in English Literature
A Final Project on
Board of Examiners
Hereby, I honestly declare that the undergraduate thesis I wrote does not contain
the works or part of the works of other people, expect those which were cited in the
quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should. If my statemen is not
valid in the future, I absolutely agree to accept an academic sanction in the form of
revocation of my paper and my degree obtained from that paper.
“when you do good, the good is for yourself, and when you do bad, the bad is for
This research is dedicated to all of the best cheerleaders of the researcher who
give their utmost support and never-ending inspiration throughout the study.
Allah SWT
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful
abundance of His mercy and grace. His love and compassion have given me
strength, provided me with knowledge, and throughout my life are also very helpful.
Thanks to grace and ease that finally this final project can be completed. Shalawat
and salam to the Prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, to his family
Second, this final project could not be completed without the help, support,
and motivation from various parties. So, I would like to express my gratitude to the
1. Prof. Dr. Gunarto, S.H., M.Hum. as the Rector of Sultan Agung Islamic
University Semarang.
the first semester until the writing process of my final project from the
Faculty of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang who have helped and
but I always convince myself I can do it. Thank you for being selfish and
rarely paying attention to rest to pursue your dreams and fulfil many
responsibilities. Thank you for managing your time well amid your busy
life, but academics are always a priority. Thank you for being strong and
affection, and spiritual, material, and selfless prayers for me for the success
of my life. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for never demanding anything from
my life, but I will always make you proud. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for
the way.
8. To my friends Thalia, Rahma, Nada, Sarah, and Fatris, thank you always
you to my boarding house friends Febrisya, Anggi, Anggita, Ani, who have
friends since I from high school to college, Sulis, Dewi, Ninis have always
been a support in every journey of my life, thank you to Azriel who has
helped me a lot, provided input and corrections in working on this thesis
page by page.
for giving so much colour to the world of education and providing great
10. The students in the Department of English Literature 2020, have given me
11. Everyone who cannot be mentioned one by one, thank you for all the
support, suggestions, input, and prayers that have been given. Hopefully, all
the goodness that has been given becomes a good deed and gets a reward
Finally, I realized that the final project is far from perfect. I will be grateful
to accept constructive suggestions and criticisms from various parties. Last but not
least, I hope that this final project can be useful for readers, especially for students
majoring in literature.
E. Significances ............................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 6
REVIEWS OF RELATED LITERATURE ....................................................... 6
A. Synopsys of the film Before Sunrise (1995) ............................................. 6
B.2. Types of the Data ............................................................................. 20
C. Analyzing the Data .................................................................................. 21
CHAPTER IV ...................................................................................................... 23
FINDINGS AND DISSCUSSION ...................................................................... 23
A. Types of symbolism found in the film Before Sunrise (1995) by
Richard Linklater .................................................................................... 23
A.1. Colour Symbolism in the film Before Sunrise (1995) live action
film and script ................................................................................... 23
A.2. Object Symbolism in the film Before Sunrise (1995) live action
film and script ................................................................................... 32
A.3 Nature Symbolism in the film Before Sunrise (1995) live action
film and script ................................................................................... 44
B. The meaning of the symbolism found in the film Before Sunrise (1995)
by Richard Linklater .............................................................................. 47
CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 70
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................ 70
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 70
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 71
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 72
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 74
Film Before Sunrise (1995) adalah sebuah drama romantis yang disutradarai
oleh Richard Linklater. Sebagai bagian dari trilogi, film ini diikuti oleh Before
Sunset (2004) dan Before Midnight (2013). Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi
penggunaan simbol dalam film untuk memberikan makna tambahan dan mendalam
serta meningkatkan aspek estetikanya. Analisis ini memiliki dua tujuan utama:
pertama, mengidentifikasi simbolisme yang muncul dalam film, dan kedua,
menganalisis makna dari simbolisme tersebut.
Penelitian ini memanfaatkan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menginvestigasi
simbolisme yang terdapat dalam film Before Sunrise (1995). Proses analisis
dilakukan secara sistematis, melibatkan serangkaian langkah seperti menonton
film, membaca naskah, dan melakukan pengambilan adegan secara selektif.
Klasifikasi data dilakukan dengan merinci makna dari artikel dan jurnal yang
relevan. Data kualitatif, yang melibatkan konten tekstual dan visual yang kaya,
menjadi dasar utama untuk melakukan analisis mendalam terhadap simbolisme
yang terwujud dalam film. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi signifikan pada
pemahaman lebih mendalam terkait naratif dan kompleksitas tematik yang
terkandung dalam "Before Sunrise."
Kesimpulannya, penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa Before Sunrise
(1995) memanfaatkan berbagai bentuk simbolisme untuk meningkatkan kedalaman
dan maknanya. Penggabungan simbolisme dalam film bertujuan untuk memberikan
lapisan makna yang mendalam. Analisis tersebut mengidentifikasi tiga simbol
utama film: warna, objek, dan alam. Kehadiran simbol-simbol tersebut menambah
makna tersirat dan lebih dalam, berkontribusi pada visualisasi beragam kepribadian
dan skenario yang dijalin ke dalam jalan cerita. Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi
pentingnya simbolisme dalam memperkaya narasi dan kompleksitas tematik dalam
Before Sunrise. (1995)
reality of life in a literary work. It will become the object of a literary work in
the author's own words. Mursal Esten (1978), literature is the expression of
human life and society. In literature, it is conveyed using language and has a
short stories, novels, poetry, plays, and essays. This literary work reflects the
author's art of expression and thought with deep aesthetic and philosophical
the subject matter or the writing style used and one of the literary methods that
Symbolism is a literary method that has been used for centuries. While
convey thoughts and beliefs (Akter 3). Symbolism is a method used in literature
a person, situation, event, or action that has a deeper meaning in the frame.
Writers often use symbolism to improve their writing and make readers
friendship. When someone smiles towards you, it can signify that person's
fondness or affection for you. Symbolism also grants authors the freedom to
diary as cited in Zain (3), symbolism has two different meanings; an obvious
literal meaning and a symbolic meaning that is deeper than the literal meaning.
offers insight into the author's perspective and sheds light on their perception
that the author wanted to convey so that his work would be beautiful and able
to color a message more deeply. This is also the basis for filmmakers to include
symbols in their work, including Richard Linklater and Kim Krizan in their
Linklater. The film depicts the encounter of two strangers who meet on a train
in Europe and decide to spend time together in Vienna before one of them has
to move on to the next destination. The film stands out for its realistic and
will last only for one night, they decide to savor every moment together with
great intensity.
symbolism within his psychological analysis. For Jung, symbolism is not solely
about the meaning determined by the author but also encompasses the role of
the reader or observer in creating that meaning. When it comes to films or other
audience to perceive the symbols and concealed meanings within the work.
B. Problem Formulation
analyzed as follows:
Richard Linklater?
2. What the analyze meanings of the symbolism found in the film Before
2. To analyze the meaning of the symbolism found in the film Before Sunrise
to identifying the type and meaning of symbolism contained in the film Before
symbolism does not represent all the meanings received by each viewer.
E. Significances
1. This research helps students to understand deeply about the symbolism, both
This Final Project is divided into five chapters. Each chapter contains
contains a review of the literature which consists of a synopsis of the film itself
methods consisting of research types, data organization and data analysis. Data
reading film scripts, reading journals, identifying data, classifying data and
reducing data. Chapter four contains of findings and discussion. Whereas the
chapter five divided into two parts, they are conclusion and suggestion.
This chapter will discuss the synopsis of the film and review the related
meaning of symbolism
film is played by two main players namely Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine
(Julie Delpy). They are two strangers with different characters and cultures
who finally meet on a train with different goals. Jesse is a writer who is
student who has to return to her university in Paris after visiting her
grandmother's house. They decided to get off in Vienna and explore the city
During their trip with Jesse and Celine they discuss various topics such
as relationships, life and love. They communicate with each other from
different points of view. Passing through town, talking and getting to know
each other. They also visited various places such as cafes, parks, and
monuments all night. Their intimacy increases and they feel more and more
connected to each other. They share personal stories, dreams, their future goals
in life and their hopes in life. However, they realize that their time is very
limited because the next day Jesse has to catch a plane back to America.
The talks and the many incidents they experienced overnight made
them compatible and have a sense of belonging to each other. Although in the
end, they realized that they had to separate and return to their own lives. But
they made a promise that they would meet again six months later from the day
The film Before Sunrise (1995) showcases the brief but deep
relationship between Jesse and Celine. This is a story about a chance encounter
that can escalate. The film was critically acclaimed for its strong cast and
B. Related Literature
B.1 Symbolism
rather too broad and too vague of a concept. While we almost always associate
we hear the word “Symbol”, it covers a much wider scope. In fact, even for the
on the medium, culture and common knowledge of the specific region that is
identifying its inhabitant, each symbol itself may conveys different meanings
and interpretations.
symbolism has two meanings. The first and obvious meaning is “the use of
meaning attributed to natural objects or facts”. On the other hand, the second
definition has a much general meaning defining that it is “an artistic and poetic
mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind”. Thus, if we further take the
concept in its derivation and extended form, the word “Symbolic” would
and approach to the study of symbolism in ‘primitive’ times and its connections
with the present are very significant to come to a close understanding of the
of his patients Jung discovered that not only dreams were relevant to the life of
the dreamers but that there exists a pattern of psychological importance which
a sense of wholeness and added meaning to our lives. In his Confrontation with
the Unconscious.
Jung tells us, “Symbols serve as a link between the archetype and
consciousness and in a like manner between the artist, the work, and the
symbols and signs, arguing that symbolic and semiotic interpretations are
entirely different things. Take for example, a traffic sign showing a zebra
crossing or a picture of children crossing the road, which warns the drivers to
be alert and to slow down because somebody is crossing the road. These are
signs, which have no meaning in themselves. But years ago, we all learnt what
For example, the picture of children on the traffic sign has a specific
meaning. But if you are leafing a magazine or a newspaper and you see a
picture of children, most likely you would not immediately think of the danger
that children are crossing the road. On the other hand, when images are related
as symbols they have meaning in and of themselves. Again, let us take the
express innocence, love, care, naïveté and other related intrinsic features. The
image of ‘children ‘looked at a symbol is pregnant with meaning for each one
of us. No one has to tell you what meaning an image of children means to you.
conclusion, The sign is always less than the concept it represents, while a
symbol always stands for something more than its obvious and immediate
abstract concepts through symbols laden with intricate meanings. Its purpose
extends to capturing the intricacies of the human inner world, unravelling the
mysteries of the universe, and exploring the complex relationship between the
literature, music, and theatre, symbolism gives rise to works that often exude
Such creations prompt viewers or readers to delve into the layers of meaning
concealed behind the symbols the artist or writer employs. This interactive
engagement with the symbolism within the work enhances the interpretative
artists and writers invite audiences to explore profound themes and unravel
1. Natural symbols
daily lives that can be seen with the eyes and always occur in daily life, such
2. Conventional symbol
other phrases yet have the same meaning. For example, the term "man" denotes
and delves into conveying meanings beyond the surface. Liszka's work
emotions or themes, and these interpretations may vary across cultures, yet
some universal associations may exist. For instance, warm colours like red or
meanings or themes within the film. The deliberate choice of colours becomes
layers of the film, providing insights into the characters' emotional states and
In the realm of the film, delving into object symbolism requires a keen
intentional weight, serving as more than just props but as symbols with nuanced
meanings. For example, a specific book within the narrative may not merely be
emotional landscape.
communication aligns with the idea that objects within the film are carefully
experiences and the overarching themes interwoven into the narrative. The
with the storyline, recognizing that every item introduced carries a significance
representation of elements from the natural world, imbuing them with deeper,
often symbolic meanings; by Pierce's theory and Liszka's insights from "The
infusing natural elements with intentional symbolism, turning them into potent
analysis of how elements from the natural world are deliberately woven into
symbolize broader concepts, such as the passage of time, the ephemeral nature
idea that each natural element introduced in the film carries a specific meaning
beyond its literal depiction. A sunset, for example, might symbolize not only
the end of a day but also the culmination of emotions or the resolution of a
storyline. Similarly, the changing seasons could mirror the evolving dynamics
filmmakers invite viewers to engage more deeply, recognizing that the natural
world within the storyline is not merely a backdrop but an active participant in
3. Singular symbol
symbols or forms that often stand alone or have an individual nature, such as
"moon," can be found in lives without the need for a partner or another symbol
because the fact that this one symbol is always stand alone or has an individual
into three types: natural, conventional, and singular. Each type carries unique
literary works.
These elements can include objects, individuals, scenarios, or actions that have
both literal meaning and additional, more abstract meaning. A prime example
of this literary device is found in the film Before Sunrise (1995), where
symbolize love on a surface level, while its deeper connotations may explore
may include recurring objects, colors, or specific settings, each of which has
the potential to carry a more profound meaning that contributes to the thematic
richness of the work as a whole. Perrine's statement in Fadaee aptly states, "A
literary symbol has more meaning than what it is. It is an object, person,
situation, action, or another thing that has a literal meaning in the story but
meaning, becoming figurative, which enhances the beauty of the text and adds
on screen. But the beauty of the film's symbolism lies in its potential to be
explored more deeply. For example, a particular book or setting may have
emotions, and universal themes, providing readers with a more profound and
depth to the narrative but also emphasizes that literature goes beyond its literal
Chapter three is the research method used in collecting and analyzing data
to answer the formulation of the problem and there are three sub-chapters in this
chapter. The first sub-chapter is the type of research, the second sub-chapter is data
A. Type of Research
So, the research method is a tool or technique for conducting research, which
comes from the word "careful" which means the attitude of solving problems
carefully. Therefore, research is a loosely used term that aims to find interesting
explanations in form. words, sentences, narration and dialogue. In this case the
B. Data Collection
In data collection, the steps for data collection and the type of data are
The first step was to watching the film Before Sunrise (1995)
process takes a very long time. This aims to focus more on studying
identify the data. This is done to find the parts of the text to be
The next step is to classify the data. Therefore, the data in the
most relevant data from the contents of the Before Sunrise (1995)
Film Script and the visual flow of the Before Sunrise (1995) film to
problem. The final data that supports the problem formulation would
Two types of data are used in this study, namely primary data and
from the Script Before Sunrise (1995) written by Linklater and Kim
They traveled around town together and talked late into the night. In
the initial scenario, the type and location of the talks are still unclear.
singled out Kim Crisis, citing "the way his mind works – he has a
supporting data for primary data. This data was taken from several
This section consists of data analysis and reporting. The purpose of data
analysis is to provide very clear information from the data. This research uses
descriptive analysis data as the type of data. The strategy is to describe, assess
and understand all the facts using descriptions. While the findings of this study
are presented in chapter IV: findings and discussion are presented in the
In this chapter, the writer discusses about the finding and analysis of found
symbolism and the meaning of symbolism in the film Before Sunrise (1995).
painting, literature, music, and theatre, to express emotions, ideas, and abstract
symbols attempt to delve into the depths of the human inner world, unravel the
mysteries of the universe, and explore the intricate relationship between the
natural world and the supernatural. In literary works, symbols often manifest as
A.1. Colour Symbolism in the film Before Sunrise (1995) live action film and
themes, and these interpretations can vary across cultures. In the film "Before
hues like red or yellow to represent passion and vitality, while cooler tones like
blue convey melancholy or tranquility. and in the film Before Sunrise (1995) I
A.1.1. Green
In the film Before Sunrise (1995), the first colour symbolsm found is Green.
swimmer. He had that bleached-out, chlorine hair and green eyes, and
to improve his times, he’d shave the hair off his legs and arms. So he
was like this gorgeous dolphin. My friend Emma had a big crush on
him, and one day I was cutting across the field on my way back to my
room, he came walking up beside me. I told him he should ask Emma
out because she had a big crush on him, and he said, “That’s too bad,
because I have a big crush on you.” And it really scared the hell out of
date but I pretended that I didn’t like him because I was afraid of what
As the sunlight bathed the summer camp in its warm radiance, the lively green
text persisted in capturing the essence of the spirited experience awaiting the
connection between this character and the natural elements, particularly the
her affinity for the swimming pool and reflecting her immersion in the lively spirit
of the summer camp. The green shade echoed the surrounding nature, creating a
The choice to shave off leg and arm hair for improved swimming times underscored
her singular focus and unyielding determination. This act transcended mere
between her intense dedication and the refreshing ambiance of the camp heightened
the impact of her character, showcasing her as someone who approached every
aspect of the summer camp experience with a unique blend of passion and
lively spirit and commitment defining the summer camp. The emerald-green hues
transformation within the camp's community and leaving an enduring mark on the
memories of those fortunate enough to share the summer days with Celine.
A.1.2. Black
Celine: “I hate being told by strange men to smile, just to make them
feel better about their stupid lives. I hate that three hundred kilometers
away a war is going on. People are dying. And nobody knows what to
do about it. I hate how the media tries to control our minds. It’s a new
form of very subtle fascism. And I hate in a foreign country each time
everyone always goes: “Oh, it’s so French, it’s so cute.” Oh, I hate
They both laugh a bit at her becoming riled up so quickly. She calms
manipulate and control the thoughts and behavior of the masses. The character's
with the media's pervasive impact on the norms that shape society.
The mention of black clothing has a symbolic meaning, more than just a
choice of clothing. This becomes an act of rebellion, a silent protest against the
where wearing black elicits strange reactions, add another layer to the narrative.
This highlights the global reach of media influence and underscores the character's
cultural assumptions. The character rejects the reduction of complex emotions and
on cultural stereotypes. The repetition of "I hate it" underscores the intensity of the
marketable trope.
influences that seek to shape thoughts and dictate personal expression. In the face
“A projector is set up to show against the back wall of the stage. The
filmmaker, LIZ, takes the microphone and sits on the stage facing the screen.
She has a piece of paper in her hand and signals for the projectionist to start.
The room darkens and the film begins. Behind the first black-andwhite
some looking at the camera, some away. The film evokes a melancholy and
Script 46/72
scene casts a somber tone, setting the stage for a narrative journey that promises to
unravel intricate layers of emotion and storytelling. The gradual dimming of the
lights served as a symbolic curtain rising on the unfolding drama, inviting viewers
The introduction of black and white Super 8 images further heightened the
visual impact, offering a stark juxtaposition that hinted at the multifaceted nature
of the tale about to unravel. The choice of monochrome tones added a timeless
quality to the visuals and suggested the exploration of profound dichotomies within
the narrative. The scratches and imperfections in the film enhanced the vintage
The enigmatic white title, written in German, "A KIND OF NOISE AND A
viewers to decipher its meaning. This linguistic choice added an extra layer of
intrigue, hinting at cultural nuances that likely play a pivotal role in the unfolding
story. The very essence of the title suggested a deliberate play on paradoxes and
With its poetic ambiguity, the phrase invited contemplation on the interplay
between opposing forces, light and darkness, sound and tranquility, that would
likely serve as thematic pillars throughout the film. The anticipation of navigating
viewers to engage not only with the visual and auditory elements but also with the
As the scratched white letters lingered on the screen, the audience was
inviting viewers to delve into the complexities of the narrative, sparking curiosity,
and setting the stage for a cinematic journey that promised visual splendor and
intellectual reflection.
A.1.4. Blue
Jesse: “Hmmm.”
Celine: “And he’s so cute. He has really beautiful blue eyes, nice pink lips,
and greasy hair. He’s kinda tall and a little clumsy. I like to feel his eyes on
me when I look away. And he kind of kisses like an adolescent. It’s so cute.
Jesse: “What?”
capture the physical attributes and delve into the essence of the person she holds in
such high regard. The emphasis on "beautiful blue eyes" and "nice pink lips"
of the unique qualities that set this person apart. It's an appreciation that transcends
the ordinary and delves into the realm of individuality, celebrating the distinctive
that the person "kind of kisses like an adolescent," adds a touch of realism to the
portrait. Rather than idealizing or romanticizing, Celine embraces the quirks and
nuances that make the person human. It speaks to intimacy and acceptance that goes
Celine's preference for feeling the person's eyes on her and finding his
adolescent-style kisses cute further deepens the portrayal. These details unveil a
layer of vulnerability and sincerity in her admiration. It's not just about physical
attraction but the emotional resonance and unique dynamics that define their
Bataille's "Story of the Eye" adds an intriguing layer to her character. It suggests a
mind that seeks intellectual stimulation, a curiosity that goes beyond the surface.
She challenges societal expectations and beauty standards by opting for no makeup,
a loose-fitting vintage dress, and flat shoes. Her attire becomes a form of self-
individuality, reinforcing that her substance is far more valuable than societal
her profound admiration that transcends physicality to her intellectual pursuits and
her defiance of societal beauty standards. Her narrative becomes a rich tapestry
A.2. Object Symbolism in the film Before Sunrise (1995) live action film and
how particular objects or items are deliberately used throughout the storyline to
particular emotions within the development of the plot. These objects become
more than just physical elements within a scene; they serve as triggers for
intentional use, object symbolism in film can create interpretive depth, inviting
of the Eye" becomes a window into her intellectual world, revealing layers of
depth and curiosity beneath her striking exterior. The choice of such a
forgo makeup, don a loose-fitting vintage dress and opt for comfortable flat
accentuates a sense of ease and comfort. It's a sartorial choice beyond mere
trends and societal expectations. The flat shoes, chosen over more
beauty standards. Her attire becomes a canvas upon which she paints a
intellect and aesthetics with grace. Her engagement with profound literature
appearance, Celine emerges as a character whose allure lies not just in her
Scene 00:03:00
immersed in the pages of Klaus Kinski's memoir, "All I Need Is Love." The
intellectual appetite, delving into the complexities of an actor's life and the
pursuit of love. His engagement with such a profound work hints at a penchant
effortless and laid-back style, with jeans and a T-shirt as his preferred
The synergy between his intellectual pursuit of Kinski's memoir and his
a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of Jesse – a man who navigates the
realms of intellectual exploration with the same ease as he does the day-to-day
personality that embraces both depth and simplicity, striking a balance between
A.2.3. Tram
They are sitting in the tram and observing everything going by.
Jesse: “Okay, Q&A time. We’ve known each other for a little while
now, we’re stuck with each other, we can ask each other a few, you
In the quiet confines of the tram, Jesse takes the initiative to spark a
desire to move beyond the surface and explore the layers of their personalities.
The Q&A format signifies more than just a casual chat; it becomes a
shared experience, transcending the physical space of the tram and fostering a
candid conversation becomes a bridge between the surface and the profound,
A.2.4. Subway
The subway journey is a powerful symbol for navigating life's challenges and
The shift from the dark tunnel into the radiant sunlight symbolizes
clarity, hope, and the promise of new beginnings. This visual transition holds
The stark contrast between the dimly lit tunnel and the bright sunlight
journey represents life's twists and turns, full of obstacles and uncertainties.
in the most uncertain and challenging moments, there is always the potential
Celine walks over to him and puts her arms around his neck.
Celine: How come every time you want me to do something, you start
uncertainty. In this collective act, the power of the kiss becomes a profound
emotion. As the Ferris wheel continues to rise and fall rhythmically, it serves
constant changes.
ordinary, marked by a sense of abandon and unbridled passion. With its cyclic
relationships, where ups and downs are inherent in the course of connection.
when they arise, and an acknowledgment that love often thrives in the
unexpected. The Ferris wheel forms the backdrop to their evolving story,
This shared kiss on the Ferris wheel encapsulates more than just a
navigate the twists and turns of their relationship, finding joy and passion
amidst uncertainty. In this brief moment suspended in time, the Ferris wheel
becomes a silent witness to the depth of their emotions, and the kiss becomes
A.2.6. Rose
As Jesse hands her the coins and she gives him the rose, she
Script: 32/72
The tender exchange of coins and a rose between Jesse and the other
with layers of affection and connection. As coins change hands and a delicate
rose is offered, the act symbolizes more than material exchange—it becomes a
understanding. Holding hands and examining the palm transcends the physical
gesture, creating a silent dialogue beyond words. The rose, a timeless symbol
investments, further emphasize the depth of their connection. It's a moment that
complexities of life.
As the coins and the rose change hands, they weave a narrative of
for the emotional currency shared between Jesse and the other person. Through
A.3 Nature Symbolism in the film Before Sunrise (1995) live action film and
idea that the distinctive components of the world go beyond mere visual
symbols. In the film, the investigation into nature imagery becomes a thoughtful
exploration of how these natural components are intentionally woven into the
character development.
These components become more than just a backdrop; they serve as depictions
carrying various implications. The arrival of night may symbolize the closure
within the story. The changing seasons symbolize the advancing flow of
adding depth and complexity. It invites the audience to engage with the
characters and plot and the broader, distinctive language drawn from the natural
communicate beyond the visual, using the rich tapestry of the natural world to
convey profound insights into the human experience. It transforms the film into
more than a visual spectacle, turning it into a symbolic journey where the
A.3.1. a River
transcending its physical existence and becoming a metaphor for life's journey,
the relentless passage of time, and the inevitability of change. Rivers, a timeless
representing the ebb and flow of life, its constant evolution, and the myriad
The poem, woven into the fabric of the conversation, serves as a poetic
vessel, further enhancing the symbolic depth of the river. Its strong metaphors
exploration of the meaning of life and how individuals navigate its currents. As
a living metaphor, the river mirrors the twists and turns, the highs and lows,
more than just words exchanged; it transforms into a shared exploration of the
confluence of the river as a powerful symbol and the poetic verses within the
dialogue about existence, change, and the intricate dance of human experiences
with time.
B. The meaning of the symbolism found in the film Before Sunrise (1995) by
Richard Linklater
symbols possess both literal and abstract meanings. In "Before Sunrise" (1995),
surface, and a deeper, more abstract interpretation. For instance, a red heart may
symbolize love on the surface, while its deeper connotations explore the
figurative and adding layers of allusion to the narrative, enriching the text's
level meaning, visible and explicit on screen. Yet, the film's beauty lies in its
potential for deeper exploration. Whether it's a specific book or setting, each
overall richness.
B.1.1. Green
swimmer. He had that bleached-out, chlorine hair and green eyes, and
to improve his times, he’d shave the hair off his legs and arms. So he
was like this gorgeous dolphin. My friend Emma had a big crush on
him, and one day I was cutting across the field on my way back to my
room, he came walking up beside me. I told him he should ask Emma
out because she had a big crush on him, and he said, “That’s too bad,
because I have a big crush on you.” And it really scared the hell out of
date but I pretended that I didn’t like him because I was afraid of what
dialogue intricately weaves elements of nature, life, and tranquility into the
fabric of the narrative. Green, with its rich associations with natural elements,
this context, the character's green eyes have more symbolic meaning than just
a physical description.
Using green to depict a character's eyes suggests more than just a visual
essence of nature. This creates an eye image that is not only aesthetic but also
has a quality of freshness and life, adding depth to the character's personality.
camp, using the color green to describe a character's eyes takes on a different
becomes a subtle thread that ties the characters to natural elements and shared
In essence, the green color used to depict the characters' eyes becomes
a symbolic bridge between the individual and nature, creating a familiar and
narrative, as the symbolism of green aligns with the themes of life, growth, and
eternal bonds formed through shared experiences. Eyes painted in natural hues
and resonant.
B.1.2. Black
Celine: “I hate being told by strange men to smile, just to make them
feel better about their stupid lives. I hate that three hundred kilometers
away a war is going on. People are dying. And nobody knows what to
do about it. I hate how the media tries to control our minds. It’s a new
form of very subtle fascism. And I hate in a foreign country each time
everyone always goes: “Oh, it’s so French, it’s so cute.” Oh, I hate
They both laugh a bit at her becoming riled up so quickly. She calms
metaphor for resistance and defiance against the pervasive influence of media
and delves into the depths of social commentary. By associating the color black
with the manipulation imposed by the media and the confining nature of
cultural stereotypes.
foreign countries. This suggests a broader concern about how limited and often
In essence, the black symbol becomes a rallying point for the speaker
and others who share similar sentiments, advocating for a world where
“A projector is set up to show against the back wall of the stage. The
filmmaker, LIZ, takes the microphone and sits on the stage facing the
screen. She has a piece of paper in her hand and signals for the
projectionist to start. The room darkens and the film begins. Behind
Script 46/72
extends beyond its visual contrast, delving into the intricate layers of emotional
duality and conflicts within the film. The stark juxtaposition of black and white
establishes the visual atmosphere and serves as a metaphor for the nuanced
contrasting colors mirrors the intricate dance between light and shadow, good
and evil, joy and sorrow. This symbolism introduces depth to the film, inviting
the audience to explore the subtle nuances of the character's emotions and the
White, often associated with purity and illumination, set against the darkness
surface of the visual presentation and engage with the underlying themes and
creating a cinematic tapestry where the interplay of black and white becomes a
B.1.4. Blue
Jesse: “Hmmm.”
Celine: “And he’s so cute. He has really beautiful blue eyes, nice pink
lips, and greasy hair. He’s kinda tall and a little clumsy. I like to feel
Jesse: “What?”
The strategic use of the color blue in describing the character's eyes
within the dialogue adds visual allure and intricately weaves emotional depth
and sincerity into the narrative. Blue, often associated with calmness and
character's inner beauty and genuineness. The choice of blue eyes suggests a
of tranquility within the dialogue. Engaging with this character implies a sense
flourish. The use of blue, therefore, becomes a subtle yet effective tool in
establishing an intimate bond between the speaker and the character with the
meaning. The choice to highlight the character's eyes in this way suggests that
there is more to the story than what meets the eye an emotional depth and
sincerity that transcends the surface. It invites readers to delve into the
literature signals a penchant for deep thinking and an eagerness to explore the
associating Celine with this particular work, the dialogue suggests she cannot
shy away from intellectual and philosophical inquiries. Instead, she actively
seeks literature that delves into the depths of human experience and challenges
conventional perspectives.
the notion that her physical beauty takes a back seat to her intellectual pursuits.
It's not merely about aesthetic appeal but rather about the intellectual allure that
light on her interests and passions. This deliberate choice enriches the narrative
human existence.
of Celine. It invites readers to appreciate her not only for her physical
attractiveness but also for her intellectual curiosity and the rich tapestry of
thoughts that define her character. The book's symbolism adds a layer of
gateway into the intellectual depths of Jesse's character, offering subtle hints at
the themes that may unfold in the broader story. The specific choice of "All I
which Jesse may explore the complexities, conflicts, and nuances inherent in
that themes of love and existential questioning may play a central role in Jesse's
journey. It hints at a potential narrative arc where the character grapples with
Jesse's engagement with this literary work becomes more than a mere
anticipate the emotional and intellectual journey that Jesse may embark upon
depth to Jesse's character and sets the stage for broader thematic exploration. It
symbol in this dialogue thus acts as a literary prelude, inviting readers to delve
into the profound dimensions of Jesse's narrative journey and the intricate
B.1.7. Tram
They are sitting in the tram and observing everything going by.
Jesse: “Okay, Q&A time. We’ve known each other for a little while
now, we’re stuck with each other, we can ask each other a few, you
As a symbol in this dialogue, the tram becomes more than just a mode
tram mirrors the shared experiences and paths the characters traverse together.
characters sit within the tram. Observing the passing cityscapes from within
the tram becomes a poignant metaphor for the characters' contemplation about
life's journey. The tram, moving through various urban landscapes, symbolizes
the stages and transitions that one undergoes in life. In this confined yet
bound together, facing the challenges and joys of their shared existence.
the direction of their lives. The tram's movement mirrors the relentless passage
of time, starting the characters to reflect on the significance and choices of their
for their shared existence, emphasizing the interconnected nature of their lives.
As the characters navigate the cityscapes from within the tram, the
relationships, the passage of time, and the profound questions about the
meaning of life. In this context, the tram becomes a powerful and evocative
element that adds depth to the storytelling, inviting readers to join the
characters in their introspective journey through the landscapes of the city and
B.1.8. Subway
The vivid image of the subway emerging from the tunnel into sunlight
metaphor for emerging from difficult times. It resonates with the universal
the acceptance of larger truths. The journey through the tunnel could represent
narrative with visual depth and invites readers to reflect on the broader
vehicle for exploring the complexities of the human experience and the
potential for profound change that can emerge from moments of darkness into
Celine walks over to him and puts her arms around his neck.
Celine: How come every time you want me to do something, you start
The Ferris wheel in this dialogue serves as more than just a backdrop;
request to kiss in front of the Ferris wheel marks a pivotal turning point,
intimacy. With its towering presence and slow, deliberate rotations, the Ferris
the moment. It's not just a simple kiss; it's a shared experience against the
backdrop of a symbolically charged setting. With its circular motion, the Ferris
wheel mirrors the cyclical nature of relationships, suggesting that this intimate
As the Ferris wheel continues to turn while they kiss, it crafts an image
their relationship is in constant flux, evolving with each wheel revolution. The
intimate act, the characters acknowledge the dynamism of their connection and
Moreover, the Ferris wheel symbolizes the emotional journey they are
undertaking together. The height, the view, and the rotation all contribute to a
about the physical act of being on the Ferris wheel; it signifies the highs and
lows, twists and turns inherent in any relationship. By choosing to share this
moment in front of the Ferris wheel, the characters embrace the uncertainty and
rich symbolic dimension to the narrative. It goes beyond a mere setting and
B.1.10. Rose
As Jesse hands her the coins and she gives him the rose, she
Script: 32/72
The symbol of the rose in this dialogue becomes a vessel for conveying
and sincere affection, the rose takes on a symbolic role that transcends its
physical form.
symbolism that signifies more than mere physical beauty—it represents the
the rose adds depth to the interaction, turning a simple exchange into a moment
the themes of love and attention. The careful selection of the rose as a symbol
character giving the rose is attuned to the nuances of their relationship. The
rose, in its symbolic richness, becomes a bridge that connects the characters
readers with a visual and dynamic representation of the love, attention, and
intensity that define their relationship. The rose adds a layer of complexity to
emotions and the depth of their connection as they navigate the romantic
B.1.11. a River
Scene 00:51:35
layer, representing the ebb and flow of life, the currents of emotional
wisdom gained through experiences, and the transformative forces that shape
our paths.
Celine's request for the poem to be read by the riverbank adds a sense
of intimacy and contemplation to the dialogue. With its steady and rhythmic
flow, the river becomes a fitting backdrop for exploring life's intricacies. The
sound of the river, intertwined with the reading of the poem, becomes a
time, suggests that life is a journey, each moment contributing to the greater
narrative. The poem, read by the riverbank, becomes a part of this more
Moreover, the river symbol in this dialogue adds emotional depth and
with its twists and turns, obstacles, and moments of tranquility. By choosing
the riverbank as the setting for the poem, the characters engage with the
being a mere setting and becomes a reflective space where the characters,
philosophical currents that shape their understanding of life, growth, and the
the river symbol acts as a literary vessel that carries the characters and readers
the types of symbolism and meaning of symbolism in the film Before Sunrise
A. Conclusion
concluded that the film Before Sunrise (1995) depicts the complexity of
symbolism that permeates each scene. This analysis has two main objectives:
green, black, black and white, and blue colors. Objects in the story, such as the
attention-grabbing book and the need for love, the tram, the subway, the Ferris
wheel, and the rose, all become symbols with profound meanings. The natural
surroundings of the river also contribute to the symbolism explained in the film.
The second objective is to analyze the meaning of the symbolism in the film
Research on these issues was conducted to identify and analyze the types
of symbols and the symbolic meanings of quotes in the film script. This analysis
Before Sunrise (1995) Thus, it can be concluded that the film's symbolism adds
hidden meanings behind the colors, objects, and natural elements presented
B. Suggestion
symbolism, figurative language, and other aspects. This would allow for a more
Readers can also continue their research with different data while still
employing the same theoretical approach. For instance, readers could identify
symbolism used in other films and analyze the literal and literary meanings of
those symbols. By doing so, readers will gain a deeper understanding of various
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