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wisdom. And even though this can be learnt without any external
aid, some psychological tools can contribute to ease, delve into
and accelerate this process towards self-knowledge. The
Enneagram is one of them. It is like an instruction manual of the
human condition through which we can understand the deepest
motives ¾often unconscious ones¾ underlying our conducts and
attitudes. It describes human behaviour through nine personality
types, aimed at helping us transcend our ego and reconnect with
our essence. This book has been inspired by the 250 courses that
Borja Vilaseca has taught since 2005 to more than 6.000
participants, validating empirically the positive effect that
getting to know and understand themselves through this self-
knowledge tool has on people’s lives. Hence, this book has been
recommended by the Aeneagrama Association, the Spanish
branch of the International Enneagram Association.