org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
3 Deepanjali A. Sonawale
Ajirna is the state of incomplete process of digestion of ingested food. The main reason for
indigestion is the deranged functions of Agni. Incomplete digestion and metabolism due to disturbed
digestive fire leads to formation of under processed state of food termed as ajirna. Ajeerna is caused by
There are 4 – 6 types of Ajirna mentioned in Ayurveda by different acharyas. Also there is variation in
treatment as per opinion of different acharyas. So it is impotant to see the details of Ajirna Chikitsa in
Ayurved collectively. So this article is focusing on the Ajirna (Indigestion) Chikitsa in Ayurveda.
1. Atyambupana
2. Atimatra Bhojan
3. Abhojana
4. Vishamasama
5. Asatmyaahara
6. Sandushtabhojan
7. Food Related- Atiruksha, Atisnigdha
8. Gurubhojana 1. Vegadarana 2. Swapnavivarya ya 3. Ratrijagarana 4. Divashayana
9. 1. Irsha 2. Bhaya 3. Krodha 4. Dwesha 5. Chinta
10. 1. Vamana. Virechana, Sneha Vibrama 2. Rutu, Kala, Desha Vaishamya
NIDANA PARIVARJANA- The causes of Ajeerna such as Atyambupaana Vishamashana,
Asatmya bhojana, Guru, Vishtambhi, Ati ruksha , Sheeta Bhojana etc, Should be avoided.
Ajirna is basic cause of all other diseases. So the treatment of Ajirna is must. If Ajirna is not
managed properly leading to development of Fatal signs .i.e. fainting, delirium, vomiting, excessive
salivation, debility, giddiness etc. The first line of treatment for all types of indigestion
is Langhana (fasting).
Incomplete digestion and metabolism due to disturbed digestive fire leads to formation of
under processed state of food termed as ajirna. Persons who eat food in excessive
quantities recklessly like cattle become prone for the development of ajirna which may lead
development of many diseases. So it is important to cure the Ajirna as a priority.
1. Ajirna is the primary source of production of ama which is the cause of almost all diseases.
2. The first line of treatment for all types of indigestion is Langhana (fasting).
3. Ajirna treatment consists of Nidan parivarjan, Shodhan, Shaman according to condition.