaptability,
Environmental Priorities: Recycling and Reuse, Minimum carbon dioxide and energy burdens,
Minimal Waste Light weight construction and the Social Priorities: sustainable communities, Health
and Safety, Minimum Impact, Aesthetically pleasing bridges etc..
Note – Conceptual sketch of the planned perimeter is proposed in Annex II
17 Sub Structure : Pier
The substructural part of a bridge plays a critical role in waterway bridges. Hence, foundation
movements may often be detected by first looking for deviations from the proper geometry of the
bridge. Taking Pier as the substructural element of the bridge focussed here. A serious problem, which
is frequently encountered around piers is scour. This is the erosive action of running water in loosening
and carrying away material from the bed and banks of the river. Inspections can be done on the
substructure as follows (Connecticut , 2012)
• Abutments, wingwalls and piers should be carefully observed from the ground on all sides,
• Hands-on Inspections access will be required for all bearing seat areas, the front faces of
abutments and piers in the vicinity of bearings and faces of pier caps in areas of high tension or
shear stresses
• Areas of cracking, scaling, wetness or staining should be tapped with a hammer to determine if
the concrete is sound.
• Spalling or scaling of bearing seats, that has caused (or may cause) a loss of bearing area for a
superstructure member, should be measured.
• The length and width of tension or shear cracks, if found in pier caps, should be measured.
• Where movement (tipping or settlement) of an element is suspected, plumb bob measurements
and joint opening or misalignment measurements should be taken
• All substructure elements in, or adjacent to, waterways shall be checked for the presence of scour
and undermining. Scour shall be checked by wading and probing around the entire base of every
element exposed to potential scour
• Concrete deterioration is, most commonly, the result of a leaking deck joint or defective drainage
system. The cause of the deterioration (joint or drainage) should always be repaired before, or
in addition to, any recommended concrete repairs.
Following testing may be done for clarification and identification of the depth and type of problem
Table 4-3 Test on Pier Structure
erosion are locally enhanced around the structures, leading to local lowering of the bed relative to the
general level of the channel. (May, Ackers, .and Kirby ,2002)
(May, Ackers, .and Kirby ,2002) states that “Water flowing past a pier or abutment exerts forces that
increase markedly as the velocity increases (by about the square of the velocity). In an ideal situation,
the forces are in line with the axis of the channel and piers, but in some cases channel movements and
other factors may affect the flow direction and the resulting forces to a degree not anticipated in the
design. The ability of the structure to withstand the hydraulic forces depends on the foundation design
and may be compromised by the scour which occurs. Debris accumulation may also contribute.”
Therefore, it is important to design and recommend suitable solutions on problems that arise near the
sub structure of bridge of Deduru Oya
Scour protection can be divided into three main categories:
• Scour reduction measures
• Structural measures
• Scour protection measures
Selection of scour protection measures. It can be divided into two categories as flexible and rigid
system. Flexible systems can cope with some movement without losing their armouring capability and
so can adjust to settlement or movement of the underlying and adjacent surface or bed. Rigid systems
cannot adjust to changes in the underlying surface and are often impermeable.
Identifying the respective piers have undergone local scouring and proposing the following alternative
solutions under flexible systems
1. Rip Rap Methodology
2. Collar Methodology
Table 4-4 General Comparison of Alternatives for Sub Structure
Topic/Subtopic Description
Purpose Bridge Pier (Substructure)
Method Rip Rap Method Collar Method
Construction Material Loose quarry stone with a wide Horizontal plates
• Construction Low Low
• Maintenance Medium Low
Underwater construction Good/Suitable May be suitable
High Velocity Flow Good/Suitable Good/Suitable
Vertical Stream Instability Good/Suitable Good/Suitable
Environmental Stability Good/Suitable Good/Suitable
Lateral Stream Stability May be suitable Good/Suitable
Repair Good/Suitable May be suitable
Aesthetic High Medium
Figure 4-8 of Potential failure mechanisms for hydraulic structures
Riverbank stabilization structures are designed to protect riverbanks and prevent the lateral migration
of rivers. There are two different approaches:
• Strengthening the banks
• Reducing hydrodynamic forces
It is required to consider and include the channel immediately upstream of the bridge opening as well
as the channel immediately downstream of the bridge opening for designing purposes as it was a
meandering river.
Discussing about the Earth Retaining Structures (ERS) under strengthening of banks. Hence, taking
Seawalls which are defined as structures separating land and water areas, primarily designed to prevent
erosion and other damage due to wave action. They are frequently built at the edge of the water but can
be built inland to with-stand periods of high water. Seawalls are generally characterized by a massive
cross section and a seaward face shaped to dissipate wave energy. Coastal flood walls, however, are
generally located landward of the normal high-water line so that they are inundated only by hurricane
or other surge tide and have the smooth-faced cantilever stems. Coordination between geotechnical
engineers, structural engineers, and geologists in the design of retaining and flood walls is essential.
During the planning and design stage, due to identification of potential slope instability, means for
slope stabilization or retention should be considered. Hence, complexity of a situation may dictate
using very specialized stabilization methods.
Therefore, there are proposed two methods to bank stability near the Deduru Oya Bridge. Hence,
retaining walls are recommended for this problem as specified in problem identification. Retaining
walls are structures, which support and retain earth in order to prevent failure of sediments in the
places where stability of slope cannot be assured by ground condition itself or by other slope
protection works. Moreover, when considering an abutment or walls due to meandering or due to the
lateral shifting of the channel. Continuous scouring occurs at the out-side of each bend in a
meandering river because of higher velocity of the stream, while sedimentation occurs at the inside of
each bend. The abutment close to the outside of a bend should be protected from undermining by
placing concrete or asphaltic mats over the riverbank or by founding the abutment below the greatest
possible depth of scour.
The method of construction of the ERS can be classified as two methods. One is Fill wall construction
refers to a wall system in which the wall is constructed from the base of the wall up to the top, i.e.,
“bottom-up” construction. Cut wall construction refers to a wall system in which the wall is
constructed from the top of the wall down to the base concurrent with excavation operations, i.e.,
“top-down” construction. Since there is a bridge already in place, the bottom-up construction method
is implemented. Since due to high frequent lateral pressures that is generated in cyclic sequence, the
system of construction was chosen as rigid system rather than a flexible.
Therefore, following are the proposed alternatives considering earth retaining structures
1. Abutment + Gravity Wall System
2. Cantilever T-Type Wall + Gabion
Method Abutment + Gravity Wall System
Topic/Subtopic Description
1. Material RCC and Mass Concrete
Durability 50-120 Yrs.
Timeline 3-5 Days
Speed of Execution
2. Aesthetic Symmetrical/Defined Pattern
3. Construction Easily constructed as a unit for a critical position
4. Material Handling Usage of Machineries
5. Environmental Feasible due to retaining of soil/Land accusation
6. Safety Less probability of scouring
7. Risk Over dredging, Fatigue failure, Spalling, Aggradation of stream
Construction Constructed as bottom-up method
8. Project Timeline High
9. Labour High
10. Durability High
11. Total Cost High
12. Design/Dimensions Composite
13. Maintenance and Repair Low
Table 4-5 General Comparison of Alternative 1 of Riverbank Stability
Pre-Construction Casted In-Situ
8. Project Timeline High
9. Labour Medium
10. Durability Medium
11. Total Cost High
12. Design/Dimensions Composite
13. Maintenance and Repair Low
1. All Inspections were done on site and necessary tests were performed
2. The height of bed of river is taken as similar to contours provided in section 2.6.6
3. All materials and machineries relevant to the project are available
4. All loads are assumed to completely transformed only from the train as live load
5. All the access are available for required inspection irrespective to the type for the structural
elements and riverbank
6. Assuming all field notes and field forms were completed
7. Considering all other structural and non-structural elements is in good condition
8. Assuming there are no abutments constructed for the bridge on either sides of the bank
9. Assuming the pier was constructed with concrete material
5 Chapter 5 : Feasibility Analysis of the Alternative Solutions
5.1 Railway Structure Protection Replacement
Replacement can be an alternative for the superstructure, and it can be feasibly analysed as follows
Technical Feasible
Physical and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys are the basic reasons of its success as
constructional material. Corrosion resistance normally makes it unnecessary to protect aluminium
structures, even in aggressive environments. Moreover, the lightness of the material gives advantages
in weight reduction, but it is partially offset by the necessity to reduce deformability, which gives a
high susceptibility to buckling phenomena. The extrusion fabrication process allows to produce
individually tailored shapes, according to the requirements which are designed for bridge elements
(Annex II). Large choice for the connection solutions, because the modern technology gives the
possibility to use either bolting, riveting, without any difficulties involved.
Advantages of using it as a material (Mazzolani,2003)
Lightness makes it possible to:
• Simplify the erection phases.
• Transport fully prefabricated components.
• Reduce the loads transmitted to foundations.
• Economize energy either during erection and/or in service.
• Reduce the physical labour.
Corrosion resistance makes it possible to:
• Reduce the maintenance expenses.
• Provide good performance in corrosive environments.
Functionally of structural shapes, due to the extrusion process, makes it possible to:
• Improve the geometrical properties of the cross-section by designing a shape which
• Simultaneously gives the minimum weight and the highest structural efficiency.
• Obtain stiffened shapes without using built-up sections, thus avoiding welding or bolting.
• Simplify connecting system among different components, thus improving joint details.
• Combine different functions of the structural component, thus achieving a more
• Economical and rational profile.
Hence, more general applications structural applications of the aluminium alloys in structural
engineering can be seen and applied, where they are classified with regard to the requirements of
corrosion resistance , lightness and functionality of extruded profiles, which are determinant in the
choice of these material, acting separately or together.
Example of such are interesting to observe how the bridge deck can be made of special extruded parts,
which are shaped as stiffened plates able to be transversally joined without fasteners, by means of a
simple pressure.
Aluminium Properties
Physical Properties
Table 5-1 Physical Properties of Aluminum (Mazzolani,2003)
Mechanical Properties
The load-displacement diagram is usually represented by a continuous curve without yielding (tensile
stress-strain curves are provided for some alloys)
Table 5-2 Mechanical Properties of Aluminium (Mazzolani,2003)
The railway superstructure activities will introduce nuisances such as dust, noise, vibrations and
fumes. Socially associated with arrival of job seekers can disturb the social order as well. These are
some adverse effects.
• Noise generated during the process can disturb people
• Dust from construction activities could move to the river and people.
• Potential increase of soil erosion in the area at the moment due to human involvements during
the process
• Risks of injuries and fatal accidents to workers during the process
• Sanitation and solid waste disposal during the replacement and renovation process are issues that
could also impact negatively on the environment.
• Increase in solid waste from remaining materials
Structures situated in corrosive or humid environments such as swimming pool roofs, river bridges,
hydraulic structures and offshore superstructure
In this range the aluminium alloys can have favourable possibilities to be more convenient than steel,
provided that a suitable design is able to exploit their main physical properties. In particular, the
corrosion resistance allows to eliminate any protection also in presence of corrosive environment,
while the lightness corresponds to energy saving during the operating phases of the plant (Mazzolani,
Material can completely recycab1e
Structures having moving parts, so that lightness means economy of power under service. They are
mainly moving bridges. Moreover, the structures located in inaccessible places far from the fabrication
shop, so the transport economy and ease of erection are of extreme importance. Also, structures for
special purposes, for which maintenance operations are particularly difficult and must be limited
• Very short time for construction works, which greatly reduces the total investment costs in many
cases. For example, the replacement of a concrete bridge deck by an aluminium deck was
achieved in just three days in order to disturb the traffic as little as possible. In addition, costs for
a temporary bypass road could be avoided.
• In many cases the reduction of the dead load can make it possible to use the existing bridge
foundations and main girders. This is maybe the greatest advantage and should be studied
carefully for each particular case.
• After completion, the costs for maintenance are also kept at a minimum, because the corrosion
resistance will also be very good.
• It has the potential to create short-term business and employment opportunities to both
professional staff and workers during development process.
• During this railway superstructure development process, traders will benefit from opportunities
to supply construction material, while locals will be employed for construction works.
• Improved access to the towns, market centres and relevant destinations through railway.
• Reduced travel time
• Improved human productivity through reduced travel time
• Traders will also benefit through timely delivery of their produce and services, thereby making
them more competitive
Due to usage of Aluminium, it can cause metal fume fever, which is a flu like illness with symptoms
of metallic taste mouth , headache, fever and chills, aches, chest tightness and cough during
manufacturing of the aluminium material
Sustainable and safer than steel when using it for the members
27 Renovation
Renovation can be an alternative for the superstructure, and it can be feasibly analysed as follows
Technical Feasible
Steel bridge components usually take the form of sections hot rolled to standard sizes or plates formed
to standard dimensions. The standards used for bridge components constructed in pre-metric days are
now likely to be obsolete. Steel bars, tubes, cables and castings may also have a structural function in
some bridges. In the forms most frequently encountered in bridge structures as similar, steel is strong
in both tension and compression and possesses excellent ductility.
Following are the physical properties that governs the overall technical ability of a steel
The railway superstructure activities will introduce nuisances such as dust, noise, vibrations and
fumes. Socially associated with arrival of job seekers can disturb the social order as well. These are
some adverse effects.
• Noise generated during the process can disturb people
• Dust from construction activities could move to the river and people.
• Potential increase of soil erosion in the area at the moment due to human involvements during
the process
• Risks of injuries and fatal accidents to workers during the process
• Sanitation and solid waste disposal during the replacement and renovation process are issues that
could also impact negatively on the environment.
• Increase in solid waste from remaining material
The following methodology allows to mitigate environmental options due to renovation activities,
where it uses
• Corrosion resistive coatings
• Steel structure connections are replaced
During the train travel the speed of it makes the trains noise normally dominate by the interaction of
the rail and the wheel. It can be seen that when the trains run on bridges there is frequently an increase
in noise levels compared to trains running at the same speed at grade.
• Due to renovation of the parts the respective initial cost is less
• The consumption of steel is less during renovation
• Steel can exist for long period of time since it has a durable property
• Saves paint costs
• Saves construction time
Reduced maintenance
• No need to repaint
• Reduces traffic delays during maintenance not as dependant on weather conditions
• Reduces need for access
The following are the construction safety that may arise during implementation and life
• Exposure to noise levels exceeding those set by the competent authorities may result in noise-
induced hearing loss. Exposure to high noise levels may also interfere with communication and
may result in nervous fatigue with an increased risk of occupational injury.
• Temperature and/or humidity are unusually high during working
• The iron and steel industry regularly uses different sources of energy (electric, mechanical,
hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.)
• Internal transport, such as road and rail vehicles, transfer cars etc. used in the transport of raw
materials, intermediates, products, waste etc. has the potential to cause injuries to workers and
other people. The hazards can be caused by interaction between vehicles, vehicles and other
objects and personnel, or by loads falling off or from the vehicle.
• Less active and dangerous during a fire exposure
5.1.2 Sub Structure – Bridge Pier
Technical Feasible
It is one of the most versatile and commonly used types of revetments, as it can generally be readily
sourced, easily placed and can be specified to suit particular flow conditions. It is flexible and can
accommodate small ground movements and some loss of stones without failure. Suitably sized riprap
is appropriate as protection up to very high velocities and turbulence. It can be used to protect banks
with slopes up to 1 V: 1.5H, without requiring additional restraint. Because of the flexibility in the
shape of the area that can be covered, it is useful for protecting small awkwardly shaped areas and
transitions between hydraulic structures and natural channels.
When riprap is selected as a scour countermeasure, it is usually placed flushed with the riverbed level
if flow conditions are favourable for detailed installation, or as a riprap sloping structure when flow
conditions do not allow fine manoeuvring of the machinery. Some authors consider layer riprap as a
more suitable protection than a riprap sloping structure, because of excessive exposure of the sloping
structure that induces unwanted contraction. Recommended placement of the layer riprap depends on
the hydraulic environment and sediment transport, i.e., the occurrence of bedforms.
Riprap should be placed deep enough so it does not protrude above the bed level and disturb the flow.
Installation in rivers with significant amounts of bedload should be buried below the estimated through
of the dunes occurring during floods . The number of studies in the literature describing layer riprap
and its failure mechanisms is higher than that of riprap sloping structures, which have been rarely
investigated. Generally, hydraulic processes that occur downstream of the riprap sloping structure and
its consequences are ambiguous—flow obstruction, debris accumulation and scouring at the periphery
of the riprap mound. Since there is no such research about estimating scouring around the riprap
sloping structure, an analogy with complex piers can be drawn.
• When inserting Riprap stones, it can harm to the living beings on the river.
• The dust comes from the substructure development process can be mixed with river water and
its dangerous.
• During this development process the water transportation systems through the river can be
• Soil erosion is much high at the moment due to this Riprap stone inserting process.
• Workers might be in danger due to water related accidents.
• A filter designed to keep fine materials within the slope between the riprap and the slope; this
may be replaced with anti-contaminant geotextile deployed in one or two layers depending on
the riprap installation conditions.(eco-friendly procedures)
• A grounding block (anchor) to minimize any general propensity for channel lowering or
• Riprap can be visually intrusive where used in inappropriate locations. For example, in lowland
areas where there is no locally occurring stone, its use may appear out of place. Elsewhere,
particularly in upland cobble and boulder rivers, it can blend well with its surroundings. Use of
local stone is preferred where possible (and is normally cheaper anyway) to reduce the length of
haul routes (and hence traffic disruption) as well as to match the visual appearance of the
surroundings. Stone would normally be sourced from an existing quarry, but where opening a
new quarry is considered, the impacts of this in terms of noise, waste, effect on landscape and
traffic must be assessed.
• Riprap can provide a good habitat for invertebrates. The stone is normally inert and does not
pose a pollution risk, but in sensitive areas it may be necessary to test for the potential for harmful
Leachate’s. Its appearance can be masked by filling the void spaces above water with soil or
gravel. Replacement of any excavated material from the riverbed and banks can re-establish
habitats and hide the riprap.
Maintenance repairs involving the placing of rock protection around bridge piers can reduce the flow
area of the main span and lead to flow being diverted towards other channels or openings which may
lead towards bank erosion and channel migration
• Since Ripraps/Collars last for long time, soil erosion can be easily stopped, and it is an effective
thing for the river.
• Can produce more jobs related to substructure protection.
• Improves the productivity of the river.
• Can make the railway transportation system productive after substructure protection.
• Can stabilize the riverbed against the bridge piers to withstand against the railway loads and it
causes to the protection of railway, railway bridge and the passengers
The respective area needs to be well protected before construction from water currents and adverse
• To avoid slope erosion, a separation layer (sand, geotextile) is put between natural ground and
riprap or gabions.
• The appropriate filter to utilize in the protection works must be chosen with the flow and soil
characteristics in mind. Collar
Collar can be an alternative for the substructure, and it can be feasibly analysed as follows
Technical Feasible
They take the form of thin horizontal plates attached around the pier at or below bed level, to reduce
the intensity of the downward current at the pier by deflecting and interrupting it. Research has
indicated that they can reduce scour substantially. Both circular and egg-shaped collars have been
tested, with little difference found between the two. Only relatively limited research has been carried
out to date on their effectiveness. Research has been limited to clear-water scour conditions, and their
performance under live-bed conditions is not known. It is recommended that collars only be
considered for situations with low sediment transport.
There is insufficient research and practical experience to develop full design methods, but the
following general principles can be used:
• The collar should be located at or below the original bed level (scour reduction increases with
the distance of the collar below bed level; if the collar is too high secondary downward currents
can develop below the collar)
• Scour reduction is strongly influenced by collar diameter (a collar of diameter two times the pier
diameter placed at bed level reduces the scour depth by about 20 per cent; a collar of diameter
three times the pier diameter, at the same elevation, reduces the scour depth by about 50 per
There are very less social concerns when considering this factor
• During this development process the water transportation systems through the river can be
• Workers might be in danger due to water related accidents.
• Soil erosion could be much high due to collar inserting process
• Increased silt loading in streams has a negative influence on aquatic flora and wildlife.
• Oil, petrol, cement, and other contaminants entering watercourses cause harm to aquatic plants
and species when it deposits under
• Since Collars last for long time, soil erosion can be easily stopped, and it is an effective thing for
the river.
• Can produce more jobs related to substructure protection.
• Improves the productivity of the river.
• Can make the railway transportation system productive after substructure protection.
• Can stabilize the riverbed against the bridge piers to withstand against the railway loads and it
causes to the protection of railway, railway bridge
• The type of filter to use in the protection works must be determined by the flow and soil
characteristics to ensure proper safety and adequacy
5.2 Riverbank Stability
Technical Feasible
U-Type Abutments
Abutments are used at the ends of bridges to retain the embankment and to carry the vertical and
horizontal loads from the superstructure to the foundation, The design requirements for abutments are
similar to those for retaining walls and for piers; each must be stable against overturning and sliding.
Abutment foundations must also be designed to prevent differential settlement and excessive lateral
movements. It is also similar to a design of gravity wall except having a wing wall and the top part for
bearing the bridge
Many types of abutments can be satisfactorily utilized for a particular bridge site. Economics is usually
the primary factor in selecting the type of abutment to be used. For river or stream crossings, the
minimum required channel area and section are considered. Therefore, in here the selected abutment
was U type wall for retaining and carrying the steel bridge structure.
An abutment built on a slope or on top of a slope is less likely to become a collision obstacle than one
on the bottom of the slope and is more desirable from a safety standpoint. Aesthetics is also a factor
when selecting the most suitable abutment type. Therefore, it satisfies the conditions of the site
Gravity Walls
Gravity walls depend on their mass (stone, concrete or other heavy material) to resist pressure from
behind and may have a ‘batter’ setback to improve stability by leaning back toward the retained soil.
For short landscaping walls, they are often made from mortarless stone or segment concrete units
(masonry units). Dry-stacked gravity walls are somewhat flexible and do not require a rigid footing.
Cross sections through some typical mass concrete gravity walls are shown in below figure. The
dimensions of the wall should be such that the resultant earth pressures on it produce no tensile stress
in any part of the wall, since it cannot be assumed that joints between lifts of concrete or masonry
blocks have any tensile strength. Mass concrete walls are probably only viable for small, retained
heights, say up to 3 m. They can be designed for greater heights, but as the height increases, other
types of walls become more economical. The cross-sectional shape of the wall is dictated by stability,
the use of space in front of the wall, the required wall appearance, and the method of construction.
Economy of material will normally result if either the front or back of the wall is stepped or inclined.
• Noise generated during the process can disturb people
• Dust from construction activities could move to the river and people.
• Potential increase of soil erosion in the area at the moment due to human involvements during
the process
• Risks of injuries and fatal accidents to workers during the process (Injuries which can happen
when inserting gravity walls, T type walls, gabions and welding the gabion cages)
• Sanitation and solid waste disposal during the river bank stabilization process are issues that
could also impact negatively on the environment.
• Increase in solid waste from remaining materials
• Land Acquisition as proposes
• It maintains the slope very stable such that it can retain very large lateral pressure
• Can reduce scouring if built properly
• Intensifies dust pollution
• River gets polluted due to interruption during construction
• Useful during future purpose as a mitigation
• Initial Cost is high, but the benefits are also equally allowable
• It has the potential to create short-term business and employment opportunities to both
professional staff and workers during development process.
• During the riverbank stabilization process, traders will benefit from opportunities to supply
construction material, while locals will be employed for construction works.
• Improved access to the relevant destinations through river
• Improves the productivity of water transportation
• Reduced travelling time
• Improved human productivity through reduced travel time
• Improves the productivity of the living beings and the aquatic trees in water
• Traders will also benefit through timely delivery of their produce and services, thereby making
them more competitive
• Constructing the new bridge with a continuous cap beam and front wall that acts as an abutment
and mounting it on substructure components built outside the previous bridge's width.
• Protects the bridge from further instability of soil erosion
36 Cantilever T-Type Wall + Gabion
Cantilever T-Type Wall + Gabion can be an alternative for the substructure, and it can be feasibly
analysed as follows
Technical Feasible
Cantilever T-Type Wall most common forms of reinforced-concrete cantilever wall. They are made in
the form of an inverted T (Figure top) or L (Figure bottom), with the latter being either forward or
backward facing. The cantilever wall is a reinforced concrete wall that uses the cantilever action of the
stem to retain the soil mass behind the wall. Stability is achieved from the weight of the soil on the
heel portion of the base slab. A shear key may be used to augment sliding resistance. The very simple
form of L or inverted T are suitable for low walls (less than 6 m), but for higher walls, it is necessary
to introduce counterforts or buttresses.
Moderate heights of cantilever walls are available as precast units, allowing quick assembly on site.
Their finish is generally plain but can be textured to make them more aesthetically pleasing. In general,
the quality of a precast concrete would be expected to be higher than that of an in-situ concrete, but
this advantage will be offset by the greater cost of transport and handling. There should be little risk of
construction failure, provided that the manufacturers’ recommendations with regard to installation and
backfill are complied with.
37 Gabion
A variation on the traditional mass concrete gravity wall is the gabion wall, illustrated in figure below.
A gabion consists of a box made of metal or plastic mesh that is flled in situ with coarse granular
material such as crushed rock or cobbles and used as a basic building unit (see Figure 6.5b).
The major advantage of the system is its flexibility, but it has additional advantages when constructing
in remote areas. Only the mesh needs to be transported to the site, and local labour and materials can
be used to complete the structure. Gabion walls are particularly good at absorbing impact energy and
are often used as rock fall barriers. Gabion walls can be particularly attractive and blend in extremely
well with a mountainous natural environment. They are simple to maintain and repair if damaged, and
particularly easy to reuse or recycle.
• The dynamic environment in which the designed works are constructed should be considered
while designing a riverbank protection cross section.
• Maintenance is required on the riverbanks
• Less costly than abutment and gravity walls
• Useful during future purpose as a mitigation
• Cost is high during construction, but the benefits are also equally allowable
• It has the potential to create short-term business and employment opportunities to both
professional staff and workers during development process.
• During the riverbank stabilization process, traders will benefit from opportunities to supply
construction material, while locals will be employed for construction works.
• Improved access to the relevant destinations through river
• Improves the productivity of water transportation
• Reduced travelling time
• Improved human productivity through reduced travel time
• Improves the productivity of the living beings and the aquatic trees in water
• Traders will also benefit through timely delivery of their produce and services, thereby making
them more competitive
• Structure foundation built deep enough to be at or below the predicted maximum scour level
• The foundation of the structure was built above the projected maximum scour level, but with a
launching apron.
• Gabion meshes might corrode after a while
• High Possibility to Topple and Fail
A Replacment
B Renovation
C Rip Rap Out of 10 Score
D Collar 1- Low
Table 5-4 MCA
Standard Designs
A 6 7 7 8 9 5 7 6
B 8 8 9 7 8 9 8 9
C 8 8 7 9 7 9 8 8
D 6 6 5 7 8 7 6 7
E 8 2 8 7 8 9 8 9
F 7 6 7 8 8 7 7 7
A Replacment
B Renovation
C Rip Rap
D Collar
E Abutment + Gravity Wall System
F Cantilever T-Type Wall + Gabion
6 Chapter 6 : Preliminary Design Calculations
6.1 Basic Calculations
Property Description
Temperature (Sec 2.3.2) Max 30.0 °C
Min 22.5 °C
Humidity 80%
Soil Type Alluvial and lagoonal deposits clay, silt,
Annual Rainfall Above 1100 mm
Description Dimension
Focused Length Outer Bank – 1064 m
Inner Bank – 1045 m
Surface Water Potential Above the Bed 1.0-1.5 (Normal River Level)
Ground Surface of the Land 9 m MSL (Sec 2.6.6)
Ground Level under the water (Bed) 4 m MSL (Sec 2.6.6)
Software (HEC-RAS) [Assumptions]
Upstream (Boundary Condition) - Flow 2000 m3/s
Rate in 100 Yrs Return Period
Downstream (Boundary Condition) – Water 4.2 m (Elevation)
Bridge Dimesions
Total Span 240 m
Individual Span (5 Sets) 48 m
Pratt Truss Clear Height 4.5 m
Height from water surface to under the deck 3.5 m
Pier Upper Circular (Dia) 3.0 m
Pier near bed Circular (Dia) 5.0 m
41 Coordinate System of River
Description Values
Soil Type Alluvial and lagoonal deposits clay, silt,
Soil Parameters in River
𝜙𝑐′ = 36°
𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 20 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3
Soil Parameter behind Walls/Abutment/
𝜙𝑐′ = 36°
𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 20 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3
6.1.2 Flow Capacity Calculations
The river flow characteristic was identified using the HEC-RAS 6.2 Version and following data were
identified for a 100-year return period having run a 1 D Model with Steady State Condition Assumptions
• Losses due to contraction and expansion of flow between cross sections are determined as
Contraction Coefficient = 0.1
Expansion Coefficient = 0.3
• Upstream (Boundary Condition) - Flow Rate in 100 Yrs Return Period = 2000 m3/s
• Downstream (Boundary Condition) – Water Depth = 4.2 m (Elevation)
43 Dividing the river for different cross sections
44 Model Creation
The respective model was created in a reach by inputting 6 cross sections as shown in below table and
interpolated into 20 m interval cross sections
Table 6-5 Modelled Arrangement
WS 100 Yr
Bank Sta
WS 100 Yr
Bank Sta
6 Ground
45 Velocity Distributions Curves
6 Legend
EG 100 Yr
WS 100 Yr
Crit 100 Yr
3.0 m /s
3.5 m /s
4.0 m /s
4.5 m /s
5.0 m /s
Bank Sta
Elevation (m)
DS_CS_03 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Station (m)
6 Legend
EG 100 Yr
WS 100 Yr
4.0 m /s
4.5 m /s
5.0 m /s
5.5 m /s
6.0 m /s
6.5 m /s
Bank Sta
Elevation (m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Station (m)
6 Legend
EG 100 Yr
WS 100 Yr
3.0 m /s
3.5 m /s
4.0 m /s
4.5 m /s
5.0 m /s
5.5 m /s
Bank Sta
Elevation (m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Station (m)
Bridge_Scour_Model Plan: Run01 11/6/2022
6 Legend
EG 100 Yr
WS 100 Yr
2.5 m /s
3.0 m /s
3.5 m /s
4.0 m /s
4.5 m /s
5.0 m /s
Bank Sta
Elevation (m)
CL 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Station (m)
8 Legend
EG 100 Yr
WS 100 Yr
4.0 m /s
4.5 m /s
5.0 m /s
5.5 m /s
6.0 m /s
6.5 m /s
Bank Sta
Elevation (m)
US_CS_01 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Station (m)
8 Legend
EG 100 Yr
WS 100 Yr
3.2 m /s
3.4 m /s
3.6 m /s
3.8 m /s
4.0 m /s
4.2 m /s
4.4 m /s
4.6 m /s
Elevation (m)
US_CS_02 4.8 m /s
Bank Sta
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Station (m)
Bridge_Scour_Model Plan: Run01 11/6/2022
8 Legend
EG 100 Yr
WS 100 Yr
2.8 m /s
3.0 m /s
3.2 m /s
3.4 m /s
3.6 m /s
3.8 m /s
4.0 m /s
4.2 m /s
Elevation (m)
US_CS_03 2
4.4 m /s
Bank Sta
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Station (m)
Note - All the Individual Calculations done are attached in Annexes III
6.1.3 Stability calculations
Table 6-8 Channel Width Calculation
The basic objective of evaluating the stability of a stream channel is to confirm that the stream reach
can be assumed to be stable over the design life of the bridge. The initial assumption is that a study
reach is stable Factors that affect stream stability, and potentially bridge
Geomorphic Factors
These include stream size, flow habit ,bed material, valley setting, floodplains, natural levees, apparent
incision, channel boundaries, tree cover on banks, sinuosity, degree of braiding, degree of an
branching, and variability of width, development of bars.
Hydraulic Factors
Magnitude, frequency and duration of floods; bed configuration; resistance to flow; water surface
profiles, problems at bends, problems at confluences, backwater effects of alignment and location,
effects of highway profile, and bridge design.
The primary complicating factors in river mechanics are:
• The large number of interrelated variables that can simultaneously respond to natural or imposed
changes in a stream system; and
• The continual evolution of stream channel patterns, channel geometry, bars and forms of bed
roughness with changing water and sediment discharge.
The channel stability can be found in following ways of methodology proposed by David L. Rosgen,
P.H (Rosgen and Wildland Hydrology) is used to identify the stream stability
a) Riparian vegetation – the respective area has been located with more vegetation grown on the
sedimentation portion of the area and along the banks of the river as well
b) Sediment deposition patterns – it can be seen a point bar deposition of area of 61,571 m2 area on the
Right Bank
c) Debris occurrence – Have wood debris and waste around the area due to anthropogenic activities
d) Meander pattern – Sinusoidal having pools under the bridge and riffle on the bend inflection
e) Stream size/Stream order- Observation from the satellite view it was identified as 2nd Order
f) Flow regime – A turbulent flow can be seen in the bank sides and laminar flow in in Pool/Thalweg
side having Reynolds greater than 4000
g) Altered states due to direct disturbance – the main affect observed during the period was the
formation of braided region on the right bank as there are diverted channels forming on the right most
2. Vertical Stability/Degradation/Aggradation:
• The degree of incision involves a measurement of bank height ratio. It is measured as the
ratio of the lowest bank height of the cross-section divided by maximum bank full depth.
Calculation :
Degree of incision = lowest bank height/ maximum bank full depth = -3.4/-1 = 3.4 ,
• To determine if the stream has incised to the extent that the stream has abandoned its
floodplain is determined by the entrenchment ratio, which indicates vertically containment.
The entrenchment ratio is calculated by first determining the elevation of the flood-prone
area as measured at twice the maximum bank full depth. The flood prone area width at this
elevation is then divided by the bank full width. If the Entrenchment ratio is less than 1.4
(+ or- 0.2), the stream is entrenched
Calculation :
Elevation of the flood-prone area = 2 x maximum bank full depth = 2 x 3.4 = 6.8 m
flood prone area width at this elevation/ bank full width = 137/70 = 1.96
Hence, the stream is not entrenched
• The aggradation category is determined from a summary of the depositional patterns, coarse
deposition on floodplains and very high to extreme width/depth ratios and near the bridge it
can be identified as very moderate in deposition on floodplains width/depth ratios.
Longitudinal profiles of the reach showing elevations of the bed, water surface, bank full
and lowest bank height indicate if the incision is advancing downstream or if a head-cut is
advancing from the downstream direction and hence, from the model from HEC RAS it
could be seen this is incision is advancing.
3. Lateral Stability
Here Meander width ratio (degree of confinement) is considered out of its categories.
Meander width
ratio is the meander belt width (lateral containment of the channel within its valley) divided by
bank full channel width. Values of meander width ratio by stream type are shown in Rosgen
(1996, p.4 -9). Some streams can be confined, but not entrenched. This provides insight into
channel adjustment processes by stream type and degree of confinement
Meander width ratio = Meander belt width / bank full channel width = 137/70 = 1.76
4. Channel Pattern:
Measure meander width ratios (meander length/bank full width), ratio of radius of
curvature/bank full width, sinuosity, meander width ratio (belt width/bank full width), arc
length and arc angle.
6.2 Design on Railway Structure Protection
The following structures and elements of the bridge truss can be individually treated for the purpose of
It is possible consider a common designing infrastructure for the purpose of all elements as it is a steel
structure. This process also can be termed as rehabilitation and upgrading of the bridge superstructure.
Steps of series undertaken for designing (Melaragno, 1998)
1. After the thorough inspection as mentioned in previous chapters, organizing them in a suitable
manner and compiling a list of data that is not part of these documents and , describing damage
observed during the inspection.
2. The survey would include a sketch of the whole bridge plus a series of sketches illustrating each
individual component of the structure, including structural members, internal connections,
external supports, and nonstructural components as shown above and the drawings provided
3. Diagnose all damage, describing the causes and the procedures to be followed for the restoration
of each part. In this phase, the repair of a damaged member may also include additional
reinforcement that can guarantee an additional strength, which would be necessary since the
member in its original configuration failed.
4. Specify the overall finishing of the rehabilitated bridge. This would include gunite coverings and
painting of concrete surfaces and the painting of steel bridges, capitalizing on colors, shadings
and combinations of colors.
Considering the dominant factor as the corrosion case of a bridge , which is affecting the longevity of
the structure. Protecting bridges against corrosion is therefore a major operation to be performed on a
systematic basis as part of the maintenance program. cost of protection against rust in comparison to
the cost of major repairs, in the case when maintenance has been neglected, is more than justified by
comparison in previous chapters. Technical literature on corrosion and corrosion protection points to
the definition of corrosion as an electrochemical process that includes three basic elements: an anode, a
cathode, and an electrolyte. These produce an oxidation, in the case of steel, referred to as rust.
In examining a rusted surface, it is possible to distinguish between two types. One type of rust is
strongly bonded to the metal below and will not be removed easily. In this case, this layer of rust
protects the metal and retards further oxidation. The other type of rust is instead porous and loosely
attached. In this case, this layer does not offer much protection since it will allow water to pass
through, accelerating the oxidation of the metal underneath
Along a steel surface is the existence of different conditions in certain parts. Some parts may act as
cathodes and others as anodes, and water may act as the electrolyte between such parts.
In view of such processes of deterioration of steel bridges, it is important to involved with this type of
projects of restoration should try to eliminate any spots on the bridge where water could accumulate
Hence, the following list includes suggestions to reduce corrosion in bridges:
• Consider use of various protective systems that include high-quality paint systems, epoxy
coatings, zinc coatings, special overlay systems, and cathodic protection systems.
• Reduce the number of expansion joints. Specify the joints to be watertight and correctly installed.
Special attention must be given to protect deck joints.
• Install sufficient number of drains with proper grades. Increase the size of pipes, fittings, inlet
openings, and catch basins with respect to the minimum necessary.
• Particular attention should be given to accessibility of all components to allow for inspections as
well as painting.
• Minimize the generation of cracks in concrete bridges using various methods, including the use
of mixtures with minimum ratios of water to cement and the use of steel reinforcement for
temperature stresses.
Field welding
According to (Melaragno, 1998) the welding process in the repair and rehabilitation of steel bridges is
a subject in need of attention due to limited amount of data concerning this process within the context
of codes.
Welding is the best method for the repairing of steel bridges. When comparing field welding with shop
welding, the difficulty of controlling the quality of the work in the field increases substantially due to
additional factors that do not occur in the shop. As previously mentioned, the type of steel to be
welded is one of the essential datum to be established. Different steels, graded according to ASTM
specifications, have different characteristics of weldability which must be established. Other factors to
be taken into consideration are, for instance, the cleanliness of the material being joined, that in the
field may pose problems not experienced in the shop. Welding in the field can be affected by thick,
flaky, scaling rust which create cavities, pits, and other surface irregularities. Prior to welding, it is
necessary that scale and rust be removed using wire brushing, shot or sandblasting, or grinding. When
cleanliness is not up to the required standards, porosity may occur in the weld.
Atmospheric conditions on the site may also have a damaging effect on welding that must be avoided
at all costs. One of the factors for instance is the effect of precipitation which could keep the metal wet
when the requirement is to keep the welding area absolutely dry. Another factor is ambient
temperature which is subjected to strict limitations by the code.
Hence the above identified procedure will be used to enhance the rehabilitation of the bridge with their
respective components
6.2.2 Sub Structure Design – Rip Rap Method
Moreover, US design practice (Richardson and Davis, 1995) is that the structure and foundations of
highway bridges should have a safety factor against collapse of 1.5-2.0 in terms of the loads occurring
in a design flood with a 1 00-year return period.
It could be also understood that from reading literature that the UK engineers have considered a
concept that “for foundations on floodplains, consideration should be given to designing them at the
same elevation as the pier foundations in the main channel if there is the likelihood of channel
migration across the floodplain over the life of the structure. The same principle applies to the
abutments of clear spans This is less likely to be a requirement for the UK, where rivers are generally
relatively stable and major channel realignment is rare. Where migration is a possibility but less likely,
then the benefits of providing full-depth foundations on the floodplains must be compared with the
cost of construction and weighed against the alternatives” Therefore, assuming a maximum scouring
depth of 3 m and designing
If any structural measures for the protection of pier foundation are needed, it would be done as per
shown in above figure if any encountered
Riprap is the term used to describe loose quarry stone with a wide grading, laid as scour protection.
Suitably sized riprap is appropriate as protection up to very high velocities and turbulence.
Riprap can be placed by machine and does not require hand placing or compaction. It can be placed
underwater, although good quality control is needed to ensure an even coverage, and it is normal to
increase the thickness placed to compensate for the greater difficulty of accurate placing. It can be
placed in flowing water, although care is needed to avoid segregation and loss of the smaller stone
Considering this local scour as a clean water scour rather than a live bed scour. Hence, the book
defines the Clear water scour as an occurrence when the flow velocity upstream of a structure is less
than the threshold value needed to cause movement of the bed material. Scour develops around the
structure if the local intensification of the flow is sufficient to exceed the threshold condition, with
sediment eroded from the scour hole being transported a short distance downstream of the structure
before depositing again. The depth and lateral extent of the scour hole continue to increase until the
flow is no longer able to remove material from the hole. The rate at which the scour hole develops
becomes slower as it becomes deeper, and the time taken to reach the final equilibrium value can be
very long.
The calculations for the design were the guidance provided for pier protection applications of riprap
has been developed primarily from FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 23 (HEC-23) (Lagasse
etal. 2001) and the results of NCHRP Project 24-07(2) (Lagasse et al. 2007), NCHRP Project 24-
23(Lagasse et al. 2006), and NCHRP Project 24-07 (Parker et al.,1998).
As per the (TRB, 2007)
Design and Specifications
Riprap design methods typically yield a required size of stone that will result in stable performance
under the design loadings. Because stone is produced and delivered in a range of sizes and shapes,
the required size of stone is often stated in terms of a minimum allowable representative size.
For pier scour protection, the designer specifies a minimum allowable d50 for the rock composing
the riprap, thus indicating the size for which 50% (by weight) of the particles are smaller. Stone
sizes can also be specified in terms of weight (e.g., W50) using an accepted relationship between
size and volume, and the known (or assumed) density of the particle.
For pier scour protection, the designer specifies a minimum allowable d50 for the rock composing
the riprap, thus indicating the size for which 50% (by weight) of the particles are smaller. Stone
sizes can also be specified in terms of weight (e.g., W50) using an accepted relationship between
size and volume, and the known (or assumed) density of the particle.
Riprap stones should not be thin and platy, nor should they be long and needle-like. Therefore,
specifying a maximum allowable value for the ratio A/C, also known as the shape factor,provides a
suitable measure of particle shape
Since the B axis is intermediate between the two extremes of length A and thickness C.
A maximum allowable value of 3.0 is recommended:
For riprap applications, stones tending toward subangular to angular are preferred, due to the
higher degree of interlocking, hence greater stability, compared to rounded particles of the same
Sg = 2.5 is recommended for rip rap applications (if quarry source like dolomite ; Sg = 2.7 to 2.8)
Based on above Equation C1.3,which assumes the volume of the stone is 85% of a cube, Table
C1.2 provides the equivalent particle weights for the same ten classes, using a specific gravity of
2.65 for the particle density.
Hydraulic Stability Design Procedure
To determine the required size of stone for riprap at bridge piers, NCHRP Project 24-23
recommends using the rearranged Isbash equation from HEC-23 to solve for the median stone
It is important to note that the design conditions in the immediate vicinity of a bridge pier are
more severe than the approach conditions upstream. Therefore, the local velocity should be used
in Equation C1.4. As recommended in HEC-23, the section-average approach velocity Vavg
be multiplied by factors that are a function of the shape of the pier and its location in the
If the local velocity Vlocal is available from stream tube or flow distribution output from a 1-D
model, or directly computed from a 2-D model, then only the pier shape coefficient should be
used to determine the design velocity. The maximum local velocity is recommended since the
channel could shift and the maximum velocity could impact any pier:
Once a design size d50 for the riprap is established, a standard gradation class can be selected,
if design criteria and economic considerations permit. Using standard sizes, the appropriate
gradation can be achieved by selecting the next size larger size class, thereby creating a slightly
over-designed structure, but economically a less expensive one.
Layout Dimensions
To provide a safe design, it is recommended that protection should extend to a distance of 2.0
times the pier width from the face of the pier. For circular piers, the pier width should be taken
as the pier diameter.
Plan View of Pier and Rip and Rap
The riprap layer should have a minimum thickness of 3 times the d50 size of the rock
a = D (Here)
A filter layer is typically required for riprap at bridge piers. The filter should not be extended
fully beneath the riprap; instead, it should be terminated two-thirds of the distance from the pier
to the edge of the riprap (Note- Design procedure for filter design is not considered here)
As with riprap, the layer thickness should be increased by 50% when placing under water. Sand-
filled geo containers made of properly selected materials provide a convenient method for
controlled placement of a filter in flowing water
Design of the Rip Rap under the Pier of Deduru Oya
Design Parameters
Diameter of the base of Pier (D = a = 5.0 m)
Section average approach velocity (Q/A) upstream of bridge (ft/s) = Vavg = 5m/s (CL : HEC-RAS)
K1 = 1.5 for round-nose piers
K2 = 1.7 for pier located in the main current of flow around a sharp bend
Minimum allowable parameters - Size : d50 and Weight : W50
Shape factor = maximum allowable value = A/C = B = 3.0
Density of a natural rock = 𝑆𝑔 = 𝛾 𝑠 = 2.65
𝑆𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑉𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑟 𝑉𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 1𝐷 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝐻𝐸𝐶 − 𝑅𝐴𝑆
𝑉𝑑𝑒𝑠 = 𝐾1 𝑉𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑙
0.692 × (7.5)2
𝑑50 = = 1.202 𝑚
(2.65 − 1) × 2 × 9.81
Based on Equation C1.3, which assumes the volume of the stone is 85% of a cube, Table C1.2
provides the equivalent particle weights for the same ten classes
Therefore, since these values are calculated for 100 Year Return Period the values exceed the classes
specified in the diagram and also, the minimum allowable value for rip rap for the specific was
given as 2.5 and also taking again half the local velocity as 2.5 m/s it possible to take the
0.692 × (3.75)2
𝑑50 = = 0.331 𝑚
(2.5 − 1) × 2 × 9.81
𝑊 = 0.85𝛾𝑠 𝑑 3
𝑊 = 0.85 × 2.5 × 1000 × 0.3313 = 77.06 𝑘𝑔
77.06 𝑘𝑔 = 169.89 𝑡𝑜𝑛
Hence taking this as the minimum design values for the rip rap parameters of the stone, classes
above it can be used as well according to the table values
Layout Dimensions:
𝑎 = 𝐷 = 5.0 𝑚
2𝐷 = 10.0 𝑚
𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑝 𝑅𝑎𝑝 𝐿𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 3 × 𝑑50 = 3 × 0.331 = 0.993 𝑚
𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑝 𝑅𝑎𝑝 𝐿𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 3 × 𝑑50 = 3 × 1.202 = 3.606 𝑚
Filter Dimensions:
A filter layer also can be placed under the rip rap with 4/3 a from pier all around
4 4
𝑎 = × 5 𝑚 = 6.67 𝑚
3 3
Selection of the Filter layer is also a design, but it was not considered in this calculation
6.3 Design on Riverbank Stability
6.3.1 Proposed Abutment and Wall Design
Abutment Perimeter -
6.3.2 Assumptions
• All the walls and abutments are considered as frictionless surfaces
• Water pressure is not considered in gravity wall since the vertical component of it allows to
transfer the load to foundation and the horizontal component is negligible.
• All required drainage is provided behind the soil
• Neglecting the effect from Seismic
Design of abutment and wall are taken from (Muni budhu,2011)(dynstab and ThePirateBay, no date)
6.3.3 Abutment Design
6.3.4 Gravity Wall Design
The following design procedure was followed for the purpose of designing the Mass Concrete Gravity
Wall. Moreover, only a cross section was considered for the purpose of designing
1. Establishing project requirements including all geometry, external loading conditions such as
(temporary, permanent)
2. Evaluate site subsurface conditions and relevant properties of in situ soil and rock and wall
3. Evaluate soil and rock parameters for design and establish factors of safety
4. Select initial base dimension of wall for evaluation of external stability
5. Select lateral earth pressure distribution. Add appropriate water, surcharge, and seismic pressures
and develop total lateral pressure diagram for design
6. Evaluate bearing Capacity
7. Evaluate limiting eccentricity (overturning) and sliding
8. Check overall stability and revise wall design if necessary
9. Estimate maximum lateral wall movement, tilt and wall settlement
10. Design for wall drainage system
6.4 Design for Shoring
It is a must to consider a design for shoring due to retaining of the soil during the construction of the
abutments and walls, hence following are the respective calculations taken forward for designing
Sheet pile walls are flexible and are constructed using steel or thin concrete panels or wood. Two types
of sheet pile walls are common. One is a cantilever wall, commonly used to support soils to a height of
less than 3 m . The other is an anchored or propped sheet pile wall , commonly used to support deep
excavations and as waterfront retaining structures.
Assuming the sheet piles are cantilever and due to the achievable depth of embedment propping is not
considered, Design was done referring to (Muni budhu,2011)
7 Chapter 7 : Preliminary Drawings
Super - Structure
Sub - Structure
1. All Dimensions are in Millimeters.
Truss Bridge
1. All Dimensions are in Millimeters.
0.993m River Bed 4. Start and End points of Stair case should be
according to Architectural Drawing.
Filter Layer
Rap Plan View
7.2 Riverbank Stability Drawings
1. All Dimensions are in Millimeters.
Back Wall
Wing Wall
T25@200 C/C
T16@250 C/C
T16@250 C/C
T25@200 C/C
River Bed
Gravity Wall
7.3 Shoring Design Drawings
1. All Dimensions are in Millimeters.
Seep piling PILING
8.0 Chapter 8 : Preliminary Cost plan
8.1 Initiation of the Cost
Preliminary estimates of future construction expenditures, made during the project planning and design
phases, Hence, conceptual estimates is an art quite different from determining the final detailed
estimate of construction costs. Fundamentally, all conceptual price estimates are based on some system
of gross unit costs obtained from previous construction work. These unit costs are extrapolated
forward in time to reflect current market conditions, project location, and the particular character of the
job presently under consideration. Hence, the Elemental cost planning was used for identifying the
preliminary cost of the project.
Cost of Element/Sub
Cost Per
Bill No Description Total/Rs Element as % of Total
1 A - Preliminaries 2.82 59526.00 0.00
B - Excavation and Earth
2 Work 20627.16 435026779.26 19.40
3 C - Concrete Works 33449.39 705447673.32 31.46
4 D - Shoring 21169.07 446455621.04 19.91
5 E - Bridge Super Structure 1104.23 2120131.15 0.09
6 F - Bridge - Sub Structure 9823.73 9644430.81 0.43
7 G - Plumbing 535.72 11298336.00 0.50
8 H - Machineries 2088.68 44050268.65 1.96
9 I - Backfilling 27885.11 588096931.00 26.23
Sub Total 2242199697.22 100.00
Contingencies allowance (10%) 224219969.72
Grand Total 2466419666.94
Gross Floor Area (G.F.A) 23010 m2
Cost per m2 (G.F.A) Rs. 107189.0338 with contingencies
The above-mentioned works were further divided in subheadings and has been calculated. Hence, the
above chart only shows the final results of 9 main entries of the project
9.0 Chapter 9 : Critical Activities and Key Challenges
9.1 Critical Activities of the Project
• Lack of Materials
• Lack of Fuels
• Lack of Labor
• Pandemic Situations
• Extreme Weather and Climate
• Changes in Economy
• Uncontrollable natural hazard like heavy flood
• Drought Periods
• Heavy Machinery Movements
• Management of Drainage during construction (Runoff mitigation)
• Dust Control Methods
10.0 Chapter 10 : Baseline Program and Construction Management
10.1 Baseline Program
The following baseline program was planned from 1/8/2022 to 28/5/2024
Table 10-1 Baseline Program
10.2 Construction Management
It is required to manage the project from the initiation stage till operational level hence following
stakeholders can be defined for different levels as per the POMBOK 6
Moreover, the project can be defined as five process groups as per PMI
Initiation process
Planning processes
Executing processes
Monitoring and Controlling Processes
Closing Processes
Hence, the management of at each and every process could be done. but taking only the construction
level(Planning processes and Executing processes) for the feasibility report. This project can be
managed through performing analysis, overview and management on the areas of
• Integration.
• Scope
• Schedule
• Cost
• Quality
• Resource
• Communications
• Risk
• Procurement
• Stakeholder
Hence, it includes site planning, human resource management and overall involvement etc..
Integration allows to understand the project overall combinations which provides the clear connection
to manage the milestone achievements
Scope could be defined for this project as per the chapter 2, 3 and 4 which contains the specified
boundaries of the project
Scheduling is important t make the project achieve the targets and milestones an to reach them by
identifying critical paths and respective lags and floats
Cost is anticipated as a major source where all depends on it, where an efficient method of costing is
required and as aforementioned the initial elemental costing was done for this project
Quality is the utmost desirable factor that outperforms the final output where it needs to achieve by
assurance and control at every stage
Resources are the key factors that may change the critical areas of the project. Hence managing them
with proper inventory and records can mitigate the lags of project.
Communications with all stages and processes requires to be established. Hence, to mitigate
disruptions in project progresses.
Risk management ensures a proper identification of risks associated in every process prior to the
activities performed and predicts desirable outputs to prevent and control them
Procurement retains the resources to be handled and efficient and cost-effective methods
Stakeholder was discussed and mentioned previously shown
11.0 Chapter 11 : Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
The National Environment Act introduced an internationally accepted process called Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) as part of the strategy to achieve sustainable development. Moreover, EIA is
a simple and straightforward process of first predicting the potential impacts of development activities
on the natural and social environment, and then suggesting measures to prevent or minimize negative
impacts and to enhance positive impacts.(CEA, Sri Lanka) Justification
This project will allow the protection of the railway which is reaching its centennial and also it stops
the river meandering process across the bridge and erosion of banks. Hence, which would satisfy a
safer and supportive structure for the railway movement across the bridge Applicable environmental standards, norms and requirements set forth at the international,
national, regional and/or local levels
It is required to refer the following laws for the purpose of understanding Environmental Laws stated
in such as
• The Constitution of Sri Lanka
• National Environmental Act No. 47 of 1980 (and its Subsequent Amendments)
• Pradeshiya Sabha Act No. 15 of 1987
• Flood Protection Ordinance, Act No. 22 of 1955
• State Land Ordinance, Act No. 13 of 1949
• Soil Conservation Act, No. 25 of 1951
• Mines and Minerals Act No. 33 of 1992
• Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance, Act No. 49 of 1983 (and Subsequent Amendments)
• Forest Ordinance, No 17 of 1907 (and its Amendments)
• The Urban Development Authority, Law, No 41 of 1978
• Antiquities Ordinance
Resource-(Environmental Assessment and Review Framework Sri Lanka: Mahaweli Water Security
Investment Program Prepared by Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for the Asian Development Bank, 2014)
11.3.1 Location
The administrative location, means of site access, Maps of project area at a scale , project area and the
direct and indirect areas of influence for the physical, biological and social‐economic‐cultural impacts
and drawings in scale and key coordinates were explained in previous chapters
11.3.2 Summary of Proposed Project and Alternatives
The alternatives for the riverbank stability and railway structure protection were discussed and the
respective feasible option were selected as a U-Abutment, Gravity Wall, Rip Rap Method and Bridge
Renovation respectively. Hence, these were in depth identified and explained in chapter 3 and 4 such
that alternatives were carried through a respective part of the analysis in the EIA and the basis for that
decision of selection was explained.
Therefore, these were the areas discussed: Type and nature of the project, capacity and ranges of
selection, Project operations (Description of how the project would function), Design and engineering
features of alternatives, design drawings for project facilities, onsite support facilities, etc...
11.4.1 Physical Environment Geologic Resources and Hazards
Climate related hazard is a threat to the economic and social development hence, the site situated area
have been mentioned as the 2nd highest area indicated by Department of Meteorology in the May 2016
According to (Katupotha, 2006) “Due to Sand miners removing sand from the riverbed and river banks
thus disturbing the natural cycle with interconnections between surface and ground water levels. As a
result, water deficit even in short dry periods, flash floods in rainy seasons and water pollution have
emerged as significant problems” Soil Resources
These are the soils investigated in Duduru Oya as per (Katupotha, 2006)
According to (Katupotha, 2006) “Soil erosion in the Deduru Oya basin has a close relationship with
slope units on a geomorphic surface. Accordingly, undulating terrains where gentle to moderate slope
(3°- 8°) with 1 in 20 to 1 in 5 and 3 gradients have sheet erosion or sheet wash. The sheet erosion
removes surface debris at relatively slow speeds and over long periods occurring continuously during
heavy rains. Heavy rainfall converts sheet erosion to sheet flood and to make soil erosion extremely
severe” Water Resources
As mentioned by (Samarasinghe, Sakthivadivel and Sally, 2002) the Deduru Oya has a number of
tributaries and the basin contains a number of small and large reservoirs (called tanks), as shown in the
hydrographic map
The study of (Jinapala et al., 2005) depicts the natural resources existence in Deduru Oya are the water
resources from rainfall, surface water of river extending 2.622 km2 basin extend, Ground water capable
of retaining a substantial amount in the regolith. And water resource development with irrigation systems
seven major and medium reservoirs constructed in the basin area to supply water for irrigated agriculture,
Groundwater extraction (agricultural wells) about 2,450 agro-wells in the basin and the number is
increasing annually, Lift irrigation schemes which means of extracting surface water for agriculture
which result in deepening of the riverbed as a result of excessive sand mining. Domestic water supply
schemes with access to pipe-borne water supply amount only to 5 percent of the population in the basin.
The Hydrological Characteristic around the project area is shown (Katupotha, 2006)
Figure 11-4 Basic Data of Deduru Oya Basin
The area around the vicinity of the bridge in the right bank with respect to the flow direction shows
have been invaded by aquatic and normal plants or vegetation growth which increases the roughness of
the channel which reduces the flow during a water level increment. Moreover, from Table 11-2 the
vegetation types nearby are shown.
The above ecological map produced by (Samarasinghe, Sakthivadivel and Sally, 2002)investigates that
“the basin topography varies from the coastal flat plains on the western boundary to the rather hilly
regions on its eastern boundary (elevation 700 m). It cuts across at least 3 main agro-ecological zones.
More than 90% of the land is devoted to agriculture (mainly coconut, paddy, home-gardens)”
Description Data
Present per capita land : 0.3 ha per person
Land Holding pattern : Freehold - 36%
Encroached – 28%
Government Permit – 35%
Total no. of farm families involved in agriculture : 61,100
Employment in public and private sector : 20% of population
People having access to pipe borne water supply : 2% of population
Cultivated highland crops (Chena) : 8,775 ha (7% of basin area)
Other Activities
Poultry farming; Nurseries; Inland fisheries
Livestock production (meat, milk, eggs)
Coconut related industries; Food processing; Metal quarrying; Carpentry
Sawmills; Rice mills; Cement products and plastics
Monthly income less than Rs. 1000 : 63% of the families
Explanation of more points are elaborated in chapter 1 Infrastructure
All the roads, railway and buildings details are mentioned in chapter 1
11.5 Assessment of Impacts to resources described in the Environmental Setting
The relevant impacts could be majorly seen after the investigation they are Erosion and destruction of
scrublands, Deepening of the river bed, Damage the river banks due to mining pits and transport routes
across the banks, Lowering of ground water level, Pollution of ground water, Removing of forest cover,
Drying out of surface water bodies, Reduction of the size, Depletion of indigenous fish and bird species.
11.6 Mitigation and Monitoring Measures
It is important to correctly know the time periods of water level increments and the highest drought
periods for the purposes during the progress of the project.
The following procedures ensures the preventative measures of these activities, Implementation of
powers vested in Irrigation Act, National Environmental Act, Provincial Environmental Act, Mines and
Minerals Act etc, Eliminate completely the sand mining in all rivers and stream beds and banks
(throughout Sri Lanka, not only LDOB) as required by Mines and Minerals Act and State Gem
Corperation Act, No 13 of 1971, Ascertain strict law enforcement, Creation of awareness programmes
to strength farmer and other community organizations, Establish proper coordination between relevant
public institutions and the community, Preventive options as mentioned for river beds.
11.7.5 Contingency Plans
Contingency plans shall be prepared and described to address
a) Failure to meet specific performance criteria established by law or necessary for the project to
meet its commitments
b) Respond to natural and other risks previously identified and mitigated in the EIA in the event
reasonable and feasible mitigation measures to address the risks are inadequate
Performance‐related Contingency Plans, indicating the steps that will be taken should, such that
monitoring indicate that: Environmental standards are not being met
12.0 Chapter 12 : Safety and Health
It is required for every organization to have a clear policy for the systematic management of health and
safety so that health and safety risks may be effectively addressed and controlled. Hence, following
division is considered for the addressing of those.
The following areas are mentioned based on the purpose of addressing in basic occupational health and
safety definitions such as Health, Safety, Welfare, Occupational or work-related ill-health,
Environmental protection, Accident, Near Miss, Dangerous Occurrence, Hazard and Risk
Exposed to fire
Exposed to an explosion
Contact with electricity or an electrical discharge
Injured by an animal.
Physically assaulted by a person
Risk assessment is not only concerned with injuries in the workplace but also needs to consider the
possibility of occupational ill-health. Health risks fall into the following four categories:
• Chemical (e.g. paint solvents, exhaust fumes)
• Biological (e.g. bacteria, pathogens)
• Physical (e.g. noise, vibrations)
• Psychological (e.g. occupational stress)
Moreover, this risk can be assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. Hence, during an evaluation of risk
During most risk assessments it will be noted that some of the risks posed by the hazard have already
been addressed or controlled. The purpose of the risk assessment, therefore, is to reduce the remaining
risk. This is called the residual risk. The goal of risk assessment is to reduce all residual risks to as low
a level as reasonably practicable. In a relatively complex workplace, this will take time so that a system
of ranking risk is required – the higher the risk level the sooner it must be addressed and controlled.
For most situations, a qualitative risk assessment will be perfectly adequate. During the risk assessment,
a judgement is made as to whether the risk level is high, medium or low in terms of the risk of somebody
being injured. This designation defines a timetable for remedial actions to be taken thereby reducing the
risk. High-risk activities should normally be addressed in days, medium risks in weeks and low risks in
months or in some cases no action will be required.
A quantitative risk assessment attempts to quantify the risk level in terms of the likelihood of an incident
and its subsequent severity. Clearly the higher the likelihood and severity, the higher the risk will be.
The likelihood depends on such factors as the control measures in place, the frequency of exposure to
the hazard and the category of person exposed to the hazard. The severity will depend on the magnitude
of the hazard
The book (Ferrett, Ed.,2016) defines
Table 12-1 Risk Evaluation
When assessing the adequacy of existing controls or introducing new controls, a hierarchy of risk
controls should be considered. The health and safety management system ISO states that the
organization shall establish a process for achieving risk reduction based upon the following hierarchy:
1. Eliminate the hazard
2. Substitute with less hazardous materials, processes, operations or equipment
3. Use engineering controls
4. Use safety signs, markings and warning devices and administrative controls
5. Use personal protective equipment.
13.0 Chapter 13 : Conclusion
The feasibility study above discusses from the problem formulation until a feasible option is selected
and then finally assessing it through a Environmental impact assessment report. Hence, it is an in-depth
development of a study which is based on hypothetical assumptions and baseline statements which could
be the case in all of the aspect. Therefore, certain details that was needed to be clarified was taken from
studies developed by a literature review. Therefore, it is a global prevailing problem which frequently
happens in a river. Significantly, the Deduru Oya river have been a historical river which flows over
many years. Hence the anthropogenic activities which happens in between may help or may even become
inefficient due to the river showing its morphological characteristics for its existence, such kind of
process can be classified as meandering of this river and considering it with a bridge. Since the bridge
needs to be protected and the riverbanks needs to stabilized and the report proves the feasibility outcomes
that can be regarded as a suitable solutions for existence of it for certain period of time in comparison to
the more benefits that are gained by the society. This may also be classified under a replacement of the
bridge with a new bridge, but it may lead consequences downstream in future. Therefore, the discussed
feasibility study for the client’s problem can be clarified and proved from the above-mentioned studies
through the in-depth problem identification, Conceptual designs, cost estimations, EIA and Health and
Safety Management.
24. Bridges, J. and Page, C. (2002). Scoping guidelines on the Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) of projects Scoping guidelines on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of projects.
[online] Available at:
le/297112/geho0112bwak-e-e.pdf. [Accessed 21 May 2022].
25. Garanaik, A. and Sholtes, J. (2013). River Bank Protection. [online] Available at:
0Protection.pdf. [Accessed 21 May 2022].
26. Budhu.M. (2011). Soil Mechanics and Foundations. United States Hamilton Printing Company.
27. Melaragno, M. (1998) Preliminary Design of Bridges for Architects and Engineers.
28. Rosgen, D.L. and Wildland Hydrology, P.H., A Stream Channel Stability Assessment
29. TRB (2007) Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Piers from Scour National Cooperative
Highway Research Program Nchrp Report 593.
30. Environmental Assessment and Review Framework Sri Lanka: Mahaweli Water Security
Investment Program Prepared by Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for the Asian Development Bank (2014).
31. Jinapala, K. et al. (2005) Contextual Challenges of Developing Effective Water Management
Institutions: The Deduru Oya Basin, Sri Lanka.
33. Samarasinghe, S.A.P., Sakthivadivel, R. and Sally, H. (2002) Sustainable Management of the
Deduru Oya River Basin, Sri Lanka: A Case Study of Institutions, Organizations and Actors 1.
34. Ferrett, Ed (2016).Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction,5th ed. New York:
Routledge, pp 105.
35. Project Management Institute. 2017. The Standard for Project Management: A Guide to Project
Management Management of Knowledge,6th ed. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Members Details – Discipline of Civil Engineering
Discipline Activities Delegates
Geotechnical Identification of soils, Thilakarathne H.M.H.N
categorizations, factors
influencing bank stability and
bridge protection/Hydrological
Structural Analysis ERS (Earth Retaining Farhan U.M.M
Designing ERS Farhan U.M.M
QS and Drawings ERS related costs/ Bank Mazariq M.S.M
stability/Bridge protection
Project Management All /Appraisal practices to Thilakarathne H.M.H.N
identify the failures of
alternatives/ Cost
Analysis/MCA/Economic /Risk
Assessment /Master Program
/stakeholder management
Environmental Sustainability, Bank Stability Sidhan M.N.
Design, Impact Assessment
(EIA) -
Construction Manager Availability of resources Farhan U.M.M
/Constructability Mazariq M.S.M
issues/Operational and
Maintenance related to
proposed structure /Monitoring
and controlling
Transportation Excavation/Backfilling/Site Sidhan M.N.
Planning/Management of
construction vehicles
Safety Planning the safety at all stages Mazariq M.S.M
Note- It is required to identify input , process and output at all stages/Targets and Baselines specified,
Performance indicators (key and secondary),Monitoring and controlling and Assumptions at every
EN19376028 - Farhan U.M.M
EN19390406 - Mazariq M.S.M
EN19353944 - Sidhan M.N.
EN19394466 - Thilakarathne H.M.H.N
Annex I UN-Water/WWAP/2006/11
Augen gneiss
(metabasite), pyroxene amphibolite
Marble, dolomitic marble and calc-granulite or gneiss in
the Highland Complex, wollastonitc-bearing calc-silicate
Mannar gneiss in the SW part of the Highland Complex, calc-
silicate gneiss in the Wanni and Vijayan Complexes.
Tabbowa Beds
Alluvial and lagoonal
Polonnaruwa deposits clay, silt, sand
Beach and dune sand,
Andigama Beds brown, grey sand
Red, red brown earth red
and brown sand
Jaffna limestone
Ambagaspitiya Badulla
Minihagalkanda, Tabbowa,
Andigama Beds
Bulutota Kataragama
Intrusive granite
Potuvil charnockite
Galle Tangalla Carbonatite
Mahaweli Ganga
Kalu Ganga
Kalu Ganga
Min. /
Batter /
IH:48V /
_------- --'/
I. O.SH to O.7H .1
82 m
82 m
Eack wa//
965.8 m
1075.7 m
82 m
82 m
847.8 m
Figure 6.2.10b – Steel Deck Arch Bridge.
Annex III
River Cross Section Calculation
Station No Point to point distance (m) Cumilative Distance (m) Elevation (m) MSL (ELE) Remarks
9 0 0.00 2.5 9 LB
8 1 1.00 -2.5 4
7 11.333 12.33 -3 3.5
6 11.333 23.67 -4 2.5
5 11.333 35.00 -3.4 3.1
4 11.333 46.33 -2 4.5
3 11.333 57.67 -1 5.5
2 11.333 69.00 -1 5.5
1 1 70.00 3.5 10 RB
Elevation (m)
-10.00 -10.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00
Distance (m)
Station No Point to point distance (m) Cumilative Distance (m) Elevation (m) MSL (ELE) Remarks
9 0 0.00 2 8 LB
8 1 1.00 -1 5
7 8.833 9.83 -3 3
6 8.833 18.67 -3.2 2.8
5 8.833 27.50 -3.1 2.9
4 8.833 36.33 -3 3
3 8.833 45.17 -2.5 3.5
2 8.833 54.00 -2 4
1 1 55.00 1 7 RB
DS - CS 2
Elevation (m)
-10.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Distance (m)
Distance from CL (DS) 400 m LB Left Bank
Datum (WL) (1.0) 7 MSL RB Right Bank
Station No Point to point distance (m) Cumilative Distance (m) Elevation (m) MSL (ELE) Remarks
9 0 0.00 1 8 LB
8 1 1.00 -1 6
7 9.5 10.50 -3.8 3.2
6 9.5 20.00 -4 3
5 9.5 29.50 -4 3
4 9.5 39.00 -4.2 2.8
3 9.5 48.50 -3.8 3.2
2 9.5 58.00 -2.8 4.2
1 1 59.00 0.2 7.2 RB
DS - CS 3
Elevation (m)
Distance (m)
Station No Point to point distance (m) Cumilative Distance (m) Elevation (m) MSL (ELE) Remarks
9 0 0.00 2 8 LB
8 1 1.00 0 6
7 9.5 10.50 -2 4
6 9.5 20.00 -2.5 3.5
5 9.5 29.50 -2.5 3.5
4 9.5 39.00 -2 4
3 9.5 48.50 -1.7 4.3
2 9.5 58.00 -1 5
1 1 59.00 1 7 RB
US - CS 1
Elevation (m)
-10.00 -0.5 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00
Distance (m)
Distance from CL (DS) 200 m LB Left Bank
Datum (RB) 6 MSL RB Right Bank
Station No Point to point distance (m) Cumilative Distance (m) Elevation (m) MSL (ELE) Remarks
9 0 0.00 2 8 LB
8 1 1.00 0 6
7 11.833 12.83 -1.5 4.5
6 11.833 24.67 -2 4
5 11.833 36.50 -2 4
4 11.833 48.33 -1.8 4.2
3 11.833 60.17 -1.5 4.5
2 11.833 72.00 -1 5
1 1 73.00 1 7 RB
US - CS 2
Elevation (m)
-10.00 -0.5 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00
Distance (m)
Station No Point to point distance (m) Cumilative Distance (m) Elevation (m) MSL (ELE) Remarks
9 0 0.00 1 8 LB
8 1 1.00 -1 6
7 11.333 12.33 -2 5
6 11.333 23.67 -2.8 4.2
5 11.333 35.00 -3 4
4 11.333 46.33 -2.8 4.2
3 11.333 57.67 -2 5
2 11.333 69.00 -1 6
1 1 70.00 1 8 RB
US - CS 3
Elevation (m)
-10.00 -0.5 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00
Distance (m)
River Information derived from HEC RAS for respective cross sections
Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl
(m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m)
River_Reach 6 100 Yr 2000 -3 5.62 6.3 0.000424 3.65 547.24 70 0.42
River_Reach 5.9000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.9 5.6 6.29 0.000436 3.68 543.21 70.3 0.42
River_Reach 5.8000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.8 5.58 6.28 0.000448 3.71 539.07 70.6 0.43
River_Reach 5.7000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.7 5.55 6.27 0.000461 3.74 534.82 70.9 0.43
River_Reach 5.6000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.6 5.53 6.26 0.000475 3.77 530.45 71.2 0.44
River_Reach 5.5000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.5 5.51 6.25 0.00049 3.8 525.95 71.5 0.45
River_Reach 5.4000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.4 5.48 6.23 0.000506 3.84 521.32 71.8 0.45
River_Reach 5.3000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.3 5.46 6.22 0.000523 3.87 516.55 72.1 0.46
River_Reach 5.2000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.2 5.43 6.21 0.000541 3.91 511.63 72.4 0.47
River_Reach 5.1000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.1 5.4 6.2 0.000561 3.95 506.57 72.7 0.48
River_Reach 5 100 Yr 2000 -2 5.37 6.18 0.000582 3.99 501.31 73 0.49
River_Reach 4.8000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.1 5.28 6.16 0.000643 4.17 479.47 70.2 0.51
River_Reach 4.6000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.2 5.16 6.14 0.000718 4.38 456.63 67.4 0.54
River_Reach 4.4000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.3 5.03 6.12 0.000816 4.62 432.47 64.6 0.57
River_Reach 4.2000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.4 4.85 6.08 0.000949 4.92 406.44 61.8 0.61
River_Reach 4 100 Yr 2000 -2.5 4.61 6.04 0.001142 5.3 377.44 59 0.67
River_Reach 3.8000* 100 Yr 2000 -2.8 4.74 5.96 0.000923 4.89 408.69 61.2 0.6
River_Reach 3.6000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.1 4.83 5.89 0.000769 4.56 438.31 63.4 0.55
River_Reach 3.4000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.4 4.91 5.84 0.000656 4.29 466.74 65.6 0.51
River_Reach 3.2000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.7 4.96 5.8 0.000568 4.05 494.35 67.8 0.48
River_Reach 3 100 Yr 2000 -4 5.01 5.76 0.000499 3.84 521.31 70 0.45
River_Reach 2.9000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.92 4.96 5.75 0.00053 3.94 507.59 68.5 0.46
River_Reach 2.8000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.84 4.9 5.73 0.000565 4.05 493.62 67 0.48
River_Reach 2.7000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.76 4.83 5.72 0.000605 4.17 479.37 65.5 0.49
River_Reach 2.6000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.68 4.75 5.7 0.000651 4.3 464.77 64 0.51
River_Reach 2.5000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.6 4.67 5.68 0.000705 4.45 449.78 62.5 0.53
River_Reach 2.4000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.52 4.57 5.66 0.000768 4.61 434.3 61 0.55
River_Reach 2.3000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.44 4.46 5.63 0.000843 4.78 418.18 59.5 0.58
River_Reach 2.2000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.36 4.34 5.6 0.000936 4.98 401.23 58 0.61
River_Reach 2.1000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.28 4.18 5.57 0.001054 5.22 383.11 56.5 0.64
River_Reach 2 100 Yr 2000 -3.2 3.98 5.53 0.001212 5.51 363.17 55 0.68
River_Reach 1.9000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.3 4.01 5.49 0.001133 5.38 371.61 55.4 0.66
River_Reach 1.8000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.4 4.03 5.44 0.001059 5.26 380.24 55.8 0.64
River_Reach 1.7000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.5 4.06 5.41 0.000991 5.14 389.01 56.2 0.62
River_Reach 1.6000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.6 4.08 5.37 0.000928 5.03 397.98 56.6 0.61
River_Reach 1.5000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.7 4.1 5.33 0.00087 4.91 407.11 57 0.59
River_Reach 1.4000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.8 4.12 5.3 0.000816 4.8 416.41 57.4 0.57
River_Reach 1.3000* 100 Yr 2000 -3.9 4.14 5.27 0.000766 4.7 425.88 57.8 0.55
River_Reach 1.2000* 100 Yr 2000 -4 4.16 5.24 0.00072 4.59 435.49 58.2 0.54
River_Reach 1.1000* 100 Yr 2000 -4.1 4.18 5.21 0.000677 4.49 445.3 58.6 0.52
River_Reach 1 100 Yr 2000 -4.2 4.2 1.38 5.18 0.000637 4.39 455.26 59 0.51
Task ... Task Name Duration Start End Compl...
34 Compaction of backfilled soil behind and in front of wall 7 days 22/4/2024 30/4/2024 0%
35 Decommissioning 20 days 1/5/2024 28/5/2024 0%