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February 2021

Biscuit Plate Dowels

for slab-on-ground applications

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Biscuit Plate Dowels
A Plate Dowel and Sleeve system designed
to transfer loads across construction joints in
slab-on-ground applications.

Connolly Biscuit Plate Dowels and Sleeves

are designed to transfer loads across
construction joints in slab-on-ground
applications. The plastic sleeve encases
one half of the plate dowel to de-bond
the dowel from the concrete. Connolly
Biscuit Plate Dowels allow for expansion,
contraction and lateral movement at
the joint.

Connolly Biscuit Plate Dowels are

available in 6mm and 10mm thickness
in black, hot-dip galvanised and stainless
steel finish.

With pre-installed nails, and V-notches on

all sides, Connolly Biscuit Dowel Sleeves
can be easily and accurately installed on
conventional formwork, ensuring perfect
dowel alignment.

Injection moulded from polystyrene for

accuracy and stiffness, the Biscuit Dowel
Sleeve minimises the vertical movement
across the joint. Biscuit Dowel Sleeves
are colour coded to indicate the plate
dowel thickness.

Connolly Biscuit Plate Dowels and Sleeves

can be used:

• I n Contraction Joints: - the second slab

is poured against the first slab, after the
formwork has been removed, leaving no
gap between the two slabs at the time
of pour but allowing contraction of the
adjacent slabs.

• I n Expansion Joints - using Connolly

Biscuit Plate Dowels and a layer of
compressible filler in the joint allows the
adjacent slabs to expand and contract.


4 Freecall: 1800 335 215

• Minimises differential deflection between slabs
• Allows for contraction, expansion and lateral movement
• V-notches and pre-installed nails for ease of installation
• Speeds up dowel installation
• Ability to fix to timber and steel formwork with ease
• Ideally suited for construction joints

Manufactured in an Made in Cost-effective

ISO accredited factory Australia solution

Nationwide Dedicated sales and Standard items

distribution network technical support available ex stock

Biscuit Plate Dowel Components

The Connolly Biscuit Plate Dowel is available in

standard sizes of 6mm and 10mm thick.
The system includes one polystyrene sleeve which comes fitted with duplex nails and
one steel dowel which is available in black, hot-dip galvanised or stainless steel.


Product Connolly Biscuit Plate Dowel 6mm Connolly Biscuit Plate Dowel 10mm

Steel Plate Dimensions

Length x Width 110mm x 150mm 110mm x 150mm

Dowel Thickness 6mm 10mm

Steel Grade AS/NZS 3679.1-300 AS/NZS 3679.1-300

Hot-dip Galvanised 35µm – AS/NZS 4680:2006 55µm – AS/NZS 4680:2006

Sleeve Properties

Colour Red Green

Material Polystyrene Polystyrene

End Expansion (e) 5mm 12mm

Lateral Expansion 10mm each side 10mm each side

Connection Duplex nails to timber formwork pre-installed

Ordering Information

Finish Part no. for complete set including plate dowel, sleeve and nails



Stainless Steel CBPS6-S/S CBPS10-S/S


10mm 10mm

6 Freecall: 1800 335 215

Biscuit Plate Dowel Design Capacities

The use of the Connolly Biscuit Plate Dowels

ensures that shear loads are safely transferred
across the joint through dowels. We recommend
referring to TR34, Fourth Edition – Concrete
Industrial Ground Floors to determine the dowel

Section 6.5 of TR34 provides guidance on the calculation of dowel capacities for the
following failure modes:

Dowel Shear Capacity

The shear capacities for the plate dowels provided in the table below have been
calculated using equation 18 of TR34.
Dowel Shear Capacity
Thickness Shear Area Capacity
(t) (0.9 . A) (Psh plate)
Sleeve Size (mm) Finish (mm2) (kN)
CBPS6 6 Black/HDG 810 135.2

CBPS10 10 Black/HDG 1,350 225.4

CBPS6 6 Stainless 810 86.6

CBPS10 10 Stainless 1,350 144.4

For the standard configurations of the plate dowel, the shear strength will never govern
the capacity of the joint.

Dowel Bearing/Bending Capacity

Bearing/Bending is a combined failure mode that checks the bending capacity of the
dowel as well as the bearing capacity of the surrounding concrete. Equation 19 of TR34
defines the bearing/bending capacity of a dowel.

Please find the dowel bearing/bending capacities for different conditions in the combined
capacity tables on page 8 and 9.

Punching Shear (Bursting Force)

Section 6.5.3 of TR34 recommends calculating the bursting load of the concrete by
adapting the EC2 approach for punching failure using an effective depth of 0.75 times
the depth between the dowel and the surface of the concrete slab.

Please find the punching shear capacities for different conditions in the combined
capacity tables on page 8 and 9.

Biscuit Plate Dowel Design Capacities

Single Dowel Design Capacities

The following tables provide single dowel capacities for 6mm and 10mm Biscuit Plate
Dowels calculated in accordance with TR34 for various joint widths and concrete
compressive strengths. The capacities provided in the table are minimum values from
the failure modes dowel shear, dowel bearing/bending and punching/bursting. Colour
coding indicates the governing failure mode.

Single Dowel Design Capacity - Contraction Joint

Biscuit Plate Dowel - Single Dowel Design Capacity - 6mm mild steel dowel
Concrete Strength (MPa)
Slab Thickness Joint Width
(mm) (mm) 25 32 40 45
5 11.7 13.3 14.8 15.7
125 10 11.5 13.0 14.5 15.4
15 11.3 12.8 14.3 15.1
5 15.8 17.8 19.9 21.1
150 10 15.5 17.5 19.6 20.8
15 15.2 17.2 19.2 20.4
5 25.5 28.8 32.2 34.2
200 10 25.1 28.4 31.8 33.7
15 24.7 28.0 31.3 33.2
5 37.4 42.3 47.3 50.1
250 10 36.9 41.8 46.7 49.5
15 36.5 39.3 40.8 41.6
5 51.4 58.2 65.1 69.0
300 10 46.4 49.6 52.3 53.7
15 37.6 39.3 40.8 41.6

Single Dowel Design Capacity - Contraction Joint

Biscuit Plate Dowel - Single Dowel Design Capacity - 10mm mild steel dowel
Concrete Strength (MPa)
Slab Thickness Joint Width
(mm) (mm) 25 32 40 45
5 15.1 17.0 19.1 20.2
150 10 14.8 16.8 18.7 19.9
15 14.5 16.5 18.4 19.5
5 24.6 27.8 31.1 33.0
200 10 24.3 27.4 30.7 32.5
15 23.9 27.0 30.2 32.1
5 36.3 41.1 46.0 48.7
250 10 35.9 40.6 45.4 48.1
15 35.4 40.1 44.8 47.5
5 50.2 56.8 63.5 67.4
300 10 49.7 56.2 62.9 66.7
15 49.2 55.6 62.2 66.0
5 66.3 75.0 83.9 89.0
350 10 65.7 74.3 83.1 88.2
15 65.1 73.6 82.3 87.3

The tables show capacities for mild steel dowels (black and HDG) for standard conditions.
Please contact Leviat for custom applications and for stainless steel dowel capacities.
See Page 9 for colour coding of failure modes.

8 Freecall: 1800 335 215

Combined Design Capacities

Single Dowel Design Dowel bearing/ Punching failure mode

Capacities bending failure mode

The table on the right shows the colour

coding that is used in the capacity tables
on pages 8 and 9 to indicate the governing
failure mode.

Single Dowel Design Capacity - Expansion Joint

Biscuit Plate Dowel - Single Dowel Design Capacity - 6mm mild steel dowel
Concrete Strength (MPa)
Slab Thickness Joint Width
(mm) (mm) 25 32 40 45
10 11.5 13.0 14.5 15.4
125 15 11.5 13.0 14.5 15.4
20 11.5 13.0 14.5 15.4
10 15.5 17.5 19.6 20.8
150 15 15.5 17.5 19.6 20.8
20 15.5 17.5 19.6 20.8
10 25.1 28.4 31.8 33.7
200 15 25.1 28.4 31.8 33.7
20 24.1 28.4 31.8 33.4
10 36.9 41.8 46.7 49.5
250 15 36.9 39.3 40.8 41.6
20 31.1 32.2 33.0 33.4
10 46.4 49.6 52.3 53.7
300 15 37.6 39.3 40.8 41.6
20 31.1 32.2 33.0 33.4

Single Dowel Design Capacity - Expansion Joint

Biscuit Plate Dowel - Single Dowel Design Capacity - 10mm mild steel dowel
Concrete Strength (MPa)
Slab Thickness Joint Width
(mm) (mm) 25 32 40 45
10 14.8 16.8 18.7 19.9
150 15 14.8 16.8 18.7 19.9
20 14.8 16.8 18.7 19.9
10 24.3 27.4 30.7 32.5
200 15 24.3 27.4 30.7 32.5
20 24.3 27.4 30.7 32.5
10 35.9 40.6 45.4 48.1
250 15 35.9 40.6 45.4 48.1
20 35.9 40.6 45.4 48.1
10 49.7 56.2 62.9 66.7
300 15 49.7 56.2 62.9 66.7
20 49.7 56.2 62.9 66.7
10 65.7 74.3 83.1 88.2
350 15 65.7 74.3 83.1 88.2
20 65.7 74.3 78.6 80.4

The tables show capacities for mild steel dowels (black and HDG) for 10mm expansion joints.
Please contact Leviat for custom applications and for stainless steel dowel capacities.
See Page 9 for colour coding of failure modes.

Installation Guidance

Step 1 Step 2
Mark centre line of the biscuit plate dowel and dowel spacing on Place the Biscuit Dowel Sleeve at the marked location by using
the formwork. the V-notches at the top and bottom and both sides to ensure
correct placement.

Step 3 Step 4
Nail the Biscuit Dowel Sleeve to the formwork using the After pouring the first slab remove the formwork. After removal of
pre-installed nails. formwork, the Biscuit Dowel Sleeve will be exposed as shown above.

Step 5 Step 6
Firmly place the Biscuit Plate Dowel into the insertion hole in the Once plates have been correctly positioned, install the specified
sleeve by punching through the sticker as shown above. reinforcement and carry out the next pour. (For expansion joints,
install compressible material before second pour)

10 Freecall: 1800 335 215

Connolly Product Range

Key Joint
Connolly Key Joints are a continuous pour solution for contraction joints in slab on ground
applications. Key Joints are a roll formed galvanised steel section used as a leave-in-
place formwork to control shrinkage induced cracking. The profile is fixed in place using
our patented peg and wedge system. Key Joints are available in 3 and 6m lengths for
slab thicknesses from 100mm to 300mm.

Dowel Cradles
Connolly Dowel Cradles are used for load transfer in saw cut contraction joints. They
are a welded wire assembly that ensures the horizontal and vertical alignment of
dowels at the correct spacing and height. Manufactured in 3m lengths from 6mm wire,
dowel cradles are available in a wide range of configurations to suit a variety of slab
thicknesses and load requirements.

Expansion Joint System

Connolly Expansion Joint System is a continuous pour solution for expansion joints in
slab on ground applications. They are a roll formed galvanised steel section with 10mm
cross linked foam to provide a leave-in-place formwork that allows for joint expansion.
The profile has pre drilled holes that allows it to be used in conjunction with Connolly
Universal Dowel Sleeves. The expansion joint profile is available in 3m lengths for slab
thickness from 100mm to 200mm. Custom lengths and heights are available on request.

Universal Dowel Sleeves

Connolly Universal Dowel Sleeves are available for round and square dowels allowing
load transfer across joints in slab-on-ground applications. The sleeve encases one half
of the dowel to de-bond the dowel from the concrete. All universal dowel sleeves allow
for expansion and contraction at the joint with the square variety also allowing for lateral
movement at the joint.

Safety Caps
Connolly Safety Cushion Caps are designed to reduce the risk of injury on-site.
Made from recyclable plastic, the safety caps are suitable for steel reinforcing
bars N12–N32mm, as well as Star Pickets.

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Notes regarding this catalogue

© Protected by copyright. The construction applications and details provided in this publication are indicative only. In every case, project
working details should be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons. Whilst every care has been exercised in the preparation
of this publication to ensure that any advice, recommendations or information is accurate, no liability or responsibility of any kind is accepted
by Leviat for inaccuracies or printing errors. Technical and design changes are reserved. With a policy of continuous product development,
Leviat reserves the right to modify product design and specification at any time.
For more information on the following products, please contact:
Concrete Floor Jointing Masonry, Structural and Remedial Masonry
products: Precast Concrete products: products:
1800 335 215 1300 304 320 1300 667 071
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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General Enquiries
1300 304 320

Sales Offices and Production

New South Wales, Sydney New South Wales, Casino Victoria
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Mount Druitt | Sydney Casino Laverton North | Melbourne
NSW 2770 NSW 2470 VIC 3026

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Murarrie | Brisbane Welshpool | Perth
QLD 4172 WA 6106
2 Imagine. Model. Make.
Freecall: 1800 335 215

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