HRM q bank
HRM q bank
HRM q bank
Unit -4
1. What is meant by Compensation?
2. List the objectives of Compensation.
3. Define Wages and list the various types of wages.
4. List the objectives of a sound compensation structure.
5. Differentiate between Wage and Salary.
6. What is the motive for employee rewards program?
7. What is meant by Motivation and Employee Morale?
8. What is Incentives and list the different kinds of incentives?
9. List the limitations of Non‐Financial Incentives.
Define Career Management and Career Development.
Define Protégé relationship.
What are the various stages in Career Development?
Why do Organizations reward Seniority?
List the requirements for an effective mentor protege relationship.
Discuss the importance of Rewards management.
1. Explain the various types of rewards and list out their importance.
2. Analyze the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory and also Examine the
Herzberg’s two factor theory.
3. Define Incentives and discuss in detail about different kinds of incentives.
4. “Career development is a waste of money for a company. All it does is raise
employees expectations and then, frustrated, they quit”. Do you agree or
disagree? Discuss.
5. Discuss the role of rewards and compensation in organization and detail the
advantages of fair compensation system.
6. Discuss in detail about Career Management and its process.
7. Discuss the role of Mentoring in Career development.
8. Discuss the importance of Employee Engagement and the ways to enhance
9. Discuss Organizational citizenship behaviour,its dimensions and implications.
Define Morale. How Employee morale influences an organization?
1. Define Performance Appraisal.
2. What is a termination benefit?
3. Define feedback.
4. What is Peer Evaluation?
5. What are the possible significant implications of a job change?
6. Define the term Hallo Error.
7. Distinguish between Dismissal and Discharge.
8. What are the reasons for demotion?
9. How do you define a Control Process?
Define Grievance and list few causes.
Outline the prerequisites for a sound Grievance Handling Procedure.
What do you mean by Arbitration and Separation?
List the different types of Separation.
How do you develop a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)?
List down any four grievances that can become a dispute.
1. Explain in detail about Performance Management System and its benefits.
2. Discuss the control measures of Absenteeism.
3. How can grievance be resolved empathically? - Explain
4. Discuss the purpose, types and implications of job change.
5. Interpret the various types of promotion with their relative merits and
6. Summarize the various ways to cope with demotion. What can you say about
the reasons for demotion?
7. Identify the problems and purpose of transfer. How would you show your
understanding towards the types of transfer?
8. Explain in brief about different separartion modes and their policies.
9. "An effective grievance procedure must contain some essential
characteristics” Explain How would you describe the various forms of
grievances? What are the various causes and implications of grievances?
10 Analyze the importance of controlling and the control process and Outline the
. requirements of effective control system.