(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
worldwide. It even becomes easy to access because it increases her carbon footprint
some remote and hard-to-reach areas by air. and puts her in a bad light for hampering the
This extensive reach particularly benefits environment. So, this trend clearly shows
global businesses that need to expand their how people are rapidly moving towards an
market presence or source materials from environment-conscious mentality. The
distant locations. environmental impact of air cargo is wildly
in talks among both regulators and
Safe Transit: The air cargo industry tends
consumers. It’s nudging the air cargo
to maintain stringent security standards,
industry to explore sustainable practices
which minimizes the risk of theft, damage,
such as investing in more fuel-efficient
or loss during transit. Businesses or
aircraft, optimizing flight routes, and
individuals wanting to ship high-value
considering alternative fuels to decrease its
goods especially benefit from the enhanced
carbon footprint.
security measures at airports, like
surveillance, restricted access zones, and Size and Weight Restrictions: Another
specialized handling. Owing to the secure drawback of taking this mode of transport
environment and speedy delivery, is that an aircraft has finite space and
businesses often prefer air cargo shipping payload capacity. Therefore, it imposes
for transporting their goods. limitations on the size and weight of cargo
eligible for transportation. These
restrictions are a demerit for industries
Air Cargo also has a flipside with a few dealing in bulky or heavy goods, such as
drawbacks attached to it. machinery or automotive parts. These
heavy goods may need more space than
Cost: One of the primary drawbacks of air allowed within the dimensional and weight
cargo is its cost. The expense associated constraints of standard air cargo services. It
with air transport is significantly higher necessitates alternative logistics solutions
than other modes due to fuel consumption, for oversized shipments, which ends up
aircraft maintenance, and airport fees. potentially complicating the supply chain
These costs often translate to higher freight and increasing shipping costs.
charges, making air cargo less
economically viable for low-value or high- FREIGHTING OF AIR CARGO:
volume shipments. Businesses must
Air freight involves moving cargo
carefully weigh the benefits of quick
from Point A to Point B via aircraft. Using
delivery against the increased logistics
air freight, cargo is transported quickly
across the world, however, whilst it may
Environmental Concerns: Eco- seem simple, the process can get quite
friendliness and sustainability are a huge complicated.
concern when businesses opt for air cargo
You need to think about whether air
shipping because air transport is one of the
freight services right for you, understand all
most carbon-intensive modes of freight
that’s involved, have the right
transport. It massively contributes to
documentation so your shipment isn’t
greenhouse gas emissions and global
delayed, and engage a professional freight
climate change. For example, the famous
forwarder to ensure your transaction flows
singer ‘Taylor Swift’ recently received
backlash from the public for taking too
many flights in her private jet. This is
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
Airfreight security regulations define cargo will obviously need to fit in the
that your cargo needs to be examined aircraft and be available for X-ray!
prior to export (which is mandatory). Compare different services. There
This can be at a Piece-level examination are many available options and routes for
– this means each box, carton, or other airfreight around the world. This was
item; Consolidated form – significantly impacted by the COVID-19
homogeneous cargo packed on pallets, pandemic, which forced many businesses to
boxes stacked and wrapped in plastic or adapt and think of new ways to transport
in unit load devices (ULDs); or as an goods across the world as air freight options
approved Known Consignor – air cargo became limited.
originating from these companies does Choose the right route. Usually, you
not require further examination prior to can choose between different airlines
uplift onto an aircraft. As a general offering different routing and transit times.
example, if your cargo is palletized, it Think of it as booking a flight for yourself.
will need to fit within the following After all, 80% of air cargo in Australia
dimensions to go through an x-ray arrives on passenger aircraft. You’ll need to
machine: 1.20m x 1.20m x 1.53m make sure the route is correct for you and
LWH, max 1000kg CW per pallet. It is offers you the best price versus transit time.
critical that cargo screening through a
metal detector is on plastic or cardboard Step #4: Freight forwarder arranges
pallets, as wooden pallets will likely shipment
have nails. If pallets need to be Once your cargo is packed and your
repacked, exporters will bear this cost. freight is booked, it’s time for your freight
forwarder to arrange your shipment. If you
Step #3: Pack your cargo and book your are importing into Australia, your supplier
freight will need to prepare the following
The next step is to pack your cargo documents:
and book your freight. Ensure that when Commercial Invoice – one the most
you do this, you: important documents in shipping. The
Speak to your forwarder about any commercial invoice outlines the items
restrictions applicable to the aircraft. Your being purchased and from whom, and the
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
terms and conditions between buyer and and goods subject to customs control. The
seller. CTO will segregate the cargo ready for
Packing list – shows the details of collection.
the cargo, including how it is packed.
Certificate of origin – if your If arranged on a Master Airway Bill
import is from a “free trade” country (i.e., a
country with which Australia has a free A “Master Airway Bill” (or a
trade agreement), this certificate will need MAWB) refers to an airway bill that is
to be prepared to avoid paying unnecessary issued for all goods covered by one or more
duty charges. “house” airway bills (or a HAWB, which
simply means an airway bill issued by a
Import permits or Manufacturers freight handler acting as the carrier).
Declarations as required for the product
type. If you’ve arranged your shipment
through an MAWB, the goods will
Dangerous goods forms – if a supplier is probably be consolidated (i.e. different
shipping dangerous goods as classified by shipments grouped together). On arrival,
the International Air Transport Association the cargo will then be moved to a Customs
(IATA) or the International Maritime Bond facility for deconsolidation.
Organisation (IMO), they will be required Deconsolidation means that the aircraft
to fill out and include relevant dangerous cargo will be taken apart and each
goods forms. consignment will be separated according to
the final destination.
Once your flight is booked, an
airway bill will be produced to outline the At the bonded facility, customs are
service and contract of carriage. The goods informed that the cargo has arrived by
will then travel on designated services and issuing an outturn report, which outlines the
can usually be tracked online through your details of air cargo that has arrived in
freight forwarder. Australia and has been discharged from an
aircraft. Each consignment received must
Step #5: Goods processed through export be out turned.
customs clearance and placed in transit:
If arranged on a direct airway bill
On arrival, your cargo will move
through many stages. A direct airway bill (or a DAWB) is
a bill of lading issued where freight is
During transit, we here at ICE will transported on the airline without a HAWB.
commence customs clearance so your
goods can arrive in Australia with all duties Direct shipments are generally used
and GST paid. when freight and service needs are
immediate. Freight will not be consolidated
Following this, when the cargo with other cargo. The goods can then be
lands, your goods will be moved to a CTO collected directly from the CTO and do not
or cargo terminal operator. CTOs have require deconsolidation.
obligations under customs legislation to
ensure the security of the cargo terminal
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
Step #7: Goods are transported from the fast, and the need for local warehousing is
airport to the buyer much lower.
Once goods are customs cleared and
out turned, a transport operator will collect
the cargo and deliver it to your final The cubic capacity of a load, also
destination. known as volumetric weight, is an
important characteristic in transport and
It’s important to know in advance if storage. The calculation of this indicator
the final delivery point will unload the allows you to:
cargo themselves, or if they need a tail lift
truck for delivery. predict the cost of a transport operation
optimize the use of space;
A tail lift is a mechanical device choose the right packaging for
permanently installed on the rear of a work transportation.
truck, van, or lorry, and is designed to It can also be useful in a number of other
facilitate the handling of goods from cases. The standard formula for calculating
ground level or a loading dock to the level the volumetric weight of a shipment is:
of the vehicle bed, or vice versa.
L x W x H (in centimetres) / 5000
It’s also useful to know the delivery However, international shipping is
point’s opening hours to ensure cargo can full of nuances, For example, some
be delivered within your timeframe. companies, such as DHL, use the 4000
divisors (but only for shipments within
Time – transporting goods with air freight It is equally important (in our
saves time – it’s much faster than shipping, opinion) to tell you when you will need to
rail, or road transport calculate the volumetric weight of your
cargo and what nuances you should take
Reliable – flights generally have reliable into account to make your logistics
arrival and departure times with very few operations as efficient as possible.
delays, so the shipment of cargo by air is
very likely to arrive on time Where and why is this parameter used?
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
prevent damage during transport. Measure Gross weight, also called actual
the dimensions of these spaces and add weight, is the total weight of a shipment. It
them to the total volume of the shipment. includes the net weight of the actual
product coupled with the weight of the
Gross weight of an aircraft is the
Considered a high-value industry,
summation of the aircraft, fuel, crew,
air cargo is critical for serving markets that
passengers and cargo weights.
demand speed and reliability for the
transport of goods. Though it only accounts On the other hand, the weight of
for 1% of world trade cargo by volume, only the product itself is called net weight.
35% of world trade value is carried by air. And the weight of only the packaging is
called the tare weight.
Air freights are particularly well
suited for transporting high-value goods There could be several instances in
because they provide highly controlled which the net weight and gross weight of
transport, direct routing, reliability, and cargo remain the same. For example, for car
unique capacity considerations. These tires which are shipped without any
capacity considerations decide how your packaging, both net and gross weights will
cargo's weight is calculated and how it is be the same.
How to calculate air freight gross
Generally, the cost of your shipment weight?
is calculated based on the following factors:
Here’s the formula to calculate
What does the shipment consist of? (the gross weight:
Product Weight + Packaging/Pallet
Where is it going? (the origin,
Weight = Gross Weight
destination and distance)
How soon do you want it to get to the It is generally accepted that the
destination? (transit time) actual weight of the cargo is measured
How heavy is the cargo? (the weight) using the metric system, e.g. kilograms and
How much space does the cargo any imperial units such as pounds are
occupy? (the volume) converted into metric units for ease of
calculation (1 kg = 2.205 lb). Let’s take a
In this we shall discuss the last two factors, look at the example:
which are the weight and volume of the
shipment. When you plan for air freight Product Weight +
transportation, you need to know how your Packaging/Pallet Weight = Gross Weight
shipment is weighed and therefore priced. 50 lb + 10 lb = 60 lb, converted to
Your cargo is weighed based on kilograms = 60 / 2.205 = 27.2155 kg
multiple criteria. Your shipment’s What is Volumetric Weight?
chargeable weight could be based on either
its gross or volumetric weight. The air freight volumetric weight,
or dimensional weight, is an estimated
What is Gross Weight? weight value based on a package’s length,
width and height. It is a theoretical weight
calculated using a minimum air cubic
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
conversion factor chosen by the freight to calculate the airfreight chargeable weight
carrier. This is generally stated as 6000 cm3 of your shipment. It rests on the below
= 1 kg or 1 cbm (cubic metre) = 167 kg. principle.
How to calculate air freight volumetric Imagine two shipments of cotton
weight? and steel of similar weight. It is quite
obvious that the cotton shipment will
To calculate the volumetric weight,
occupy more space than the steel shipment.
there are a few steps. First, you need to
The steel shipment, however, will weigh
calculate the volume of the shipment.
more. In such a scenario, should both
Length x Width x Height = Volume shipments be charged by volume? Or
should they be charged on the basis of
Make sure that the volume is weight?
converted into cubic metres (m3) or cbm. If
you are measuring the dimensions in Volumetric weight is significant to
inches, then you need to convert the volume measure the space occupied by the
from cubic inches to cbm (1 cbm = 61,024 shipment (volume or density). Whereas,
cubic inches). And lastly, you need to do gross weight is more focused on the weight
the air cubic conversion factor. of the shipment.
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
provider for giving data in regards to the The payment term of the sale, which
cost and different terms and conditions for would typically be expressed as one of
trading merchandise. the 11 current Incoterms.
The delivery details, including how and
where the goods will be delivered and
1. Proforma Invoice how much that will cost.
2. Commercial Invoice The currency used in the quote, whether
3. Packing List it’s U.S. dollars or some other currency.
4. Certificates of Origin
5. Certificate of Free Sale Be sure to date your proforma
6. Shipper's Letter of Instruction invoice and include an expiration date.
7. Inland Bill of Lading There can be a lot of volatility in the export
8. Ocean Bill of Lading process, so minimize your risk by setting a
9. Air Waybill specific time frame for your quote.
10. Dangerous Goods Forms 2. Commercial Invoice
11. Bank Draft
Once you’ve sent a proforma
1. Proforma Invoice invoice to your international prospect and
In a typical export exchange, received their order, you need to prepare
everything starts when you receive an your goods for shipping, including the
inquiry about one or more of your products. paperwork that must accompany the goods.
That inquiry may include a request for a Of those documents, the commercial
quotation. invoice is one of the most important.
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
for their AES filings, so an accurately goods at the destination only to the party the
completed SLI is very important. bill of lading is consigned to.
8. Ocean Bill of Lading 10. Dangerous Goods Forms
Ocean Bill of Lading (1) If your Dangerous Goods Download Now
goods are shipping by ocean vessel, you’ll If your products are considered dangerous
need an ocean bill of lading. An ocean bill goods by either the International Air
of lading can serve as both a contract of Transport Association (IATA) or the
carriage and a document of title for the International Maritime Organization
cargo. There are two types: (IMO), you need to include the appropriate
dangerous goods form with your shipment.
Straight Bill of Lading
Shipping dangerous goods or hazardous
A straight bill of lading is consigned materials can be tricky. Before you do it,
to a specific consignee and is not the appropriate people at your company
negotiable. The consignee takes possession need to be trained to properly package,
of the goods by presenting a signed, label and document these shipments.
original bill of lading to the carrier.
The IATA form—the Shipper’s
Negotiable Bill of Lading Declaration for Dangerous Goods—is
required for air shipments. There is a
A negotiable bill of lading is different version of the form for ocean
consigned “to order” or “to order of shipments. Again, these forms need to be
shipper” and is signed by the shipper and completed by someone who has been
sent to a bank in the buyer’s country. The trained to handle dangerous goods
bank holds onto the original bill of lading shipping.
until the requirements of a documentary
collection or a letter of credit have been 11. Bank Draft
A bank draft is an important part of
9. Air Waybill the international sales process for
transferring control of the exported goods
Goods shipped on a plane require an from the seller in exchange for funds from
air waybill. It is a contract of carriage the buyer. It is often called a documentary
between the shipper and the carrier that is collection because the seller attaches
distributed by the International Air various documents to a bank draft and a
Transport Association (IATA). Unlike an cover letter.
ocean bill of lading, an air waybill cannot
be negotiable. Usually, the seller’s bank will send
the bank draft and related documents via
The purpose of an air waybill differs the freight forwarder to the buyer’s bank or
from the purpose of a bill of lading: a bank with which it has a relationship in
An air waybill is a receipt of goods; the buyer’s country. When the buyer
the carrier or agent sends it in order to show authorizes payment for the goods, the
the place of delivery. buyer’s bank releases the documents to the
buyer and transfers the funds to the seller’s
A bill of lading is a document of bank.
title to goods. It is a receipt by the shipping
company with an agreement to deliver the The bank draft may or may not
include a transmittal letter, which includes
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS
RVS Institute of Management Studies
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai),
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore-641 402.
Prepared by:
MANAGEMENT Assistant Professor - RVSIMS