Sessional Paper No 1 of 2019: provides a policy framework for Reforming Education and Training for
Sustainable Development in Kenya. This policy is in line with the requirements in the policy framework
Sessional Paper No 1 of 2019: provides a policy framework for Reforming Education and Training for
Sustainable Development in Kenya. This policy is in line with the requirements in the policy framework
on reforming the provision of P. E and sport. Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2005: on sport and development
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2015): commits to eradicate poverty and achieve
sustainable development by 2030, ensuring no one is left behind. Sport is recognized as an important
East Africa Community (EAC) Protocol: embraces culture and sport as both enablers and drivers of a
people-centred integration agenda through promotion and enhancement of diverse sport activities as
Kenya National Sports Policy (2002): provides for the holistic development of sport in the country for all
segments in society. This policy provides a requisite inter linkage between the basic education sub -
Kenya National Sports Policy (2002): provides for the holistic development of sport in the country for all
segments in society. This policy provides a requisite inter linkage between the basic education sub -
Conflict of interest.
Sporting activities teach learners how to build teamwork and solve problems in teams. Sports also boost
self esteem; lower chances of breast cancer and other non-communicable diseases associated with
physical inactivity and reduce stress levels for both learners and the facilitators. These are wanting
presently, in the education system, because of the less emphasis on P.E. and Spor
According to (Physical Education and sport policy for basic education,2021) there has been a
challenge of implementation of physical education in schools. This has been as a result of low
regard of Physical Education (P.E) and sports activities by learners facilitators, insufficient
equipments to facilitate this learning area, inadequate capacity of teachers to facilitate this P.E.
In this stage, the policy alternatives are given to address the given problem.
Sessional Paper No 1 of 2019: provides a policy framework for Reforming Education and Training for
Sustainable Development in Kenya. This policy is in line with the requirements in the policy framework
Sessional Paper No 1 of 2019: provides a policy framework for Reforming Education and Training for
Sustainable Development in Kenya. This policy is in line with the requirements in the policy framework
on reforming the provision of P. E and sport. Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2005: on sport and development
sustainable development by 2030, ensuring no one is left behind. Sport is recognized as an important
East Africa Community (EAC) Protocol: embraces culture and sport as both enablers and drivers of a
people-centred integration agenda through promotion and enhancement of diverse sport activities as
Kenya National Sports Policy (2002): provides for the holistic development of sport in the country for all
segments in society. This policy provides a requisite inter linkage between the basic education sub -
Kenya National Sports Policy (2002): provides for the holistic development of sport in the country for all
segments in society. This policy provides a requisite inter linkage between the basic education sub -
Conflict of interest.
Ministry of Education Provide policy direction on P.E and Sport for basic education. Coordinate the
implementation of P.E and Sport policy for basic education. Facilitate the provision of infrastructure for
P.E and Sport. Provide a budgetary allocation for P.E and Sport. Safeguard learners in P.E and Sport
Ministry in Charge of Finance Provide funds for P.E and Sport t as per the advice by the MOE on
budgetary requirement..
Ministry in Charge of Sports, Culture and Heritage Provide overarching framework for sporting activities.
Talent identification and development for competitive games and sports, modern and traditional games
and sports, community sporting events and programmes. Support efforts towards resource mobilization
youth gain access to P.E and Sport programmes. Promote intra generational peace dialogues through
sporting activities. Support the mainstreaming of P.E and Sport policy that considers the needs of the
Teachers Service Commission Ensure provision of adequate and professional human resource for P.E
Attorney General Support MOE in drafting the relevant legislation. Provide advisories on legal matters
UN agencies/governmental organizations Provide technical and financial support for the implementation
To put the adopted policy into implementation, the government shall apply different methods that
Governance and management are essential for effective and efficient implementation of P.E and sport in
basic education institutions. Sound strategies of planning would include creating clear structures and
assignment of roles and responsibilities to ensure the best interest of all learners. Setting up an effective
institutional framework at different levels of leadership will enhance good governance. Good
governance is responsive to the needs of the stakeholders in P.E and sport to ensure the sustainability of
the physical education and sporting activities in Basic Education. There will be need to observe the
established leadership structures and the articulated independence and clarity in the unity of command
as provided in the institutional framework. For effective management, there is need to have clear and
transparent structures on the management of material resources and human capital utilization. There is
therefore need to put mechanisms for management and governance of P.E and sport to ensure efficient
Teachers training.
Political interference
Lack of funding.
Effective monitoring, reporting, evaluation and learning will ensure the intended objectives are achieved
by providing feedback for improved delivery of P.E and sport and decision making. Monitoring,
evaluation and reporting of P.E and sport will enable tracking of implementation and measuring of the
effectiveness, efficiency and quality of P.E and sport programs in Basic Education Institutions. Through
M&E, necessary data will be gathered to guide planning and efficient use of resources. The Ministry of
Education will ensure adherence of standards for P.E and sport. Standard guidelines will be developed to
clearly inform procedures and processes for teaching, learning, assessment and monitoring. In addition,
published reports on impact and success stories about benefits of P.E and sport to contribute to
This Policy will be reviewed from time to time as need arises in line with international, regional and
national trends and also address pertinent and contemporary issues. It will also be reviewed in line with
development will be shared to promote best practices under communities of practice to stimulate
The policy
Kokkinos, P. (2012). Physical activity, health benefits, and mortality risk. International Scholarly Research
Building on the principle of ‘leaving no one behind’, the UN and its member states adopted 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to make emphasis on a holistic approach achieving sustainable
development for all. P.E and sport can contribute to the achievement of the goals, in particular SDG 3,
which emphasizes on healthy lives and promotes well-being for all at all ages. It can be used as a tool to
promote healthy lifestyle and well-being of children and youth to create healthy, active and engaged
citizens. Further, physical activity is proven to generate great health benefits, manifesting in a longer life,
a reduced risk of heart diseases, cancer and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes type 2 as well
as anxiety, depression and stress. SDG 4 seeks to ensure an inclusive and equitable quality education to
The Sixth International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education
and sport (MINEPS VI) in 2017 marked a shift from declarations of policy intent to measurable actions
with the adoption of the Kazan Action Plan emphasizing on P.E and sport as enablers of sustainable
development and peace. It laid emphasis on MINEPS V (2013) where it was recognized that P.E and
sport can bring a variety of individual and societal benefits such as health, social and economic
development, youth empowerment, reconciliation and peace. Consequently, nations in the modern
world have embraced P.E and sport development. It is considered as “one of the most effective means
of providing all children and youth with skills, attitudes, values, knowledge and understanding for
lifelong participation in society” (MINEPS V, 2013). The Kenya Youth Development Policy, 2019
emphasizes the importance of sport development for promoting better health and wellness among the
youth. The policy thus prioritizes and supports direct involvement of youth in physical activity and
interventions that target them. This is in tandem with the view that promotion of physically active life is
imperative in the early life for the health development of children and youth including those with
The policy also actualizes the Kazan Action Plan (2017) that calls for states to ensure access to sport as a
fundamental right for all and fosters convergence in sport policy development, measure progress,
structure and prioritize dialogue and cooperation between different actors and specify linkages with the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Incorporation of P.E and sport in CBC as a learning area and
providing for a career pathway in Sports notwithstanding, there has not been implementation of these
activities in institutions due to various challenges such as: low perception of P.E. and sport by teachers,
facilitators and other stakeholders, inadequate resources such as teaching / learning materials and
equipment. Teachers’ capacity to effectively facilitate P.E and sport for all learners including those with
disabilities and special needs have also been inadeq