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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

“Study of Ajirna (Indigestion) Chikitsa in

Ayurveda” - A Literature Review”
1 Dr. Sachin B. Patil

M.D. (Rachana Sharir) Dept. Rachana Sharir

Professor- Shantabai Shivshankar Arali Ayurvedic Hospital & College, Jat.416404.(MH)

2Dr. Pradeep N. Bhosale.

M.S. (SRPT) Professor, Dept. SRPT

Shantabai Shivshankar Arali Ayurvedic Hospital & College, Jat.416404.(MH)

3 Deepanjali A. Sonawale

M.D. (Sharir Kriya)

Associate Professor, Sharir Kriya

Shantabai Shivshankar Arali Ayurvedic Hospital & College, Jat.416404.(MH)

Ajirna is the state of incomplete process of digestion of ingested food. The main reason for
indigestion is the deranged functions of Agni. Incomplete digestion and metabolism due to disturbed
digestive fire leads to formation of under processed state of food termed as ajirna. Ajeerna is caused by
There are 4 – 6 types of Ajirna mentioned in Ayurveda by different acharyas. Also there is variation in
treatment as per opinion of different acharyas. So it is impotant to see the details of Ajirna Chikitsa in
Ayurved collectively. So this article is focusing on the Ajirna (Indigestion) Chikitsa in Ayurveda.

Keywords: Ajirna Chikitsa

IJCRT2305463 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) d510 © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
In Ayurvedic Samhita, decrease in the intensity of Agni has been termed as "Agnimandya". Whereas
Incomplete digestion and metabolism due to disturbed Agni leads to formation of under processed state of
food termed as “Ajeerna”. Tthe process by which the ingested food is broken down into a simpler and
absorbable form. According to Ayurveda, Agni is considered as the key factor for digestion(Pachana) and
transforms the food substances into various forms which can be easily assimilated by our body.
Ajirna is Incomplete digestion and metabolism due to disturbed digestive fire leads to formation of
under processed state of food termed as Ajeerna. It is the root of many disease and causes many types of
pains. The main reason for indigestion is the deranged functions of Agni. the state of incomplete process
of digestion of ingested food, due to low digestive power or other reason.
According to Madhav nidan - Persons who eat food in excessive quantities recklessly like ‘pashu’
become prone for the development of Ajeerna which may lead development of many diseases.
The factors involving are: 1. Ahara 2.Pranavayu 3. Saman Vayu 4.Apana vayu 5. Pachaka Pitta 6.Bodhaka
Kapha 7. Kledaka Kapha 8. Agni. 9. Annavaha srotas
Any vikruti among these may leads to Ajeerna.

Aims & Objectives:

To study the Ajirna (Indigestion) Chikitsa in Ayurveda.

Material & Methods:

Manual Searching & Collection.
Causes of Ajirna:

1. Atyambupana
2. Atimatra Bhojan
3. Abhojana
4. Vishamasama
5. Asatmyaahara
6. Sandushtabhojan
7. Food Related- Atiruksha, Atisnigdha
8. Gurubhojana 1. Vegadarana 2. Swapnavivarya ya 3. Ratrijagarana 4. Divashayana
9. 1. Irsha 2. Bhaya 3. Krodha 4. Dwesha 5. Chinta
10. 1. Vamana. Virechana, Sneha Vibrama 2. Rutu, Kala, Desha Vaishamya


IJCRT2305463 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) d511 © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Hetusevana Tridosha Samana Vayu PachakaPitta Kledaka Kapha Hampers the function of Agni
Annacharvana, Vahana, Bhinnasangata gets affeted Avipaka of Anna Ajeerna.

Dusya: Jatharagni, Rasadhatu

Srotas: AnnavahaSrotas
Ama : Jatharagnimandyajanya
Agni :Jatharagni
Srotodusti: Sanga
Adhisthana: Amashaya, Pakwashaya
Sadhyaasadhyata: Sadya, Yapya
Swabhava: Ashukari, Chirakari
1. Āmājīrṇa: or simply Āma refers to indigestion due to āmā. heaviness of the body, nausea, swelling
of the cheeks and pupils of the eyes, belching of wind having the same taste as the food taken, which
remains in the stomach, long undigested.
2. Vidagdha ajirna – caused due to vitiation of pitta dosha. It cause burning sensation in the chest and
throat region, different kinds of pain, increased feeling of thirst, sour eructation or belching,
tiredness, fainting and giddiness.
3. Vistabdha ajirna – caused due to vitiation of vata dosha. It is characterised by pain abdomen, bloated
stomach or gaseous distension, pain all over the body, fatigue, non elimination of stools and flatus.
4. Dinapaki Ajirna Prakruta Ajirna/ Prativasara Ajirna - It is normal state, as food remains undigested
normally after consumption, hence called Prakrita Ajeerna. It is considered as Nirdosha i.e. no any
signs and symptoms occur. - In which the food is digested on next day but causes no difficulty.

NIDANA PARIVARJANA- The causes of Ajeerna such as Atyambupaana Vishamashana,
Asatmya bhojana, Guru, Vishtambhi, Ati ruksha , Sheeta Bhojana etc, Should be avoided.

AMA PACHANA : Dhanyaka, Chavya, Chitraka, Mustaka

AGNI DEEPANA : Pippali, Sunthi, Maricha, vidanga , Ela, jeeraka

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Sn Disease Chikitsa- Vaghbhat Kashyap Yogratnakar
1 Amaajirna Langhan Langhan Langhan Vaman
2 Vidagdajirna Vaman Vaman Shayan Langhan
3 Visthabdajirna Swedan Swedan - Swedan
4 Ras shaishajirna Shayan Shayan Shoshan Shayan
5 Dinapaki-Ajirna In which the food is digested on next day but causes no
6 Prativasara Ajirna Which is found every day normally, immediately after taking

1. CHURNA Hingvashtaka churna  Lavanabhaskara churna  Panchakola churna  Avipattikara churna

pachana churna.
2. Vati : Sanjivini VATI, Ajeerna kantaka Rasa  Agnitundi Rasa  Shanka Bhasma.
3. RASA : Hingvadi Vati  Lavangadi Vati  Shanka Vati  Rasona Vati  Arka Vati vati.
4. GHRITAS : Trayushanadi ghrita  Mustashatphala ghrita  Chavyadi ghrita ghrita.
5. ASAVA/ARISHTA: Pippalyasava Kumaryasava  Amrutarishta.

Ajirna is basic cause of all other diseases. So the treatment of Ajirna is must. If Ajirna is not
managed properly leading to development of Fatal signs .i.e. fainting, delirium, vomiting, excessive
salivation, debility, giddiness etc. The first line of treatment for all types of indigestion
is Langhana (fasting).
Incomplete digestion and metabolism due to disturbed digestive fire leads to formation of
under processed state of food termed as ajirna. Persons who eat food in excessive
quantities recklessly like cattle become prone for the development of ajirna which may lead
development of many diseases. So it is important to cure the Ajirna as a priority.

1. Ajirna is the primary source of production of ama which is the cause of almost all diseases.
2. The first line of treatment for all types of indigestion is Langhana (fasting).
3. Ajirna treatment consists of Nidan parivarjan, Shodhan, Shaman according to condition.

IJCRT2305463 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) d513 © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
References: -
1) Charak Samhita:Vidhyadhar Shukla &Ravidatt Tripathi, 2000, 2nd print, Chaukhamba Sanskrit
2) Susruta Samhita: Dr. Anantram Sharma 2004, Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan.
3) Ashtang Samgraha:Vd. KavirajAtrideva Gupta and Vd. Nandkishor Sharma, 1993, Krishnadas
Academy Varanasi.
4) Ashtang Hridhaya: Sarvangsundara and Ayurvedrasayana commentaries 2000(Reprint),
KrishnadasAcademy, Varanasi.
5) Dr Soubhagya Japal/ajeerna

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