Column 1 1
Column 2 0.241955 1
Column 3 0.724248 -0.032154 1
Column 4 0.9729 0.200717 0.747766 1
R&D Spend Administration Marketing Spend Profit
165349.2 136897.8 471784.1 192261.83
162597.7 151377.59 443898.53 191792.06
153441.51 101145.55 407934.54 191050.39
144372.41 118671.85 383199.62 182901.99
142107.34 91391.77 366168.42 166187.94
131876.9 99814.71 362861.36 156991.12
134615.46 147198.87 127716.82 156122.51
130298.13 145530.06 323876.68 155752.6
120542.52 148718.95 311613.29 152211.77
123334.88 108679.17 304981.62 149759.96
101913.08 110594.11 229160.95 146121.95
100671.96 91790.61 249744.55 144259.4
93863.75 127320.38 249839.44 141585.52
91992.39 135495.07 252664.93 134307.35
119943.24 156547.42 256512.92 132602.65
114523.61 122616.84 261776.23 129917.04
78013.11 121597.55 264346.06 126992.93
94657.16 145077.58 282574.31 125370.37
91749.16 114175.79 294919.57 124266.9
86419.7 153514.11 0 122776.86
76253.86 113867.3 298664.47 118474.03
78389.47 153773.43 299737.29 111313.02
73994.56 122782.75 303319.26 110352.25
67532.53 105751.03 304768.73 108733.99
77044.01 99281.34 140574.81 108552.04
64664.71 139553.16 137962.62 107404.34
75328.87 144135.98 134050.07 105733.54
72107.6 127864.55 353183.81 105008.31
66051.52 182645.56 118148.2 103282.38
65605.48 153032.06 107138.38 101004.64
61994.48 115641.28 91131.24 99937.59
61136.38 152701.92 88218.23 97483.56
63408.86 129219.61 46085.25 97427.84
55493.95 103057.49 214634.81 96778.92
46426.07 157693.92 210797.67 96712.8
46014.02 85047.44 205517.64 96479.51
28663.76 127056.21 201126.82 90708.19
44069.95 51283.14 197029.42 89949.14
20229.59 65947.93 185265.1 81229.06
38558.51 82982.09 174999.3 81005.76
28754.33 118546.05 172795.67 78239.91
27892.92 84710.77 164470.71 77798.83
23640.93 96189.63 148001.11 71498.49
15505.73 127382.3 35534.17 69758.98
22177.74 154806.14 28334.72 65200.33
1000.23 124153.04 1903.93 64926.08
1315.46 115816.21 297114.46 49490.75
0 135426.92 0 42559.73
542.05 51743.15 0 35673.41
0 116983.8 45173.06 14681.4
R&D Spend Statistics Administration Statistics2
Mean 73721.6156 Mean 121344.6396
Standard Error 6491.55936608 Standard Error 3962.315664471
Median 73051.08 Median 122699.795
Mode 0 Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 45902.2564823 Standard Deviation 28017.80275549
Sample Variance 2107017150.17 Sample Variance 784997271.2455
Kurtosis -0.76146455684 Kurtosis 0.225071135369
Skewness 0.16400217232 Skewness -0.489024809967
Range 165349.2 Range 131362.42
Minimum 0 Minimum 51283.14
Maximum 165349.2 Maximum 182645.56
Sum 3686080.78 Sum 6067231.98
Count 50 Count 50
Largest(1) 165349.2 Largest(1) 182645.56
Smallest(1) 0 Smallest(1) 51283.14
Confidence Level(95.0%) 13045.2769524 Confidence Level(95.0%) 7962.57144101
Marketing Spend Statistics3 Profit Statistics4
Mean 211025.0978 Mean 112012.6392
Standard Error 17294.461597531 Standard Error 5700.1546880961
Median 212716.24 Median 107978.19
Mode 0 Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 122290.3107258 Standard Deviation 40306.18033765
Sample Variance 14954920097.42 Sample Variance 1624588173.4112
Kurtosis -0.67170112813 Kurtosis -0.063858885469
Skewness -0.046472267584 Skewness 0.023291019769
Range 471784.1 Range 177580.43
Minimum 0 Minimum 14681.4
Maximum 471784.1 Maximum 192261.83
Sum 10551254.89 Sum 5600631.96
Count 50 Count 50
Largest(1) 471784.1 Largest(1) 192261.83
Smallest(1) 0 Smallest(1) 14681.4
Confidence Level(95.0%) 34754.52176588 Confidence Level(95.0%) 11454.889709
Column1 R&D Spend Administration Marketing Spend Profit
R&D Spend 1
Administration 0.24195524508169 1
Marketing Spend 0.72424813305388 -0.0321538751253866 1
Profit 0.97290046565948 0.200716568268721 0.747765721741476 1
R&D Spend Marketing Spend Profit
165349.2 471784.1 192261.8
162597.7 443898.53 191792.1
153441.51 407934.54 191050.4
144372.41 383199.62 182902
142107.34 366168.42 166187.9
131876.9 362861.36 156991.1
134615.46 127716.82 156122.5
130298.13 323876.68 155752.6
120542.52 311613.29 152211.8
123334.88 304981.62 149760
101913.08 229160.95 146122
100671.96 249744.55 144259.4
93863.75 249839.44 141585.5
91992.39 252664.93 134307.4
119943.24 256512.92 132602.7
114523.61 261776.23 129917
78013.11 264346.06 126992.9
94657.16 282574.31 125370.4
91749.16 294919.57 124266.9
86419.7 0 122776.9
76253.86 298664.47 118474
78389.47 299737.29 111313
73994.56 303319.26 110352.3
67532.53 304768.73 108734
77044.01 140574.81 108552
64664.71 137962.62 107404.3
75328.87 134050.07 105733.5
72107.6 353183.81 105008.3
66051.52 118148.2 103282.4
65605.48 107138.38 101004.6
61994.48 91131.24 99937.59
61136.38 88218.23 97483.56
63408.86 46085.25 97427.84
55493.95 214634.81 96778.92
46426.07 210797.67 96712.8
46014.02 205517.64 96479.51
28663.76 201126.82 90708.19
44069.95 197029.42 89949.14
20229.59 185265.1 81229.06
38558.51 174999.3 81005.76
28754.33 172795.67 78239.91
27892.92 164470.71 77798.83
23640.93 148001.11 71498.49
15505.73 35534.17 69758.98
22177.74 28334.72 65200.33
1000.23 1903.93 64926.08
1315.46 297114.46 49490.75
0 0 42559.73
542.05 0 35673.41
0 45173.06 14681.4
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.974910406937979
R Square 0.950450301555976
Adjusted R Square 0.948341803749848
Standard Error 9160.96581631832
Observations 50
Column 1 df SS MS
Regression 2 75660425646.8248 37830212823.4124
Residual 47 3944394850.32438 83923294.6877528
Total 49 79604820497.1492
Column1 df SS MS
Regression 1 75348773930.7957 75348773930.7957
Residual 48 4256046566.35345 88667636.7990303
Total 49 79604820497.1492
R&D Expenses
101913.08 146122 150000
100671.96 144259.4
93863.75 141585.5
91992.39 134307.4 50000
119943.24 132602.7
114523.61 129917 0
78013.11 126992.9 0 0 0 0 0 0
00 00 00 00 00
94657.16 125370.4 20 40 60 80 10
91749.16 124266.9
86419.7 122776.9 Profit
76253.86 118474
78389.47 111313
73994.56 110352.3
67532.53 108734
77044.01 108552
64664.71 107404.3
75328.87 105733.5
72107.6 105008.3
66051.52 103282.4
65605.48 101004.6
61994.48 99937.59
61136.38 97483.56
63408.86 97427.84
55493.95 96778.92
46426.07 96712.8
46014.02 96479.51
28663.76 90708.19
44069.95 89949.14
20229.59 81229.06
38558.51 81005.76
28754.33 78239.91
27892.92 77798.83
23640.93 71498.49
15505.73 69758.98
22177.74 65200.33
1000.23 64926.08
1315.46 49490.75
0 42559.73
542.05 35673.41
0 14681.4
D Spend V/S Profit
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
60 80 10
Marketing Spend Profit
471784.1 192261.8
443898.53 191792.1
407934.54 191050.4
383199.62 182902
366168.42 166187.9
362861.36 156991.1 Marketing Spend V/S P
127716.82 156122.5
323876.68 155752.6
311613.29 152211.8
Marketing Expenses
304981.62 149760
229160.95 146122
249744.55 144259.4
249839.44 141585.5
252664.93 134307.4
256512.92 132602.7
261776.23 129917
264346.06 126992.9
282574.31 125370.4 0 100000 200000 30000
294919.57 124266.9
0 122776.9 Profit
298664.47 118474
299737.29 111313
303319.26 110352.3
304768.73 108734
140574.81 108552
137962.62 107404.3
134050.07 105733.5
353183.81 105008.3
118148.2 103282.4
107138.38 101004.6
91131.24 99937.59
88218.23 97483.56
46085.25 97427.84
214634.81 96778.92
210797.67 96712.8
205517.64 96479.51
201126.82 90708.19
197029.42 89949.14
185265.1 81229.06
174999.3 81005.76
172795.67 78239.91
164470.71 77798.83
148001.11 71498.49
35534.17 69758.98
28334.72 65200.33
1903.93 64926.08
297114.46 49490.75
0 42559.73
0 35673.41
45173.06 14681.4
rketing Spend V/S Profit
Administration Profit
136897.8 192261.8
151377.59 191792.1
101145.55 191050.4
118671.85 182902
91391.77 166187.9
99814.71 156991.1 Administration V
147198.87 156122.5
145530.06 155752.6
148718.95 152211.8
Administration Expenses
108679.17 149760
110594.11 146122
91790.61 144259.4
127320.38 141585.5
135495.07 134307.4
156547.42 132602.7
122616.84 129917
121597.55 126992.9
145077.58 125370.4 40000 60000 80000 100000 120
114175.79 124266.9
153514.11 122776.9 Profi
113867.3 118474
153773.43 111313
122782.75 110352.3
105751.03 108734
99281.34 108552
139553.16 107404.3
144135.98 105733.5
127864.55 105008.3
182645.56 103282.4
153032.06 101004.6
115641.28 99937.59
152701.92 97483.56
129219.61 97427.84
103057.49 96778.92
157693.92 96712.8
85047.44 96479.51
127056.21 90708.19
51283.14 89949.14
65947.93 81229.06
82982.09 81005.76
118546.05 78239.91
84710.77 77798.83
96189.63 71498.49
127382.3 69758.98
154806.14 65200.33
124153.04 64926.08
115816.21 49490.75
135426.92 42559.73
51743.15 35673.41
116983.8 14681.4
Administration V/S Profit
0000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000
State Profit
New York 192261.83
California 191792.06
Florida 191050.39
New York 182901.99
Florida 166187.94 This chart isn't available in your version of Excel.
New York 156991.12
California 156122.51 Editing this shape or saving this workbook into a diffe
Florida 155752.6 permanently break the chart.
New York 152211.77
California 149759.96
Florida 146121.95
California 144259.4
Florida 141585.52
California 134307.35
Florida 132602.65
New York 129917.04
California 126992.93
New York 125370.37
Florida 124266.9
New York 122776.86
California 118474.03
New York 111313.02
Florida 110352.25
Florida 108733.99
New York 108552.04
California 107404.34
Florida 105733.54
New York 105008.31
Florida 103282.38
New York 101004.64
Florida 99937.59
New York 97483.56
California 97427.84
Florida 96778.92
California 96712.8
New York 96479.51
Florida 90708.19
California 89949.14
New York 81229.06
California 81005.76
California 78239.91
Florida 77798.83
California 71498.49
New York 69758.98
California 65200.33
New York 64926.08
Florida 49490.75
California 42559.73
New York 35673.41
California 14681.4
in your version of Excel.