Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
■■ Gonadal sex is defined by the presence of testes in males and ovaries in females.
■■ Phenotypic sex is defined by the characteristics of the internal genital tract and the
external genitalia..
A. Male phenotype :-
B. Female phenotype :-
■■ The ovaries of gonadal females secrete estrogen, but not anti-müllerian hormone or
■■ Without testosterone, the wolffian ducts do not differentiate.
■■ Without anti-müllerian hormone, the müllerian ducts are not suppressed and therefore
develop into the female internal genital tract.
Testes Ovaries
Sertoli Leydig
cells cells
Urethra :-
Urethra in male has both reproductive and urinary functions.. Urethra contains mucus
glands throughout its length, which are called glands of Littre. The bilateral bulbourethral
glands or Cowper glands also open into the urethra
Penis :-
Penis is the male genital organ. Urethra passes through penis and opens to the exterior
Penis is formed by three erectile tissue masses, i.e. a paired corpora cavernosa
and an unpaired corpus spongiosum. Corpus spongiosum surrounds the urethra and
terminates distally to form glans penis.
The male genital system
Different Accessory
tubules glands
1. Tunica Vasculosa:-
2. Tunica Albuginea :-
3. Tunica Vaginalis :-
Tunica vaginalis is the outermost closed cleft like covering, formed by mesothelial cells.
Lobules of Testis :-
Tunica albuginea on the posterior surface of testis is thickened to form the mediastinum
testis. From this the connective tissue septa called septula testis radiate into testis and
bind with tunica albuginea at various points. Because of this, testis is divided into a
number of pyramidal lobules . Each testis has about 200 to 300 lobules.
Seminiferous Tubules :-
Each lobule contains 1 to 4 coiled tubules known as the seminiferous tubules, which are
surrounded and supported by interlobular connective tissue.
Rete Testis :-
From rete testis, 8 to 15 tubules called vas efferens arise. Vas efferens join together and
form the head of epididymis and then converge to form the duct of epididymis
Epididymis :-
Vas Deferens :-
At the caudal pole of testis, epididymis turns sharply upon itself and continues as vas
deferens, without any definite demarcation
Interstitial cells of Leydig are the hormone secreting cells of testis, lying in between the
seminiferous tubules.
Seminiferous tubules are thread-like convoluted tubular structures which produce the
spermatozoa or sperms. Each tubule is 30 to 70 cm long with a diameter of 150 to 300μ.
There are about 400 to 600 seminiferous tubules in each testis.
Wall of the seminiferous tubule is formed by three layers:-
1. Outer capsule or tunica propria, formed by fibroelastic connective tissue
Spermatogenic cells or germ cells present in seminiferous tubules are precursor cells of
spermatozoa. These cells lie in between Sertoli cells and are arranged in an orderly
manner in 4 to 8 layers.
In children, the testis is not fully developed. Therefore, the spermatogenic cells are in
primitive stage called spermatogonia. With the onset of puberty, spermatogonia develop
into sperms through different stages. Stages of spermatogenic cells Different stages of
spermatogenic cells seen fromperiphery to the lumen of seminiferous tubules are:-
1. Spermatogonium
2. Primary spermatocyte
3. Secondary spermatocyte
4. Spermatid.
Sertoli Cells :-
Sertoli cells are the supporting cells for spermatogenic cells in seminiferous tubules. These
cells are also called sustentacular cells or nurse cells.
Functions of Sertoli cells Sertoli cells provide support, protection and nourishment for the
spermatogenic cells present in seminiferous tubules. Sertoli cells:-
1. Support and nourish the spermatogenic cells till the spermatozoa are released from
6. Secrete activin, which has opposite action of inhibin (increases FSH release)
7. Secrete müllerian regression factor (MRF) in fetal testes. MRF is also called müllerian
inhibiting substance (MIS). MRF is responsible for the regression of müllerian duct during sex
differentiation in fetus.
Pathway for the passage of sperms
Blood-testes Barrier :-
Blood-testes barrier is a mechanical barrier that separates blood from seminiferous
tubules of the testes.
The immune system of the body is activated, resulting in the production of autoantibodies
against sperms.
Each spermatogonium contains diploid number (23 pairs) of chromosomes. One member of
each pair is from maternal origin and the other one from paternal origin. The 23 pairs
include 22 pairs of autosomal chromo Somes and one pair of sex chromosomes.
Sex chromosomes are one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.
During the proliferative stage, spermatogonia divide by mitosis, without any change in
chromosomal number. In man, there are usually seven generations of spermatogonia.
The last generation enters the stage of growth as primary spermatocyte. During this
stage, the spermatogonia migrate along with Sertoli cells towards the lumen of
seminiferous tubule.
2. Stage of Growth :-
In this stage, the primary spermatocyte grows into a large cell. Apart from growth, there
is no other change in spermatocyte during this stage.
3. Stage of Maturation :-
After reaching the full size, each primary spermatocyte quickly undergoes meiotic or
maturation division, which occurs in two phases:-
First phase :-
In the first phase, each primary spermatocyte divides into two secondary spermatocytes.
The significance of the first meiotic division is that each secondary
spermatocyte receives only the haploid or half thenumber of chromosomes.
23 chromosomes include 22 autosomes and a X or a Y chromosome.
Second phase :-
During this phase, each secondary spermatocyte undergoes second meiotic division,
resulting in two smaller cells called spermatids.
Each spermatid has haploid number of chromosomes.
4. Stage of Transformation :-
Human sperm
1. Sertoli cells
2. Hormones
3. Other factors.
i. Follicule-stimulating hormone :-
iii. Estrogen :-
In males, this hormone is called interstitial cell stimulating hormone. It is essential for the
secretion of testosterone from Leydig cells.
v. Growth Hormone :-
Growth hormone is essential for the general metabolic processes in testis. It is also necessary
for the proliferation of spermatogonia. In pituitary dwarfs, the spermatogenesis is severely
vi. Inhibin :-
vii. Activin :-
Activin is also a peptide hormone secreted in gonads along with inhibin. The exact
location of its secretion in testis is not known. It is suggested that activin is secreted
by Sertoli cells and Leydig cells. Activin has opposite actions of inhibin. It increases the
secretion of FSH and accelerates spermatogenesis.
ii. Diseases :-
The factors involved in the overall control of adult male hormone secretion can
be seen below.
LH/Leydig Cells
Leydig cells express receptors for luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is a
hormone that activates Gs--cAMP, which in turn initiates testosterone
by activating steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR).
• Testosterone diffuses into Sertoli cells (high concentration) and into
the blood.
• Circulating testosterone provides negative feedback to regulate LH
secretion at the level of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.
• Leydig cells aromatize some of this testosterone into estradiol.
Some target tissue express the enzyme 5α-reductase, which converts
into the more potent dihydrotestosterone. Some important physiologic
effects primarily mediated by dihydrotestosterone are as follows:
• Sexual differentiation: differentiation to form male external genitalia
• Growth of the prostate
• Male-pattern baldness
• Increased activity of sebaceous glands
• Synthesis of NO synthase in penile tissue
FSH/Sertoli Cells
FSH binds to Sertoli cells and activates a Gs--cAMP pathway. Sertoli cells
inhibin B, which has negative feedback on FSH secretion.
Control of Testes
Testes secrete male sex hormones, which are collectively called the androgens.
Androgens secreted by testes are:-
1. Testosterone
2. Dihydrotestosterone
3. Androstenedione
Synthesis of testosterone :-
■■ Testosterone is the major androgen synthesized and secreted by the Leydig cells.
■■ Leydig cells do not contain 21β-hydroxylase or 11β-hydroxylase (in contrast to the
adrenal cortex) and, therefore, do not synthesize glucocorticoids or mineralocorticoids.
■■ LH (in a parallel action to ACTH in the adrenal cortex) increases testosterone
synthesis by stimulating cholesterol desmolase, the first step in the pathway.
■■ Accessory sex organs (e.g., prostate) contain 5a-reductase, which converts
testosterone to its active form, dihydrotestosterone.
■■ 5a-reductase inhibitors (finasteride) may be used to treat benign prostatic
hyperplasia because they block the activation of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone
in the prostate.
Source of Secretion of Androgens :-
Androgens are secreted in large quantities by testes and in small quantity by adrenal
In testes, androgens are secreted by the interstitial cells of Leydig, which form 20% of
mass of adult testis. Leydig cells are numerous in newborn male baby and in
adult male. But in childhood, these cells are scanty or nonexisting. So, the secretion of
androgens occurs in newborn babies and after puberty.
Adrenal cortex:-
Synthesis :-
Metabolism :-
In many target tissues, testosterone is converted into dehydrotestosterone, which is the mos
active androgen. In some of the tissues such as adipose tissue, hypothalamus and liver,
testosterone is converted into estradiol. Major portion of testosterone is degraded in
liver. It is converted into inactive forms of androsterone and dehydroepiandrosterone.
These two substances are later conjugated and excreted through urine.
Cholesterol LH
Synthesis of Pregnenolone
testosterone. LH
hormone. 17-Hydroxypregnenolone
17-OH-steroid dehydrogenase
Testosterone Dihydrotestosterone
( target tissues)
Testosterone secretion starts at 7th week of fetal life by fetal genital ridge. Fetal
testes begin to secrete testosterone at about 2nd to 4th month of fetal life. In fetal
life, testosterone secretion from testes is stimulated by human chorionic
gonadotropins, secreted by placenta.
But in childhood, practically no testosterone is secreted approximately until 10 to 12
years of age. Afterwards, the testosterone secretion starts and it increases rapidly at
the onset of puberty and lasts through most of the remaining part of life. The
secretion starts decreasing after 40 years and becomes almost zero by the age of 90
1: Fetal life:-
The development of male and female internal and external structures depends
on the fetal hormonal environment. The Wolffian and Müllerian ducts are initially
present in both male and female fetuses. If there is no hormonal input (the
situation in the normal female fetus), female internal and female external structures
develop (Müllerian ducts develop, Wolffian ducts regress).
Normal male development requires the presence of 3 hormones: testosterone,
dihydrotestosterone, and the Müllerian inhibiting factor (MIF).
• (hCG) + LH → Leydig cells → testosterone → Wolffian ducts
• testosterone → dihydrotestosterone → urogenital sinus & genital organs
• Sertoli cells → MIF → absence of female internal structures
MIF prevents the development of the Müllerian ducts, which would otherwise
into female internal structures. In the absence of MIF, the Müllerian ducts
develop. Thus, in addition to normal male structures, a uterus will be present.
• Wolffian ducts differentiate into the majority of male internal structures;
namely, epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles.
–– In the absence of testosterone, the Wolffian ducts regress.
• Dihydrotestosterone induces the urogenital sinus and genital tubercle
to differentiate into the external scrotum, penis, and prostate gland.
–– In the absence of dihydrotestosterone, female external structures
2: Childhood :-
Within a few months after birth, LH and testosterone drop to low levels and
remain low until puberty. The cause of this prolonged quiescence of reproductive
hormone secretion during childhood is not known. Interestingly, LH secretion
remains low in spite of low testosterone.
3: Puberty :-
Near the onset of puberty, the amplitude of the LH pulses becomes greater, driving
the mean level of LH higher. Early in puberty, this potentiation of the LH
pulses is especially pronounced during sleep. This increased LH stimulates the
Leydig cells to again secrete testosterone.
4: Adult :-
During adulthood, LH secretion drives testosterone secretion. Thus, it is not
surprising that the relative levels of the two hormones parallel one another.
5: Aging adult :-
Testosterone and inhibin secretions decrease with age. Men in their seventies
generally secrete only 60–70% as much testosterone as do men in their twenties.
Nevertheless, there is no abrupt decrease in testosterone secretion in men that
parallels the relatively abrupt decrease in estrogen secretion that women
at menopause. The loss of feedback will cause an increase in LH and FSH
Sex chromosomes are responsible for the determination of sex of the fetus,
whereas testosterone is responsible for the sex differentiation of fetus.
i. Müllerian duct, which gives rise to female accessory sex organs such as vagina,
uterus and fallopian tube
ii. Wolffian duct, which gives rise to male accessory sex organs such as epididymis,
vas deferens and seminal vesicles. If testosterone is secreted from the genital ridge
of the fetus at about 7th week of intrauterine life, the müllerian duct system
disappears and male sex organs develop from Wolffian duct.
Testosterone is also essential for the growth of the external genitalia, viz. penis and
scrotum and other accessory sex organs, namely genital ducts, seminal vesicles
and prostate.
3. Descent of testes :-
Descent of testes is the process by which testes enter scrotum from abdominal
cavity.Testosterone is necessary for descent of testes.
Functions of Testosterone in Adult Life :-
1. Actions of testosterone :-
In Fetus :-
During fetal life, the testosterone secretion from testes is stimulated by human
chorionic gonadotropin, which has the properties similar to those of luteinizing
hormone. Human chorionic gonadotropin stimulates the development of Leydig
cells in the fetal testes and promotes testosterone secretion.
In Adults :-
Luteinizing hormone (LH) or interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) stimulates the
Leydig cells and the quantity of testosterone secreted is directly proportional to the amount
of LH available. Secretion of LH from anterior pituitary gland is stimulated by luteinizing
hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) from hypothalamus.
Feedback Control :-