Light and Optics Historical Background: Towards The Normal. (FAST)
Light and Optics Historical Background: Towards The Normal. (FAST)
Light and Optics Historical Background: Towards The Normal. (FAST)
Newton believes that light is made of particles. The velocity of a wave is given by the equation
Huygens believes that light is a form of wave.
Young conducted an experiment that shows v λf
light can undergo interference, supporting the
wave theory Two types of reflection As a wave travels from one medium to another, its
Maxwell concluded that light is a form of a 1. specular reflection – reflection on a smooth wavelength varies while the frequency remains the
high-frequency electromagnetic wave. surface same.
Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect that 2. diffuse reflection – reflection of light from a
contradicts the wave theory. rough surface. Important Relationships
Planck developed quantum theory.
Einstein used quantum theory to explain The Law of reflection sin θ2 v 2 λ1 v1
photoelectric effect. λ1n1 λ2n2
sin θ1 v1 λ2 v 2
The angle of reflection equals the angle of
Light consists of particles called photons. A photon incidence.
The index of refraction of any medium:
is a quantum of en electromagnetic radiation. The
photons of light possess discrete amount of Retroreflection occurs when the reflected beam
energy that is proportional to the frequency of returns to its source parallel to its original path. λ
light. The energy of a photon of an EM wave is λn
given by The first all-digital movie from cinematography to
E hf post production and projection was Star Wars where λ is the wavelength in vacuum and λn is the
where: Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002). wavelength in the medium.
h Planck's constant 6.626 10-34 J s
Refraction is the change in the direction of a wave Snell’s Law of Refraction
The research of Einstein proved that light has a as it passes from one medium to another due to
dual nature. Light is both a particle and a wave. the difference in the refractive index. Refraction n1 sinθ1 n2 sinθ2
Sometimes, light behaves as a wave and there are then may now be regarded as the “bending” of
some situations, it can be regarded as a particle. waves. Problem:
A light ray of wavelength 589 nm travelling
Quantum electrodynamics is a comprehensive EM waves in general and light in particular, travels through air is incident on a smooth, flat slab of
theory that includes both the wave and particle faster in a medium that has a lower index of crown glass with n = 1.52 at an angle of 30° with
properties of light. The propagation of light is best refraction. As the index of refraction of the the normal. (A) Find the angle of refraction. (B)
described by the wave model, while the absorption medium increases, the velocity of the wave Find the speed of the glass once it enters the glass.
and emission of light can be understood using the decreases. (C) What is the wavelength of this light in glass?
particle approach. Answers: (A) 19.2° (B) 1.97×108 m/s (C) 388 nm
Light travels fastest in vacuum. The speed of light
Daniel Roemer made the first successful estimate in any material is always less than its speed in Measuring n Using a Prism
of the speed of light using the moon of Jupiter, Io vacuum.
Index of refraction
Armand Fizeau measured the speed of light using
a rotating toothed wheel (1849). The index of refraction of a medium is defined as