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Nama : Erni

Kelas : PGSD D

NIM : 2105116128

There are over 2000 types of jellyfish around the world. Jellyfish swim by
rhythmic pulsations of the umbrella. The tentacles on a jellyfish are covered with
million of stinging cells. Jellyfish usually feed on small fish that get caught in their
tentacles or something or sometimes even other jellyfish.

Jellyfish take oxygen into their cells directly from the water around them.
Jellyfish don't actually have brains but they do have something called a nerve net
which can coordinate responses. Most Jellyfish release sperm or eggs direcly into
the water around them. Jellyfish have no blood, bones or hearts. But come of
them can do incridible things like glow in the dark.

Jellyfish are some of the oldest living creatures on earth and have
problem been around on the planet for over 600 milion years. Jellyfish numbers
are increasing as they are one of the few living organisms that are thriving with
warmer more acidic oceans.
1. Suggest and explain 3 pieces of evidence from the passage that show that
jellyfish are a type of living organism
In general, the bodies of adult jellyfish can be grouped into two types,
namely medusa and polyps. The polyp-shaped jellyfish means that it lives
attached to the sessile or substrate at the bottom of the sea, while the
medusa jellyfish is shaped like an inverted cup and is able to swim freely in
the ocean.
Medusa jellyfish can swim freely because they have thick and elastic
textured mesoglea. This type of species is able to move in the water by
sliding and then restore its body shape. Both polyp and medusa jellyfish
have radial symmetry.
The most striking difference between medusa jellyfish and polyp
jellyfish is the direction of their mouths and tentacles. Polyp jellyfish
attached to the seabed have a tabular body with a mouth and tentacles
pointing towards the top. Meanwhile, the Medusa jellyfish has its mouth
and tentacles pointing downwards.
Jellyfish is a sea animal without a head with a body shape only in the
form of a body and tentacles. Even his mouth and anus are in the same hole.
The side of the body that is near the mouth is called the oral, while the side
that is far from the mouth is called the aboral.
The body of a jellyfish is transparent because 95 percent of its
constituent elements are water, thus facilitating the disguise process.
Jellyfish can be said to be living organism because they have:
1) Senses and Nervous System
Jellyfish are marine biota that do not have a brain or central nervous
system. This animal only relies on a neural network in the form of
neurons to respond to the stimuli it receives. In addition, jellyfish also
use the cilia found in the stinging cells or cnidocytes on the tentacles as
a detection tool.
These cilia have the ability to detect various types of chemical
substances such as odors and function when there is physical contact.
Therefore cnidocytes can sting or shoot targets with precision. If one of
the cnidocytes on the jellyfish's tentacles shoots, the nearby cnidocytes
will also be stimulated.
2) Jellyfish Main Cell
In general, jellyfish are diploblastic animals, which means they have two
main cell layers. The more complex species are usually equipped with
three main cell layers called triploblastic. The two main cell layers in
jellyfish are the outer exoderm and the inner gastoderm.
3) Nematocysts in Tentacles
Nematocysts are cells in the tentacles of jellyfish with the function of
piercing and injecting poison into the body of their prey or enemy. These
cells consist of cnidocysts called cnid organelles. Knidocyst is a capsule
with a coil of thread that contains poison.
Right at the end of the cnidocyst thread there is a hook that serves to
pierce the object of advice. In this section there are also cilia, which are
fine hairs that are used to shoot nematocyst cells. Until now there has
been no scientific explanation of how the jellyfish process when it stings.
Nematocysts are jellyfish's most effective weapons because just one
small sting can paralyze small fish and the family of arthropods.
Unfortunately these cells can only be used once and will regenerate
within 48 hours or for two days.
Therefore, so that one shot of the nematocyst is not wasted, the
jellyfish's body is created with the appropriate mechanism. Previously it
was mentioned that cnidocyte cells contain cilia as part of responding to
physical contact and sensory cells to detect the presence of chemicals in

2. Suggest how jellyfish carry out excretion

Schypozoa obtain food in various ways: predation or hunting prey,
absorb air-soluble organic substances, filter food particles in the air, and
obtain nutrients from the symbiotic algae in their cells. Most Cnidarians get
their food through predation, some Cnidarians in symbiosis with algae
provide the algae with shelter, carbon dioxide, and areas of sunlight.
Jellyfish use their nematocysts to immobilize their prey and then put
them in the mouth using their tentacles, after entering the digestive cavity,
gland cells in the gastroderm secrete enzymes to digest food, the nutrients
obtained are distributed throughout the body using airflow controlled by
cilia in the gastroderm or movement. muscle. Nutrients are delivered to the
outermost layer of cells by diffusion. Food residue that cannot be accessed
through the mouth also uses the airflow.

3. Some jellyfish can clone themselves to make identical copies. Suggest how
this also shows they are living organisms.
Reported from the Smithsonian Ocean, adult jellyfish called
medusa reproduce sexually by releasing eggs and sperm into the open
ocean. Both male and female jellyfish release sperm and eggs from their
In most species, fertilization occurs in the air or elsewhere, for
example swimming into the female's mouth and fertilizing the eggs in it. The
eggs that have developed into planula, the jellyfish larvae are ciliated and
shaped like a flat pear. After a few days, the planula will stick to a solid
surface and turn into a polyp that looks like a flower.
At the polyp stage, jellyfish reproduce asexually, namely through
budding. Reproduction occurs when a polyp roughly splits in half to produce
a new genetically identical polyp. They can also produce or transform into a
medusa, depending on the type of jellyfish. Most jellyfish are short-lived.
Adult jellyfish generally live for several months, depending on the
species. Meanwhile, polyps can live and reproduce asexually for years or
even decades.

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