Dividing equation (2) by equation (1), we get Interference:
A sin 1 A2 sin 2 The variation in intensity occurs due to the
tan 1 ........(4) redistribution of the total energy of the interfering
A1 cos 1 A2 cos 2
waves is called interference.
Since the intensity of a wave is proportional to
square of the amplitude, the resultant intensity I of Interference of light is a wave phenomenon.
The source of light emitting wave of same frequency
the wave from equation (3) may be written as
and travelling with either same phase or constant
I I1 I 2 2 I1 I 2 cos .........(5) phase difference are called Coherent Sources.
Ex: Two virtual sources derived from a single source
where I1 and I 2 be the intensities of the two waves.
can be used as Coherent Sources.
It can be seen that the amplitude (intensity) of the The source producing the light wave travelling with
resultant displacement varies with phase difference rapid and random phase changes are called
of the constituent displacements. Incoherent Sources.
Case I : When 1 2 0, 2 , 4 ...... 2n Ex: 1. Light emitted by two candles.
where n 0,1, 2,.......... 2. Light emitted by two lamps.
cos 1 Conditions for Steady Interference
A A1 A2 from (3) The two sources must be coherent.
Two sources must be narrow.
and I I1 I 2 from (5) Two sources must be close together.
Hence the resultant amplitude is the sum of the two NOTE: The two sources must be mono chromatic,
individual amplitudes. This condition refers to the otherwise the fringes of different colours overlap
constructive interference. and hence interference cannot be observed.
Case II: When 1 2 ,3 ,5 ..... (2n 1) Young’s Double Slit Experiment
where n 1, 2,3,....... ; cos 1 Young with his experiment measured the most
important characteristic of the light wave i.e
A | A1 A2 | and I | I1 I 2 | wavelength ( l )
Hence the resultant amplitude is the difference of Young’s experiment conclusively established the
the individual amplitudes and is referred to as wave nature of light.
destructive interference.
b) Supersposition of incoherent waves:
Incoherent waves are the waves which do not
maintain a constant phase diference. The phase of
the waves fluctuates irregularly with time and
independently of each other. In case of light waves
the phase fluctuates randomly at a rate of about
108 per second. Light detectors such as human eye,
photographic film etc, cannot respond to such rapid
changes. The detected intensity is always the s1s2=d
average intensity, averaged over a time interval When source illuminates the two slits, the pattern
which is very much larger than the time of observed on the screen consists of large number of
fluctuations. Thus equally spaced bright and dark bands called
“interference fringes”
I av I1 I 2 2 I1 I 2 cos . The average a) Bright fringes :
value of the cos over a large time interval will be Bright fringes occur whenever the waves from
S1 and S2 interfere constructively. i.e. on reach
zero and hence I av I1 I 2 ing ‘P’, the waves with crest (or trough) superimpose
This implies that the superposition of incoherent at the same time and they are said to be in phase.
waves gives uniform illumination at every point and The condition for finding a bright fringe at ‘P’ is that
is simply equal to the sum of the intensities of
the component waves. S 2 P S1 P n ,
2 2
I min A1 A2
bright dark
D I1 I2
d) The locus of the point P lying in the xy-plane 2
iii) phase difference = (path difference).
such that S2P - S1P = x (path difference) is a
constant, is a hyperbola. If the distance D is very 2
large compared to the fringe width, the fringes will
be very nearly straight lines. iv) Since , Re d voilet , as red voilet
Note: v) In YDSE, if blue light is used instead of red light
Constructive Interference
then decreases ( B R )
i) a) If the phase difference is 2n (even vi) If YDSE is conducted in vaccum instead of air,
multiples of ). Where n = 0, 1,2, 3,...... then increases ( vaccum air )
i.e. when 0, 2 , 4 ........2n
vii) In certain field of view on the screen, if n1 fringes
b) If the path difference x 2n (even multiples are formed when light of wavelength 1 is used and
of half wavelength). n2 fringes are formed when light of wavelength 2
i.e when x 0, , 2 ........n is used, then
The amplitude and intensity are maximum. n D
y = constant n = constant
Amax A1 A2 d
n12 n2 2 (or) n11 n2 2
I max I1 I 2 A1 A2
viii) The distance of nth bright fringe from central
n D
Note: If A1 A2 a then Amax 2a maximum is ( yn )bri n
If I1 I 2 I 0 then I max 4 I 0 The distance of mth dark fringe from central
maximum is
Destructive Interference
(2m 1) D (2m 1)
ii) a) If the phase difference 2n 1 (odd ( ym ) dark
2 d 2
multiples of ) where n = 1, 2, 3.....
The distance between nth bright and mth dark
i.e. when ,3 , 5 ....... 2n 1 fringes is
b) If the path difference x 2n 1 / 2 ( odd ( yn )bri ( ym ) dark n
(2m 1)
multiples of / 2 ) 2
ix) When white light is used in YDSE the inteference
3 5 2n 1 patterns due to different component colours of white
i.e. when x , , ........
2 2 2 2 light overlap (incoherently). The central bright fringes
The ampitude and Intensity are minimum. for different colours are at the same position.
Therefore, the central fringe is white. For a point
Amin A1 A2
P for whih S 2 P S 1 P where
I min I1 I 2 A1 A2
Thus, the fringe closest on either side of the central d
white fringe is red and fathest will appear blue. After
a few fringes, no clear fringe pattern is seen. 2
pattern gets displaced towards the beam in whose be introduced in one of the beams of interference,
path the sheet is introduced. This shift is known then
as lateral displacement or lateral shift. ( 1)tD
1) the lateral shift y r
t d
P ( 1)t
y 2) the number of fringes shifted n r
d O d) Due to the presence of transparent sheet, the phase
difference between the interfering waves at a given
D 2
point is given by ( 1)t .
The optical path from S1 to P ( S1P t ) t. e) If YDSE is performed with two different colours of
light of wavelengths 1 & 2 but by placing the same
The optical path from S 2 to P S 2 P.
transparent sheet in the path of one of the interfering
To get central zero fringe at P, s1 p s2 p waves then n11 n2 2 .
S1P t t S2 P where n1 and n2 are the number of fringes shifted
S 2 P S1P ( 1)t with wavelengths 1 & 2 .
Since 1, this implies S 2 P S1 P hence the vi) When two different transperent sheets of thickness
fringe pattern must shift towards the beam from S1. t1 , t2 and refractive index 1 , 2 are placed in the
y paths of two interfering waves in YDSE, if the central
But S 2 P S1P d sin d , where ‘y’ is the bright fringe position is not shifted, then
lateral shift. (1 1)t1 ( 2 1)t2 .
y Important Concepts :
( 1)t d Formation of colours in thin films :
a) Interference due to reflected light
Lateral shift ( y ) ( 1)t ( 1)t
(or) Thickness of sheet
yd y
( 1) D ( 1)
From the above it is clear that
a) For a given colour, shift is independent of order of
the fringe i.e. shift in zero order maximum = shift in
9th minima (or) shift in 6th maxima = shift in 2nd
minima. Since the refractive index depends on
wavelength hence lateral shift is different for different Reflected system :
colours. Path difference between the rays Qa and QRSb.
(PD) = QRS in medium - QN in air
lateral shift
b) The number of fringes shifted = fringe width P.D 2t cos r This is the path lag
due to reflection on film additional path lag of / 2
y ( 1)t exists. (stoke’s theorem)
n (or) n ( 1)t
Therefore, number of fringes shifted is more for Total path difference 2 t cos r
shorter wavelength.
c) If a transparent sheet of thickness ‘t’ and its Condition for maximum
relative refractive index r (w.r.t. surroundings) 2 t cos r n
WE-6: In Young’s double slit experiment, the WE-10: In a Young’s experiment, one of the slits
wavelength of red light is 7800 Å and that of is covered with a transparent sheet of
blue light is 5200 Å. The value of n for which thickness 3.6 103 cm due to which position
nth bright band due to red light coincides with of central fringe shifts to a position orginally
(n + 1)th bright band due to blue light, is occupied by 30th fringe.If 6000 Å, then
n D n D nR B 5200 2 find the refractive index of the sheet.
Sol. R R B B or n 7800 3 Sol. The position of 30th bright fringe,
d d B R
30 D
Therefore 2 of red coincides with 3rd of blue.
nd y30 Now position shift of central fringe is
WE-7: Young’s double slit experiment is made in 30 D D
a liquid. The 10th bright fringe in liquid lies y0 ; But we know, y0 ( 1)t
where 6th dark fringe lies in vacuum. The d d
refractive index of the liquid is approximately 30 D D
( 1)t
D d d
Sol. Fringe width d . When the apparatus is 30 30 (6000 10 10 )
( 1) 0.5
immersed in a liquid, and hence is reduced t (3.6 10 5 )
(refractive index) times. 1.5
D D WE-11: The maximum intensity in the case of n
10 (5.5) or10 (5.5) identical incoherent waves each of intensity
d d
2 2 is 32 2 the value of n is
10 m m
or or 1.8
5.5 Sol. I = n I0, 32 = n 2, n = 16
WE-8: In Young’s double slit experiment, how WE-12: Compare the intensities of two points
many maximas can be obtained on a screen
(including the central maximum) on both sides located at respective distance and from
4 3
of the central fringe if 2000 Å and the central maxima in a interference of YDSE
d 7000 Å? ( is the fringe width)
Sol. For maximum intensity on the screen 2 2 d 2 d D
Sol. x =
n (n)(2000) n D 4 D 4d
d sin n or sin d ;
(7000) 3.5 2
I 4 I 0 cos 2
maximum value of sin 1 4 2 4
n 3, 2, 1, 0,1, 2,3 ; 7 maximas. 2 2
Similarly I 4I0 cos2 I0
WE-9: In a double slit experiment the angular 3 23
width of a fringe is found to be 0.20 on a
screen placed I m away. The wavelength of required ratio = 2 :1
light used in 600 nm. What will be the angular WE-13: In Young’s double slit experiment
width of the fringe if the entire experimental intensity at a point is (1/4) of the maximum
intensity. Angular position of this points is
apparatus is immersed in water? Take
refractive index of water to be 4/3. I
Sol: I I max cos 2 ; max I max cos 2
Sol. Angular fringe separation, 2 4 2
ord ; In water, d cos or
d 2 2 2 3
1 3 2 2
or .x where x d sin
4 3
3 3
0 0 d sin ,sin , sin 1
or 0.2 0.15 3 3d 3d
4 4
WE-14: In Young’s double slit experiment the y
co-ordinates of central maxima and 10th
maxima are 2 cm and 5 cm respectively. When
the YDSE apparatus is immersed in a liquid
of refractive index 1.5 the corresponding y co-
ordinates will be
Sol. Fringe width . Therefore, and hence First order maxima:
will decrease 1.5 times when immersed in liquid.
The distance between central maxima and 10th S 2 P S1 P (or ) x 2 9 2 x
maxima is 3 cm in vacuum. When immersed in liquid
or x 2 9 2 x Squaring both sides, we
it will reduce to 2 cm. Position of central maxima
will not change while 10th maxima will be obtained get x 2 9 2 x 2 2 2 x . Solving this,
at y = 4 cm. we get x 4 . Second order maxima:
WE-15: In YDSE, bi-cromatic light of
S 2 P S1 P 2 ; (or) x 2 9 2 x 2 (or)
wavelengths 400 nm and 560 nm are used. The
distance between the slits is 0.1 mm and the x 2 9 2 ( x 2 ) Squaring both sides, we get
distance between the plane of the slits and the
screen is 1m. The minimum distance between x 2 9 2 x 2 4 2 4 x
two successive regions of complete darkness 5
is: Solving, we get x 1.25
Sol. Let nth minima of 400 nm coincides with mth minima Hence, the desired x coordinates are,
of 560nm, then
x 1.25 and x 4 .
400 560 WE-17: Two coherent light sources A and B with
(2n 1) (2m 1) or
2 2 separation 2 are placed on the x-axis
2n 1 7 14 symmetrically about the origin. They emit light
2m 1 5 10 of wavelength . Obtain the positions of
i.e., 4th minima of 400 nm coincides with 3rd minima maxima on a circle of large radius, lying in
of 560 nm. Location of this minima is, the x-y plane and with centre at the origin.
(2 4 1)(1000)(400 109 )
Y1 14 mm
2 0.1
Next 11th minima of 400 nm will coincide with 8th
minima of 560 nm. Sol:
Location of this minima is,
(2 11 1) (1000)(400 109 ) For P to have maximum intensity, d cos n
Y2 42 mm
2 0.1 n
Required distance Y2 Y1 28 mm . 2 cos n cos 2 where n is integer
WE-16: An interference is observed due to two For n 0, 900 , 2700
coherent sources S1 placed at origin and S2
placed at (0,3 , 0) . Here is the wavelength n 1, 600 ,1200 , 2400 ,3000
of the sources. A detector D is moved along n 2, 00 ,1800
the positive x-axis. Find x-coordinates on the So, positions of maxima are at
x-axis (excluding x = 0 and x ) where 00 , 600 ,900 ,1200 ,1800 , 2400 , 2700 a n d
maximum intensity is observed.
Sol: At x = 0, path difference is 3 . Hence, third 3000 ; i.e., 8 positions will be obtained.
order maxima will be obtained. At x , path Short cut : In d n then number of maximum
difference is zero. Hence, zero order maxima is on the circle is 4n.Not e: For minima;
obtained. In between first and second order
maxima will be obtained. x (2n 1)
WE-18: Two coherent point sources S1 and S2 Sol: According to the question, Intensity of ray AB, I1 =
vibrating in phase emit light of wavelength I0
. The separation between the sources is 2 . and Intensity of ray AB ,
Consider a line passing through S 2 and
perpendicular to the line S1 S 2 . Find the
position of farthest and nearest minima
Sol: xmin (2n 1) The farthest minima has path
2 16 I 0 81
difference / 2 while nearest minima has path I2 , I max ( I1 I 2 ) 2 I0 ,
125 125
difference (3 / 2) . For the nearest minima.
3 I min ( I1 I 2 ) 2 0 , max 81 .
S1 P S 2 P ; [as maximum path difference is 2 ] 125 I min
2 WE 20: In a YDSE experiment if a slab whose
3 3 refractive index can be varied is placed in front
(2 ) 2 D 2 D (2 ) 2 D 2 D
2 2 of one of the slits, then the variation of
9 2 3 resultant intensity at mid-point of screen with
4 2 D 2 D2 2 D ' ' will be best represented by ( 1).
4 2
[Assume slits of equal width and there is no
9 7 7 absorption by slab]
3 D 4 D
4 4 12
For the farthest minima,
I0 I0
S1 P S2 P (1) (2)
4 2 D 2 D =1 =1
2 15
42 D2 D2 D D 4 / 4 I0 I0
4 4 (4) (3)
WE 19: A ray of light of intensity I is incident
on a parallel glass slab at a point A as shown.
It undergoes partial reflection and refraction. =1 =1
At each reflection 20% of incident energy is
reflected. The rays AB and A’ B’ undergo Sol. x ( 1)t ; For 1, x 0
interference. The ratio Imax / Imin is I = maximum = I0 ; As increases path
B difference x also increases.; For x 0 to ,
I B'
intensity will decrease from I0 to zero.
A A'
Then for x to , intensity will increase from
zero to I 0 .
C Hence option 3 is correct
Whereas in interference, all bright fringes have same 1
intensity. In diffraction, bright bands are of decrease and becomes times. With while light,
decreasing intensity.
the central maximum is white and the rest of the
diffraction bands are coloured.
Interference and diffraction bands
If N interference bands are contained by the width
of the central bright.
D 2 D ND
width N N ;
d a d
WE-25: In a single slit diffraction experiment secondary minimum is called half angular width of
the central maximum and it is given by
first minimum for 1 660 nm coincides
with first maxima for wavelength 2 . (provided is small)
Calculate 2 . If the screen is placed at a distance D from the
Sol: Position of minima in diffraction pattern is given slit, then the linear spread of the central
maximum is given by
by; a sin n
For first minima of 1 , we have y D
1 It is, in fact, the distance of first secondary
a sin 1 (1)1 or sin 1 .....(i) minimum from the centre of the screen. It follows
The first maxima approximately lies between first that as the screen is moved away (D is
increased), the linear size of the central maximum
and second minima. For wavelength 2 its
i.e., spread distance, when D Z F ,
position will be
y = a (size of the slit)
3 3 Setting this condition in the above equation, we
a sin 2 2 sin 2 2 ...... (ii)
2 2a have
The two will coincide if, ZF a2
1 2 or sin 1 sin 2 a or Z F
1 32 It follows that if screen is placed at a distance
a 2a beyond Z F , the spreading of light due to
2 2 diffraction will be quite large as compared to
2 1 660 nm 440 nm the size of the slit. The above equation shows
3 3
that the ray -optics is valid in the limit of
WE-26: Two slits are made one millimeter apart wavelength tending to zero.
and the screen is placed one meter away. WE-27: For what distance is ray optics a good
What should the width of each slit be to approximation when the aperture is 3 mm
obtain 10 maxima of the double slit pattern wide and the wavelength is 500 nm?
within the central maximum of the single
slit pattern. Sol: For distance Z Z F ,
ray optics is the good appropriate
Sol: We have a (or) a 2 (3 103 )2
a Fresnel distance Z F 18 m
(a = width of each slit) 5 107
Limit of resolution:
10 2 The smallest linear or angular separation
d a
between two point objects at which they can be
d 1 just separately seen or resolved by an optical
a 0.2 mm instrument is called the limit of resolution of
5 5
The Validity of Ray Optics: the instrument.
The distance of the screen from the slit, so that Resolving Power:
spreading of light due to diffraction from the The resolving power of an optical instrument is
centre of screen is just equal to size of the slit, reciprocal of the smallest linear or angular
is called Fresnel distance. It is denoted by ZF. separation between two point objects, whose
The diffraction pattern of a slit consists of images can be just resolved by the instrument.
secondary maximum and minima on the two 1
sides of the central maximum. Therefore, one Resolving power = Limit of resolution
can say that on diffraction from a slit, light The resolving power of an optical instument is
spreads on the screen in the form of central inversely propotional to the wavelength of light
maximum. The angular position of first used.
Diffraction as a limit on resolving power: POLARIZATION
All optical instuments like lens, telescope, The properties of light, like interference and
microscope, etc, act as apertures. Light on passing diffraction demonstrate the wave nature of light.
through them undergoes diffraction. This puts the Both longitudinal and transverse waves can exhibit
limit on their resolving power. interference and diffraction effects.
Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution: The properties like polarization can be exhibited
only by transverse waves.
The images of two point objects are resolved when The peculiar feature of polarized light is that human
the central maximum of the diffraction pattern of eye cannot distinguish between polarised and
one falls over the first minimum of the diffraction unpolarised light.
pattern of the other. As light is an electromagnetic wave, among its
Resolving Power of a Microscope: electric and magnetic vectors only electric vector is
T he resolving power of a microscope is defined as mainly responsible for optical effects.
the reciprocal of the smallest distance d between The electric vector of wave can be identified as a
two point objects at which they can be just resolved “light vector”
when seen in the microscope. Ordinary light is unpolarised light in which electric
vector is oriented randomly in all directions
1 2 sin perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
Resolving power of microscope = =
d 1.22 light.
Clearly, the resolving power of a microscope The phenomena of confining the vibrations of electric
depends on: vector to a particular direction perpendcular to the
i) the wave length of the light used direction of propagation of light is called
“Polarization”. Such polarised light is called linearly
ii) Half the angle of the cone of light from each polarised or plane polarised light.
point object. The plane in which vibrations are present is called
“plane of polarization.”
iii) the refractive index of the medium between
the object and the objective of the microscope (a)
Resolving Power of a Telescope:
The resolving power of a telescope is defined as
the reciprocal of the smallest angular separation
' d ' between two distant objects whose images
can be just resolved by it. Polarized light
1 D
Resolving power of telescope
d 1.22
Clearly, the resolving power of telescope depends
on : (i) the diameter (D) of the telescope objective
(ii) The wavelength of the light used.
WE- 28: Assume that light of wavelength 6000 Å
is coming from a star. What is the limit of
resolution of a telescope whose objective has
a diameter of 100 inch?
Sol: A 100 inch telescope implies that
a = 100 inch = 254 cm. Thus if,
6000 Å 6 105 cm then,
2.9 10 7 radians
Plane polarised light can be produced by different WE-29: When light of a certain wavelength is
methods like incident on a plane surface of a material at a
i. Reflection ii. Refraction glancing angle 300, the reflected light is found
iii. Double refraction iv. Polaroids. to be completely plane polarized determine.
Polarization by Reflection a) refractive index of given material and
b) angle of refraction.
The ordinary light beam is incident on transparent Sol: a) Angle of incident light with the surface is 300.
surface like glass or water. Both reflected and The angle of incidence = 900 - 300 = 600. Since
refracted beams get partially polarised. reflected light is completely polarized, therefore
The degree of polarization changes with angle of incidence takes place at polarizing angle of
incidence p .
At a particular angle of incidence called “polarising
angle” the reflected beam gets completely plane p 600
polarised. The reflected beam has vibrations of Using Brewster’s law
electric vector perpendicular to the plane of paper.
The polarising angle depends on the nature of tan p tan 600 3
reflecting surface. b) From Snell’s law
Brewster’s Law: When angle of incidence is sin i sin 600
equal to “polarising angle” the reflected and sin r sin r
refracted rays will be perpendicular to each other.
3 1 1
Brewster’s law states that “ The refractive index of or sin r , 0.
a medium is equal to the tangent of polarising angle 2 3 2 r 30
p ”. Polarisation by Refraction
Ordinary The unpolarised light when incident on a glass
light i = p Plane plate at an angle of incidence equal to the
polarized light polarising angle, the reflected light is completely
plane polarised, but the refracted light is partially
i polarised.
The refracted light gets completely plane
glass polarised if incident light is allowed to pass
through number of thin glass plates arranged
parallel to each other. Such an arrangement of
polarized light glass plates is called “pile of plates”.
The refractive index of the medium changes with Polarisation by Double Refraction
wavelength of incident light and so polarising (Additional)
angle will be different for different wavelengths. Bartholinus discovered that when light is incident
The complete polarization is possible when incident on a calcite crystal two refracted rays are
light is monochromatic. produced. It is called “double refraction” or
sin p sin p sin p An ink dot made on the paper when viewed
tan p
sin r
sin(90 p ) cos p through calcite crystal two images are seen due
to double refraction. On rotating the crystal one
From Brewster’s law, = tan p . image remains stationary and the other image
rotates around the stationary image.
If i= p , the reflected light is completely polarised The rotating image revolves round the stationary
and the refracted light is partially polarised. image in circular path.
If i< p or i> p , both reflected and refracted rays The stationary image is formed due to ordinary
get partially polarised. ray and revolving image is formed by
extraordinary ray.
For glass p = tan-1(1.5) 570 A plane which contains the optic axis and is
For water p = tan (1.33) 53
-1 0 perpendicular to the two opposite faces is called
the principal section of crystal.
The ordinary ray emerging from the calcite crystal Effect of Analyser on plane polarized light:
obey the laws of refraction and vibrations are When unpolarized light is incident on a polarizer,
perpendicular to the principal section of the crystal. the transmitted light is linearly polarized. If this light
The extra ordinary ray does not obey the laws of further passes through analyser, the intensity varies
refraction and the vibrations are in the plane of with the angle between the transmission axes of
principal section of crystal. polarizer and analyser.
Both ordinary and extraordinary rays are plane Malus states that “the intensity of the polarized light
polarised. transmitted through the analyser is proportional to
Polaroid: Polaroid is an optical device used to cosine square of the angle between the plane of
produce plane polarised light making use of the transmission of analyser and the plane of
phenomenon of “selective absorption”. transmission of polarizer.” This is known as Malus
More recent type of polaroids are H-polaroids. law.
H-polaroids are prepared by stretching a film of
polyvinyl alcohol three to eight times to original
Effect of polarizer on natural light: A0
If one of waves of an unpolarized light of
intensity I 0 is incident on a polaroid and its
vibration amplitude A0 makes an angle with Therefore the intensity of polarized light after
the transmission axis, then the component of
vibration parallel to transmission axis will be I0
passing through analyser is I= COS 2
A0 cos while perpendicular to it A0 sin . Now 2
as polaroid will pass only those vibrations which Where I 0 is the intensity of unpolarized light. The
are parallel to its transmission axis, the intensity amplitude of polarized light after passing through
I of emergent light wave will be A
Transmission axis analyser is A 0 cos .
A0 sin
Case (i) : If 00 axes are parallel then I 0
Case (ii): If 90 axes are perpendicular, then
A0 cos
I 0.
Case (iii):If 1800 axes are parallel then I 0
2 2
I KA0 cos (or) 2
Case (iv): If 270 0 axes are perpendicular then
I I 0 cos2 [as I 0 KA02 ] In unpolarized light, all I = 0 Thus for linearly polarized light we obtain
values of starting from 0 to 2 are equally two positions of maximum intensity and two
probable, therefore positions of minimum (zero) intensity, when we
2 rotate the axis of analyser w.r.t to polarizer by an
2 I0 2 I0
I I 0 cos I cos d angle 2 . In the above cases if the polariser is
2 0 2 rotated with respect to analiser then there is no
I change in the outcoming intensity.
I 0 Note: In case of three polarizers P1, P2 and P3: If
Thus, if unpolarized light of intensity I 0 is incident 1 is the angle between transmission axes of P1
on a polarizer, the intensity of light transmitted and P2, 2 is the angle between transmission axes
I of P2 and P3. Then the intensity of emerging light
through the polarizer is 0 . The amplitude of from P3 is
A0 I 0 cos 2 1 cos 2 2 .
polarized light is . 2
WE-30: Unplarized light falls on two polarizing According to given problem, I 3 3W / m 2
sheets placed one on top of the other. What
must be the angle between the characteristic So, 4(sin 2 )2 3 i.e., sin 2 ( 3 / 2) or
directions of the sheets if the intensity of the
tramsitted light is one third of intensity of the 2 600 , i.e., 300 .
incident beam? WE-32: Discuss the intensity of transmitted light
Sol: Intensity of the light transmitted through the first when a polaroid sheet is rotated between two
crossed polaroids?
polarizer I1 I 0 / 2, where I0 is the intensity of the
Sol: Let I0 be the intensity of polarised light after passing
incident unpolarized light. through the first polariser P1. Then the intensity of
Intensity of the light transmitted through the second light after passing through second polariser P2 will
polarizer is I 2 I1 cos 2 where is the angle be
between the characteristic directions of the I I 0 cos 2 , where is the angle between
polarizer sheets. pass axes of P1 and P2. Since P1 and P2 are
But I 2 I 0 / 3 (given) crossed the angle between the pass axes of P2
I0 I and P3 will be ( / 2 ). Hence the intensity
I 2 I1 cos cos 2 0 of light emerging from P 3 will be
2 3
2 2 1 I I 0 cos 2 cos 2
cos 2 / 3 cos 2
WE-31: Unpolarized light of intensity 32 Wm-2 I 0 cos 2 sin 2 ( I 0 / 4)sin 2 2
passes through three polarizers such that the Therefore, the transmitted intensity will be
transmission axis of the last polarizer is maximum when / 4 .
crossed with the first. If the intensity of the
emerging light is 3 Wm-2, what is the angle C. U . Q
between the transmission axes of the first two
polarizers? At what angle will the transmitted INTERFERENCE
1. A plane wave front falls on a convex lens. The
intensity be maximum?
emergent wave front is
Sol: If is the angle between the transmission axes 1) Plane 2) Cylindrical
of first polaroid P1 and second P2 while 3) Spherical diverging 4)Spherical converging
between the transmission axes of second 2. When two light waves meet at a place
polaroid P2 and third P3, then according to given 1) their displacements add up
problem. 2) their intensities add up
3) both will add up 4) Energy becomes zero
900 or (900 ).....(1) 3. The following phenomena which is not
Now if I 0 is the intensity of unpolarized light explained by Huygens’ construction of wave
front is
incident on polaroid P1 , the intensity of light 1) refraction 2) reflection
transmitted through it, 3) diffraction 4) origin of spectra
4. A wavefront is an imaginary surface
1 1 W where
I1 I 0 (32) 16 2 ......(2)
2 2 m 1) phase is same for all points
Now as angle between transmission axes of 2) phase changes at constant rate at all points along
polaroids P1 and P2 is , in a accordance with the surface.
Malus law, intensity of light transmitted through 3) constant phase difference continuously changes
P2 will be between the points
4) phase changes all over the surface
I 2 I1 cos 2 16 cos 2 ..........(3) 5. Huygen’s wave theory is used
And as angle between transmission axes of P2 1) to determine the velocity of light
and P3 is , light transmitted through P3 will be 2) to find the position of the wave front
3) to determine the wavelength of light
I 3 I 2 cos 2 16 cos 2 cos 2 .........(4) 4) to find the focal length of a lens.
6. In a Laser beam the photons emitted are 15. The necessary condition for an interference
1) same wavelength 2) coherent by two sources of light is that:
3) of same velocity 4) All the above 1) two light sources must have the same wavelength
7. The amplitudes of two interfering waves are 4 2) two point sources should have the same
cm and 3 cm respectively. If the resultant amplitude and same wavelength
amplitude is 1 cm then the interference 3) two sources should have the same wavelength,
becomes nearly the same amplitude and have a constant
1) constructive phase angle difference
2) Destructive 4) the two point sources should have a randomly
3) Both constructive and destructive varying phase difference
4) given data is insufficient 16. For the sustained interference of light, the
necessary condition is that the two sources
8. Two coherent waves are represented by
y1 =a1 cos t and y2 =a2 sin t. The resultant 1) have constant phase difference only
intensity due to interference will be 2) be narrow
1) a 12 a 22
2) a 12 a 22 3) be close to each other
3)(a1 – a2) 4)(a1+ a2) 4) of same amplitude with constant phase
9. Two light waves are represented by difference
y 1 a sin t and y 2 a sint . The phase
17. When interference of light takes place
1) Energy is created in the region of maximum
of the resultant wave is intensity
2) Energy is destroyed in the region of maximum
1) 2 2) 3) 4) intensity
2 3 4
10. Laser light is considered to be coherent 3) Conservation of energy holds good and
because it consists of energy is redistributed
1) many wavelengths 4) Conservation of energy doesn’t hold good
2) uncoordinated wavelengths 18. Which of the following is conserved when light
3) coordinated waves of exactly the same waves interfere
wavelength 1) momentum 2) amplitude
4) divergent beams 3) energy 4) intensity
11. Two waves having the same wave length and 19. The path difference between two interfering
amplitude but having a constant phase waves at a point on screen is 70.5 times the
wave length. The point is
difference with time are known as
1) Dark 2) Bright
1) identical waves 2) incoherent waves 3) Not possible 4) Green in colour
3) coherent waves 4) collateral waves 20. Interference is produced with two coherent
12. Light waves spreading from two sources sources of same intensity. If one of the
produce steady interference only if they have sources is covered with a thin film so as to
1) congruence 2) coherence reduce the intensity of light coming out of it to
3) same intensity 4) same amplitude half, then
13. Four different independent waves are 1) Bright fringes will be less bright and dark fringes
represented by will be less dark
a) y1=a1 sin 1t b) y2=a2 sin 2t 2) Bright fringes will be more bright and the dark
fringes will be more dark
c) y3=a3 sin 3t d) y4=a4sin( 4 t+ 3 ) 3) Brightness of both types of the fringes will remain
The sustained interference is possible due to the same
4) Dark region will spread completely
1) a & c 2) a & d 3) c & d
21. For constructive interference between two
4)not possible with any combination waves of equal wavelength, the phase angle
14. Interference fringes in Young’s double slit should be such that
experiment with monochromatic light are
1) always equispaced 1) cos 2 1 2) cos 2 0
2) always unequally spaced 2 2
3) both equally and unequally spaced
3) cos 2 1 4) cos 2 infinite
4) formed by a portion of the wave front. 2 2
22. Two coherent waves each of amplitude ‘a’ 30. In young’s double slit experiment the slits are
traveling with a phase difference when of different length and widths. The amplitude
superpose with each other the resultant of the light waves is directly proportional to
intensity at a given point on the screen is the
1) a (1 cos ) 2
2) 4a (1 cos ) 1) length of the slit 2) distance between the slits
3) area of the slits 4) width of slits
3) 2a 2 (1 cos ) 4) (1 cos ) 31. In a double slit experiment, instead of taking
23. In the set up shown, the two slits S1 and S2 slits of equal widths, one slit is made twice as
are not equidistant from the slit S. wide as the other. Then, in the interference
1) The intensities of both the maxima and the minima
S O increase
2) The intensity of the maxima increases and the
minima has zero intensity.
3) The intensity of the maxima decreases and that
The central fringe at O is then of the minima increases.
1) always bright 2) always dark 4) The intensity of the maxima decreases and the
3) either dark or bright depending on the position minima has zero intensity.
of S. 4) neither dark nor bright 32. When the width of slit aperture is increased
24. In young’s experiment of double slit, the by keeping ‘d’ as constant in Young’s
number of times the intensity of the central
bright band greater than the individual experiment
intensity of the interfering waves 1) Fringe width will increase
1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 16 2)Fringe width will decrease and then increase
25. A young’s double slit experiment uses a 3)Fringe width first increases then decreases
monochromatic source. The shape of the 4) Gradually the fringes will be merge
interference fringes formed on the screen is 33. When viewed in white light, soap bubble show
a colours because of
1) straight line 2) parabola 1) Interference 2) Scattering
3) hyperbola 4) circle 3) Diffraction 4) Dispersion
26. The contrast in the fringes in any interference 34. When petrol drops from a vehicle fall over
pattern depends on : rain water on road surface colours are seen
1) fringe width 2) wave length because of
3) intensity ratio of the sources 1) Dispersion of light 2) Interference of light
4) distance between the sources. 3) Scattering of light 4) Absorption of light
27. If monochromatic red light is replaced by 35. Coherent light is incident on two fine parallel
green light the fringe width becomes slits S1 and S2 as shown in fig. If a dark fringe
1) increase 2) remain same occurs at P, which of the following gives
3) we cannot say 4) decrease possible phase differences for the light waves
28. Interference was observed in interference arriving at P from S1 and S2?
chamber, when air was present. Now the
chamber is evacuated, and if the same light S1
is used, a careful observer will see
1) no interference
2) interference with central bright band S2
86. Red shift is an illustration of 95. The intensity of the polarized light transmitted
1) low temperature emission through the analyzer is given by
2) high frequency absorption 1) Brewster’s law 2) Malus Law
3) Fresnel’s assumptions 4) law of superposition
3) Doppler effect
96. Statement A: In the interference pattern the
4) unknown phenomenon intensity is same at all points in a brightband
87. If the shift of wavelength of light emitted by a Statement B: In Young’s double slit
star is towards violet, then this shows that star experiment, as we move away from the central
is maximum, the third maximum always comes
1) stationary before the third minimum.
2) moving towards earth 1) Both A and B are true 2) Both A and B are false
3) moving away from earth 3) A is true but B is false4) A is false and B is true
4) Information is incomplete 97. A light of wavelength is incident on an object
88. When there is a relative motion of an observer of size b. If a screen is at a distance D from
from a source of light, the apparent change in the object. Identify the correct condition for
its wavelength is termed as the observation of different phenomenon
1) Raman effect 2) Seebeck effect a) if b 2 D , Fresnel diffraction is observed
3) Doppler’s effect 4) Gravitational effect b) if b 2 D , Fraunhoffer diffraction is
89. In the context of Doppler effect in light, the observed
term red shift signifies c) b 2 D , Fraunhoffer diffraction is
1) decrease in frequency
2) increase in frequency
d) b 2 D , the approximation of geometrical
3) decrease in intensity
4) increase in intensity optics is applicable
1) a, b and d are true 2) a,c and d are true
90. As we change the colour of light from Red to 3) a and c are true 4) a and d are true
Blue, which of the following is correct for the
polarizing angle and critical angle of glass?
In each of the following questions, a statement
1) the former increases, the latter decreases of Assertion (A) is given followed by a
2) the former decreases, the latter increases corresponding statement of reason (R) just
3) the former increases, the latter increases below it. Of the statement mark the correct
4) the former decreases, the latter decreases answer.
91. Atmospheric refraction is due to 1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is the
1) changing pressure in the atmosphere correct explanation of ‘A’
2) varying density of atmosphere 2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is not the
3) varying temperature of the atmosphere correct explanation of ‘A’
4) both (2) and (3). 3) ‘A’ is true and ‘R’ is false
92. Which of the following phenomenon is not 4) A’ is false and ‘R’ is true
common to sound and light waves 98. Assertion (A) : In Young’s double slit
experiment the band width for red colour is
1) Interferenec 2) Diffraction more
3) Polarisation 4) Reflection Reason (R) : Wavelength of red is small
93. Polarisation can be produced by 99. Assertion (A) : Thin films such as soap bubble
1) Reflection 2) Refraction or a thin layer of oil on water show beautiful
3) Scattering 4) All of the above colours when illuminated by sunlight
94. An unpolarised light is incident on a surface Reason (R) : The colours are obtained by
separating two transparent media of different dispersion of light only
optical densities at the polarizing angle. Then 100. Assertion (A) : When tiny circular obstacle is
the reflected ray and refracted ray are placed in the path of light from some distance,
1) parallel to each other a bright spot is seen at the centre of the shadow
2) perpendicular to each other of the obstacle.
3) inclined to each other making an angle 450 Reason (R) : Destructive interference occurs
4) none of the above at the centre of the shadow.
101. Assertion (A) : Coloured spectrum is seen 111. Assertion (A) : In interference pattern intensity
when we look through a fine cotton cloth of successive fringes due to achromatic light
Reason (R) :It is due to the diffraction of white is not same
light on passing through fine slits. Reason (R): In interference, only redistribution
102. Assertion (A) : Diffraction is common in sound of energy takes place
but not common in light waves
112. Assertion (A): Light from two coherent sources
Reason (R) : Wavelength of light is more than
the wavelength of sound is reaching the screen. If the path difference
103. Assertion (A) : We cannot observe diffraction at a point on the screen for yellow light is
pattern from a wide slit illuminated by 3 / 2 , then the fringe at the point will be
monochromatic light coloured.
Reason (R) : In diffraction pattern, all the Reason (R): Two coherent sources always
bright bands are not of the same intensity. have constant phase relationship
104. Assertion (A) : Transverse wave nature of 113. Assertion (A): No interference pattern is
light is proved by polarisation detected when two coherent sources are very
Reason (R) : According to Maxwell, light is close to each other. (i.e separation almost zero)
an electromagnetic wave but not mechanical
wave Reason (R): The fringe width is inversely
105. Assertion (A) : Coloured spectrum is seen when proportional to the distance between the two
we look through a cloth slits
Reason (R) : Diffraction of light takes place 114. Assertion (A): In Young’s double slit
when light is travelling through the pores of experiment interference pattern disapperars
cloth when one of the slits is closed
106. Assertion (A) : Young’s double slit experiment Reason (R): Interference occurs due to
can be performed using a source of white light. superimposition of light wave from two
Reason (R) : The wavelength of red light is coherent sources
less than the wavelength of other colors in white
light. 115. Assertion (A): The maximum intensity in
107. (A) : The unpolarised light and polarized light interference pattern is four times the intensity
can be distinguished from each other by using due to each slit of equal width.
Polaroid. Reason (R): Intensity is directly proportional
(R) : A Polaroid is capable of producing plane to square of amplitude.
polarized beams of light. 116. Assertion (A): The fringe obtained at the
108. Assertion (A) : Illumination of the sun at noon centre of the screen is known as zeroth order
is maximum because fringe, or the central fringe
Reason (R): The sun rays are incident almost Reason (R): Path difference between the
normally waves from S 1 and S 2 , reaching the central
109. Assertion (A): The phase difference between fringe (or zero order fringe) is zero
any two points on a wave front is zero 117. Assertion (A) : If the phase difference between
Reason (R): Light from the source reaches the light waves emerging from the
every point of the wave front at the same time slits of the Young’s experiment is -radian,
110. Assertion (A) : In Young’s double slit the central fringe will be dark
experiment white light is used and slits are Reason (R) : Phase difference is equal to
covered with red and blue filters respectively. 2 / times the path difference.
The phase difference at any point on the screen 118. Assertion (A) : At sunrise or at sunset the sun
will continuously change and uniform appears to be reddish while at mid-day the sun
illumination is produced on the screen looks white
Reason (R): Two independent sources of light Reason (R) : Scattering due to dust particles
would no longer act as coherent sources and air molecules
119. Assertion (A) : If the whole apparatus of 127. (A) : In Young’s double slit experiment the
Young’s experiment is immersed in liquid, the fringes become indistinct if one of the slits is
fringe width will decrease. converd with cellophane paper.
(R) : The cellophane paper decreases the
Reason (R) : The wavelength of light in water wavelength of light.
is more than that in air MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS
120. Assertion (A) : The soap film in sun light is 128. Match list A and list B accurately
colourful LIST - A LIST - B
Reason(R):Thin films produce interference of a) spherical wave e) linear source
light front
b) plane wave front f) point light source
121. Assertion (A): Coloured spectrum is seen
c) cylindrical wave g) at infinite
when we look through a cloth
front distance
Reason (R): Diffraction of light takes place 1) ( a, f ); ( b, g); ( c, e) 2) ( a, f ); ( b, e); ( c, g)
when light is travelling through the pores of 3) ( a, g ); ( b, f); ( c, e) 4) ( a, e ); ( b, g); ( c, f)
cloth 129. Match the following
122. Assertion (A) : Radio waves diffract PART-A PART-B
pronouncedly around the sharp edges of the D
buildings than visible light waves. a) achromatic light d)
Reason (R) : Wave length of radio waves is b) monochromatic e) distance between
comparable to the dimension of the edges of light two successive
the building. bright bands
c) fringe width f) distance between
123. Assertion (A) : When an unpolarised light is two successive dark
incident on a glass plate at Brewster angle, bands
the reflected ray and refracted ray are g) central fringe is
mutually perpendicular always bright
Reason (R) :The refractive index of glass is h) central fringe is
equal to sine of the angle of polarisation. always achromatic
1) a g b e , f , g , c e , f , g
124. Assertion (A) : If two waves of same amplitude
produce a resultant wave of same amplitude, 2) a g, h b h, g c d , e, f
then the phase difference between them may 3) a e , f , g b g c e , f , g
be 120. 4) a e b h, c g , h
Reason (R) : The resultant amplitude of two 130. Match the following
waves is equal to algebraic sum of amplitude PART-A PART-B
of two waves. a) Polarisation e) All types of waves
125. Assertion (A) : Although the surfaces of a b) interference f) longitudinal waves
goggle lens are curved, it does not have any c) diffraction g) transverse waves
power. d) reflection h)only with
transverse waves
Reason (R) : In case of goggles, both the
i) stationary waves
curved surfaces have equal radii of curvature.
produced in
126. (A) : For best contrast between maxima and stretched strings
minima in the interference pattern of Young’s 1) a g b e, f , g , i c e, f , g d e, f , g
double slit experiment, the intensity of light
emerging out of the two slits should be equal 2) a h, g b f , g c g d h
3) a e, f , g b g c e, f , g d g
(R) : The intensity of interference pattern is
proportional to square of amplitude. 4) a e b h, i c g , h d e
131. Match the following : 134. In Young’s double slit experiment, what will be
List-I List-II the effects of the following
a) Silver lining of e) polarization by
mountains refraction Column-I Column-II
b) Rectilinear f) transverse nature (A) A thin translucent (p) Fringe width changes.
plate is inserted in
propagation light of light front of one of the
c) Polarization g) diffraction slits.
d) Pile of plates h) ray optics (B) A thin transparent (q) Fringe width remains
glass plate is inserted unaltered.
1) a h, b g , c f , d e in front of one of the
2) a g , b h, c e, d f
(C) The entire set up is (r) Brightness of fringe
3) a f , b h, c h, d e immersed in water. changes.
4) a g , b h, c f , d e (D) Both slits are covered (s) Brightness of fringe
with translucent paper. remains unaltered.
132. Match the following
(t) Fringe width and
List-I List-II brightness are directly
a) coherent, e) Malus law related.
1) A – q,r, B – q, s, C – p, r, D – q, r
highly unidirectionally 2) A – q,r, B – q, s, C – p, s, D – q, r
b) I I 0 cos 2 f) Polariod 3) A – p,r, B – q, s, C – p, s, D – q, r
c) Selective g) Spherical wave 4) A – q,s, B – q, t, C – p, s, D – q, r
absorption is front C.U.Q - KEY
exhibited by 1) 4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 1 5) 2 6) 4 7) 2
d) Fresnel diffraction h) LASER 8) 2 9) 2 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2 13) 4 14) 1
1) a h, b e, c f , d g 15) 3 16) 4 17) 3 18) 3 19) 1 20) 1 21) 3
22) 3 23) 3 24) 2 25) 3 26) 3 27) 4 28) 2
2) a g , b h, c e, d f
29) 2 30) 3 31) 1 32) 2 33) 1 34) 2 35) 3
3) a h, b g , c e, d f 36) 3 37) 1 38) 3 39) 4 40) 3 41) 1 42) 3
4) a g , b h, c f , d e 43) 1 44) 4 45) 1 46) 3 47) 4 48) 1 49) 2
50) 4 51) 2 52) 2 53) 3 54) 3 55) 1 56) 3
133. Match the following
57) 4 58) 2 59) 2 60) 3 61) 4 62) 2 63) 3
List-I List-II
64) 1 65) 4 66) 1 67) 4 68) 4 69) 1 70) 2
a) Interference e) Thamos young
71) 3 72) 1 73) 2 74) 3 75) 3 76) 2 77) 3
b) Polarisation by f) Bartholinus
reflection 78) 2 79) 2 80) 4 81) 2 82) 2 83) 4 84) 4
c) Diffraction g) Grimaldi 85) 2 86) 3 87) 2 88) 3 89) 1 90) 1 91) 4
92) 3 93) 4 94) 2 95) 2 96) 1 97) 2 98) 3
d) Polarisation by h) Malus
99) 3 100)3 101)1 102)3 103)2 104)2 105)1
106)3 107)1 108)1 109)1 110)1 111)1 112)4
1) a e, b g , c f , d h 113)1 114)1 115)2 116)1 117)2 118)1 119)3
2) a h, b f , c g , d e 120)1 121)1 122)1 123)3 124)3 125)1 126)2
127)3 128)1 129) 2130)1 131)4 132)1 133)3
3) a e, b h, c g , d f
134) 2
4) a h, b g , c f , d e