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International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research ISSN: 2347- 6362
Saee R Shirke 1 Kolarkar Rajesh 2
PG Scholar Ayurved Samhita Siddhant YMT Ayurved Medical College Kharghar 1
Guide and Head of Department Ayurved Samhita Siddhant YMT Ayurved Medical College
Ayurveda the scientific way of life guides the humanity to combat sickness as well as to
keep up and maintain supreme well-being. Ayurveda recognizes the viewpoint that fasting
causes digestion of metabolic toxins which are not good for health. Agnimandya (weakened
digestive fire) and ama (toxin) are considered to be the main reason for disease
manifestation. It is stated in Ayurveda that fasting encourages digestive fire with exclusion
of blockage in the channel which helps in reducing of effects of the disease. There are 10
types of langhana enlisted Ayurveda and Upavasa (Fasting) is one of them. Ayurveda
guides three therapies for the well-being and health spiritual, psychological,
rational/physical. Many experts believe that fasting is the mixture of all three. Upavasa
(Fasting) is withdrawal of food for specific time periods. An advantage of fasting
incorporates clarity of organs which are responsible for sense. During fasting person can feel
the easiness of body as well as brain. It gives better feeling in diseased state. Collectively
these things contribute to make individual feel energised. Ayurveda advocates fasting
according to the avastha (sama) and strength of vyadhi and patient. The strength of the
patient is decided on vaya, agni, kaala and dosha . Upavasa (Fasting) is advised
precautionary and in addition remedial methodology. This article is a sincere effort to
comprehend the therapeutic role of langhana (Upavasa) as non-invasive and evidence-based
modality in the management of various diseases mentioned in Ayurveda.
Keywords:Agni, Agnimandya, Ama, Dosha, Fasting, Samavastha, Upavasa.
INTRODUCTION: Ayurveda advocates diseases at many instances. The lists of
to protect health of the healthy and diseases are mentioned further. This
alleviate disorders in the diseased .It indicates the therapeutic importance of
emphasizes on prevention from the Upavasa. By understanding the role of
diseases and promotion of health. Upavasa in each disease and its co-relation
Ayurveda has explained various such to the concept of autophagy makes the
treatment modalities. One such is concept concept of Upavasa unique and priceless
of Langhana (Upavasa). Langhana is therapy to stay healthy and to defeat
been advised in many of the diseases as diseases.
prime treatment or in Amavastha of the Upavasa is derived from ‘vas’ dhatu
diseases and also according to the strength meaning to dwell and ‘ghnya’ prataya and
of the diseases and the patient and also as starts with ‘Upa’ Upasarga
precautionary and preventive modality. (upa+vas+ghnya) meaning towards, near
Agnimandya leading to formation of Ama to, by the side of.1 To abide in a state of
is the main reason for diseases abstinence, abstain from food.2 Upavasa
manifestation. Ayurveda has advised also means abstinence from krodha (
Upavasa in initial / Amavastha of anger) shokha (grief) lobha (greed)
Saee R Shirke et al : Evaluation of Therapeutic Role of Upavasa in Ayurved]

mohadi (fascination) etc3. It is considered Sharngdhara. Dravyas which increases the

as abstinence from all the 4 forms of food agni but does not digest the ama is known
chewing, licking, swallowing and as a deepana dravyas . Deepana dravyas
drinking. In Ayurveda it is stated that “ aho are vayaviya in nature hence increases the
ratribhojana abhavaha” 4 which means the agni. Increased agni digests the undigested
condition of withdrawal of food for a night food and does the shoshana of the kleda
. It is also considered as one type of fast and produces the lightness of the body,
along . Fasting is also revealed as “sarva hence is included in the types of the
bhoga vivarjana ” which means langhana .
abstaining from every single delight 4 Both Deepana and Pachana treatments are
Langhana and Upavasa : done through dravays (medicines). Until
Langhana word derived from ‘langha’ the ama is not treated there is no use of
dhatu and ‘ lyut’ pratyaya . Langha dhatu giving various medicines for curing the
indicates gati shoshana . diseases; rather than the given drug will
“ yat kinchit laghavkaram dehe tat also convert into ama and the disease will
langhanam smrutam”5 In gross meaning it increase.
indicates the whole procedure of Fasting/Upavasa is a type of adravya
producing lightness in the body . aushada. 9 . Fasting, in the absence of food
Anasana, apatarpana ,laghubhojna, and in viscera brings about the digestion of
upavasa are the synonyms of langhana. metabolic toxins, kindles the digestive fire,
In Ayurvedic literature langhana and removes the blockages in the channels and
apatarpana are mostly used in context of thereby aids in minimising the disease. It
Upavasa and literally convey the same first causes amapachana due to which
meaning6. Langhana as one of the agnideepana appears.
shadhvidhopkrama and Upavasa as one of Upavasa and Fasting :
the type of Langhana . Fast: abstain from all or some kinds of
Dipana, Pachana and Upavasa : food or drink, an act or period of fasting.10
Pachana: “Pachayati aamam na vahni Upavasa : a fast , fasting ( as a religious
kuryad yat taddhi pachanam”7 act comprising abstinence from all sensual
A Pachana dravya performs the gratifications , from perfumes , flowers ,
digestion of the ahara but does not unguents , ornaments ,betel , music ,
increase the agni . Acharya Acharya dancing etc ,abstinence from food .)11
Charaka has advised pachana type of Upavasa : upakrama ; Atharvaved chikitsa
langhana in conditions like Chhardi Bhojana parityaga ;anashana type of
(vomitting), Atisara (diarrheoa), Jwara shaman chikitsa 13,14
(fever), Gourava (heaviness) which CLASSIFICATION OF LANGHANA
predominantly involve kapha and pitta and Acharya Charak has mentioned 10 types
the bala (patients and disease strength ) is of langhana 1.vamana (emesis)
madhyama (medium). 2.virechan (purgation) 3.nasya
Deepana: “Pachet na aamam (administration of drug through nasal
vahnikruncha deepanam” Acharya cavity) 4.niruhbasti (administration of
Vaghbhat has included the deepana in 12 decoction through anus )5.aatapsevan (sun
types of langhana. 8 The definition of the exposure) 6.pachan (digestive)7.upavasa
deepana is described by Acharya (fasting) 8 vyayama (exercise) 9.pipasa
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nigrah (control of thirst urge) vaatvyadhi (diseases due to the vitiation of

10.vayusevan (wind exposure). vata) (as per avastha and dosh involved) 20
Astanga hrudaya as mentioned 12 types Indications of langhana upakrama as per
of langhana and divided in shodhana 5 Astanga hrudaya include conditions such
types raktasravana (bloodletting) addition as meha (diabetes) , ama dosha (disorders
to above and shaman (6 types) deepan of poor digestive activity) ,atisnigdha
addition to above.16 (more of moistness, lubrication ) ,jwara
Acharya Charak has mentioned Trividha (fever),urusthamba (stiffness of thighs )
langhana 17 ,kushta (leprosy and other skin diseases)
When the strength of vitiated dosha is less ,visarpa (herpes) , vidradhi (abscess)
than langhana variety of apatarpana is to ,pleeha , shirorog , kantha and aakshiroga
be advised . As a result of which there will (diseases of spleen ,head,throat and
be Vruddhi of agni and vayu which cures eyes).21
the disease similar to the drying of a pond Similarly Yogratnakar has stated that
consisting of very small quantity of water aakshiroga (eye diseases) , kukshiroga
by the influence of wind and sun.18 (ascities ,diarrhoea) , pratishaya (rhinitis),
When the strength of vitiated dosha is vrana (ulcer), jwara (fever) can totally be
medium then langhana pachana is cured by langhana therapy within 5 days
advised .The langhana dravyas does the .22
vruddhi of agni and vayu while the Assessment of Samyak Upavasita And
pachana dravyas does ama pachan . This Langita Purusha Lakshana:
is similar to the drying of a pond of water Acharya Charaka states Proper
by the influence of dust, wind, and sun. elimination of flatus , urine and faeces ,
When the strength of vitiated dosha is feeling of lightness of the body , purity of
extreme, doshavasechana (shodhana) is the chest , belching , throat ,and mouth
indicated. Doshavasechana removes ;disappearance of stupor and exhaustion ,
Doshas similar to the emptying of water appearance of sweat and taste in the mouth
from a reservoir by opening the gates.18 ,inability to bear hunger and thirst and
Indication of Langhana absence of discomfort in the mind are the
Diseases caused by Amadosha are signs of langhana properly done23 . In
destroyed by langhana Upavasa. Also in addition to above Acharya Vagbhat states
amashaya samutta vyadhi langhana is vimal indriya (freshness or keenness of
the foremost treatment . sense organs). 24 Also mentioned in Jwara
Also when the vyadhi bal is alpa pipaasa chikitsa adhyay, langhana (anashana
nigraha and upavasa are treatment /upavasa) alleviates the aggravated doshas
advocated.19 and stimulates the agni the body becomes
Langhana is indicated in amavastha light and there is appetite. 25
(disorders of poor digestive activity) ,skin Significance of Upavasa /Fasting
diseases , atisnigdha, abhishyandhi, bruhat The vitiated dosha in the body particularly
sharira (those who poses corpulent body the Amashaya reduce the intensity or
together with unctuousness and fluidity) impair the digestive fire and cause
,pramudhata (unconscious ) in sheet digestive impairment and produce ama
pradhan hemant and shishir rutu (winter (metabolic toxins) which is the root cause
season November to Februaray), of all diseases. They together block the
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minute channels of the body which results According to experiment conducted on

in various diseases. fasting rats at the centre for cellular and
Fasting has been practised since ancient molecular biology Hyderabad the belief is
times for religious, spiritual, physical and scientifically true. Intestinal cells absorb
psychological purposes. As spiritual more from the reserve food available in the
practise it is the oldest and most common body during starvation. Reserved food is
form of asceticism and is found in virtually stored in the body either as glycogen or fat
every religion and spiritual tradition. But .30 Glycogen a polymer of glucose is
nowadays spiritual fasting has not been stored in liver and during non- availability
practised in right manner. People tend to of food certain enzymes break it down into
eat more on these days and also end up glucose which provide energy to body .If
eating food stuffs which are heavy to one never fasts this enzyme system which
digest sabudana (sago/tapioca pearls breaks glycogen into glucose may not
wafers), fruits, boiled potatoes etc. remain effective and therefore periodical
In psychology, studies have suggested that fasting is considered beneficial to body.
fasting can alleviate the symptoms of some Once the glycogen reserve is exhausted the
psychiatric conditions including adipose tissue comes to the rescue of
depression and schizophrenia. 26 In fasting person. Prolonged fasting is not
Buddhism fasting is recognized as one of advisable as in fasting for longer periods
the methods for practising self-control.27 the fat cells consumed become
The Buddha advised monk not to take pathological. Further during fasting the
solid food after noon.27 Buddhist monks cell membrane lining the intestine
and nuns following vinaya rules undergoes a reorientation program to
commonly do not eat each day after the achieve the maximum efficiency. The
noon meal. The Uposatha is a Buddhist membrane cholesterol level goes down and
day of observance in existence from the hence the membrane becomes free and
Buddha’s time and still being kept today in absorbs more during fasting. Fating also
Buddhist countries. The Buddha taught has inhibitory effect on cell proliferation
that the Uposatha day is for the cleansing and also eliminates pre-neoplastic
of the defiled mind resulting in inner calm cells. Yoshinori Ohsumi a cellular
and joy.28 biologist from Japan became a Nobel Prize
The Greek Physician Hippocrates states winner in 2016 in physiology and
“Everyone has a physician inside him or medicine for discovery importance of
her; we just have to help it in its work. The autophagy for a large number of
natural healing force within each one of us physiological processes such as adaption
is the greatest force in getting well. Our to fasting and Mechanism of Autophagy.
food should be our medicine. Our These discoveries have opened new ways
medicine should be our food. But to eat of understanding the fundamental response
when you are sick is to feed your sickness” to an infection 31 .Fasting detoxifies the
.29 body and boosts the immune system.
Already modern scientists accepted many According to Wolowczuk immune
Ayurveda principles after undertaking a enhancement is due to 3 factors
scientific study and concept of fasting is
one such.
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a . Absence of burden of digestion that they will starve their body but fasting and
demands all the resources of the immune starvation are two completely different .As
system. long as the body supports itself on the
b. lowered plasma viscosity due to less stored reserves within its tissues and body
traffic in blood stream (less fatty sugar and functions are running smoothly .It is
proteins) fasting when these stored reserves are
c . Increased nutrient assist in immune used up have dropped to dangerously low
performance. level it becomes starvation.
Mark Mattson a scientist with National Weakness: During fasting, if we miss our
Institute on Aging says that when we meal we feel giddiness weakness. The fact
convert food into energy our bodies create is just appeals during cleansing process of
a lot of by-products we could do without the body while fasting. When cleansing is
including free radicals. These free radicals completed body gains a new vigour and
will attack proteins, DNA, the nucleus of vitality.
cells, the membranes of the cell. Autophagy:
Mattson says they can damage all those The controlled digestion of internal cell
different molecules in cells and hence components is called autophagy.35
fasting has numerous benefits from Level of autophagy increases when cells
improving glucose regulation which can are starved or when cells are highly
protect against diabetes to also lowering exposed to the accumulation of waste
blood pressure .Some animal studies have material. In this case, cells recycle the
also shown that partial fasting has very unwanted products by degradation and
beneficial effects on the brain protecting maintain all body functions.36
against Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Upavasa/ Fasting induce Autophagy.
Stroke. Basically when we give fuel to
Partial fasting may even extend lifespan mitochondria when they don’t need they
because eating less sends a message to the release a large number of electrons which
cells of the body that they should conserve give rise of reactive oxygen species which
and use energy more efficiently. act as free radicals . Then these free
Misconception About Fasting: radicals not only damage mitochondrial
Weight loss: losing weight is only one part but also nuclear DNA .37
of the picture but it can be and certainly Following are therapeutic indications of
important to maintain or restore good fasting in different diseases with respect to
health. the stage or phase of the disease and the
Starvation: people think food is the only duration of fasting as explained in classics
source of energy for our body. If they fast of Ayurveda.
Table .1
Diease Stage /Phase Duration
Jwar Saamavastha /initial stage till niram lakshana
Vataj jwar seen
Pittaj jwar 7 days
Kaphaj jwar 10 days
12 days

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Dhatugat jwar rasagat

Raktpitta initial stage,urdwa marg, acc to strength of
Sama kapha,sama pitta, Patient
snigdha,ushna nidan
Gulma Kapha pradhan
Prameha Kapha pradhan
Shoth Amajanya
Arsha strength of patient is minimal
Grahini aahar ras associated with
ama has
circulated in whole body till ama digested
Atisaara initial stage,vyadhi bala till ama gets
minimal digested
Chardi amavastha,minimal dosha till ama gets
Visarpa kaphasthan/kaphapradhan
Madatya kapha pradhan
Hrudroga kaphaj,sannipataj,krumija
Pravahika atisaarukta chikitsa
AnnajShool avipaak
Kukshishool agnimandya
Ajeerna amajeerna
Amavata aamaj, srotorodha till niram lakshana
Abhishyandh samavastha 4 Days

Pratishya samavastha with fever 5 nights

Netraroga abhishyandi/ samavastha 3 nights (dalhana)
Avoiding food at
5 nights
Annavaha amavastha
Amashaya gat

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Avabahuka Samavastha

Hence to conclude from above mentioned , also though exposure to the wind causes
table, upavasa is been advised lightness but if it is cold wind , it is not so
Wherever ama is underlying cause in effective .Maruta (wind) does not always
pathogenesis of diseases, exist . Atapa can aggravate pitta in pitta
In initial stage of diseases (amavastha) , prakriti. Also Maruta and Atapa Sevana
Strength of dosha is less and when patient are been advised in balvan rogi( patient)
bala (strength) is medium, and madhyam bala roga (diseases ).
In atipravrutti (excessive flow of tissue Deepana pachana cannot be employed as
elements in the channels), srotorodha agni affected by ama is incapable of
(blockage in the channels), santarpanjanya dosha, ahaara and oushadha pachana 42.
vyadhi (diseases caused by over- Vyayama is incompatible in alpa bala
nourishment), amashaya samutha vyadhi patients 43. For these reasons upavasa is
(diseases having origin from stomach), the ideal method of achieving langhana
rasa pradosha vyadhi (diseases from which can be achieved by anashana or
vitiation of rasa dhatu ) alpabhojana . The langhana thus achieved
Mostly in kaphaj pittaj type and also will have amapachana effects at the koshta
sometimes in vataj as per the patient level as well as sarvadehika level 44.Mode
strength. of action of the Upavasa can be
DISCUSSION : understood in the following manner, if
In the management of ama Upavasa is the Agni does not get fuel in the form of food,
ideal line of treatment . Bhava Prakasha in it starts digesting Dosha 45 . Agni for its
the context of jwara considers langhana as existence needs a constant feed of fuel. As
upavasa 38. As in all amashaya samutha a routine the food serves as the fuel. In the
diseases , Upavasa can be considered as absence of food in preliminary stage Agni
the ideal method of langhana 39 . This is uses Dosha as fuel .This special property
also because of unsuitability of the other of Agni is used as treatment modality
methods of langhana, four kinds of .The mode of action of Upavasa can also
purifications cannot be employed in be understood with the help of modern
many diseased conditions because science. If the consumption of the glucose
samshodhana is contraindicated in the is decreased, the glycogen, then fat , and in
samavastha of a many diseases 40 . Pipasa the last stage , protein ,is broken down for
cannot be employed because in morbid the supply of glucose to the tissue ,which
patients jala is pranadharaka41. Maruta is similar to the view of Ayurveda .
and atapa sevana are less efficient for Acharya Vagbhata has mentioned that
jatharagni impairment when compared to Langhana, Decreases the Dosha, Increases
upavasa. Here Maruta is the vayu(wind) the Agni Hence it increases the Swasthya
outside the body. Certain types of maruta ,Kshudha , Trishna ,Ruchi ,Agnibala and
from particular direction is told to be Ojas.
diseases causing and some maruta from CONCLUSION: In these recent years
other directions has been told to be healthy modern scientists have discovered the
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38) Bhiskaratna SriBhramashankara Chakrapanidatta ,Charak Samhita by
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Vidyothini Hindi teeka Bhavmishra verse no 13 ;Chaukhamba Prakashan 2011;
Bhavaprakasha Madhya khand 44) Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya
Prathambhaga 1/9 (Anashanam Uchyate ) ,editor ,Commentory “Ayurved Dipika” of
8 th edition 1997 Chaukamba Sanskrit Chakrapanidatta ,Charak Samhita by
Bhavan Varanasi ,Uttarpradesh. Maharshi Charaka, ChikitsaSthan
39) Pt .HariSadashiv Shastri chapter15 verse no 75-80;Chaukhamba
Paradakara,editor ,Commentory Prakashan 2011;
“Sarvangasundara”of Arundatta and 45) Sharma SP editor Ashtang
Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri on Ashtang Sangraha with Shashilekha Sanskrita
Hrudaya of Vagbhata ,Sutrasthan chapter .Commentary by Indu Chikitsa sthan
13,verse no 28, Varanasi:Chaukhamba .Varanasi Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana
Sanskrit Sansthan ,2009;152 ; 2006 pg no 508.
40) Bhiskaratna SriBhramashankara Corresponding Author:
and Sri Roopalal Vaishya editor Dr .Saee R Shirke, PG Scholar Ayurved
Vidyothini Hindi teeka Bhavmishra Samhita Siddhant YMT Ayurved Medical
Bhavaprakasha Madhya khand College Kharghar
Prathambhaga 1/14 (Anashanam Uchyate ) Email: [email protected]
8 th edition 1997 Chaukamba Sanskrit
Bhavan Varanasi ,Uttarpradesh. Source of support: Nil Conflict of interest:
41) Pt .HariSadashiv Shastri None Declared
Paradakara,editor ,Commentory Cite this Article as :[ Saee R Shirke et al :
“Sarvangasundara”of Arundatta and Evaluation of Therapeutic Role of Upavasa in
Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri on Ashtang Ayurved] www.ijaar.in : IJAAR VOLUME IV
Hrudaya of Vagbhata ,Sutrasthan chapter ISSUE V NOV –DEC 2019 Page No: 456-465
8,verse no 18, Varanasi:Chaukhamba
Sanskrit Sansthan ,2009;

465 www.ijaar.in IJAAR VOLUME IV ISSUE V NOV - DEC 2019

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